Warhammer's Biggest Knight has BIZARRE origins...

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this video is sponsored by established titles it's tabletop time I'm Dave and today we're going to be building an acastus night pofferon porfiron something like that this is the biggest and most expensive night on Forge world's website and that Games Workshop have ever produced and we were super lucky that one of our fans Randy on Instagram reached out and said that they had won one of these nights and was offering to send it to us to build on the channel so with that spirit in mind we wanted to grab this night build it and actually create the people's night so in this video not only am I going to build the night but we're also going to go through the law of night poroans as well as let you know all the ways you can get involved in becoming part of this paint scheme of the people's night so let's get down to business and start building this knife so the first thing to do when getting any models from Forge World is of course remove all those nasty sprue Gates and here we run into the numerous usual problems with these expensive Force Rod kits which is mold slipping as well as overpaws and some divots this model was pretty good as I find most kids that have a large number of small parts are usually the best Forge World kits to build and the easiest to put together I think the larger the pieces the bigger the risk of walking and the harder it is to fix said warping on this particular model of note were a couple of pretty annoying slips on the Magna last cannons to clean these up you have to pretty aggressively file or cut down the seam line until you get it at an angle that it Blends between the two different areas I actually got Murray to help me with this part to speed it up and he was a trooper helping me cut out some pieces and also wash them all up with the assembling done the model scraped clean and ready to wash we just bathed them in some warm soapy water and then gave them all a scrub and this is to remove any oily mold release agent that might be left on the model as this will cause issues when trying to paint it later now with all the pieces clean and dry we're ready to assemble the kit the first thing I typically do with these large Mech kits is I find a pose for the legs now I knew the Knight pavirion did not have a base it actually just stands freely on the table in much the same way as the larger Titans so with this in mind I didn't want to do two drastic a pose with the feet however I wasn't that impressed with the stock standard poses suggested on the four Droid website so instead it went for a pretty confident forward stride posing the left leg forward and the right leg back a little bit and lifting with the feet and legs positioned I moved on to probably my only complaint with the kit the instructions were a little bit obtuse as to exactly how many of which component you should use with these Pistons so I accidentally glued the wrong pistons in the wrong places and with super glue I'm not getting those Pistons back thankfully the difference is pretty much just in the attachment points for the armor panels and with a bit of glue and different positioning it's pretty easy to glue any panel onto any side so this ultimately won't be a problem but it was the only confusion in the kit over this kit there's a lot of small pistons and hydraulics which you actually glue part in but don't glue the Piston drive this is really great as it allows you to adjust the leg pose these Dynamic pieces actually kind of squash and squeeze to fit whatever pose you choose now with the legs glued in place with the assistance of Jen just helping me pose that and keep that grounded while I glued the second foot down I just did a test fit of the front armor panel I'm really glad I did because I determined that without some bending to the Piston I would be completely unable to place the front shin guard on the model in this new pose with resin this was a very easy fix however as I just gave the Piston a bit of a hot water bath and bent it slightly to adjust its angle with this done the armor panel would fit perfectly and I was ready to continue gluing on the toes to the night with the legs in place the final touches on them was the Pistons and cables that hang under the crotch region now you'll notice that I have left the armor panels off and I will be doing this for the entire night kit they've been washed and cleaned up but for efficient painting I think it'll be a lot easier to paint this in sub-assemblies and with the mechanical frame underneath and the armor panel separate yes I'm doing everything I can but construction just isn't happening fast enough people aren't taking you seriously there's not much I can do about it what's this Lord Kieran on nexorus did you know there is a hereditary Scottish tradition of calling landowners Lords or ladies which means if you buy a parcel of land protecting Scottish Woodland reserve and getting trees planted across the globe you can become a lord or lady every time you order a title with established titles they work with their charity Partners such as one tree planted or trees for the future in a global effort to help restore the forest of the world this is actually a real thing you could officially include your title Lord or lady on something like your credit card maybe even your dating profile the first 200 people purchasing a title pack using the link in our description will be within walking distance of our Knights plot have you ever wanted a certificate that came with a Titan why not have a better certificate that you can get for your night that makes it a lord if you head to establishtitles.com using the link in our description they are running an early Black Friday sale but you'll also get an additional ten percent off using our code on screen it's a really fun gift with a good message behind it and if you're like me and you like poking fun at The Establishment what a great way of doing it I know Rob is yeah Rob told me he's already a Lord I'm gonna have to start treating him differently around here now or I could become my own Lord I've been really enjoying diving into the worlds of Warhammer 40K history with you all and this was another really good opportunity to do it I wanted to take a look at nights and specifically the history of the night at castus porfirion someone's gonna let me know how to pronounce that in the comments but to look at the history of the night porfirion we need to look back at the history of knights themselves and they came about in the year 1990 first released in white dwarf 126 Imperial Knights splashed their way into the universes of Warhammer 40K by way of Epic Space Marine now I know most of this has been sort of overwritten or deemed non-canon but if you haven't heard all this before I I really really want to share it with you because it is Bonkers Imperial Knights according to 1990 started off because they copied Elder Knight so the story of Imperial Knights Circa 1990 begins with the story of the Elder and of course the fall of the Eldar Empire prior to the fall a whole bunch of Elder who'd seeded these beautiful worlds and called the maiden worlds fled them and colonized them their new rustic lifestyle and difficult ways of life ended up sparing most of them from the horrifying fall of the Elder and birth of slanesh these exudites as they became known populated their Maiden worlds and created Walkers known as Eldar Knights for the specific purpose are you ready for it of ranching Dinosaurs the dinosaurs they farmed in question were specifically bread creatures known as megasaurs I'm not making this up this is 40k Lord this is Imperial Knights now at this stage there were three model kits and they were broadly separated into Knights paladins lancers and castellans now you won't see any mention of a knight acostus pufferion here we might have to go a few more years into the future before we see anything like that moving on to the Torso I did a couple of dry test fits before going on to grab the central pieces you build the throne mechanicum and then you actually outlay the outer panels around that Central piece I have no intention on painting the inside of the throne mechanicum so I glued it all together assuming I'd be gluing the lid on top and completely ignoring this fall Eternity for those who do paint their cockpits and Interiors more power to you but honestly on these nights no one's ever really going to see them the hatch to look in is so small and unlike the warhound Titan it is not a simple pop-on pop off to have a look at the mechanics underneath plus we don't have a pilot for it so it's pretty uninteresting to open the top canopy and see an empty chair now while the instructions sort of tell you to do this as a piece by piece found while doing it pretty rapidly that the best thing to do was to put glue on all of the objects and kind of press fit them all in together this way ensured that they all fit and I didn't have to deal with awkward angles as all of the resin on all of these components was just slightly warped however by gluing them together as one part they actually fit together very nicely and I won't have any problems later on down the line perhaps I spoke too soon though as the top canopy fit on perfectly as I just push fit this in everything was going fine until I had a look at putting on that bottom panel that attaches to the legs this just didn't fit and I need to get the knife out and trim down a few little resin tabs that were in the way once these were cleaned off however the bottom plate fit in perfectly and altogether the upper torso of the model was looking pretty fine with the test fit complete I glued on the shoulder mounts that would later Mount the last cannons for our model as I figure when you're spending 600 plus points on a night you may as well bling it out with some more anti-tank after this was done I set about working on that carapace plate on the top choosing to go with the iron storm rocket pod rather than the Helios missiles I don't see aircraft that often on the tables and if I did I would probably use something else to deal with them I want this Knight to be a complete conqueror of the ground and this missile pod will really help but deal with some infantry I really like the way this attaches to the top and you can assemble it with this clothes however there was absolutely no way I was doing that it just looks too cool open and ready to Launch with the Pistons in place I glued on the engine exhausts on the back of the carapace and then the final step for the carapace was to glue on the handrails [Music] these handrails had originally come with plenty of resin holding them together by Design I believe it was called a shim and once I cleaned all of that off with a knife it was really easy to glue these off [Music] foreign [Music] with these glued in place the Torso and carapace was finished with the release of the Box epic Titan Legions and then several follow-up articles in the early months of 95. Imperial Knights were back they had not been mentioned once in the intervening years so players were excited to get a whole bunch of multi-part nights in the Epic Titan Legion starter box here with these kits we see the warden Knight has been replaced with the castellan Knight but paladins and Lancers remain favorites now interestingly in this era we also see Knight starting to look a lot more like Knights do now and while the people at Fort Jordan Games Workshop clearly have gone back to all their Source material for inspiration it's this iteration around 1995 that shares the most in common I actually think it's the Nike Stalin and the night Crusader that ultimately bear the closest resemblance to the night perforium as well as that the Knight Crusader and castellan were at the time of their lore was written said to be the heaviest and slowest types of nights produced by the mechanical due to this they were considered to be less desirable as Pilots would miss out on the untold Glory that can be claimed through Noble hand-to-hand combat also their incredibly broad chassis and focus on two shoulder-mounted guns without real arms makes it look by far the closest to the current Knight pavirion so with what I think the clearest inspiration of its time released what would that mean for Knights well it meant nothing but because nights went on ice for the next 20 years and it in fact wasn't until 2014 when nights would be brought back in 40K in all their massive plastic glory and they'd be followed up by years of releases including the night perforion but we'll get to that in a few minutes as soon as we got sent this night from Randy we at table top time really wanted to make it a big thank you to the community that support us and enjoy our videos so here's the pitch for the people's night we're going to paint up this night in honor of all our biggest supporters and that's you the viewers as well as our patrons and there's a few ways we're going to do this first of all Randy and our King tier patrons our top tier patrons are all going to receive Grand honors on the night that is Pilots that have previously piloted and their names featured prominently on the prowl of this Mighty beast and any of our commander tier patrons are going to get their names on a scroll of Honor on the night himself all our patrons are going to be able to vote on a mural that we're going to paint on and you the viewers we're gonna get you to pick the color scheme Knights typically have three colors and we're going to reserve the right to pick which color is what but we need a primary a secondary and a tertiary color I'd love to see you all work together to come up with the best three color combination to make the coolest unique Knight out there I'm going to attempt a mural as well the top voted idea for an image from the universe of Warhammer 40K I will attempt to freehand to some degree of success on one of the panels on this night I hope you're excited for this project we certainly are it's a huge amazing model and I can't wait to paint it thank you for taking part and please track your comments down below you are all the best and let's get back to it it was time for the finishing touches of the model and that meant gluing on those nipple last cannons with these glued on I could move on to the arms with the Magna last cannons first you glue in the arm mount into the central gun and at this stage I was very careful not to mix them up and to make sure I had two guns facing in two different directions from there you glue on the mount that will later have the decorative shoulder armor panel glued on top with these two components together the back generator mechanism is glued on now this can glue on either way so you've got to be really careful to make sure you glue it on the correct way otherwise your arm guns are going to be all kinds of screwed up with the back in place I glued the Magna last cannons on and used a little bit of hot water just to try and coax them into an exactly aligned position rather than bending slightly towards each other with the guns glued on you attach a sight to the side of the weapon and this also acts as a mount for an armor panel later then towards the back there are six cables you attach on these sides as well as a couple under slung underneath and to the stage the acastus pavirion the kit I have been building today this is by far and away the largest night kit Forge World or Games Workshop producers and the one with the heftiest price tag in Australia they are running in at a whopping 860 odd dollars the Knight pavarion is the largest slowest most deadly with ranged weapons the acoustis Knight for furion is the rarest and most difficult to manufacture and produce night that the forge worlds of the mechanicum can still manufacture today considered exceptionally rare even at the height of the Horus heresy they're a technological Marvel while they are venerated as being rare and difficult to replace they're huge lumbering and slow chassis makes them less maneuverable and less Nimble they also issue close combat weapons favoring ranged weapons in a fire support role often resigned to wardens of houses whose age has made them less Nimble and able to react who can then move into a heavy fire support role while commanding over a banner of nights to me that sounds pretty familiar I don't know about you but uh sounds like a knight castellan from 1995. there's also a really interesting bit of law here as that uses basically the executioners of night households they kind of have a bit of a stain on their honor and many night households actually see them as an omen of bad luck and not a vehicle you would want to Pilot despite this mild contradiction in terms of their popularity with the mechanicum and the household Center shells and the nightly orders themselves they're extreme Rarity and power makes them a necessity on the battlefield that no nighter household no matter how much they disdain them would refuse to use it seems that the night for furyon while inspired by some of the early kits maybe more directly than the name would let on is in fact a new invention the exact pattern never existed before the shape and design are fairly new and altogether while I don't love that it's as big as my glorious God engines of the titanicus I do think it's very cool in fact probably one of the coolest nights I've ever seen [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you all for watching this video I hope you are Keen to see the paint job in just a few weeks and I would love to see your contributions down in the comments below us producing two videos a week would be impossible without the support of our lovely patrons thank you so much to all of you for all your support and kindness and your genuinely amazing attitudes towards the hobby that you share in our Patron exclusive Discord joining the gang we have some new patrons Joe Von sielen Matthew de La Fontaine lament the luffrus and Joshua thank you all for your support I'd love it if you could go on down join the Discord and say hello and check out our patreon videos we put one out every week thank you once again to our sponsor established titles for making our night alone alright that was super cool to build and remember to Chuck some comments down below as the top two most liked comments will be the primary and secondary color of our night and I cannot wait to write the patrons in the scroll of honors on the night sides or legs or shoulders or wherever he can fit them all a final thank you to Randy for reaching out and sending us this night it was super cool and there's no way we would have been able to do a video like this without your help so thank you very much go give him a like on Instagram and look at his cool Lord of the Rings models make sure you click like And subscribe and in the next couple of weeks we'll be painting up and posting up the second part to this night puffer on Journey thank you all final thanks and all that because I don't know what else to say and I gotta leave this video and it's easier to be awkward when there's other people to bounce off but um it's been fun so you know
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 96,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: xeuUfPqI11I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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