Warframe: The UNDYING TANK - Inaros Is AWESOME now

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[Music] so the inos rewok and Warframe has completely transformed him from a simple health and armor based tank into a health and armor based tank but with armor strip stronger heals and the ability to group up lots of enemies and dump them at his feet which is perfect for your melee weapon of choice if it can drop gas bombs on top of their heads like my favorite melee weapon in count and iers but not so good for visibility because I can't see a damn thing he does feel much more like a melee based tank now than anything else with his health values playing a huge part with scarb swarm because that's what that scales off now Health not strength one uh one detail I forgot about his fourth I think I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've ever done this the damage of the fourth scales with inaro health so let's take a look at his remastered abilities his passive changes and I've gone and built my inose for maximum Effectiveness so his passive changes healing from his finishers is still the same it hasn't been changed but he now has a new bleedout state so whenever he takes lethal damage inos will turn into a sand zombie version of himself allowing for a self-revive simply by running up to enemies and melee attacking them also it's worth noting that the sand cats that he can spawn in it seems that their melee hits also contribute towards Reviving him faster so the amount or the number of hits required for Revival depend on how many times I guess you die in a mission the more times you die the more amount of hits each time it's going to take to revive you now his first ability desiccation is pretty much unchanged except it can affect more types of enemies so it can do the finishers on new types of enemies you'll basically cast a cone of sand that blinds enemies and opens them up to finishers which will then heal inos due to his healing passive however it has got a new augment desiccation course finisher kills on blinded enemies have a chance to spawn a a swarm Kat so it increases the amount of Minions that you can spawn however it is worth noting that the AI on these minions is not great now his second ability Sandstorm is completely reworked combining old and new abilities it basically merges the aspects of his previous devour ability which was a heal and the sandstorm ability it will transform inos into a sandstorm that pulls in enemies into a huge group and it drops them at his feet when the cast ends it will also deal slash damage and it will also heal your Inus for a set amount based on your power strength for every enemy that it has caught in that storm this ability is incredibly strong you can zip around the map with it you can pick up as many enemies as possible while spreading small very small amounts of Slash damage but the more important thing is it will drop all of those enemies at your feet and if they are already affected by scarabs swarm they will be in the process of having their armor stripped at the same time so if you have got a really hard-hitting melee weapon or a different primary weapon that can drop something on top of them and a explosive or something like the Tet which I found really really good then this ability is amazing now his third ability Scarab shell is basically the old armor ability that is taken from his Old Fort and it is now replaced devour inos will charge up to increase his armor values using your health so it will sacrifice some of your health with the added benefit of I guess you can move while you cast it now whereas previously you couldn't now Scarab shell will grant you status immunity at the cost of armor whenever you get hit ya a status effect so it will slowly start to decrease in value the more status effects that you get hit by but you can honestly simply just recast it I know it will sacrifice some of your health but then you can cast Sandstorm and heal straight back up so the amount of synergy between his abilities from losing Health to regening health to I guess crowd controlling to stripping armor is incredible with in Roose right now now the armor values for Scarab swarm will Scale based on your enos's current ability strength so it's not off it's only scarb swarm that get Scaled off your health now scarb swarm has had its change from an armor mechanic removed like I said but uncast scarb swarm will unleash a swarm in a cone in front of your inose dealing corrosive damage over time based on your in Ro's Health like I said not strength more Health means more damage enemies killed by your Scarab swarm have a chance to spawn in one of those sand cats which will run around and attack enemies and also spread the Scarab swarm even further this ability is honestly amazing right now for locking a room down it is worth noting that they have removed the heel part of scarb swarm that used to be there it's gone from the description of the ability now which used to be really good for keeping your squad kind of topped off it was really small chip amounts of heals but it was enough to heal a squad up if you had enough enemies affected by Scarab swarm but that is gone like I said this ability right now is incredible if you've got two archon green shards it will of course 100% strip once you get those 14 corrosive procs but but it is not a permanent armor strip which means enemies will regain their armor once the duration of the Scarab swarm runs out so make sure and kill them as quick as possible also against Corpus based enemies it's not going to be as effective as it is against something with grener values which has higher armor of course Corpus don't have that they have Shields and this isn't going to do Jack against those Shields but if you want to get the most out of your Scarab swarm then you're going to want to prioritize on Health on range and maybe a little bit of duration as well but that range is just as important as the health cuz you want to spread the Swarm as far and wide as possible and lock down as much of a room as you possibly can now in Ro's negation swarm augment will also offer a second layer of death protection basically if he takes Leal damage it will make him invulnerable it will also restore some of his health however he will take a pretty strong bleed effect at the end of its duration so make sure and be ready to heal up from that now if you want to maximize your in's potential you're going to want to focus on Health on armor on ability strength just for his third ability you want to get as much armor on that as maybe you possibly want and duration or range definitely range is where I would prioritize for those crowd control capabilities which leads us up to the build right the build for my inos so for Aura I've gone for physique simply for increased Health values for the main mods I've gone for a kind of Tri umbrell setup although you could use normal mods if you wanted to Umble Vitality steel fiber and of course intensify for health armor and for a bit of power strength Prime continuity for Ability duration overextended for range of course that's going to reduce my power strength but honestly it's not a big deal I want more range than I do strength simply because health is what's going to scale my Scarab swarm primed flow for energy values I have got Hunter adrenaline or you could use rage for energy regen from any of that damage that he takes which he's going to be taking a lot of for the exus slot it is entirely up to the user Prime sh footed isn't needed because of his third ability making him immune to status effects but I went for coaction drift for just a kind of small bump in health values adaptation is great for additional damage resistances and Arcane Guardian for enhanced armor and Arcane blessing to increase my health values whenever I pick up a health orb up to somewhere roughly around to 10K values now ability augments if you want you could consider using desiccation course for extra minion spawning or extra crowd control capabilities but honestly is it really worth sacrificing a mod slot that you might need for something else to fit in an augment they will spawn in some of these Kats that have got really kind of derpy AI they spawn in and they stand still a lot of the time before eventually attacking an enemy and their lives are very shortlived as well it would be nice if their explosion on despawn would cause some kind of extra damage or status effect like slash kind of being sand blasted but it is what it is right so when you're running your inos you're going to want to utilize his for Ability desiccation for quick healing or to set up enemies for finishers or you could subsume it different ability in there you could do nourish you could do Gloom you could do breach surge you could do Roar you could do basically any ability that you think might fit your play style Poo's wrathful Advance veruna Lance hunt entirely up to the use off but the main focus on his new play style is pretty much to engage Sandstorm to gather enemies up as much as possible to group them for their finishers and for their heals it is perfect with the right melee weapon or the right primary weapon to drop like I said something on top of them keep Scarab Shell's armor up for those damage resistances and Status immunity once you cast Scarab shell and you lose some of your health you can simply just cast Sandstorm get all of that Health back and then just keep going with enough range and health your scarbs swarm can choke whole rooms while stripping enemies of their armor and dealing decent but not huge amounts of corrosive damage to those enemies you could stack Health mods especially when combined with warframes like Arcane blasing Arcane Grace Guardian Reaper mol augmented all of these can significantly increase enos's survivability but this rewok basically puts enrose back up there as a top tier tank with added versatility he can crowd control he can sustain himself through longer battles he can strip armo with corrosive procs he can even revive himself through that new passive that sand zombie that he runs around with and with the right build and play style inos can easily become a valuable squad player if you're playing with friends if you have any he is definitely back up there as a top tier tank like I said so the king is dead but long live the king let me know in the comments section below what you think of the Inus rewok whether you're enjoying it or maybe you're not maybe you think it's pretty damn dull and you want something else I do feel like the Kat AI maybe could do it being looked at but outside of that I'm pretty happy that he is still pretty much what he was just a much better version of it like I said share your thoughts have a great day have a great weekend as always thanks for [Music] watching [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Tactical Potato
Views: 56,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe Review, Warframe Overview, Tactical Potato, Sordats, Playwarframe, Warframe Update, Ps4, Xbox, Pc, Gameplay, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Episode, Warframe (Video Game), Ps5, Warframe News, dante unbound, inaros rework, warframe inaros, warframe inaros rework, inaros prime, inaros prime rework, warframe inaros prime, inaros warframe, warframe dante unbound, warframe 2024, warframe inaros guide, inaros build 2024, inaros rework build, inaros rework gameplay
Id: 5roBcLUNjcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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