The ULTIMATE Powerhouse In Warframe! Dante Is Insane! - Build & How to Farm

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[Music] so Dumbledore Morgan Morgan LEF Jafar Gargamel or even just Orco whatever your choice Wizards are [ __ ] cool well maybe not Gargamel that guy kind of suck the Smur used to kick his ass every episode Warframe have been absolutely cooking it lately when it comes to new warframes and of course reworks CVO dth hydroides rewok now enos's rewok our chronicler our tribe or our void wizard Dante the 56th Warframe has arrived and he's really bloody good he can boost defenses for you and a team with crazy amounts of overguard he can crowd control he can nuke rooms and is just an absolute Juggernaut of a Warframe I really don't know what other way to put it he is just really really good and fun his abilities all synergize really well with one another which means you don't have to subsume Something in or out if you don't want to and his different combos of verses from his book give him a very interactive play style this is him against level 220 steel path enemies in the simulacrum once he cast his tragedy ability they are dead like I said he can give an insane amount of overgard with enough power strength on your War him I've had over 880,000 overgard in some missions with players making him pretty hard to kill and your teammates as well since you give it to them unless you're in an endless mission in which case really high level enemies and that overguard is still going to get pop so to get your hands on Dante you will need to run the new disruption Mission node on deos called armius his Parts all have a 5% chance to be rewarded from rotation C but as a reminder disruption missions the rotations from them work a little bit different to other endless missions instead of having the usual aabc rotation disruption Works based on the number of conduits that you defend so if you stay in longer in disruption missions and keep defending those conduits you can have a constant supply of rotation C rewards given to you this is how the rotations work on screen right now because of this Dante is an incredibly quick Warframe to farm players are getting all of his Parts within 90 minutes to 2 hours of the update dropping yesterday or you could choose to just buy him outright in the market or his bundle entirely up to you so how does Dante work now Dante uses combinations of his second and third abilities to fill two pages on the bottom right of your screen before executing those combos into a final spell with his ultimate it's really not that complicated in fact it's pretty simple you can have two spells cast and then execute them but you need to have those two pages full before you can cast is Ultimate if you only have one page filled then you can't cast it now Dante's passive scans targets and gives you a 50% status increase against targets that you have already scanned into your codex his Force ability is his noctua which is his exalted weapon has exalted to that shoots projectiles that will then split into four fragments on the initial impact with enemies so your first shot will hit a Target then it will split into four additional shards and seek out enemies nearby the initial Target inside a 60° angle it deals slash damage and its alternate fire is a radiation wave that hits incredibly hard the overall damage on my noct when fully modded is over 450,000 damage now his second ability is called light verse casting this will imbu Dante and your teammates with overgard it will also heal them and it also determines your overgard cap as you can see mine with mods is 56,000 now his third ability is his dark vs Dante will inflict slash damage to enemies in a 50° frontal cone these can take for a lot of damage and will scale off power strength so more power strength more numbers his ultimate ability is where the real fun begins however his final verse now final verse like I said will execute the two pages that you have filled in in the book so if you double cast your light verse which is his second ability it will fill both pages with light verse then if you cast his ultimate it will give you a huge chunk of overgard instead of the small amount of single light verse cast that you would have been doing mine gives me 18,000 it also gives me overgard per second for every enemy that I kill for 2 seconds now if you choose to fill his book with two casts of the dark verse which I would highly recommend which is his third ability this is the one that spreads slash procs you can then cast his ultimate final verse and it will consume all of the slash procs on enemies in that room it's basically a room nuke similar to equinox's room nuke for me this is his most powerful ability mine has an 11 times multiplier without mot augmented or Growing Power kicking in so it will consume all of those slash procs multiply them by 11 and deal a lot and I mean a lot of damage and it's got a 43 M radius and those Slash procs from the dark verse don't suffer from line of sight either yet maybe they will eventually so it is like I said really really powerful now this is where it's getting a little bit complicated for some players if you cast his second ability and then his third ability so you have a light verse and a dark verse inside his book and then you execute them with your ultimate it will cast Ward Warden which will create a spectral version of your noctua to that floats beside you and it will mirror your weapon attacks dealing 30% of their damage now if you flip that around and cast the dark verse first and then the light verse his three and his two and then execute them with your ultimate it will cast page flight which will spawn three owls of paragen Falcons which will deal slash damage will make enemies more vulnerable to status effects which is absolutely amazing having that dot on enemies but they will also draw aggro away from you so enemies will focus on them and not you meaning you are now free to rad slash procs and absolutely melt them so basically the typical rotation with your Dante is going to be casting two light versus then executing them to get as much overguard on you as possible then it will be make sure you have page flight up as much as possible which is the paragen Falcons then it will be Ward warden make sure you have that up as well and then it kind of consists of you just running around spamming the Slash procs and nuking the rooms while also using your noctua in between if you want to or if you haven't subsumed it off for something else that is so he is very interactive you are going to be using his abilities a lot which means you will need a decent amount of energy regen his knock to like I said the exalted to can put out serious damage but having those dark bees cast twice and then nuking the room with his final verse is definitely where he stands out for me now using Rhino's Roar to double dip those slash procs if you wanted to from the dark verse and then the tragedy cast which is when you have two of them together and then you execute is really powerful it also allows you to use your favorite en Cannon weapon if you want to subsume Rhino Roar on for his first ability to get rid of the noctua but I kind of like the noctua but maybe you prefer running around with your inar and weapons entirely up to you now for modding him I would recommend focusing heavily on power strength and energy regen just a bit with maybe a small bit of range mixed in as well duration I felt wasn't really needed since the base duration of most of his abilities is pretty high but this is how I decided to mod my Dy 362 power strength I've gone all in this is giving me over 60,000 overguard once Growing Power and most augmented kicks in Arcane energize and equilibrium are what is giving me my energy regen with zero issues but I also have my Sentinel dropping orbs just in case but you can also have the toome mod the crack canle on your nocta if you want to have those extra Universal orbs but I didn't feel like I basically needed it brief rest bite Prime shooted power drift are other options if you want to use them especially if you're going for more endless type missions since that overgard is like I said going to be born through pretty fast at higher levels um it's basically look it's up to you your Warframe your game go nuts for my noctura however the exalted home this is the mod setup that I went with the noctura's passive is that it can use all to mods without any restrictions you can pop them all on there and have nothing but to mods if you want to but I chosen to ignore those all together I've modded mine for chis and flat damage corrosive inhes or viral inhes with creeping Bullseye giving me 90% crit chance or over 100% crit chance with his all fire which can be boosted by arcanes if you want to because arcanes equipped on your secondary weapon will carry across to the noctua since it is categorized as a secondary weapon I currently have Cascadia flare on my secondary weapon which carries a cross and increases the damage of my noctua by 480 for 10 seconds also having tenacious Bond on your Sentinel will bump your crit damage up as well Arcane secondary Outburst is also an option that a lot of players are using since the nocta is counted like I said as a secondary weapon and if you want to run with it entirely up to you overall Dante is powerful he's not busted his overgard will get born through pretty quickly at higher levels and in order to get him to deal the damage that he does it takes a lot of arcanes a lot of mods and a lot of fora other frames like colvo s and even hydroid are arguably just as aul his play style basically caters to various different players from solo to group to support to room nuke overall he's just a really well-made and wellth thought out frame from digital extremes but let me know in the comment section below what you think of Dante whether you like him or not if or when you get your hands on him I will be spending the day on inos trying to get the most out of his rewok over on Twitch so the link to that is in this video's description have a great day have a great week and as always thanks for watching sh you are [Music] free shake [Music] your
Channel: Tactical Potato
Views: 89,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe Review, Warframe Overview, Tactical Potato, Sordats, Playwarframe, Warframe Update, Ps4, Xbox, Pc, Gameplay, Warframe Gameplay, Warframe Episode, Warframe (Video Game), Ps5, Warframe News, warframe dante unbound, dante warframe, warframe dante, warframe dante gameplay, dante unbound, warframe guide, warframe dante build, warframe dante guide, warframe dante abilities, warframe 2024, warframe news 2024, warframe beginners guide, Warframe Best Frame, Warframe Dante Nuke
Id: 2WrMzVIYqeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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