Warframe | The Highest* Bullet Jump

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hey Everypony cool kid here several years ago now long before I started doing YouTube I saw a video on the Warframe subreddit of someone hitting a 70-ish meter bullet jump with Titania Prime at the time this was achieved using Titania's increased bullet jump passive alongside one of the bullet jump mods like ice spring or firewalker the endurance drift mod and the arcane's agility and consequence were also used as they all increased parkour velocity parkour velocity is a stat that increases the velocity of certain Maneuvers such as rolls and you guessed it bullet jumps the higher your parkour velocity the higher and farther your jump goes telespotes also provides a 20 passive increased Ebola jump velocity when equipped so that was likely used to I doubt I'll be able to find that exact video now but it got me wondering what the theoretical maximum bullet jump height could be all of this was long before I made content though like I mentioned so I kind of just shelved the idea for the next few years fast forward to August of 2020 and the Heart of damos update releases with it a new system called the helmet is added this allows for the swapping of certain abilities between warframes beyond that the helmet also came with a batch of new abilities exclusive to the system one of those being infested Mobility this ability grants 60 more Sprint speed and 30 percent more parkour velocity for 8 seconds scaling with power strength and being additive with mods this was our first way to get a substantial increase in parkour velocity in a while and as time went on things would get even better fast forward again to April 2022 and the angels of the zerement update is released with it came the Incarnate system which at launch added three new weapons with upgradable perk trees one of these weapons was the Kratos and in its fourth perk slot it was given the perk evolved Ascension which increases parkour velocity by another 30 percent fast forward again to September 2022 and the veil breaker update is released bringing with it the Jolly Ranchers sorry archon shards these come in three flavors and one of those flavors being Amber increases parkour velocity it starts at 15 with it going to 22.5 percent when Tau forged you can run five of these shards at once giving us a maximum velocity increase of a whopping 112.5 percent if all five shards are Tau forged but it doesn't wait are you falling asleep on me [ __ ] uh I know how to fix this there we go anyways as I was saying but it doesn't end there fast forward again to December 2022 and the Warframe varuna is released with the Lewis prey update varuna has a unique mechanic where she can swap between four different passives at any time with each passive being bound to one of her abilities her first ability shroud of dinar has a passive that increases her parkour velocity by a further 55 percent if you've been keeping track this gives us 197.5 percent more parkour velocity all told without infested Mobility or any of the other tactics used in the Titania clip add the fixed values from the arcanes and the mods and we get 353.7 percent the synth reflex mod was also reworked in Bale Breaker to Grant more bullet jump velocity and the new war update added the amar's anguish mod which grants a further 15 increase so we can add those on for 408.7 percent with infested Mobility added on and assuming say 300 power strength we get a massive 498.7 percent increase in our core velocity alright don't think we need that anymore as you might have guessed by now this history slash math lesson was actually my way of explaining what exactly we're going to be using to try and Achieve that highest bullet jump don't uh don't ask how I got these the reason I'm using only one of the elemental bullet jump mods is because you can't actually stack them and mobilize is also unusable if you have one equipped otherwise this is every velocity mod I can get my hands on with both velocity arcanes as well any other Mod Space is devoted to power strength to bolster infested Mobility which for me sits at a comfortable 93 increase in velocity putting me just over 500 percent all told the setup for this is a bit tricky as I need to take damage get a headshot switch weapons and cast infested Mobility all in a relatively short time span but it is totally manageable first and foremost I want to get a baseline using only varuna's passive Kratos has evolved Ascension and the five tile Ford shards at its peak we hit 86 meters add synth reflex and we top out at 102 meters throw an infested mobility and we reach a maximum height of 147 meters this is already pretty absurd but once we add Arcane consequence and Agility to the mix along with hardened Well Spring and Growing Power we reach a peak of 226 meters this amount of velocity is so high that when bullet jumping across the planes my Sentinel has to teleport to me so often that it looks like it's lagging now originally that was going to be that 226 meters seem to be the best I could do solo without adding another Forma or a specter into the mix but you see we actually need to fast forward from that initial idea way back when again because in April of 2023 de released the duviri Paradox update this update introduced a new system called decrees which Grant various Buffs that only last for a given play session of the dovery content these decrees are pulled from a pool at random with four being selectable whenever one is earned the reason this is important is because of a decree called assassin's Rush which grants 50 increased parkour velocity after getting a Kill a little while later with the seven crimes of colorvo update the decrees of bryman's nerve and fortified will were introduced these decrees Grant 200 more ability strength on the next cast after a finisher and 15 more ability strength for every 50 armor the player has respectively fortified will in particular is interesting because it can be comboed with the corrosive grit decree which grants 180 armor for every corrosive status effect applied up to 900 armor at the maximum of 5 Stacks this is extremely easy to pull off using the wormlings aid and scornful cast degrees which both apply corrosive status this is even further exploited with the Tam's Fortune decree which grants another 500 armor upon executing a finisher which is tripled to 1500 armor for warframes all told this allows us to easily hit fortified Will's cap of 500 more power strength which alongside bryman's nerve gives us an absurd 700 total power strength increase which would be another 210 more parkour velocity from infested Mobility add that to our varunus power strength and we're looking at about 300 percent more velocity I do want to mention as a quick aside that The Echoes of duviri update introduced another new decree called kexat's pounce which increases jump height as far as I've tested though this does not affect the height of bullet jumps so it isn't needed for what we're doing so this is all well and good but there is a major roadblock you see the tricky thing about juviri is that it's a roguelite experience meaning that all of your gear is randomized before a run this means that getting varuna or Kratos is entirely random and getting them both together is extremely unlikely some weapons like the aforementioned Telos voltes do also Grant an increase in parkour velocity so we do have a few other potential options if we don't get the Kratos unfortunately though Kratos is the best option and I highly doubt my luck will be good enough to get it for this video or ever frankly even so we can still abuse the other increases in velocity and strength from the decree system to achieve an even higher jump Step 1 actually get varuna in my Warframe lineup foreign [Music] [Music] foreign this took five hours once I got varuna I decided I wanted to stream my journey to get ideas from chat and maximize the amount of footage I would have so I fired up OBS and broadcasted my Insanity to YouTube I had no idea just how much worse it would get for this initial run I used Epitaph argonac and glaive Prime my plan was to use Epitaph to Prime corrosive for corrosive grit argonac for headshots for consequence and glaive is my crutch which came in handy so I went through the run socking up on the needed decrees getting my ass beat by The Jackal and defeating the auraworm so my footage could actually be in color something worth noting is that at the time of this stream there was a somewhat uncommon bug that caused all of your Drifters intrinsics to become much stronger this allowed me to pick from way more decrees than I would normally be able to and gave me a ton of rerolls as well not a not that it mattered unfucking real unreal I have this beneficial bug and it's still not going to give me anything I need you know what [ __ ] envious economy it doesn't matter in addition my transference surge was 33 seconds long instead of the normal 15 so I had more time to perform all of my setup what would that setup be exactly well in order to achieve the jump I would need to have aruna's dinar passive active finish her an enemy for bryman's nerve and Tam's Fortune take damage for Arcane agility get a headshot kill for Assassin's Russian Arcane consequence switch weapons for synth reflex cast infested mobility and jump straight up you may notice I said nothing about corrosive grit and that's because uh I found out I didn't actually need it because of varuna's Base armor still it's a lot to mess up but it shouldn't be too hard right something else I want to touch on real quick is how we actually got a finisher for bryman's nerve and Tam's Fortune something we discovered on stream is that if I parried an enemy as my Drifter I could switch to my frame and perform a finisher to get the Buffs they don't carry over from Drifter to Warframe so this was an easy solution to activate them quickly and efficiently I could also just Parry them as my Warframe but that wasted valuable surge time I was under the impression this was not possible as prior testing with it didn't work so I was equal parts happy and annoyed when I discovered it did really tested that for like 10 or 15 minutes and I never got it to work what the [ __ ] was that dude are you [ __ ] me you're telling me I could have done that the whole time all right let's put it all together then okay I want to try then the suggestion because like I said I tested this the other day and it did not work okay come on I need you to hit me I need you to hit me please thank you 396 bro we could break 400 if we had Kratos 396 meters I verified this number with a few more attempts and it seemed to be the best I could do with the setup to be honest I was comfortable calling this a record at first that was such a huge improvement over the 226 meters that I didn't think there was much more I could do I mean outside of Kratos what more could there be well divian and my chat had something in mind that I had totally forgotten about invigorations you see something I skipped over during our history lesson earlier was the addition of the helmuth invigoration segment largely because I entirely forgot it even existed how it works is that each week three random warframes receive an invigoration that applies to different Buffs each pulled from separate pools the frames you get and the Buffs they receive are entirely random but for every 10 invigorations you apply you can get an invigoration swap where you can swap out whatever the current Warframe is for a given invigoration for one of your choosing this is important because there are two invigoration stats that could help us here 200 more power strength and 75 percent more parkour velocity it is possible for these to roll together but I took a look to see if I got lucky enough for even just one of them and lo and behold there it was after applying my swap to varuna I went back to try and break the 400 meter barrier but wait how'd I keep varuna and duviri if I already used her well if you leave the mission from the pause menu instead of extracting proper you don't re-roll your options in teschen's cave so long as the spiral hasn't rolled over I brought Prisma twin Gremlins this time as I didn't need the Epitaph for priming and frankly my organ ax sucks this time though I didn't get the bug that made my intrinsic stronger which meant that it was going to take a lot a lot longer than my last attempt this is now the part of the video where I showcased my descent into legitimate insanity if you don't care about that and just want to see the jump go to this time stamp otherwise you've been warned the following footage documents me losing my sanity chasing a single decree for over an hour do meteor crashes on you yeah pounce is on you faster than a speeding bullet breaks the sound barrier I shouldn't have said that [ __ ] that's gonna get clipped instantly Spike simp for matilla anyone here I I've talked you know I'm I've sent people to a stream and I've talked about it before you guys know Spike the Spartan I know Idan would um but Spike the Spartan pimps for methilla and I don't get it she's so [ __ ] annoying she is the most white woman coded character I've ever seen in a video game she's the kind of [ __ ] that goes to Starbucks to drink their seasonal pumpkin spice latte and she takes baths with bath bombs you know what I'm saying like I swear to God she's the [ __ ] you know C average high school student type character I hate her so much she listens to [ __ ] self-help podcasts and tries to sell you Herbalife in her 30s she [ __ ] I don't even know I don't even know what I'm saying anymore she [ __ ] uses like what's it called [ __ ] like scent therapy [ __ ] like that I hate her I don't understand absent mother Arc I mean more or less like if you look at the Lord from until you you [ __ ] so I still don't have what I'm missing brimmon's nerve and I'm missing assassins Rush still I think I need those two and then I'm good the wooden stick honestly yeah that's the best part I eat the ice cream to get to the wooden stick it's like how you eat you know what Tootsie Pop to get to the center with the tootsie roll or something like a Blow Pop with the gum in the middle I do that with like a popsicles for the stick I'm like a [ __ ] I'm like a beaver water would not can never come back okay good good oh we just need one more why does God hate me no hope no hope that decreased specifically I'm looking for bremen's nerve okay I need the power strength boost for these all kind of suck for me Moss is the cilantro of the swamp that's that Biff is imparting some wisdom on us right now God I just need I just need bryman's nerve please this shit's getting on my nerves I literally had this game open for [ __ ] I'm about to hit 420 minutes how long is that seven hours of me trying to do this stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] for a video that's gonna get three views this sucks if this video fails I'm just I'm I'm done I'm [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] post I'll post it it's gonna be at the top of the suicide note let me put it that way I can't [ __ ] take it where is it where is it where the [ __ ] is bryman's nerve where is it okay bryman's Nerf please where where is it where is it I'm gonna I'm gonna lose my mind this run has been going on for nearly an hour I swear to God if I'm ever looking for something in real life and I'm like you know like hey where where are the kitchen scissors and she just looks at me and says it's right there there's gonna be a domestic incident there's gonna be a domestic [ __ ] incident oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I've gotta [ __ ] cry I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it I'm not going to scream I'm not gonna do it I'm I'm an adult yes all right it's time Nitro puff stomp that guys did we got him we got him there is no hope okay what are we thinking we gonna get bryman's nerve on this one how many degrees are we at 443 [ __ ] dude please God damn it rabble it Munch that guy's dick swelling in your voice it's I'm losing it I'm losing it you want the truth I'm [ __ ] snapping I thought I was gonna have this done an hour and a half ago and then someone pointed out the damn invigoration and yeah guess what they were right that would be better where is it where the [ __ ] is it whoa let's go we got oh I'm gonna snap what do I even pick all of these are bad for me I feel like end my suffering wait hold on I saw that I saw that yeah hey look it's bryman the guy who's decree I needed maybe he can give it to me bryman dude I need your nerves right now okay I win this race you give me your nervous system the whole thing if I lose you can have mine I guess yeah Nitro I'm really relying on you right now my nerves are on the [ __ ] line too please my nerves are on the line we can't [ __ ] this up we can't [ __ ] this up we did it bryman we did it you better you better hold up your end of the bar again fine a little something this [ __ ] guy this [ __ ] guy where is it not exactly the same I wouldn't know I don't watch any of the others the question is do any of them match my unbridled Insanity that's the one thing I have going for me is my overly specific references and the fact that I'm actually a [ __ ] lunatic where where the pain never ends no no no oh God damn it get the [ __ ] over there you [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] Bonk this Tam with my damn Hammer don't holy Q next time thanks foreign I didn't know that could knock the Tam down dude oh my God oh [ __ ] finally oh [ __ ] oh my God heard another wait another group oh and this one's got a Gladius okay opportunity I must strike while the iron is hot 450 450 baby four [ __ ] 50. let's [ __ ] go oh my [ __ ] God oh my God that was that was some [ __ ] oh [ __ ] almost two hours I got a fish though so that's worth something 450 meters flat I don't think I've ever been this excited about anything on stream before this number on my Waypoint was the most serotonin I have received in months if not years okay this is the part of the video where I get a little bit cocky I want to see if somebody can beat this there is 100 room for improvement here if you could get Kratos or Telos voltes alongside varuna and or an invigoration with power strength and parkour velocity you could break 500 meters easily you could honestly probably push 600 meters but the luck required is astronomical so if my suffering wasn't enough to deter you and you think you're up to the task give it a shot and send me a video if you do pull it off you can send it on Discord Twitter or even in the comments but please include both the full jump and an explanation of how you performed it for now though I'm comfortable saying that this is probably a record and one that'll hopefully stand for at least a little while with all that we've arrived at the end thank you so much as always for watching and a massive thank you to my stream chat for making this bearable you all are seriously awesome and this wouldn't have been possible without you if you enjoyed like And subscribe and all that nonsense join the Discord if you want link is in the description and I normally stream at 5 30 PM CST on Sundays if you want to stop by though I do random off hour streams pretty often too all right I think that's everything I can finally take these damn shards off now oh my God I forgot about proton pulse dude [ __ ]
Channel: CoolKid369
Views: 87,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe trivia, warframe weird, warframe obscure, warframe weird and obscure, warframe facts, warframe help, coolkid369, warframe interesting, warframe funny, warframe angels of the zariman, angels of the zariman, veilbreaker, warframe veilbreaker, I hate tags, warframe luas prey, warframe duviri, warframe duviri paradox, duviri paradox, seven crimes of kullervo, echoes of duviri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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