Warframe | Atlas and The Art of the Moneypunchâ„¢

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[Music] or gays really okay but you've got to admit it was a funny bit of word play they're my kids man I take care of them Monday through Thursday yeah okay you're right that was uncalled for can I go now oh I'm not done right right of course you're not done what what what else do you want just had something I'm going to show you oh oh my oh my God you you did it but but who am I supposed to take off the farming team for this team buddy I don't need a team consider this my formal farewell to your little operation from now on I'll be doing my own thing hey welcome back last video was about farming and this video is also about farming but before we can get into the the nitty-gritty of this video I wanted to admit something guys I I forgot about several farming abilities in my farming video I'm sorry but I know that as a community we can get through this together and I will absolutely do something like this again farming abilities can fit neatly into four different categories redeath on death post death and spontaneous generation in most cases you can only benefit from one type per enemy there's only one pre-death looting ability and that's Ivar's pickpocket which we've talked about before on death includes pilfering augments Atlas yeah buddy we'll get to you as well as Wukong and spare parts this lets Sentinels tag enemies with a 200% loot chance bonus for a short period of time post death looting includes necroses desecrate and chesaco retrieve which does the same thing as desecrate but with lower numbers and slower but that lack of speed does mean that you can run multiple chesses without losing efficiency this leaves generators in here is of course the certified Hood classic that is SMA kavat which can occasionally generate the rare resource for whatever area you're in we've also got the Dig mod for sahasa kubos which is honestly more so for resupplying Mid Mission by generating orbs and ammo but it can generate mods on occasion your dog also won't dig if you're in combat so like sorry to your sahasa kuo you named after your family dog as a kid that you loved and cared for but accidentally Let Die because you didn't play the game for several months or whatever but like it's a bad ability dude you could also consider scavenge a resource generator but we won't now that all that housekeeping's out of the way what would you say the most important factor is in Warframe farming area of effect ease of use raw numerical drop increases maybe I know if you asked me a month ago I would have said that having the biggest possible percentage increase at all costs was your key to success but there's another Factor speed just how fast can you reduce an entire room of aspirant Corpus down into a pile of loot Atlas is probably the most snubbed Warframe in existence huge armor damage CC good augments and he's still the least used Warframe as of 2023 is it because of the wall ability it might be because of the wall ability it's okay though we subsume that for nourish and just pray de doesn't Nerf it but this status as a Perpetual Underdog has landed Atlas with several bonuses an added resource that lets him collect rocks for extra armor and the previously mentioned org uh mineral Vision this augment for atlas's petrify a cone AOE that petrifies the enemies it hits will scan enemies into the Codex and also cause them to drop 25% extra base loot now this number is very low of course but there's two things to consider one it's very easy to blast enemies with petrify and then just instantly explode them with Landslide second it scales with power strength or gaz's bonus loot chance starts at 25% and it scales up to where if you have your power strength at 400% you get 100% extra loot chance that's more than necrose or Kora and tied with hydroid but unlike hydroid you don't have to sit in a room and wait for enemies to come to you no you get to play Atlas around me what do you see now Get Like Me It's a Rap by the count of three and it's all being bu on sh TV yeah me I'mma do my best to rip a chest mang your [Music] flesh respect you see while I was editing my previous farming video I was blessed let's say with an atlas ability strength infusion allowing me to achieve that vaunted 400% ability strength with very little effort and the results were insane in what is quickly becoming a scientific Baseline for me I played Atlas solo on steel path Gabby with my boosters from the previous runs active and I got 32 oracin cells a mere six off from my fully coordinated and optimized farming team having my entire strategy dethroned by a boxer with rocks was humbling I always thought that the most effective Farm available mefa if you will would come from standing still but this changes everything now now we don't need a team of farmers we don't even need a team Atlas is perfectly capable of scaling up into all but the most insane High tiers of content this is made possible by two things Landslide and Rubble Heap you see Landslide is a pseudo exalted weapon something I want to make a video on in the future so all you need to know right now is that it inherits mods and incarn on effects from my melee weapon which makes it do big damage I also have Rubble Heap an augment which lets you cast Landslide for free when you collect enough Rubble Rubble is collected by shattering petrified enemies you see how this all forms into a cohesive gameplay Loop turn enemies to Stone punch them once or twice collect insane Loot and also rocks that boost your output even further the more kills you get the easier it becomes it's almost like a landslide is it possible to achieve these results without a helmet INF Fusion of course if you're willing to Shell out for umbrell mods four archon shards and a Max rank mol augmented sure it's okay though this build will get you those resources back and then some probably but yeah that's pretty much all I got overall I wasn't expecting to just you know like playing Atlas this much like I was ready to use this setup because of the Godlike Farm potential but the gameplay Loop of maintaining Rubble Heap while also punching enemies for millions of damage spoke to me on some kind of Primal level and I know I made a whole deal about this being a solo farming setup but you could totally also bring a necros along to play janitor in all the rooms that Atlas clears in roughly 3 seconds if I can achieve anything with this video though I hope that we can raise Atlas above being the least played Warframe cuz I mean you know my man doesn't deserve that everyone knows that caliban deserves to be the least played Warframe [Music] hey uh talk to me bro bro you got to check your ability strength bro what what do you what do you mean check my ability stren oh it's not capped it it's not capped the loot bonus scales infinitely hey team I'll be in your orbiters in 5 minutes drop everything we're going resource farming [Music]
Channel: Zachmo
Views: 43,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Warframe farming, Warframe farming guide, Warframe resource farming, Warframe atlas, Warframe guide, Warframe tutorial, ore gaze, Warframe atlas build, Atlas, Orokin cell
Id: 6RveXOi1PfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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