[WARFRAME] Latron Prime Meta? Incarnon Riven Rolling For Duviri Prep | Citrine's Last Wish

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foreign [Music] video so I could have swore they were supposed to release the daviri release date yesterday but they did it so here we are with no devere release date and the same situation we were in like two days ago just waiting for information some information we do have from some leaks in like November are the incarna weapon adapter list and all that so one of the Incarnate weapons that was really flying under the radar for me is the latron prime after reading how this thing potentially might work I'm thinking this might be one of the best in karnans that we have so we'll be going over all the electron in karnan modes today also rolling a Riven for it and etc etc if you enjoy these types of videos make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you're not already and also maybe even check out the live stream channel we do daily Warframe videos on here and we do almost daily streams on Twitch as well so go check it out if you want to alright so for the later on and the latron prime and I guess later on wraith technically too there is going to be an incarnate unlocker I've got the latron prime because I just find this to be the best stats and I actually don't even have the latron race sitting around right now before we get into all this let's look at the comparisons between the latron prime and The latron Wraith as you know maybe you would actually want to try one of the other for whatever reason now for the latron prime the one I'm going to be recommending to you today we have 22 crit chance 2.8 crit multiplier and 26 status chance with mostly puncture that's good for what we're gonna be talking about today because this thing is actually going to have some Synergy with puncture products which I'll probably just add to the game as a whole everything else is kind of like whatever uh let's move on to The latron Wraith so for this one we got 26 crit chance 2.8 multiplier and 14 says with the impact and the puncture not being as like it's most it's basically less puncture focused than the latron prime so we go from 26 uh 2.8 on Crypt to 22 2.8 we get like 10 extra status chance on the latron prime and better puncture waiting so I'd say stick with the latron prime here I think the ribbon stats are very similar too and for the later on normal it's just got much much lower base damage and uh crit stance so just go with the later on Prime we got a lot of puncture damage on here and let's get into why these puncture uh that puncture damage might be useful and potentially what you should roll for when you're looking for a red for this thing now I just rebuilt it so it's not formed out but I want to get to get around to it soon uh so the latron has this augment mod called double tap on hit uh 20 bonus damage in the next shot for two seconds Stacks but 20 times so uh that should be pretty nasty especially when we go over what it can do and speaking of what it can do with this in Cardinal itself they'll just get to it right now I'd probably win a bane mod uh in here in the end and you honestly don't even need to run viral probably so we'll see all right so as far as these Incarnation options look at these juicy ones we got here so for tier one we've got the choice of on puncture proc increased multi-shot for y seconds sex with three times so on puncture proc you're gonna increase multi-shot and it Stacks up to three times so already we're seeing some Synergy with having puncture procs on here so you're going to want to be getting some puncture procs and that's why I think the latron prime is going to be just better because it has that really high puncture waiting versus the latron rape having like kind of like a little bit more balanced waiting but still not that much slash all right the second option for for a if you were to go for that I guess if you think that's not good enough is with increa with movement speed 1.2 or higher X percent damage increase on enemies so if you're playing like a fast frame like wisp or whatever or volt Gauss whatever uh you'll get increased damage so maybe it will be a high enough damage number that will be worth it but yeah I'm gonna probably go with the puncture products giving extra Multi Shot no no questions asked on tier two we have three choices recoil reduction basically minus recoil uh increase clip size magazine size or reduced fov I guess that means mine is zoom so none of these really increase your DPS uh I'd say probably go for whatever one feels the best to you this thing has a 15 round magazine so I guess some magazine size could be okay but reloading is not not that big of a deal you'll probably be killing everything in like one or two bullets of this thing anyway with all these Buffs reminder I'll probably have an incarn on alt-fire mode too so this potentially will be chaining headshots or something after the change oh man recoil reduction if has bad recoil I don't think we're gonna don't worry too much about tier two or just picture pick whatever one you think is the best to you and for the Heavy Hitters on tier three we got uh number one is on hit strip 10 enemy armor for every stack of puncture proc okay so here here is probably what Pokemon should do period on hit removes 10 of the enemy's armor for every stack of puncture puncture proc stack up to ten so that could be a full armor removal if you get 10 bunker procs on if I'm reading this right so right there a a primary that does decent damage that can remove enemy armor potentially in one bullet um you could even maybe make a situation where you're causing punks or process enemies on purpose and then shooting with the late trying to remove all their armor because I'm guessing you don't have to have all the puncture procs coming from the latron so interesting stuff there uh the other ones too are pretty good um but that tier 3A is probably gonna be the most enticing especially the Synergy of tier 1A puncture proc gives you a multi shot and then puncture proc removes enemy armor the other choices for the top tier ones are increased headshot damage which can stack nicely of course and then also increase [ __ ] chance and damage so keeping that in mind I'm probably just gonna go for like multi-shot and crit stats on this thing we've got 248 000 kuva and this thing has pretty good ribbons let's get into it right now I definitely I'm not gonna need plus magazine size for what we're doing um stash duration negative would probably be pretty bad uh because I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to do the puncture procs on them I don't know we'll see what happens with the puncture procs in the end um also this thing has about 66 crit chance with critical delay on so I wouldn't mind putting on like uh some fire rate some more crit chance status chance could no I never really go for a ribbon or status chance to be honest I think I have like a couple of them period but like really um okay we got double crit Corpus that's pretty good to start off with let's take a quick look at how high our crit chance would be I'm gonna keep rolling it of course but I just want to like give you guys a ballpark estimate what kind of stats you could be looking at to roll on these things so not exactly the best Riven but let's see if we get over 100 I don't think we'll probably be at like 80 or 90 percent uh with this ribbon thrown on here so just for the meantime and take this stuff off okay so we're at 97.9 crit chance and a 9.7 multiplier with no negative on our ribbon so this thing can actually hit really hard it seems um yeah so you throw on some more multipliers and stuff they have to be nasty so yeah okay cool we're looking looking pretty good so far let's hope that we get something better than this though relatively okay ribbon so yeah if you want a negative you could definitely be over 100 crit chance no problem on this thing and if you had a negative you'd probably be over a 10x multiplier too which is just silly all right all right looking pretty bad so yeah I could have swore they were supposed to announce to the very release date yesterday but I feel like I might have misread their um their Dev stream those Dev streams are so misorganized it's like they'll say something really briefly then like move on to something else and throw dates around like crazy minus reload speed would probably be terrible on this thing because it has 2.4 reload I think yeah 2.4 so I was looking for something like similar to what we got but like maybe with some multi-shot oh that looks terrible zoom and puncture I would definitely not recommend getting a plus puncture rivet on this thing um as you know whatever puncture products you get will be nice but I definitely don't want to be modding specifically for it okay so this will give us over 100 crit chance for sure and then throw on some toxin which could be nice to save a mod slot for doing a viral build uh but yeah double crit is extremely nice I mean that was almost a 10x multiplier there um let's hope we can get something better damage crit chance cold again this could be pretty nice if we are um it doesn't give us a crit multiplier this this potentially could be good giving us cold damage to throw in viral giving us overall damage it's another tri-step with no negative though so I'm gonna stick with this for now um puncture prox definitely not great against Corpus as you know they have don't have any armor and not like puncture props you can remove armor right now anyway puncture procs will only do this on the later on so yeah let's hope that we get some Multi Shot on here to get more puncture procs out I can't wait I just said that all right minus stash duration pretty bad now we've had a couple okay ribbons over the course of rolling this so far but nothing I'd like even remotely regret not taking um because like it's all been triceps with no negative like yeah we had a couple good crit chance rolls but we already have a decent crit chance to roll right here speaking of crit multi-shot [ __ ] damage I think I'm gonna take this one for now that's a good amount of multi should 110 percent um but let's hope we can get something better than that and now we did pass up crit chance for this so now we're sitting at 66 crit chance again um you know it ribbons are what they are you can't you can't choose what you get unless you buy it from somebody that's only if someone actually rolled the one you want in the first place and is willing to sell it all right come on show me the good stuff show me the best of the best I mean I don't know if you guys saw this uh I actually rolled like a really good Larkspur ribbon the other day but it's like oh come on dang dang it minus multi-shot ruins it all and as I'm talking about God real ruins for crappy weapons um I gotta damage multi or no double crit minus impact plus multi-shot roll for the Larkspur and it's like it's the Larkspur though the Larkspur normal has better dyspo than this thing the Larkspur Prime get like a two percent crit chance above yeah no thanks all right so we got about like 30 or 40K markova on here um I can't say I'm exactly happy with this one um but yeah you know it is what it is I might just buy a better what you guys know how I am I might just buy a better one later if I don't get anything better here puncture and zoom is really bad like that's extremely terrible but yeah I don't think I'd buy or get a plus puncture of another thing just because I don't it just feels wrong to Mud for it after all this time I also don't think that we're gonna need as many puncture products as we think like remove 10 enemy armor per puncture proc on them like you know it's like if you have enough Multi Shot like you see with multi-shot here we'll be able to put out multiple puncture procs per bullet no problem minus 99.5 damage I wonder how much damage per bullet I would do with that like one damage those shouldn't even be allowed reload speed and heat no thank you uh yeah latron ribbons actually are assuming a little bit more difficult to obtain right now than they used to be okay so we have a negative on this one we get four percent more multi-shot nice I would have taken that minus Zoom one if they had some good crit stats with that Multi Shot but it did not that's a lot of punch throughout 4.4 meters of punch through that pretty much shoots through walls so don't immediately take uh don't immediately click away from uh punch the ribbons guys and weapons with high dispo like this it could be like a mini Zenith honestly shooting through things you weren't expecting to shoot through like a door or whatever critical chance stash duration nope so as far as good ribbons with negatives uh on this ribbon rolling session I don't think we've really got anything that good and we did just pass 100K kuva but I'm gonna keep going just because this is a pretty boring looking riff but I want a little better than this and uh yeah borrow tomorrow so I have all the uh borrow review video tomorrow guys and I'm sorry I have two ribbon rolling videos in a week but you know this is some of the most exciting stuff for daviri right now just waiting for the update to come out uh you know trying to like min max weapons before they're even released for the uh okay so we got minus puncture on here unfortunately uh minus 74.6 I don't think we can take that that's a lot of our base damage removed um but it has a lot of [ __ ] damage wow 2. uh 211 and then 4.7 meters of punch through that is crazy um I'm thinking about it I'm thinking about it for sure but we would pretty much never proc uh puncture and we'd have like no base damage we'd go down to like pretty much Soma Prime based image numbers let's not do that just feels like the wrong thing to do there I'll be a borrow video tomorrow and there's really nothing going on in Warframe right now besides like double credit weekend the double credit weekend will be here uh as I get a minus crit damage Riven for talking about the double credit weekend I want to keep her this ribbons feels like it has some some luckiness it's a lucky ribbon but not when I'm rolling it so let's just keep rolling it until it's lucky again um yeah I don't know man it's it's kind of hard to like you know be excited when they just don't they basically keep us in the dark and just don't tell us anything and it's like I could have swore you're supposed to release information it's like oh no no we're gonna tell the Warframe Partners behind the scenes and you know of course the stuff we tell the Warfare Partners is not concrete at all either so no one even knows including to De when the very is coming out it feels like but they will definitely play play along with your uh play around with your emotions every step of the way come on hey critical damage and damage with minus Zoom hmm okay well I mean that's not a ton of damage actually 239 is is an okay number um let's look at those in karnaugh options again real quick uh so we can get multi-shot on puncture proc you can also do increased headshot damage we're at 66 crit chance with um with critical delay hmm this does have a negative that's all that's another like 60 that's another like 50 crit damage on here um I think I'm gonna take this one for now actually it feels like the wrong thing to do because like that's a lot of multi-shot or passing up on but but man we're getting multi we'd be getting multi-shot from the Incarnate mode I just want to take the minor Zoom kind of I'm at a loss here that's a lot of multi-shot too 110 but this one has a negative I'm going for this one it's the wrong choice but we're gonna keep rolling anyway well take a look at that crit multiplier critical chance heat multi-shot minus Corpus um it would feel kind of dumb not to take this one because I mean it's got a multi-shot and crit chance with minus Corpus though and Okay Okay so we've got some interesting ones here I'm not opposed to a minus Corpus rip especially if this thing will be meant for grineer as it has armor strip built in um I'm not entirely opposed to this but the heat procs aren't really doing anything for me um I think I'm gonna take this one yeah I think I'm gonna take this one and then let's go like two or three more times and hope that we get something a little bit better maybe with plus crit chance and crit damage with a negative uh so yeah kind of a roller coaster on this um on this rivet I don't really need a heat proc ribbon on the latron but you know the way I'm looking at it right now is like if we get puncture procs on them and remove all their armor then a heat proc on top of that to like do damage over time after the armor is gone could maybe be kind of cool either way I don't really know if it's like gonna be God real at all especially it definitely won't be God roll for uh Corpus that's a lot of plus puncture uh because yeah it has minus Corpus so obviously would not be good against them okay so I think that we're good let's roll it like two more times even though I said like three times already uh crit chance and zoom no and then let's look at what our crit chance is after this so we get 102 multi-shot 196 crit chance and 118 Heat so we will really not be procking as many puncture procs as you would hope but we have a lot of multi-shot and we have decent status chance on this thing already so um you know maybe maybe it will be good punch through [ __ ] damage minus mag minus mag probably wouldn't be that good as it has a 15 round magazine anyway okay that's that's enough that's enough that's a lot of minus Corpus though let's try one more one more puncture and cold Maya's Grenier we can't end on that one the actual last one for real this time then we'll look at the stats okay cool nice one to end on De okay so we ended up with crit chance heat multi-shot minus Corpus not exactly my favorite stats but I can see the Synergy potentially being there our crit chance is 109 crit chance and we've actually got viral heat on here somehow oh yeah cause I've got viral mods on here so um if we take those off we are actually at 106 Heat and 72 puncture so I guess let's go to the SIM lock them really really quick and just take a quick look at how many procs we'll be getting with uh you know a quick run through I appreciate all the support you guys give to the channel too guys really appreciate it um reminder it's not fully modded I just want to see like how many puncture products are we getting with this ribbon that has a very high Elemental weighting on it now as far as other ribbons we could have stuck with along the way we could have just stopped on that first crit chance crit damage plus Corpus one honestly um but you know I'd like to just roll a little bit more get some more I do enjoy Multi Shot and we did pass up a crit damage multi-shot one with no negative for this uh just for me I want to see those higher stats so I decided that was the right call all right let's take a quick look how many puncture products I'm getting with this High um high heat weighting okay so we already got two puncture products from one bullet there so this enemy would basically already be dead after the after the changes this enemy would already be dead because all her armor will be gone and she'd be getting heat proc damage over time which is only 60 to 85 right now let's throw on nourish and see if we'd still get a puncture procs so yeah you can still get some puncture products even with terrible Elemental weightings so I'd say as long as you're not going for minus uh puncture you can still get a good amount puncture procs and remove enemy armor no problem yet reminder this is with pretty much no um pretty much no Buffs so throw an arcan adapter on this thing throw a full build and yeah I'm gonna probably just one shot those guys no problem uh even before yeah this is missing three mod slots and had no Arcane so yeah pretty nasty I hope you guys found this video fun helpful I'd say go get one of these if I were you uh and then yeah I'll see you guys next time see you on stream later tonight peace
Channel: Gaz TTV
Views: 6,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, warframe 2023, latron, latron prime, riven mod, riven rolling warframe, gaz, gaz_ttv, gaz warframe, duviri, duviri information, duviri leak, warframe duviri, incarnon adaptor, incarnon awakening, kuva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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