Warcraft 3 Reforged - Barrens TD Walkthrough (God Farmer Difficulty)

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everyone in this video I'm going to be showing you how to beat barons TD on the highest difficulty which is called God peasant now at the start of the game right after you select your difficulty it's very important over my heir it's called farming Cod but yeah right after you select your difficulty it's very important that you go and kill a rabbit before you see this pop-up if you kill a rabbit before the pop-up comes up you can to shot the rabbit instead of three shot which is just a nice little bonus because you have to kill three rabbits either way so getting that extra hit reduction is just really valuable and mostly just convenient so once you've gotten your three rabbits killed go ahead and find a tree cluster and immediately start gathering wood you gather wood at a rate of 10 wood per hit and our objective is going to be to get around 750 wood by the end of the first day what we're trying to construct is farms whenever you create a farm it will automatically start generating chickens over time and these chickens can be eaten to level up your peasant and as your peasant reaches higher level so you get access to more towers and most importantly well yeah most importantly you get access to the tower and then eventually the wall and also the smart machine all these upgrades I'll explain a little bit later on but for right now we just need to keep gathering wood as quickly as possible ideally I would have been able to select this tree here but this is a really precise hitbox I managed to get at that time but yeah so the first level requires 10 experience which means 2 you have to eat 2 chickens the second level is going to require 40 so we probably won't reach level 2 until about the end of the first night also you only get 15 walls but because I killed some rabbits they had a random chance to drop over to junk towers scrolls of speed or scrappy walls and I happened to get two walls on an extra scroll of speed it doesn't matter too much just make sure that you keep in mind how many walls you have access to because you really want to have a full surround on your base before the night falls and so let's say you pick the base and you're just going really wide and you needed 20 walls and you only have 15 then you'll probably end up dying on the first night so now it's about time to start placing our walls you want to have your walls placed before the night comes otherwise you just won't really have time to see if we do it the first night I recommend placing your walls in a way that will allow you to have a walking path on the top and also enough room for towers now you may have noticed that my base was not able to be fully sealed with 17 walls due to how wide I made it if I had made it a little bit narrower I could have fully sealed it which is fine but I had actually intentionally not sealed it because our objective at the end of the night is going to be to have gold level 5 upgrade yeah gold chance upgrade level 5 and the reason why it's important to not fully seal the wall is because at the end of the night we should be level 2 or 3 with our peasant which means that we will have Splash Damage and can take out large amounts of enemies at once so we just wanted to be able to attack them at the end and these towers are probably going to die soon enough anyway so this should time Mountain asleep we just need to get 200 more wood and then we'll be good to go now our peasant is level 1 not quite high enough need a few more chicks to kill so that we can get access to the bloodlust upgrade or ability okay with that we just reached gold chance level 5 which means we can start attacking the enemies and we also just got three more chickens which means we can use blood list so you get Splash Damage when you play as the lumberjack which is what I selected an overdrive will give you 35 percent additional attack speed so we're able to kill huge quantities of enemies in a relatively low amount of time and because we got the gold chance level 5 researched in time there's a chance that these units will drop a gold coin worth 100 gold whenever you kill them so by killing let's just say 50 units here we just had how much is that six gold coins or actually looks like it was only five one of those are a couple of those we're at level one gold coins which aren't worth much so now that the first night is over I'm going to switch my mini-map over to dark mode which will help us finding merchants and we also need to research the well not research but convert 100 or five gold into a hundred would and by doing that that allows us to purchase twenty scrap Ewell's which we will use to defend ourself in the next night or two yeah once you have level 5 gold it's not too important to keep upgrading it immediately we will keep upgrading it later right now it just really benefits us to put our upgrades into farming because that'll let us level up more which gives us access to towers research she looks like there was a couple more gold coins that dropped but those were from the tower kills earlier before we research gold level five okay we should have enough chickens to reach level three actually we're just a hair short okay so because of that we're just going to seal the base touting towers slightly unfortunate but not too much we can do about that going to repair this wall your peasants default repair speed is quite high he can repair at a rate of basically I think it's a percentage you repair at twenty percent per second I believe so you can repair anything back to fold in five seconds however these walls are so cheap we purchase them for five would that it is genuinely worthwhile to just let them die and just replace it instead okay so now that we've reached level three we are able to start placing these archers archers will not have enough damage to kill the units on the first night but once we reach level 6 and get access to the smart machine that'll allow us to upgrade the damage and then it will be more than able to one-shot all the units for about the first five to ten nights let's get to more farming upgrades and [Music] well we could go up to farming level 10 or we could start putting it back into gold either is fine let's activate bloodlust looks like we're able to hit units again it looks like we got to level four from eating which means we now get access to cleave level four every time you level up aside from just getting access to new structures your passive abilities also improve and sometimes you unlock new ones so now we have access to blink overdrive level four which gives us 45% attack speed and cleave level four which gives us 32 percent cleave as you may have guessed the cleave as it levels up will eventually surpass 100% damage AOE which will be pretty useful for taking out large amounts of enemies of course by the time we reach that point we'll mostly just be killing enemies with archers anyway so it's not too big of a difference looks like we got lucky with the merchant spawn it is right next to our base I'm going to run out and purchase one more pack of scrappy walls I'm also going to purchase about five Kage chickens because that'll be an easy way to boost our food supply you know purchasing six cuz wanted to eat us up to fifty now I'm going to destroy my two towers on the left and place six lumber mills lumber mills do more or less what you'd expect it generates wood over time and there's also an upgrade that we can research at the camp which will increase the likelihood of high-quality wood spawning which means larger clusters so instead of ten would you get one hundred wood and eventually is there's also a chance for it to be 500 wood ok one hundred gold left nightfall is about to come let's get some more towers so we do going to destroy all my towers on the bottom to make more room for more towers basically we want a single row of towers around the whole base and yeah that's why these scrappy walls are important because they don't require any food to build and they're also extremely cheap okay looks pretty good let's take out the last few remnants of our old layout and now start placing towers towers use one from each so just keep that in mind and once we do have all the towers placed I'm going to type - eat to kill my chickens and hopefully be level 6 which will allow us to get the smart machine looks like I didn't have quite enough population for this but we should still be more or less fine okay now let's type - eat actually there's no reason to do that I was just looking and seeing how much gold I have even if we had the smart machine we really want about 200 gold to make good use of it because that'll give us access to the damage upgrades and with 15 gold I don't think that's even enough for a single damage upgrade who's not much point so instead we'll start to a OE attack these enemies and I also need to get a bonfire up let's see if I can make that the reason why the bonfire is really important is because it's the only source of rapid mana regeneration that's passive so basically by just standing near the bonfire we went from zero mana to 55 in about 10 seconds and we'll be able to upgrade that more later on we're going to relocate my camp here that just allows me to save 10 gold basically that destroys your camps and gives you 10 gold back otherwise the camp would have died anyway and then we would have just lost money ok looks like we got about what is have 2000 gold maybe a little less also your towers are able to attack rabbits but yeah rabbits only dropped lesser gold coins regardless of your gold upgrade alright another fantastic night for the merchants which means I'm going to buy 20 more scrappy walls and I also did not have my camp place some just need to quickly place that I don't think we need any caged chickens this time I think complete okay not caged chickens I guess we can buy like two now we have plenty let's seal this back up and then get some more towers this time because of the food upgrades I just bought we have access to 75 population which means we won't be hitting the population cap again for at least another night or so okay and with that our base is more or less complete for as much as we are going to need it to be which is just to say most of our structures from here on out can be placed outside of the base so the size of it will not be good we won't have to expand anymore okay let's type - eat gets us to level seven and then we can place the smart machine at smart machine we're going to quickly get several levels of Bobo upgrade because we really want our towers to take out the enemies in one shot so they have 34 HP and we just got five upgrades which brought our unit crime I think ten damage to 40 and yeah that is enough to take the mountain one hit let's just double-check here are any of them surviving more than one now it looks like it now and now after that we can start getting the archer attack speed upgrade for the archer attack speed upgrade is a little bit different price-wise it is the same amount of gold and wood as opposed to primarily being a gold upgrade which is largely the reason why we do need to invest in lumber mills so that we can continue upgrading those towers and yes so our towers are now fast instead of average thanks to those upgrades we just got and eventually we'll get to the point where towers are much faster should be able to get around 30 to 40 tower attack speed upgrades yeah we had fully sealed the base here it would have been preferable because their towers are strong enough to take out the enemies but yeah the scrappy wall just was not quite durable enough and the only downside to that is that means we aren't able to the harvest would we are in a little bit of a wood shortage right now okay yeah we will wait to go up to the traveling merchant and purchase a few caged chickens and let's see how many scrappy walls I have here yes you're a little bit food constrained there so meeting those caged chickens will once again helped us out fully seal the bottom I'm also going to repair this tower back to full odds are if it died last night it will probably die again the walls yeah let's do that instead that'll give us slightly more space and slightly more damage and it looks like I have to replace my camp again also whenever it rains it extinguishes your bonfire and it requires 100 food 100 wood to get back up it's pretty unlucky sometimes you can have a game where there's just no rain ever and that just is objectively easier than it is if you do get rain game I'm going to blink back in how much space do I have here look wide enough to get a second row of towers but that's not super essential anyway so that's fine now we're going to get our sixth farm up and then after that we're going to blink outside the base and start placing some more yes yes it's very important to keep in mind that because it's raining you won't be getting any mana back to just make sure you don't run out okay units have 43 health we're doing 43 damage that's not quite enough so let's get two upgrades the reason why that's not enough is all enemies have medium armor which takes reduced damage from piercing okay let's start using these health potions that I've picked up you know 100 health per potion should be enough to keep us alive okay let's start getting some more levels in gold even though we have a fair amount of gold right now more definitely can't hurt actually before we do that we'll get farming up to level 10 nice grater bundle of lumber just spawn that'll be worth 500 wood also if you guys are liking this video consider liking and subscribing that'll help promote the video and the channel okay that's daybreak which means safe to go out and collect all that gold this will probably be the last night where we end up having to collect gold or we're definitely close to the point where we no longer need to there's an ia structure that we can make called wood sucker and the gold sucker which will automatically pick up all of these lumber drops and gold drops which is quite useful because it does take quite a while let's drop some of these spare items here and move them all to the right okay a lot of those ended up being stackable so we didn't have to do quite as much micromanagement as I was expecting now let's get a couple more towers up okay looks like we're a slightly short on wood oh yeah to get access to the gold sucker you need ten levels of the gold chance upgrades so let's blink out and place more lumber mills as I had mentioned earlier we really need more wood right now we can just fill out the rest of our supply with it once we get 750 would be you'll get another supply increase also just rebuilt my bonfire pretty expensive but definitely worth it it might go up to level two now as well also whenever you see an obese chicken that means it's safe to eat it or you could sell it if you're really low in gold somehow I guess this walnuts been low in HP that's fine that's double layered okay it's head over here and pick up our large quantity of wood now let's get another level of chickens and the two more levels of gold or three okay that we're now at gold level 10 which means greater gold coins can drop now and just gold coins should drop at a higher rate in general so it looks like we need 400 more wood and actually yeah so we're going to need about a thousand plus wood before we can get the gold sucker because we're supply cap 51 yeah we need a couple more damage upgrades and in a couple nights we're going to replace these scrappy walls with more durable walls but right now we don't have this fair supply and if you can ever fight at the bonfire that also usually be enough health regen to keep you at near full HP so that works out nicely as well oh yeah one other thing I didn't explain is that your archers whenever they kill an enemy they have a chance to upgrade into a superior Archer the superior archers get access to multi shot see if green which attacks two enemies at once and then you have red which can attack three at that point your archers let's get that supply upgrade now we only need 500 woody I was thinking of the next level and then we can place the gold sucker it looks like we have several obese chickens Oh actually you know what I had forgotten to upgrade my farms we had enough gold to do this for a while so I was just a pure error on my part once you have your once you have enough spare gold to spend six hundred on upgrading your farms you should do so because sheep will provide more exp or gold that's what you want yeah I think they spawn at the same rate so it's pretty much just a better farm okay let's drop some of these random items resealed the base and then we can place actually looks like we need 100 more wood there are 200 okay we now have the gold sucker up which means instead of regular gold coins dropping it will just go straight to our gold total yeah so we just got a hundred gold there and we do have enough spare gold to do that with the wood sucker so I'll just have to decide where I want to place it we could just thinking we could replace the smart machine but it's probably not the best choice all right we'll displace the wood sucker over here on the left that should be fine because we will be expanding left soon enough okay we don't know what just happened oh there must have been a check there or something yeah for some reason that just got interrupted I didn't even see an interrupted little object okay yeah we should also max out our wood cutting upgrade we've had money to do that for a while goes up to level 20 and then I think in total it cost like 2000 gold to max out so we really should have completed that earlier it looks like these out outer lumber mills need a little bit of repairing the enemies will attack your lumber mills until they get a grid by an archer so that can sometimes result in the longer mills getting hit once or twice ok let's get another food supply upgrade and then place more lumber mills on the outside and then we'll place some real walls here and that should significantly boosts the durability of the top right corner which is died like three times and once level tin comes these trees will probably end up getting destroyed so just be prepared to repair your or just expand your walls when that happens and we can just use our manual Target heal for that okay let's get a few levels of building help it's probably III should be sufficient for the moment then we can get a couple more levels of farming and then significantly more lovely sort of old complete like the next couple thousand wood will just all be invested into gold upgrades we're going to stoke the fire though because that was still a low level and I wanted a little more HP regen let's blink to the left he'll these walls then that should be good so as far as structures go at level 10 I believe you have access to every single structure so levels at this point are purely for making our peasant more durable as opposed to unlocking new buildings enemies have 68 L and we're doing 75 damage will get one more damaged upgrade and that should be sufficient let's get a actually let's get a food and great place a few more lumber mills let's place these two out clinic planning to expand this wall and yeah the wood suction range and the gold suction range is massive so pretty much all of yeah all of this is within the suction range so you don't have to worry about building your lumber mills extremely close or anything okay let's get some real walls up at the top rate here top left in there we go and the biggest benefit to having real walls is this upgrade which improves their HP by 100 and it also increases the HP of your lumber mills by 25 which is just a nice little secondary bonus okay we now have enough spare resources that we can start buying additional inks having about 10 inks by the end of the games just really nice safety net but realistically you probably won't end up dying anyway so it's just nice to have and aside from that I guess we can also buy a ring of evasion that will give us a nice minor durability boost okay 141 let's get another couple levels in gold max level of gold is 20 so we're still around 10,000 probably like 5,000 good to go we could start double layering the lumber mills on the bottom I don't recommend doing more than 2 out because then you just run the risk of them dying also once enough animals spawn the game will just automatically kill a ton of them for you so you don't need to worry too much about overpopulation animals so thinking of animals though we really should get another layer of farms up so I'm going to make 4 more times once the farms cost 600 that's where all that stopped now let's quickly upgrade all of these and to the superior and mill that'll probably do the trick for farms I don't think I'll be making any more yeah so the game just automatically killed 43 chickens which brought us from a think it was level 10 to level 14 now level 12 yeah now that we're exclusively generating sheep that will be even more exp the obese chicken only gives you 50 exp whereas the obese sheep going to be 250 and actually one of the big advantages of having the lumber mills on the outside is that'll redirect the enemies to these same spots which means you can focus on upgrading fewer walls let's go get that greater bundle of lumber it gets us up to Gold level 16 and I believe the final levels of gold I'm not positive it either just increases the amount of gold that drops in general or increases the likelihood of greater gold dropping either way it's solid greater gold is of course slightly inconvenient but it's still rather half the gold and then not have it good spawn for the merchant so I'll go ahead and buy another ink now I'm not sure if it's stacks but just in case it does I'm going to purchase an extra ring of evasion which will possibly bring us up to 40% dodge research complete all right looks like we also need to get more food upgrades yeah I was going to say we have the time to expand this wall but because my food supply is so constrained right now we can't actually do that well we could you scrap you all's to expand I suppose then we wouldn't have a food supply to put archers in it so we'll just wait one more night hmm we want another level of the fire it's a little pricey rather have the food upgrade oh end it's around ten now which means the boss units are spawning and there's also a chance for these trees to get destroyed which is why it's extra important to keep my survivor over here on the razor's complete okay just got a significant damage boost on my towers bringing it up to 120 which is not enough to take out these mega baddies but it is enough to kill them pretty quickly and if we're in an extreme pinch we can always use the invulnerability spell on my builder which will make pretty much every single structure here and vulnerable but yeah just you're not likely to end up needing that the first night the first boss night is only I think 90 or 100 seconds eventually the round 30 boss night will actually require you have to survive it for 300 seconds which isn't actually that hard but it is of just a long time to wait very important to keep the level 3 archers alive now looks like we got a little bit of wood here so I'm going to get more Archer training upgrades the archer training and bow upgrades complement themselves nicely so it's good to get them both and pretty much evenly distribute your money between them oh yeah the archer upgrade also increases the range of the towers so now they're up to 900 from their base of I think 400 and just as a good measure generally if you can survive level 10 you're usually on the right track to survive for the whole game looks like one single lumber mill that was farther out ended up dying not bad okay there we go so that takes out the first boss wave and whenever you finish a boss wave which is every ten levels you get an extra long day so this day is two minutes instead of the usual whatever it is usually I think it's one minute it looks like the merchants in a terrible place so we'll just wait for buying a new wank and yeah the extra anks are extremely optional if we haven't died a single time and we probably aren't going to okay let's take out all these walls and yeah move these out just a little bit put these rings of evasion a little bit lower so they're easy to identify there's a lot of really useless items in this game like this armor provides three armor which is like the 10% damage reduction it's just not even noticeable if we're lucky we'll end up getting legendary armor drops which will actually be a little useful the legendary drops can provide you with ten armor and leaf along with 25 damage you now fill out this space with towers and then we're pretty much done expanding just got a few more levels there okay let's get another food upgrade and then head up to the top right to reseal the wall yeah eventually you will want every single wall to be a upgraded wall just because the scrappy walls at this point design like one hit let's see if we're able to build a tower here it looks like no meteors ended up striking trees so we still have them all there it's actually a little inconvenient because the extra space would have been nice a few more lumber mills up oh yeah we can pick up our rings of evasion now so enemies currently at 196 health and we are dealing 138 damage which means to all 2-shot Apple and for the rest of the game that's pretty much going to be our objective keep the enemies within the 2-shot range and the reason why that's our objective is simply because getting enough damage upgrades on the towers to be in one-shot range is simply impossible because the upgrade for damage increases by 50 gold every time you get it and you still only get five damage per upgrade which just means to have enough damage you just need tens of thousands of gold which we will end up getting but yeah we just won't have enough surplus for that to be possible but speaking of gold let's finish the gold chance upgrade and blink back in the base since it looks like my survivor almost died I guess we can start using these potions of healing they're not that helpful because they have a long cooldown and only restore 100 HP but we could end up selling them if we wanted to to get a small amount of gold yeah the most important walls to upgrade are the corner walls because those in depth attracting the most units looks like it's time to use my healing ability again because we essentially have infinite mana it's best just to use that whenever possible and let's go buy another ink yeah looks like an obese sheep so we can go ahead and manually kill those which brought us up level 15 we had four farms here earlier but maybe not since the farm does cost 600 where as I recall it being 300 last time okay so now we'll get a few more wall upgrades bringing it to 950 HP for the base wall and 1200 HP for the upgradable we can also start to place healers on the outside of our base as well which is once again a useful way to funnel the enemies to specific targets and to heal your walls so we'll put a healer right here and then we'll need to get that help a healer upgrade so that they actually restore a relevant amount their base upgrade just about restores nothing think it's like 50 HP but every single time you upgrade it boosts the health restored by 20 so it quickly gets to the point where it's actually useful probably get maybe three more upgrades of healing you don't want to put too much into it because you do get the menacing returns you do want to end it on an even upgrade though because the amount of targets restored improves by one for every two levels all right let's get a couple more bow damage upgrades and then once we get some more gold we followed up with Archer training we have enough wood now that it is a good time to start maxing out that Archer training and by maxing out adjusting and getting like ten levels of it I don't actually know what any of the limits are I gotta know if there's 50 upgrades in total or if there's 100 over in theory I think there should be a limit at some point but we're not going to reach it okay start getting minutes Archer training yeah and our archers are noticeably faster now than they were at the start of the game and their range is pretty much enough to strike any unit at the base the archer on the far left is able to hit units on the far right and their range is now to 1450 and the attack speed is very fast instead of just fast I think one lesser gold coin dropped must have been from a rabbit eventually we will want to get the soldier upgrade it's just an easy way to do a little bit of damage to the attacking units you alternatively can go for the other wall type but I'm a fan of the soldier also somewhat soonish I'll be taking out these two lumber mills and replacing it with a armored AoE tower they're building because that'll will provide armor to every single unit within our base assuming I place it properly now looks like I forgot to upgrade one of my farms it explains why we still have so many sheep or chickens I mean get some more chicken upgrades and then once we get chickens to level 20 we're going to get another food upgrade it looks like all of my structures are back up to full HP now [Music] also some basic stats over here looks like we have killed 5500 units we currently have a thousand gold mm wood and our peasants is level 17 which can also be observed right here with your armor level okay 230 yeah there's no way we can give enough to one-shot that right now yeah the AoE armor tower is going to be really useful because that'll boost the damage reduction from about 11% through depending on how many upgrades we get somewhere in the ballpark of 60% damage reduction let's get a few more Manoa upgrades not super essential for healing towers but you'll need a ton of mana upgrades if you want to sustain a defensive aura takes around 30 Manuel upgrades per defense tower thankfully we only need one or possibly two if we just can't get the perfect spot rare item ocean of Greater healing that seems unlikely but the greater mana bonus will combine with our ring of evasion converting it into +10 damage plus 15 Anna and then still plus 28 percent of Asian so it not too significant but if you're using a slot for evasion might as well get some minor bonuses as well so hopefully we can find one more greater mana as well okay 4300 gold and 5,600 would also we just said a flame blade drop which if we get the secondary item to combine it into the koto mask that'll be a great defensive item giving us 10 armor some HP and 25 damage okay let's get three more levels of building health we want to get that up to the 30 soon complete research complete looks like we still need the food at Crete as well so I'll save hub guess we can pick up the flame bleed yes below all right right oh off I go there okay 1800 there we go that boosts our food by another 25 yeah so now's a good time to replace these interior see you can get rid of these two interior lumber mills and then replace that with the defensive aura so we can move these two right here and then teleport em so we'll put the defensive paladin in the middle and then put the mana well right on top of it and this mana well on the bottom might be able to give the defensive paladin mana which if it is that should make it a little bit cheaper to sustain but if not it's fine so let's get some defense aura upgrades it increases by price 75 per level and you get one additional armor on the aura every time you upgrade it so for right now I'm going to try to get it up to 15 looks like I already got it to 16 so that's a reasonable stopping point for now we can't spend another few thousand - boo sets 20 oh yeah so that's brought our wall up from I think it was 10% damage reduction to 50 which is just really useful for keeping the walls alive so now we're going to put up a few more healing outposts around the base assuming you have this food supply for it we are at the maximum amount of 225 meaning there are no more food upgrades remaining yeah so if you have spare food just converted in Feeny's a little miniature healing outposts I think one man oh well is enough for easily three or four healers but usually don't go off that often because your cooldown is so long and for so from here we can spend spare wood on farming upgrades which will help us level up our peasant or we can just use that spare wood to boost our wall HP or tower attack speed which is why you still want to have tons of lumber mills B if you are in a pinch and you want to just get up a bunch of healers or whatever you're trying to do having a killing a lumber mill or two will free up some food supply pretty quickly yes so let's purchase one Inc every night from here on out until we reach ten honestly even ten is pretty excessive yeah that will give us hope that wrong I think you take five seconds to revive so I would give us fifty seconds of safety yes my lord then again that will waste another twenty five hundred gold I'll think about it okay let's get a couple more levels of Defense aura to complete and then we just need to get a lot of levels of mana alternatively you could just make a second mana well however if one mana well isn't sufficient adding two doesn't help as much as you might think because the man well is ten mana to restore one so that would just result in to being drained pretty quickly also it looks like there's some greater gold coins let me go ahead to pick those up [Music] also I saw a rare item drop earlier let's take a look and see if it happened to be a greater man bonus and it seemed to be the case unfortunately rare items are just regarded as regular gold chests so it's pretty hard to distinguish them from the rest yeah there's a regular mana bonus but I don't think that's upgradable yeah well it is upgradable but does not turn into a greater man a bonus it just becomes a wizard staff which i think is 50 min and 10 damage nothing too helpful let's build a couple more healers over here I wonder if we company could we get away with for fun let's just build seven [Music] you're going to blink back inside took a lot of damage there before your builder has armor and I can unfortunately haven't found any of the useful armor items he just takes a beating in some games I've ended up getting pretty lucky with the items and I've gotten up to like 70% damage reduction but for this one we'll just have 26% for now I think once the builders level 30 I think the base becomes 10 armor which is okay but nothing amazing also we now have the building health level 13 which means we can now get soldiers soldiers do a very small amount of damage they have a decent amount of base armor and a solid amount of health as well and then the soldier can eventually be upgraded into the night which once again is slightly stronger greater attack speed bonuses can be combined with the lightning claws to turn into rogue armor which Erno actually turns into dragon armor which is three armor 15 damage and 150 HP you can combine the shield the life ring as well yeah there we go holy shield 50 life 8 damage not not too helpful just leave this with one soldier there for now let's get another healing well combo this I might as well use this greater healing potion loss in my inventory okay looks like I just had an automatic sheep culling which is now reduced my population to the point where I can't make anything more for now and I just manually killed the obese sheep yeah so it does seem like one man and well can pretty easily handle seven healers with how many may upgrades we had okay at our attack speeds now up to level 30 bringing our towers to 1800 range and however much additional tax speed that results in four attacks per second I tell you we're probably at like 1.75 attacks per second right now maybe two yes we can use my healed ability on myself to get up to full HP more quickly and we will start eating a need to pour more gold into the archer damage upgrades we'll need to finish the game with around 300 damage which will allow us to five-shot the final enemies which is not great but it is better than eight shots are worse if we don't get up to 300 okay let's see how much we show okay 15 armor yeah we'll get five more levels of defense or bring that up to 20 and we still need more levels of mana well let's go purchase some caged chickens so that I can start making more healers again looks like we need about five okay and I should do the trick guess we'll pull them up to the walls okay let's place a few more viewers and move these greater potions and then we'll put our final batch of main awell healing combos over here on the right yeah we'll put it here actually we need one at the bottom right as well rare item it is a advanced armor it's not what we're hoping for we need the legendary armor yeah we'll get rid of these two spare healers five is more than enough it looks like we'll need to take out a lumber mammal hey yes this is fine we can get rid of this one and with that we'll need to take out about one more lumber mill on the whole game optionally I say optionally because it's just if we want to get a second man oh well here instead of putting another 10 levels in - Manuela free they could rather have the Manuela crates to be honest research complete ok a level 29 let's see if that's enough I think 30 is the right point yeah so basically if he stays at 10 mana without the manual running out and that means it's sufficient yeah actually I think level 29 does appear to be enough which means we can start putting our money back into tower damage upgrades 8,000 wood yeah we can put that into building health upgrade we need to get that up to level 20 or the access to the Navy the alternatively could go for the regenerator which is pretty solid as well that gives 10 HP per second and high defense however I'd rather have the damage since we have healers to restore the health plus 10 HP really is not noticeable like that's slightly convenient during the day but in terms of actual nighttime combat and extra 500 HP ER and extra 10 HP for a second is nothing relative to the 50 damage they're doing so the pigs currently have 400 which means we are a little behind on the damage upgrades we need to get that up to 200 ish go and pick up the gold coins I think all five of these healers just triggered on the same building [Music] unfortunately I don't think there's a way to prevent that the healing is just forced autocast but then again you wouldn't really want to manually cast it anyway since we have so many I guess we can max out the Stoke fire now yeah next level is five which brings it up to 12 HP per second and 4% mana the 4% matte mana is really solid the 12 HP since we have 1500 HP is pretty bad means is taking around a hundred and thirty ish seconds to go from one HP to full I feel like that should be just 10% HP per second or if not ten meaningful yeah I think it's this new 5% then it'd take 20 seconds which is pretty lengthy by another ink guess they could also buy the lightening cloth to show off the dragon armor Lord in most of the items sell for just about nothing this legendary flame blade on the sells for 50 which isn't even it's cheaper than the lightening cloths okay and here's the dragon armor 150 life 15 HP 3 Armour unfortunately just the sources of armor for the Builder are just completely RNG hopefully we'll get them all right so actually we're still one level away from the next boss but yeah hopefully this next boss will take out all these trees I guess if not we can just start gathering that herself okay yeah and at this point is not really any ways to boost your gold income aside from just selling your B sheep a Oh B sheep can be sold for 250 gold which is pretty solid which is actually one of the big benefits to upgrading your farming as we can get this up to local 35 yeah the more will be sheep we have a more golden get this I think this is opening out see you this okay yeah the soldiers were confusing me a little bit there I'm like oh I guess they have soldiers there but yet the soldiers are the wall I guess a couple of my sheep on the outside must have died need two more before I can build more structures okay question is do we want yeah I guess we might as well put the walls slightly farther out here just so that we can squeeze in two more towers yes but the tree is in the way okay I guess for this night specifically we can just disregard that these two the middle level I think there should be sufficient because they don't have many towers here I doubt that this spot will be very a growed yeah levels aren't too essential at this point so I guess we could just start selling all the towers are up to 215 so we've boosted their strength by about 25% it's not bad and with one or two nights one nice thing about placing your bonfire need of mills is that for the demon Knights that will get your sheeps back up to full HP pretty quickly and yeah if you're concerned about your walls dying you can always use your gulnur ability however I found that it feels like whenever you use invulnerability of the game instantly drops a meteor on you disabling it but I don't think we're at any risk anyway all right our wall it's taken any damage yeah not really and that's the power of having 20 viewers okay let's sell some obese sheep I will consume one because I was just about to level up oh yeah get a couple more damage upgrades let's also take a look and see how much health they have they are at 662 which means right now we don't quite 3-shot them which yes precisely why you usually want a few more damage upgrades by this point or it's still just fine and that's actually the biggest benefit to getting the master level archers because hitting three targets at once instead of one one yeah obviously it triples the damage output since there's almost always going to be more than three units attacking I just wish there was a non random chance way to get the level three archer for examples say 150 gold per upgrade which in the early game would be quite expensive but at the end of the game that'd just be a nice way to get some better archers because a single archer frequently ends up attacking a target that's already dead because we have like 25 arrows flying here before they switch targets which means like 30% of them are doing absolutely nothing it looks like a couple of these trees got destroyed there's still 25 seconds for it to hopefully take out the rest if we can use a heal again if there's sheep back up to full HP okay easy boss and then we have a two-minute intermission let's go ahead and pick up all of our greater gold coins a lot of advanced armors which means if we want to we can get more dragon armors yes oh wait now those have no relevance for dragon armor but we do have greater damage bonus now we want greater attacks so I don't think we can get any more dragon armors okay oh well thousand gold let's do meaning more Archer training it's pretty cheap relative to the other upgrades all right let's get then to armor up to level 20 then get one more level of mana right now it is at 19 so one more armor gonna get a couple more healing upgrade levels if we want right now it is restoring 360 HP which honestly isn't that much all right we're get more healing upgrade levels search complete and since we have a surplus of wood we'll get a lot more than farming upgrades as well research complete research complete research complete research complete okay nice farming is now up to level 45 which hopefully means we'll get obese sheep very quickly oops accidentally just Schultz sold a fat sheep there hmm I guess we could build more farms I mean there's nothing preventing us from doing so yeah I guess next time we get another 10,000 wood or something we'll also place a few farms down okay 689 knew so many towers attacking healing attack speed or damage will be healing our goal here is going to get our heel up to about 600 HP which still isn't a ton since the towers will or the walls will eventually have 3000 HP but yeah 600 will mean if all five go up at once can bring the wall back up to full which is since we have 5 healers that is the ideal width ratio I don't think the chain can hit the same building twice but if it could that'd be really nice and also just something kind of fun to think about it's just imagine how many gold coins we would have had to pick up this game if the gold sucker did not exist I tell you is probably somewhere in the realm of policy we're getting about 3000 golden Knight that's 30 gold coins actually we're getting more than that so probably a hundred gold coins at night so this has saved us from picking up about been 20 nights we had it for like 13 so save this from picking up 13,000 gold points [Music] there are no 1,300 cool points I don't know why I said 13,000 but yeah take a look see if we have any items the one we're specifically looking for is pretty easily identifiable which is the legendary armor instead of having a fancy red box it'll just have a kind of yellowish gold tint but I do not see that okay 4,900 this manna well is still very close to running out of mana sometimes might snow need one or two more levels research complete yeah that brings the Manor well up to a base of 210 mana [Music] [Applause] buildings are now at level 20 which means we can get a few more nights or rather we just now have access to the Knights the night has an additional 250 HP an additional six damage and an additional two armor actually you know it's something that I'd like to compare is the durability of the knight relative to the ultra sturdy wall so I'll get one of these as well so the knight has one additional base armor and a lot of damage so unless you're really tight on the budget there's no reason to get ultra sturdy walls over the night they're just objectively worse aside from cost and they take up a lot of visual space which just considering how cluttered this game already is is actually a bit of a downside okay was like we have a lot of obese sheep to sell if there was an automatic obese sheep seller frees us up to 8,000 which we can yeah we're good a few more healing upgrades I think we'll stop at level 30 there we go that's 616 targets it's just a good stopping point then we'll start putting it back into damage again yeah let's go ahead and make those additional farms which actually it's not even worthwhile if we make the additional farms I'm just thinking here seems like some of our sheep on the outside are dying so I don't know if that'll actually be as much benefit we we could replace these interior lumber mills with farms here's what we'll do at a minimum we definitely have space to squeeze in a farm right here and the same will of course a bite of top that gets us an additional two farms my ambled I have two bonfires at once I figure out a little bit of cheese here when you mock all right no I didn't so it looks like if you build the bonfire you know I don't really care enough to figure that out but it's possible you might be able to have two we'll experiment more with that in a couple minutes but for right now I'd like to get the extra farm which brings the cost of the farm actually still me 600 yeah let's build a couple of farms on the right yeah as long as far of they're only 600 that's fine I don't want to get one if it's 900 would though reach 900 I was just kind of assuming you'd go up in price again okay well that's more than enough farm so I'm not going to make any just spent that would that be like three thousand plus would rare item it is who knows something dropped and once you reach around 25 the shopkeeper will disappear if you don't have your inks by now it's just something to keep in mind we get more attack speed upgrades and get that up to the say level with Fuji and then we'll start putting it back into the damage or we don't really need more attack speed if this is able to attack the Far rate units which is not so we do want some more attack speed and range upgrades yeah I believe the legendary armor is a legendary drop so we just have to keep an eye out for the legendary item text Enya so Manuel finally does have enough mana that it is gradually gaining instead of decreasing and it is the storm is gone so we can just go ahead and rebuild the bonfire looks like we have a ton of gold coins 5,600 video should be just about enough to get another I don't think that'll be enough to get us to 40 but it will get us close research complete we want to boost the armor or up to 25 also it looks like our writer most walls yet specifically these three are outside of the range of the aura however it doesn't seem to have been a problem so I guess that's fine I don't really want to spend the five food there were actually seven food that would be needed to get another armor or up so let's leave it as is the only other way to fix that would be if we got rid of these two middles and shifted these one to the right which I mean I guess we could do it wouldn't be that difficult take like 30 seconds let's get a sense of the range here yeah one it once one of these finishes their wood I'll see if they are in the armor range if they are then that means we can safely ship this one to the right if they aren't okay there so if we shift this one to the right that'll hit every single wall yeah every wall perfectly up to 250 damage which means it takes four arrows to kill one of these units there is another tower that you can get called the demolisher which will take an additional food making the tower using two instead of one but I'm not too big of a fan of the demolisher because I find that the master archers are more than enough to actually take out the enemies plus the demolisher requires mana wells to be powered which is just a pretty inconvenient because then you're going from to food for the tower and then it yeah so one food versus spore per tower assuming you need one manna well per tower which we'd have to test I'm not positive on that okay let's go ahead and destroy these four structures well there we go we got the legendary armor which means we've gotten our first Cotto mask masc Cotto gives you ten are over 300 life 25 damage so just a really solid durability item unfortunately there's nothing we can do to guarantee that and in all likelihood that will probably be the only time you get it in the game it's blinking we shall not destroy this milk destroy this mill and I guess destroy the man well then put up a new farm okay with that these are now okay this one's still not in range but it does get this unit covered in armor and the one of them oh actually you know what that might have just been a little bit worse overall yeah looking at the armor aura right now oh wait a minute why was that aren't up for that night why did it randomly lose the aura oh I just clicked the wrong one okay yeah so it looks like the bottom left Knight the top left Knight and the bottom right don't have the aura so this is in fact just objectively worse now three of our corners lack the aura instead of one just yeah I guess this must be some timely I guess it's a circle for the warrior range instead of a square so it must just be right like that I don't think upgrading the aura would increase the range with just in case so I'll get three upgrades of this or you know what I wanted to get it up to 2500 anyway yeah there's no way that's increasing the range because we're all only like 50 range short of getting every single tower and wall in here which means if we care we definitely need to get the aura back on the top left because this wall takes a beating every single night whereas the bottom right tends to be pretty safe so yeah well destroy these metals move it back sucks wasted a lot of resources on that but I'd still rather have the armor on more oh come on what a terrible timing okay well now we just have no armor at all because the game decided it was a good time to eat 50 chickens I don't think that'll be problematic though we do have so many healers says we should be fine for a night with no armor research complete right now these are at 2750 so I guess for just that satisfaction I'll get a couple more building health upgrades to get at over 3,000 there we go 3050 HP okay one more sheep to go and then we can get a mana well what do we want do we rebuild these farms again and I'll be wasting so much wood I don't think we do what do we put there instead could put a couple healers there it seems like a bad choice there we're so close to the end that wasting another 1,200 wood on the farm to only maybe netis like 500 gold [Music] yeah actually I guess we can squeeze in two towers there that's fine so we can either put in two towers or two healers I feel like the towers are slightly more impactful yeah these towers are pretty unlikely to ever get upgraded just because let's say it's a 5% chance just this specific tower getting 20 ish kills is just not likely at all another legendary blade dropped which is the flame blade so we'll keep an eye out for legendary armor once again it's not appear to be any on the ground at the moment okay twelve thousand gold let's get some more damage research complete research complete research complete yes milord yeah I'll get farming up full of a fifty just so it ends on a nice number in reality I don't think this is going to make a difference yes we can import a little bit of wood here Lee just get that the upgrade unit it's complete yeah converting your gold into wood is some like it's an acceptable choice up until you reach the point where it's now you're spending more than a hundred gold for a hundred wood and at that point it's just too inefficient to even bother [Music] yeah we do get a lot of obese sheep now that we're up to level 50 farming which is what you'd hope for you want to get something that I didn't show off is you can purchase a pack horse which can fold items for you but it uses a five suit food supply so I never bothered the concept of the pack horse I believe is that you could use that to go to the merchant instead of walking there yourself but since the items that the merchants aren't particularly required I usually never end up using it like I guess if we really wanted to be on top of it we could have used that to purchase like 15 extra inks but getting definitely you need for that okay we're going to need to get another armor before since these are all master archers they definitely cannot be replaced which means so we'll take out this lumber mill yeah that's fine and then once it's the next day we will put up another four you bring for anything here we cannot yeah placing it on the outside shouldn't be any more dangerous than the rest of our buildings they have 675 HP which is the same more or less the same as that he were a little bit better and the healers aren't dying which means it shouldn't die either all right two rounds remain before we reach the final boss which is of course just another demon level so it shouldn't pose any problems okay man oh well defense paladin because the defense paladin is more expensive I'm placing it on the interior side also I guess yeah I have a lot of gold coins to pick up go ahead and upgrade these soldiers in tonight I mean it is objectively better to have a knight here than a sturdy wall I'm just thinking though that could split the aggro a little bit that's fine yeah we do that thinking about all the currency drops so we can go ahead and link back in archer range is now up to level 40 bringing them to 2,300 attack range let's see if this can attack the top grade honestly you couldn't really tell there maybe it seems like it might be a hair short you might need more like 3000 range for that but we don't have the money to bring it to that point so our final few upgrades will be going into damage you know let's if we also have enough spare for one health upgrade yeah it's probably better than putting it into more sheep upgrades today wonder we double-click this will pull up all the obese sheep nice that makes that a little simpler enemies are up to 1300 HP which means we are by shotting them which is right around the minimum amount of damage that we want so we're on pace and the final boss would probably have at least 1500 then so that it's to be a five-shot as well yeah for reference I think if we were pointing this on easiest difficulty which is what I played on in my previous video the final boss would have something like 800 so it's actually so when you play on farmer god difficulty the units get 70% more HP and I think when you play on easiest it must be reduced which should mean that me could calculate this but I don't really feel like doing precise math but yes I think it's around eight ish so with our 25 Armour aura we have 65% damage reduction on the night which means it's effective HP is somewhere in the ballpark of like I wish thousand then you pair that with the healers which all restores 600 yes we do actually need slightly more healing upgrades we got another to pick up the gold with that we get it up to 640 which is once again 5 heals brings a single wall from minimum to fall [Music] we have about two minutes I'm not planning on getting more Archer upgrades that will do building help I was thinking about maybe getting me farming upgrade to squeeze out a couple more fat sheep which we mean another damage upgrade or - yeah it's just not see I don't know the problem is they don't know how frequently if you sheep upgrade to know if that would actually be worth it and I don't know what each upgrade really does so that makes it even harder to decide and yeah as I mentioned earlier the final wave will last for five minutes so we still have another six minutes of game left no point in picking up the flame blade but there might be some miscellaneous items here that could be better than what we have at this point we can drop the scroll of speed could pick that ring of evasion up that I dropped a long time ago I don't think that's necessary we'll pick up the advanced armor for a hundred-fifty line and what else hunter 50 life is better than 50 so we can grab one more advanced armor and a couple of greater damage bonuses it's more dragon armor okay with that it's this 450 HP a little bit of extra armor so our villagers at 61 percent reduction not nearly as good as it could be but not that so now we'll see if we die a single time to the final boss it's our final point Syria we can just split it into the attack speed upgrade and range took a little bit longer than five minutes to think that was three hundred thirty seconds so five and a half minutes if our walls do get dangerously low and they end up dying then we can always use our emergency and vulnerability but I think our healers are coming off cooldown fast enough that there shouldn't be an issue this is Loic access sheet all right you guys we can go invulnerable now for fun hopefully we don't get instantly stunned which means the because invulnerability does not affect living units they're just going around and killing all my sheep right now seems like a couple of things have died oh you know what might have just happened no no that's going to say it's possible that the tree got killed here and it did but I had walled better off earlier so it's not a deal it would be good to get an additional wall up if we can just so that they aren't able to hit the tower great yeah we're a long way away food wise some link back in any of our walls at risk of dying I guess we can upgrade all of our walls now or never mind these are actually still scratchy walls actually completely forgot about that I had just assumed diet made those the better walls by this point 200 seconds to go I don't think we've lost a single night yet although admittedly it is extremely hard to tell oh yeah let's take a look at the enemy he has 1700 HP which means this is in fact taking six hits I'd require about 400 damage to get that back in the five hit range well maybe more like 375 we're not that far off 860 seconds to go yeah it's a good thing that they really like to prioritize the nights if they wanted to they could just walk through here and start attacking the archers which would be a little annoying also just an easy link because this and round is so long we're in fact able to use our invulnerability spell twice but I'm not going to do that because that would end up most likely resulting in them passing around and actually you know what they couldn't get through because these master archers would be invulnerable but I feel like it still put me in greater danger than it would help with 90 seconds remaining once we reach the 40 second remaining mark even if we somehow died we would revive six times so it's pretty much impossible for us to lose but yeah our walls aren't falling our towers are killing fast enough this is in the back and that's with a lot of our walls being scrappy yeah 245 damage means that if your peasant does get attacks he'll die pretty quickly I guess one thing I'll explain here at the end is at the start of the game I selected the lumberjack you can also start select the ranger I don't remember what he's called but yeah the ranger allows you to use a ranged attack and said and you get multi but for killing bulk units cleave is a bit better but yeah technically if you wear the Ranger you'd be a little more useful than the lumberjack at this phase of the game but since we don't really need to be attacking with our builder anyway and that does not make a difference and 20 seconds remain it is now guaranteed impossible for us to lose and yeah for fun we'll go ahead and go and vulnerable one more time see if we get instantly meteor and there we go that's the game it's yeah this is the maximum difficulty I completed on solo of course and really the game does not get that much harder once you get the general flow of it down of course if we were playing on easy with this strategy it would be trivially easy but seeing as how it wasn't very hard on the maximum then yeah doesn't make too big of a difference so yeah barons TD it's a pretty fun game I learned how to beat this all myself and ended up after the end of my last video I had got the general gist of this strategy and was able to beat it on my very next attempt and took a couple more refinements in the early game to be able to figure out how to beat it on God farmer mode yeah all in all really fun process I recommend this game to anyone is looking for a new base survival game as a similar ish vibe to infection attack I think yeah just by definition this game is a little bit easier because it's so Lobel but yeah as far as I know infection attack is not so lovable on extreme difficulty I don't have to look into that again not be yeah when I tried it the make a year or several years ago it was very hard and nowadays infection attack just crashes which is unfortunate yeah so we're gonna wait another 40 seconds here to show off round 31 yeah so since it's cleared up we can see how many wolves died looks like we need one wall die here one healer and in a couple of our scrappy walls so we can actually continue to move make new walls with our builder the only thing we can't do is move this screen and for some reason we're getting chickens like I guess those must just have never been killed I don't know how we still have chickens and I'm not sure if the game just keeps going on like normal at this point honestly oh did you just suspect that it does this wave should have around 1900 HP and yeah should just be a little bit stronger than that boss was here it is units have 1700 so it's in fact a little bit weaker than the boss wave which of course means we'll be fine I don't know how many secret rounds there are but I don't really have any interest in figuring it out so yeah it's going to be it for this video if you guys enjoyed it consider liking and subscribing and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: ZeusesCloud
Views: 75,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, fun, entertaining, skilled, amusing, good player, heroes, Warcraft 3, Custom Game, WC3, Blizzard, battle.net, strategy, adventure, gaming, custom map
Id: 8LRL6RO2i5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 58sec (5938 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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