Suicide Squad Vs Justice League Full Movie (2024) 4K HDR Action

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is Amanda Waller I am the director of Argus a division of Homeland Security you've never even heard of but we we've heard of you and I'm here to make you an offer you're tenacious as Junkyard Dogs desperate hungry you know how to survive now that might make you the kings and queens of Arkham but outside these walls the world's forgotten about you and you're going to spend the rest of your lives picking maggots out of PR in meatloaf I could change that I could be your way out a chance to do some good and Harley Quinn Arham Gazette just a quick question what's with the freaking shark I uh would be happy to introduce myself that won't be necessary King Sha this is a microb bomb injector from our friends at leor stick it in your Target's neck and it's good night you want this to be where you take your last breath no then help me I only need one of you as for the other three you're dead already so show me what you got [Applause] so all right sorry so Mak sense Waller would want the world's deadliest assassin in our pocket I don't know what she wants the rest of you for knowing Amanda Waller it is nothing good in my experience what the heck is your experience and what's a fish doing in Arkham you got mental health issues short generalized anxiety but I was brought here from my home the ocean B rev Penitentiary all Focus for one damn minute this is clearly a trap any of us touch that thing none of us is getting out of here ah the prisoner's dilemma what's the bloody dilemma this prisoner wants out come on Captain you just got here I've been inside five freaking years feels like I've been stuck in this conversation for 5 years can we please oh so sorry Deadshot are we interrupting your being strapped to a gurnie isn't Deadshot supposed to be what aren't you supposed to be setting your damn mouth kangaroo looking ass because you are Australian okay so are we going to do the murder each other thing or what cuz I'll be straight with you I'd kill anyone to get out of here I'd kill you I'd kill myself nobody's killing anybody if no one goes for the bomb Waller comes back in here see she's not dealing with four screw-up psychos we all get out so then we do nothing excellent I have grown quite skilled enjoy your nothing idiots maybe you should have spent less time in brain class and more time learning how to pick locks because it looks like Captain [Music] Bang [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] n hey welcome back who wins no one there are bombs in our heads we are all losers the shark's right she played you all you played yourselves welcome to task force x tight spaces breathe okay need a plan to deal with these crazy Suns of you're already awake aren't you actually I'm the son of a God it is my shame to suffer Mortals in their buffoonery you and me both wasn't planning on picking up a bunch of liabilities in Arkham oh there's something in my ear do one of you bastards inject something in my ear in ear cic comes bet we can hear your wherever we go now you guys are making a girl Miss solitary still sure is nice to be out of Arkham thanks douchebags well we could have started a ride like normal people but no everyone's a backstabber it was a test a mind game I do not know if we passed or failed well four exploding heads are better than one where are we going and who are we killing they geared us up to take on an army what is that big drop kick driving the flame and train I am not I have never traveled by train before a brilliant you jinxed it this rides like the Aussie it's old and it stinks jokes on you love I'm not that old SharkMan pull that brake lever guys I know working together would be a train work and you do not disappoint ye stupid train stupid brain bombs stupid deal hey hold up big man what is it can you feel that feel what is is this a trick old school guess Miss off the books got something to tell or she made us a mixtape woo we on a game show Harley Quinn should you not be more cautious she ain't wired that way oh dead shot until we figure out where the hell we are let's play along with merer a is this a superhero Museum hate superheroes and museums I've seen it on TV it's the Hall of Justice so let's Rod the place get down hey man watch the a glass I'm okay what the hell you got there thought this baby was a myth speed force Gauntlet back when doc savan tried to lift Flash's gimmick miss you red a I'm still [Music] baby you found the Riddler's hat of invisibility wait the shotgun children o nothing says International assassin like a freaking jetpack I'd break my damn neck you're probably right jetpack seem more like a death strug thing anyway [Applause] mine that uh Hat's not going to get you vertical shark I can make my own way up well tickle me stupid sharks can fly all right you toys load of guns let's get up on that roof and get our free him back good to get out of that [Music] place just checking we're all seeing that thing right cool cool this has one way ticket written all over it Walla Walla Walla oh wrck o Walla what the hell have you sent us into it's a bloody war zone out here there's a giant SK in the sky congratulations task force ax you're the first assets to make it into Metropolis alive we're sending a signal transponder to your location your orders are to activate that transponder Waller out give me one reason why we should go out into that show the bombs dumbass morbid curiosity ah Waller is not offering us a choice I'm ready to jump off the roof now the hell is that is it a bloody Isen I suppose that counts as activating the [Music] [Applause] transponder [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I ain't dying next to a steel pimple with legs eyes up people what does that mean shoot the damn things hey guys thinking I shouldn't ate that extra tap I'll keep H the lunch it's the Green Lantern coming to our Aid ah you purple jerks you're in trouble now Green Lantern's going to Green Lantern nice hey your face always looks so what I was just about to ask you the same thing Quinn wait Floyd Lon they got to do something about security Arkham uh you know what I'm in the middle of Recon for Brainiac let's walk and talk look at that insurgents can't touch us Brainiac does get you keep saying Brainiac like it's a thing but I don't think it's a thing brainiac's the one finally bringing order to this world make it a home for his people all this soon it'll be a new planet kou that's been my mission for what 3 weeks now oh that in securing loose metahumans but looking at you I don't see the potential either way we'll put you to good use come [Music] on uh uh Mr lanton Sir uh I'm no matter uh could I uh shh I want you to see this pay attention Floyd let me go home please get it off get it off looks bad feels worse but once you've been enhanced There's No Going Back [Music] outstanding you're searching for frackers augmenting brainiac's Army the Shar get we shipped out Aon already Green Lantern help these resistors just don't respect martial law time to Rally up with Brainiac ready to make the leap Lantern I'm putting two rounds in this Brainiac skull then I'm coming for you yeah maybe I'll tell him I only found three meds and one dead body cut to Pieces Clash Bry I've wondered how you got off the ship Speedster secret the league doesn't leave anyone behind let's make you right buddy you know that's just what I was going to say so where's the flash at genius you've wasted our time a ye of little faith thing about Flash is he's a coward guy like him is a guy like me coming he starts quaking in his boots quaking too fast to see your Atomic vibration crap doesn't fool me mate Green Lantern really gave you the bash didn't he I owe him a tinny even if he isn't cop you can buy Lantern of beer after I put him in the ground boy this is about me and Flash get your own moment why don't you seems to me like this is about Waller the area is hot flash wants to stay behind hold him off great guy if he gets captured I'll kill you myself you know I'm starting to not like her our enemies come again worst dirty movie I ever saw there there were survivors they have fled recently leaving snacks in their wake they had the right idea somebody find the back entrance best dirty movie I ever saw oh crap this door will not hold we must barricade it you stay here pal see this I spent a lot of time dreaming up how I was going to kill you with it you're mine now and you're in for a world [Music] of a oh oh hey guys oh we were just having a little sh you hear that no more freaks something scared him off help me hey Bruce still using Shadows to scare the crap out us criminals huh don't sweat it Batman doesn't kill people are you okay [Music] [Music] go get him flash well F everyone first I am not donating to this Museum Green Lantern I have the flash your four escaped criminals they led me right to him no not a threat at all still let their corpses strike fear into those those who'd [Music] [Music] resist alive of course Brainiac we're ready for phase man the League's got to have something behind that door to help us get out from underwater yeah work those back [Music] muscles settle down mate This Job Calls for finesse maybe a little slide of hand touch the bone bit this entire time be cool be cool you can rip his arms off after we get in there got any other flash body parts we should know about just the fastest Thumb in the West after that gross ass detour we're back in business all right let's steal this [Music] [Music] o what's stuck up your ass I'm getting the hell out of here and this map is going to tell me [Music] how o b computer activate the threat assessment Matrix what you tough guys never seen a bat computer you can make it do all kinds of stuff you can play Snake you can wow ah no not so you got to be kidding [Applause] me I got her where the hell are the rescue you waiting to strike taste the fury of the [Music] SE [Music] explain yourself I mask my insecurities with drink and bad behavior what have you done with Flash Batman got him please don't kill me evil Wonder Woman look here's his thumb it just came off I swear step on me NE you brought them Amanda Waller unfortunately you're damaging argus's property this is some got my daughter a Wonder Woman shirt last Christmas you have no Authority here leave and take your criminals with you she knows who we are I'm taking Authority we trusted you let you live among us now your friends are slaughtering the people they swore to protect Batman Green Lantern The Flash and Superman you're the last one left Diana you need to work with us they have been enslaved by something terrible their minds are not their own I will find a way to bring them back we will defeat Brainiac and end this madness this is a hall for Heroes not you are we letting her just leave she is already gone like your courage when you are threatened shut up Shar she won't do what needs to be done can't do it too damn honorable that's where you come in task force x your new mission is to kill the Justice [Music] Le we've got no chance I've eaten fish Tougher Than This bloke I knew this day might come and you better believe I prepared there's another task force operative on site to support you meet with her before you go that's all [Applause] taking these guys on is suicide we agreed just picture it Holley Quinn kills the Justice League a sidekick got something to prove now that the boyfriend's dead sidekick oh honey I'm a freaking Superstar great so Quinn's down for staying here and and getting her ass killed what about the king here are you on team waller or team get the hell out of this mess a more complicated question than you realize mercenary and a false Choice as long as Waller's bombs are in our heads but the nanite injector she gave us came from there what that pigeon Le's Ro who tra you on over and ask if they do return shall we no way Walla lets us up town she'll kill us not if we do as we're told till she trust us we get to Lex Corp bombs out then you all can do whatever you want I don't give a right hello War Captain Boomerang team leader reporting for Duty and yeah looking forward to killing the Justice League and all but uh well you know these guns are a bit no offense then head Northwest that's the last known of a Gotham arms dealer who's dug into Metropolis Oswald cobblepot freaking penguin you want to last more than 10 seconds against the league cobblepot's been running anti- meta weapons for years I want him recruited and brought back to the Hall of Justice oh I'm going to recruit the out of them let's get moving task force h no no God damn JP D son of a lock me up my daughter get me into this with these I'm going to kill [Applause] you you uh want to talk about it no I was just about to do [Music] that you shouldn't be here yeah we know lady then why are you still in the city every minute I waste on you is stolen from the people who truly need my help I won't be around to save you again where else you going to go princess all the fun is right here I would bring you to Hobs Bay to save the Innocents there if I thought you gave it Dam but we all know better leave Metropolis while you still can we're trying to oh don't tell wer she did not confiscate our grenades that was generous well she didn't say we couldn't blow up on our way out of town right she did not would you look at us following orders hello swag yet again your feeble upper body strength betrays you Boomerang shark hold up it's Holly get us out of this Harley Harley do not touch us but you saying I can't really makes me want to you know Harley no worth it I expected that to catch one of you at most Alex we've been known to exceed expectations surrender Luther we have you outnumbered and outgunned my m I I could use an army of you he's pretty underwhelming when you get to know him seems you all have that in common tell Waller to stay out of my way if you'll excuse me my plan to neutralize the Justice League starts now I'm going to enjoy this you okay where you're almost there l oh The Flash is back come on good guy flash or bad guy Flash uhoh oh definitely bad we know you're getting help Lex so tell me about your secret pal spare yourself some broken bones take a shot already that's the flash you might as well post him the [Music] B did you get him demon did you really Scamper all the way up here just to Huff this sweaty Lex Corp armor man you know it's gone to hell when you really why don't you just mail me the [Music] bullet anyway what I was trying to say was let me guess brainiac's about to do some heinous to Luther and where next blah blah bull crap just give us money bags down there and we'll be splitsies what so you can roll them for beer money no no no no no see Brainiac needs Luther [Music] and oh you know what hold on a sec hello Brainiac is it happening now great you will have Luther ASAP good news you want Luther all you have to do is come and get him [Music] what the really thought flasher had us that [Music] [Music] time I think he thinks we can hear him right here in the big box with Luther on it maybe if we ignore them he'll just go away ma'am we are reading a massive Target in your Constitution Plaza task force x what the hell was that flash is alive and he's playing for team Brainiac and don't forget the great big gun and he has Luther one damn thing at a time that artillery is going to wreak havoc on our front line if there's a snowballs chance in hell you can destroy it I expect you to no matter the cost are we clear yeah where the snowball that gun's out of my AO and you four are still in one piece let's call it good news not too bad news tfx let us extract Luther before the flash [Music] returns so how the whole taken down the flash thing go still in play I get out of my way I have work to do Waller says you're asking in this Invasion you're coming with us no I'm needed here Waller is shortsighted there is no quick fix for a cataclysm of this scale if if you want this Invasion ended it's going to take why am I explaining this to the help get out of my well hey there sleepy head we've got an interrogation to get back to oh coffee I want you to stay awake this time you know for the torture that is disgusting okay we are done here hey you think I'm just going to let you walk away and tell these guys everything you know you think they can stop us [Music] no but I can holy get him nice one Lex always thought your inventions were a bit but this [Music] is what'd you look at that he did have a heart catch oh [Music] yuck ah the thingy what did you think would happen you'd crawl out of your cells swoop in save the day [Music] pathetic H pathetic at least I'm not a big hero turn stooge for a Spaceman okay Boomerang you want to see what a real hero can do I'll show [Music] you I did we just take out the world's greatest Assassin come on then got prick enough Wonder Woman dig GRE Lander never catch up with you you know what looks like he did Flash how do I stop [Laughter] this you can't brainiac's going to transform Earth into a new collo of course we'll have to kill every man woman then child to do it even the dogs Barry please tell me how Barry you have to kill us Diana we have to Die to Save the World [Music] Barry o sucks you got off your pals princess you know killing flash is on our to-do list how about a team up you didn't let her finish we should team up Barry Who the hell's Barry I'm a warrior for peace I swore an oath to never Strike anyone in Anger you four are seriously tting my resolve we need you to link up walla's phone to every TV screen in Metropolis you got it where is my phone greetings Metropolis Gree resenting the one the only Captain Boomerang and help what did I tell you I'm no one's sidekick flash I'm calling you out only one of us pulls off the red tights look and it ain't you Speedy you stole my phone that's a feral offense uh yeah we're ready for a rematch Flash a rematch with a bullet we're going to give you the content you love a good oldfashioned fre [Music] show speaking of what are you doing mate I'm smiling you're right terrify the bastard perfect when I think of the Justice League I think of Wonder Woman Superman Green Lantern Batman you don't want to mess with that lot but you Barry you're just the team mascot aren't you mate the comic relief the Speedy flaming laran yeah it's he's the loser in the lead folks the fastest man alive according to all these girlfriends it's the fluck sorry hey Metropolis do you like live executions well don't touch that dial or I'll break your fingers [Music] how do you like that Barry did you see that tell me you did I was like how do you like that we sweetie now get your damn gun out let me just catch my I'll kill you guys in a sec and so the flash has expired he saved Our Lives yet we ended his as honorable Warriors we will show proper respect to this Fallen Hero by show a little class man that holy congratulations makes sense the gods have cursed you in every other way guess you got what you wanted Boomer too bad no one saw it yeah well I saw it all right look I'm not going to make a big deal of it oh thanks we really appre but I've prepared a speech it's necessarily long take a seat jaie I know you love the dramatic stuff I really do to my massive and disappointingly male fan base I don't think the ship dug your Bait and Tackle show Boomer run that was a short speech Boomerang yeah real bummer we won't get to hear the rest of it don't worry you'll have time for last word words that man was the first friend I made on the league we were going to see brainiacs do K together you're going to wish you stayed in locker oh you need another lesson GCT I want to learn how far I can shove this foot up your glowing green ass Deadshot we're going to get gamed if we don't get out of here you should listen to the Section 8 here you are going to get creamed nah I'm thinking this round might go the other way more insubordination okay Floyd what can I say killing your first Justice League perks you right up [Music] a get your scaly hands off me uh Waller arey sure we just died and our an actual hell over [Music] hey Waller you're going to want to fill us in right now we must find a way back to [Music] Metropolis uh [Music] guys we're still in [Music] [Music] Metropolis our trackers for Lex Luthor not getting done up here and we're exposed anyone got a better idea than following a dead guy's heartbeat I do not sure let's find dead Lex in dead Metropolis ha what could go wrong [Music] three years three years scrabbling in the dirt of a Dying World working with scraps to finesse my Escape Plan and you've jeopardized everything in 3 minutes hi we're looking for Lex Luther Bal guy Rich a big hole in his chest this is Luther his sense is the same mostly ah come on we all saw what happened if this is him how'd he grow his hair back so quick eh my hair is hardly of all the people he could send that explains why you're dressed up like dead shot and Lady Boomerang outfit yourselves and meet me topside we have to move while the storm clears wait did you say Lex Luther is dead ah yeah mate kind of a fool we need to leave no no no hold up stop what the hell is going on here where are we how are you alive what happened to Metropolis is it a parallel universe yes this is a parallel universe to you it would be an earth two invaded defeated and now terraformed I had been communicating with your Alx Luther preparing him for Brainiac you the I want boots on the grounding out every rle until you find them sa FL La for me I got something special in my topside now redheads who died and put him in charge everyone else on the planet [Applause] conceptually this should still work just the power draw anytime Lex anytime just a few more calculations is head no purple sand no recirculated air it does smell like someone died in here but damn it I'm free is everybody present [Music] Boomerang I'm here don't worry guys I'm here yeah we're all so worried come in I repeat task force x come in Waller listen we've got a problem you vanished you better have a damn good explanation explanation of your Killers we know how's this we killed Flash you're welcome ain't got sent to another freaking dimension for our trouble you were there how in the hell did you get back well funny you should ask that cuz Hold the Line hun I am not your hun tell me where of this world can't know I'm here sorry buddy but we got no reason to lie for you nothing personal but we'll get 30 years easy off our sentences for bringing you in alive this time the same Devil's bargain my Waller made with task force x back home Quinn breaking up in I was enlisted into her schemes just like you answer me her choic has got you all killed that does sound like her and us get this into the inter sectum computer I can prove your Waller's the same type of monster Quinn answer me talk now or I'll make sure it's never we our our comms they busted our comms were busted Denning get in here you said the comm's upgrade would be seamless I've had it with your get your ass to the garage you're on Geral cleanup yeah yeah yeah Dennings get your together Denning sucks you for we're going to have a chat about about this other dimension return to the Hall of Justice now Waller out you owe us and I'll repay you in full we go on then this adaptive technology will increase The lethality of your weapons haven't had any complaints about my lethality but okay how does it work it's a self-correcting neural how does it work uh [Music] this is the place f find a plug for the thing [Music] Sho huh billionaires and their secret layers I miss my secret undersea layer you what no alarms that's a positive [Music] development now so much for the secret lab bloody W Shield is here don't embarrass me in front of her hey lady throwing us into a building totally out of line holy is that kryptonite it should be in a sword not a shield you saw the massacre [Music] upstairs your friends are Beyond saving how many more lives will be lost while you try and fail I do not need a lecture on morality from a shark she's in US princesses stubborn no matter their place of origin I can't be there in person Safety First my safety but with the lab's security measures disabled I should be able to there the easiest Takeover in corporate history I'll need a moment to find what we're looking for a weapon to defeat Green Lantern why does Batman have such weapons he is Green Lantern's Ally yeah that's rich Pricks for you always hoarded ah no offense none taken I'm very rich are you done okay ex St on the UN what's your play old man I want my city back if I have to save this world from Brainiac to get it well it's just good PR but let's leave the heroic sacrifice to Wonder Woman hm I can be a powerful Ally you can trust me unlike your Masters in the Hall of Justice I offer transparency those screw-ups actually pulled it off well third times a charm I guess but I know they're de man they're never going to follow orders they won't have a choice whatever Brainiac has on that ship can control M think about what artist could do with that power after the justice leag gone someone has to keep all the other metahumans in line it should be us what happens to Tas Force ax if they die they die if they survive we take control either way it's the end of their I knew it you did not you believe we could earn our release I don't know about you guys but I'm so over getting this stabbed in the back at least do it to our faces Waller okay Lex you made your point stuck between you and Waller you're the slightly less shitty option help us take down lantern in the league we don't turn you in for now excellent now with these devices you should be able to end your Green Lantern's little police state I thought I was going to have to hunt you jailbirds down like dogs and here you are and here we are yellow Lin better be did you get those from a gumball machine damn they're tiny doesn't matter we heard they break a Lantern's will how's your will doing look at me convict I'm feeling fresh and relaxed how you feeling Floyd godamn peachy ready to kick your ass how you feeling people I talk y'all is stomping all over my moment here in Brightest Day in Blackest Night no evil shall Escape my sight let those worship Evil's might beware my power green lter light oh bloody Shield still up the Green Lantern still maintains some control what's up Lantern you still feeling fresh and relaxed yeah that's what I thought not so easy in a fair fight is it a fair fight y'all look pathetic four cards do down to know when they're punching above their weight you're just going to go from wallers prison to brainiacs nah didn't you hear we're out on good behavior we are not ship's honked off about Lantern Shield's still up too what did you miss what are we supposed to do now starting to run low on Brainiac boys to kill we could wait around for Batman to pop out of a Flor grate and punch each of us in the brain we could take him yeah you know how many guys I saw get put into traction after saying they could whoop Batman's Ass now that he's all murder murder kill kill he could destroy us without it well what you doing there Shar shark what you got there buddy somebody take it from him you want to try way to maximize that potential Sharky [Music] in Brightest Day in black as night no evil shall Escape my sight let those who worship Evil's might beware my [Music] Power King shs [Music] light the thick bastard really did it go Shar somebody help me [Music] Waller Shields down acknowledged would have sucked if you ate us pal let us never do that again Waller I want to thank you for your service task force x what you've given us the opening we're taking it your sentences will be posterous commuted in recognition of your efforts impact in 10 wall always taking a nuclear option mad at this point now in your nose 5 4 3 2 [Music] one yeah go Superman oh [Music] Superman [Music] [Applause] C [Music] your friends can't be helped love flash told you either you wake the hell up and help us kick their super asses or you stay out of our way your highness he's still in there somewhere no matter what Brainiac has done to them I can still sorry will traffic was killer after the freaking Nuclear Strike nasty it's mted Waller so you going to commute our sentences here or is there like a ceremony or for X new orders get me to the Hall of Justice Gizmo we need a ride a bold request from a blackhearted traitor we've been through this before your Expendable assets that was always the deal Expendable assets with feelings you can talk about this among yourselves later Gizmo Gizmo you reading me man I got you send hello beautiful hey careful with her Andy W's a [Music] prototype goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] should have taken our chances with the nuke it's about time you saw things for from my perspective and where the hell did Boomerang go don't worry he always comes [Music] back [Music] the charot chop chop up just go I'll drive oi do you mind ever had ice cream before Sharky boys we have to get inside the inner sanctum now don't just stand there help me D Force I said now what are you doing I own [Music] you he is going to kill us all [Music] you want this to be where you take your last breath no then help me I only need one of you as for the other three you're dead already [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you shouldn't have done that shark that's Superman he'll kick your ass she's with us I'm sorry [Music] k [Music] it should have don't try to talk it should have killed him he'll recover be prepared shark help me carry her in we got Medics inside thought before of you couldn't achieve anything prove me wrong she's probably just bushed right her heart has stopped [Music] beating you went out like you lived allll looking Sharp and never listening to [Music] us what the hell do we do now task force x get inside if you're seeing this Robin it means I've been compromised I wanted to say goodbye Tim after everything I'm proud to call you Nightwing and Oracle my friends I don't think I can watch Batman cry this Holograms activation means that I probably the entire Justice League have gone Rogue here's the part where he's got to play Babel Protocols are active I've been secretly developing counter measures to nullify the rest of the league I started with the Yellow Lantern recovered after our battle with the Sinestro cor Green Lantern once told me that their rings are powered by the will of the user interestingly I found that already did this bit enhancing the power of the battery but that was just the start I tell us how to take you down bats never heard my guy Bruce talk this much in my life nice production on the graphics oh oh stop this is the killing flash [Music] bit Ah I was more fun in person anyways what are you looking for Harley me there is no anti- Batman device a RS well it was worth a shot Robin was here I do not think he won that's got Robin talk about cutting out the metalman team up with Nightwing Oracle and if you can find him Jason you'll need to rely on all your years of Highly specialized training uhoh discipline loyalty to your [Music] team an a freak good moment you dummy none of us can do this alone the team you lead the family you choose together you'll be formidable that's something you taught me son keep it together shark sharai are you crying I have a complicated relationship with my father join the club man knew now Superman he's our friend but he's also the most dangerous being to ever set foot on Earth if you want to have any chance of defeating your faith in Harley Quinn delivered you right to me binia told me to preserve your bodies but I'm going to enjoy destroying your minds you think I didn't know we'd have this L reunion one day took me years in Arkham to get any sense out of that jabberin cook Meister scarecrow but I earned my degree in neurochemistry Sumer come loud see you might be immune to your fear toxins but you ain't immune to mine impossible welcome to your worst nightmare bad sure glad that worked was fitty fitty on us surviving the toxin big jerk still breathing wait were you trying to kill him Lex Luther wants Batman alive oh yeah Ado Harley anyhoo nice work guys now listen what we definitely shouldn't do is put him in some kind of elaborate death trap situation what H trust me been there okay Boomerang get Lex on the line what the heck hell again Boomer what I thought we were going for the hat trick no fine good day Lexie we got the bat now what excellent bring him to me at Lex Corp how do we do that hello stiff us for the taxi always wanted to do this let's go B shoes on the other bat foot ain't it ain't it bets gosh he's really heavy no nobody help me um do you plan to carry him the entire way to Lex Corp who says I can't you couldn't have mentioned the doohickey two freaking minutes ago [Music] sorry more like dark B you know cuz he's really small yeah we get it you're going to die screaming at Superman's feet why what's up with his feet I don't know man we're two for two on killing your boys so far love makes an work the you think you're a team now you're herd animals dependent on someone else to survive like you Harkness an illiterate alcoholic who's desperate for the spot and Floyd's a dead be dad Sharky is a freak will'll never be a real boy and I'm what was was it oh yeah I never was too bright get some new material jerk off you know Joker used to be real good at hurting people with words but you boop even when you're evil you're still too good you had a good run Brucey flying around Gotham punching bad guys clean up the TRS causing long-term mental and emotional damage to everyone you know it's our turn now after all we've been through but you didn't think it'd be me at the end hit are we done with your bad standup routine almost but you always got to end on your best joke time for us bad guys to save the [Music] world hell of a bat signal huh what's up bat's got the last laugh after all oh he would have wanted this the real Batman I mean remember his inspirational video his plan did help of overcome Flash and Lantern should we have watched the segment on Superman what matters now is our plan we're out here making it work so what's the plan how about we shove these gold Kryptonite bullets right up his ass I don't think that's how we're supposed to [Music] [Laughter] one of the world's finest Heroes snuffed out by this mhm and your next sure sure you can tell Wonder Woman all about it not so funny now is it [Music] all my life I moved Heaven and Earth to protect you now is when most people would start to prey looks like just the four of us sent your ass back to Krypton Cel going to stay tapped out this time I really Hy he's dead come on live in the moment Boomer well we only went and did it you bloody Beauties we killed Superman hell we murdered the whole Justice League in self-defense since they were all totally evil yeah a Titanic battle a good glorious battle but one foe remains just doeses it look different to anyone a little scared maybe I do not think it can show micro expressions like me it would have done something by now right hey scream now a forever rest in peace I'm calling it task force X4 Justice League and Brainiac zero ah do you feel it the swell of Pride for what we have accomplished together oh I don't know how to feel about respecting you lot but oh it's choking me up shark you're crushing me feels like we've grown as people from killing all these people you want to high five know what Quinn I do up high celebrating before the game is over how human of you don't you know this is my game I make the rules yes you know who I am second level intellect fice your flight I'm not letting you do either just yet I want to show you what happens next let's call it a sneak preview perhaps you were too busy ending the Kryptonian to notice but my Invasion continues invasion always continues new kou will be reborn in your Universe in every Universe I'm making it a universal concept and that brings me to you for how did did you defeat my Justice League H you fall with your chaos your every fractal failure your every inexplicable success pure unpredictable fascinating ah ah the margin of error I've got it it's you well I can't remove you from the equation now there's too much to learn better to own you I will unlock your full potential to serve me Floyd L your code your attachment your your progeny we don't need those I will make you into the greatest assassin in the Multiverse Haren quinzel such destructive potential held in check by your friends for me you'll burn this Earth down and why stop at wers connected to my intelligence n you'll have the knowledge you crave as you devour all who would resist my [Music] Enlightenment and you Digger hardness I'll give you what you've sld all your life what I already started so I followed through no need to thank me for my interdiction we have more pressing send me back I didn't get to hear what brain man was going to give me he won't get the chance next time his gangly ass pops up he's getting two in the forehead Brainiac will already be dead on account of my having devoured him H don't worry boys we're going to shoot him eat him poop him out maybe shoot him again it'll be great so make it happen Lex we got an alien Mastermind to murder Master mines when Brainiac revealed himself there was a multistatic response across dimensions 13 brainiacs Even if you were to somehow defeat one your fight is far from over we get to keep killing him over and over 13 times the payback an eternal conflict this is beautiful Lexi we get to fly around the city doing acrobatic the Justice League are all dead plenty of unsuspecting victims to blow up and get cool toys from and best of all wallo don't have a [Music] clue for crying out loud did you for really think you were doing this on the down low what did I tell you about playing dumbass double agents you're art Daddy godamn I'm right and as for you I might have missed my first shot at you but I don't make the same mistake twice I'm taking control of that phasing Tech you use to pull their asses out of the fire and then I'm going to control you because in this world I always get what I want Boomerang get him not so fast boomerang so predictable Amanda I already have a nano bomb implant ironic as Luther Corp made the nanobombs and if anything happens to this Lex Luther the building goes with him hold on a minute this guy is Lex Luther too we had no idea we can explain everything go on uh we cannot explain when you're done visiting the science fair get your asses back here this Luther's even slimier than the last one ma'am you're still on oh God damn it screw [Applause] it please after all we've been through bunch of giant space dildos ain't going to stop us what Harley is right we are task force x together we are unstoppable join me are you kidding soon task force x get back to the Hall of Justice easy Parts over it's time for our real Target Waller out inside the wood World meet new people swirl brainiac's big head in the dny Beast jail ah The Suicide Squad A fitting Monica given how the next few minutes will proceed bit on the nose possibly okay Brainiac any final words Tyrant make them memorable because this group is easily distracted oh how about this I'm going to break your bodies hollow out your minds and rebuild you as my pets with what your special brain power hours ain't going to work this time no I thought we'd try something a bit different just for [Music] fun my name's vill docks I'm the fastest man alive now where were we we must escape with our Quarry do you plan to carry him the entire way to Earth boy who says I can't Squad five tiny Brainiac zero all right that was pretty good Brainiac action figure still in box slightly used let's sell him to toy man we cannot I will devour him remember and then the pooping come on you already got to do the Giant space shark thing let someone else have a turn you straight up executed the damn Batman and you got to say something cool before you killed lanter I'm thinking a plastic bag some poor poor ointment then we insert brain man into no man what the hell are you for doing now where is brainiac relax Lexi got him right where we want him I swear to God the data Spike only works on a live target perhaps I can modify it in time for the next Alien Invasion or perhaps I should use it on one of them Harkness what are you doing well how else are we going to get through all the doors on the skull ship you Waller out I would like one one of the kind I'm afraid downloads the bright meic branch of Brainiac Network through coluan neurology with the focus on nonrecurring anomali you need uh with a focus on nonrecurring anomalies unique to each dimension so we get to play with a bunch of cool from alternate universes and then what retire once you've defeated all 13 brainiacs yes you mean 12 a kill list we can work with that [Music] oh oh you guys Metropolis this is Lois Lane from all reports it seems that Batman is gone as Batman and as Bruce Wayne everyone knew him everyone knew his voice always prepared he left a communication with the Daily Planet in the event of well it reads when I put on the cowl I became a symbol but I never stopped being Bruce Wayne citizen of Gotham remember that we are all handed adversity in our lives no one's journey is easy it's how we handle that how we help others that makes us unique that's what the Batman will always stand for Metropolis we'll get through this and Batman goodbye you will be missed but never [Music] forgotten
Channel: GameClips
Views: 189,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suicide Squad Vs Justice League, Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League, Suicide Squad, Justice League, Suicide Squad Vs Justice League Full Movie, Suicide Squad Vs Justice League Movie, Justice League 2024 Full Movie, Justice League Movie, Suicide Squad Vs Justice League All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2024, HD, 4K, HDR, 4K HDR, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2024 Movie, Batman, Superman
Id: fSJ-yrFkeaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 57sec (7077 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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