War Machine: Evolution (TV Shows and Movies) - 2019

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the variables threat response battlesuit and its pilot Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James rose [Applause] [Music] ambush [Music] war machine [Music] spider-man destruction befriend us great cat meows over Brandeis Thanks I owe you one whoever you are the names war machine this wasn't your fight it is now little mana buyers Rob Iron Man's the other guy but thanks for the compliment [Music] I have two orders of business one I'm promoting James Rhodes to chief engineer for advanced technologies thanks man you've earned this keep the skies clear damn [Music] next time baby [Music] Target Lock launched activating war machine propulsion systems [Music] hahaha Brody how are you and why is my best friend wearing the mark 2 armor somebody had to since you've been leaving the Super Hero Squad I've had to cover all your other stuff work for Stark Industries shield the initiative the Illuminati that jelly of the month subscription that you never got around to canceling jelly of the Month Club you mean the jelly that's hand-delivered every month by supermodels I've recently become a huge fan of apricot preserves [Music] [Music] you guys okay bye-bye one machine thank you sorry guess that must overslept sorry for the delay guys getting dressed was a pain what a showboat Wow Tony when I said all of you I meant it metaphorically what can I say Sam I don't do anything halfway I'm surprised Stark did not think you're going to show good thing I had friends who still had faith in me what an explosive reception there must be at the right place [Music] yes now this is gonna be a good story if you live to tell it you think I can't hold my own we get through this I'll hold your own you had to make it weird well no I didn't say you could leave your machine coming at you right okay what give me back my roadie [Music] hi now Tony go hi [Music] which cometh a chicken my to litter cool genom should we bow yeah he's a kid it seems like I'm always thanking you for something what are you doing uh we we don't do that here [Music] this is a nightmare I have better nightmares Hey so that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it with him I thought we bypassed the battery but we did it's still plugged in and just just stopped rebooted send the signal again be a part of cinematic history Assemble adventures and game oh God what's up regular-sized man
Channel: Renash30
Views: 1,687,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers Endgame, War Machine, War Machine Evolution, War Machine 2019, Avengers War Machine, war machine, marvel studios, marvel, renash30, Renash30, war machine suit, War machine, endgame war machine suit, avengers endgame war machine, iron man, avengers, avengers assemble, the avengers, marvel avengers, mcu, renash30 2019, avengers endgame final battle, avengers endgame ending, tony stark, marvel phase 4, marvel comics, war machine evolution 2019, evolution of war machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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