Every IRON MAN SUIT in ARMORED ADVENTURES Explained (Flashing Lights/Fast Imagery Warning) πŸ¦ΎπŸ€–

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[Music] well it looks like we're back to talking about iron man armored adventures again i'm really happy to see that a lot of you really enjoyed the last video i made about it but i am sad that i talked about the mcu as much as i did because i wasn't able to talk about other things that were really cool about the show while my last video focused more on story and character a couple people in the comments said they would like to see me cover the different armors of the show each and every armor has its own unique aesthetic so i figured while i'm working on my earth's mightiest heroes review i can make a smaller less complicated video in the meantime we'll be covering the armors in chronological order and if you really enjoyed this video let me know if you'd like to see me cover the villain's armors and take some day as well but without further ado i give you every single iron man suit in armored adventures explained [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first armor on our list is of course the mark 1. the mark 1 was created by tony as just another in one of his many inventions intended for stark industries this one sets the precedent for all other suits on the list the mask plate in particular is noticeably different from previous and present designs in other media sporting a more round mask that retracts into pieces inside the helmet the suit is extremely sleek and doesn't have a whole lot of bells and whistles functioning more so as an all-around suit adaptable to most scenarios its capabilities include repulsor beams and jet boots allowing the pilot to reach supersonic speeds along with a repulsor shield capable of protecting the wearer from something as drastic as a plane crash with only one gauntlet generating it additionally the armor is durable enough to protect the wearer from a relatively controlled re-entry from space if the pilot is ever knocked out and in danger of having their identity revealed the suit can be remotely locked up with minimal power this can be terrifying to the wearer however as the armor essentially becomes a tomb preventing them from moving and yeah that's a pretty bad way to go if the comics are to be believed in its normal mode however the suit is extremely flexible able to fit most common body types and heights for different pilots tony also installed a computer ai in the armory systems that runs most digital functions however this ai was initially susceptible to corruption as shown in the terrifying episode man and iron man this led to tony almost being trapped in his suit forever by his ai just to as the computer puts it the first protocol of this unit is protection of the where the greatest threat to anthony stark is anthony stark what you seek out danger this cannot be allowed inside this unit you are safe so you will be contained within this unit indefinitely so uh remember to get your ai tested kids safety first also in regards to its magnetic arc energy the suit was capable of changing the frequencies of its repulsor blasts in order to combat things using the same frequency like the living laser the mark 1 was also capable of absorbing repulsor energy but was only able to do so from an exposed generator so it's unlikely he could just simply do this to another iron man armor it may not be the strongest suit in the show but it is still more than capable of lifting things as large as train cars eventually tony even converted it into a backpack that could transform around the wearer with the push of a button and as a huge fan of the suitcase suit this made me pretty happy to see more than just once and uh oh yeah it also has roller skates because according to tony it uh seemed like it could be useful at the time and to an extent he was kind of right after all if an emp goes off and shuts down the digital systems that allow flight you still need a way to get around fast this silly gadget was only ever used once but oddly enough it fit the plot that it was in it was also fun to hear tony try to justify them with a technobabble name because he was trying to make it seem cooler than just roller skates even though this aspect is silly tony's creativity allows him to be prepared for almost any scenario which brings us to originally starting out as gauntlet accessories for the mark 1 the arctic armor was designed for below zero temperatures as well as combating opponents with the ability to generate ice like blizzard while not the fastest armor on the list due to bulk the arctic armor more than makes up for it with its specialties heat is one of the primary weapons of the armor able to heat its exterior to melt off the quickly generating ice of blizzard as well as repulsors and shielding that could easily take the villain out the suit also had sonic disrupters to incapacitate on armored opponents relatively painlessly this also helps in an arctic environment as the sound waves are easily able to shatter ice it should also be noted that shield employed the arctic armor design for their mandroid robots while not traditional armors the mandroids were created by hammer multinational after tony's armor specs were stolen and sold to the highest bidder these robots may not be as durable as the standard armors as shown when they were taken down by the extremist enhanced malin but they are still incredibly strong and possess an extremely powerful tractor beam that could render almost any foe immobile this worked especially well when a mandroid unit worked together making the beam strong enough to incapacitate something as powerful as the hulk but if it's a full-on upgrade to the basic suit you're looking for we need only look at the silver centurion [Music] while never officially named in the show this armor's design is heavily inspired by the silver centurion armor from the comics the comic version of the armor was designed to take down obadiah stain in his ironmonger armor and in armored adventures the silver centurion suit was created for a somewhat similar purpose after encountering villains with tech able to contend with the mark 1 tony built the silver centurion a slightly more upgraded version of the mark 1. it's mostly identical except for its bulkier gauntlets and the slightly different color scheme this suit doesn't exactly have many unique capabilities but the episode he was introduced in whiplash saw tony go up against well whiplash and despite the episode coming out exactly a year prior to the movie i'm pretty positive they were trying to hype up both the suitcase armor as well as whiplash for iron man 2. the suit's most notable capability is that it was very resistant to electricity in particular being completely wrapped up in whiplash's electrical chains and still functioning perfectly whereas the mark 1 was dispatched quite handily by only a couple attacks from whiplash as mentioned it also had large gauntlets but the purpose of these if there is one is unknown it's possible these are meant to keep the pilot's hands more fortified when battling enemies with cutting weapons like killer shrike and of course since this is my favorite armor in the series that means it only shows up for about half an episode at most coincidentally the red and silver suit happens to be my favorite suit in the movies as well i just wish we got to see it more than two minutes but seriously god bless the modelers and animators that created that thing oh my god but next on the list we have a suit that shows up much more often or rather rarely shows up at all i'm of course referring to [Music] much like the arctic armor the stealth armor started out as a mere alteration to the mark 1 but eventually got its own color scheme and designation alongside the mark 1 and 2 this is probably the most prevalent armor in the series tony created the armor for you guessed it stealth operations specifically sneaking into stark tower as tony himself was banned from entering it by the ceo at the time obadiah stain while physically weaker the stealth suit is still incredibly fast and has the basic capabilities of a standard armor but most of the suit's power goes into its ability to warp light around itself to appear invisible even masking heat signatures additionally the sensors allow thermal scans able to see through walls and locate enemies using similar stealth tech unfortunately this tech is so good that it can allow other armors using it to see iron man even when fully cloaked one aspect that isn't exactly unique to this suit but is extremely effective for stealth operations are the extendable cords located in the hand these allow the suit to directly hack and download external material eventually like most of the armors it could be piloted remotely from the armory by roadie and eventually pepper after he became war machine this became a necessity for all the armors as in its first episode tony had to ditch the stealth suit in star tower because its cloaking field initially drained too much power and shut down as a result tony rody and pepper had to concoct an elaborate and convoluted plan in order to sneak the stealth armor out of the building this armor is easily one of the fastest but objectively also the weakest this is most likely because the cloaking field drains most of the armor's power and tony stripped it of heavier weapons to dedicate its energy consumption to its main specialty when confronted by titania man who was already a massive physical threat the armor was practically torn apart before roadie came to tony's rescue after this fight however tony realized the suit should probably be a little bit more prepared and employed sonic disruptors into the suit but when tony needs pure muscle for a job he calls in the hulk buster the hulkbuster mech suit was created utilizing technology tony took from defeated super villains while it's not entirely clear how the villain's gimmicks were implemented in the suit the armor is easily the most physically powerful in tony's arsenal when tony first fought the crimson dynamo with the mark 1 the best he could do was hope to slow the giant spacesuit down however when tony faced an upgraded version of the dynamo armor his hulkbuster was able to overpower it with sheer force the suit is equipped with extremely powerful hand repulsors as powerful as a standard unib the unibeam essentially being a massive output of repulsor energy that would practically drain the mark 1. it also had a payload of rockets under the chest and twin miniguns located in the shoulders unfortunately the armor is somewhat of a glass cannon it was initially susceptible to pure electrical attacks and is much less flexible and mobile than the other armors although it is still able to fly at the very least it's also susceptible to mental attacks from modoc and the controller's discs not to mention when facing opponents with near insurmountable strength like the hulk or the walking fortress that was the iron monger the armor is way out of its weight class so as much as i like its more robotic design i gotta say i do like the mcu versions of the suit much better as they're much more versatile and effective not to mention just straight up cooler looking so it's a good thing tony has created other much faster suits to maneuver these types of situations such as [Music] the iron man armor was created to survive almost any conditions but after having been hit by a gravity gun that sent tony hurtling into space against his will it's most likely this was the point tony decided he might need a suit specifically for survival in space the most notable aspect of the space armor outside of its color scheme and missing mouthpiece are its extra booster repulsors located on the back for escaping the atmosphere this easily makes it the fastest flyer of tony's armors naturally as an armor made for space travel it has an ample oxygen supply as well as communication line capable of communicating from an orbiting space station to a fortified bunker in new york city the armor's connection to the armory most likely became a high priority after the aforementioned unintentional trip into space which shut down most of the armor's functions one of its most powerful and unique capabilities is being able to generate a selective magnetic field giving the wearer limited magno kinesis despite its speed the space armor was easily outclassed by the living laser a being comprised of living light sometimes there are some dangers tony has to overcome with his intelligence as opposed to pure strength and speed sometimes he's forced to fight the very armors he's designed which brings us to [Music] this entry is a little different as i'll be covering three armors instead of one now i know we're going a little bit out of order for this one but that's because the guardsmen are knock-off versions of former armors on the list after tony's armor specs are stolen by ghost and sold to obadiah's stain stark industries produces force shockwave and firepower not exactly the most creative names i know each are based on the space stealth and hulkbuster suits respectively they do have their own unique attributes though the most notable of these being force's capability to generate a hard light construct hand from his suit somewhat similar to that of a green lantern not exactly sure when tony added that to his armor specs but then again he made laser gauntlets and roller skates that he only ever used once so who am i to say what gadgets he hasn't created in his free time the shockwave suit also has the sonic disruptors of the arctic suit and firepower has a giant missile attached to the back that can level an entire city block despite being based on actual iron man specs the suits are made of cheaper materials as they are meant to be mass produced through the military even though the suits are technically knock-offs i still love their designs and unique color schemes like many villains in the show these armors are based on lesser-known characters from the comics force originated as a namor villain before going on to have a more prominent role in the armor wars alongside firepower a prototype battle armor created by the government to contain rogue meta-humans interestingly shockwave is the only one of the group that is not an ironman villain instead primarily having a history with the hero shang chi in armored adventures the trio are former gangsters hired by obadiah stain to promote the guardsman armors for military use granted they ended up setting up scenarios to look more heroic than they first appeared it's most likely stained hired criminals to pilot the experimental armors as they were probably cheaper labor and much more expendable than normal volunteers but we've been talking about the normal iron man suits for a while it's about time we gave my personal favorite character and his suit their do [Music] the war machine armor is an absolute tank where the hulkbuster armor was designed for close quarters combat the war machine armor is covered from head to toe in weapons for long range assault these armaments range from tracking rockets mini guns in the wrists to even a missile launcher and a laser cannon located on each shoulder this is all on top of the standard repulsors and unibeam but being the most heavily fortified armor it is inevitably one of the slowest next to the hulkbuster in fact it has extra propulsion jets in the back and calves just to get in the air but make no mistake it can reach high speeds in fact it can even exit earth's atmosphere however it was designed specifically for combat and does not have the connection capabilities of the space armor or the upgraded mark 1. the suit was first discovered by roadie when all the other armors were out of commission and roadie himself needed to save the rest of the team in the field from then on he became iron man's field partner with a much more stable armor as when roadie first tried on the mark 1 it was too fast for him to handle it may not be my favorite suit or even my favorite version of the war machine armor that yet again has to go to one of the mcu versions it's still extremely unique and well designed as the proper tank that it is so it's sad that despite its extreme power roadie gets heavily warped in season two like hard it is strange considering rhodey is the more level-headed member of the team but giving him a suit that is more about long-range combat and strategy does at least fit with his personality so treating him as a run and gun character didn't exactly fit i think it was at the very least a missed opportunity but it is still physically as strong if not more so than the mark 1 and even mark ii and speaking of which introduced in season two the mark ii is the peak of tony's present armors in the show when tony's mark 1 is destroyed in a battle with whiplash tony breaks out the new and improved mark ii the suit isn't simply a replacement though it includes a life support system that helps heal the body quicker than normal and in terms of offensive capability this suit includes a flamethrower three pack mini missile launcher sonic disruptors and it's even able to generate energy fields around opponents to prevent escape when tony's armor specs were stolen and sold to obadiah stain tony also added restraining bolt gadgets that were able to shut down the copies of his suits but only temporarily as they soon found a way to counteract this but the most impressive part of the mark ii is less the upgraded nature of the armor and more the fact that tony upgraded his own physiology after nearly being killed by a shield agent with the extremist super soldier formula tony realized he needed faster reaction time to beat his opponent injecting himself with a modified version of extremists this allowed tony to have a mental connection with his armor able to summon the armor around himself at any time additionally the formula made tony a technopath giving him the ability to hack into computer systems with only a thought surprisingly despite this show in its circumstances being extremely different this episode of the show was pretty on point with the main aspects of the extremist comic it was based on on top of this tony even implemented a force field into the suit that could shift to negative or positive magnetic charge to counteract the master of magnetism himself magneto who was only able to use one type of magnetic charge at a time personally i would have gone with the much more effective wooden gun method but that may have been too powerful and i think the writers at least want a magneto to have a fighting chance i must be dreaming this but if you want to talk about ridiculously overpowered the next armor on our list is completely off the charts after all how do you fight technology so advanced that it's straight up from the future [Music] [Applause] [Music] quite a few of you were pretty disappointed that it didn't cover this character in the main video and in retrospect i'm sad i didn't talk about him as well because iron man 2099 is easily one of the coolest characters in the show andro stark is the grandson of tony hailing from a dark future where tony creates a virus that wipes out humanity which as people who are familiar with tony stark at this point we ask the legitimate question which one but seriously he's basically sacrificing his very existence and family to save the future and he's more than equipped to do just that he wears the most advanced armor scene in the show almost appearing as a second skin with an energy field capable of disintegrating any physical attacks upon contact even weapons made of vibranium it's so futuristic that andra states your antique mark ii armor against my hyper pulse mark 9 armor is like a calculator competing against a super computer he's not bluffing either the armor is capable of time travel teleporting multiple people and even having an upgraded extremist that is 16.5 versions ahead of tony's offensively the suit is god-like able to tank repulsors and even unibeams without even a scratch and then subsequently return in kind and then some the armor has repulsors and an ultra beam capable of downing a heli carrier and can generate energy shots capable of mass destruction disabling technology or even acting as homing shots that merely disarm and knock out opponents andros also has an ai jarvis installed in the suit that can predict an opponent's moves even before they make them it's even capable of creating hard light constructs but how complicated they can be is unknown iron man 2099 may seem invincible but it is still susceptible to vibranium attacks that can get past weaker portions of the energy shield it's just a shame that this was the last time andro stark appeared as a character in any marvel product by the way which you might be asking the question but wait a minute isn't there 2099 iron man in the comics as well after all the concept of iron man would fit right at home in the futuristic world of 2099 and yeah yeah you'd be correct this is the iron man they gave us thanks marvel you know now that i look at it i'm starting to realize why the 2099 brand was never all that successful outside of punisher and spider-man but at long last this brings us to our final armor on the list which really did please fans everybody give it up for [Music] the stealth armor mark ii is easily one of my favorite armors in any marvel universe it was created specifically for use by pepper potts after practicing with the remote controlled stealth armor a lot tony finally made pepper her own armor she also really really really wanted her own suit so tony also probably wanted to make her stop asking while this may not be the first appearance of the rescue armor and media it easily is the best designed version the rescue armor is one of the more unique ones made having a very different color palette and face plate not to mention being one of the leanest and fastest models which very much does fall in line with pepper's personality it has the standard loadout of the other armors but per pepper's own request the suit also is equipped with energy bombs or laser grenades as she puts it and naturally her armor also has the capabilities of the original stealth armor i do also appreciate that they gave her unique shapes for her unibeam and hand repulsors so seeing a variation on this design for the end game version of the suit made me very very happy granted they didn't exactly get the color scheme exactly right but you know what i waited a long time for that i'll take what i can get sadly this armor was introduced in the last three episodes which of course means it didn't get as much time to shine as the others but for what little time it has on screen it really made a big impression i mean it wouldn't be an end game if it didn't and at that we have every single iron man armor from armored adventures i hope you all enjoyed this list it was a fun side project for me and like i said at the beginning if you'd like me to cover the villain's armors in tech if this video gets popular enough i might do just that but in the meantime i've gotta get back to work on the emh review so i'll see you guys next time for more comic book talk animations and reviews y'all have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Bovine Designs
Views: 1,110,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man space armor, iron man stealth armor, iron man rescue armor, war machine armor, iron man arctic armor, iron man hulkbuster armor, iron man mark 1, iron man mark 2, iron man 2099, iron man armored adventures, iron man armored adventures theme song, armored adventures, armored adventures iron man, iron man space suit, iron man arctic suit, iron man stealth suit, iron man hulkbuster suit, iron man rescue suit, teen iron man, bovine designs, armored adventures mandarin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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