Want DT's Desktop? Deploy My Dotfiles! - DT LIVE

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and we are live welcome to another edition of dt live hope everybody is doing well here give me a few seconds here to get some things set up for those of you that are already hanging out in the youtube chat as always give me a yay or an a on the audio i'm not monitoring obviously the audio coming from youtube i can't just listen to the youtube audio while streaming because there's a delay anyway it it wouldn't be right in your head all right let me quickly check out the uh chat before we get started here or some of you guys left chat for the last 24 hours or so i posted uh that i was i announced that i would do this stream you know yesterday and i've lost some of the chat from those really early guys unfortunately you can only go back so far in the history of the youtube chat here uh some of you have mentioned uh you're here for various config files such as xmo.net or qtil or whatever we're going to deploy all of my dot files i'm going to do it almost like i just did a fresh reinstall of my system so i'm going to install all of my dot files and we may take a look at all the window managers well maybe not all of them because i've got like config files for about 15 different window managers some more config than others but i don't want this stream to be extremely lengthy if i can keep it to an hour that would be great i think that is a perfect length for this video it has to go to an hour and a half okay i don't want to push it past an hour and a half because once you start pushing a stream to you know two hours of in length sometimes library and odyssey and they have a problem uh syncing those over to their services because of the file size the file sizes are too big for their sinks to handle so when i aim for an hour we end up going an hour and a half which i think we probably will this is going to be kind of a big topic but it's one people have asked about for a while and i've uh kind of put it off for a little bit not because it's a difficult topic or anything it's just um you know it's time consuming but not difficult as far as making the video it's not time consuming actually going and grabbing somebody's dot files and you know deploying them yourself and the title of the video is you know you guys are deploying dts dot files obviously everything i show you can be used deploying anybody's dot files including your own all right uh yeah terminal velocity in the chat was asking hey dt been a while since i've been on what's your current distro window manager desktop environment of choice so my distro is arco linux the window manager i'm in right now is q-tile but this is uh we're going to be doing an arco linux installation actually i'm not going to install it i've already got it installed in a vm a fresh install of arco linux and then i'm going to install well i'm going to deploy all of my dot files and then install all the programs needed to make those dot files work hopefully this will solve some of the problems some of you guys have matter of fact let's go ahead and get the party started here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to launch vert manager here i've got this vm somewhere in here arco linux b deploy dot files that's the one i want let's put this on its own desktop let me go ahead and start this vm i'll make it full screen here and of course this is a fresh spun up vm hardly any packages have been installed on it it's was kind of a minimal installation of arco linux i think dwm is already installed but not much else so let me log in with super secure password here and this is the standard uh dwm package for arco linux this is their spin of dwm uh it's got a cocky here which really don't need the first thing i'm going to do and this is strictly for this vm here is i'm going to run a x render command get us a better screen resolution so you guys can see a little better what i'm about to do i'm also going to go ahead and kill all conkey just to get that cocky uh off the screen i don't remember what the default key bindings for their dwm is it really doesn't matter if i i could exit the terminal with exit the wallpaper needs to be redrawn as well are they using nitrogen i think they are but i could be wrong about that all right hey guys uh obviously i had some issues there i'm back though let me make sure that i'm actually still streaming here how is the audio one of the problems with doing uh these tiling window managers keyboard shortcuts uh sometimes instead of affecting the vm sometimes it affects the host machine and it actually killed my uh my window manager he killed q-tile whatever it was i hit on my keyboard so let me get back into vert manager here give me just a second guys actually my vm is already running let me get to the desktop here so when i got back into vert manager it was already running i just needed to display it one thing about vert manager for those of you that haven't played with it before you know it uses kvm and qemu and uh you know these vms will run unless you really shut them down so me logging out of my window manager actually doesn't stop this vm from running it would keep running i could actually log into a different window manager and it would keep running so thankfully we didn't lose anything anyway what i was wanting to do was exit out just to clarify or just to verify that i did kill the cocky there so those commands that i ran let's see if i can zoom in here they're using uh termite as the default terminal so all i've done is i set the screen resolution this you guys don't have to worry about this doing this on a real machine but i just needed to change that in the vm and then i killed the cocky just to get that off the desktop because i really don't need to see that now the next thing i want to do is what is the command to bring up a run prompt here in dwm the default prompt is d menu and you get it with super p and uh the arco guys have left that key binding intact so what is their web browser do they have firefox installed they do so what we need to do is go get somebody's dot files obviously i'm going to go get my own so i'm going to git lab dwt1 that's my repo that's me derek taylor all right and all i need to do is for those of you that are not familiar with you know how to get the url to clone a repo so in gitlab you'll have this projects tab here if i was logged in it would actually list all of my projects i'm actually i've never looked at my repos not logged in here it is personal projects these are all of my repositories the one we're really interested in we may play around with some of the others but for sure we need the dot files repository that's where most of my config files are going to be and in git lab if you go to clone you can actually get the urls to do the git clone you can get clone with ssh or you can get clone with https if i was doing this on my machine because these are my personal dot files i do the ssh because it's just easier because i wouldn't need to enter a password because i'd take care of all of that with my ssh config but if you're just grabbing somebody else's configs what you would do grab the https link and then the terminal type get clone and then how do we do a paste here in termite i guess ctrl shift v works so git clone and then the url to the repository that we're cloning and that works on github or gitlab it's always the command is git clone url it's going to take us a second to clone that repository and now that we've cloned that repository i was in my home directory when i ran that command so if i do an ls here in the home directory you see there's that repo the dot files directory there i could uh cd into dot files and run an ls and let's do an ls dash la if i can type correctly having a little bit of trouble typing some of that may be the fact that i'm in a vm there's a little bit of a input lag sometimes in these vms so there's everything that was in the get lab repo right so there it is on my system the dot config directory is going to be the big one i go into it here in the browser i mean this is where most programs place their config files is in your home directory slash dot config and then what you we would need to do now is just start moving the config files that we want from this person's repository in this case my repository over to our actual home directory now you could just wholesale move everything over which is what i would do in my case because all of these are my personal configs but you guys probably don't want every single dot file in my dot files repository you're probably just interested in one or two things you just want my exmonet configs or you just want my qtile config or whatever it happens to be my bash rc or my neo vm config or doom emacs whatever it happens to be you can just pick and choose exactly what you want and then move that over and to move that over what i would do let me go to a different workspace and uh it looks like supershift enter here by default and arco linux opens a file manager so that's actually what i was trying to do is open the file manager i got lucky on the uh the keybinding there i'm surprised i guessed it on the first try anyway we need to show hidden files i'm not sure how to do that in the thundar i don't use thundar that often okay go to view go to show hidden files and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna open up a second instance of thunar just to make this easier so this is our home directory and in this second one i'm going to go to dot files and if i wanted just to move everything over you know i just grab that and move all of that directly over into the home directory if you guys just want to pick and choose some things you know maybe you just want i i don't know the bash rc for instance if i move the bash rc over and just replace that bash rc now if i open a terminal let me get on a new workspace and this is my bash rc some of the things in it are not working because it's calling on the starship prompt which we haven't installed it's also got an alias for some things involving b root brute which is a a rust program and then my color shell scripts command is also not found but we can fix all of that that's very easy uh we can actually go ahead and start fixing some of that right now with yay dash capital s and i believe it's just starship for the starship prompt so we will fix the prompt right away all right and then let's see let's go ahead and get b root installed as well now my shield color scripts is the only thing that we haven't fixed yet and we can't fix that without uh cloning another repository so i'll actually hold off on that but that's that did fix the prompt you know that's my new bash prompt you know the starship prompt there i really need to find the key binding that actually closes uh that so that's how you would do it for a single file or even a single directory now you know if i wasn't dt i've got dts bash rc right and then i could do that with the zshrc fish or whatever it is but for purposes of this video for speed i am just going to copy over everything and i'm going to choose replace all so overwrite everything that was already there basically i don't want the the standard config files that were already on the system overwrite them with these and now that i've done that we actually do need to install some stuff so i'm going to close this this file manager here i'm going to keep this one open because i need a reference of what to install all right so this is my terminal i'm assuming this was this is the bash prompt or is this the fish prompt let's do an echo shell well it is bash the fonts are messed up because it's trying to use a font that is not installed on the system now i will just go ahead and tell you guys what the font is because it will save you some time i use a lot of times mono noki nerd font and ubuntu mono nerd font and my configs so for pretty much all of my configs if you install this fonts package you're probably good so let's see if i can search for nerd fonts here that's nerd fetch i didn't actually know nerd fetch was was a thing uh let me go back over to the browser and let me just do a quick search for arch linux nerd fonts nerd fonts complete nerd dash fonts dash complete so it's not nerd fonts oh one word is nerd dash fonts if i did tab complete on just nerd fonts i think it would give me a complete list of like we could install some individual nerd fonts but i'm going to take the time to install all of them now one of the things that is going to be a problem on this video for those of you watching and i do apologize we we are going to have to install some stuff a lot of stuff right because we have all these config files but we don't have the programs installed that the config files actually need and because of that installing some stuff it's gonna have to install stuff from the internet it's gonna cause the stream to buffer there's just no way around that though we have to install some stuff some of these installations will be very quick some of them will take a while the nerd fonts complete package actually takes a while i say well it will take a couple of minutes but that's fine because that allows me to come back to the chat for a second so so so far it's pretty easy right you go find whatever whoever's dot files repository on github git lab wherever they're hosting that stuff run a git clone url to that repository and now you've got that directory of dot files on your system just start placing those dot files where they need to be right super cue to quit uh in arco linux dwm i i definitely don't want to quit out of uh dwm i was trying to close a window but maybe that's what you were i'm not gonna try it now because i've got that installation running i would hate for it not to be the right key binding i could look it up i mean i could go look at the source code for their dwm but we're going to replace their dwm in just a second anyway well not a second but later in the stream we're going to replace their dwm with my dwm we should talk about that my dot files in my dot files you will find all of my shell configs you'll find my rcs for bash zsh and fish so all of that will be in there you will find my doom emacs config and a lot of people don't want that matter of fact in dot config you will find uh doom i recently uh moved that from the home directory over into dot config doom just to be more compliant with xdg standards so neovim is also here so we've got the shells we've got the editors and most of the window managers will also be here you will find uh awesome bs pwm erbs luft i3 left wm see what else is in here open box uh poly bar which is be needed for bspwm and i think i3 uh qtile is here spectre stump uh sshkd of course is needed with bspwm xmo bar of course will be needed with xmonad the xmonet configs are in the home directory under dot x monet x monad is kind of weird technically you could put it in dot config x monad but it really doesn't work it always likes to recreate this directory anyway and put stuff in it and then i also use icons in my xmode bar and those icons have to be in dot x mode add slash xpm these xpm images it won't render those images if they're not exactly in that directory so this directory just has to be here anyway so you might as well just leave your configs there there's no point in trying to move the x-monad configs i wish the x-monad guys would fix that but it's been a problem since the beginning of time uh is there anything else in my home directory other than the shell things uh x resources if if you wanted to use my config for like x term or ur xvt of course you need x resources for those color schemes and nothing else really here the screenshots directories screenshots for the repositories you know for my gitlab you know you you see screenshots on some of the things that's where those are stored you guys don't need that and local bin i do have these six scripts here these scripts are some of the modules that are running in xml bar in my xml ad config so you probably need those if you're going to run my xmode and nerdfonts is taking a little longer to download than i thought but then again i am streaming so we're sucking up a lot of the the internet streaming and then it's trying to do this massive download of fonts i should have just chose the the two fonts that i knew i needed because really i only need i think three nerd fonts for all of my configs i need hack nerd font ubuntu nerd font and mono noki nerd font there's one other font i also need source code pro but it's in a different package or actually i think it's now part of the nerd fonts package too anyway so i i need those four nerd fonts i'm downloading the complete set of nerd fonts that's like 15 or 20 fonts looks like it's getting close to the end though i'm sitting here watching it but finish the download which obviously is the part that takes the longest so just another few seconds here dt i can't get uber zug working in xmo ned what do i do i i have no idea i mean what i know not to be flip it but i don't know have you have you asked uh the uber zug guys have you um go to the uber's uh github or gitlab open an issue or the ex monad guys open an issue with them uh now obviously it's going to be one of their faults not both but but if you open an issue on it with the exmonad guys and they say it's not their fault it's uber's ugg guys go open an issue with them you know then but i i i don't know anything about uberzug and how it works with exmoned let's see you should do linux from scratch that's not not the point of today's video by the way my installation of the nerd fonts failed that is unfortunate because we really need those nerd fonts or we at least need some nerd fonts let me go into the arch website here and we'll just search for nerd nerd fonts complete the ones i need we'll just install the individual packages i know i need nerd fonts mono nogi what was the other one i said i needed nerd fonts source code pro nerd fonts ubuntu mono i just want to make sure i got the names correct and nerd fonts hack so if i installed just those four fonts so nerd fonts source dash code dash pro and nerd dash fonts dash ubuntu dash mono i hope i'm typing this right the font is so messed up it's hard to actually see what the heck is i'm typing here because uh the spacing is all wrong then nerd fonts dash mono noki there was one other one i said i needed and i can't remember what it was let's just install those four for now it's asking what do we want to install no space left on the device we may actually have to install another distribution why is there no space in this vm i haven't installed anything that is very strange but i must could not create working tree directory nerd fonts mono you're kidding me created a 20 gig vm which isn't a huge vm we've used 19 gigs of the 20 gigs of space so that's the problem okay that's why that installation failed well that is unfortunate that is going to cause us some problems so we might as well kill this vm because we are not actually going to be able to use it well we might have to do an installation here on camera of something if i can't find a vm that is big enough how big was the seduction vm i created the other day it's not arch though i need to stick to archbase distribution because obviously you know if we start choosing a distribution that's not arch some of my config files may not work because different distributions are going to have different versions of some of these window managers and programs that i like to run i can't believe we'd already filled up 19 gigs of space on that vm alright guys so here's what we're gonna do go grab an iso actually i might even have an iso already on the system before i do that i don't want to make the stream buffer by downloading an iso when i might already have one for arco just sitting around because i install it all the time now i have isos for solus and seduction nixos geeks they're not gonna work not for what we're doing today no i may actually have to go grab the arko iso give me just a second guys well what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go grab an iso for arco linux i'll probably just grab arco linux b one of the tiling window manager editions did they redesign their website recently arco linux and this looks different i haven't been here in a few weeks though i don't think so anyway downloads the arc linux website is a bit confusing i want arco linux b oh go grab it from sourceforge and the one i want and it really doesn't matter which version because we're going to overwrite everything with my configs anyway but i'll just do the dwm one that's 1.8 gigs in size yeah so that's weird i can't believe that vm had 20 gigs uh of space taking up on it that's strange i i can't imagine what is installed on that thing it doesn't have any other window managers on it but dwm i mean that would you would think that would be what's taking up all the space but maybe you know when you obviously unpack these isos installing them i mean it's like a two gig iso i mean what does that actually extract out to 10 15 gigs by itself and then you know the downloads from from get lab some of them may be kind of big i mean my dot files repository has a couple of thousand files in it probably i don't know man you could just clear the cache yeah we could try that while i'm waiting on the download actually the download's already finished good deal and we could try to clear the cache just to see if that's the problem i can't imagine we're gonna be able to clear enough cash space though because we're going to need a little space we're going to have to install a ton of stuff and arco linux installation will only take just a few minutes oh what do we got here well let's just go ahead start that vm and we'll try to clear the cache yeah the nerd fonts is like eight gigs so that's the problem it's the nerd fonts package yeah i'm gonna have to create a new vm yeah i'm not even gonna i'm gonna try this then because we're gonna have to install a ton of stuff i've got to install x monad and all the haskell packages right for xmode ad and people are definitely going to be interested in xmo net like that's one i've got to show today on camera qtile which python's already installed on the system so qtile it's not that big if i do anything with uh like my alacrity config and left wm and all these rust programs we're going to have to install some stuff so it'd be easier for me to just go ahead and you know bite the bullet here and you know do what i need to do or installing um just a new vm and i'm going to give it plenty of space so arco linux dwm here invert manager cannot automatically detect the iso for arco as far as what operating system it is it's arch linux of course so just start typing arch and choose arch because we're going to install some stuff from the aur and some of the stuff we'll need to compile i'm actually going to give it eight gigs of ram today we'll give it four threads of my cpu so we're gonna make this a little beefier let's give it plenty of disk space 50 gigs and we're gonna quickly run through this installation here like this full screen here i haven't done an arco linux installation on camera in a while so it's not the the worst thing in the world for me to quickly just do this while that's installing of course i can try to keep up with the chat clear the cash yeah yeah but i'm not gonna be able to clear enough cash space i know i'm not i don't want to waste too much more time on the stream than i've already done it's not going to clear up enough cash space space for all the fonts eventually i'm going to need to clone my wallpapers repository i'm going to have to install a ton of software too so it's just not see it's just not going to clear up enough cache space for me to do this stream i just needed to create a new vm all right so for those of you that are not familiar with arco linux you know one of the reasons i like arco linux let me get to a new workspace here let me go ahead and fix the screen resolution one of the things i love about arco linux is the installer you see it's a calamari's installer but you're going to have a ton of categories to choose so it does allow us to install a lot of the software we want out of the box like if you wanted the linux lts kernel which a lot of times i just stick with the lts kernels you could take that on or you just want the standard you know the generic kernel you know just tick that one on and that's really all i need from here of course you could do multiple kernels you can do the the standard kernel and the lts kernel both and have them both installed and you know you choose the one you want to use in the in grub under communication do i really need any of this stuff i don't think i actually use any of this stuff in real life zoom occasionally so i don't need any of that none of my dot files will require any of that stuff now development uh some of my dot files will involve vmax and notepad qq i know none of my dot files really need it so i'll leave that off but usually i do install notepad qq on my machines under office i really don't need any of this for purposes of this video usually i would install libreoffice on a fresh install though multimedia i actually in real life use a lot of these now i'm not going to be doing anything with multimedia here in these vms so i will actually skip that just to make the installation a little quicker under internet we need a browser uh i think firefox is the default browser no actually vivaldi i think usually comes installed uh firefox or volte maybe both um i think i'd rather use brave though out of these cute browser is also an option i don't think i need anything else though for my dot files to work theming i mean this is just if you want some extra theming you can take on like the adapted gtk theme or no breeze or whatever it is you want it really doesn't matter and i don't really need graphics programs for this video gaming i definitely don't need any gaming stuff for this terminals yes my dot files are gonna reference alacrity a lot uh other than that i don't think i use any of these other terminals anywhere in my dot files some of my dot files do reference st which is successes simple terminal but i have my own build of st already packaged up over on my git lab so i actually wouldn't install st from the repositories anyway file managers thundar is there by default in arco linux i'm used to pc man fm how it works i'm going to install that you have uh other options nautilus dolphin kaja you even have a couple of terminal based file managers like midnight commander ranger it's going to stick with pc man fm for now see under utilities just quickly scanning to see if anything pops out at me as far as something i will need just to make my dot files work i don't think i need any of this stuff yeah i'm just going to skip all of that and then we have this last category do i need any of this stuff i need nitrogen so i'm glad i saw that that's going to set our wallpaper these fonts here that it's offering i don't really need those fonts i'm going to need some other ones though i don't really need any of these password managers privacy stuff virtual box stuff and not for purposes of this vm and then this final category some development stuff uh some arco linux development stuff we'll skip that all right now we get to the standard part of the installation it's already figured out my time zone which is good my keyboard layouts good see erase disk no swap just to save even more space there's no reason to have a swap we're just going to make one big 50 gigabyte partition and that should be enough space for what we need to do i'll do the host name of this as arko and then let's create a strong and secure password and use the same password for the administrator account all right there's the overview then we click install the installation i'll take like five minutes especially since i didn't choose much software right i mean we hardly chose anything to install as far as extra software yeah big pod yes why i'm installing uh arco linux i actually had several vms or arco already on my system and i thought about using them but you know my vms that i typically create i typically create them at 20 gigabytes in size sometimes 25 gigabytes 20 to 25 gigabytes there wasn't enough space on those vms to do what i'm trying to do today because i'm trying to go grab all my dot files and redeploy them and show you guys how you can use all of my window managers and terminal emulators and things like that and it would fill up a 20 gig disk very quickly installing all these programs that we're going to install today yeah guys i figured out dt's password it's to asterix youtube censored it yeah youtube did not want you to spoil the secret youtube's looking out for me uh the arco installation it's about 10 done all right bt what are your thoughts on the mixed source microsoft cross platform editor vs code i've never used it so i have no thoughts on it at all sorry uh i can't speak on something i've never used i'm not sure yeah these days i'm pretty comfortable with emacs so i i don't expect i will be looking for some ide to use other than than emacs anytime in the near future do me max is just so comfy like it's it's where i live these days adt what do you think about bedrock linux i've never understood the point of bedrock linux at all it seems like a really interesting idea that is also rather pointless like the idea of being able to install software from repositories from the arch repositories and the debian repositories and you know all these other distributions is like seriously if you're on arch you've got all the software anyway right you get there's nothing you're gonna miss if you're on arch you have access to everything and the debian repositories are pretty good like if you're on a which most people are on a debian based distribution or an arch-based distribution if they're a desktop linux user i think that covers like 95 plus of you guys out there you don't need to play around with something like bedrock linux you just don't yeah i'm gonna show some uh window manager configurations that was the point i actually thought i would be halfway finished with the stream by now but i didn't realize i was gonna have to actually install a linux distribution for this i had man i've got like 20 vms created already invert manager i've got another 8 or 10 in virtual box but i never create them with enough space for what i'm doing today you know and like typically when i'm doing these vms is these first impression looks at these new distros and i never install a full suite of applications that i would use like on my real machine and that's kind of what i'm going to do today because i'm going to install a ton of stuff and these 25 gigabyte vms they don't have nearly enough space especially depending on how i created the vms many of the vms i did create with the typically i'll create them with a two gig swap partition if i do a swap so that's two gigs right away that i from that 20 gigs that's not even available to me for those wondering where we're at about three quarters of the way there probably just another two minutes or so probably and the installation will be complete samuel says are you still interested in geeks yeah which is why you saw that i had uh the iso for geeks earlier and nixos i've got vms of both pretty sure i've got vms of both get out of this where did i have vert manager i'll just show you all the vms i have at the moment still have a vm of antics 19.3 really like that distribution i have several vms of arko just to play around with um you know to experiment with things that you know maybe would be dangerous on my main production machine i'll do the in these vms uh gnu geeks right there nixos is down here and i've i've actually been in both of these vms recently probably within the last week you know updating the system installing some software just you know seeing what i could do in them i really would like to try to live in gnu geeks at some point the problem with gnu geeks being one of the 100 free distributions is somewhat of a lack of software as far as software that i use all the time for example the window manager that i was in today right qtal utah is not packaged for bringing new geeks i couldn't i wouldn't be able to use that window manager if i switched to geeks just as an example but there's several programs that i use all the time that i wouldn't find a package for on geeks and of course we're not even talking about hardware compatibility with the linux libre kernel that would also be an issue for a lot of my machines now nixos is very similar to geeks but of course it has proprietary software it has a standard linux kernel i probably could actually install nyx os and live in it and get work done and be fine with that geeks i found a little bit more appealing because i did like the fact that everything was configured in gnuguile which is a dialect of scheme which is kind of a lisp like uh language and you know being an emacs guy you know everything's configured in emacs lisp and i really new geeks is a really interesting project not that nixos isn't just as interesting it's just different is nixos archbase no they have their own repositories their own packages all right everything is done okay now let's just uh click done and see if vert manager is smart enough to detach the iso it looks like it is and because we've spent the first 45 minutes of the stream really just installing arco linux well me figuring out that 20 minutes we needed to figure out that we needed to install argo linux oh i got a black screen here is am i ever going to get the rest of the vm to come up a little concerned we better shut down restart it i think the installation was probably just fine i think that was just a glitch yeah that sometimes happens i've noticed uh when i click full screen uh and it's still uh you know you got all the start jobs and system d you know loading on the page sometimes it just it never gets to the point where you see light dm that's just a virtual machine thing it's it's not something that you guys have to worry about all right well i hate i close that uh start screen because i'm gonna need that later i think uh actually i don't think i'm gonna need it all right so first things first now that i've got that you guys remember the first thing you need to do if you're going to go and get somebody's repository over on github or gitlab you need to run the command git clone and then the url to their git lab now i just happen to know the url to my own git labs so that helps it's at gitlab.com dwt1 slash the first one we're going to do is dot files dot get and that will clone my dot files repository now if depending on what linux distribution you're running sometimes they don't actually have get already installed you may have to install git before you can actually use git of course so in an archbase distribution sudo pacman dash capital s get you know on a debian based system sudo apt install get all right now if i do an ls there's my dot files repository right we clone that here so now let's cd into dot files if i do it ls dash la or long format and list all the files including the hidden ones because much of my dot files repository are hidden files right that's why they're dot files they begin with a dot dot config is the folder where most of our config files of course will live on the system in the home directory itself is where you'd find the exmonad directory it's also where you'd find your bash rc your zs hrc x resources so let me open up sunar even though i did install pc man fm i could have launched it as well so there is the dot files repository let's see let me take this to the second workspace and that's nice that it automatically took me to the second workspace with it now that's interesting i didn't realize the arco guys had patched dwm for that i actually wasn't expecting that let's open up two windows here in thunar so this is our home directory then this is the dot files directory now what i'm going to do because these are all of my dot files i'm just going to copy all of these into the home directory but you guys what you would do you would pick and choose what you want out of my dot files if you only want my bash rc for example or only want my bash or z and my zshrc you know you would just grab those and then drag them over or just my xmo nad folder or whatever it happens to be but for me obviously i want all of it i'm going to click replace all so it's going to overwrite everything there and then what i need to do is i need to go ahead and install all the software that i need so try to remember some of the default arc key bindings here although we won't have to remember them for very long my bash rc has already taken effect you see the prompt has changed but we don't have the fonts we need unfortunately so with ea i'm going to install nerd fonts dash ubuntu dash mono i know that's one of the ones i need and nerd dash fonts dash um what is the one i use in my terminal i think it's mono noki nerd it could be source code pro though nerd fonts dash source dash code dash pro and i know i need nerd fonts hack for my d menu and for my dwm panel uh and you guys watching the stream i know you can't read this font i can't read this font either the font's broken my terminal configs are expecting one of those fonts that i just installed to be there and it's not so it's falling back to some hideous looking font that is not even spaced correctly but installing all of those nerd fonts now i know what fonts i used in my configs if i was installing somebody else's configs and i noticed things were broken i would actually have to go read their configs like this is the termite terminal and if i had grabbed their termite config what i would need to do is i would need to go into dot config there's a folder somewhere in there for termite i would go into config let me right click see what i can open it with i can open it with emacs or vim it's the only text editors i have on the system my vim config is broken at the moment but that's fine and i could go through this config and find the fonts that i set i say i could let's see search for font font is mono space 12 well that doesn't that doesn't do much for us that may not be my termite config that may actually be the default archo but if it was my config or somebody else's config i grabbed that's how you would do it you would actually go to that program's config file find the font that it's trying to use and either change it to a font that is already installed on your system or if you want to use that font you have to install that font all right so you relaunch this terminal and the font is now fixed right this terminal is x prop installed it is this is termite uh and in my termite config i guess i'm trying to use mononoke nerdfight is what it looks like it is and that's one of the nerd fonts that i had just installed installed so that fixed the font problem now the next thing i want to do is go back into my home directory here and what we're going to do is install all the programs i know i'm gonna need for example just looking at all the the dot files here bash bash is the default shell on arch and most archbase systems there's no reason to install bash we're in bash right now but you noticed i copied over the shrc i don't have zsh installed on the system we should install zsh in dot config i also know fish is in there let's install the fish shell anything else dot x monad is here so we're gonna need xmo ned let me zoom in here so yay dash capital s z s h fish x monad x monet dash contrib that's all the contrib libraries for xmonet that give you all the extra modules and fancy effects and everything and you know my config is filled with those things so you have to have xmonad and xmonet contrib annex mobar uh those are the xmobile being the dot config folder but i'm still in the home directory i have configs for the surf browser if i wanted to use surf i'm not going to install it i could though uh but i'm not gonna show surf on camera today so i won't bother just uh be a longer download the alacrity terminal so that's gonna be the default terminal in most of my tiling window manager so i absolutely have to install that anything else awesome other than xmo.net and dwm which is already installed for us i'll install awesome you might as well install bs pwm if you install bs pwm you also need sx hkd the simplex hotkey daemon uh do me max we may do something with we may not herbs to look you know what i don't want to just fill up the 50 gigabyte drive uh herbslift i haven't configured it that extensively we won't look at that today i3 yeah why not i know a lot of you guys use i3 i'll skip left wm uh anything else nitrogen is already installed we chose that when we installed arco neofilm definitely going to want neovim because my bash alias my uh fish aliases too actually vim is alias to neo-vim so if i don't have neo-vm on the system it's always going to complain open box uh should we play with open box today heck why not a poly bar is needed for bspwm so we're going to need that q-tile yeah definitely want to play with q-tile cube browser i haven't got installed but i i've got brave i'm just going to use brave for this vm for today spectre wm i'm not going to do anything with today stump wm definitely not yeah i think we'll just go with that for now that that's enough of me installing stuff some of my most interesting config files anyway uh there's some dependency errors with i3 uh yeah i3 gaps it's going to be the problem all right i mean my most interesting config files that people are interested in typically are if you look at what people grab from my git lab i mean everybody uses my exmo ad configs and my qtile config so we got them in open box you know my open box configs are always meant a oldie but goodie from the early days of the channel a lot of the other window managers i've configured them some but not not to the extent that i've done those three window managers the awesome config i've played around with quite a bit as well so we will let that install and then because i've already got the dot files in place right once i get the programs installed the programs themselves installed i can actually just start using these programs because the config files already should be ready to go they should just work the only time they wouldn't work is if the config files also require extra programs that we forgot to install like extra fonts or something that the config files specify dt script to automate this process i have actually played around a little bit automating the process for myself it's actually pretty easy to create a script yourself for for this kind of stuff you can actually get a list from pac-man of programs that you uh that you installed i got an error here error command failed to execute correctly so did it have a problem installing this stuff now alacrity is there so it did finish the installation of the programs themselves but it failed to execute some command i'm assuming uh haskell we installed x-moned and of course all of haskell it was probably trying to recompile x monad or there may have been a pacman hook somewhere to to recompile x-moon add and for whatever reason that field because i'm i'm assuming that's what the problem but yeah creating a uh a pacman script or not a pac-man script but in pac-man you can get a list of all the packages installed on your system and you can actually i think specify packages you explicitly installed on the system meaning they weren't already there when you installed your distro you installed them personally you can get that list that way you can just take those you know put that in your shell script that you're writing and if you reinstall that same distro you already have the list of all the packages you yourself installed on that distro boom right it's it's pretty easy to create your own little installation script let's see uh dt why would you suggest using x-moned and xmo or over bspwm and polybar um because they're not the same program xmlnet and bspwm are not really anything alike i'm not a big fan of tiling window managers yeah it doesn't matter i mean this video is not really about window managers it's deploying config files i mean these could have been config files for any of your programs uh well i mean there's more in these config files and like this was all the dot files we just went and grabbed most of this is not tiling window managers i mean i've got config files for m4 which is a gemini client castero which is a a podcast player uh for the terminal do me max obviously you know it was a text editor for the most part nitrogen my wallpaper setter i had configs for it and the config files in it are just what the last wallpaper i used is a tint to which is the panel for open box hey i mean dot saving dot files is not a tiling window manager thing that's a every program thing all of your applications that you use if they store any kind of settings how do they know what those settings that you set how do they remember it is because they write them to a config file somewhere on your system right when you go in your file manager and i tell thunar to remember that i want to show hidden files well how does it know to show me those hidden files the next time i open up thundar's because when i clicked on show hidden files it wrote that to some file somewhere on the system right a matter of fact right here in dot config thundar i don't usually use thundar but i bet you in one of these files if i opened it there'd be a setting somewhere for show hidden files and it will be set to true rather than false because i clicked you know this here right that's how the config files work and that's why you can take them anywhere you want that's why if you save them to a github or gitlab repository it makes reinstalling your system so much easier is because all of your programs you don't have to go back and set them up exactly the same way as when you were using them before they should just work now that i installed all of this let me quit talking and let me log out of dwm and i don't know what they use for logging out is it super x yeah and let me reboot just to be on the safe side because we installed a bunch of stuff let's just do a a complete reboot and now you see we have a bunch more window managers now on my machine it's like a list of 15. but we skipped a bunch of them just for purposes of this video but now if i wanted to check out exmoned let's see if i can log into it i bet i can't yeah and i expected that not to work the reason i expected that not to work is because the terminal earlier told me basically it wouldn't work that error message i've used x-moned and haskell programs long enough i knew after that uh pacman install all those programs and then it gave me the error at the end what it was trying to do is trying to recompile xmonet but it could not so i need to recompile xmo.net myself now what i could do since i have other window managers to log into let me go back into dwm and let me open a terminal to recompile xmo.net or any high school program because they are compiled programs right exmonad space dash dash recompile is the uh command specific to xmonet and we are getting some errors why are we getting some errors it's the uh is the haskell compiler not installed i would think that would be a hard dependency for xmonet but it may not be i do a a dash capital s thc which is the haskell compiler that's already installed yeah i'm not sure why xmoned does not want to recompile for us user lib lib c g lib c not found g lib c is that the problem surely g lib c is i'm sure that's old version new version and there was an update to take you know one thing i didn't do i never updated this machine this iso is old and even though i installed a bunch of packages i actually have never done this sudo pac-man dash capital s lowercase y lowercase u some of these packages are old yeah there's a massive update i need to take yeah and one of the things about doing things live but it's good that uh you guys get to see me fumble around a little bit yeah when you install a a distribution especially if the iso is kind of old and this arco iso i think came out about three months ago it's an arch based system right a lot of the stuff that's installed on it has been updated several times in the last three months so yes let's update the system let's see got some questions here i'm confused what's the difference between x-monad and bsp wm men i've got a video um i would suggest checking out if you have absolutely no idea the difference in these window managers because it would be a little bit of a lengthy discussion but hold on a second i never fix this browser situation from when i accidentally killed the stream earlier a comprehensive guide to tiling window managers it's an hour long video and i discussed the differences between i think seven maybe eight different tiling window managers all the popular ones that you guys have seen me use that would include i3 bs pwm qtil xmo.net awesome dwm and a couple of others but the main differences between tiling window managers some of them are manual tilers some of them are dynamic toddlers and that's the biggest difference like the one that's noticeable bsbwm is a manual tiler xmonet is a dynamic dollar again watch the video for more on that also the way they handle multi monitors is also different if you use more than one monitor it's probably one of the biggest differences too other than manual versus tiling is the multi-monitor uh aspect of it x-monad handles multi-monitors completely differently bs pwm i3 dwm and i'm waiting for the update to complete we're getting close to the end here see can you explain how to till all applications to find their config file in config directory since every app have their own config file spread everywhere i'm not sure what what that question is could you explain how to tell all applications to i can't tell the application where to put their config file applications just put their config file where they want sometimes you can move it sometimes they have the option to put it in two or three different places you can read the man page for the application and see if that's the case for the ones that you're wanting to move around but for the most part most applications are going to put it in dot config unless it's older stuff like exmonad puts it in the home directory emacs puts their config file in the home directory why is that the case because those programs have been around so long they were around before there was these standards these xdg standards where people were saying hey all the config file all the user config files need to be in dot config well emacs and xmo nad and a lot of these programs that are using the home directory the reason they're still using the home directory because that's the way they did it when you know before it was common practice to put everything in dot config and in some cases it's a big change for them to start using the dot config directory rather than the home directory so you know it would cause them some hassles major rewrites breakages at the end of the day though you if you install enough programs you're just going to have to learn to live with having a whole bunch of stuff in your home directory you're never going to be able to move everything you're just not there are some things that are just going to have to be there uh dt what do you think about chrome os i don't know anything about chrome os i don't use it the only operating systems i use are linux that's that's all i've used for years and years and years i don't really know much about windows anymore i barely touch windows except when people bring me their windows machines and want me to fix it and put linux on it i haven't used a mac since the 1990s like 1996 i think was the last time i used any kind of mac and that was a different mac than modern mac so it's not even the same it's not even in the same ballpark as modern mac so i don't know anything about mac os don't know anything about chrome os i've never had a chromebook never played on one don't know anything about it i actually don't know anything about google chrome the browser i don't use google chrome i've never used a proprietary google chrome i've used some chromium based browsers you know that use the open source chromium engine but i've never actually used google chrome much less chrome os so can't really speak on stuff i haven't used yeah sometimes dt's sometimes they do have an environment variable or alias that will let you change the locations yeah some of them do usually a lot of them will allow you to put the config file wherever you like some of them will say you can put the config file at the home directory or you can put the config file in dot config slash name or program you know or sometimes they'll even give you three or four different choices and what the program will do is it will check each one in a specific order like if it's in the home directory that's where i'm going to check first and if i find a config file there that's the one i'm going to use if that config wall is not there then i'm going to check in dot config if i find a config file there that's the one i use if i don't find that config file then i'll find the default config file usually somewhere in slash etsy or something like that and i'll use that config file so if you start moving config files around to different places you do understand that there will be a order that the program will typically check make sure you delete the config files in the other places especially if they appear early in the order for example i mentioned i move my doom emacs configs my doomy max configs are typically in the homedirectory.doom.d i move them to dot config slash doom which is perfectly okay to do with doomy max but here's the thing if i have config files in both the home directory slash dot doom dot d and in slash dot config slash doom it's always going to look in the dot config directory first and try to use that config so if i'm so if i've got them both in place you know you may find that you're editing one of the config files and not the other and it's not taking effect and it's just something to be aware of probably best not to have multiple config files for the same program all over the system just put it in the spot you want and leave it all right now that we've done that now we really need to do a sudo reboot because i know there was probably a massive kernel update in the last three months on an arch-based system x-monad's still not gonna work for us i'm not even gonna try it well i could try it but it's probably yeah i'm gonna give us some errors and it won't even actually let me do anything of course if i can force it to reboot because we still haven't got xmo nad to successfully compile for us let's go into dwm and let's see if now when i do exmo ned space dash dash recompile we're getting some errors could not find module xmonet perhaps you meant okay now this is a different kind of error this may be a cash problem i'm going to quickly search for something here this is a problem that i've encountered before it's not something that happens all the time i've probably encountered this problem i don't know two or three times ever but again because this was this iso was a little old compared to you know how old my configs are uh i think it's ghc dash pkg recache couldn't open the database uh i'm sure if i looked at the chat right now some of you guys let's do ghc dash pkg check all right so i'm getting a lot of warnings about some of the haskell programs yeah g h c dash bkg thought it was recash it says couldn't open the database for modifications that's because there's a lock some kind of lock file well you know what i don't know how safe this is but it's a vm so sudo rem for remove we're gonna get rid of that lock file ghc pkg recache and of course it's locked again uh good and open database try reinstalling xmo.net and xmod dash contrib yeah that's not a bad idea it wouldn't take that long error failed to execute unread or string haskell modules i mean i guess we don't have to take a look at xmo ned today i could take a look at some of the other ones yeah try reinstalling ghc hmm i use static linked haskell instead it's never been a problem for me uh there's gotta be i mean i've had this problem before and it's been i know i fixed it before i thought it was with that recash command maybe i should just remove everything haskell related and reinstall i mean that's let's remove xmo net exmonet dash contrib ghc well trial and error here sometimes i get people asking me about you know how do you figure out some of these errors and stuff like that yes a lot of times it's just trial and error yeah still uh you know what i didn't think about making sure all of my dot files were in the right spot on xmo nad at xmonet.hs that's the important one you know everything is here yeah some dependencies of xmo ned dash contrib are missing uh shouldn't be i mean xmonet.com really doesn't have any dependencies other than x monad let's see i will search the dependencies though for arch for x-monetic and trip really quickly find the arch package uh yeah i mean just the dependencies are ghc and xmo nad and a couple of haskell libraries haskell dash x11 ghc-libs install xmo ned using the aurs xm xmo adds in the regular repositories i don't think is there even an aur package for xmode i'm sure there's probably xmo nad like a get thing i don't know yeah it's not even in the aur i don't think i think x-monette contributes but i don't know let me see let me see if x-moon a contrib is in the aur i see uh just the regular package in the repositories i mean i could try to install them with something like stack or cabal but i really don't want to do that not on this video haskell updates are insane every week a long list yeah yeah but they're small programs that would be like 200 packages that update but they're all extremely small little modules that just take seconds let's see yeah i've had this problem before and what makes this problem really stand out let me do the recompile the error messages you get like the very first one could not load module x moned that's that's the one that really is uh strange could not load module xmonet uh here i'll show you guys what i'm reading here in the arch forums yeah since an update of haskell and this was how long ago was this uh it's about about a year ago no longer updates and yeah ghc pkg check which i checked and i got all the errors here are all the packages that are broken let me try to reinstall all of those packages because i didn't try all of them before get rid of the xml add error screen here and clear that so so the problems are xmonet xmo nad dash contrib x11 dash xft is that really one of the problems surely not but data dash default and data dash default dash instances dash d list and just x11 by itself really surely is not a xorg problem for this could not find yeah yeah i don't think he listed the package names correctly could not find x11 packages yeah i don't think they're called x11 and arch they're uh usually xorg uh something data dash default is also none of these are right and that's what i get for reading random post on the archwiki fix the problem by running ghc package recache as root i did not run that as root g h c dash p k e g recache no errors were returned guys let me get back to my normal user xmonet dash dash recompile and i sat there and said it like 15 times i think that's the right command i know i've used that command before no that's still it's still giving me errors i was about to say but it did look like that command worked of course the recache command it did work as root yeah i'm at a loss here i've never actually not had that work before is it still giving me yeah could not load module x monet that's just so weird anyway i'm running out of time on the screen here we're trying to uh solve this x-moned issue here obviously it works on my main production machine which is arco so i'm not sure what's going on in this vm which one we want to try let's try awesome my awesome config right works no problems do my key bindings yeah now i've got my own key bindings and let me launch d menu nitrogen space dash dash restore that actually work it actually won't because i've never used nitrogen on this vm you have to use it at least once before you can actually restore the last wallpaper set and let's go to preferences and say it's looking for slash home dt wallpapers because that was my nitrogen dot file that we downloaded what i could do though is clone my wallpapers directory so get clone and instead of [Applause] uh we're in a different terminal we're in alacrity and not termite key bindings are different to zoom in so instead of the url to my dot files repository and we got some major input lag here now let's clone my wallpapers directory and what's going to happen is once i actually have my wallpapers in the correct spot when i do nitrogen dash dash restore it's going to restore the wallpaper i last set when i pushed my nitrogen configs which is kind of neat about nitrogen space dash dash restore a major input lag here wow yeah because i didn't even get the two dashes there we go yeah just like on my uh host machine that's the exact same wallpaper right because it remembered because if i do an ls in my home directory uh ls is not going to work is it no because my ls is an alias for exa let's go ahead and install all the programs we need exa is needed because my ls is actually exa what else am i going to need did i ever install the starship prompt i think i did i think that's when we've got this fancy prompt already um let's just go with exa for now there's going to be some other stuff i would eventually need again if this was me installing this on a on a real system now my ls actually works let me relaunch the terminal yeah we didn't install uh the starship prompt because that's not the right prompt here by echoshell we're in bash because we haven't installed fish yet either have we no there's fish okay alright so i can't clear the screen either because my alias for clear involves this really long bit of scripting it's a function and i think probably the problem is this function calls upon lol cat so let's install starship and lolcat well at least fix the terminal before the screen before the stream ends all right installing well that went well now if i clear the screen nope we've probably got to resource everything let's clear out of that shell and start a new one now if i clear the screen still there's still a problem with that function mean i could just go delete that that function it says color script random is also not there all right so the color scripts with my terminal we need to go grab them as well for those of you not on an arch-based system what you would want to do is remember the git clone command from before i have a repository with all my shell color scripts in it so you would go and get clone shell dash color dash scripts dot get now that's what you would do if you're not on arch based system now for those of you that are on an archbase system what you would do is you would yay or peru dash capital s chill dash color let me tab complete yeah dash scripts it already knows that package is in the aur so i've got it packaged over in the aur should be a very quick installation you know it's about 50 or 60 little shell scripts that display you know little ascii art in the terminal there you go there's my shell color scripts let me launch another terminal and you get a new one at random well i actually accidentally launched two terminals and well keep launching them and another one so we've got the prompt working we've got the show color scripts working is clear still causing us some problems yes spark but spark i think is another function in the config.fish so i don't think that's a real program i don't think it is it may be yeah it is spark is the problem yay dash capital s spark gotta install open jdk probably you're gonna be needing that anyway for other stuff the job of runtime and probably eventually install some some java programs anyway i have a few on my system that i use all the time and java's going to take a minute to install but that will fix the clear the screen where i i get like the random graph of bars of color every time i clear the screen you guys have probably seen that effect anyway it's good that i run into these issues and fixing my dot files because you guys are deploying these dot files and wondering where's the random shell color script effect that dt gets well you gotta install that shell color scripts package from the aur if you're not in on arch go get clone my shell color scripts repository when you get cloned that shell color scripts repository throw that thing into slash opt and it should just work if you you may have to play with the location of the shell color scripts line and your bash rc or your fish config or whatever shell you're using i'll show you that in a minute all right the java runtime has finished installing if i clear the screen ah let's resource here now still still missing a dependency somewhere we've already installed spark and lol cat you know what i could just try to run the function oh that's a long function i wonder if that's even right i think i pasted that thing too many times wow i've got my my finger held down on the backspace and look how long that thing is thinking you know what let's just stop and and okay it kind of works let me end them open the dot config slash fish slash boy this input lag is hideous i don't know why it's all of a sudden this bed it was not this bad over in the dwm session from before but that was really before i deployed all the dot files and everything you know what it may have to do it may have to do with pycom i can't remember if we installed the the regular version of pycom or maybe one of the patched versions of pycom anyway i'm looking for the clear the screen function somewhere and i guess i could search for it if my keyboard would work correctly there it is let's see if i can i'm going to get into visual motor visual block mode and i'm going to copy this line if i can actually paste that there come on now be nice to me there we go oh it sort of worked that time the function clear calls itself i don't know this this used to work i don't know why it's not working now it's not important though right it's kind of a neat effect i could probably find out what the error is uh the function clear calls itself right here clear i see what the problem is let's alias it to cl there we go all right guys so solve that problem that's weird though because on my config on my main production machine i have it actually aliased as clear and it never gives me an error you know i've never seen that error on my main production machine but it gives me an error in the vm i don't know why it's the exact same config it's the exact same config all right i know this stream is running a little long of course we spent so much time problem solving but that's fine too i didn't mind you know fumbling around a little bit here because i know that you guys are going to run into these same issues right that's but anyway now that i got my alacrity terminal pretty much working right now the terminal is going to be the same no matter what desktop environment or window manager we're in i mean that's that's like 90 of what i needed i needed the terminal and i needed the shell to work right it looks like bash and fish are working just right i didn't play with zsh but once i solved all the problems with bash csh the config is almost exactly the same and it looks like the awesome window manager everything looks i mean the bar looks perfect and everything so uh the awesome window manager yeah it looks right so let me get into the vm and let me get out of awesome window manager i don't remember the hotkey to get out of it unfortunately but now that we have a working terminal kill all awesome will always work all right dwm i don't have my own dwm configs in my dot files repository um qtile though i had my own configs for so yeah that looks exactly like my qtal right other than the resolution i would have to fix again uh we're having a problem here we're having a problem with the compositor because my configs expect pycom-jonaberg to be on the system and it's not what i'm going to do is i'm going to drop to a tty here in the vm and what i'm going to do is yay dash s pycom dash jonaberg dash get so this is very important too you guys that are using my configs because all of my uh tiling window managers are running the command as part of its startup pycom space dash dash experimental dash back end or whatever it is and that flag is specific to this picom fork called pycom-jonaberg if you just have standard picom installed it's not going to work right you're going to have some errors we didn't have errors and awesome window manager but q-tile really didn't know what to do with that python flag so i'm going to go ahead and kill all utah while i'm here which will kick us back out to light dm and now make sure we're still logging into qtile okay that's not the right password too many and now let me launch a terminal you know what i didn't kill pycom though there we go you couldn't even see me typing kill all pycom in d menu but that was the problem but now if i relaunch pycom yeah pycom is definitely the problem yeah i may have to do a reboot or what i would probably if i was just going to use the standard pycom instead of pycom dash jonaberg what you would need to do is edit my utah config so what you would do is let me zoom in here so you guys can see this you would need to go into dot config slash qtal auto start dot sh my auto start file for it looks like neo vim has broken as well the neo vim config well not gonna fool with that on camera if you did not want to use pycom dash jonenberg what you would do is just remove that the experimental back ends part which doesn't seem to be working well here in qtal so what i'm going to do is actually i'm just going to go ahead and delete all that come on now kill all polycom although i think it already killed it yeah now launch pycom with the menu restart qtil yeah pycom is the problem you know what it's probably just strictly a vm problem obviously utah works just fine with pycom in real life i don't know what video driver i'm using for this vm we didn't even think about that i bet it's just a problem with the vm's video driver i bet it's set to qxl and if i change the vms video driver to vert i o i bet q-tile would work perfectly i'm willing to bet money on that so i think q-tile is actually just fine it's just a vm problem now let me get out of q tile any other ones i want to just briefly check in on open box open box isn't going to look right because we didn't install tint 2 we didn't install any themes but there is open box all i'm going to do is exit out of it because we didn't install any of the extra programs to make it look right i3 i3 probably will look right yeah there's polybar so we know polybar works and i3 i'm not sure what that was supposed to be is that supposed to be a terminal it's having a problem with the compositor too you know the okay we killed the compositor now it works okay again that's probably a problem with the video driver of the vm so that's why i3 and qtile are kind of wigging out a little bit one thing i'll do while i'm in i3 though oh dwm now you could go and clone my dwm repository over on my gitlab it's dwm dash distrotube it's the name of the repository so git clone and then the url to dwm distrotube dot get but those of you on arch or arch-based systems i don't know what terminal this is to zoom in here uh you would yay dash capital s dwm distrotube dash get install that there are some dependencies hopefully the dependencies are all listed i know one of the dependencies for sure is d menu but d menu is already installed it's going to have some font dependencies as well and st the st terminal is a dependency i don't want to use the standard st terminal from the arch repositories though i want to use my build of st as well you can get clone st distrotube from my get lab i have a repository called st distrotube or those of you on archbase systems you can grab that package from the aur you do need to remove lib xft when it asks you those of you that are installing these packages of mine because we're using a lib xt bgra which is necessary or proper font rendering in the dwm panel as st and st i guess arco linux has its own build of st as well we're going to remove it though makes sense for the arko guys to package their own version of st the only way you can really do it since st doesn't have a config file well the installation of dwm-distro failed because user bin dwm already exists because we're using the dwm edition of arco and they already have all these files that don't need to be here i probably should have fixed that in my build script but i'm going to do a pseudo rm for remove we're going to remove the binary for dwm base and we're going to remove that file there part of the documentation i'm sure the man page and then dwm-desktop we need to remove it because i have my own probably going to be exactly the same as this one but just to make the installation actually work i will install dwm distrotube dash get and this time awm s or st distrotube dash yet once again it will complain about a lib xft yes you really want to remove it and it may complain about other versions of dwm and st being on the system yes you really want to remove those as well so when it complains about the conflicts remove st yes proceed with installation of course if you already had your own personal builds of dwm and st make sure you back them up before you install mine so you don't permanently lose them all right and now that we've done that if i launched st yeah this is my build of st okay can i get out of i3 here i think super zero on the keyboard was my binding to exit out of i3 well i get the log out menu and then if i hit e it will it should kill i3 but it did not you know what i can make it happen that's why i love a terminal uh i'm gonna make it heaven all right dwm let's log into it that's not my dwm because we didn't do it like a sudo make install or anything uh by cd into slash opt doing ls there's dwm-distrotube there's my shell color scripts there's st distro tube um cd into dwm dash distrotube dash get sudo make install all right let's quit out of arcos dwm and there is my dwm with my st and it looks like pycom once again kill it all right yeah again the pycom problems are gonna be a video driver issue so uh i think that's where we'll leave this today so but i've got working window one once i get the uh video driver corrected i've got working window managers the only one that i didn't have working was xmode ad i'm really not sure what the problem with xmonet is here i mean even the standard default key bindings don't work like nothing works when you when you try to get into it that's very strange all right i'm gonna kill that vm and where did i have vert manager i guess i didn't have the the dashboard open anywhere i just want to make sure i've killed the vm and it's still running let's force it to shut down force it off anyway hopefully you guys found this somewhat educational for those of you that have been trying out some of my uh dot files and having problems with it most of my issues there in those last few minutes was simply with pycom the version of pycom i used pycom dash jonaberg does not like the vm it specifically doesn't like the vm's video driver how i would probably fix that and i'm betting it would fix it i'll show you what i would have done i'm not actually going to launch the vm again but what i would do is i would go into the settings for the vm and go to video in the model qxl i would change that to vert i o i've typically found that video driver typically solves most of your video driver problems in vms and that would probably solve that pi com issue where you know things were just freezing up in dwm and q-tile and i3 the x-monad problem i really thought it was that ghc uh pkg recash command i know i've i've used that command to fix my issues before for some reason it didn't work in the vm if i play around later with this vm and i solve that problem i'll try to let you guys know about it maybe in like a community poster or something all right i'm gonna kill the stream in about five minutes i thought we would go an hour maybe an hour and a half we've gone about two hours uh hopefully this gets synced a library i know when when these streams push this kind of length library has a problem singing in them and i thought this stream is important enough this is not like a goofy live stream right this is some serious tutorial stuff i really want this to be on libraries if for some reason it doesn't sync then later i will rip this down from youtube because i'm not recording it i'm just streaming it but i'll you know use a tool to to grab this video off of youtube and i will manually upload it to library if it's not synced here in the next few hours let's see dt has the patience of bob ross and a similar accent well that's one of the things why i like doing these kinds of videos where you guys see me having all these problems you know like that uh that fish function that wasn't working when i cleared the screen you know i had to figure out what's the problem well lol cat is not installed and then the spark program's not installed and then the alias itself you know it didn't like the fact that the alias called upon itself uh you know three different problems and i just went down the list until i figured out how to fix that problem you know you don't get frustrated and you don't give up right and what you definitely don't do is you don't go to some random place on the internet and ask people how to solve your problem especially when you know that nobody else is going to be able to solve some of the problems specific to your equipment and what you're doing it's some very general problem yeah maybe but a lot of the stuff you know like i was doing today really specific problems to me and the fact that i'm using a vm too it's not even a real machine like that uh icon problem i know it i know is the problem with the video driver and the vm but if you didn't know that you might be inclined to go open a bug report you know on pycom's github or something and they'd be like nah dude no so don't do that i'm not saying never ask questions you know when you need help but sometimes you just got to fix your own problems and it's not as hard i mean you guys just spent two hours watching me fix a lot of problems except the exmo ned problem i didn't get it solved if i sat here long enough i would get it soft but we don't want to be here all afternoon uh my cpu is not hot this is a bug in q-tile uh well it's not a bug in q-tile it's my cpu my thread ripper has a 27 degree offset so it's reading 94 degrees right now take 27 degrees off of it so it's really 67 degrees celsius and i'm doing cpu encoding right now so the cpu is being worked that's 67 degrees celsius as soon as i stop the stream it'll get down to 40 degrees celsius but yeah i know you guys are seeing 90 degrees and wondering what the hell's wrong with the cpu there's nothing wrong with it it's just the way that widget in qtal reads cpu temperature i i've answered this question so many times i'm going to take the widget down because i'm this is like the 10th time i've answered it i'm not even kidding in the last week i keep i'm going to keep getting the same question as long as this widget is on this bar i'm just going to remove it probably as soon as this is done you know the widget is reading this temperature this is the one it really needs to read so that's the problem uh all right so any other last questions in just another minute or two and i've got to get going i really was not expecting to be here this long part of the problem was having to reinstall a new vm with a new instance of arco i didn't expect to do that today either but again i like i really like these kinds of videos where all kinds of unexpected things happen and i have to do these things on camera live because i think people think some of this stuff is harder than it is i don't know it's like i always solve my own problems i there's never a problem in linux that i don't solve you know given enough time now sometimes i have problems where i know the solution is going to take me a long time and just for sake of time maybe you know i'll reinstall a linux distribution sometimes rather than try to fix a problem like with i don't know i get some weird kernel panic or something yeah i could sit here and spend a few hours to try to figure out what the problem is or i could reinstall in 10 minutes so sometimes i will uh for sake of time bypass the solutions for things but usually like if i sit down and i have a problem and i really am going to solve the problem i always solve it see i'm too late for the stream we'll watch this later yeah it was an interesting stream we had some interesting moments uh what's your take on that i mean the end of library.tv at the end of i don't i don't know what you mean is library dot tv are they moving to a different website or something library itself is a protocol so library is not ending how do you stream on linux obs there's a program called obs the open broadcaster software free and open source software it is the de facto standard for all streamers things like youtube and twitch and everywhere else let's see dt can you offer some software package centers if you're looking for software like graphical software centers to install software from no i don't typically use them so i'd be lying you know telling you that some of these are good this and that because i don't really use them the only graphical software center that i have some extensive experience using is if you're using debian or debian based distributions the synaptic package manager is a really nice uh obviously yeah in arch you have a similar synaptic like uh package manager is it pamac the one i haven't really played with that in arch though but it looks very similar to synaptic but as far as the fancy graphic graphical software centers uh like uh app grid and discover and muon and all of those i really haven't played with any of those not enough to really tell you guys to go use it or not to go use it there's no reason not to use the command line to install and remove all your software anyway or search for packages all of that is so easy at the command line it's super quick a lot of times it you waste time in those graphical applications searching for stuff well you could just do a quick command at the command line and search for the package you want and then get it installed see what is your position on the idea of false firmware so if you're wanting open source firmware yeah i like the idea i mean i'm not sure what answer you were expecting on that talking about things like uh libra boot you know stuff like that yeah i think that stuff is becoming more and more popular and we'll see a lot more of that in the future things are trending in that direction see break browser is coming with a new search engine any update on that i i don't know anything about that a new search engine like if they're spinning up their own kind of search service that would be interesting i i can understand why brave would do that as a like the privacy web browser maybe none of the existing search engines out there are quite private enough for their taste like duckduckgo i think it's the default search engine unless you change it go a lot of people really have problems with duckduckgo even like it's not private enough so but i i haven't heard about brave in their new search engine sorry all right guys well i'm going to go ahead and kill the stream i appreciate you guys hanging out before i go just quickly i want to thank the the patrons of the channel i want to thank each and every one of these guys here these guys really helped me out i wouldn't be able to do what i am able to do here without each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen sincere thank you to each and every one of those folks i also want to thank all of you guys for hanging out in the youtube chat i know you know we had quite the crowd here earlier today even after two hours and still you know 160 of you guys still here at the bitter end so appreciate you guys your questions and comments were really helpful as well alright guys
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 10,138
Rating: 4.8447762 out of 5
Id: pqf6T0uHwO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 47sec (7187 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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