Installing A Desktop On Arch Linux

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and we are live welcome to another edition of DT live today we're going to be playing with Arch Linux a little more this was a bit of an impromptu stream I didn't get you guys too much of a heads up on this I only decided I was gonna stream this evening uh about 30 minutes ago and I know the YouTube notification system is broken for some reason YouTube has get the timezone I live in all screwed up where it's like two hours off so some of you were saying that you got a notification I was going to stream but I was gonna stream two hours ago that's obviously wrong because how can I go back and stream back in time right so I don't know what's wrong with YouTube so for summer that get me living in the Pacific time zone here in the u.s. I live in the central time zone so all the time every time I do a live stream I have to keep that to our adjustment in mind so I'm gonna wait a little bit give people plenty of time to get here since again the string was not announced I'm gonna make sure anybody that wants to watch tonight's stream has a chance so at least a few minutes to get here so I'm gonna go back to the YouTube chat here quite a few of you already in the chat so yeah so queue berjan when is the stream according to YouTube it should have started two hours ago and my response is YouTube is a broken mess though a YouTube has it seems to get be getting worse and worse the notification system is really bad also those of you that create content on YouTube the new YouTube analytics and dashboard and everything is just horrible it's bloated it's slow I hate it okay I really wish they went back to the old YouTube dashboard I still use the old YouTube dashboard but eventually it'll probably go away and I will have to use that bloated JavaScript II front-end that they have now yeah Carol was yeah DT YouTube is broken and bloated these days read my mind Leviticus you know you want open box we probably will run through an open box install this evening one thing I need to fix is some of my camera resolutions here give me just a second guys for some reason my camera it's not look right on this scene and I don't know why hmm I tell you what maybe we can fix it this is the kind of things that you know professionals probably wouldn't do during a live stream is you know play with the scenes in OBS while they were streaming you know what I'm just going to delete that scene that's what I'm going to do are you sure yeah we're gonna delete that the camera looks fine right here so what I'm gonna do is maybe I can copy I'm probably gonna end up running the stream here is what's gonna happen okay that looks good all right guys YouTube those of unasyn Chet he's me a yay or a nay it is everything am i still streaming typically when I do this cameras freeze audio goes completely janky and back to the the Chet for a second yeah we're gonna do some window managers Carol definitely we're probably gonna spend most of the time on window managers because the big desktop environments are pretty straightforward typically you install those with big meta packages like you just installed the full genome desktop and you know the typical genome suite of applications were just installing one package so there's not much to those and we'll get into some of the more involved you know more minimal stuff because a lot of people that install arch things like arch and things like Gen 2 typically want a more minimal system so we're gonna spend a little time on those because those require some real effort I mean what do you want for a panel menu system assist ray you know things like that things you don't really have to think about if you install a full genome or full plasma desktop yeah cam - I'm watching on arch by the way good yeah it was on youtubes homepage but it showed it hadn't started but it had yeah again YouTube is bad yes the fake VIP good timing I've just installed arch with I three twice I'm blind so getting the speech for the Orcas screenreader to work was interesting but it works great now good to hear all right yeah that's to do reboot how you doing sir reboot Ben Fitzpatrick lamer Linux is also in the house got quite a few of you guys er i got nearly a hundred people again for a bit of an impromptu stream so this video I did Sunday so this past let's uh back up a minute this past Saturday night on Big Daddy Linux live I I didn't join Big Daddy Linux live on Saturday I was working Saturday night but I had heard when I got home that they had chosen to do Arch Linux as next week's distro challenge where you know for this week everybody's going to install Arch Linux and then review it on next Saturday's Big Daddy Linux live and I thought well you know a lot of people that watch Big Daddy Linux probably are not art users they're probably your Ubuntu users you know those kinds of distro ZZ distros me an elementary more noob friendly distros so I wanted to create a video that was basically guaranteeing you guys that I can get you through a arch install so I did it in VirtualBox and the reason I did it in VirtualBox well two things the VirtualBox ID video I did on Sunday that is actually the way I installed Arch on my main production machine the commands I showed you the fact that I installed it in VirtualBox has changes nothing those exact 100% those exact commands work my main production machine so that's why I did it that way is those are the commands I would have used if I installed this on this machine so I typically don't use UEFI I do legacy BIOS you know MBR so why did that on the video and said a UEFI I didn't do wireless because this machine has plugins again I did it as I would have on my physical machine I just didn't do it on my physical machine I did it in a VM for two reasons it's easier to record the install process in the VM and I also did it in a VM because I wasn't for sure I was gonna make today's video but if I was how am I going to show you how to install half a dozen different desktop environments if I installed this on physical hardware it'd be tough right it would cause some problems but doing this in a VM all I have to do is I have the base install already in a VM I'm going to clone it half a dozen times so I'm already past the base install and now I've got 6 different VMs to do whatever I want without broken OMON one hurt KDE on one or i three on one open box on another right Virtual Box does make some things a lot easier but the VirtualBox installed even if you guys never try it on physical hardware the other thing is I can't show you an arch installed on physical Hardware on my machine I mean I could show it to you but the exact commands I run on my machine would not be the exact commands you would run on your machine for example when you're making your partition tables you know SDA one SDA - maybe you're running nvme drives you know the numbering and lettering system for your drives and partitions that's going to be different you can't just copy and paste where you know for people that are really scared of the arch install you could copy every single command I did on that VirtualBox video and get a VirtualBox install running so the vm definitely makes things a bit easier know what scene did I switch to here accidentally hit my agro Doc's keyboard you guys have been asking me about the ergo docks loving it the problem is these days because I work on a computer a lot these days and my computer at work of course has a normal keyboard you know I spend like half my time on a typical QWERTY keyboard and then half my time on this ergo Docs keyboard with this you know split keyboard layout and it is a little interesting when I come home and then jump on the ergo Ducks it takes me a minute to adjust just a minute though the more I get used to switching between the two keyboards the easier it gets though back to the chat for a second yeah I miss some of the chat got about 150 people here we may go ahead and get started now that we've got a bit of a crowd I didn't want to get started and then people join late and wonder you know hey what are you on now my big pot is in the chat how you doing big pod yeah hink all how you doing Paul hey hi DT just completed an arch slabs install in a VM yeah arch Labs is great great distro hi DTI recently heck you you're super secure super complicated password is dt am i right you know a lot of people think it's dt but what if i've been trolling you guys what if it's TD maybe I did it in Reverse just to be really secure do I have to supervise you guys so you guys don't start talking about running the RM - our elf committee yeah we're not doing that today although I could if you wanted to see me you blow away a VM with aureum R if we could do it all right guys first things first I'm gonna pull up the Arch Linux wiki so you guys that ran through the install and a VM with me the other day or maybe you guys know how to install Arch but even if you not sure how to install or do anything on Arch have the wiki right even if I've installed arch a couple of dozen times I'm still going to have the arch installation wiki up just in case you never know what you might run into it seems like some problem you never even thought of crops up from time to time it's good to have the wiki up today I'm a half the wickiup is because we're gonna be installing maybe some stuff I don't know anything about for example genome I have never in my life installed genome 3 on any machine I own ever now I I kind of I mean I've seen genome and diems and you know live USB sticks that I test out of course on the channel but I've never actually I arch me a pure arch machine I've never installed you know have no idea what packages it's going to install same thing with plasma I'm a little more familiar with plasma but you guys know I've never been a full desktop environment user especially the big desktop environments I'm kind of a complete noob when it comes to things like annulment plasma now once we get into if we want to do some of the more minimal window managers you know if I wanted to run through how to set up X monad and arch for you guys I'm good with that so not exactly sure what I want to do this is not going to be scripted in any way to be honest the the full the base arch install I did Sunday night was not scripted I mean I pre-recorded that video but it was pretty much even though I edit it you know to save some time on the video this may just I I got the ISO and just ran through my thing yeah I've kind of done it a few times anyway we typically don't script much of anything on this channel so get the wiki open all right so first things first so i've got a VM with the Arch Linux base install already done remember I stopped after I did the base install I set up a user he called my user Derek and I installed xorg the X graphical server but I didn't install a desktop environment or any graphical programs past that why so I could do this right here go to the machine tab here and VirtualBox and there is clone let's clone that VM so I'm gonna do Arch Linux and you know what because I kind of fear it let's go ahead and get it out of the way I'm gonna name this one Arch Linux genome we're gonna do a genome install for sure and full clone so gonna go ahead and clone that VM it may take a second actually with the thread Ripper that I have in this machine that didn't take very long at all since it's kind of quick I'm gonna go ahead and clone again and let's do one you know what somebody mentioned it for sure let's go ahead and do open box why not so I'll go ahead and make at least two clones and do those we may do some others too of course I need to keep the base installed I may need to make sure I don't do anything on that that way I can always keep coming back and cloning it so how do we install genome in arch well again your arch wiki this is how you get you guys are often you know scared of how do I do this and how do I do that in arch I have no idea how to do I don't know what I'm doing with genome you know what I'm just going to search let's search for genome in the arch wiki it's gonna tell me what to do right so installation we have two different packages we have genome which contains the base get home desktop and a subset of will integrated applications so it's going to install you're gonna owe me three desktop plus the standard genome applications probably things like gee edit and you know terminal genome system monitor gonna miss things like that I would imagine genome extra actually contains some more packages so the first genome actually contains genome desktop and probably a minimal set of packages just those required for genome genome extra contains further genome apps including the archive manager the disc manager the text editor okay so I'm gonna tell you right now the stream is going to buffer today because when we install the big desktop environments especially of course you're pulling them down over the internet right it's going to the arch repose and pulling all these packages down that's going to cause the stream to suffer a little bit but it shouldn't be too bad so first things first let me open up my new arch linux genome vm and this may take a second to launch I'll put this on her all right so here we are this is where we left off the other day let me see if I can zoom in here be just a second guys want to make sure you guys can see what's going on here well I'm going to switch to this scene the same scene I had in Sunday's video we're zoomed in a little bit so you can see hopefully what I'm typing so we're at a login this machine has two users root which was there by default and the user we created at the end of Sunday's video which was Derek I'm gonna log in as dirt assuming I can type all right and then I need to give Derek's password and now we are logged in as Derek so we're gonna install the package genome - extra that's what the wiki says I mean this doesn't seem too hard right so sudo heck man - capital list to install software and genome - extra I have no idea what is going to install but it's gonna give me a list of packages all right so it's going to install it's got some extra dependencies it's going to install it's gonna install mahjong behinds gonna install net tool of course Quadra pestle that's another game Konoe multi rider genome recipes that's interesting genome robots the gnome builder genome chess no I want it all I'm just gonna choose the default which is install everything and then it's asking about some dependency problems that we need some fonts so these fonts are required Noto bitstream whatever whatever fonts are required the Ubuntu font family is also in there yeah give me whatever give me all of them actually I'm gonna go with the default which was note oh I'm gonna go to with the default for all these I'm just gonna hit enter and wow it's gonna install a million packages that's what I was afraid of this is going to be a monster download so this is a 2gig download I don't know how many packages I didn't count them again because this is pulling things down over the Internet the stream may buffer so this is going to be a few minutes because it's going to be a few minutes let's go back to the chat all right yeah so I'm gonna miss out on some of the chat sorry yeah if they're at thread Ripper made with heavy metal yeah Janome should install GPM and everything just like KDE that's what I'm expecting uh it should install you know its own login manager and everything it's also one thing I know Janome requires Wayland that's like that's one of the dependencies so it's going to install Whalen to which yeah I mean I get you don't have to use Waylon when you go to the login manager you get this typical genome login when you choose genome logs you into a good home with Waylon but I think there's g''l with xorg as an option too if you would prefer to log in to genome using xorg which might be what you need to do if you were in vidya user and use the proprietary Nvidia drivers they don't really work with Wayland so by the way I did open a beer this evening just getting home it's very hot outside today well it's very warm and it's warming in this room I'm recording in this we the stream I don't know how long I'm going to stream today we may not stream for very long it's nearly 80 degrees in this room and then I've got the monitors and lights and everything going so I record in a small room a small room with all this computer equipment it gets very hot in here especially during the summer I can't really keep it cool though I mean I can't really add like an air conditioner or a fan or anything extra I mean this mic is so sensitive just the central air in the house could get picked up and you know putting like a big fan or something going in here it's not an option it would just be horrible for recording so I'll deal with the heat for a little while but this is definitely not going to be a marathon stream this evening the beer this evening is Modelo especi Oh needed something kind of light and refreshing Bing again kind of a hot day didn't want anything heavy yeah xorg masterrace yeah there's really no reason to fool without Weyland at this point so are you even on YouTube right now too much bloat I would agree bloat is subjective says Cletus well of course everything is subjective to be to be fair DT who is your favorite metal band who I mean I don't listen to I'm don't listen to a lot of metal mostly what I listen to his classical music being a classical musician that's kind of what I listen to if I'm in the car I listen to like classic rock I don't mind listening to any kind of music from the 60s 70s or 80s SiC to those decades of music and reason I listen to those in the car rather than classical music course classical music is the whole point of classical music is getting those really soft moments and music than those really loud moments and you know it just doesn't work in a car cuz a car is so noisy you know got a listen to that at home maybe with some good headphones but in the car you just want some kind of pop music playing you know suarez metal bands I mean I like some of the classics I mean Metallica and you know Megadeth Slayer [Music] you I've shown you guys and why you might be asking this typically when I bring up like CMOS you know my terminal music player you'll see a king diamond in there one of my favorite metal musicians King Diamond if you guys don't know King Diamond check him out if you're looking for a good album of King Diamond to check out if you've never heard any of his stuff check out the the album them th am them he's a little bit different kind of metal musician though because he creates these albums the whole album is basically a story it's like a horror story and each track is like a chapter in the story it's really good stuff plus he's just a fantastic vocalist something you can't say a lot with a lot of middle vocalist the King Diamond is an amazing range no yep making it this good yes I missed a ton its yet guys by the way the yet we're not even anywhere close to finishing the install that's that's a rather large install and the reason I chose genome first rather than KDE we made we're probably not gonna do KDE I just tell you now KDE is even bigger than genome so that's the reason why for example Ben if he's still in the chat Ben Fitzpatrick you know when he does his gen 2 installs I know he never does plasma because the compile times are just crazy long right they were probably crazy long with genome too just not as bad as plasma but you'd probably want to do something like xfce maybe Monta really something like LX cute would be better or just go real minimal you open box high 3 things like that yeah are you going with encryption no we did not go with encryption and we're kind of past that point yeah somebody was asking in the chat so anything that I didn't do to this point for example you know if you guys I did a legacy by BIOS instead of UEFI on the previous video I did a wired Ethernet connection rather than wireless you know if you guys want to do disk encryption if you guys you know I made my filesystem extend for if you wanted to look into something crazy like ZFS on Linux I mean read the wiki you know I can't there's you can do anything with arch because of that the possibilities are so endless I can't show you everything but I don't even want to try I want you guys to get used to going to the wiki I don't want to deprive you of the joy of reading the arch wiki the wiki is that good by the way you can find anything you want to know about Linux in the art wiki not even kidding so still waiting on good genome we installed the genome - extra package and arch those of you that are just arriving that's the only thing we've done I logged in to my base arch installed and installed genome - extra which is like the full genome install and it's going to take forever it's a two gig download back to the chat for a second yeah budgie is insanely bloated says Alan yeah I wouldn't choose budgie either I love the budgie desktop but uh yeah it does have quite a bit to it - although somebody was asking about arch with budgie I'm probably not gonna do budgie I probably won't do anything as heavy as kinome certainly we're not doing plasma today this the downloads are just gonna take a long time and it's gonna cause the stream to buffer I haven't been monitoring the stream by the way I hope over the stream looks good when you're downloading software from a package manager just a pro tip those of you that do live streaming on things like YouTube and twitch don't try it on your host machine or in a VM or whatever it just sucks up all your bandwidth so big pod is asking hey didi what are you talking about I'm not sure that was from a few minutes ago there's no telling what I was talking about big but as far as what's up how am i doing just fine work today just get off work just relaxing I thought you know I had a couple hours free this evening why not live stream just imagine if the arch wiki didn't exist well the good thing that was from koo koo Bergeon if the arch wiki didn't exist guess what we have something really just as good called the Gentoo wiki you should have both those bookmarked bookmarked the arch wiki bookmark the Gentoo wiki even if you've never run arch or never run gin to in your life have those two wiki's bookmarked because most of the information in there it's like general information that is applicable no matter what Linux distribution you're running so Croft will you review clearos it's to be honest it's not something that interests me because I would probably never run clear Alice it's made by Intel just saying it's low dutch says what is your favorite drink so if we're being just completely brought and random you're talking alcoholic beverages or we're just talking about just any beverage in general you guys know typically early in the day and even later in the afternoons and evenings I drink a lot of coffee if you're talking about you know adult beverages beer is typically what I stick to I don't typically do much hard liquor DT I have like seven different desktop environments on my arch that is very bloated and dangerous big pod that's why I love being able to clone these vm's so I don't have to do that because if I installed like the full genome in the full KDE and then the fools xfce and then you know budgie and whatever mints our cinnamon or what it would just be I would have like 3000 packages on one installation the updates would be insane you may eventually break something yeah clear Linux is made by Intel clear OS is different oh okay say I wasn't aware there was something different I know clear Linux uh yeah I might look at it but I'm not really interested like I would never run it to be honest so kind of hard to look at something I know I would never run and then you know take a look at it and then hey you guys might love it but if you tried clear Linux server today you kind of liked it okay by the way I am not using arch sis film wasteland that's too bad you don't know what you're missing and uh let me show you what you're missing right now all right still updating okay oh wow hi time that just right well that took forever for the genome - extra package did it install a login manager with that it probably it installed so much crap I'm sure it installed the genome display manager there so let's reboot and see what happens why not I don't think I have to do anything else I probably don't have to enable any services or anything with a system D let's just do a sudo reboot and see what happens the worst that can happen is we don't have anything that loads up but that's fine - all right let's log in again Oh doesn't appear we have a login manager see if start X does anything my goodness alright so what is the genome login manager gdm let's see if it's installed I'm gonna do it where is GD m wow it's here so why didn't it launch do I have to we may have to pull up the arch wiki page we just try to run it command not found system enabled Gd oh yeah systemctl let's go ahead well we have to do that as root so sudo system CTL so we're gonna enable this service with the system D init system so systemctl enable GD m of course you have to do this as root filled to enable unit unit G DM service does not exist okay we may have to read the wiki but again this is why we pulled it up you guys got any suggestion suggestions in the chat feel free again I've never installed good normal an arch that's one of the reasons why I pulled it up to start genome at boot enable GD MDOT service that's is it right here in the wiki and that's kind of what I thought why did it not I mean would it let me just launch no I mean sudo system enable GD m dot service let's add the dot service since I didn't edit No hmm you know what let me just switch over to the root user see if that's a problem maybe Garrett yes he doesn't maybe we got some permissions screwed up or something we're gonna work this out though now even the root user can enable that service the service doesn't exist Oh didi I think you need to install the genome package not only the genome extra package well I would have thought they would have installed that with it I would assume the base package would be a dependency of installing the extra package but you may be right let's sleep there is stuff to install so you are right oh yeah yeah absolutely so that's the problem ah yeah mm-hmm and this is installing SSA h WP a supplicant and yeah a ton of stuff we need I mean this is like really basic stuff too okay so another big download so we wait again this is why we do it live though and I don't mind a you know stumbling around here again I've never installed Ginola on arch or any minimal distro because I want to see you guys see me Phil because what do I do well I'm gonna dig through the arch wiki and figure it out like there's no way we're not getting Ganim up and running there's no way it's impossible and I want you guys if you fear Archer you fear the command line I want you guys to get used to that you know what we're going to work it out I always have that you know I don't ever really run into a problem that I can't work out now there I do run into problems occasionally that I can work out but I know it's gonna take me longer than it's worth my time sometimes I'll just format and reinstall but like 99.9% of the things that you come across the little paper cuts that annoy you with Linux you can you can fix the problem you most of them you can fix the problem within seconds or a couple of minutes with the right command in this case the problem I ran into is I just didn't read the wiki close enough I'd go back to the wiki I bet it told me if I go back to the genome page say the genome extra contains like the extra packages but I needed to install the base genome package first say I thought the genome extra if I installed that I assume the genome base package was a dependency so I thought it would pull both of them down by just choosing the extra package that was sent the case and I should have read that more closely reading a little bit here by the way I mentioned that you know what's going to install Whalen because it's a dependency that is correct looking at the wiki page here I kind of already knew that any is the modern up good old distros in fedora even Ubuntu we can only I they have Weyland on it let's see back to the chat because we are going to have to wait a few more minutes now for going on yeah we're definitely not going to do plasma plat the plasma downloads are going to be even bigger than the genome yeah so watched ETS review of regolith it is really cool but not that noob friendly actually at regolith UM's not that bad it's an abundance dull you and you can have it installed in ten minutes and then it's got a three on it I mean I've three already configured for you basically I mean you probably want to change some things but yeah I wouldn't say regolith is non-new friendly hmm seems pretty straightforward to me big bud basically it is automatically installed and if you harnessed all that good gnome goes as will okay I think you have to disable bloat with systemctl Endymion is good but who doesn't want Frank Endymion not sure what franken debian is but debit debian is great you're looking for stable if you're looking for a server distro yeah debian all day long love arch orange is not a server district by the way I use Linux from scratch says Cletus well veto your thoughts on Nick's OS ran through an install of it a long time ago actually on the channel early days of the channel I had no idea what Nick's OS was seriously I went and grabbed the ISO and read nothing about it and I tried to install it and it took me like three hours to end so I got through the install but that was like the dumbest thing I've ever done is try to install a district without having any idea what it was about and Nix OS is not one of those distros like the install is like much more complicated than like the arch install and I didn't realize that until I jumped in it and it's like oh wow this is okay we ran into a problem here errors occurred no packages were upgraded so what was the problem hmm but then we cloned the VM [Music] failed to commit transaction you know what let's run that again and let me actually watch what what happened here obviously it's pulling down almost a gig of stuff but ah there's a problem with the mirrors you okay well I've got internet here obviously I'm streaming live I can preview it so we have Internet is there a problem with the internet and the VM now we can pain giggle let's just do a quick update so I'm going to run sudo pac-man - syy you [Music] we clearly I mean is singing the repose so clearly internet it's working hmm I don't know maybe it didn't like the mirrors I chose on Sunday's video [Music] let's try to install the base genome package again this time it looks like it's just checking the the keys you yeah so it already downloaded the packages so it's just installing them we didn't have to wait for the the lengthy downloads again I don't know what the problem was but it looks like updating first and then running the heck man - yes genome worked I'm not seeing any errors and we're almost done just get through the last couple packages and we're good alright and I'm going to run this command reboot we're routing so I don't have to sue do reboot just reboot you and see all right I'm gonna log back in as you know what I'll all back in is route that way I don't have to keep using sudo because there is a couple of other things I need to do actually one thing I should have done before reboot was probably enable the gdm service all right so can I just launch gdm I get a black screen and the cursor is not blinking that's not a good sign this is why we do everything live all right catch up with the Chad here and did I miss anything better try control-alt-delete I'm not sure if we're gonna be able to control alt delete this one one thing I need to do though I blame genome alright so I'm going to kill the VM I'm gonna restart it so we know that there's no point and trying to launch GM that's not going to launch just from running it thanks for the superjet there robo derek has broken it again yeah i don't worry we're gonna get there so let's go ahead and enable gdm so systemctl enable g DM as root if you did this as a regular user you'd have to sue do all right now let's reboot even though I'm pretty sure we're not gonna get G DM to launch it's may be a problem with the VM also as probably could be a problem with Wayland in the VM - oh yeah we've got it all right but still this you can see how the VM is kind of wigging out the VM probably is not crazy about genome and/or Wayland I'm gonna choose genome on xorg just for purposes of this VM VirtualBox probably will handle an X org session a lot better than a Wayland session and there we go and now what I'm going to do is see if control f4 fullscreen in VirtualBox yes awesome let me switch views alright so that was it we needed to install two packages genome and genome - extras then you needed to enable gdm which is the login manager with sudo systemctl enable GTM then reboot so sudo reboot and then you get to your login manager and you can log-in now because we installed the full genome what exactly is that on arch I have no idea this will be the first time I've ever taken a look at it exerciser I've never heard of that in my life the avahi server good home looks good on boxes gonna build ergonomic Allender cheese for your webcam then a ton of games we had what chess and fossil and four in a row five or more or she have you know G edit a bunch of Python stuff but you probably might have had a lot of Python stuff on the system anyways part of the base package have some cute stuff well that's interesting uh not sure what pulled down the the cute libraries a multi Rider go no Maps no recipes you know I'm software pseudo ku simple scan the text editor is G edit of course vim I installed so they installed that when we did the base package good home videos which is totem get on weather web which is the Epiphany web browser we have this subcategory here of utilities by the way which is the archive manager which in good ole miss file roller of the genome calculator that can own character math you know I'm dictionary you know this document viewer which is what in events and genome and the system monitor the terminal gnome tweaks screenshot okay so pretty much everything you want the only thing like if you did this I mean it obviously it's bloated it's got the full kitchen sink the only thing I think a normal user would immediately be looking for is another browser other than the Epiphany web browser the Epiphany web browser is horrible so you would probably immediately sudo pac-man - capitalist Firefox or chromium or go in the aur and look for you know proprietary browsers like Chrome or Vivaldi you probably want something other than Epiphany I can't imagine anybody really just loves using the Epiphany web browser but that is that's going home on arch oh good on that it's a vanilla genome but you know with the full genome suite of applications very easy right basically ran two well the two commands to install really could have just been one command sudo Peck man - capital s genome and then space Janome - extras those two packages then enable gdm with system D reboot is actually pretty straightforward very straightforward to get something like genome and Katie's gonna be very similar Katie's very easy to get up and running they just take a a while to download and install all those packages you know it's a ton of stuff cuz they're full desktop environments and by full desktop environments I mean they throw everything you could possibly want in there not just like the graphical programs you would use every day but things like you know the background stuff that's running in the background your systrace tough notifications you know the notifications that appear on your screen things like the policy kit you know things like that probably all the nice goodies like you expect them out USB drives and things like you know probably all that stuff is going to work by installing full genome or full KDE where when we do something more minimal like we might do here in just a second we have to install every single individual package we're gonna need for everything we do back to the chat for a second yeah the brave browser yeah I've never tried it but it's probably better than the Epiphany browser I can't imagine too many browsers being worse than Epiphany I know I'm throwing a lot of shade on Epiphany today but yeah suberin I'm using pill moon yeah pill moon it's not horrible you yeah so Peter is you look at the get up.get lab pages from DT and Luke they have a few configs already yeah so the configs for like my open box and Q tile installs and x-mode add things like that awesome I three make things easy because I don't have to worry about configuring anything I install I three right now go to my get lab page clone my i3 repository boom done thanks for the superjet there though yeah George just showing some love to DTV for the fun vids by the way i bootstrapped arch with X Mon ed and he loved it nice so much so it will replace my Debian testing daily driver especially pac-man I'll still keep Red Hat Enterprise Linux for development though well of course great that you won't went with X Mon in Eck's monad is just such a nice window manager it's one of those that I keep coming back to it year after year after year I think I mentioned I think the first time I ever tried X monad like in 2009 and it's one of those I run it for a couple of months move on to something else but I always keep coming back to it every time I keep coming back to it it's like it's like the best window manager ever I always I don't know why I just don't stay on it permanently I hop too much I'm one of it you know I don't distro hop as much as I window manager hub and I need to just settle into something and back to the chat for a second yeah miss a lot of the chat guys I'm sorry I know there's a ton of you guys watching and the chats busy today if I you guys say something and I miss it I do apologize especially once I get into the installations that are coming up I know I'm gonna have to ignore the chat for a bit DT I stole your poly bar yeah I stole my poly bar too so that poly bar config started life as basically somebody else's ki think it's actually the default poly bar config I just added my little widgets to it and like the power line stuff and that was just a quick and dirty hag it's actually not that complicated to do wasn't anything I spent I might have spent 10 minutes on that config yeah so which version of genome we'll check it out in just a second that would who was that asking that I missed it Mitchell yeah I see mr. Big Daddy Linux and himself is in the chat how you doing Rocco I'm not sure how we have 268 people watching and only 58 likes like that smash button please Thank You Rocco it's a good reminder all right let's go to them this seems we can see the full desktop with a 1080 resolution here so in arch actually in genome what is the key binding to bring up the terminal most distros ctrl alt T but I'm pretty sure that's not going to be the case here in arch yeah or in genome 3 I think the standard is what Super T no that doesn't work either alt T ok just super by itself at least gets me this - here I'm just gonna type term and hit enter one of you guys in the chat let me know the hotkeys to get to the terminal so I can do that a little more quickly next time Wow the terminal why is the terminal taking so long to the launch does it install the terminal as a snap I kid guys snaps are not enabled by default on arch I may enable them actually but I not sure what went on there but the terminal did not want to launch why is the terminal not launched yet that's another thing if for some reason the genome terminal is buggered up here what other terminal options do I might have to drop back down into a TTY prompt and install something like X term you know just to have a terminal yeah genome terminals not launching for me and there's an I don't think I have any other options ah you know what I don't know why I'm so not used to living in a graphical environment like I literally until I just saw it on the desktop I had never even considered well I could go to the genome Software Center and install another terminal like I'm sitting here I got a drop to a TTY prompt no I don't just go to the software Center say x-term available really can you give me any terminal this charter might is in the arch repose we have to sync the repose or something what's going on here flat hub is enabled the norm chill okay alright guys why is it not showing me what I want developer tools I'm just looking for any terminal any terminal emulator give me something I see Emacs I don't want any Mac's though sublime tix that's proprietary garbage why is that here oh we have the flat packs enabled that's one we probably should also enable the aur at some point if this was a real install and I was going to live on it I am Not sure talax is that here talax drop-down yep you know what let's just I might go with that how about our xvt No yeah those of you that just got here in the last couple of minutes yeah isn't genome terminal installed by default yeah it won't launch I don't have another terminal emulator without dropping to the tty I was trying not to do that [Music] oh by the way I got sidetracked I know you guys left a couple of super chats I'm sorry about that ray appreciate the superjet I'm a big fan love your vids I'm an art user so thanks for covering the arch distros and appreciate that and joel appreciate your your superjet joel much appreciated alright I can't believe I can't find terminal emulators in the genome Software Center I mean this is like these terminal emulators I was searching for exists on the orcs repose I don't know why they're not showing up when I search for for anything most of this stuff to that I'm looking at here and this looks like stuff that's mainly flat back stuff so I mean there's a lot of proprietary stuff in here ah one of you other guys called it - DT the kinoma Software Center only has flat packs well we got a drop to a TTY prompt then it only has flat packs you know what let me get a different keyboard you and Anita a keyboard other than my ergo dots I don't have function keys set on my eggo ducts I do but they exist on a different layer or I have to hold a button to get function keys and I can't ctrl alt and then whatever function key all at the same time it just doesn't work but I can all right there we go so we got a login I might as well log in as root since I gotta install software anyway all right we're logged in as the root user tech man - capital s and termite because I know it's there and it's a nice terminal emulator I don't know why genome terminal is not launching so alright we got it let's see if I can get back to where we need to be come on VirtualBox with messing with me you know what we'll just reboot anyway give me a second to read the chat yeah the only one that feels handicapped in Linux without a working terminal no I felt completely naked just then without a terminal I guess it's crazy because with without genome terminal we haven't installed anything else other than get norm right so there's no terminal emulators at all on the system without genome and I can't believe the graphical software Center only has flat packs that's that's ridiculous like that is just crazy when you think about it all right appreciate the super chat there George I am I the only one yeah I got you we got Michael also as well check your language and genome settings if it isn't sit Janome terminal will not open okay we will check that good tip now Tobias I love this channel both fun and informative we try to be informative every now and then I can we definitely have fun Oh what session are we logging into X org okay making sure it remembered it I wasn't for sure if it would remember it every time or not all right so now we'll check the language settings in a second with let's see make sure we actually do have a terminal we can use now all right there's termite I forget why I even wanted a terminal like 15 minutes ago but I have one now boy that font is really small anyway let's see if we can get the genome terminal working so what was the suggestion check your language and genome settings okay to the genome settings can I just type settings and it find it I think it will this is so odd me playing with genome like I never I know so little about genome I need to have Rocco Big Daddy Linux on speed dial anytime I use genome because I know he's a good old master but well I can like a fish out of water with it nah unspecified language nice select the language there's nothing to select did we not that we booger the install the base install to where I don't have a language to select your we may have obviously searching is gonna come up with nothing I thought we set the language though on my base install I may have missed a step but this is why we do everything live so when we miss things so we have to go back and fix it and you can see I'm not that concerned about it we're going to get it working by the way this was with genome which I said it's gonna be one of the easier desktops because of the big meta package that just pulls everything down you don't have to do a ton of minimal configuring like every single piece of your desktop just wait if I if I do something with open box here in a minute I'm kind of dreading that okay back to the chat I've missed a ton of chat guys I apologize yeah you need genome package kit plugin for the software Center to work you guys got so many tips I'm not sure if we can actually cover all this today but since you brought it up let me get pull up termite again it was a good suggestion there pull up the terminal make sure I type termite because some genome caramel is not going to work so we're going to do lost it in the jet one of you guys had a good suggestion I was going to go ahead and install that package no well let's fix the language so you guys remember the install video I did Sunday / Etsy slash locale Oh we'll edit it and you know what I installed them I'm comfortable with me I tried to do everything and Nano the other day but I don't particularly care for it what is it Etsy / locale gen somebody helped me if that's not the case no it's here this font is incredibly small you guys are not going to see it but just know this every language is here every line has commented out though I need to uncomment one of these lines pretty sure it's toward the bottom so shift G capital G get you to the bottom of the document in film and I want no that's not what I want it's in the middle of the document where is it here it is en underscore us yeah I thought I did this the other day I must not have them clearly I didn't because it's not working all right I'm not going to be able to write this though I got to open that as pseudo and of course I have to type it right - so sudo vim / Etsy slash locale Jen I know you guys can't see this I can't make the font bigger and termite termite - change the font it has a config file I'd have to go find the config file I know where it's at but really what I should have done is installed a easier to configure terminal emulator but hopefully genome terminal works after I uncomment this one line here really it doesn't matter which one i uncomment I just need to uncomment something because right now we just don't have a terminal emulator all right so I'm going to write and quit and and now I'm going to try to launch uh I launched termite again his genome terminal it's just called terminal in genome that's horrible the generic names and termite of course is very similar so make sure that we get that terminal and it's still not going to launch it even after editing that line no by the way yeah thank you for repeating that genome software - packet package kit - plugin for the software Center I think you forgot the / @ cv console comp all right I must have I did try to rush through that video the other day for sake of time I mean I spent almost four hours on the video for about editing and everything I thought I hit every step but I must have missed something clearly I missed the language step because it was definitely commented out all right you need to type locale Jen after oh yeah of course there we go now let's see if we can get the genome terminal [Music] mm-hmm still not whatever the steps did we miss all right so I uncomment it's the line we needed in / Etsy / locale en Iran locale Jen am I missing here guys type sudo exclamation exclamation it automatically up well I'm aware that I just need the command echo language day Anna I know I I know I did that but I must not have you let's see I'm gonna sue to them / XE / locale dot-com yeah I've got that lang equals en underscore us u TF - 8 and at the etsy be console copy a let's try that I'm gonna sudo vim slash Etsy /b console dot-com and of course there's nothing here um all right guys what goes in the V console does that just need to be the Lange line of course why am I asking the Chet of course the point was pulling up the March wiki right I wonder if I could just type the console in the arch wiki and would it magically have something come up it does has some stuff coming up in the Cyrillic alphabet though not going to help me DT in settings you still have of course language well I still can't the language is still unspecified but I don't think I can change it pretty sure I can't change it just yet that's not what I wanted region and language language language English it's there everything looks good in genome settings I think you know what I think we have everything straight but I don't know why I don't know why there it is that's weird it's working now guys I was getting frustrated with it because really after uncommenting that line at / Etsy / locale Jen and then running the locale Jen command that really should have been enough but you have to go back in the genome settings change the language there yeah somebody in the chat also said reboot reboot probably would have been a good idea to a matter of fact that fixes most problems it seems you'd be surprised how many problems I've had on Linux I mean problems yeah I spent hours trying to solve reboot the machine and boom a big pot I spammed the correct answers for like a minute really the console should be the keyboard layout well that's great I don't think I need it I know I set the keyboard layout on the video the other day did I maybe I didn't maybe I cut it out of the video I thought I set all this on the video the other day too but clearly I messed something up try launching the gnome terminal in termite and it will tell you what is going on well going on terminal opens now I just clicked on it in the and the genome - thing so it's fixed now we better leave genome behind since uh we're breaking things and we spent a lot of time we spent over over an hour on what I thought seriously would be like five minutes just throwing Genoa monarch really should have been but a lot of this is because I was trying to get genome terminal I was determined to get good home terminal working we didn't do the language settings right on the base install my bed Desktop needs a cocky well of course we could do that but you know what we're going to do and because I mesh messed up the Lange language setting instead of using the clone I made earlier I'm going to go ahead and install open box on this VM now how would you do this well you know what let's drop to a TTY all right so imagine this is the base install of arch we're just starting fresh I didn't install you know them you did the base install you want to do window manager only what window manager do you want to do I'll tell you what guys for the next 30 seconds spam the chat pick a window manager you guys decide the window manager I don't care pick one it's got to be something reasonable like it can't be something that hasn't been updated in 20 years we're not doing us CDE the window maker well somebody of course it may immediately somebody says window maker and then of course we're gonna get that one troll that says rat poison alright I see a lot of open box but it's all from big PUD by 2i 3 that's shocking arch with I 3 well and you guys be a little more original I guess not a lot of X monad thrown in there awesome ok that's enough guys alright that's out of control alright synth let me get back to alright well that was tough but a lot of DWM in there too well what do you guys want the dynamic window manager uhh you know what I'm gonna go with open bucks I was tempted there for a second to go with DWM or i3 but open box is intriguing because we will get into a lot more educational stuff with open box because open box is so minimal you kind of have to add a lot to make it usable so first things first is obviously you have to install open box of pseudo pac-man - capitalist I'm going to install open box open box is just a window manager yes assuming we this was a base Arch install and assuming you've already installed xorg so assume the graphical a server is already there I wouldn't have a terminal emulator so other than open box I would install some terminal emulator of my choice so termite termites already there though we'll skip that step we also have good gnome terminal also on here because we did the genome install what else do you need we need a text editor now if you have a terminal you have both Nano and film available to you if you want a graphical text editor of some time kind you might want to throw that in there I'll do one just for sake of this video how about Jeanie I like Jeanie you need a file manager do you want a graphical file manager if you don't I mean you could do a terminal file manager but let's assume you want to grab a but one I'm gonna do PC man mmm some of you may prefer something like boon are the xfce file manager or space FDM the sky's the limit on file manager pick one what else do we need we have to have a web browser Firefox of course makes sense so I've got my window manager which we have to have a text editor is kind of nice a file manager is kind of nice a web browser is really a must I could just install that and I could do I could get some stuff done but you know while I'm already here we need a panel or a duck by default open box does not have a panel or a dock or anything so I like the tent to panel you guys know I install tent 2 on all my open box installs if you prefer something a little nicer LX panel the lxd panel works fine as a standalone package it doesn't really have any dependencies LX panel would work if you prefer a dock plank or Docky or you know anything like that would work just pick one alright so now I have a panel what else do I need I probably will eventually want to have wallpaper on my screen again this is stuff you didn't even have to think about with Ginola you know I'm just draw wallpaper on your screen right open box does not open box why would it draw a wallpaper open box is a window manager it is the border around a window that places this program on the screen that's all it does that's its only job you won't wallpaper you better find another program to draw that wallpaper I use nitrogen one I like if you prefer something a little more minimal f eh for a command-line utility to set your wallpaper what else do we need there are there any other pain points that we're gonna have here if I hadn't installed Janome I would need to install a login manager like diem I'm not going to install this because gdm is already here because we installed you know what if I had an installed you know like diem would be necessary all right let's go with this for now there's gonna be more stuff we're gonna end up needing to install because it's just not going to be mean you can't install just seven or eight programs and think you're gonna have a great desktop experience there's gonna be more stuff we're gonna need back to the jet for a second yeah LX appearance yep we're definitely need LX appearance so we can set our gtk things by the way we shouldn't really have any gtk themes why we do because I saw a genome but have we done this on just the base install I wouldn't even have any themes to worry about changing gee edit now I'm not gonna do G edit for a text editor it's okay I have G edit obviously on the city I have still have all those genome packages here but again I'm just asking you guys for notice suspend reality for a minute and pretend like I didn't go through that genome install earlier yeah I I could install the in in in file manager what a great name for a file manager in and in I just call it triple in or the ends midnight commander yeah midnight commander it's a better name both fine file managers of course you guys know I use bi FM but I'm not gonna do that here on this video DT can you recommend any Weiland window managers no the only get home if you want a desktop environment slash window manager that kind of works with whaling I mean look at the people behind genome Red Hat they're kind of pushing whaling in a big way I mean it's and with system D that's all that's kind of just tied in together if you're talking about minimal window managers sway which is the i3 clone written basically to run on whaling it's out there but but why you know why why do you want your tiling window manager to run on Weiland what advantage does that offer you over X or if you're interested in just the technology behind it or maybe you're a whaling div maybe but just your typical user it would be kind of pointless to introduce all that pain it's suffering in your life really for no reason all right so we've gone through the install here and I'm going to sudo reboot and get back to the login manager and at the login manager now open box of course will be an option you yeah they he wants DWM ported to Weyland the succulence guys are porting DWM to Whalen that's kind of cool I'm kind of worried about some of the old-school tiling window managers how they're gonna make the transition for example X Mon n X ammonia think about that name X in the name for X work of course have they even considered what's what's going to happen moving to Weyland by the way I just chose open box here the little cog wheel open box instead of kinome and let's login to open box on our freshly installed Arch Linux okay that's open box it launched immediately this is open box now if you've never seen this before and most people will think this Wow my computer just crashed because I hit Enter you know at the login screen and nothing happened you know the screen just went black or in this case great no that's open bucks this is your desktop again open box it's just a window manager all right no panels no whiz-bang effects and anything it's just a window manager the only thing you have is a right-click menu which thankfully is populated with some stuff most of the stuff you don't have though this is it's hard-coded in the menu things like gee vim and Emacs G edit Kate you know it's assuming you probably have one of these TextEdit editors installed and available to you but in the case of list base install Arch Linux I have none of these I didn't install any of this yet it might be here because of the genome install we went through under internet it probably list a few popular web browsers and things now luckily we did install Firefox be sure on these minimal installs three things you really need like F other than installing your xorg server your window manager and a login manager if you need it you need a web browser a text editor and a terminal like that's just my checklist that's the first thing I always install web browser text editor and terminal if you have those three things you're good if you don't have those three things you're not so good so I do have the web browser available to me terminals one of the options is genome terminal luckily we installed it so I have a terminal now we installed the tent to panel it's not on the screen because it doesn't just automatically launch on its own right we have to launch it if I ran it in the terminal right now tent - I have a panel and it actually works I can minimize on minimize that's nice let's open up a another terminal I'm going to open up a new terminal rather than a tab is to make this a little more clear I'm gonna run nitrogen in this terminal nitrogen again was the program to set our wallpaper nitrogen command not found did I not come I think I've misspelled it there we go misspelled it again I will eventually get it okay this is nitrogen this is a graphical program that is really nice good program to set your wallpapers it handles multi monitors very well if you want a different wallpaper for different monitors that's why I use it I use multi monitors in it I've used nitrogen forever it's always been the program I use to draw wallpapers so we need a directory somewhere on our system that has wallpapers pictures available for us so go to directories and click the Add button and if most people would have pictures of course in their pictures directory or something like that but really I'm gonna go to the root filesystem here and I'm going to go to user share backgrounds good gnome I just happen to know that that directory was there you might you guys might have to go to the art wiki and to figure that out but when you install something like good gnome it has its own wallpaper pack and that's where it puts it and since I knew we installed genome I knew that was here if it wasn't here you could install this wallpaper pack by itself without installing a gnome it's called genome - backgrounds you could sudo pac-man - yes Janome - backgrounds I believe is the package thing all right so add that folder click OK now let's draw one of these wallpapers to our screen hit apply there you go now I didn't stretch it to fill the whole screen so let's go to scaled it apply there we go and assuming that was the wallpaper I wanted we're good now there's one problem with what we do now that this looks like a already just doing a wallpaper and a panel this actually is starting to look like a normal desktop that we could live in there's one problem what happens when I close this well the next time I log back in I won't have a wallpaper open box is not going to run that command every time we login also when I close this here I'm gonna lose my uh my panel because that was running in the terminal for height I launched it with the terminal I'll close the terminal boom it goes away so what we need to do is create some kind of auto start file so those programs automatically launch every time and this is not just something you do with open box every desktop environment or window manager has some way for you to automatically launch certain programs when you need them if you want them to auto start even genome I mean all that stuff that happens when you launch genome you know a cyst tray in the panel and there's a new shell and all that a lot of that stuff is hard-coded but some of it you could turn on and off same thing with open box so I was opening the terminal and I was about to start doing it in the terminal but you know what for this video let's do it in the graphical program let's open up PC man at film because we installed it let's use it so this is PC man FM the file manager let's show hidden files and in your home directory go to dot config dot config is where all the config files for programs should live although that's not always the case go to dot config open box there is no dot config slash open box open box does not exist create the directory if it doesn't exist open box there we go now go into that directory alright create a file here create new empty file I'm gonna call it Auto start you know what a name let's open it and whatever text editor you want to open it in now I have to G edit vim genie all installed a see if genie launches since we installed it alright okay and this is your auto start file it's gonna be a bash script basically what do we want to launch on start well I wanted you to draw the wallpaper every time I launch open box so nitrogen space - - restore that command restores your wallpaper when you log in all right I may want to add an ampere sign behind this - not sure if that's necessary or not but it doesn't hurt and then the next line about 10th - that launches our panel that all right now we're not done make this executable we'll also do this in the GUI you see execute says nobody yeah we might want to make that executable be all we need to do let's try it out let's log out and log back in logging out takes a little bit it's not logging out of open boxes slow it's just gdm the genome display manager I think that's I've noticed genome though all of its program system you know not great in a VM sometimes anyway auto start there you go now eventually you may want other programs to auto store maybe you want kaki on the desktop put that in the Auto Start file or maybe you wanted both the panel and maybe a dock on the left-hand side or something or maybe you want your panel at the top and a dock at the bottom put both the panel and the dock you're running in the auto start but whatever you know in the auto start so I'm not going to go through just configuring an open box I've done a million 50 busan open box you guys know I love open box I could actually make a pretty nice open box desktop pretty quickly because I could go to my get lab page and pull down my old configs and that's what uh I suggest you guys do if you're interested in open box and don't know how to get started just go get my configs to the chat for a minute all right no way I'm gonna catch up on the chat I'm not even going to try all right so AMD is good for open source yes Weyland is not on net BSD yet well dang I should switch to NetBeans even I kid guys dumb I'm not throwing shade on Weyland I don't hope nobody gets their panties in a twist every package has gone ohm - make it seem genome is a narcissist yeah well at least they don't name every package with a G in front of it like the KDE guys do yeah I do most of the things with right hand okay but truth is I don't use right hand at dangles in some useless way okay big but I have no idea what you guys were talking about in the chat I probably don't want to know because arch labs use open box yes that was its default desktop if you will forever now they offer other versions they I think they do I three and I think they may do bs pwm as well but yeah for for a long time it was like the open box arch distro well there's several of them arch mang has been around forever too that also built on open box of course the default arco linux which has three different window managers on it one of them is open bugs lotta arch base distros like open box for good reason it's very light very minimal fast very configurable you can do it a ton of stuff which I'm not going to demonstrate on this video but you can do a lot with open box all right why is Waylon bed but Waylon is just not a no I mean it's basically alpha software I mean it's it's not ready for primetime use it will probably be okay once it's fully developed it's just not it's just not usable really he had Viktor that's not necessarily as bad it's just you know got a lot more development that needs to happen yeah so DT we were talking about how my left hand is useless not going there big bud I don't want this this stream to get taken down when did open box start generating a menu by default it'll vary from district to district on what they do with some of their stuff but by default open box does have like a hard-coded menu this is that it is not populated with my programs I mentioned this this is hard-coded it guesses that you might have a calculator a character and these are like the genome calculator and character may guess is that you probably have at least one or maybe multiples of these text editors I just happen to have G at it because I installed that genome desktop early in the stream but really I if this was a base install I'd have none of these five text editors so this menu even though it's populated you're not gonna have any of this stuff unless you installed it before you log in to open box Firefox I knew I needed it and this was why I was telling you guys you're going to need a web browser you're gonna need a terminal emulator you're gonna need a text editor to do anything install those three things before you get in here just to make your life easier but yeah this you're gonna have to edit this menu most of these programs like 99% of the stuff in here you're not gonna have file managers it assumes you're gonna use one of the big ones Nautilus soon or kwin rocks PC man mmm luckily I installed PC man FM because I knew we'd need a file manager I've done this a few times that's why I knew we needed these things but yet this would be a useless menu if you hadn't known that you needed those things how would you edit this menu well you have to go to dot config slash open box there'll be an XML file there actually it's not there by default I think you have to go grab it on your system somewhere by default what I would do though is there's ways to manually generate this you know what I said I wasn't gonna do open box focus I've done them let's open up our terminal actually in this case so good Nome terminal luckily we did install and menu maker is one of the programs I like I'm not sure if it's in the standard arch repose or not it may not be it is well I wasn't expecting menu maker to be there but it is so what is the command for menu maker I think it's YUM maker instead of the full name menu maker M maker space and then the name of the window manager that you won't window maker to generate a menu for because it works with open box I think it works with fluxbox JWM and two or three others so young makerspace open box hope I got this command right no terminal emulators specified there's one other argument you have to do you just think you have to give it space - t4 terminal it's a flag for terminal and give it a terminal emulator specified what it'll use by default I don't know will it accept X term as an argument um yeah it would but X term it's not on the system of course we didn't install it probably should install X term see if it'll take genome - terminal as an argument refuse to overwrite okay let's give all of that sudo privileges or we can use the - F option for force let's try that - elf okay that worked I know that was confusing it took me a minute it's been a while since I've run menu maker I actually don't use menu maker by the way on my open box installs to generate my menus I do everything by hand I just opened up a plain text editor and always just add and remove things in the menu myself but menu maker is a nice way to kind of automate it now menu maker has not changed this menu yet because you need to restart or reconfigure open box and if you go to is there a way to do it in the default menu I thought there was but it doesn't look like there is gonna run open box space and I think it's - - reconfigure could be wrong about that nope that was it this is menu maker it built this menu system and we actually do have these programs it went out there and found all the programs that were installed on our system that had a dot desktop file and made a menu system of those programs we actually have all of this so that useless menu where most of the stuff which is just dead links you'd click on it nothing would happen we actually have all this stuff [Music] and again I don't want to get too deep into an open box tutorial because that's not really what I was gonna do actually originally when I started the stream I thought man I might get through three or four different window managers maybe a couple of big desktop environments I didn't expect to spend that much time on genome the way we did and to be honest we spent a little bit more time on open box we've been streaming for our in 35 minutes and I was saying I probably this is gonna be a short stream this evening where we're gonna go very low we're just gonna take care of a couple of things here but DWM doesn't do Weiland yeah Moe almost no tiling when I almost no window manager tiling floating anything does Waylon I mentioned good gnome and I mentioned sway which most of you probably have never heard of which is just the i3 cloner II rewritten to run on a weight length that's bad that's about all your options really I mean you should we do a DWM install since we did open box which is a floating window manager should we do a tiling window manager I mean I look at the stream off at the two-hour mark which means I've got 24 minutes starting now if I if I just jump right into it all right so what we're gonna do let me back in the VM here all right assume this is the base arch install again we didn't install get home we didn't install open box first thing you need to do of course login I'm gonna log in as root since we have to add remove software I might have mistyped that password yeah I thought so alright so I'm logged in as root X org we already sudo Peck man - yes xorg so we got the X or graphical server on here let's do a tiling window manager and you guys love the suck less projects I do - dwm is actually pretty cool window manager so sue heck man - yes DWM now this is going to the repos and getting a free built binary of dwm now we're gonna do something different later with DWM but for now let's just go get that and what else would you need now assume we hadn't done genome or open box what's the three things I've already told you that you absolutely better have before you log into DW you need a terminal so you do something like even X term or urx BT whatever have a terminal have a text editor if you didn't want just feel more nano so and have a web browser Firefox you know or I got it you've won a lot login manager like DM would be a good option that's all you need if you had those four things you would be pretty good just getting started you could at least log into DWM and from from the graphical environment then you could add and remove the rest of the software you need but all I need is just to install DWM DWM target not found it's need of him really not in the artery pose I guess it's not I'm sure there's pre-built packages in the AR but we haven't enabled it tell you what you guys I'm gonna do something crazy here let's switch from dwm let's pick a different tiling window manager sorry to disappoint you guys but let's do something very similar to DW x Monette this is this is gonna be a big install X monad has to pull down Haskell the Haskell programming language and it has to pull down the Haskell compiler GHC GHC is a rather large program this is a 400 megabyte install just installing the base X monad system by the way that's not all we have to install it run X monad we also have to install a package called X monad - contribu install the base DWM package and then you patch it X monad does something similar you install X monad which is kind of like the base X monad similar to base DWM it's not that usable it's kind of usable both of them are kind of usable but you want to eventually add some extra stuff instead of patching X monad you just install this extra package called X monad - country open it has all the extra niceties that you'll ever want so sudo pac-man - s X monad - can't rib and that's just a 20 megabyte download for that extra package so it's really not bloated and you know just adding that extra package but it will give you some extra stuff that you're gonna want and from there we reboot again hopefully before you did that you installed a login manager and it enabled it hopefully you installed a terminal emulator a text editor and a web browser gonna keep hammering that home for those of you not for very familiar with minimal window managers you know welcome make sure you have a terminal emulator a text editor and a web browser alright so choose our user now we're gonna choose this X monad session and very similar to open box when I hit enter there we go that's open box now by default I have to remember the default key bindings here because X monad I think the default mod key is alt so I think alt enter or is it alt shift enter might be super enter super shift enter what is that's weird I know it's one of those combinations but nothing is happening I'm pretty sure it's all shift-enter yeah somebody in the chat by the way I'm looking at the YouTube chat just briefly which VM is being used as far as the hypervisor is this as a VirtualBox if this is just a problem with the VM I know what the problem is alright guys we installed X Mon ed if you got if you think about it you'll realize what my problem is I I've run window tiling window managers on my host machine right so I'm entering commands in the VM but it's really on my host machine anytime I touch super it's not going to register in the VM it's always gonna it's gonna be my host machine that's gonna cause me some problems now penguin DT you're supposed to remember the key bindings I've installed X monad enough times I'm pretty sure that default key mining is Alt alt shift enter I could look it up but I'm pretty sure I was hitting the right key combination I think it's the same default key combination in DW m2x monette in a lot of ways is very similar to DW m the only big difference obviously once written and see once we written in Haskell but the way they handle multi monitors is completely different that's the big difference I prefer actually the way X monad handles multi monitors but both are good this was X monad but yeah so I was trying to get key combinations in this and anything with this the super key it's obviously not going to do anything for me what I would need to do and my host machine I need to disable the super key from doing actually what I would need to do it'd be better if I had a floating window manager to log into like I could log in on my host machine to open box to do videos about tiling window managers that way there's never a conflict oh yeah that's a good point X monad needs X term yeah by default the X monad can fix the hard-coded default config that we haven't changed expects X term to be there so you know the default key combination looks for X term it assumes everybody has X term installed even if you don't use it it also assumes D menu is on your system the menu we didn't install the Syria is a default key binding I think it's Alt + P and X monad that should give us a command prompt it's not gonna work because we didn't install D menu so Alt key I think yeah is it all deep yeah none of them are gonna work though because I don't have those programs installed so really I can't do anything at this point I would have to drop down into it TTY which I guess I could do yeah why not we have a few minutes and it go back to full screen here all right so how would you fix this cuz that's the point of these crash-and-burn kind of streams when things don't go right I'll show you guys how to fix something I mean that's a real-world problem right it's like I log into my window manager I can't do anything because I don't have anything installed no how do I fix this well get back to a prompt now on your physical machine on your keyboard Control Alt + f2 f3 f4 pick one will get you to a TTY prompt and from here I could sudo actually what I would need to do I'm gonna do not sure where the default X monad config file is on the system I'm going to sudo Peck man - yes a package called um locate um locate install it not a very big program should just take a second and this allows us to have a shell command called locate before you do that though that locate command that goes and searches every file on your system and finds the one you're looking for and you need to run this command sudo Update DB all one-word update DB it'll take a minute the scans your system now locate and I'm going to locate X Mon ed I'm gonna go out and find every file or directory that's X Monette as part of the name and hopefully I will see one that's too many they share user shared duck I see it sh nah that's not the one I need I need exponent dot HS actually the one I need no won't find that I have to pull up this arch wiki you I thought it was pretty obvious where it's at let me CD I'm determined to do this without reading because why not user shear doc X monad there's any women watching the stream you guys you you you gals no guys never read the instruction manuals when we put together anything we just nothing is there and make sure there's nothing it's just hidden no there's nothing there so it's not in user shared doc X Mon in well one of you guys I know it's gonna tell me in the chat but that's cheating the real way you would do this guy's if you were installing X boat added on arch is we would go to the arch wiki I'm gonna do a search for X monad in the art wiki of course it comes up and where is the default config it's gonna tell me that's that's one of the first things that's gonna tell me grade IX mode X monad directory put the X monad HS in it okay the default configuration for X monad is quite usable and is achieved by simply running okay it where is the default config that's what I'm looking for user share well it's telling me how to find find the expo Neches file with the fine command I can try that but why tell me how to find it with this command instead of just telling me the directory okay right that's cool that whoever wrote that uh arch wiki page put this command in there but why not just tell me where it's it instead of telling me how to find it fine command of course did not return anything as I kind of expected it not to because I didn't find it with the locate command either hmm when I drink a beer and think about this now we want to proceed there is a easy way to solve this problem by the way [Music] as far as how to do something in x-mode add other than just stare at the black screen the X monad config expects X term to be on the system and it expects D menu to be on the system so sudo Peck man - capitalist X term space D menu both of them are in the repos awesome all right so now if I now get back to the graphical environment and we'll just reboot the VM I've never had a problem finding the default X monad config before I should know where it is on the system I bet it's somewhere in slash Etsy that sounds familiar like it's somewhere in /hz I could dig around and probably find it well let's just see if X monad works when I log in so alt shift enter I knew the default combination that works that's X term really bright white X term well I'm blinded alt p runs demon you know that from there we can do anything in X monad right now that you have a terminal and a run launcher you can do anything from there you can install nitrogen a matter of fact we've already got nitrogen installed so if I do alt P right now and run nitrogen space - - restored would it no it won't do that well we can't launch the perp we can run it no because one yeah well let's go ahead and run it of course I've yet to type it right why can I talk right today yeah of course it won't restore anything until I actually open the program and go find well you guys seeing this command not found nitro GE / lattice is like some weird error okay alt p to get D menu open up terminal nitrogen - - restore there we got a wallpaper at least I don't know why X term is wigging out on me but that is to the fault terminal emulator that ex-mo dad expects to be on the system now once you configure X Monad you can change that to anything you want X term is fine but I would change it to something else so now we have wallpaper we don't have a panel what I would do is I would get back into a terminal and su do I know this fun and X term is extremely small sudo pac-man - capital s X mobar it's typically the one most people use with X mode in and because it's written in high school and X monad kind of expects you to use exponent mobar now you could use something like poly bar or lemon bar maybe even something like can't - I don't know how well that would work but I found using a bar other than X bar to be kind of buggy poly bar it really doesn't work that will with X monad for some reason anyway well that is like a blinding white terminal I've got to change the color scheme for that X term if I was using it well all right now if I just ran X mu bar without writing a config file for it X mo bar actually did launch you can't see it because the window here well actually at grab I keep forgetting X no bar launch you can't see it because the window is in front of it I'm going to kill the VM though actually let's see if I can get it back into place I can't once again this is one of the problems when you have a tiling window manager on your host machine and you're doing a tiling window manager and avium the streams get crossed right I'm hitting a command for the VM and the host machine is as doing it or vice versa you know what that was enough though by the way that's my host machine they're logged into Q tau for this video it's men days maybe weeks really since I've logged into Q tile for any reason I thought I'd log in and make a video in Q tile today because why not been an awesome for a while alright let's back to the chat all right so I'm gonna kill the stream in about five minutes anybody wants to get in anything get it in the chat so it lives forever now's the time you all right we're having some problems with the stream we got some buffering issues guys yeah looks like it of course I expected some problems with a stream tube because most of the stream we were downloading software that's always gonna cause some problems yeah DT has three monitors which blinds them yeah yeah I find light above 3,600 K radioactive good for kitchen lighting terrible for putting something in front of your retinas good point stump WM that maybe eventually you can quit the VirtualBox VM manager still just enough 135 likes thumbs up I use arch by the way well I wonder how many people said that while I was playing around in the VM after that we can destroy the vm's that were cloned we can do the REM - RF or DD you know what I know I'm never gonna use that gun ohm veeam that we just did so we launched VirtualBox did I not type that right I'm launching VirtualBox by the way with uh D menu that time you got to see it but the first time it was on a different monitor you didn't know what I was doing and I launched VirtualBox and let's go ahead and relaunch this vm switch to full screen I'm gonna log in to genome and then we're gonna have some fun all right so what do you guys want to do you want to RM - re off what do you want to DD I mean we could do the the Bosch fork bomb - but that doesn't permanently destroy the VM again I don't care about this video this video is just a test VM I cloned it for purposes of you know let's break something so before we go you know what let's just do the REM - re off yeah cuz it's more fun you're right somebody said it's more fun it's more fun because you really don't get any information after you do it I mean you know you screwed up as soon as you hit Enter but it doesn't really give you any feedback yeah you don't know how bad you messed up no it's good no I'm terminal let's go ahead and see if I can change the font and everything while I'm here all right guys where is the settings I don't use genome terminal that often either how can I change the font now command scrolling colors okay here we go it's changed a solar solarized for a dark theme that'll help a lot and text what is the text size text appearance 80 by 24 columns that's nice mono space 12 let's change that to mono space bump it up to 16 we can really see it did we not chat though we changed this a solarized let the light solarized there we go all right so soon REM dash RF root I'm not sure if arch is one of those distros that has some restrictive things going on it might warn us that this is not a good idea yep it is dangerous to operate recursively on Route use - - no - preserve - route to override the spill safe so run that same command this time give it - - no - reserve - route all right and this is what I'm talking about I mean immediately after you hit that I mean you know you messed up but it's like it pauses for a second and then you get it was you know it's removing everything but eventually it just stops you getting no more feedback in the terminal could I do anything else could I do a simple LS command LS command I found when you run the command LS and nothing happens that's when you know you messed up sudo reboot it's kind of complain that both sudo probably and reboot are no longer available yes oh dude no such file or directory reboot reboot command not found there's nothing left that the UM that VM is hosed a run D menu on my host machine and run a quick X kill to kill that VM cuz obviously I can't kill the VM from inside the VM anymore matter fact I'm gonna go ahead and delete the VM so that VM right there Arch Linux genome the one we've been working in all day remove delete all files nevian gone I don't know why we love Soo Do Re Mi RL fruit so much I like it you guys like it we should make this like a once a week thing we just all get together just for a REM dash RF stream yeah I once REM - re effed because Firefox didn't want to work and I was so angry yeah I had a guy the other day messaged me and said he did a REM - RF you know space and he was doing a deep directory he was REM - or anything like a deep directory like slash home slash user slash you know documented slash whatever and it's like five or six directories deep and he accidentally typed a space after that very first slash and he didn't realize it because it looked normal but you can imagine what happened and the rule on that the lesson on that is never ever run REM - or you shouldn't run REM dash RF on any directory unless you absolutely have to but you should never try to run it on a directory that's like more than like two directories deep CD into that directory and then run that command or CD into the parent directory and then run that command don't try to you know REM - re off a really long path name because as soon as you accidentally add a space where you didn't mean to you've messed up yeah why would anybody run sudo Oreo Oreo fruit you wouldn't there's there's no point to do it there's no good reason ever to do it cuz it doesn't doesn't do anything I mean it wrecks your Linux install but it doesn't like format the drive or anything DD at least when you accidentally DD well at least you have formatted the drive you know it served a purpose you formatted the wrong Drive but at least it did something once I tried it on a laptop for fun I wanted to reinstall anyway I didn't know my UEFI firmware was auto mapped and you ended up deleting your entire CMOS oops this is why you don't use RM - re oh yeah DT is it possible to have one config for most if not all window managers it's not possible typically the config files are written in whatever language those window managers are programmed in they're not all programmed in the same language like my cute all config is a Python script because Q Java was written in Python the config file for BS pwm i think is basically a bash script the config file for DWM of course is in c the config file for exposure at instant a school no you can't have you can't have them all using the same script it's just not possible but it's not I mean you can all you can configure them all to use the same key bindings and stuff you just have to tweak each config file a little bit but since syntax will be a little different but it's not difficult not basically use the same kind of config for every tiling window manager that I have installed I've got 6 installed on this machine right now you can do ctrl + home to access the menu to shut down the VM good - yeah weakly REM - Arriaga gnome now that's what we should do once a week we are em - or if you know them off of something I just keep a yeah a vm of a boon to around i just clone it and every week we just wipe it out that our F stands for reboot Firefox no that stands for recursively meaning arrium for remove our for recursively meaning delete this directory and any directory or file in that directory and any file or directory in that subdirectory and so forth and so forever so when you re m dash RF root and it deletes fruit and everything in it the F stands for force meaning don't warn me about enforce this thing too what happens if the file system is immutable yeah good I have no idea I I missed a ton of Chet jumped ahead on me sorry guys and more RM RF commands why BIOS over UEFI for me I should I don't I just move always stuck with it you know I was doing all this before UEFI was around so I've just always stuck with no Master Boot Record [Music] on some of my machines like my laptop's are kind of older hardware i just just do bios you I know as far as is there an advantage to UEFI over by OSA apparently there is some people say there might be a bit of a speed advantage or obviously UF I was kind of created for security reasons but sure if it's really any real difference between them but just because I do legacy BIOS doesn't mean you have time and you can do UEFI so if you are watching the the install of arch the other day that I did the only difference is whenever I did the partition tables in let's see if disk instead of creating dos you should create a GPT up table you do dose poor legacy BIOS you do GPT for UEFI the other thing you would have to do is when you do the make file system you know you have to do what mkfs dot fat read the arch wiki the steps are similar to what I did for BIOS is just you're going to type some different commands not nothing nothing complicated somebody is saying I use audacious by the way audacious is not bad for a minimal audio player of course it's kind of a clone of the old winamp it's like when a pet submits great open-source software on Linux right you can put it's compatible with the old Winamp theme so those of you that remember went out two decades ago windows in had a bunch of cool community themes they all work on audacious it takes those old went out themes none of those themes look quite right on modern monitors though because we use such bigger monitors and higher resolution or the fonts so tiny if you're using those old themes now what is the best between KDE and genome X Mon an open box what you're just discounting those and we're just as if that's that's all that exists right KDE and genome it's like oh what's the best Ford or Chevy what's the pissed Coke or Pepsi like oh it's a question that doesn't even make sense right try them see what you like better why are you asking me I don't use either one Hank for example k2e without a doubt big pot here in a minutes gonna jump in and say good Noam if he's still around yeah dead beef for music yeah I agree if you want dead beef is really like the perfect graphical music player small/small download doesn't have a ton of features but it's got what you need it's not bloated in any way and it has a great name alright guys well we've been streaming for about 2 hours and 10 minutes and I said I wasn't gonna stream that long this evening but I think we covered a few good topics today we got Gunawan Arch installed we also played around with open box and a X monad a little bit on arch but of course we got to interact with the chat a lot too so this was fun glad you guys hung out with me the last couple hours been boring if you guys hadn't shown up yeah penguin have a great night DT I agree have a great night penguin film tell sir is sword goober Jan everybody on the chat really thank you guys of course before I go let me of course thank these guys too handsome Chris the other Chris Douglas Dylan George Jack Lee or Mitchell Philip Rob Robert Sam Tony Willie those guys they're awesome without these guys these shows wouldn't be possible also I want to thank all those names you see on the screen each and every one of those guys that support the channel they help support the channel over on patreon you want to help support me if I'm in it distro to be on patreon alright guys peace [Music]
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 96,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arch linux, desktop environment, arch linux tutorial, arch linux install, arch linux desktop environment, arch install, arch linux desktop, arch linux (operating system), arch linux customization, arch linux live stream, installing gnome arch
Id: v6JG5B-Ff1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 36sec (7956 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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