Walmart Game of SCOOT!

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good afternoon friends how are you doing are you doing fantastic awesome well yeah me too I'm with Derek Marr right I came up with this brilliant idea all on my own okay it's a big boy I'm just kidding I didn't come up this idea I Adam did it with bikes and I was like I have to do this because I'm like Adams like I am I'm Adams like friends so I was like hey we should do this with scooters right so I'm gonna copy Adam and I want to give a quick shout out to him you guys can check out his Walmart game of bike there I just gave away that whole idea me and Derek are doing a Walmart game of scoot so we're gonna go into Walmart what kind of scooters are gonna buy I want to Barbie one we're hoping to find Barbie so look let's go day 45 are we looking for not found his scooter filming in here because I feel like they're always like thinking we're gonna do something bad but we're actually not this time we're actually like buying we're actually buying the scooter I'd made the same joke as Spencer in Adams video okay we have found the bikes where would the scooters be Derek if you were a scooter where would you be hiding probably in there conditioning in the corn and air conditioning if you're a scooter you would travel to the air conditioning that's probably what I would do oh I see scooters I see skaters yes thirty two dollars oh my god no that's like doesn't spin those we have to use what we can actually like trick I think we should both get a pink one comment below comment well coming above there's no comment section above there that kid B will make a comment second parallel universe I think I guess I guess we're both Walmart game of scoot it's about to go down alright let's go pay for these bad boys but this time you see we're not going to cause problems like we normally do Derek we're actually purchasing products no I think we should both get the pink ones because that like iron that looks too basic that's only $22 do we look like we're do we look like those kind of people there no where should I spend $32 on sweetie well it's hard to be in here and not do anything stupid for the video you know I mean yeah I need your honest opinion how many ladies would like it with the screener quite a bit I don't know yet I am you don't think I'll get any late do you think I'll get ladies with the scooter no you don't think I'll get ladies in the scooter all right what if I'm trying to get guys with the scooter all right yeah oh do you think I'll get ladies with the scooter hell yeah all right let's go excuse me do you think will we get ladies with this scooter no I were buying a scooter anyways we don't need ladies we don't need ladies in our life we're buying the scooter put your scooter next to mine it's got a mini oh oh yeah yeah do we have to go oh my god this is gonna be lit we are purchasing the whips how do you feel I feel pretty confident um took me a lot of courage to build up to come out here I just feel like everyone's gonna be really jealous yeah that we have pieces so I was just trying to stay off of that your knowing it is very fantastic these are we got these for our birthday presents yeah shut pink scooter yes yeah see originally originally my mom told me that I can only spend $25 on a scooter but I talked her up to 32 oh yeah she's a very nice woman can you give me an honest opinion how many girls will we get with these pink scooters quite a bit yeah every night whoa I'm rocking up yes you know that yeah thank you guys need a pulpit we're already married Oh got your twins yeah yeah something like that seventy dollars let's go let's go thank you but today your birthday a couple day yeah happy birthday thank you you covered a play okay thank you sweet we have purchased dude I'm going to need that there go get our game on everybody we have pink scooters we got pink scooters in the game hey let's go sweet this is lit I'm excited to place games beyond these hey watch us through one trick they break their there show us the goods really quick with Cole this is me and Eric are headed off to Claremont skate park Claremont game and we're gonna play scoot so we'll see when we get there no you have gum on your shoes you're gonna get our brand new scooters dirty Oh so heavy there ladies and gentlemen welcome to Claremont skate park hash tag squad out hash tag bangers shall be hooked give us more hash tags hashtag blessed on this thing with this is um scooter check I have a pink that's it yeah some dirt Oh Derrick look at this look at these things that makes it so much better dude wait that makes it so much better do it no that's a foul yes we have to do tricks that involve the Bell like you have to flare and ring I just got so much more hyped on these I didn't know they had a bell and they had these flange things does this give me like cheerleader scooter riders this isn't gay at all how'd you do that ruff Canyon do this how do you put these in oh is it what does it lit they're definitely okay let's throw these boxes away cuz we're savages we don't need the box my name is Derrick Mar I'm 13 years of age I live in somewhere in San Diego basically like my whole life like we're out of the womb I just learned you know oh you see I have therapy I mean I beat the one and only Jake Angela's in a game competitive scoot one time sup guys all right so I'm I'm Tanner Fox I'm a 32 I live in the south side of South Africa I've been competitive Barbie scootering for I think eighteen and a half years now what I think about my competitor I know his name's Derrick I think something like that I don't really care to be honest um he's good at this but I really don't think he's up to par with my level of Barbie scootering yes sir are you nudists okay it's recording welcome to Walmart game of scoot me and Derrick are rocking our Barbie razors we bought them for a whopping price of 32 dollars of each each we've got our palm frond flanges we have our Bell so we're going to play rock paper scissors and then we're gonna get this game of scoots started started let's go that's two out of three let's best route three best leader nope I haven't done a single trick on it so I'm just gonna go for briar first try for the boys yeah it's a tricky over the spine you got ring the bell and then what Oh No yes you didn't land it I was gonna be so scared to do that okay all right what's your set by Jerry I'm honestly thinking I'm gonna go for the I'm gonna kick Alyssa spine I'd say like it liked it it's not safe at all it does it just goes in your lap all right I'm gonna go for the phone ring with Derek how are you dude first try I'm gonna I'm gonna flare very good I thought I had a letter you're set oh I'm trying to umbrella umbrella umbrella did you land that oh okay hi that's an s ask for so far Derek's in Derek's and leave - how many I'm gonna go for the kick list again on the spine all right no oh my gosh no Derek quit landing sup I'm gonna take it to over there somewhere okay boardslide it'll be crazy just your average little scooter with Flint with palm fronds again Derek eats your boy up which is you with an inward out of that will bang wait on the left one No why how do you do that literally do anything on a light it's like so unstable though down for Derrick why do you keep landing stuff this isn't fair alright I'm hit up the pork slide again dude all right day 35 my FS Derrick has nothing Derrick almost died without getting the rail what you'll see I feel like the only safe thing to do with scooter flips in like flips bell ring floor I'm gonna oh my god I'm going for the bell ring flare let's go Chi oh oh I have no depends on I go into front born oh geez I can't even front port on a normal scooter why can you do that great life did choose Oh what I told you I can't do the front boards anyways well I set him up with the boys flare bell ring again my canteen ring there was no bell ring in that flare what do you think is count Count count there's no burning I have SC you know imma try the bell ring floor just for Tana soma shame to be your friend how could you not land a bell ring flare yeah I'm gonna put bells on my normal sphere dude that'd be so cool okay I'm gonna go on the spy I'm a gypsy line up this fight oh oh not gonna this the rail over there Oh which I see salad on that whore do not tell her that there oh that's retarded cut it out all right you're gonna blank me and this is my video he officially does not like me Thanks what are you doing you woulda land that there I mean what you do the rules we how about I think one one rebei one lash daiquiri bitch hi guys I have nothing to lose Derek spot a blank me yes Oh guys sponsor us down below okay absent Barbie raises Derek yeah I'm gonna get I'm gonna get the flare bell ring for myself okay right here yeah alright get it oh good how do you feel about that the Loch Jordan Hall Bobby clock yeah three vases no Derrick's is give you one letter yeah Derek got a letter I would just like to take a moment just to thank the Academy I'd like to thank Derek's mom for making him suck at scooter yeah cuz he's the one letter and I have to I'm really scared right now but I must flip out of bacon ramp why are you able to do that no dinner dude is stupid foot Derek I have SEO know so much right I'm gonna hit it up with the hill right on the spine oh my gosh I can't even hear it you guys have the coolest scooter that you really think so they're pretty good hey Lyle anyone material you lift Chacra why are you doing thank the Lord I would have been so sad of you today I'm just gonna title this video Derek does better tricks the Tanner strict but I'm gonna do the Smith and how much grip takers like this so there's not that much grip tape is what I'm Tressa oh one hand that's that's trading what guys this kid is crazy oh I'm really not compared to what you tonight huh huh well he get it wait I didn't know you can in word I'm gonna give it another try at the flare helmet cap that's on you didn't touch your head what you did not touch your head I felt it but we can slow mo the video so sketch getting I did barely tapped I need the freaking method do you need the adjustable thing I'm gonna go for the Hillary won again because I can't win now I can't land anything no darn it I can't you or you if you land he'll I don't know I'm gonna be really buttered Jerry stop it what's this hour on accident oh my god I'm gonna get at least I got one letter on you I said this about every trick but I'm scared to do this I'm a shot I'm scared to try this even I'm gonna land it first try tearful okay so that's a good impression Thanks that's like spot-on thanks ruff I'm gonna try a flower bar guys whatever you do don't try that I don't think anyone was planning on doing a flare bar in a barbecue today before it I'm going for the bribe up on that quarter oh I can't I tried to not to my niece's like we're running on tricks to do cuz the shooter is scary like we gotta have a limit 540 on the corner boy okay not there quick even that Bank like a little Bank up over there I'm gonna untwist it going crazy how do you feel about this game of scoot on the barbie scooters oh oh he's going super embarrassing but this is sick what are you talking about that's not very nice yeah he was talking smack about me get our scooters look very fair always said but yeah be sure you'll see in the video Russ I think these scooters are personally really nice I love it castle I mean you just like let us know do you think you count that yeah like you can let me know right now hit me up like the video with a thumbs up listen to dare couple phones on that double from that crazy okay so basically I'm gonna try to fast on Freddie go Jer Derek I broke it you're an idiot guys see if you like we have to go buy another one Derek this was my life this is my life dude it's gone forever all right so I'm fast my friend you'll step up there you're gonna die you have two options here hey you're gonna die B you're gonna beat me no yes that does knock you out your foot slipped okay I'm gonna go for the bright lip on that again oh my god I'm so far away oh my gosh perfect okay I'm gonna be honest with you guys right now it probably took me at least three tries to cry with that on my scooter alright hunt you're going fast one for himself again Yeah right there I'm gonna go for a buttercup there on the spine my thing works on it all right can you just get me out third yeah let's start looking I said 30 35 Weiss a week try number three that's my friend step up you're gonna die Harvick's oh my god you almost killed me Derek yeah I'm gonna go for the kick let's rewind air Oh your scooters like for girls dude these pink scooters are lit your scooters for girls he says I don't care hey guys well honestly that kids scooters for girls I don't know why yeah what's this bowl sweet what went down there what happened I'm have to go to Walmart to refund my scooter swap it is if it's already breaking Derek you did three front flips and that's it ah I got him a letter sketchy let's get you started you're on your last set you have the power to get me out it's all time you do for free so what I hate you it is not a chance I'm trying that all right Derek how is the game of Walmart scoot bang-bang you want any words of wisdom of yours I mean first word don't try this it's not a good idea not gonna do it hurts really bad guy that ends this video Derek beat my ass by three letters so let us know in the comments if we should do this again or other I fun ideas with little scooters though and be sure to follow all social medias um watch my last video that does it must fit now do the hand thing handy me like that in the video
Channel: Tanner Fox
Views: 4,122,017
Rating: 4.8060122 out of 5
Keywords: edit, tanner fox, funny, bmx, adam, movies, kicked, out, scoot, bike, crazy, razor, scooter, fun, tricksd, tricks, vs, gay, pink, girl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2016
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