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yesterday we went to Home Depot and got like way too much stuff we got an aircraft giant air compressor glumly a bunch of razor blade safety glasses and duct tape all that stuff that you guys just saw and there's one thing I forgot I really want to get like my own target salumi I don't really know what we're doing but I have a few ideas and we're going to need spray paint we need some sort of board that the fidgets can like go into our like a background so that we don't like breaks Kirby did you know it's mom's birthday today did you know I know your birthday was last week but there's other people that have birthday so you have to sad birthday to mommy promise why I could tell if you why your tell if you mean it right now all right well yesterday I had this sticker stuck on me for like an hour and no one told me Kirby so I'm going to do that to you no one's going to tell you see if it's been there when we get back hey oh oh hey oh hey three we're still going strong no matter what I do when I do it in a oh my god you guys are not going to believe what should happen so I'm coming down this aisle we're at Home Depot because we got to get a few more things I'm coming down this aisle right where that white truck just passed there's this van so they're supposed to stop going this way and I was coming where that dodge is like going this way probably 10 miles an hour exceeds a parking lot so I was coming this way and this van just pulls out in front of me going like 20 like straight across and I just slam on the brakes and we legit almost just like hit and that was a scariest thing ever like legit like my heart's pounding good thing I was like paying attention I just slam on the brakes in a super sketchy yeah today it's been really nice lately but then today it's just windy way I just witnessed Taylor almost getting hit again look visit this intersection does need stop signs so I was coming this way and this card cut me off completely so like why are there no stop sign here people just mob noxious and I just asked if they had bottles of scraping he doesn't know where I could find a water bottle of spray paint I'm color blind so I'm relying on you to pick a bright red on all things that's like colored spray paint what do you mean colors I could see I get the cat house I know Venice's ready she bought it we've been to home because three times disclaimer don't try the following things you're about to see in this video their power plug I hear ya so for today's video yesterday you saw us go to Home Depot and we got way too many supplies I really don't know where this videos going to head I don't even whole objective of this vlog we kind of just bought a bunch of stuff to do a bunch of different things with so in this bag we got at Home Depot yesterday oh my gosh I don't tape razor blades safety glasses gloves a big clamp more razor blades more razor blades that's like I bought superglue good night okay timber we bought this piece of like it's not dry well it's not drywall but it's like some patch thing for fixing walls or something and then we got rich gray paint so let's start off by making our target again I hope by the end of this video we'll have a use for this target but I knew we were going to have to have a target if we have a giant air compressor and razor blades and fidgets printers like what what else could that possibly turning okay Oh squeeze and pull is this child drew closer you make a target let me see how this work should have left it like that so I didn't let's gonna target like a turd oh is it this is five point outer is five point so we're going to wait for our target to dry spray paint something something that we're allowed to spray paint please I'm just going to go ahead and spray paint getting it close okay okay so glasses you're making glasses hey you get Munoz soggy fun oh it's a doggie bones oh I thought it was a guy with glasses when he's had a big nose I was just a doggy bone nice it's a target we'll call it a target we have about four total fidget spinners into the aluminum one cities are perfect for what we're trying to do with them we want to break stuff and put razor blades on them and stuff like that but we got to make sure they got the t fox stickers on them so every time you order one of these they come with a sticker pack and you basically get to choose what you put on the cap Strether than it having like a permanent engraved whatever okay just some party last but not leave y'all now we got four fidgets to do whatever we want with them so first things all we should take out the air compressor that's what we need it to be usually before ah have you used one of these before yeah filled up your bike to your house with this song anger do we need a pee nozzle to come over technical difficulties the air compressor I don't know why I didn't even think about this doesn't come with a little like nozzle things that put in their project fidgeted spinners on a hold we have to go back to Home Depot it's still there I Kirby I'm gonna take it off now you gotta grab back okay I think it's safe to say we like live here now but these are my saw TV also mine deep cuts portable bandsaw blades also mine where the connectors they just need uh polythene what we're so dumb look look this what went wrong we bought this one this is the accessory one I have good news so the air compressor we bought $150 for the upgraded set with 50 dollars more this whole set is only 17 dollars we're saving money go I'm surrounded by Michael gets on behind me this is the scary I'm going down I'm going down with there's 12 bike off behind me so close to me I did most airbag thing in my life fill out the back window so what the back window [Music] right you yelled at the homeless guy I got out of there bro I couldn't deal with that special guest Clayton and will came over to grab some vintage winners and they're going to help a little bit with the fidgets video so they're showing me how to use air compressor because I've never put one together go okay first of all don't say that we're helping you because we also have no idea what we're doing you were kick scooter stores go you know exactly I don't have to put an air compressor in there and this thing is like that let's hold on tape footballs on thousand mile per hour fidget spinner right here I'm about to break his glass table all right so we're going to warm up and safety first wait what is that one Russian guy say all right we're going to warm up we're going to just going to put it on this clamp thing I bought I don't know if it's gonna work but number one things safety is number one priority I bought this clamp thing and I don't know if it's going to do anything but I still have it oh yeah this is gonna be beautiful and it matches its red and black how much you enjoy having this like let's hang back here love it that is it right there the perfect setup straight up alright now we need to put air compressor to it safety again number one priority this is probably a little unnecessary but uh maybe Zone one priority so we're gonna see how fast we can get this thing going we got a pump up the air first and then we're going to get going I have it in the clamp it's the bill oh we're good now consultant miles and now walk Oh [Music] hopefully by the end of this video we're going to make ninja stars out of the fidgets spinners but I just had labels I have this old iPhone it's like my business phone that I do all my business phone calls and stuff like that on but I don't use too often in the screen it's already cracked so we're going to try to do just the metal fidget before we add stuff we're just going to try to do like the metal fidget just by itself no razor blade versus an iPhone so let's see how that goes hopefully this doesn't shatter the iPhone I just want to see how like if it will do any damage the screen from like a little hit because I actually need this phone so hopefully doesn't shatter and ruin it here I want to give it a shot we do safeties number one priority FPSRussia has a different di is it craw trust me on a youtuber ready oh my god I hear Luigi like shades it dude right this time I'm going to actually go in harder and hopefully we can crack the screen thing we got going here 450 oh my god me you're here great that's bad that's so crazy with a [Music] no I actually need his iPhone oh my screams you need to get a break what it is know that his mom iPhone - we're all gonna find your mom iPhone yeah Tanner why would you I didn't think you would break I'm just kidding you it is my business but like I actually need this ID to get the screener place over look at the freaking damage on that I like how it's like a perfect circle you know a perfect little spider web right from where hey it's like it's like a John or something yo legit though it actually cracked the screen iguodala's but oh it was off what stable work hmm all right tanner we gotta go I think it's brilliant like doesn't even turn on no all right we're gonna mess with other stuff now I'm going to get back you guys if the iPhone works but I'm pretty sure it's completely broken now familiar faces worn out places worn out Belgium mile an hour had to go a little faster than that something was like screaming like five dollars well we're going to say 25,000 miles an hour fidgets winner vs iphone winner it went good it completely shattered my iPhone screen so I'm gonna have to get that replaced now on to the next thing alright guys so we're having some technical difficulties there's air compressors leaking just a wee bit so while awaiting for the ninja stars to dry off we're going to see how fast get this here digit spinner in this um this here clamp thing in the ground I put it here so we can just spin away we got about 90 psi of air [Music] what what what oh so sick oh my gosh look at this I know you're filming a video of your guys and my girlfriend comes out here with a sandwich chips and a drink all for me know everyone let's go to Target up we got our bullseye and when I got me yard set it up get a second fidget ninja star fidget spinner ninja star take one do I throw harder like way whatever you wanted we have to glove on also watch me miss completely though okay I'm gonna take the glove off no keeps go but it's like tight go yo it was what your dude that's actually good it went straight in oh my turn for the ninja star take the glasses well I love you guys's safety is number one priority at all time what if I knock you're not as talented so first one your bullseye win if you got it yeah wait my turn now then I gotta get it anyone with Rabbie's first attempt win here in Milan right then Oh Bradley no Bradley that's the coolest thing I've ever seen you did in his life okay guys the ninja stars are over with every wall I just burped Mavericks over now and he's been trying to kaboom for the last 45 minutes and cannot even get upside down and we're just having a fence over here so I told maverick I would give him a signature shirt on G Fox brand so he's got a limited edition shirt I'm gonna give him three minutes on this timer and if he does it in three minutes two lands one if he could knock it upside down maverick Leonard is going to have a signature shirt in the next line are you ready your three minutes starting now hello come on birds we got three minutes to get the signature shirt dude trampoline life let's get it come on lone flat and pull your legs over look guys we're even giving him tips but he just won't do it signature shirt bro maverick they all want your signature sure dude you're going forward why can't you come we'll be Bradley can do it so good Riley doesn't like nothing you're going forward Hannah come on you get up you no way you're gonna be gone come on keep going come on matter 35 seconds left Oh gotta get this matters got 15 seconds 15 seconds keeping one foot one foot one oh no are you going keep going jump ten seconds ten seconds you can't touch them they're not doing it because you're raining you're hitting one foot I'm so dead hahaha food was excited seeing me today was the iPhone completely shattered the screen it was crazy so I hope you enjoyed the fidgets Bennet vs. iPhone and then our little kind of ninja star whatever that was so if you guys enjoyed today's video be sure to drop a thumbs up and let me know what I should do next with fidget spinors peace out I will see you tomorrow second you can't second I'm not doing it because you're mining you're hitting one foot dude come on now he's like four foot - you're on them today we try to have to hit both your heels like that
Channel: Tanner Fox
Views: 5,814,179
Rating: 3.9736505 out of 5
Keywords: tanner fox, Scooter, scootering, funny, music, laugh, awesome, videos, skatepark, extreme, sports, insane, water, canon, 70d, video, vlog, vlogging, tanner, jake, angeles, trampolines, fidget, spinner, hand, fidget spinner, fidget spinner vs, 1000mph fidget spinner vs iphone, 1000mph, fastest, in the world, most expenive fidget spinner, DIY ice fidget spinner, homemade fidget spinner, homemade, super trampoline park, backflip, kaboom, how to, gross, scary, cry, emotional, speed of sound, fox, tfoxbrand
Id: Lqlv79cb0N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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