Wallo & Gillie Da Kid, Podcast Hosts | Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson

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that was fun though you got your cookies and [ __ ] what you get you get you get three meals and then at night you get a snack yeah no no no no this is what they don't know oh at night time like hour before you ready to be you go back to the childhood they had the snacks the juices the chocolate milkshakes yeah that wasn't the cookies the chocolate milks they had no they had all type of stuff when i was it's cooking but didn't you do this you played listen you played listen you played i don't know what we did so now the whole time you and they're happy you don't understand that they prepare you for the penitentiary [Music] yo what's good everybody welcome back to hot boxing with mike tyson i'm bash the co-host and we got wallow and gilly here today oh gang a million dollar worth of game they got a jalen ramsey on shout out to um uh young thug kevin gates meek mills damian lillard damian lillard kevin garnett yeah everybody and they're [ __ ] different because they like travel to them like they had a little kid that's what i wanted i want to go on location to france or somewhere italy that's something funny she's not stuck in the office of [ __ ] dog all right so let's talk [ __ ] guys come on what the [ __ ] you doing man i'm boxing with now good mike baby we hot boxing with mike but mike listen when you saw this this fake tough guy and he was on his on instagram what did you think which one this one right here i don't know i don't know i thought he wanted to get shot or some [ __ ] he's by himself with the [ __ ] talking bad [ __ ] like he got a thousand [ __ ] behind him but he's by himself so yeah that's how i rolled up coincidentally i've been shot a few miss shots [ __ ] [ __ ] no [ __ ] i know you talking about your [ __ ] you know that's absolutely new man you know what i realized in my life um when i brought that energy i brought that heat came behind it mm-hmm but when i try to do like in and like me now it doesn't come to me you know when you bring it to your energy attracts yeah yeah your energy i don't have that energy anymore you know when we was younger growing up in you know in north philadelphia the streets of north philly where we came from it was just like a certain culture what is that if listen you ain't had a right listen if you ain't shot nobody somebody took your chain and you ain't come back and shot them you're a [ __ ] yeah yeah your food now yeah you [ __ ] oh yeah you don't even want to shoot nobody but you know if you don't what's going to happen yeah just like the wolves all of us going to turn on you absolutely we're good people you know we'll die for this guy but once he let that happen we all turn on him like wolves that's how that [ __ ] be out there man it's just it's just crazy man you know yeah and and and wallow you know mike he went to jail with 17. yeah you put it in he did 20 years and then came home at 37. yeah listen your story listen like this these guys look like you ain't no dudes but you don't have to get so harmless and stuff i am did you work that critique up to be successful you guys seem so harmless don't look at this guy did a day in prison no it's like you go out and you go out of the dumpster you know how you go through that phase when you're young you just love dumb [ __ ] because in the ghetto the ghetto glorify and amplify and they respect dumb [ __ ] and if you ain't bringing that dumb [ __ ] it's like oh you're a [ __ ] go to work be a nut if you ain't selling no dope if you ain't shooting nobody if you ain't doing none of that and that's what we taught that's what we're educated about cause you think about it mike when we kids and we're in the ghetto and you sitting on the step and you see the dude pulled up in the bins of the cadillac and he got a nice clothes on smelling good the chain he going to pick up the most beautifulest girl in the neighborhood so you as a kid you saying you looking at him get her then you looking at the neighbors in the in the community the older ladies everybody respect this guy but their own respective dude is coming home from work dirty everyday so you're like i got to be a street [ __ ] unless i you preach into the choir i mean so that's how they should be why because no why cause none of them little [ __ ] with that chin nobody [ __ ] it though i want to be like that mm-hmm now and for us you know now that we're older it's all about giving games yeah that street game is vicious it's vicious and the [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah the [ __ ] it'll [ __ ] you all the way up and i had you just like man how you in that [ __ ] cell on that graveyard you know and if it's certain situations that you go through and uh you know you don't develop a relationship with god and you know start seeing what's the right ways then you you're gonna end up where you're gonna end up at as i get older i develop a relationship with god all right be all be honest with you my expiration date is coming up soon i'm trying to make sure the meeting is right i'm not trying to find my way i think i haven't given money away lately but you know subconsciously i'm trying to buy my way in there too that meeting is a [ __ ] when you get older you people walk up on you and ask you how you doing you start saying [ __ ] like blessed by the best you know because the reality of it is hold of you 26 26. just you know saying nothing don't happen you know we i'm 45 he's 54 55 he's 42. we probably lived half our life already it's probably 60 percent you know what i'm saying when you think about it might be 80 because what's the chances of me living the 90 as we get older i ain't [ __ ] burger king all the time out chill out we're going crazy we feel crazy as we get older the age we get closer to our past than we do to our future mm-hmm we get closer to our mother farther than aunt than we do to our children niece and nephew right and vice versa but they get older they're ready that they get they're closer to us than they are to their own children and that's how life goes as you get older you're closer to your path honestly going off of what you said wallow your story is amazing let's hear it yeah so if i just correct me if i'm wrong you know obviously you know you served your time then you studied business you just started studying studying studying all types of different different revenues of businesses business and stuff like that then you ended up becoming like a huge motor motivational speaker start talking at like universities penn state right yeah a bunch of bunch of them blew up on instagram blew up on the internet you and gilly uh are obviously cousins and you all produce million dollars worth of game and now it's just blowing up to what it's done but can you talk about kind of your experience and why you were in the pen like how did that come come in your mind like i feel like it's easy to kind of like succumb to your circumstances right yeah i actually spent more time in institutions in my life than i did free i first got locked up june 30 of 1990. i was on my birthday i first got locked in mine's june 21st okay that's why we warriors that's why we winners but that's another story so the bikes are worried no no no no no no no no what the [ __ ] you mean i'm a woman no no we want we want people to see that we're warriors more like then we want people to see that way warriors right but you was really a warrior no no no no no i want [ __ ] i've seen you no i know i know i know and i project that to them i want them to see and feel that i'm a warrior but not necessarily that i am yeah yeah but i seen you i i witnessed personally when you knocked trouble burping cow i'm talking this weed right here it's hitting like how you was hitting when tr remember when trey burke went down and then got up and then went down again but in all reality that's fleeting it's gone you could never get it back no you can't come on so i got something here with you and you're my future now all right yeah and that was my path uh but but your passes will make you who you are today our path can't dictate our futures like that now you know who i am today you know what happens if only if it dictated my future i'm this way because of my path then my past went my pastor shouldn't be able to beat me that's deep i should be i should be able to enter my path as i before as i die but they shouldn't be able to have any control of me while i'm living life deep so what happened is you know i got first got locked up and i wanted to spend five years in the juvenile system okay that was fun though you got your cookies and [ __ ] what you get you get you get three meals and then at night you get a snack yeah no no no no this is what they don't know oh i don't know if they did it for you back in the day but like at nighttime like hour before you ready to bid you go back to the childhood they had the snacks the juices the chocolate milkshakes yeah that was the cookies the chocolate milks they had no they had all type of stuff when i was because it's so now the whole time you in there happy you don't understand that they preparing you for the penitentiary because you're getting use and this [ __ ] is normal to you it's because it's becoming listen it's becoming normal to you yeah it's becoming normal to you because you just like oh [ __ ] this ground yeah i go back to the jubilee joint [ __ ] yeah yeah so when you go home you get a case again you go back down there you always got like it's always like an older woman there's somebody there that treats you like you they son you as soon as you get back into the shoes you come back in mr brown's like you back again boy and you like yeah miss brown i mean she make sure you hook you up that's how that should be but i kept going to juvenile city but i spent five years in and out and then when i turned 17 i got locked up for two armed robberies and two firearms our leashes got a total of 19 that had the 52 years okay and uh i i went in there and my alarm clock came on during the journey of like yo man there's more to life than this [ __ ] mm-hmm cause i'm seeing i'm in there i'm going in there i'm and i always used to be around the ogs dudes like a lot of dudes i was around they got 30 40 years in prison yeah older dudes from you know black mafia philadelphia whatever it may be yeah and i just used to sit around them and soak life up and just try to you know listen i listened more than i talked and i learned a lot but i realized that it was more to me to life than doing some street [ __ ] cause it's jail [ __ ] i'm seeing people die yeah i'm saying people uh you know they can't be out there to take care of their kids and all that [ __ ] their mothers deteriorating yeah so i was like yo man it's more life than this [ __ ] and i just started educating myself and reading more like i didn't know how to read and none of that but i learned in juvie how to read because i wanted to read the easy magazine and i went over to the school building i was like yo can i because before then i used to go to school when they said make it and eight times was my turn to read i'd be like i gotta go to the bathroom yeah but the teacher caught me one day and i i was embarrassed i stopped like going then when i wanted to learn i learned and i just started reading when i got to the penitentiary and uh it opened my mind up it was my way to explore the world cause the only thing i knew was the ghetto but reading and watching stuff in jail like anthony bourdain no reservations parts are known yeah i was able to travel the world through my imagination the show and that's what really helped me you know that's amazing yeah i i read something about you using google a lot or how google became your name no what happened was a dude a young guy cause cause when people used to come to prison yeah if i knew mike yeah i mean and his son came to prison he was like yo go see wallow and i see he's like yo mike my dad like damn what's up young again you know give me set up some commissary some cosmetics [ __ ] like that but i will always interrogate them because i was fascinated with the free world because when you go to prison you're trapped in a world that don't exist no more so when a young cat had to come i interrogate them for days i'd be like yo what's this what's that what's this and they'd just be telling me [ __ ] about what's going on so when the kid told me about google i'm like what because he told me hey i could type your name and i found out hey i see how the [ __ ] you could take my name and i've been in jail this time yeah that [ __ ] don't make no sense i thought he was lying to me oh yeah so i would write it down i would write it down in my book of life cause i had this thing i still got called the book of life where everything somebody told me i write it down like i didn't know nothing about relationships and none of that but people would tell me i'm like okay so you live with your girl yeah i was living with it we went on where did you all go oh we want a trip yeah how much did the plane ride cost i would because it was like it was new it was new i mean i don't know the only thing i knew how to be a criminal and be on some street [ __ ] i didn't know nothing about life so i would just write it down in the book of life so when i was in jail i wanted to get my hand on on a hot uh ipod touching a wireless hot spot so when i'm in my cell i type the google [ __ ] up yeah when i for the first time because i'm looking through my book everything i i type it up i'm in my cell high i got the curtain up i typed in google popped up i dropped the phone i thought the fez was on me i said oh [ __ ] there's some scary [ __ ] how do you know my name is the obstacle it was scary so you know you and then i just started learning more i just was in there learning and learning and learning and reading [ __ ] learning and just listening to the og's and uh you know cause there was this one over here named shoes uh they said they they thought he had cancer but he wound up having aids and that was my old guys to push him around the yard and go run and get his cigarettes get you know certain [ __ ] they told him not to smoke he'd like [ __ ] them give me a cigarette because i go get him from the medical from the hospital you know they've got like a hospital like cells in there so i'm pushing him away he was an old gangster from philly and he told me i seen him the night before he died because i ain't even know he was but he he grabbed my arm and i was talking to him because he'd be laughing all this [ __ ] smoking a cigarette in his bed he said do me a favor man he said when you get out of jail live he said i never lived my life i lived for everybody in the hood i ain't never go nowhere i ain't never do nothing i never live he said just go out there and live man when you get out don't come back here what did that mean to you it it meant a lot to me because what was living how do you live your life no what he said was to me he said explore basically like get out there and explore because he said i lived my whole life in the ghetto i went to ghetto jail ghetto jail he said i kept going back down the way he said the world is bigger than down the way the world is bigger than your neighborhood and he's just and i just like i was like damn man he just said man just please man just just go see things go field things just be free that's real and and and i come back the next day and when i came back the next day he was gone and they lied to me cause i came in the hospital because they always see me coming they see me walking they know i'm gonna get shoes take him around the yard cause your time take him in the yard get him you know what i mean all that type of stuff and they was like oh uh he had to go somewhere he'd be back the lady ain't gonna tell me so i came back like two three times and then i waited to the shift change and when the shift changed the nurse was like oh he left us last night i said well they took him to the hot when they went to another huh like what she was like she's seeing she was like he going i was [ __ ] up because that was like my he was somebody that i talked to eight day and you know i was so close to him and he used to tell me all the stories and it was just his laugh all day yeah but i never forgot what he told me and when i and when it was my time to come home i said i got to live you know i just got to be free and stop worrying about you know [ __ ] what people think and i just got to live my life you know it's real because it seemed like my whole life i was i was operating based off of the opinions and others and what i was supposed to be because of my zip code and my environment no you got to be a real [ __ ] you got to be this and i ain't know that i could be be somebody else in that and that you know and [ __ ] change for me man my whole life i looked outside the box even when i was getting arrested as a kid i was outside the box and everything all i got um all the guys that um my juvenile time 50 60 years yeah everybody went to jail it seemed like anybody made it to the penitentiary that's that's a buddha life to be involved with even if you're not involved being a parent being somebody's sister brother mother uncle dealing with that you know it's crazy i really understand that life man that that's almost um nothing's impossible but that's close to it you know to be uh um what you what i always call my a bad [ __ ] i seen the night yeah the the uh alarm clock came on when i was in prison my name is death [ __ ] yeah no that is no it really is it's we when we was growing up we you know we was doing major figures yeah that's us we was doing robberies and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying wallow always was in the wrapping i wasn't in the rap and i was into playing basketball okay you know what i'm saying so i actually was in college okay you know i had a i had an apartment with with a woman you know what i mean i come home from school i get with cuz we go do what we do i go back up to college you know what i'm saying so for me you're a smart [ __ ] huh yeah you know yeah yeah yeah you educate like me [ __ ] just keeps it in the hood though yeah and and wallow said something you know one one day that he was like cuz when you really think about it like you was on some some some crazy [ __ ] like because you would be up at the college yeah and i went to a 90-something percent white college cabrini university yeah i mean i played basketball there and you wouldn't go up there they don't have no idea what you do who you are you cool with everybody they love you and then you leave from there and come right back to the hood and we go do robberies and then you leave and go right back up to college like yeah you know what i'm saying yeah but like how'd you no keep it a buck so like doing that how'd you like how are you able to do that well i got kicked out of college because during the armed robbery during the summer august 22nd 1996 but right before we was about to go back to college we we was in the middle of doing an armed robbery and one of my homies got killed and uh it was on the front of the daily news and uh i got kicked out of college and then that's really when i started rapping yeah like you know what i mean and he always rapped you know what i'm saying i i didn't really grow up what's happening here though that was just yeah this was one of our videos from back in the day that we dropped was a number two rap single in the country dropped this in 1999 okay yeah and you and if i'm correct you wrote you ghost wrote for a little wayne i grew up i don't really talk about that no more man i've been talking about that for like 20 years right honey but i mean that's writers all across the world who sit around and they write them hot songs and they deliver them to the artist and because they really get no credit they get paid but they get no credit this is listen a little weight this white guy for me to call him an invisible man this guy broke michael jackson oh what what what he could write no one knows who he is that's why they call them the invisible man bad real yo michael jackson yeah um thriller he's badass lady of my life for this it's a call he's a cold guy hmm sure no one knows who he is yeah he's a bad [ __ ] though yeah the reasonable man yes the invisible man the myth the legend you know what i mean hit records he probably wrote man yeah white boy too r b all the [ __ ] you got history history white characters that was the invisible man right now it's real pretty real you know no cat but no that's amazing that you did that too for wayne i mean [ __ ] that's just this legendary to me i mean he's one of the best movies i mean for football huh um i like kevin gates like the new guy yeah kevin gates rob wade those are the new guys out there that i like but the old school guy is always tupac and public enemy public enemy yeah although big just the old school guys you know i mean um what's homeboy named keith keith murray those very awesome very confrontational rappers i like very confrontational cool j those guys just get in your [ __ ] face who is they don't do that too much now a lot of people got killed all that stuff but everybody is everywhere pretty respectful now instead of these young other young guys but who who shot um little bootsy up and killed his boy emma morey p i interviewed mo p and him before no three number three right he's a nice person you think that there's somebody out there that wants to kill him i mean you know a lot of these youngins be beefing in the streets man and i i really don't be understanding it you know what i mean because it's like you'll get rappers that you you make it to a certain level when you got to understand that that's a blessing um that's a blessing because everybody rap everybody played basketball everybody played football don't look at it like that what i'm saying so when you when god put a blessing on you to lift you up amongst everybody and help you get out the ghetto for you to make it and then still want to act like you in the same conditions that you was in when it's just be unbelievable to me and it'd be like young as y'all got too much to live for people taught them how to make money when people didn't take that how do they exist people i could die for somebody in love i can't live for them that's the little don't like right when we was coming up though a lot that helped me change was when you know shout out to tony draper you know he gave me my advanced money when i signed the suave house my first advance money and i was like damn i really could do this [ __ ] yeah you know what i'm saying yeah give you that gave you that so now armed robberies and that type that's not even yeah because it's like wait hold on i got a chance to make money off of doing this i'm really seeing money off of rapping yeah i don't want [ __ ] to do with the streets i'm good i suppose like so when so that was your that was kind of your life and he and then walla was in jail that time yeah okay and that's when that clicked wow walla was in jail when that video came out okay so damn and he he came up with the name because wallow was in the rap i wasn't in the rap so when wallow came to me on the rap [ __ ] i was like hey you tripping man like i'm trying to go yeah i'm trying to rob these [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] is he talking about man yeah but he used to be like real passionate about that [ __ ] like cuz [ __ ] out here making real money off this [ __ ] you gotta understand he's three years younger than me so i might be 17 and he's 14. and he telling me this [ __ ] but even at 14 15 you wouldn't have never thought wallow was that young yeah because wallow got a tattoo in his neck you know fbtm [ __ ] [ __ ] take money was no 14 15 year old kid running around with no tattoo on their neck talk about you know what i'm saying he was always tall everybody hung with was older so you know what i mean you would have never thought wallow was yeah you know really into that but you know he was really passionate about that music [ __ ] i said guy like you could be the first thing you could start interviewing your friends in prison stuff like that you have the world's heroes problems here it's case out you help people like that too i like matching you can go in there and talk to them um [ __ ] junior black mafia [ __ ] and help them get them up give them a platform for people to see who they really are instead of the stigma you know and you can connect with some of you that's what that's what that's what gets us in trouble yeah that's that's that's a good idea that's good [ __ ] so obviously y'all did it with barstool how did that come about now that's that i feel like that was a huge power move too by y'all but also y'all own all y'all do everything yourself you own your own [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah um what happened was we was we was just doing our thing independently we was on number one on the charts a lot and uh spotify came to us they was going back and forth with spotify then bar student came and we we had it made sense to us in income you want to buy percentage of your no no we wasn't doing i mean you want to give it away yeah so we said we're gonna we're gonna keep ownership of our company and just partner up with them so it was like we just gonna get with somebody that really got partnerships with brands and all yeah and that's what we did and it was just great you know it was a great place to be you know we it's like uh they they understand what we're doing they stay out of our way you know what i mean we get busy yeah that's a big i feel that's the biggest thing having that ownership you feel me especially as black men well that's huge that's huge because you know we're gonna try to take some and try to you know give you a little something i don't know how it is when those deals and stuff like that how uh they try to give you advance but you know you really don't own anything or something like that so it's just dope to see y'all owning that [ __ ] and just running with it keep killing it ross and the people that get the van they don't want to do this [ __ ] they don't want to run the company you know this real work yes it is and i really enjoy it i really enjoy uh getting you know setting the cameras up setting the mics up traveling going to different cities yeah taking the conference room turning into a studio real quick five minutes so you know that's what i really like right i really like you know you know setting up the mics here and i love it yeah i mean it's something that i enjoy to do and seeing it done when it's finished has edited it up yeah and we push you know upload and it come on premiere and that show come out and people love it so hey what was your favorite episode who your favorite interview i mean i'm i'm you know i'm a sports guy so probably you know kevin durant or you know floyd mayweather yeah cause i'm a sports guy you know what i mean but my my my favorite episode is about to be with mike tyson beauty what are you afraid of um i'm afraid of one of my biggest things i'm i'm afraid of of of getting killed by a black man yeah i'm afraid of being in the in a ghetto and then and somebody knocked me out take me out of here just because of like because i don't [ __ ] with nobody just because of you know they just they don't know right and they don't know what's going on in their life and they just knock me off i don't care about too much [ __ ] out but but that's that's one of my biggest fears you know and probably dying alone you know dying by myself like no family no you know [ __ ] like that how about you bob my biggest fear probably ain't death is probably uh dying slow really you know what i mean like of cancer oh sickness you know what i mean we're just you know what i mean you got to sit there and deteriorate and your family got to watch you and that's probably my only fear about you mike me yeah i don't know being homeless living you know living in the streets again going back to brownsville scares me yeah my mom would probably be just family you know doing what i'm doing and the next thing you know i just i'm not afraid of brownsville but just the fact that i'm back mm-hmm i totally understand that i always um look at all everything that's that's a blessing too you know for me you know the wake up is the win mm-hmm you know if i woke up this morning and i'm healthy man if you win the morning you win the day yes gilly so uh so i remember i saw a video that went viral of you uh supporting shout out to dion the story for dion dion sanders you were you were at the university yes cheering them all yes and that boy that boy that boy scored a touchdown i don't know who what player was exactly shot to him though and you celebrated with him in the end zone can you talk about that moment well when we got there you know we did they told us you know dion sanders yeah we went down to jackson state you know we go down there and we support the the you know jackson state you know and support the honors college [ __ ] you know so we go down there and uh they tell us you know you got to stay behind the white line you know we we dress like the coaches yeah and it's a fumble he picked the ball up as you see how they had it on sportscenter as you see i'm running down i never come past the white line never running down the side with the player let's go what game is this let's go this this was jackson's football game versus somebody i don't know i don't know like the really dominant black school yeah yeah yeah dion sanders coaches for them now yeah so we we run down parallel to the end zone together when he when he scores i say yeah youngin he threw me as he threw me the football and i caught it mike i only know how to do one thing i see tom brady give his offensive lineman to football they spiked the [ __ ] yes sir so i spiked it at the end zone and got a penalty and you he come to me he like i'm like yo what the [ __ ] did you just do that for he told me something he gave me the boss here cuz you threw the ball in the endzone you're not playing why would well he gave me the ball so it was i said that's my fault next thing you know the ref said tiana don't even know what happened 15-yard penalty on jackson state's [ __ ] oh diaz had never come back again for four games [ __ ] was crazy man but i went back though to the bowl game after my full game suspension yeah so shout out to coach brown yeah shout out to coach who's your favorite uh philly boxers like did you what what's that you know in this book you danny garcia you got to get bernard you got to give danny uh-huh but now he's not fighting no more he's just a legendary fighter you know you got to shout them out first and foremost because they from the city yeah but right now mm-hmm there's a kid named stephen fulton junior yes he has two belts at 122 pounds what is that pool boy step boy steph he got two belts yes sir unified champion right now what pound 122. okay and it's a k ron boots ennis yeah he's bad too he's a monster the future of of boxing remember i told you guys that them two kids you believe that yes my brother-in-law he believes the same thing yes i i think he needs to be tested a little more who he need to fight a guy like him um he needs to fight a guy at um danny garcia it needs to be the championship of philadelphia for the welterweight championship of philadelphia you need to be in philadelphia i held them vague because you got to pay that philly tax it's going to kill them okay so you got to go to florida either vegas the place where people are going to give you the arena you won't have to pay for it that's why they kill that's why they're killing the game and vegas over there because they're giving you the money they're paying you to come there yeah you paying them to fight there right incredible that's crazy right one thing i know about that kid though cause i know him since he was like 12 years old yes he eats shits sleeps dreams walk run boxing his dad was a professional boxer both his brothers and still don't make it yeah he may either no but he but he's because he's who he is yes he he is who he is since because my son boxed since he was six all the way up to 18. so i used to take my son to all the gyms everybody in philly knew you want some real work go down the bozies go down to that dungeon don't no no no no no i want to hear you went over here and you got some work i don't want to hear you went over here and got some work go down to that dungeon because when you go down to that dungeon they ain't got [ __ ] near that work if you think that why don't won't they have that fight that'd be the biggest fighter philadelphia uh i think they i think the relationship is too close oh ain't nothing about relationship we're fighters we're trying to yeah i know but i think the relationship is you know that that's not a professional fighter the professor if they had a good relationship they should fight because they're going to make each other rich um that's a good that's a good that's a good man i'm not going to fight that good relationship i'm going to give him two million dollars so i'm not going to fight just because i love him i love you he ain't no he don't know when next time he's on your two million dollar fight a million dollar fight friends help each other to make money yes they do so what are your favorite moments of my mic in the ring i mean so many of them yeah i know you know what are you talking about what do you mean you know what it is too many of them you know what i mean you know what i mean i think he became the youngest champion ever crazy man you know kante said no it's a new name for ego legacy legacy yeah that's the new word for ego that's deep that's deep my legacy who the [ __ ] can't about my legacy when i'm there who what's that about you want people to still think wonderful about you even though when you're alive you're the principal and you're dead they put statues up for you a lot of [ __ ] get praised after they die a guy could be a piece of [ __ ] all his life and once he died he becomes the thing oh man i miss john but john was a piece of [ __ ] he beat you out of money never paid you back hitting on your wife and john you weighed yeah [ __ ] yeah that's funny how that worked definitely does make people more i don't know death makes people that's make people sympathetic that's what it is you know what it's sympathetic i did a post on instagram remember what i said i'm not talking to the white families because i don't know if y'all do this but to my black families and then i said let's stop the [ __ ] every time a [ __ ] die we go to the funeral and start lying and [ __ ] he was about to go back to school know the [ __ ] he wasn't johnny was hustling and slamming johnny was a piece of [ __ ] but he was our piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you feel what i'm saying like let's keep it real everybody in here no johnny [ __ ] johnny was awesome johnny owned everybody money everybody everybody owes everybody money it should be more of a of some jokes going on like that we want to see johnny go but he but he he burnt me burnt my mom out of rent money maybe he took them by my money yeah saying all this [ __ ] that everybody in the crowd know ain't true he was an amazing man man of god like johnny had his problem but he was trying to he was straightening him out no he wasn't johnny bought some cool came last night he was not straightening it out he was going deeper and deeper in the whole place the funeral homes already had the layout of the obituaries they already got them prepped they the same go grab four or five obituaries that should start off like the same he went to this school he did this he was that he was throwing a what about when he took grandma on rent money man i left that [ __ ] out of there yeah he beat my ass took my money with me i took my chain all that [ __ ] my boy johnny was walling johnny was a [ __ ] [ __ ] for he's the greatest thing to happen in life no this is actually a good transition so you kind of talked about it about you know young rappers dying now like recently too has been a good amount of guys passing um being assaulted yes you're being assaulted yeah this is crazy [ __ ] going on like you said there's so much money to get like what's up like why are we tripping what do you think it's today's hip hop hip hop or like what is it like what do you think it is let's go like i said it at the beginning energy attract energy yeah that's what you put out there if you want to if you if i'm a young cat and i'm in the streets uh houston i'm in the streets at compton i'm in the streets of brownsville i'm in the streets of baltimore and you telling me that you're a tough guy you were killing you that and your raps [ __ ] i'm gonna try you you know we from there i'm gonna try you gonna try you yeah i'm gonna try if i'm gonna do you come through my tail are you doing the show or if you say some words against me cause most of the time you're gonna get tried yeah in a rap game most people is beefing with people that's not on a level financially or in their position they beefing with johnny from around the way johnny like [ __ ] i ain't got nothing to live for when i see you i'ma shoot you yeah so it's like what the [ __ ] do you do yeah so it's like you got a energy match energy it's about an energy exchange so if you throwing that [ __ ] out there you i love the dumb [ __ ] oh dumb [ __ ] gonna find you find you it's gonna find you so you got to be mindful of the uh of the messages you put now don't be the energy don't be rapping about no [ __ ] you shouldn't be rapping about [ __ ] hey look look at the camera told him that don't tell me that i play ball i don't know i know that that's facts that's real i'm telling you so many dead people out here rapping for [ __ ] they rap and [ __ ] they shouldn't be rapping but they never even lived yeah i know i mean it was like and you're putting the imagery out there like you know and you got a lot of people out there that love the thing about big and tupac they were babies yeah they was young and you never think you never think that you know how they died so closer than now it's like dying as a rapper it's like easy that's like some regular [ __ ] out here in the side yeah you know it's easy to die but it's very difficult to live yeah you know that's why i never see anybody that offers themselves a kill i never say they're weak because it takes a hell of a person to off themselves you have to think about it you think right now i'm off my snow what the [ __ ] the first time i've ever seen mike was in philly right and i was like damn concrete right there legends right hey man there you go mike there you go two good these two good brothers right here came from prison right and started to advertise an agency right and uh bragg reached out to me man was like wow look we got to connect man and that's what's so great about them man they like they doing some [ __ ] that nobody do you wouldn't you ever think about somebody starting an advertising company on outside coming home from the joint and they really connected man and uh shout out to them always concrete man you know i mean from the west side man west side come on let's see [ __ ] know concrete come over here man come on guys right here y'all being you being too humble over here brad i mean the table or something oh hey man just sit down man you cool man actually he wasn't but no you know these brothers come to that for me these brothers always showed me love right man and uh it's always a great thing and you know what they even came they even came they came to philly to show mom i'll leave love that was major for them to think while where you at we down here she dropped the book we all have been there i'm up in this uh opening package i'm doing whatever you know cause i wherever i go at wherever you know just like y'all i go to help i'm just helping people you know and then that's when the first time i seen mike i'm like damn [ __ ] mike i said mike dang i thought mike was like you know i mean he might just come in here all chilling laid back he chilled he don't say too much i wanted to speak to him but i'm like no michael's like you a little too you know what i mean i'm just saying i'm like i'm here to help mom i'm here helping mom [ __ ] all that i speak [ __ ] was scared to speak to mike i want to say something about you so you can still knock me out so i'm gonna speak from a distance back then no no no this was when the book dropped this wasn't back then that's when it booked you come in there you come here mike trying to downplay yeah that's what i was showing this was six months ago i might be done so i'm like i'm like damn i was gonna walk and i'm like [ __ ] i'm staying over here with mom and i'm helping open these books and [ __ ] i'm i'm in there on duty so i'm like i ain't [ __ ] with mike today and i mean because he came in they're like looking around me i'm sorry i'm like i'm like damn mike hardy [ __ ] at a book release he wants some brown's real [ __ ] yeah he's here like he walking in childhood you know the dudes walking the child right [ __ ] is going on here he's scanning the room he looking around make sure i don't see none of my enemies in here he sit down say oh man i only got friends [ __ ] yeah but no shout out in my mind when i'm doing my road work i'm thinking about [ __ ] up my enemies in my reality who's my enemy yeah but it was like uh shout out to concrete they out here doing destroying these things they connect them with a big corporate america to try to get ad dollars back into the hood and that's what it's about you know a lot of people sell to us but they don't use people that's us to sell to us and they don't give these budgets to the people that's from us and it's like they out here trying to make to make the plan feel better and educate people because a lot of times we see commercials we see ads pop up and a lot of times them ass is just targeted to us they're not produced by people that look like us to understand the you know uh the language the the energy they know how to translate why it's necessary we should be dealing with certain things so they just out here changing the game man and doing things and these brothers was in prison these brothers come from prison started an ad agency you something you hear about the big agencies sonny and all these different ones they here they want to move they making [ __ ] happen man and it's just great that y'all doing what y'all doing because in the hood we only look to be rappers athletes and [ __ ] so y'all creating a whole new space for the young kids and giving out opportunities for people that's coming back re-entering society they need a shot you know what i mean for sure that's what it's about man and i love you all for that man much love love y'all man like for real when i told you when i reached out to you i'm like yo we need to be a part this got to be a part of the push because the [ __ ] the [ __ ] built a following from jail like the [ __ ] came home running like in the rain like all the [ __ ] dropping the game yeah well it was like no we got a plug with you we have to bro and you ain't like gil y'all got the shack and cove it's like when the inspiration the pictures of y'all in the yard which one which one is me which one is me i'm shackle coobie let me see all right you're the best ball player in the world be more like mike and scotty that's no comparison when you put it that way though yeah cause i'm like he's saying i ain't got no money you say my ball game trash though he said my i got a [ __ ] basketball wave i knew he was gonna say that whole thought wave cat michael who michael who thought you kept mike the [ __ ] the the in the boxing game basketball game it's the game of life at the end of the game that we got a master yeah mm-hmm but it came with life that's what it's about man but i appreciate it well it's never mastered there was nothing wrong with trying right now this is beautiful we got brothers here all of you know he was all in you know that's four of us in the inside of that place listen and he's selling he's selling my man though yeah mike sell you my man i love i love that [ __ ] he loves his mind listen i mean i'm locked over that he's the weirdest [ __ ] in the world he's a [ __ ] neat freak right you know ideas himself yeah and i'm trying to help me say no no no he's not just doing it right he said no just leave i've got to just get up so and he's just particular he dried the sink out every time he got wet yes oh yes yeah boys yes they get up crazy man uh wax on the floor all that [ __ ] and listen he's a very humble muslim brother and one day the guard came into the cell and he started tossing [ __ ] around that's the only time in three and a half years i saw him snap he's doing five years smoking sales man yeah he told me this story one time about mike talking about when we get home we going through all this we're gonna have lambos [ __ ] hey [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] about none of that [ __ ] i need you to grab the end of the scene and help me make this bed up [ __ ] the he did not give a [ __ ] about that the lambos and all that [ __ ] missing charlie but he got it but he did not care for that moment he just wanted that bad that's this thing that's it that's what's really involved man i ain't too bad for some [ __ ] been to prison huh no it ain't too bad man just out here it's not too bad but um it could be better yes for the next generation that's what we're building towards just your jealous whole purpose is to break your belief system mm-hmm you have to break your system you're an animal almost and that's his job to kill you either make you miserable they'd rather you be miserable than die but they're trying to do both gilly i got a question so you were telling me about how you played ball at a predominantly white school right how did you balance that [ __ ] with that mic to you give a pull the mic close yeah how'd you balance that how did you balance that you loved it didn't you you loved it honestly be honest i'm always honest that's the only thing i know how to you know honestly i feel like me going to a predominantly white college kind of was the kind of the best thing i ever did in life why is that because it took it took you took a black kid that was straight out the hood all he knew was black black black everything was black black school all black school all black neighborhood all black friends all everything and then when you took me out of that environment and put me in a total different environment it taught me how to how to adapt in life around anybody you know what i'm saying yeah and it taught me that how to be myself around anybody white black blue brown orange it didn't matter i'm just i'm always just going to beat me you know what i'm saying so it really it helped me for the future you feel what i'm saying as far as how do you explain you how do i you're gonna always be how do you explain that how do you explain you being you i mean finding out you know when you're young you don't really know who you are you know you be trying to aim sometimes i still don't know yeah you know but you gotta you got a better knowledge and you're closer to finding out who you are than you was back then huh i don't know i learned bigger words from back then but i'm still really behind and really find out who the hell i am yeah yeah well your words are bigger but the distance is still the same that might be the truth yeah you think so it might be i forget about the girl right there beautiful stuff man god willing he continues to make this you know i i feel like you know it it helped me you know longer later down the line that you know just be comfortable yeah you know as far as being and like i got friends right now that you know that they still live in all everything's all black you know you take them in front in a room full of all white people and it's like they not even themselves yeah i'm gonna climb up you know what i mean it's like he's sitting in there he's walking around like hey how you doing my name's jamal [ __ ] your name jamal i didn't even know that bullet head your name was bullet head and since i met you like crazy mike your name was yeah we were going a room full of white people your name jamal yeah oh [ __ ] i'm founding out as they're fighting there you know what i'm saying my boy got two aliases for me you know it just it just i just feel like it helped me get get around but you know what was special about that you were just saying they're conscious that they're ignorant how many people you know is conscious then right yep so they were special people they weren't [ __ ] right something to do that's a hell of a tourniquet conscience that they ignore right because you get into an environment that's not your environment and you don't want to be bullet head no more you want to beat jamal i like bullet head he said i'm just now finding out your name is jamal what are you doing you know what happened he got right you never knew that and then it'd be some nice and neat [ __ ] yeah dude be deep you know no then you get locked up with your man and you like your name is jermaine gutierrez you like jermaine gutierrez [ __ ] you spanish yeah yeah spaniard street actually i'm from nicaragua but you know we got different binoculars okay the street names is different black is the eighth of fade too man yeah all right but before we end this before we end this that ain't anything we got to end this [ __ ] [ __ ] okay all right all right say let's keep going now that's right you got it that's [ __ ] up when you do you just gotta bow out like keep on [ __ ] and this need to be told that people need to know this that there's people out in the world that's the whole consistency of life is to help people right i know you're looking at them think that uh that they had their day but their whole purpose now is to help people yeah they talking to facebook and google and negotiating things for you know for the people that you know the world forgot about you know it's a bunch of people that the world forgot about y'all but then i gonna forget about them now yeah that's why these gentlemen are here yeah i appreciate that's what it's about yeah that's connected man and the call i remember they called me one time put me in the line with some people from facebook right i'm like you know from facebook they got me they're like yeah why do we like your stuff i'm like he's like no just facebook facebook i said facebook facebook yeah they breaking my stuff down yeah we what's the name fire we got to do something we got to figure it out i'm telling all these dudes that walk the yard these dudes that uh a piece of paper might say that there's something else than what they really are because we never get a shot when that paperwork comes through whoa once that paperwork once that paperwork hit and it ain't dry on that paper you in that system a lot of times a lot of people never could come back from that and don't get a shot because that documentation will follow you it'll follow you and you'll grow outside of that that individual that you was when the paper when it ain't dry you'll become something else and now it's like oh no you can't kill that person you steal that person and we're gonna make sure you steal that person cause we're gonna put you in conditions and send you back to the environment that produced that person even though you might have elevated so you take a lot of you got to really be strong to be able to say tomorrow's gonna be better than yesterday and try to do new things and be brave enough to say you know what i know i don't i don't know too much about this field but i know enough right and i know that they they commercials ain't gonna never die i know advertising ain't gonna never die and i know that we need a place up in here and uh that's major man that's a major [ __ ] i remember when i was first in prison and when i first got there i was a thick guy i was just mad fighting kick and everything and then a year and a half goes by hey i'm i'm uh i win the perfect um prisoner award or whatever it is a guy and everybody loves me now i got a girlfriend that's one of the um the guards everybody loved me now i don't want to even go home no more and man i'm just thinking to myself why would i want to go home dude i have this right here right but anyway that part of my life was just um if i didn't go to prison i'd be dead that's the best part oh the best thing ever happened to me all my friends were dying so prison was the best thing that ever happened to me and i had to um i had fun too but this is what i wanted to stay remember when i went there before i got cool became the dawn there i got into a couple of write-ups and so while i'm doing this now i'm getting ready to go home in a month they say hey cam come over here you're a hell of a guy but you know remember in the beginning we had to write you up and we added another year too you lost some good times yeah oh [ __ ] up your girl but the guy's my friend on week after i used to fight with him but after before we became friends he would bring me food and stuff and they said hey remember that early and when you first came here you know write up he said hey i have to give you an extra year but i know you can work it off i believe in you mike i'm saying that but before we after we had that on the occasion we were like best friend he would bring me food from on the street and they go oh remember you were acting out when you first got here all the helicopters you hear in the prison they're waiting for the all the lights they're waiting for you to come out and i was already institution i had my girlfriend there we were chilling out i would pay for a house and everything you know it was all good right now you got to go and it was it was frightening for me to leave damn it it was frightening you go there all the cameras see you planes everywhere just like a piece of meat yeah i was i was safer in prison listen i win i went in this deal in prison i was worth like 300 million dollars out in the street what's up next thing you know you're worth two dollars you know that's tricky it's tricky yeah did you feel that uh why would you feel that uh lostness when you when you came out like or no because you were so educated like you were so excited that [ __ ] no i hit the ground but like people don't understand like for me and i know for a lot of the homeboys i knew the most scariest day in prison is the day you got to leave because everything that [ __ ] bad [ __ ] that you said you was to your family your grandma on the phone yeah grandma i changed mom i swear i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that you got to be that [ __ ] now that [ __ ] you said you was and now you go home you're like and you're like oh [ __ ] i really gotta go out here in the combat and figure it out you know when you you know an average person might not be like me might not be like mike i might not be like whereas though they really got to go out there hit the ground running and try to get a real job yeah and when the no's come is you going to chase them yes and say damn you know what i got 15 knows but it might be 15 yeses i'll do my name on it so the average person that [ __ ] might trigger him when the nose hit man [ __ ] it i'm going to get high on [ __ ] i'm going to go get a package oh [ __ ] i'm going back to get with the homies because it's like man [ __ ] because it's already marketed that you ain't got a chance when you come home from jail so now [ __ ] like damn i went the rite aid i went to whole foods he said no [ __ ] get out of here i went here uh so it was like i made the block the homie holiday the homie said he got that package homie like what's up i'm living them in creative with my mom or my grandma or my girl my girl might be like hey baby don't worry about nothing a month mutt and a half come around that ring like damn [ __ ] what you gonna do dude yeah you know what you know you gotta hear i'm pregnant listen i'm pregnant um one thing about assistant she just got she's gonna say some [ __ ] that you need you know like i'm saying you laying up in this [ __ ] eating all this food like what you doing yeah are you eating up you drinking rahim juicy juices you got different you got different appetites when you're in jail you work in the kitchen a [ __ ] jail go down the kitchen and eat a loaf of bread mm-hmm like it ain't nothing so you come back in there you you putting dents in loaf of bread you need a half a box of cereal yeah he's like your meals is stronger yeah eating five and a half oodles of noodles you know what i mean using everything you're doing all this dumpster in the crib you got you you got your road boy you got you you got your flip-flop you got anything you went there comfortable yeah she like hold up i keep going she going she's a nursing aide or whatever she's gonna come back and work you lay it up in there like this feed up all the bread and go dad she come home you want to [ __ ] get your dick sucking off she like and then she hit you with that joint like uh like what you doing like when like when you gonna start bringing some money in here and that [ __ ] hit you in your heart it hit you in your heart deep no you never heard this one hey if you don't give me no money i'm gonna take the babies and go to welfare oh it's a wrap and you don't have any money but i i don't know how i managed to get twenty thousand over there but there's one [ __ ] i don't know how that happened you made it the [ __ ] happened yeah yeah when they say that if you don't give me no money i'm going i'm gonna take the kids i'm going to stand them well for the life wow that should be hard these watchers got to go home somebody got to go that should be real man but you know it's what it is it's life man and we all living and trying to figure this [ __ ] out as we go you know true and we got to start putting each other on though i think that's that's a huge thing like when we talk about we always was raised don't introduce nobody to your plug what i learned from white folks in the corporate world they'd be like you got to meet my friend vincent he's amazing like no they'll put you in a group text and a heartbeat so i'll be like yo how do i do that [ __ ] for my people you know what i'm saying follow yeah y'all want to do something about what okay crabs on the birthday that's how you do that everybody this is no y'all don't even know everybody in the culture when y'all don't see you guys are embraced no this is how you get this stuff you guys have to have annual meetings i'll have annual picnics or something entertainment where you all can get together then eventually you're gonna have a little talk and then work it out there eventually um it'll be big talking big businesses it's all about getting to know one another every one of you all all of the rich guys all know about each other but they have never met each other they want to meet each other but they don't they got ego they don't want to say hey i'm bob so you want somebody that has relationships yeah and to do something yeah i learned that you know i'm around all these rich rich white guys and they they're not friendly to each other you know the only way they're friendly is for me i didn't know me and they they never talk to they all know who each other is from the corporation but they never talked to each other before and then i think that's what we should do we should always have um some kind of we're talking par with one another we should always talk to each other about investments everything it's just like having the team like what's the play what should we be doing mm-hmm yeah where y'all at what y'all trying to do oh i got somebody for that i got the truth and then i got something our boys should be in we should have somebody in the stock market and they just should be giving us the numbers we should always be able to talk everybody should always be work be willing to talk to each other we don't have that everybody wants to do but they have no way of doing it no way of being introduced to one another that's what i see everybody wants to know each other but they don't know how to they don't want that yeah they don't want to go but they're going to think they're weak if they go yeah crying that's real that's real but fellaini so shallow it is it's real but it's it is shallow but i also think you know uh eagle's the enemy you know what i mean like eagles enemies to a certain degree a certain degree when he start when he's when you start listening to him then he's the enemy it's facts well wallow gilly thank you so much it's really awesome she was awesome i never knew was gonna come to this kind of depth you know i just saw you in there bullying people on television i see them spiking spiking the bosses right where the arabs were spanish guys what were they some arabs what was it he was spanish before we end this i'm talking about the guy that ran the store the arabs for the arab slap it was just a slap but it wasn't nothing it wasn't that but it was really disrespectful smack it it was smack wait if he if he's back to me i would come back he said it was disgusting it was you shouldn't do that to a human being that was no listen because he played the role of a really ruthless [ __ ] yeah he has played that role that's why he didn't like him after that [ __ ] that guy's ass in the store [ __ ] stay out the way hey well there you have it you heard it here first stay off them streets don't get shot make your bread stay safe please this is hot boxing with mike tyson i'm bash the co-host swallow and gilly are getting the crew thank you create don't forget concrete next yeah yes sir thank you so much helping people of color yes sir we really appreciate it appreciate you all for having us wishing you nothing but continued success and blessings what do you want to say to those people um it's never too late to be great and tomorrow's going to be better than yesterday i come from a place where as though i was counted out early in the game a lot of us here on this oh right here was counted out but we figured out a way to make it uh believe in yourself don't be entitled go out there and put that hard work in and uh the workers win in the end right the people that's willing to work the people that's willing to develop themselves and realize that they don't know anything and the people that's willing to learn if you're willing to learn out there you got a [ __ ] shot and uh one of the biggest things i can tell you is [ __ ] what they think don't base your life off of somebody else don't don't let somebody else opinion be a remote control to your life don't be pimped by people future perceptions of you get out there [ __ ] live the way you know how to live i can't tell you how to live mike can't tell you how to live kind of create can't tell you how to live you know uh and if you feel it you [ __ ] live it it's just like that just like just like that [Music] you
Channel: Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson
Views: 754,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Boxing, Hotboxing, Hotboxin, Hotboxin', Podcast, New Show, MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, UFC, Combat Sports, Mike Tyson Interview, Mike Tyson Hotboxin, Mike Tyson Podcast, Sports Podcast, Iron Mike, Interview, Tyson Ranch, million dollaz worth of game, hip hop, wallo, major figgas, prison time, gillie da kid, gillie da kid hotboxin, hotboxin gillie da kid, wallo hotboxin, hotboxin wallo, Sebastian Joseph Day, sebastian joseph day hotboxin, wallo and gillie
Id: bjO_yUhYyJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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