Walking with Lions George and Yame | The Lion Whisperer

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okay we're gonna help georgie up there if is he having a groomer yeah yeah yeah georgie stop promising and get in i am a boy right good morning everyone welcome back to lion whisperer tv today we are going to be taking george and yami for a walk a long overdue walk as many of you know who have been following the channel yami has been a bit tricky of late but with persistence and patience and a lot of hard work he seems to be back to his normal self so today is going to be a test walk just to see how he behaves on the walk all right so i'm on my way in and the first thing i have to do is just move some lines around all right so these guys know what the truck means and the truck means we're gonna be moving okay well that's fun okay yeah yeah yeah yeah charlie charlie [Music] yeah yeah [Music] honestly charlie this car i don't understand he's got such a negative attitude towards his pride mates look at them they're cowering away from him it's terrible you know the problem is is we don't discriminate here we gotta love them all we have to work with them all but i can tell you now charlie makes life really really difficult for everyone this pride is such a lovely pride and then there's just mr grumpy pants the girls give back then i let him walk all over them come come come [Music] lock him in there okay okay yeah yeah i think i'm just gonna leave charlie locked up there until we get the other two there's two she's saying don't leave me don't leave me here with him please bring thor bring saul yeah yeah yeah okay better now wait boy so much easier with thori all right georgie thank you all right so all six moved not as easy a job as one would imagine moving six lines is not quite the same as moving three anyway uh this is what we have to do to shuffle them all around so that i can take george and yami for a walk hello boys who wants to go walking you can just see the temperament from a mile away and this is not a line this is not a line with an attitude it's a line that is absolutely exhibiting normal normal friendly loving yummy behavior all right so we'll load we'll load you first big boy oh whoa [Music] stop grimacing and get in george there we go yeah okay good boy so far so good oh boy george is so happy he's going on a walk so thankful that he peed in my face and a little bit in my mouth so for those of you wanting to know what um lion pea tastes like um yeah it's rather it's rather bitter and it takes your uh saliva away so [Music] off you go boys two lines on the go all right so straight out of the vehicle they've found some interesting smells and they are both rolling around that is fine that's part and parcel of going on walks we've seen it with all the other lions not a problem it becomes a problem when uh they start to become overly aggressive of those smells so as most of you will know or those of you who follow my work will know that we've been concerned about yamaha and his aggression for a while so what we did was we got the doc out to take bloods just to see testosterone levels especially when he was quite aggressive and to see if those levels of testosterone were elevated or any other hormone abnormalities and the interesting thing is that his hormones came back completely normal so that brought us back to square one now so then what is what is going on here you know and so what seems to be happening with yummy or what seemed to happen is that certain pheromones would trigger his aggression his aggressiveness um kind of like when a female is coming into east the male would then become super super aggressive and covet the female now what was happening is that george was being the one that was coveted by yummy and wherever george would go yami would follow and and anyone who came here george would get revved that includes myself includes anyone who was feeding or anyone just walking past the enclosure all right guys so uh we then basically were back to square one with with old yum what do we what do we do now because this line has been triggered by definitely been triggered by sense and so it's it's a common uh practice uh in in in animals that are aggressive in in veterinary science to utilize a drug that is used to treat depression in humans interestingly enough so the drug is called phleoxetine and what we decided to do was we gave him a carefully worked out dose and then over the period of weeks and months the dose would then be dropped so start out on a high dose we'd monitor him for all ill effects and see how his behavior was and and physiologically and also see uh physically what he was uh what was happening with with with yami was he vomiting did he have an appetite um all these all these kind of things so here he comes now come boy let's go and what what happened was we we saw that um he had no negative effects and after a while we started to see the edge coming off yummy so that super aggressiveness hello boy you see so that super aggressiveness and um even just that look that yama used to get in his face started to disappear uh the aim was never to keep yame on this forever it was to basically get it to a level and then to taper it off all the way down to a minimal level if not reducing it to nothing and so that's what we did we kind of took took him off this dose and this has been going on for the last five to six months and now we are at a level where yummy is almost completely off look at those boys having fun yay hello boy so i was saying i i was a little bit uh concerned about putting um you know the lines on antidepressants because you know kind of you feel like oh gosh these these animals shouldn't be put on it but then when i started to do the research and i started to see how many um even dogs and cats in captivity i put on these drugs just to help them help take that edge off then i didn't feel so bad hello big boy [Music] hello big boy does that mean you finished your walk hey does that mean you finished your walk it can't be hey come on come big boy oh come yum yum come come let's go come on come oh let's go big boy george has headed off i'm really happy with how yummy is and how he's behaving this is super it's a step in the right direction and even if this walk today is just a short little walk um and he's feeling happier being in the vehicle like that then i'm happy with that um and i think you can build from you can build from that um what you can't build from is if you put a lion out here in this area and you become super aggressive and starts um you know um he starts jumping on george and and having aggressive moments with george but he hasn't done that and there he is out now in fact george is the one with the attitude not yummy kicking him in the head he wants to just have a piece of that and george is saying no completely different story to a couple of months back georgie i hope you have enjoyed this video as much as i have had making it and i'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have subscribed recently the subscriptions are going up and up and up and up and that is a wonderful thing if you just stumbled across this video and you want to see more videos like it please do subscribe to learn whisperer tv on youtube thanks for watching and until next time on lion whisperer tv [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 211,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a6ozw3kHCDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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