Meet The Characters: Delta, Icarus & Unathi | The Lion Whisperer

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[Music] got a bit of a roadblock certainly the kind of traffic jam that i can enjoy i certainly don't get upset waiting for a kuru cow to finish a meal i'll gladly wait [Music] hi guys uh so i'm busy driving in today to do another meet the characters video for the lion whisperer tv and today we are going to be meeting three lovely lions uh three male lions named delta icarus and united in order to be in the white line icarus being a very beautiful black main line with a ginger fringe and the delta being a very light colored line they represent all the different racial kind of divides of lions so really interesting and three very very different personality types so stick around for today's video and i hope you enjoy it icarus the first one is a fantastic lion he is really looks um in magnificent condition he's a typical black main line with a with a golden fringe around the edges of the mane he is a massive massive animal icarus probably weighs in the region of around about 215 kilograms he's very lean he's not fat at all um and he he has he has quite a um he um expends quite a bit of energy so he's he's he's ectomorphic in in a sense what's that between an ectomorph and a and uh a mesomorph he's not um he's not prone to putting on on weight excessive amounts of weight and he's generally pretty active and has a pretty high metabolism whereas on the other hand alta and bunnarity can gain weight quite quickly if they don't watch what we don't watch their food intake um but one thing that many don't know about ikeys behavior is that he is quite a skittish cat so anything that he's not sure of icarus is going to rather run away from it so um he's not he's not very trusting so you've got to really take your time and you've got to be patient in the way that you work with him because if you just rush into things with icarus he's just going to run away but if you take your time and you are understanding of his behavior then icarus is one of the nicest lions to to be around and to work with and i love him to bits um he is a likeable character a lot of the volunteers who come to the sanctuary love him because of his nature um but he is a skittish cat as i say um and he is in a group that's quite a mixed bunch because united is a white lion icarus is this very dark remained uh very gingering color lion and then there's delta who is quite a light colored line so we have a real mixed bunch here the three color the three colors and it's an interesting bunch because yeah i will get to delta because dalton's quite a a chilled line he's quite cool and and nothing seems to phase him and he you know does everything in dalton's time and then we have a good aldernati who we can just say is a big drum he's always been a little bit grumpy ever since he was a youngster and it has just got worse with old age he is not very tolerant so the slightest little things will irritate him he will just uh growl or snap so you got to watch out for an arty on a good day united um will be like putty in your hands nighty is like a teddy bear on a good day and then the very next day he's back to his grumpy self so the way to really be around the nightie is to allow him to approach and allow him to initiate sitting here with delta the lovely delta what a nice lion he is and i told you a little bit about delta he's also 14 years of age he has a very um amenable personality he's he's very cool he's very chilled nothing much seems to faze old delta he just takes he takes life in its stride which is why i like him so much he's just not phased about too many things in this in this world and what can i say delta um he doesn't do anything that he doesn't want to do so delta is normally one of the lions that's the last to load he doesn't uh like to get caught up in amongst all the fighting and the scrapping and you can see now guys you can see the main is very blonde so he is a very light colored cat in fact has many many insta instances you think that he is a white lion but he's not um so yeah let's let's go to the shade hopefully delta will join us he's uh going to lie in the shadow because [Music] hello boys [Music] [Applause] there we go he's not too grumpy today he's just a bit tired [Music] obviously this weather does take it out of them [Music] but as a as i've said as well before uh he also 14 year old lion um so he's over over midlife so knighty uh as i said you've got to just respect his ways and know how he is it's actually quite incredible because out of this group of three lions you have such a diversity of behaviors of characters and that's what makes it really interesting in fact you have um in one group of lions pretty much the three kind of character types that you get uh with lion you get the amenable affable chilled cat that doesn't really care too much for anything doesn't really isn't really bothered by much uh kind of just takes life in a stride that's the dalters then you get the ickes of the world who are sometimes scared of their own shadow um but once they get to understand the the scenario and the situation uh then they are absolutely wonderful and loving and you'll notice that with icarus if he's unsure he'll stay away but as soon as he's sure he's there like fred bear and then you get the third personality type which is the grumpy cat um who would rather just growl at something to start off with and be nice to it okay so that's the next installment of meet the characters thanks for watching that and until next time bye [Music] [Music] right hey members have something really exciting in store for you [Music] you
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 163,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J0wPcxAUp3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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