Meet The Characters: Gandalf, Cussasa and Sibindie | The Lion Whisperer

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we almost get your gun now he's ready is he nice again also roaring away new home new home [Music] [Applause] so good morning everyone today we're going to be doing the next episode of meet the characters and the group we're going to be talking about today is one that you've all been asking about for a long long time it is mr. Gandalf and his two ladies so I'm sure you know and I want to miss out on this one stick around it is an interesting day today because we've got a few activities that we need to get through and so I'll be discussing their characters and their natures whilst we trying to achieve the objective so I hope you enjoy I think it's going to be a cool video we are busy doing the trip were to move the lines basically from this enclosure along yeah down till the next enclosure I was going to load a Gandalf but I think it's just going to complicate everyone's lives I think also it might be better for him to walk because the girls will tend to follow his lead all right guys you got to remember and I haven't been around these lines for a long time yeah okay yeah yeah [Music] [Music] good lions what good lions oh my goodness what good lions I cannot believe how good they are I think we need to do this yet again d yeah yeah Jenny that's it all right as easy as easy as I be see Wow what anti-climax I thought I was gonna have a little bit more drama Gandalf sir absolutely sweetheart I mean he just she just wanted to get to the next enclosure and the girls I must say we were very very good you noticed the first one out was Kasasa she's very very confident and very bullish and the last one out was somebody now seventies always a little bit more skittish a little bit more nervous two sisters same upbringing same you know environmental conditions and two complete different personalities now a lot of people going to be thinking world world world world world cave you're talking about these lions being wild but yet you are standing lift lifting one and a half metres from them with no fencing or anything between you and them and that really is because of the the knowledge of the psychology of how they how they behave and how they work it wouldn't work if I wasn't in here it needs me in here to make the whole process go smoother if I'm on the outside of the fence it's going to create that problem again so is it dangerous not really would I do it if it was extremely dangerous and that I wouldn't happy happy happy cats and happy happy happy Kevin oh who is the mob so gandalf who's Gandalf Gandalf is a 14 year old white line his brother was Aslan Aslan unfortunately passed away some years back he contracted botulism Gandalf was the bigger of the two but Gandalf has always been quite a character he's been he's always been quite outgoing he's quite a vocal cat so when he doesn't like something he will vocalize it other lines are not like that other lines are quite quiet you'll notice like Suja for example switches one of those lines it's more more more nervous and and and less vocal in many respects I always say to people that the lines that are vocal let you know where you stand so so Gandalf is like that he lets you know where you stand and it's up to you to decide whether you don't want to give him his space or not you know he's not sure to tell you go away having said that he in my opinion having worked with him closely he is a very loving cat he's got a very loving personality but he's also got a side to him that is don't mess with me when I tell you to leave me leave me trust me I'm telling you to leave me so we didn't know who to put with croissants a Bundy when for senior passed away so when Thor senior thought senior used to be with croissants a Bundy and these two girls used to give him a really hard time and so when when innovation it was decided that Gandalf would be matched with them we we were a little bit concerned so because they they can pack a punch used to but yeah for the first few weeks they they certainly gave him a working over but he is a persistent character and he he he worked his magic on them put it that way so all those scars you see on Gandalf's face are actually from Chris off sentence upon D so when people see again of their Mahr goodness he's had a he's had a hard laugh and I'm like no it's just really scrapping with croissants Abunda over over food but anyway he's well he's well-loved within this group now is is well accepted into the group they are a unit and yeah kousonsan D are certainly no easy ladies to win over so well done Gandalf there he is doing exactly what you would expect a male lion in a new territory to be doing which is marking his territory you see everyone thinks you grumpy but I've always said you're not a grumpy cat you just had a lot of people in your space he's actually a little bit of like Bobcat in that respect but yeah you can see he's not he's not hassle he just has a locked route he's like me he's a beautiful cat he's probably the biggest lion that we have here at the sanctuary not he was slightly overweight a few years back so he's lost a bit of weight but he's a tall lion is a big big cat big big head and look at his head they're even mrs. Kasasa over here is less less aggro than usual this is Kasasa and I don't know where the bindi is there we go elegantly okay this so khus khus khus people always ask how do you tell them apart well the one has a quite a demand shaped head there's almost the sagittal crystal on the on the skull is quite prominent on Kasasa and at least so Anza bindi and so here we go sir hello Billy Oh Oh calm calm calm this is really awesome to see they are in here and it's like they've been here every day of their lives what's a quite big girl not small lines or lionesses they are now opposite meg is actually talking to them and they're talking back so there's no yeah okay because our sensibility were obviously on contraception for quite some time the problem with the contraception as we all know is that it really has a profound effect on the metabolism so they tend to carry a little bit more fat especially on the chest and the belly area we we do watch their diet quite carefully they've subsequently been spayed they certainly are not spring chickens anymore lived a pretty full life obviously the problem with having a lion like assassins of Indian captivity that don't have relationships is this it's a lot harder to do things with them everything can potentially be a stress so to mitigate that we have less people around here when we do these kind of things don't have everyone in Sandra looking on but it certainly would make my life easier if these two girls were on the same level as all the rest of the Lions yeah so that is a huge benefit to having their relationships with the Lions you don't have to deal with this kind of stress yeah show me your key it's just you know no more kind of warning off okay that is a confident lion guard so it's just going into a new enclosure pretty much ready for anything I'm so happy about this because I was a little bit a little bit concerned about how well they would move but this has given us new hope and confidence for being able to move them a lot more frequently and there's at least four enclosures along the side that we could quite easily move them between and I'm just can't tell you I hope you haven't forgotten often these girls they've been our got a new area a new night pin a new enclosure it is a wonderful enclosure this enclosure is really really cool I love this one it's got so much Olympic weight it's got so much vegetation Andy's favorite favorite thing is the citronella spray whoo yes happy happy happy cat happy happy happy cat magic for Gandhi magic for Gandhi amen amen isn't that just awesome obviously from a relational perspective I can only speak about my relationship with Gandalf that Dex was quite intense because we had a good relationship but unfortunately Chris our sensibility I can't say that this is what they like and in terms of my relationship with them can only tell you what they like in terms of my observation about how they behave so obviously it's this information or less personal information because they've never been a hands-on I've never been hands-on with Casal since the venue nevertheless we love all our characters equally and I think I'm going to leave it there we are going to load some more lines and move them around we're doing a bit of a move around today hope you enjoyed that video guys and if you did enjoy please do share and we are going from strength to strength on the channel it's it's really incredible thanks to you guys thanks to all your support we also do offer members that has really taken us to the next level people who have been watching the members videos the feedback is is fantastic so once again a big THANK YOU if you enjoyed this meet the characters video there will be others like it just on the side of the screen but until next time hope you enjoy it bye [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 821,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 88W68_thYxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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