NYC LIVE Exploring Inwood, Harlem River Greenway, Harlem, Upper West Side Manhattan (March 26, 2021)

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what's up everybody today is march 26 2021 80 degrees fahrenheit 27 celsius i'm at the last stop of the a train at 207th streets so we're very near the top of manhattan island the time is 4 12 p.m and today i'm going to be doing a walk through the inward section of manhattan as well as going through maybe to washington heights but we'll see took me a little bit of extra time for me to get up here i had my live stream scheduled to start a little bit earlier but it takes a while for the train to get up here 207th street and broadway exit [Applause] take a look at this this is kind of cool says at long last we'll take the northeast corner exit all right welcome to inward manhattan the northernmost neighborhood on manhattan island it's 207th street and i'm on broadway let's make a left over here and go down 207th hello careful okay doesn't have to tell me that told me to be careful around here [Music] it's uh very windy right now i hope my i hope my sound will be okay from all this wind [Music] definitely a lot of activity here on 207th street in inwood [Music] this area is also known to many as the little dominican republic here's vermilion avenue and 207th streets dan supermarket [Music] it would have been a real hassle to uh ride a bicycle today in this kind of weather or electric scooter definitely a lot of park cars across the street [Music] what is going on here there's so many double park cars [Music] dave whitehills from liverpool england looks good weather there had hail and rain most of the day there i hope it ends soon for you so you can go out and enjoy some nice weather [Music] takera emilio [Music] dolla pizza alive and well in inwood at noel's pizza pizzeria and restaurante here we go sherman avenue [Music] i can smell the pizza from here already from this corner haven't really walked 207th street yet in any of my walks or live streams yeah laurie temperature is 80 degrees here you better believe it really nice [Music] uh hands this is considered upper manhattan this is the northernmost neighborhood on manhattan island as you can see a lot of people out enjoying the weather oh man got a wheelie on a moped now i've seen everything laurie brown with 20 bucks high action kid walk with you in spirit on your manual treadmill that is awesome here we have post avenue and 207th street man that's a tight turn for this bus [Music] here what a messy intersection [Music] let's see what happens here well i'm glad the traffic cleared away from that intersection quickly definitely a lot of buses i'm gonna cross underneath the number one train 207th street station peter fontanes thank you so much for five bucks i didn't expect inward to be this busy i was just in the east village and union square and seems like it's just my gosh i had to like speed up my walking pace because i really thought that driver was going to turn into me i was ready to run but good thing they went straight instead of right towards me but as i was saying um i was just in union square and the east village and there are quite a good amount of people over there as well eiffel tower how did i get up here i took the subway number um it's the r train to the b train at 34th street hill square to the a at um 59th street columbus circle here's a cool little neighborhood spot it's all single azteca [Music] avx girl saying it's always been busy traffic that way in and out of the bronx oh i'm sure look at this meena bar and restaurant looks pretty busy in there they got tacos pastas lunch hamburgers mauricos looks pretty good in there abs girls saying food in that area is good and inexpensive i can see it just from passing by got a good angle on the number one train here christian hanson you wonder if the rent there is fair there wouldn't mine to live there from my understanding the rent in inward is cheaper than most of manhattan this is an area of inwood i haven't been to that often creepily tilly saying inward feels more like a bronx to me than manhattan it sure feels that way because manhattan is mostly tall buildings skyscrapers concrete and glass for most of its length but then when you get up here it looks more like outer burrows [Music] i don't want to cross right now because of a car like that now i could cross [Music] sounds like someone's uh washing their vehicle here edwin wants me to go to inward park um i won't go there today right now i'm going to go down 10th avenue and maybe we'll head over to the eastern side of manhattan and walk underneath the high bridge the washington bridge university heights bridge the views there are pretty nice here we've got some housing projects i don't know the name of these housing projects exactly but this is a part of inwood yes oh where the the stabilizer oh i got it from amazon it's called the moza mini mx mini moza mini mx it's really good yeah it's great yeah you can watch me on youtube i'm action kid yeah all right take it easy irwin figueroa is saying i should walk on the bronx side of the harlem river green race sometime soon yeah it is coming up pretty soon [Music] certainly a lot of traffic here on these small streets luz romero thank you so much hopefully the wind doesn't pick up too much more vanessa arevalo thank you so much for 10 appreciate it very much these might be the dikeman houses as i see welcome to dykman senior center on the bottom eiffel tower you like it here you speak a little bit of spanish yes it's a lot of spanish spoken here oop i just picked up my pace because i saw that driver making a quick right turn so nice and fly saying i'm close to little dominican um yeah there's a lot of dominicans in inwood and washington heights i'm right in it but if you want the commercial area that's 207th street broadway and dykman street [Music] dean uh saying remember when you walked across the bridge between the bronx and inwood yes the broadway bridge there's also the 207th street bridge there's a nice looking park here called sherman creek let's go in here because this is something i want to check out sherman creek park in inwood pretty neat right not what you think when you think of manhattan low tide water not moving sludge perfect atmosphere [Music] this park is very nice i'm surprised i didn't know there was uh wood chips here you could walk on this it's kind of like a mini hiking trail but they could do a better job with the ecosystem here the water here does not look clean at all looks like a cleanup site yuck but the trail here itself is pretty cool i wonder how far this park goes sherman cove park my first time i've ever come to this park look at this there's even an air you can come here and view sean oh with 9.99 hello sir always happy to catch one of your live streams what's your favorite area of manhattan island or the areas i know the best you miss new york going back to visit family in the fall there's a black bird right there [Music] they just heard it crowing my favorite area of manhattan is midtown because it's the most activity but i like all the neighborhoods of manhattan probably the part of manhattan i know best is chinatown this water is not moving at all need some tlc for sure what's the building with the sculptures asa l caldwell this one i'm not sure i know it's still in manhattan there's also a bug that just flew on my glasses i just blew it off but um kind of looks like a water treatment plant because i see the discharge point right under it yeah i don't know [Music] i'm not sure dick k saying it's khan edison i did see a con edison marker on google maps but i wasn't sure if that was it but thank you for confirming now that i look at i think it is con edison because there's no other structures to the right of it that's the local utility company larry is saying interesting building there what waterway is this i think this is the harlem river what what is this there's just a random area here with picnic tables i never knew this existed in manhattan what oh my gosh this is cool it's like a neat little hangout spot and what's down over there well over here the water is moving okay well this looks like it continues on to the uh greenway let's go over here definitely a strange part of manhattan [Music] hey how you doing awesome it's my first time this place this place is cool yeah yeah i'm sure it's a dirty looking body of water there so when the flowers grow it's going to look nice she said i think over there looks like a bathroom i just want to check if it's open so i could use it and not have to worry about later because who knows um when this will when i'll get another opportunity for a restroom again [Music] kristen creighton with 4.99 always enjoy your walks thank you for your dedication to this channel appreciate it very much uh children's garden is closed open eight to four that was not a restroom that was the children's garden we got another pathway over here let's see where this goes i know the greenway itself is right next to me over here the abx girl you think the walking commuter may have walked this park this past summer yes i'm pretty sure he did when he did the great saunter and walked the perimeter of manhattan island you definitely have to come over here when you're walking the perimeter so so this is the part of manhattan you don't really see too often normally when you think of manhattan you think of the skyscrapers downtown but not the green ways like this and i'm pretty sure i'm going to be walking over here for a good amount of time until i get out of this greenway area it's a nice area to ride your bike and to the right of me is the end of the harlem river drive it's a highway that turns into the fdr drive and it pretty much runs the length of manhattan along the east coast take a look at these daffodils they're really nice bright and yellow [Music] laurie w you've watched a view of walking man dudes videos he's certainly a unique youtuber yup walking man dude is the ultimate troll of walk tubers the guy can do anything if he puts his mind to it and he spins fast enough looks like something is going on over here a group meetup or something got the parks department flag the united states flag and also the new york city flag now this is an excellent view coming up look at this we've got the bronx on the other side of me this might be the morris heights section of the bronx and then to myself is the highbridge section of the bronx deanna with 3.99 thank you deanna appreciate it i don't know uh if the wind will pick up a lot and i'll be feeling it right by the water let's take a look over here this is the harlem river tim timmer 2502 with 279 russian rubles thank you tamir 202502 [Music] i think the next time i'll be able to exit this greenway is when i get to washington heights mighty bull with a 499 super chat you rock action kid shout out to nadine shout out to you from the mighty bowl appreciate it eiffel tower asking which bridge am i coming up to that coming up would be the alexander hamilton bridge and then the one behind that is the washington bridge i believe me take a look i think one of them is also the university heights bridge no wait it's the washington bridge first and then the alexander hamilton bridge and then it's the high bridge behind it i should know this because i've already been there but i reversed the order this side is really nice for a walk enjoying the view yes it's a very nice area of manhattan [Music] christie saying the very narrow walking space bridge yes that's the washington bridge the one that was full of litter and didn't give enough room for people to pass each other these might be cherry blossom trees i'm not so sure but it certainly looks like the same kind of structure so shadows saying the tree needs leaves the leaves will happen in time once the spring gets more into bloom you can see they're just blooming now or starting to i think this might be called the pre-bloom stage they got the little green dots coming out already darrell hardy with five dollars thank you so much to rel hardy appreciate it john's saying what's the difference between the washington bridge and the george washington bridge or the more commonly called uh well your last part of it cut out but the washington bridge is the earlier of the two bridges that are still referencing the first president but the george washington bridge connects fort lee new jersey to washington heights new york and the washington bridge it's the second oldest um major bridge in new york city after the brooklyn bridge and that one connects um morris heights to washington heights morris heights bronx to washington heights manhattan i don't think they should have called the george washington bridge by that name because it's just very confusing [Music] robert carmona what do i enjoy more manhattan or miami beach it really depends because there's goods good parts and bad parts to all of it but personally i like manhattan more than miami beach there's just a lot more things to do here and there's a lot more food choices as well within very close proximity to each other this is a nice view of these residential towers in the bronx also to my right you can see washington heights i think this is the washington heights neighborhood yeah i'm pretty sure there's washington heights now you can tell because it's on a higher [Music] elevation [Music] lindsay would you show queens college at some point when you're in the neighborhood enjoyed your stream of brooklyn college the other day um the problem with that lynn is um i went by queens college one time and i asked if i was able to go around on the campus grounds and live stream they told me no i was only able to get a part of it and walk around the perimeter of queens college but i didn't really see much it's difficult to get access sometimes to some nice um places like queen's college and the interiors of buildings private establishments here we got another viewpoint [Music] stephanie asking how old is this wall i'm not sure but it certainly looks his age right i mean we've got gaps in the wall here there's like mold growing on the stone some cracks but i don't think anything like structurally unsound or else they would have blocked this off or replaced it i'm gonna really enjoy walking under these bridges in fact i may even put a take a picture over here and then replace the thumbnail of my washington bridge walk with this one that i'm taking today because this is a much better view you can actually see the bridge from [Music] underneath zsa saying they really fixed up that trail yeah i remember biking here a few years back and this trail wasn't really in the best condition but i haven't been here in a while this guy's a new york city marathoner i'm sure the dog is a trooper as well it's a bit of traffic on the alex and the hamilton bridge wind's picking up a little bit i don't really see any kind of like major defects with the walls in my left nick is asking if i think new york city is better without the tourists oh it's definitely not better you need the tourists it helps the new york city economy it helps create a lot of turnover in the city and introduce new ideas and creativity here's a great shot of the upper manhattan harlem river bridges all three in a row i'm gonna snap a picture once i get to the end of this um planter here and then i'll replace the thumbnail of the washington bridge walk with this one i think it'll be a little bit better all right so from here i'm going to take the picture i think this will look excellent [Music] snow dove you saw me at bayard street yesterday eating the sponge cake awesome jimmy dyer brandt with 25 swedish kroner from sweden all right jimmy diabrand appreciate the support thank you what does this look like in wide angle looks even more long from this side with a different lens nick g asking if any of these bridges are told no these are all free bridges to go across the high bridge is a not open to vehicles but the alexander hamilton bridge which is the second one that one connects directly to the george washington bridge and that one has a toll going to new jersey [Music] [Applause] and looking at the other side you can see all the traffic take a look at this i never sat back and watched the traffic but for those of you who've drove driven over the george washington ridge you know how much traffic that bridge can cause sometimes that's the ramp to get up over the alexander hamilton bridge to the george washington bridge and this one is the alexander hamilton bridge the traffic is flowing but it's not quick george washington bridge is the busiest bridge in the country [Music] you can see midtown in the distance if i zoomed in yes you can right there you can see it i think i see the tip of the chrysler building too that one's iconic let's uh get a view of the underside of the washington bridge second oldest major bridge in new york city after the brooklyn bridge reacts asking when i'll make another 360 video i definitely don't think that person is supposed to be driving that here but um anyway back to the question i don't think i'll be making a 360 video in the near future just because it takes extra time to process and i don't really think people enjoy the 360 videos as much unless there's like a lot of activity to make it worthwhile [Applause] here's the alexander hamilton bridge it goes into the trans manhattan expressway oh gosh it smells here it smells woo i am glad you're not here to smell this discharge point huh oh smells like rotten eggs all right action kid stop whining and breathe it all all right smell that pollution smells great [Music] ah all right let's just walk a little bit quicker to get away from that because that does not smell good okay so nice view but stay away from it if you don't like sewage sludge smell amtrak no that's metro north [Music] that looks like the hudson line of the metro north robert carmona asking why would new york city allow discharge into the river well the thing is they have sewage treatment plants but as we all know we can't treat all the sewage perfectly we'd like to but not all the time can we get everything out of the water and especially when it rains a lot there's no way the sewage treatment plant can process all that sewage coming in so the overflow they have to just have to dump it raw into the river here's the high bridge these are original parts of the high bridge by the way originally it's part of the croton aqueduct system and this steel structure here is the reconstructed part of the high bridge they did that because they needed the ships to go underneath [Music] and by the way if you want to see the um abandoned parts of high bridge park there's a bunch of like staircases there and balconies that are closed off to the public but you can still see [Music] this is the high bridge water tower [Music] chris mg the hybrid is trying to get there a few years ago and now you're completely lost and you got completely lost we got traffic on the other side going up to the alexander hamilton bridge as well up we got another wet weather discharge point i don't smell anything out of the ordinary yet larry's saying is that the water tower i've taken up on a previous walk it is that was the one with a long staircase it was very steep i just got dinged by a cyclist all right so this is the underbridge on this side of the high bridge park oh another train coming [Applause] hey [Music] that is metro north as you can see the underside of the high bridge has quite a bit of graffiti and some litter there's possibly people making it their home over there chris am i going to take you up to the high bridge not on this walk i've done live streams across the hybrids before though patrick asking me to come out to suffolk county and walk main street and montauk highway from the babylon village to patchogue definitely an idea we might be able to exit sometime soon [Applause] oh boy look at this giant hole you step in there you're not coming out you'll probably be ending up in uh california or something damien's saying penny wise might be in there that's another possibility too pennywise might be in there yeah new york city doesn't need to fix that up and there's another one here too what why are all these holes here look at that it's so deep it swallowed the traffic cone and part of this barricade oh gosh many maybe pennywise's brother is in there right don't want to imagine who's down there you want me to do a panoramic view i'm just about to step to the left until i saw that guy now i can do a panoramic view [Music] there's the underside of the high bridge you gotta be careful of scooters here who knows why that motorcycle is here i mean they're probably using it to get to places really quickly but they really should be using the local streets snow saying is probably the same guy no it's not same person not necessary dude not necessary also you want to guess what's over here [Music] so [Music] i hope there's no more huge holes like that jb asking if is the place that sully landed the plane no that's on the other side of manhattan [Music] nick's saying are these sinkholes or stink holes they don't smell they definitely don't smell is this a sinkhole i hope not no it just looks like storage looks like we'll be able to get out of here soon there's a ramp to go up i think that's the polo grounds in front of me i have an idea of where i am we'll still be in washington heights on the border with harlem what's the industrial building to my left i think it's related to the metro north railroad it's probably owned by the mta as like a train like service building or something that's my guess lynn you enjoyed my spontaneous ferry ride that i did from brooklyn to the bronx yeah that was very spontaneous all right so i know where we are that exit says frederick douglass boulevard west 155th street looks like it gets very narrow here looks like these people here are fishing [Music] half an hour's walk bike homework saying tell them about the discharge area yeah there was a sign there and said it's the discharge area hopefully they're not eating the fish and they're just fishing for sport i wouldn't want to eat any fish from here [Applause] you know what that train just went into the building zach asking what does the discharge area mean like pollution discharge it's uh sewage so everything that you flush down the toilet and your kitchen sink that's what's in there [Music] yeah lola's saying there's a small narrow path for cyclists and pedestrians [Music] [Music] so we got some traffic back up here on the harlem river drive i wish they extended this greenway further down the east coast instead of letting everybody exit over here i also wish this was a little bit wider [Applause] [Applause] heather's saying yankee stadium is that close yes it's close by [Applause] i just need to get onto the um 145th street bridge or the maycombs dam bridge [Applause] emily's asking why the path is so narrow um this is a bridge that connects all the highways so i don't think when they constructed it that they were thinking of making the pathway equal from the waterfront and over here now we are exiting [Applause] all right this is a bike path and there's definitely like some pebbles and broken glass here so not exactly the most picturesque area you might even get a flat tire here heck it doesn't even have to be on a bicycle you got a random vehicle tire here car tire maybe it's such a shame right the only entrance to this area is through here and there's like garbage and litter on the side the city should really like clean it up if they want more people to use it and make it be more attractive i mean this isn't very a very good look for people and for like tourism heck it wouldn't even hurt for the city to put like a trash can over here just so people will have places to like put their garbage instead of just throwing it off to the side i think these are definitely the polo grounds houses [Music] hey you got another tire here what brand is this goodyear assurance well there's no assurance that goodyear tires will stay on i got another tire here what tire is this this brand is uh all season deluxe classic lx sentry i didn't see the brand of company for that tire by the way i think these are the polo grounds staircase polo ground staircase this is such a shame yeah polo grounds was the old football stadium i think there's an old staircase here you can still see but they turned the polo ground stadium into low income housing i think the only reference to it being a stadium is like one abandoned staircase which they kept let me see if i could find it i was reading about online well we got an old fence over here where's the old polo grounds staircase don't really see it from here [Music] well there's part of a tire here [Music] i almost tripped over that sign which doesn't have anything [Music] there's a brand new staircase high bridge park staircase that goes up there up i think i see something there's a padlock here on this gate what was this case used for i don't know where is the old polo grounds plaque or marker i know it's somewhere here yeah it is a strange thing right to see a locked gate going nowhere and then they put a fence right behind the original fence well now the original fence disappears oh something needs to be done here fence repair why is there a pumpkin here how did a pumpkin get here of all things in addition to the tree branches that i can understand hmm i still don't see any marker for the polo grounds or anything about its history yeah dean the city should do something about this clean it up or maybe get some community people to get together and clean it up i wonder how this staircase is now to go down to um lower harlem i remember making a video here and it was full of litter looks like it hasn't really changed unfortunately from the time when i posted that original video there's still litter at the base of the stairs and on the steps i don't want to walk down there but we'll go this way my [Music] [Applause] well that guy on the motorcycle almost got hit by that turning car [Music] [Music] um look how fast the wind's blowing now grand opening for official dress whoa now the question i want to know is how's my hair look oh man it is bad thanks so much wynn for messing it up oh my gosh [Music] that was like the perfect place for the wind gusts to come with all those flags right oh gosh that's one thing i still look good with the messy hair or not we're in harlem now this is a saint nicholas place and 153rd street me this is uh hamilton heights i believe the hamilton heights section of harlem the moon in your starts zap allen no this is not spanish harlem spanish harlem is more to the east this is just the beginning of harlem randall langworthy with a dollar nine nine nice stream the other day with james and carla appreciate it randall i made my hair the wind is uh slowly picking up now [Music] you know where i'm close to i'm close to um the morris jamel mansion maybe i'll show that as you know i passed it already the morris jamel mansion is to the north i had my chance to show it going back but oh well thank you so much randall langworthy 99 cents take a look at this old building this gorgeous architecture here in hamilton heights [Music] whoa some wind wow hope we don't have flying garbage bags soon [Music] this could spell trouble bon bon with ten dollars you remember i remember when i drove by you in fort lauderdale say hey action kid before you almost got taken out by the car and rebecca akira alessi with 10 hours for all the beauty with the rose and randall language 1.99 thank you so much yeah bon bon that was a cool shout out i think he ran into me twice at least i know i'm probably gonna catch a flying piece of garbage somewhere with all this wind [Music] here we got all the beautiful row houses of hamilton heights on st nicholas ave [Music] yeah eiffel tower we're in harlem now i walked all the way away here from inwood miguel magia with ten dollars did i run into kelly stamps while in florida no i don't believe i did i don't remember running into kelly's dance today is definitely not a good day to fly a kite i was even thinking of taking out my bicycle today or my electric scooter but with the wind today i think that'll be a little bit more challenging [Music] randall langworthy thank you for 1.99 these live streams are the best thank you very much appreciate it very much whoa man if i did not have this windscreen on you probably won't hear me now you can probably still hear the wind through it man even these trees are blowing whew oh my gosh even this signs creaking [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Music] here's 145th street station [Music] so [Music] all right so i had to mute it for a little bit because boost mobile was blasting music from their speakers that's the uh famous fish market people are waiting in line to get some fresh fish randall langworthy 1.99 can you tour 96 q line station arches that you built um if i get down there i'm not sure if i'll be there how come there's no pigeons today it's probably too windy for them they'll probably hold up somewhere they don't have to deal with this wind [Music] friend randall asking if i'm near the hudson river no i'm not near it i need to make a right and then head closer randalling worthy 1.99 i'll have to donate even more if you do go there oh did you see that that garbage bag just did a donut and went all the way around i've never seen garbage bags do donuts before oh my gosh it's so crazy yeah fella style 84 garbage cyclone is right make sure you weigh down your garbage today because it's gonna blow around if it's not heavy you gotta put like [Music] sandbags in there just to keep them from flying off randall langworthy 99 cents thank you kim is asking uh walking through a beautiful city why is there garbage on the streets um it's a lot of people ran the language thank you again the sanitation department they can only collect it when it's put out to the side of the curb here for collection got the beautiful st james presbyterian church over here and then up there you got city college city college randomly worthy another 99 cents yet another one thank you [Music] another one from randall langworthy the hamilton house is coming up yep it's raining 99 cents from randall langworthy oh gosh woof oh my gosh randall langworthy another 99 cents now i'm feeling like this is something like chatterbait which if you're not familiar with that site i uh advise you not to look it up but i'll give you a hint it's like you don't need 99 cents i take off my shirt i take then i take off another part of my clothing and whatnot i'm sure you get the point david laming thank you so much for five bucks appreciate it miguel mejia five bucks am i near sugar hill i just came from sugar hill here we have uh i forgot the name of this park randall langworthy with 1.99 you never heard of chatterbait and just a tay with five bucks appreciate it i thought this was the morningside heights park but this is actually the saint nicholas park randall langworthy 1.99 just really enjoy your live streams thank you so much and bon bon you hope me james carla and beautiful hudson will be back in south florida yeah we'll see when we could go back down there again i'll definitely go back to florida eventually oh gotta mute this [Music] so [Music] i think it's about time uh for the next live stream i download some more tracks to use maybe i'll uh download some hip hop tracks or some pop culture tracks that are copyright uh free and i'll play them the next time i hear like audio like that from a car or anywhere randall language thank you so much style and i and i enjoy supporting something positive like this i've been using the same tracks for a while now randall thank you again we got the new hope seventh day adventist church randall with two more 99 cents and akiyuki with 500 yen you want to go to new york city again from japan thank you for broadcasting appreciate it you have to be careful too because i think there may be transaction limits on the same card if you keep doing super chats the financial institution may not like that they might think it's fraud i've heard of people like trying to super chat multiple times and they were only able to do it like three or four times and then they got blocked so [Music] robloxian asking if i could do a live in jamaica i could do one i'll need to find a good time to go there [Music] 135th street station on the bnc i was gonna go down there but looks like it got blocked off i'll just stay here and walk towards 125th street liz the real jamaica island quite possibly you can go there right 134th streets [Music] got to be careful here because i don't have the walking signal bookish horse girl you like hearing the birds yeah the birds are definitely very refreshing and lula asking if i know if columbia university is open i think it is but you know it's not open it's the public restrooms in that park there i don't see the door open over there i'm so nice 133rd streets soon all these trees will be blooming and we'll have leaves case i am asking if i would recommend new york city for relocation um really depends on what your needs are and what you want i think new york city is a great place but you know i'll be honest new york city is not an easy city to live in it's a lot of problems cost of living is very high but if you can deal with those then i say go for it it's a random suitcase here i think we might have a car crash because we got the cops here ups guys in there and well a bunch of other people hope everything's okay wait there's two ups trucks randall langworthy thank you so much so i don't think this um wind is going to die down anytime soon it's supposed to go on until like the early morning matthias fonseca have i ever seen any ufo phenomenon i've seen a few probably the strangest one i've seen was the strange beam of light in astoria queens back in 2019 randall langworthy with 1.99 you need some merch so [Music] mr bot with 15 norwegian crone thank you rebecca you have an action kid t-shirt you love it i may have to uh bring out the t-shirts again to do a walk with them i have a hoodie too randall's saying you need a t-shirt cookie sheryl squirrel you love these buildings yeah with all the fire escapes it's gorgeous i think i'm going to cross now just have to be careful because these cars can really make some quick turns no you haven't seen the panda in a while yeah i left him home i forgot to take him out marzan saying ready for the great saunter with walking commuter on may 1st he's doing the great song there on may 1st i didn't know he was doing it i'll think about it just passed by one of the entrances to the 125th street subway station oh thank you randall we got a community garden here the saint nicholas miracle garden sounds like an r179 subway [Music] oh all right 125th street folks this is the main part of harlem central harlem you used to live on 121st street friend awesome look at this cnc there's a new place now open sunday pop ice chicken on the corner of saint nick and 125th all right welcome 125th street folks oh diana it's not new they renovated okay thanks for the information on that but they're now open sunday now well isn't that inconsiderate that driver is blocking the bus from stopping two drivers the bus driver just said effort i'll just stop here and open my door here gosh people are so inconsiderate unless it's an emergency they shouldn't be holding up the bus like that all right whoa i would have fixed this but i think it'd be better just to leave it toppled over because the wind's going to knock it down anyway but i was thinking about it because it's going to be more dangerous standing up so got a nice bust of hancock over there in that park sunshine saying to my right there's a million-dollar brownstones oh over here you mean yeah they look like them right independent woman with five bucks happy friday that's definitely harlem enjoy and be safe thank you eric mccammon with five dollars just ordered my super sweet action kid tea looks like you're an officially a fan boy keep up the awesome job actually appreciate it eric you know what's pretty funny is um i did a walk earlier in the 14th street area and i ran into somebody who knew me i recorded this it wasn't even live and they said that they followed me and they even have one of my t-shirts and they like it so that's a cool mural man i had to look at this some more nypd awesome mural [Music] had a little bit of buffering before i think it's okay now look at all this litter being blown around by the wind yeah we hit a little bit of a dead spot over there with cell phone service oh this is what i was smelling the zog cafe hookah lounge let's go this way [Music] i want to check my battery level let's take a look looks low 17 percent randall langworthy thank you for 99 cents again laurie says the picture is a little bit out of focus liz is asking if i'm going to charge it um not yet i don't think i need to charge it yet [Music] rich k saying it doesn't seem like a lot of traffic is it too early or too late um i'd say this is the average amount of traffic for the area at this time it's like six something so not too bad barnabas bull pets thank you so much thanks for another week of great videos [Music] oh gosh with the wind you got to be aware of objects flying at you called thank you randall maybe 117th streets and frederick douglass [Music] oh it is good the restaurant this one looks good too bixy we got mama's fried chicken home style three dollars for a slice of pizza with a can of soda yeah we got boulevard and texas chicken and burgers [Music] you like the new audio equipment very good sound i mean it's the same microphone i've been using nothing's changed i think it's a pretty good just on its own where you can actually see that [Music] [Music] sunshine jay saying the sounds great considering the wind [Music] the dead cat helps a lot at the end of the microphone um benjamin gaspard can you make a shout out to your mom she had her 66th birthday on monday and loves my videos all the best from germany oh laurie i used the new microphone yesterday that's the wireless one but this one's the wired one i think i might have to change it [Music] richard cullen thank you for 4.99 appreciate it very much they gave me melva's born bred and buttered in harlem american comfort food uh well someone's flexible look at that whoa spun all the way around i'm almost to the start of central park northwestern corner and about two blocks proper job [Music] so here's 112 streets that my friends is not a bird that is a very loud kid um all right when i get to central park i do need to plug in my battery charger because it's almost empty now i'm surprised i didn't die already we got here the northwestern corner of central park frederick douglass circle ba asking how far down am i going i'm not exactly sure i don't think i'll go through central park again because i've featured that already on the first day of spring maybe i'll go through the upper west side [Music] [Music] all right we got a bench there i can set up and start charging my phone laurie is asking is this the entrance with the waterfall area we saw during the snow it's near here by good memory all right let's put this down i'm gonna charge my phone now let me check the battery level where is that before i do it it's at eight percent battery so it definitely needs a charging let me uh get my power bank and the power port oh that's the wrong end i try to plug the usbc and into the power bank charger but that's the wrong side all right let me take this off because i'm going to have to rebalance this thing again check my charger connection all right now it's seven percent gotta zipper this up again and now i have to see if it's balanced take this off let's put this where it works the best this would go over here wow i'm surprised i think we're good let's try it okay we're good perfect now i don't have to worry about the battery dying out [Music] yes feels like the gimbal is just a little bit bouncy let me adjust it just a little bit no i think we're good with the wind is already going to be a lot of effort for this gimbal to take so [Music] strange we're hitting some connection issues here well this sign here uh certainly blew down [Music] urine with 15 canadian missed your new york city visit last year and probably this year too it's kind of like i'm there again all right me move the phone over to the right i think it might help with the balancing a little bit team serge with three bucks you love my videos thank you fdny speeding down central park west chicago geek asking if i'll ever come to chicago to do videos that's definitely a possibility [Music] i think what i'll do is i'll head towards um 96 streets just so i can get something to eat it's getting to dinner time now rebecca curio alessi with two dollars in honor of randall thank you and ishaan with two pounds your favorite youtuber awesome i'm flattered that you think i'm your favorite [Music] got the ice cream jingle going on [Music] bum bum bum bum yup the ice cream trucks are out already [Music] oh i'm walking against the wind thank you [Music] here's manhattan avenue [Music] your surprise mr softy's not copyright let's walk down manhattan avenue randall langworthy with 99 cents appreciate it take a look at some of these homes gorgeous right they're like brown stones they are brown stones so 105th streets haven't really showed manhattan avenue but it's pretty nice here oh miguel the same architecture designs from this area designed park slope and clinton hill i see the resemblance i definitely see it these look like newer buildings rz rockman with 99 cents thank you rz rockman appreciate it andrew pandas saying if i'm in brooklyn no this isn't brooklyn this is um the upper west side i'm near central park west manhattan avenue and 103rd street king west delhi let's go back towards central park west because i want to show you the subway station hey we hear this ice cream person again [Music] apologize if i'm pronouncing incorrectly but my family and i love your videos thank you jerry appreciate it 103rd street station on the b and c [Music] there it is [Music] [Music] bye bye ice cream truck it's pov hfr you really wish you could livestream the subway you can do it in certain parts where it's above ground and at the stations but underground it does not work well between stations [Music] so i wonder if the ice cream person is stopping over there now just to let people buy ice cream [Music] so seems like the ice cream truck is uh staying there [Music] there's a slow ice cream truck man i was able to walk up to it without any issue [Music] with two pounds enjoy that chinatown you love the hudson dog yes hudson's amazing pet [Music] oh ice cream shots pulling over or not tim sheehan with one pound 99 please say hi to ani in london and felix parshia with 10 bucks the best in the world nyc actually thanks for streaming i caught up to the ice cream truck [Music] you know what why don't i get something because we're making fun of this ice cream shop we should get something right i'll just get a cone hi i'll get a cone with sprinkles [Music] oh looks good yeah yeah doing this i'll get a chocolate cone with sprinkles thank you man appreciate it all right hey i said chocolate he gave me vanilla [Music] oh thank you so happy for you yeah appreciate it i gotta change wow i gotta change [Music] all right so uh [Music] i need to put this down now i just cracked my cone in half not good i got a vanilla cone with sprinkles and i just got a bunch of super chats i can't go back to getting as well let's see who gave me super chats i can only go back as far as time shave at 4.99 thank you and the christy 4.99 thanks [Music] i gotta talk with home but they gave me vanilla with sprinkles instead and the price said five bucks i still got changed two dollars changed i'm not picky [Music] welcome let me do this that's because it's easier thank you randall hmm [Music] i gotta finish this before i walk roxanne robles 999 thank you xml 70 with five bucks thanks [Music] i'm dropping sprinkles on the ground [Music] louis sent five dollar super chat for a birthday shower for your son little louie okay little louie [Music] happy birthday little louie [Music] all right ice cream shop no more ice cream martin moore we're five bucks love i'm back in qc thank you oops got some ice cream on my nose before only that's left peace and love thank you 10 bucks i ate ice cream before dinner what's wrong with me oh i'm still hungry and i'm didn't eat anything that's the ice cream oh well it was fun to um get the ice cream because we were talking about the whole time and it was the jingle there oh no where did my napkin go oh there it is [Music] hmm [Music] oh you know what's funny there's a sprinkle on my charging cable i just took the sprinkle off of my charging cable pov hfr you eat dessert before dinner usually too well today was a special occasion i won't do that but it was fun that we were able to walk up to the ice cream truck i just saw a speeding camera go off oh it just happened again no way that's the seven o'clock essential worker clap is still going on here [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow i didn't know they were still doing this they stopped doing it in my neighborhood and most neighborhoods i've been through but they still do it here on central park west hey all right got an 80 second i'm there it's been a long time since i've heard those going on lucy saying i should walk slower because the camera is flashing yeah they're judging my speed if i walk too fast i'll get a speeding ticket shannon you're glad they still do it yeah i'm surprised in most parts of the city they stopped doing it because it got annoying after a while daryl's saying if i get a speeding ticket i could call tom delgado as my lawyer uh all right [Music] yeah peace and love you're right good thing i stopped for the ice cream or i missed the seven o'clock [Music] or at least in that section they were still doing it but anyway i think i'm going to end my live stream here just because i want to head over to columbus avenue amsterdam avenue get something to eat before i head back it's dinner time now but yeah it's been a fun day today i love walking all the way here from inwood all along the harlem river coming down here getting some ice cream and seeing the essential worker clap again that was awesome but yeah that was such a great live stream if you enjoyed it smash the like button for me subscribe for some more videos live streams like these and i will see you next time take care folks [Music] you
Channel: ActionKid
Views: 183,622
Rating: 4.8972306 out of 5
Id: 834nYV2r5Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 25sec (10465 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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