Benny Hinn LIVE: 2019 Good Friday Communion Miracle Service

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how'd we get five to the hole we give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ his son lifts a voice with me come on and the week [Music] let the poor say [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the week [Music] that's a fool [Music] we give that with a zap lifted we give fans with a grateful heart [Music] we give her because you've given Jesus Christ your sweet son we give that with a grateful heart we move we give because you've given Jesus Christ you're blessed son and [Music] because the one [Music] let the weeks uncle and the forces [Music] because [Music] for us we gave the and we come tonight in Jesus most blessed and mighty name father touch our lives one more time touch our hearts one more time quicken our minds one more time putting our bodies one more time heal everyone in this studio tonight let this be a night of miracles throughout the world let this be a day of miracles for those watching on the internet for those watching on love world for those watching all over the world in Jesus wonderful name lift your hands and praise him say thank him now for what he's about to do in your life audibly praise Him audibly praises audibly praise Him audibly thank you for he's about to do with you [Music] blessed be the Lord God Almighty [Music] who was in it blessed be the Lord Almighty [Music] forever let me [Music] my jeez - Kumbha let's to be the wall got on [Music] in heaven how we love you we lift your name in all may your kingdom be established in your razor as your people declare your mind [Music] in heaven I will love we live [Music] Mayo Kingdom the establish enough as you people declare your mind let's add me [Music] let's sit me [Applause] [Music] Almighty [Music] philosophy the wall [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love of you we praise you [Music] we fire [Applause] [Music] if I fearless Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a fine [Music] weird Holy Spirit we love we play [Music] modify your name tonight [Music] our lives and this sort [Music] [Music] Jesus name above all names and you are not beautiful save sweet to say lift your hands adjust other [Music] name of [Music] lawyers law [Music] you man know what God is with us lesson routine [Music] leaving [Music] it's name is [Music] beautiful sir this way [Music] blessed Redeemer [Music] I stand I stand [Music] holy God to you all classes do [Music] I stand I stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] I stand [Music] [Music] you are beautiful [Music] description too marvelous for words [Music] - wonderful for comprehension [Music] there's nothing ever seen who can trust your infinite with who can fathom Lord who can further the death [Music] you argue to fall beyond description majesty flow Majesty in through I stand in our touchdown [Music] [Applause] I stash [Music] holy God [Music] that's our lives tonight power our lives tonight Phyllis overflowing send us out strong in the spirit [Music] and your holy name Jesus and your blessed name Jesus [Music] with all the prayer just your hands and thanking for your his love for his mercy on your life for his compassion I've never changed the world will change situations will change conditions will change you will change he never changes he declared I am the Lord I changed he's the same yesterday today and whatever the same Jesus you read about in the Bible he's still the same loving merciful wonderful precious Jesus the same Jesus who said to that woman neither do i condemn thee go and sin no more when they were about to stone her the same Jesus who said come unto me all you who labor and are heavy-laden I will give you a rest he has not changed the same Jesus who was moved with compassion on the multitude and healed all their sick he has not changed the same Jesus who on the cross cried father forgive them they know not what they're doing he has not changed the same Jesus who said I am with you always even to the end has not changed lift your hands I'm thinking that he never changes [Music] open our eyes Lord that we might see Jesus please Lord give us a new vision of your love give us a new understanding of your love will never fully understand it I know that but Lord as much as possible allow us to understand if you give that revelation to Paul the Apostle who declared unpersuaded another death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height or depth or any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God so in Christ Jesus [Music] give us that evolution Jesus night MA asked him for that ask him for that thank you all [Music] open our eyes we want to see [Music] open our eyes [Music] to reach out and touch me tell him we love Manami here's Lord and help us I [Music] open up we want to see cheese to reach out and touch it to reach out and say that we love it and say that open our ears lord and help us to open our eyes to see [Music] and God's people said amen amen hey before you think you see just look at someone and say he's coming soon get ready and then you may be seated the Lord is risen no you're not was funny right the Lord is risen He is risen what the Lord is risen He is risen indeed that was the greeting of the early church in the Greek they'd say Christos Anesti the Lord is risen so one more time the Lord is risen someone understood what I said in Greek who Christos Anesti where we would stand up and respond so you speak Greek you don't well you knew that one Armenian Wow so when I say flee so sinister you say what is risen indeed she said that in Greek very good for an Armenian my mom is Armenian Oh didn't you know Haman Armenians around here well all the Armenians stand up guys what are you Armenian okay so where do you live guys Oh Glenn well that's what are all the Armenians live holed up there - OH there you go Glendale - guys yeah my mom is Armenian my my mom's father's left or I should say escaped the genocide yeah we're our family's name was Gaussian all the ends you know every Armenian as a yen at the end I guess right guys so what's your names no last name huh okay there's a Yan there and there's a yarn here somewhere ern say well well well gobble Nestor the Armenians say Amen yeah my my mother her grandfather you people know about the genocide anybody knows what I'm talking about yeah the Turks killed a lot of Armenians and they and my my great-grandfather fled he ran away from the Turks and he walked all the way to Beirut Lebanon what we know a lot of them did back then they didn't have transportation they just walked or ran and he got to Beirut and then they came to what was then Palestine so there's a lot of Armenians in our part of the world and then my mom married my dad who was from the Greek so Greek are now minions married together and then I came nah not a bad combination so I grew up I grew up in the Greek Orthodox Church why you say oh you what did you what do you think this face came from lady I'm not why why they oh they oh they all stand up stand up darling oh you didn't know that you are you're Armenian in Greek Orthodox yes ma'am you had the roots in you from your parents of course hey listen listen Allah how many were you from Los Angeles but I mean but let's go back let's go back you're like your family like because I saw your face Oh Oh like you I'm not sure why I did that but so but your your family came from where so Germany Oh Oscar it's okay you came so your background is German and Scottish or something we swim is by the fact I'm Armenian and Greek what did you think I was Indian hey they always thought I was from India when I was in India they offered I was Indian I don't know why I miss my face I have no idea yeah actually my name Benny was given to me by the patriarch of Jerusalem he he was called Benedictus and he baptized me and gave me his name so my real name is Benedictus it's not Benny but no no no no nobody can say Benedictus you know like Benedictus for benediction same word yeah so don't call me Benedictus now okay but in my passport it says Benedictus that's what it says because that's my legal name so I took Benny you know because it's much easier to say Benny in rather than Benedictus I miss my I miss my parents I miss my upbringing I had the most beautiful childhood and I was an altar boy in church this would be a very great week for us in the Greek Orthodox Church I was the only now she'd know what I'm talking about you guys probably would have no clue what I'm about to say I was the only kid in all Israel that you used to go and get the holy fire with my father she just gave me a look you know what I mean by that not really who knows about the holy fire nobody knows about the holy fire who have you been you do anybody knows about the holy fire okay what what is it you don't know what the holy fire is okay I can tell you it may be real it may be not me real I have no idea but supposedly on the Saturday which will be next week not not this weekend they celebrate Easter next weekend in the Eastern Churches and exactly at 1:00 p.m. out of the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre the fire comes out of the tomb it's happened every year for generations some call it mystical some say it's something else who nobody knows but the patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church goes into the tomb of death of the Lord and they strip him off make sure he has no matches with him no nothing put a white robe on him he goes in and comes out with the candles lit up whether it's true or not I don't know but they the all the committees of the Greek Orthodox Church would go every year on Saturday the history of I can even at least I don't want to waste your time but 367 the border between Jordan and Israel was a gate called mandelbaum gate the City of Jerusalem was divided 367 so anyone living in Israel could not go to see Jerusalem except once a year at Christmastime and only Christians were allowed so we were allowed to go see my grandma and my grandpa and all the family who lived in Ramallah at the time all day all the Armenians left in 48 and went to Ramallah so my precious mom would take us kids and go see her family only once a year for three days but once a year they would have the holy fire and they would allow the officials the military would allow the churches to get together at a place called melon mandelbaum gate and and get the fire and spread to every every Church so they will go pick it up from the border and go to all the churches and light up all the candles and all the for a whole year I was the only kid in the group so one day when I got saved a man named van der Hooven who was the first keeper of the of the garden tomb william van der Hooven item was his name he was from holland he professor over me he said as you took the fire out of the tomb one day God will use you today the real fire to the world well it's happened so I have a lot of history I'm from Israel that's what I get the action from their Lord yay you know I grew up in the Holy Land and did not know how old it was no because none of us and I had a fight with a kid in school about Jesus being Jewish I thought Jesus was Catholic I'm not kidding you we had a fight in in in school you're looking at me a little weird the Catholic Church never told us that Jesus was a Jew never not one time did we hear from any of the Catholic nuns who brought me up and then the monks Franciscans you know the Franciscans right okay st. Francis you know about the sort of Saint Francis the Franciscans brought me up that's why I believed in poverty when I was a kid they tried to convert to convince me that all of us ought to live like much like a you know st. Francis and all the Franciscan monks wore a brown robe and sandals they whipped a tar out of me they scared us to death those men when we saw them we froze when the principal walked in who and they were all French from France when they walked in we all stood up and say Bonjour and I spoke fluent French when when I was a kid I don't anymore but anyways these these monks and before that the nuns before I was 10 I went to the nuns because I was too young for the monks every morning we had to kneel on Jerusalem Rock and say the Creed and the Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary very religious upbringing and every Sunday I'd go to the Greek Orthodox Church every morning we had to go to Mass in school that was like mandatory and on Sunday how was the altar boy and I'd walk behind the priest and he'd be with his censer going kiria lights on curio lay securely so on and me I was almost dying back there when all that frankincense was getting in my lungs but that was my Maya bringing then I got saved in my mom and death or I lost my mind my father took me to a psychiatrist because I got saved now Humbert Jesus all the time and my grandma came all the way from Israel to tell me I was crazy she paid a whole ticket say you're crazy you are dishonouring the family she was just really nasty with me because see they they thought I left Christianity because anybody who's Greek Orthodox they are so burned in their mind and if you are not a Greek Orthodox you're going to hell quite simple when I left the Greek Orthodox Church they were all after me you can't believe what happened but Jesus is wonderful he saved my mom he saved my dad he said the whole family thank you Jesus well Lily are you ready to sing my dear covered by the blood hallelujah oh I've got the mic for you I make for you so when when you people how many have been to Israel how many have never been to Israel you want to go okay lift your hands I believe God's and answer my prayer Lord help them go to Israel and give them the money and Lord give them enough money to go shopping say man okay he'll answer that prayer I'll be there in two weeks I wish you guys can go with me yeah I'm gonna be in Israel with Pastor Chris we're gonna do some programs and while in Israel in two weeks I'm going to have some precious time in Akko Aiko is there the center of the Crusaders when the Crusaders took the whole land that was their center so we're gonna do a lot of things in just a few days you've gotta go to Israel people make yourself a promise you will go to Israel say Amen you've been right eight times Wow I love it okay now you're gonna sing for me covered by the blood yes let's give Lillian all the big God Psalm 32:1 says since are covered [Music] we are no longer bound by sin there is peace and it's deep [Music] [Music] you see that one has no role on Lily's life I can speak the name of Jesus Christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] devil has no hold on your life amen you can speak the name of Jesus Christ he was [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can you believe anyone come on dick dick you see you still got it at anyone Lily can you sing Amen or you want to go sit down and take a bath okay have a break everybody don't you wish you could have this strength when you're 81 unbelievable what do you eat for breakfast what do you eat for breakfast to give you the strength what do you eat for lunch what eat for dinner what do you eat period honestly I'd like to know well I have a smoothie in the morning high protein something and and and then I don't have any lunch I just have something about to Royal chicken or fish I don't eat pork and I only beef once a week and vegetables no potatoes no rice Organic of course yes and I go work out every other day what you're doing you don't I do that's where you get that you work out in a gym you're on yes what yes everything masturbating my my mom was 94 when she passed away and my grandma was 102 so I say if I take care of myself and Jesus doesn't return then maybe I can live alone I think you will yeah somebody said wow you're right amazing Saints just before I Minister the world I want to go ahead and take the offering early tonight because I want to do it I do not want to do it at the end and I just want to remind all of you of the promises of God for just the next few minutes so don't prepare your offering yet don't prepare it yet it does give me a few moments to talk to you about what the Bible has to say about the blessings of the Lord financially God cares about your finance because Jesus cares about you 90% Derek Prince used to say that ninety and I think he was right the ninety percent of our time is spent in connection in one way or another to finance clothing food shelter all that and and when you look at the Word of God can I be blunt with you tonight yeah I think the prosperity message has gone too far because some have focused on money rather than on the promises and I think we've all been caught in that trap because true prosperity is no lack none lacked among them and that's all the New Testament so when people begin to focus on a big house lots of this and lots of that and I think they lose the real message of the Bible the real message of the Bible is quite simple he'll take care of you Jesus said don't worry about tomorrow he'll take care of you and and when you read the Bible look I've been reading the Bible I think I'm reading it now more than I've ever read it in my life and I'm studying it in Hebrew in fact I have two professors now teaching me their language not one oh I'm having fun with that after Segal Zohar from the Institute which is a part of Hebrew University and now I have Danny bengi you people gotta meet anybody a former director of Hebrew studies at Arizona State one of the most brilliant minds I've ever met in my life on Hebrew and he's gonna be here with us soon in fact I think he's watching tonight he lives in Phoenix Arizona and he's from Israel he's a Messianic Holy Ghost Israeli he's in his 70s and he is brilliant he showed me things in the Bible I never saw before I think this'll really will he bless you he said you know how it says in the Bible in the blessing that God gave Moses the Lord will bless you the Lord will keep you make his face shine upon you give eby's it's it now he showed me this he said now look what it says the Lord will lift up his countenance upon you the Lord will lift up his countenance he said why would God look up at you he said doesn't it kind of cause a question in your mind the Lord will lift up his countenance as though you're higher than him I said explain it to me he said that Hebrew lift up means to lift you up and look at you like you are holding up your baby we were so moved that he began crying he said well it says the Lord will lift up it's like he's lifting you up and looking up at you like you're when you lift up your own child what a God we serve can you throw him a kiss for that come on people come on that he loves you so much to treat you like this and so it says the Lord will lift up his kindness holding you up in his arms so now that I'm reading the word for the first time in Hebrew and there's so much in Hebrew that is not possible to discover in English because the language the English language is so limited so limited and and you see I mean he was showing me in my class about a few days ago I got so blessed almost came out of my skin it's really hard sometimes to sit still being taught the Hebrew Bible and he said I'm going to show you the Trinity in all over Genesis and I saw the Trinity so much I didn't I didn't even think there was so many revelations of the Trinity in the Old Covenant it was quite powerful well how many would love to learn Hebrew one day I'll tell you more later but when you see the scriptures in in in in it's real meaning in it's real raw meaning you see such a loving Lord and a covenant God who will take care of his people in all he looks for is our our obedience and we all know that but I don't see anyone in the world as I've been studying it lately of the extreme message that you hear today there's balance in the Bible and the balance is quite simple none lacked in the Old Testament nobody lacked think about Israel coming out of Egypt no not one person had a lack in the desert nobody had to go buy clothing for 40 years nobody had to go to a dentist for 40 years nobody had to go to a doctor 40 years God kept their shoes new clothing new and what's amazing is the clothes that grew up with them that's a miracle that little kid comes out with a little pair of shoes and he comes 40 years later they're still there had grew up on his own feet I went to the Sinai I will never forget that the the the power the the impact it had on my life I climbed Mount Sinai twice I don't know if anyone here has but I have it's 9,000 feet up you see these little Greek women walking up I think it's that it's it's the its it must be the olive oil I don't know they were passing us we were all on camels growing up I didn't want to walk all the way up 9,000 feet and we'll talk about five feet that's all you have if you felt you're gone then that camel my dear God in heaven I'll never forget this he when they come in it was like think about going this way for 9,000 feet and you only have five feet that's all you got so we're walking by the wall like this you know you look at your way down so we were on these camels till a certain point and we had to walk and these Greek little short women were passing the camels there was I don't know how many of us went up there and the camel would come right to the edge and just before I thought I'm gonna die he turn and I was really scared so I said to the guy to the Bedouin I said listen don't don't let him come so close to the edge he ignored me the whole time I tried to sit in my the best Arabic I could produce and he just won't listen I had with me a man named Peter a bit about today is in charge of all the art and music inside the Vatican and he and I grew up in the same class I said Peter would you tell that man to stop going so close to the edge and turn around could you turn around and look you know a little somewhere safer so he tells him in a very the Arabic language has the classical and has the modern and I was speaking modern and the guy no clue what I was saying so Peter speaks to him in the raw classical Arabic and he says you tell him the camel knows what he's doing so I can you know what to say to the guy I bought brand-new boots right before I climb the mountain brand-new they were destroyed when we came down those boots I had to throw them in the garbage because they were ruined and I thought how amazing that my boots that were made out of real good whatever and here they are destroyed one day and the children of Israel walking in that desert that we were in ourselves you you can see even a piece of grass anywhere you thought we thought were on the surface of the Moon or some plan that you couldn't see a green thing nothing nowhere as far as the eye could see was just desert nothing but desert and you'll think how could they survive and what hit you is how about the animals they had how did they survive nobody ever thinks about the animals we think about the 3 million Jewish people coming out of Egypt what happened the animals that they all had surviving what a God we serve for God to take care of them in the desert and you worry about God taking care of you in California in the United States of America you know that was a desert none left among them what a mighty God and when you see the prophets whether it was Elijah who didn't have a suit he wore skin animal skin and belt made out of some skin God taking care of him and sending a raven to feed him then sending him to shoot him up northern Israel by Haifa and a woman taking care of him no black not one day did he lack breakfast not one day did he like lunch or dinner imagine God taking care of that amazing prophet to walk all the way to Horeb now you sweet people if you look on your map you'll see that Horowitz right on the tip southern tip of Sinai to fly today from what Elisha was in Haifa all the way down is a good hour and a half flight he walked all the way down to bare Sheva with his helper left him behind and walked all the way by himself did God take care of him you bet the angel cooked his lunch enough nutrition in that lunch to last a long time and we all worry about tomorrow's meal no lack but when you look at the master himself our dear Jesus what do you see in his life he didn't have a home to live in he did not even have a bicycle to ride he had no lack and God spoke to women who took care of him it says so in Luke and you think about Paul the Apostle know that to say in whatsoever state I am I'm content yet the Bible does not deny in the scripture we are commanded to give in the Old Covenant God made that very clear to the Israelites they were to bring an offering to him three times a year in fact they were to give sacrifices animals daily to be offered on on the altar of sacrifice in the tabernacle and so forth so we see giving throughout the Word of God which we cannot deny that God commands and commanded and still commands us to give to his work that's in the Bible you cannot take it out and and how they gave is quite remarkable so when Moses came in Exodus and Sarai and because God had said to him in Exodus 20:5 and I go collect an offering he said I want gold and silver and I want certain materials certain colors I want certain jewels and such like for the tabernacle it says they brought so much of it that Moses had to say no more we have more than enough so there was a spirit of giving in the camp an amazing generous generous spirit of giving to build a tabernacle if you look how much gold was in there it would amaze you amaze you so much gold in the tabernacle now the talents of the day were way more than today's the way they count gold today but you just think about a golden Ark of the Covenant covered with gold with wood underneath you you think about the altar of incense covered with gold completely you think about the lamp stand all gold no wood at all in it youth youth you think about the table of showbread covered with gold and all its instruments there was gold in the holy place gold in the Holy of Holies anywhere you looked if you went out today to the first part of the of the tabernacle the yard you saw brass everywhere but but think about what they gave all that gold they brought out of Egypt why did God give it to him for his service why will God bless us for one reason to obey Him they had so much golden no one went shopping think about all the gold they brought enough earrings to build a calf enough earrings on these relates to build that big calf that Moses had to destroy so think about the wealth in their hands when they came out of Egypt so God wants to bless his people but why does God bless us why so we can build his work at that time to build his Tabernacle thing about all the blessings that David gave and Solomon gave for the temple stunning information I just finished reading it cedar wood covered with gold everywhere in the Holy of Holies and the holy place so God never promised us we would have lack none will lack and it depends on our need some are greedy no no it's not about greed it's about need he promised to meet your needs not your greed but he asks one thing obedience just plain obedience and so Jesus gives it to us in one beautiful headline give it shall be given unto you simple and he adds good measure so when when God blesses us he will bless us with such abundance will never lack he said good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give to your bosom God wants to bless you so much that you'll have enough for your children grandchildren to be a blessing to others so God says to Abraham I will bless you and I'll make you a blessing but when people focus on the material things that when things go that's when it all goes wrong that's when they focus on the things that things the money that is that no no our source is the Lord we focus on Jesus he'll bless us and Paul the Apostle spent wrote two chapters in Corinthians all about giving for one reason to help the Saints in Jerusalem who had gone through famine so today when you give with a heart for the gospel and I think this is what the problem is we have taken the gospel out of our giving now we give so we can get that's the problem did you hear that people give to get and that's what God says okay i'm i'm not gonna bless them no we give because we love him we give because we want to see the gospel preached to the world a lady in one conference began to argue with me about this and I said lady I want to show you something I said let's and by the way let's let's all go to it okay let's go to second Corinthians I want to show you something Paul the Apostle because somehow her pastor convinced her that you give to get and so well I said let's look at the Bible together and she was not too happy about what I showed her so I said okay let's look at 2nd Corinthians 9 that's the chapter that we in fact 8 and 9 are the two chapters Paul wrote about giving to the church but I said now all right we we all believe because he was talking about ministering to the Saints if you look at verse 1 he said for as touching the ministering to the Saints what which Saints in Jerusalem who were going through some financial struggles so they had gone to Macedonia they had gone to at that time Greece called akia and raised money from the different churches for the need in Jerusalem for the Saints in need so he said now when it comes to ministering to the Saints it's not necessary for me to write but he said I know the forward nurse or the readiness of your mind for which I boast of you when I was in Macedonia and so forth and then he kind of begins to build her faith about giving to the Saints and then he says in verse 6 but this I say he which soweth sparingly will reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully will reap also bountifully and this is where they focus on you give little you get little you give much you receive much one all right that's in the Bible but let's keep it in the same heart with the chapter so he says every man holding as he has purposed in his heart so let him give not grudgingly of necessity God loves a cheerful Giver now think what what happens often is people get under pressure they get challenged too much to give and and when they they do they give out of emotion they give out of fear ok now I know people may be shocked right now to listen to what I have to say but I think it's time for you to know the way I really feel about it people look at mister he teaches prosperity if they really knew what I believe they'd be shocked in a good way because really as I'm getting older I am believing less and less about that message the way it's being preached anyways yeah hallelujah is right lady and I've been asked well are you ready to tell the world how you feel and not yet I'm gonna tell them one day because I don't want to hurt my friends who believe something different but I I will say this and this is what where they miss it where they seem to just never point to the one thing that I think is so important but anyways so it says as God is able to make all grace abound verse a towards you you're gonna have all sufficiency and so forth and verse 9 he that has dispersed abroad and so on given to the poor his righteousness will endure God give see to the sword all day okay finally this is in the Bible but that's where they stop but if you go to verse 13 something hits you that is the heart of giving right there he said was by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ that's the key why are you giving because you want to see the gospel go around the world you are you you've made your life subject to the gospel it's not about I give to get its I give because I love the gospel did you hear that this is what they miss it so the Bible does say you know if you give sparingly you receiving and so forth I agree I agree with all that but how about the gospel the real heart of the message of prosperity that has messed up a whole lot of people out there that got very upset with the message because they leave the gospel out because then it becomes greed you give a thousand you'll get this and you give this you get there uh-uh wait hold it why are you giving are you giving to get this are you giving to get that no God will give you way more than you can ever believe for if you give to the gospel did you hear that he'll give you way more than you can confess and believe and do this and do that and scream and shout and sweat on hollow he'll give you way more if you focus on the gospel how we need to get the gospel today out of the world ok I'm changing I'm glad and I'll change probably more as I get older because I've traveled enough to see that the message of the gospel is the same everywhere it works everywhere but when people start to focus on greed something is wrong it's just that simple so how many of you love Jesus how many love is gospel well then you will give and and we give according to what we have not what we don't have and so the Bible says it says God through Paul said you give what you have not what you don't have so today I'm going to ask you to do something because our Minister has made a wonderful decision to increase our our reach on social media for the young people today in June in June we are going to do something we were going to begin to do something I was about to announce the date but I still need to have some confirmations but I'm gonna have god-willing soon we're gonna have a regular youth meeting with the singers many of them that have become my friends that what are the send many of the very famous names are gonna come here and they're gonna administer the gospel to the kids I'm not gonna be the only one ministry I'll minister here and there are probably just show up and just enjoy but I want to see the young people of America shakin for God and we are a big Amen so we are doing something new now many of you are gonna give to the number on your screen some of you are watching love would you're gonna give to love what for what they're doing around the world those that are watching be hm social media for Benny Hinn ministries I'm gonna ask you to give to help with this new thrust this new vision God has put in my heart because I believe it's time we reach the young people of America and I'm going to tell you something you know I'm so proud of David I'm so proud of Chris and Brandon and James that all have amazing ministries now you're about to become a pastor of a big Church in Palm Springs I'm proud of you hallelujah now this gentleman these these kids are shaking the world right here David your ministry is as an amazing impact oh by the way he just had a baby I think it want to stand up with me a second tell him about the miracle God gave you come on my wife Jess and I weren't able to have children because both sides of her tubes were blocked and so we had sure we've been told by the doctors that basically we would have to go for IVF so we began to believe for our miracle and pastor Benny actually prayed for us when we asked you if you could pray you said this is my specialty this is kind of what you're known for I think and so so oh yeah so we had you pray in fact we actually looked at into it afterwards and we found that it the day after you prayed that the baby was conceived and so our little Aria now is one week old today and so we have our miracle I'm so proud of you but I mean you know you see these amazing ministries God is raising Cris look at you you look incredible when you came the last time you were not feeling well so you're good now it's Sara much better yeah thank you Jesus yay they travel and minister and this young man who helps me takes care of me he's about to get married in July July 7th is his wedding and what of what what a blessing to our life he's been you know he was a pastor at the vineyard churches weren't you in Champaign Illinois it was one of the largest vineyards and you left the ministry your ministry when you found me I knew the Lord I knew the opportunity I had for you was greater and I knew if I wanted to go to another place I had to lay down when I was already doing I was already traveling seen signs and wonders seeing God use me but I knew I had to come serve the man of God to go where how'd you like being with me there's nothing like it faster we pray and we cry and we worship and we Oh hallelujah I mean yesterday I was teaching on the on the on the blood and he's holding my phone and he's just praying in tongues the whole time I pray hold on my ministry he you were just flying high yesterday she'll love you you're gonna have a great future remember that and you know what he'll never stop traveling with me by the way you're gonna be with me for life except you're gonna be living in Atlanta okay I understand those things well there's Brandon he lives here he'll help a little bit God knows but the thing that I want you to know is the Bible is quite clear the promise is quite clear God wants to bless your life when you focus on his people and today worldwide here and around the world and many of you watching level and other platforms there's there's needs every word but today in this country called America we need revival yesterday I had with me the some of the people from that movie unplanned they were here yesterday and they told me two million people have seen the movie now the theaters have been packed and I think it's fabulous but they've had a lot of opposition even from churches you heard me right even from churches who did not want to promote the movie because they felt it was too political it's not political it's about lives 3,000 abortions a day in this country every no no one talks about it this nation needs a new move of God let me hear an amen and I think God is going to do it through the young people some of you and I'm going to close with this some of you don't know do not remember the real move of God that happened in this country would you believe if I tell you some of you are old enough to remember Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas and and Johnny Carson and and Phil Donohue who all had preachers preach on their shows did you know that somebody said Wow who did not know that put your answer back there was the oh the Oprah Winfrey of the day they were the voice what do we call that whatever all these shows that are so popular now in the daytime what was really the four names that were very popular in America that had their own programs on the big networks like ABC NBC CBS Mike Douglas Merv Griffin Johnny Carson and I'm named one more I just got Phil Donahue Phil Donahue had miss cumin on Johnny Carson had Katherine cumin on she she had a standing ovation Mike Douglas who was the Oprah Winfrey of the day had Oral Roberts preach the gospel on his show he preached the fourth man on the program healing events this would show up on those shows and pray for the sick give words of knowledge out and lay hands people falling on the floor on secular television do it again Lord these were the days when PTL had more people go than Disneyworld a Christian ministry in North Carolina had more people a day than Disneyworld had and there were all Christians millions that they would go to PTL to hear the gospel and preachers I was one of the preachers I was young who would go preach at PTL in u2 PTL began with Paul Crouch and Jim Baker and then TBN was born out of that and they all used to work for Pat Robertson people don't know that CN n began from a Christian TV station in Atlanta how many of you knew that just a few of you how many did not know that look at all of you all of you WTBS Atlanta was a Christian TV station owned by Pat Robertson who sold it to Ted Turner who turned it into CNN so CNN at one time was a Christian station that's how mighty God was moving in this country but today nobody knows that the new generation as I know these things happened this is a great nation still today God will visit it one more time no I want to hear a big amen we need a new move of the Spirit and I'm convinced it will be the young people because I saw what happened at the sand when I stood and cried and saw Jeremy and Stephanie and Lindy and those amazing kids leading worship and fifty nine thousand kids standing in front of us and you standing on the front row calling on God you were crying so hard nobody missed you on the front row what are you looking for come on I want to hear you it is getting closer to God yeah that's your mama right there we need more people in this country who are like this young man and are looking for Jesus and there's out there by the thousands and the hundreds of thousands it's time we'll reach them help me do it will you lift your hands praying the Holy Ghost come on yeah you that are watching love world you can give the level to reach the world in the u.s. those are watching our platforms Bennion ministries and here giving a gift or ministry to help me do what God called me to do that is burning deep in my soul now for those young people to see the gospel reach them oh how we need it to see the part of God go through social media yesterday look at me all of you a second yesterday and I'm I just began to do a weekly program now or I teach I'm teaching on the blood I began yesterday teach on the on the blood and as of this morning over a hundred thousand people saw their thing just yesterday I said I just talked about the blood and over a hundred thousand so far I've seen it on social media what we do tonight will be seen by over to two hundred thousand people so social media is the future where if you are watching TV like they used to most are watching it on the phones now let's reach them father I pray in Jesus name you'll bless your people as they give anoint your people bless their tomorrow bless their families and Lord there be no lack in their life in Jesus name lift your hands and thank him no lack in your life or future that God will bring the love of the gospel back in your heart it will take hold of your life it's my prayer for you in Jesus name that you'll give because you love Jesus that you'll give you love is gospel and to see the nation's hear the gospel with power and God's people said amen alright let's pass the offering envelopes I'm gonna ask you to give to the Lord from your heart bless his work from your heart and now one Abel want to give here tonight give your best God has given us his best hallelujah it's beginning to rain rain rain hear the voice of the Father say whosoever will come drink up Oh Arthur come on happy early he said I promise to pour my spirit out on your sons and your daughter if you're thirsty and ride lift your hands to the sky it's beginning only hero Mike please don't one it's beginning to the boy [Music] I'm promised to pour my spirit out on your sons and your daughters if you're thirsty and drive it use hands to the sky it's beginning to me how's the sake of the game it's beginning to rain [Applause] I promise to pour my spirit if you're thirsty and drop little hands to the sky it's beginning to rain if you're thirsty and dry lift your hands to the sky it's beginning to there's a river I'm glad you're here and had help even like this well let's just do it a key that she's come comfortable with there is a river that flows from deep within let me remind you there is a fountain that frees [Music] let never shall can you go up a key [Music] that flows is a fountain that freezes from there is a vast supply [Music] I shall run now your favorite Phil bike a floor all by yourself shall I help you no I think she's looking for my key all right it's all the others like the one with natural well I was seeking for things that could not satisfy and the Ameri my Savior speaking drop from my well that never shall run dry [Music] fill my cup Lord I lift it up Lord come and quench this first sting of my soul Oh bread of heaven feed me till I want no more here's my cup fill it out and make me there are millions in this world Lily pair are millions in this world who are seeking the things that early things are for [Music] one arm can match this wondrous treasure that I found in Jesus Christ my lord can you sing that second of us again there are millions in this world there are millions in this world war craving craving things the things this world cannot afford can match this wondrous treasure that we find in Jesus Christ [Music] dancing with a come on fill fill my cup boys [Music] I'm Quintus Faris team my soul feed me til I want no more here's my fill it all I made me hope before you sing hey man I'm gonna be gone all of May and I want to have another service before I leave because the first part of me I mean Israel I go from Israel to Germany from Germany to Hungary from Hungary to the crane from the crane back here on the 27th I'm gonna be with that largest church in Europe in Budapest looking forward for that and there I think they have 70,000 the Lord is not about right 70,000 in your church that's his church you get a hundred thousand people in that church and then they meet in a stadium right yeah what an amazing month we're gonna have and then I come back and I said I don't want to travel in June I want to be around because I'm getting too old well not really no I'm not you're 81 what what am I talking about I'm 67 you're anyone look at you I just need to have the right diet and go work out like you have but I want to have a service here on the 29th April 29th and probably by then I would announce the date for the youth event so can you come back the 29th and make a deal I will tell you later I called Pam tomorrow at 1:00 tonight a great healing meeting here and much more but sing for me right now before I preach the word amen well 2nd Corinthians 1:20 says all the promises of God are yes and amen so it doesn't matter what I say all you have to say you can clap your hands and sing along and just kidding hey man I'll bring you in hey man hey man hey man hey man me everybody [Music] let me hear you say it's a story about Jesus Christ I say Amen see the little baby he was made in a manger [Music] we have morning madness she's shy he was talking with a bishop in and taking him disciples riding in Jerusalem [Music] see Jesus in the garden sweating great drops of blood prayed to his father not my will but thine be done the soldiers came they found her Jesus and took him away folks he was dead before Pilate he was beaten and they crucified [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are amazing thank you give a lot of mighty hand of praise now I would like you all to stand for just a few moments everyone's standing for just a few moments I want you all to pray in the spirit for just three minutes come on everyone's standing if you can the greatest things in all my life is loving you the greatest thing in all my life is loving you [Music] I want to love you lord I want to love you sweetest war the greatest thing in all my life he's loving loving you keep praying st. Joseph a momentous the greatest thing in all my life is serving you yes the greatest thing in all my life it's serving you I want to serve you serve you Lord I want to serve you sui this Lord the greatest thing in all my life is serving serving you Lukie praying Saints bless the Lord oh my soul the nest alone my soul and all [Music] all that is [Music] ulis is [Music] and sing with me now bless the war [Music] devices sites finesse the Lord my soul and all [Music] be blessed [Music] bless the Lord [Music] within me life [Music] would you be free from your burdens and your since there's power in a blood this power [Music] would you even have a there's wonderful power in the blood [Music] there is power [Music] I asked you a question would you be free from every burden and every sin what's your answer there's power there is foul would you are evil a victori win what's your answer there's one [Music] for the hands of little berries [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is power [Music] [Music] take your seats on a Minister tonight before we take communion on the blood covenant because tonight we celebrate the victory of Calvary we celebrate the triumph of the cross and I want everyone here and everyone throughout the world to begin to understand this amazing power that you find through the Scriptures because as you study the Scriptures you you come to the conclusion that the Saints of the old and new Testament know something that we need to find out there was a power there was an influence in their life that moved them that they understood even their prayers even their worship was in response to that knowledge we all need so bad what is that something they had what is that knowledge they had what is that something in their life they understood that we just don't get I can tell you this the moment we grasp and may the lord give us that knowledge and I believe when God gives it to us something marvelous is gonna happen in the body of Christ none will have cancer on that day none will be diseased on that day I spoke to TL Osborn one day as a TL you've seen miracles in your ministry Jay Landsman was probably one of the greatest healing evangelists of our day there was Kathryn Kuhlman there was Oral Roberts and TL Osborn Katherine shook America all four years shook the nation and established all you oral had his 10th meetings for eight years only then established Oral Roberts University but TL Osborn had more miracles worldwide than any man alive I saw a picture when I went to preach for his sister in Texas when I was in my 20s she's I want to show you something there was a picture of this man on the platform with TL Osborn talking to him that had no leg and you see the leg missing in the photo she said now look at this picture ten minutes later he had a leg I saw both pictures the same platform the same clothing the same crowd behind you see one picture no leg holding crutches the whole leg gone missing and a second picture the crutches on the platform and the men standing with two legs and so I said to TL Osborn one day when he came to me with man this is your date he'd been with me many many times and so what's the key what is the key why is it you have such miracles in Africa that we need in America he said because in Africa they understand one thing that we don't in America I said what is it a covenant a covenant he said if we would grasp the truth of a covenant none will be sick in the church we still have not we still have not so that's something that power that amazing influence in the prayer in their worship in their knowledge their response to the word what was it what was it they understood that we must understand the Covenant the power in a covenant so I said to tell us a TL jesus healed many who did not understand the Covenant ah he said that's something you must understand he said the unbeliever he healed because of his mercy the believer he healed because of his covenant he said that's why when people lose their healing they don't understand the Covenant anyone who understands the Covenant cannot lose that miracle because when I was in India I saw many who were not Christians healed I'll never forget the little girl look him up with polio crying on the platform she said why why would he heal me why would he heal me with three million people standing in the crowds I said because of his mercy and I remembered TL Osborn telling me that before she ever asked me that question says mercy assets is mercy as that Hindu little girl was crying may the Holy Spirit I pray today give us such truth such insight before we have communion Heavenly Father before we partake such insight about the Covenant we have with you o people lifted as and ask him to give you that understanding tonight that clear understanding we've got to we've got to we've got to understand it they understood the gospel to be the working out of that covenant many of us don't understand that the concept of a covenant is almost unknown to us yet this concept of covenants is known documented in ancient societies among people over the third world to this day so the people who lived in Bible days lived in an atmosphere of covenants the very air they breathed dealt with covenants all relationships linked to covenants the family unit car Ranch today we don't see that that's why divorce is happening in the church they don't understand it's a cabinet a covenant the very Bible we have the very the very word of God we love is called the book of the Covenant Exodus 24 7 the book of the Covenant Deuteronomy 7:9 the God who keeps covenant the Hebrew word means to bind binding an obligation a covenant is binding unbreakable it's an obligation between two parties that brings forth a loving relationship covenant and the only way you can break a covenant is with death so we have to understand in making covenant with us God used human covenants to help us understand to help us get it put those buckets down brother by having an understanding of the ingredients that made human covenants we can better understand that covenant that God made with us in his son Oh give us an understanding please give us an understanding so when a group or a people will enter into covenants they would select a representative a substitute called the guarantor of the Covenant and that individual his actions his achievements became the actions the achievements of the group of the nation a an example would be Goliath who represented the actions of the Philistines David the actions of Israel so in many ways David becomes Israel and Goliath becomes the Philistines he's the representative of the nation the guarantor becomes the actual nation the representative becomes the whole country so when Jesus came on earth he became the Covenant he's called in Isaiah 49 the cabinet and he is the Covenant represent heaven and all that heaven represents in him all that God represents was in him God's guarantor God's representative to humanity we see something powerful in the Bible that a covenant is not a contract because contracts are negotiables you can negotiate contracts you can break contracts you can cancel contracts a covenant cannot because it's the giving of the whole person nothing to do with an agreement that you can negotiate to change a covenant is made with an oath binding the individual to fulfill the oath the word spoken would bind that individual into the covenant so God Almighty I give you praise Lord God Almighty made a covenant with the Jewish people and they broke it they broke it while God was giving it to Moses so he declared in Genesis 22 and in Hebrews by my self have I sworn saith the Lord for that to happen then God had to do it alone he could not find a representative on earth so he became amend and Jesus became the representative of humanity as the Father the representative of heaven and the Father and the son made a covenant on our behalf that can never be broken and in that covenant is every promise in the scripture and once you are in Jesus you are in the Covenant you become a part of the Covenant now something very very powerful in Genesis 15 the Covenant demanded the shedding of blood an animal was slain split into parties had to walk through the slain animal so when God made the covenant with Abraham the animal was slain and split apart and God the fire of God walked through the animal sealed it with Abraham every time you see a covenant you see something very very powerful you see dinner tonight we're going to ignite the Covenant get ready to that because when you when you partake of communion something is going to happen that will trigger every promise God made to you now I want you to hear me now in Jesus there's a mystery in Jesus there's a residence there's a substance there is something eternal there's a reality that's eternal I cannot say it one more time because the moment Jesus becomes real in your life he brings with him lord help me tell them this he brings with him a substance let me ask you something you have never seen him have you you were not there 2000 years ago were you but he's more real to you tonight then to the crowds that saw him what is that called substance do you do you do you love him James do you love him how much did you tell me how much I can't say everything the clouds that saw him didn't love him like that they said crucify him you love him Brendan how much my life what is that something what is that reality what is that whatever you want to call I called substance his substance his substance came into you and he became one with him one in spirit one in flesh David you you've got to hear this when you guys got saved he got real to you in a second you didn't have to go read a book to convince yourself that that reality was real so today you're sitting behind me you know why I put these giants of the faith behind me I feel strength anyone behind me is weak in the Holy Ghost you can feel a difference these are preachers of the gospel why there's substance in them the Holy Spirit has poured it in them well Jesus is more real to them than to the crowds that saw him in Galilee more real to you than to the apostles before the cross more real to you than any disciple that walked with him in the flesh not one of them said to the Lord walking in the flesh I want to know you but Paul cries I want to know him what caused what caused a murderer a blasphemer one who forced others to blaspheme to become the greatest thing that ever lived the substance of Christ Jesus in his life overnight he went from Saul of Tarsus who was there for one reason to put them in prison to preach the gospel what is it it's that mystery it's that reality it's that substance that manifests in communion tonight that substance is going to take hold of you lift your hands and ask him to do it and when that substance takes hold of you your sickness will die that he'll become more real to you during communion than to his very disciples in the upper room when Jesus said to them this is my body there was no substance there was no Calvary there was no resurrection when he said to them this is my blood today we have substance that this Jesus becomes the substance in our lives more real than anything around us more real than any person next to us more real in our family more real than the breath that we breathe and that reality that mystery is the bridge between humanity and divinity and that mystery is released and revealed during dinner whenever someone makes a covenant it ignites with dinner dinner ignites the cabinet so in the scriptures we see many covenants we see many meals and we don't understand why the meal was necessary example in Genesis 26 28 and 31 we see a covenant between a man named Abimelech and Isaac they had a problem it had to do with land and cattle and wealth and so forth and so on and they came in made a covenant with each other and the Bible tells us when they made the Covenant something had to happen something had to take place to ignite the covenant and so it declares in Genesis 26 mama read for you verse 28 they said we saw certainly that the Lord was with you and we select now now be an oath betwixt us even betwixt us and thee let us make a covenant with thee that yield to us no harm will do you no harm they made the covenant and then it says in verse 30 and he made them a feast and they did eat and drink why ignites the promises brings to life what was promised I see that in your eyes kiddo give me your hand sit down I see it in your eyes I see substance in your eyes what what am I looking at when I look at this face with tears streaming down his face I see the substance and the mystery and the reality called Jesus shining through him what is it and when we worship and when we pray and when we read the word we become a part of it we become enveloped embraced in it the very word falling falling falling the Spirit of God fell it fell upon him that very word means embrace it means embracing the Greek like the prodigal son embraced by his father who would not let him go I have news for you we have been embraced by the Holy Ghost and that embrace is called substance Holy Ghost substance clothed with the son of God with his reality you could be having a bad day a bad moment something going wrong with your day and then shut the door like I did today and put some beautiful worship and take your Bible and three minutes later you're crying and you say Jesus I love you all that you did minutes ago is forgotten it doesn't even exist you walk into substance you leave one world and coming to another with one whisper of his name I live a very busy life I never know what will happen in the morning sometimes I get up and I opened my email and I get upset because somebody sent me an email from staff and I didn't like what they had to say I get on the phone stressed out not too happy spend three hours with something that didn't exactly have to happen then comes that beautiful time in my day where I shall them all out I shut my phone plane mode sometimes just shut it all together I put the phone down the volume down on my landline so doesn't ring and I push the button and I hear the beautiful music and I say Jesus and I'm gone I'm in another life another world what I really belong but we have to come down the valley less often to deal with the troubles of life but when we are in that place if we would only begin to practice something that we all must make the promise to God today that we will not do it just on Good Friday or a Sunday in church when the communion elements are passed and we don't even know what we're saying when we take communion yet we would have communion in our own bedroom era in our own homes just with the Lord the life you would have the life you would experience the change would happen in your life would be supernatural because in that meal you start to see through a new lens every covenant in Scripture had to end with a meal and in that meal it became valid in that meal it became functional in that meal it was triggered with power and it's about to happen tonight I don't care what you're going through I want you to prepare your heart for that meeting now the two hands and ask him to prepare your heart for that meeting with God for that moment when you're gonna cross over the bridge into a new world happen tonight today whenever you're watching whatever you're watching Jacob comes back from the house of labor and labor and comes after him he could have been killed but now they make a covenant with each other and so the Word of God declares something so powerful now come thou he says let us make a covenant i endow Jacob took a stone set it up for a pillar Jacob said to his brother and gather stones and it says and they did eat there all the troubles he had with Laban all those years came to an end and dinner at dinner Abraham receives the promise of Isaac Genesis 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 years passed by they for 24 years nothing happens God makes the promise it doesn't show up till Genesis 18 God shows up and now there's something new about it Abraham recognizes the moment oh that was so glorious when God comes and says to Abraham and the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of mammarra as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day he lifted up his eyes and looked and lo three men stood by him when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door he bowed himself and said I don't I my lord if now I found favor in thy sight pass not away I pray thee from thy servant let the little water be fetched for you wash your feet rest yourself I'll go and fetch a morsel of bread to comfort your hearts and they said do as you said but those there was a reason God came was a reason he came Abraham ran to the herd fetched a calf tender and good give it unto the young man hasted to dress it took buttermilk and the calf which he had dressed and set it before them and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat and the minute day 8 I will certainly return he said to him right after that I will certainly return on to the according to the time of life and Sarah my wife shall have a son it happened exactly a year later what triggered the promise Dana no dinner in 12:00 no dinner in 13 no dinner in 14 know 10 or 15 16 17 not one dinner with God till 18 and now after dinner I will certainly return a powerful promise I will certainly return unto the according to the time of life Sarah thy wife shall have a son and as soon as God spoke that it was done but why did God wait 24 years because he wasn't ready for dinner tonight he is ready for dinner with you lift her hands say I'm ready for dinner with you Lord and so the Bible goes on the people of Israel God makes a covenant with them what brought them out of Egypt what deliver them from the Egyptians on a bondage dinner 430 years no dinner bondage plague strike the land no dinner till God says now get a lamb kill the lamb and have dinner and while they're chewing they came out of Egypt tonight while you chew you will be healed while you chew you'll be delivered if you have dinner with him but how do you do it I'm getting there I'm getting there I'm getting there he has a covenant with all Israel he gives them the law he tells Moses to come up the mountain then he says now go down and apply the blood on the whole nation and now come back up again so he comes back up again nothing would have happened till something took place when now he goes up he takes the elders with him for it declares in Exodus 24 9 then went up Moses Aaron Nadab Abihu 70 of the elders they saw the God of Israel under his feet was as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone the whole body of heaven upon the nobles of the children of Israel he did not lay his hand and they saw God and did eat and drink with him the next thing we read build me a tabernacle I'm coming down god no longer said to Moses come up now we've had dinner I'm coming down whenever you have dinner God will visit your house you no longer have to go find him he'll find you it's time you have dinner with God and continue to have it every week in your house not just tonight not just tonight so now this dinner in Exodus 24 changes everything look 22 what happened Jesus says dinner for the New Covenant too becomes valid that had to be a meal and so we read in this amazing portion of the board of God every praise Lord I give you praise Lord listen to this he took the bread give thanks and break it give unto them saying this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me Wow notice the words this is my body would you open this for me Tim my body not symbolic this is my body broken for you now you look at that verse and something will strike you something will hit you my body which is given for you for you not only to you for you this do in remembrance of me likewise he took the cup take the top off totally this is my blood my blood he didn't say symbolic likewise he to the cup after supper saying this cup is no God is the Covenant is the Covenant not only does it represent is the covenant saying this cup is the New Covenant in my blood shed for you Wow why don't we get it why don't we see it why are we so blind this do in remembrance now if you don't understand the truth of it because it sounds straight to your ears that will command it to eat and drink in order to remember but there's something here were missing because what he asked us to do is more than just remember in fact what he said we are to reenact we are to bring back to life the moment the Jewish people tonight are celebrating Passover they eat matzah they eat unleavened bread to remember the suffering of Egypt they eat the bitter herbs they drink the wine they eat the lamb to remember the deliverance and they repeat around the table tonight every detail of that night they relive the moment they relive they bring it back into the present that's what remember means it's not a mental function it's a living moment with the Lord and now the Bible says something amazing that the Lord Jesus had dinner with them prior to the cross and after the cross why before the cross ignites the Covenant with the church there would have been no covenant without it after the cross the first thing he comes and asks for dinner two dinners one ignites salvation one ignites Pentecost every dinner in the Bible ignited promises brought validity to the Covenant so now the bread and the wine become a door the door to a new world a point of contact with the world of the holy spirit the meal becomes the point where you and I meet God and tonight that's exactly what's going to happen and to understand a little more remember it's not a mental activity it's not a recall of an event no it's not a thinking about no it's the it's the activity of your whole being in that moment that that moment takes hold of your whole being that you begin to literally be there as though you were 2000 years ago with him recreate the event bringing it into the present reenacting it employing even rituals and symbols to make the reality come true come in a substance becomes alive in those rituals of the Jewish people that they are doing right now while I'm probably talking so every people there is a every year I should say the people of God of Israel they they they bring into reality the the deliverance of Egypt now what did Jesus say he didn't say remember an event he said remember me you bring me back into the moment it's not about what happened it's who did it you remember me you bring me into that union with you and Paul the Apostle said something powerful and I want to I want to point this out to you and we when we read this sometimes we're not paying attention to what we're really reading and so now we need the Holy Spirit more than ever in this service to help us understand so we read the cup first Corinthians 10:16 the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of Christ wait a minute the cup is it not the communion of the blood of Christ the bread the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body now he explains it for we being many are one bread and one body we are all partakers of that one bread behold Israel after the flesh are not they which eat of the sacrifices partake of the altar what say I then what he's saying is so powerful that we become a part because what he talks about later is quite stunning what's our then the idol is anything or that which is offered in sacrifice to all this is anything but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice two devils and not to God and I would not watch this for I would not that ye should have fellowship with Devils I come into fellowship with him he said look when they partake when they partake of the flesh of an idol of a sacrifice they have fellowship with demons therefore we have fellowship with a Son of God and that fellowship will heal your body that fellowship will set you free that fellowship will bring substance you've never known before in your life and think if you have fellowship every week like that now here's something powerful that the word communion or fellowship it means the unity so he said he said the cup which we bless is it not the communion is another fellowship of the blood the bread we break is another fellowship of the body so what Paul is saying is eating and drinking when we eat and drink we participate we become united to the Lord in fellowship and communion we literally take into our selves here this Lord let him see it we take into ourselves his body we take into ourselves his blood and then he said for we being many are one bread one party we're all partakers of that one bread and what he says is it's a mystery it's a great mystery that a believer each of the bread and drink of the cup in so doing he is partaking of Jesus he becomes one with Jesus the promise of I in you and you in me is reality may the Holy Spirit open your understanding lift your hands and bigger praying the Holy Ghost for just a moment as you pray in the Holy Ghost something had happened to your spirit man [Music] my eyes law I want to see Jesus to reach out and touch him to say that I love him open my ears spiritually Oswald and help me to listen open my eyes sweet lord I want to see Jesus and Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger he that believeth in me shall never thirst I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you except ye eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you whosoever eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood here it is people - what hath in me and I in him fellowship as the father the living father has sent me and I live by the father so he that eateth me he shall live by me it's amazing Lord it's amazing how we've missed it have we missed it it's so real he that eateth my flesh you look at me he that eats my flesh tonight we will partake of his flesh he said to us this is my body and they did not understand him they didn't get it as some of you even now don't get it the majority get it this is no longer bread you're gonna take this in your hand in the next few moments and I want you to look at it and say in your heart it's his body and he said to us he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him as the living father has sent me and I live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me I don't know how clear or he can yet I don't know how more powerful this can get the bread the wine the system by which were delivered all the blessings of the Covenant become ours healing for our entire person are found in this dinner and so we are called into that covenant meal the food he serves us is his body his blood when Jesus said this is my body given to you he was giving us himself dancing he was giving you himself Ellen when you hold that bread in your hand tonight you're holding the Son of God not just bread it's no longer bread he said this is my body or we believe it or we question it and those who question it are gonna end up like those in the early church having not discerned the Lord's body for this reason many are sick and weak among you not having discerned the body to them it was dinner not the body I want you to to to to listen to me here I still don't fully understand it but I think the Catholic Church has a much deeper understanding than we Pentecostals when it comes to dinner they all line up to come to the priest holds that bread up they're not even saved some of them and they come and drink of the same cup when I was a little boy the whole church drank the same Cup nobody then thought about germs we didn't think about the cup we were scared to death walking up the aisle and they tell us today that more healings happen in a Catholic communion service than Pentecostal meetings I wonder why the Church of Satan marks one communion the Catholic I wonder why I think I know why they Revere this and we don't we chew it and don't think about the body well tonight it's time you realize it's his body and John six now makes sense if you eat my body if you drink my blood you'll be with me and I'll be with you and the rest said who can handle this they walked away not understanding what I'm talking about in New Mexico a group of Catholic nuns and become for communion I'm kneeling like this on the altar the Reverend Mother was it's about as far as this pulpit from me 60 Catholic Charismatic sisters were around me singing we give thanks with a grateful heart we give thanks to the Holy One and so she's preparing the elements and I had my eyes closed and something is there singing Jesus Christ his son beautiful now we give thanks I thought a rope my hands I pulled my hands back I thought I was touching the robot though none but she was still there preparing the elements we give thanks and I brought close my eyes to the hold one I didn't know what happened together maybe I'm losing my mind we give things because and all these sisters around me six deadlies of them singing Jesus Christ it's and I felt a rope and a pull my hands back opened my eyes she's still there and now let the weak say I am strong and I felt nice I fought the legs of a human being and I opened my eyes I could still feel the rope and she's still over there I don't understand this but I can tell you this he was there and as he was there easier so lift your hands signal with me we give thanks with a grateful heart that's the communion we're Affairs because his given Jesus Christ his son we give that with a grateful heart we give there because his given Jesus Christ his son [Music] the poor's I am rich because of what Lord has done for us and now the weak say I am strong let the poor say because of what the Lord has done we give thanks we give there keep singing it we give thanks we give thanks with a grateful heart we give thanks to da only one wig effects because you've given Jesus Christ your precious son we give that with a grateful heart we give a sweet as Holy One we faith because you've given Jesus Christ your son and [Music] another week [Music] never fool sir I am because of war [Music] for us and now the weak say I am rich because of [Music] [Music] it was wounded for our transgressions and what I have received of Lord that which also I have delivered on to you for the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Covenant in my blood this do ye as often as he drink it even tonight in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show or proclaim the Lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that Cup 3 that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged were chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world and so he said to us in the scripture if we confess our sins he's just and faithful to forgive us all our sins and cleanse us from all transgressions and iniquities even now take this moment to ask him for forgiveness to ask him to cleanse you with his blood one more time even now do it now he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity surely he bore our sorrows and by His stripes we are he he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities surely he bore all our sorrows and all our pain and by his stripes we are here he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities surely he carried our sorrows and by His stripes we are here I am hélène honest are surely our sicknesses he carried wrote the prophet Isaiah the King James had declared surely he bore our sorrows our griefs and our sorrows the Hebrew says rmhellene illness ow no it's not just grief he carried its diseases and that word sorrow in Hebrew means pain your pain he took upon himself lift up the blade to him take our bread we ask you take our lives we love you take our hearts or father we are yours take our bread we ask you take our life we love you take our hearts Oh father we are yours we are your I beg you take our prayer we ask you take our lives we love you take our hearts Oh father we are yours we are yours and now this bread you said to us in the scripture take eat my broken body broken for you I thank you I thank you for your substance as your people partake in our Lord they become one with you United with you I give you praise I give you bread I give you bread just a moment Jesus Jesus can I tell you how I feel you have given me your spirit love you so Jesus Jesus can I tell you how I feel you have given me your spirit love you so my peace I give unto you it's a piece that the world cannot give it's a piece that the world cannot understand peace to know peace to give my peace I give unto you just follow me Bruce my love that's what he said to us I give unto you it's a love that the world cannot give it's a love that the world cannot understand love to long love to give my love I give to you my joy I give unto you it's a joy that the world cannot give it's a joy that the world cannot understand joy to know joy to give my joy I give unto you everything only strong my life he said I give unto you it's a life that the world can never hear it's alive that the world cannot understand life - no life to give my life I can now lift up there glad city of Jesus city of Jesus thank you thank you for giving me your life your broken body broken for me Oh Lord even now that your sweet presence becomes so real in my life communion union now with you as I partake I thank you for taking my sins on the cross of Calvary taking my place my dad all my sins all my darkness thank you lord and now I partake you your life your body from this day forward I want to know Union with you daily always in your name now I partake by faith man my part I give unto you it's a love this world will never understand love to know love to give my love I give unto you now I my piece and my joy I give on to you it's a joy and a peace the world cannot give it's a joy and a peace they'll never understand peace and joy to home peace and joy to give unto you lift your hands never of the cup to him my life he said I give unto you it's my life that the world cannot give it's my life that the world cannot understand life - no life to give my life I give unto you I everyone say dear Jesus with all my heart I thank you for your precious blood shed for me on Calvary's cross forgive me cleanse me wash me sanctify me with your blood make me clean make me whole empower my life to serve you to love you to follow you all the days able to understand as you hold the cup II don't have when I worship with Alleluia and you partake when you're ready make sure you're done by the third time we sink worship because this moment is intimate this moment is precious this is your moment or the Lord this is your moment alone with God this is the time you tell him your deepest desires and deepest hungers and brews just a heavenly sound not the strings just heavenly sound as we worship hallelujah and then you partake of the cup when you're ready when you're ready for that moment with God but Jesus is son and then receive your healing receive the infilling of the Spirit receive your deliverance receive that peace that passeth all understanding [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as miracles happening already insane [Music] in your homes will see now [Music] now upon the first day of the week very early in the morning they came unto the sepulchre bringing the spices which they had prepared and certain others with them and they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre the entered in found not the body of the Lord Jesus it came to pass as they were much perplexed thereabout behold two men stood by them in shining garments as they were afraid and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them why seek ye the living among the dead he's not here he's risen lift your hands to the risen Lord begin to bless him and the Holy Ghost a commander of a deceased to leave this house whenever diseased to leave this auditorium the studio they were diseased to leave every life in Jesus name watching across the world on TV right now Lord social media in Jesus name be made whole be made whole be made whole in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus be made whole this miracle is happening now those of you sick and body place your hands on that sickness of yours as I pray that sickness will go in Jesus name I command that disease to go a command that sickness to leave your body I command that disease to live your life in Jesus mighty and powerful name begone begone begone begone in Jesus mighty name be healed be healed be healed now in Jesus mighty name just once again Bruce are they lose now lift your hands are receive as we worship we made whole now in Jesus name a neck injury I just been healed the right hip has just been healed a skin condition has just been healed a lung injury along injuries has been healed I give you praise Lord the sinuses are being healed headaches completely gone in Jesus name somebody Spanish that's been healed Jesus I'll give you praise Jesus I give you praise Jesus good be praised Shh Jesus give you praise right now I give you praise I'll give you parades I can be praise the Lord key boys should be key boy super key boys Ricky boys should be people of God keep boys should be people of God right now there's a tremendous and only flowing year and an anointing for me through year pick up the key quickly quickly quickly will give me a Protestant some of his hair has just disappeared that pin is gone and number we felt that anointing go through your body earlier during communion some are feeling it now that anointing on you is the healing power of God flow through your body anyone that feels are anointed for healing begin to check out the problem you'll see it's gone begin to move your neck or your legs or your arms bend down touch your toes do what you were you're not able to do breathe in take that deep breath you're not able to take before that blood disease way up there is just video somebody has been weak because of your blood your blood your blood you just felt like something to warm go right through your body you felt something hot go through your body that's the part of God that's somebody else that felt that heat also for your spine Jesus I give you the praise I give you the praise I give you the praise I give you the praise everyone everyone everyone everyone begins to pray applied in the Holy Ghost come on come on come on pray up that in the spirit pray applied in the spirit I give you praise you feel that anointing on you you feel something flowing through your body if you felt that earlier quickly get out of your seats and come stand here to the left anyone that felt or feels the anointing for healing some of you felt like heat some of you felt like electricity some of you felt like a vibration go through your body some just knew and know right now you're healed like the woman who this your blood she just knew she was made whole quickly quickly quickly quickly if God is touching you all the Lord has touched you earlier in the service some of you will healed while I was preaching some would healed while we took communion if you felt that an only come on you whether during communion or just the last few minutes get out of your seat and come line up here to the left so you don't lose that healing whether I pray for you or not it is it doesn't matter what matters is you come sending that line let God see you in that line to affirm your healing to affirm your healing everybody lift your hands I keep praying out loud in the Holy Ghost that healing and owning is flowing all over all over all over this studio you in your homes you call the number of the screen or you send me an email pastor Benny Benny in their org pastor Benny Benny in their org you send me that email telling me you've been healed or call the number on the screen but those in this studio you come and stand over here quickly that neck injury early are completely gone that spine healed that skin condition healed [Music] here is Jesus I give you the praise I give you the praise I give you the praise that stomach in Eastern somebody been having to a lot of throws with your stomach a lot of pain with your stomach I don't know what's wrong with you all I know is you felt he'd go right through that stomach in a while ago in fact right through your body and the pain is gone that well whatever was wrong if if you if you'll test it out you'll see it's gone completely I don't have to call out your healing I can't call it for healing out but what God heals you you just come and stand there because you'll know it you just come out of your seat and stand here you'll know it what happened to her today to the young lady she had fibromyalgia 27 years all symptoms gone and that was the hip that you called out arthritis for years just do Jesus people have gone lift your hands and bring the spirit come on pick her up bring her closer here bring your closer here there's other healings taking place here the other day somebody will with severe arthritis that just began a few months ago in your body you've been wanting to go to the doctor but right now you feel something on your body that's the power of God for just a few more minutes keep praying in the spirit every bit of that goes in Jesus name [Music] every better it goes in Jesus mighty name somebody on my idea has been having troubles with your knee some of the ride over here whenever someone's with your right knee what happened to that to the young man there yeah a problem with his left foot and as you were praying the power of God hit him the pain completely left ease of still Jesus still Jesus take your seats I'm going to take your seats minutes help him up every better with every benefit every veteran everybody man bring him closer here on the carpet Lord don't forget that little girl keep prefered a little girl over there stretch your hands and pray for a little girl over there [Music] you are the God that healeth me you are the Lord my healer you sent your world and heal my disease you are the Lord my healer just one one more time she she she she she you are the God that healeth me sing it with me [Music] you sent your world [Music] you are able you're able I know you are able H I know my lord you're able to carry her through for you healed the brokenhearted and you set the captives free you made the lame to walk again cause the blind to see you are able you are able somebody can then pay me for the mother you are able just I know My Lord will able carry me through James come here you healed the brokenhearted set the captives free [Music] you cause the blind to see that a nor do you see you are able [Music] I play that chorus over this family she she she I played that Garris that was placed by that woman and you're on [Music] [Music] you healed the brokenhearted set the captives free made the lame he's on the woman [Music] you are able [Music] oh Jesus yeah the broken-hearted set the captives free [Music] read the lame close the blind to see the Lord is showing me that the scans will came because a woman gave put a curse on you from your family when you converted I see a woman with a black scarf put a curse on you for leaving your religion I broke it the Lord said to me pray for him first when I laid hands on you something happened to her I declare your girl will live you know who the woman was I see a woman five seven full face full cheeks black scarf black robe a member of your family I see a picture in her in her room one of the Imams known Imams a big picture I'll whisper it in your ear she's free now you you you felt something break when I laid hands on you what did you feel huh I'm just shooting I don't know what's going on God broke it help them up all all of his threats your hands facts stand up under this anointing I declare our healed the clear that brain cancer is gone I declare the curse is broken and I plant a lot of Jesus on whom I apply the blood of Jesus on your mind apply the blood of Jesus on her brain she shall live a long life and the effect of the curse is broken in Jesus name it's not often that I feel what I felt I was and I think New Orleans Louisiana years ago and a man came to the platform with cancer and the Lord told me there was a curse on him when we broke it the curse left but when you have a child you always deal with the parents biblically always with the parents and the Lord said lay hands on the parents and break the curse he's still feeling it I saw a woman I told your husband what picture shed in her home she's a member of the family when you left your country I want to say what what you told us earlier she put the curse but I broke it now every day I want you to do something I want you to play and I'll give it to you if I have to but you can download I want you to play the scriptures while she's asleep because the devil will try to come back you keep it away with the Bible or play worship music but the scriptures are much stronger than worship music because as God's word in every week till her healing is complete it's been broken you have to understand this is spiritual here if this was a physical problem it'll be different marital but when it's spiritual those Devils don't like to be gone too long so every week I want you to have communion in your home and I promise you on the Word of God the cancer will never come back you go to mommy or daddy come on somebody say hallelujah [Applause] no I didn't do anything it's it's it's it's it's the Lord who did it but I want you to do what I told you and after service you come talk to me a little more as I have a few more things to tell you that I cannot say publicly take take your seats wow you are the God that he loved me diagnosed with lupus tonight she says she believes that she's healed in her body my healer you sent your world healed my disease who's who's the man there oh come come come with her so what was wrong with you I suffered too so many years body ache and I went the Lord told me look in my office and I found a paper that said my ears ate my alt was abnormal and it said lupus notified patients of lupus I didn't I don't remember so I took it to my doctor about a year ago and they've been I've seen my neurologist they've been giving me medication I just knew my healing what happened tonight me so powerful and I brought my mother today cos doctors diagnosed cancer well where's your mom let her look let her come down so I can pray for her sure you are the God that eateth me less precious you the Lord you know let the mother come you sent your world can you pray in the Holy Ghost system in it you want to play for the mom I'm gonna this dismiss you in a few minutes so to stay with me a few minutes stretch for Angela's mom and pray that God will get the cancer out of him you are the god that healeth me you Lala or my healer closer bring a closer scent your world you feel that in Ordnung you don't you heal my disease you're the law we feel on you what do you feel on you I can explain can't explain it you're the God God is healing the whole family than I thought pardon she was supposed to start chemo on two weeks and I believed and I said no mom God's gonna heal you I believe in and we brought her here and I receive my healing I know in the name of Jesus she is healed I know it pastors help help help the daddy up the husband where was the cancer come here that's awesome you are the God that dealeth me you're the world yeah I've got a few then only for her I rebuke it in Jesus name the cancer leaves her body now you sent your word she's feeling something bigger Apple healed my disease you feel that warmth on there you feel the warmth describe it I just feel yeah of course the person that was here did you have pain did you have pain you had pain when you came a little bit check it out you don't feel no more but that in owning is strong enough to kill anything now you take your mom to the doctor I think that thing is gone oh I know so I can feel it help her up lady I declare you hold in Jesus name now do-do-do-do something that would cause you pain prior oh you got surgery there what try it I feel better no more pain praise the Lord I'm sure glad you came would you come from pardon California how far is that from you i Desert Sun Barnard you know it's a long way I better dismiss you all what happened to the young man he was healed of over four years of tinnitus in his right knee tonight come here kiddo thank God He healed you come on he says yeah father I thank you for that anointing on him use him in the mighty name of Jesus there it is mother I want you all to stand come on help him back to seat I want you before I dismiss you I want you to make a commitment that weekly and have communion in your homes if you can't at least every two weeks but no less than once a month amen father bless your people go with your people increase your people in Jesus I might end Lori's name let this be the greatest season of your life rejoice on the Lord be strong in him serve him with all your life and your heart and strength Wow would you stretch your hands up like this you're gonna feel the heat come on your hands you are the God you are the God that healeth me you're the Lord my healer I hear the Lord telling me that to tell the people the promise to remind you of the promise they shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover a number of you feel heat on your hands right now while I'm talking if you feel heat just wave your hands well now go to your job go do your duty go lay hands on the sick and seeing him I'm feeling real hot on my left hand like heat just took hold of my palm here if you feel it really feel it just say I do now this is a sign that we ought to go to our job no doubt in my lie no doubt in my heart of life that a great revival is coming to this country and just before I wanted to dismiss you I stopped eating this this heat on my left hand guys lift lift or hands you're gonna feel even get deeper on you you feel deeper what do you feel like what just one hand or both hands both you feel both hands like hot like real hot or what it's a soothing heat that's well you you are missionaries you ladies you go to Mexico and everywhere God is going to use you Wow Union homes be blessed with healing and owning on your life jesus said go in my name preach the gospel cast out devils lay hands on the sick and they'll recover now I just feel to do this I don't know why but I really feel something is about to break loose in the next few days in the world can I keep you for only two minutes Bibi Netanyahu just won the reelection that's significant prophetically and I don't have a lot to say about this but I want you to do something for me all of you I want you to come back on the 29th because may 2nd I leave so may 2nd is a few days after that I can really believe God once we do do this now I think I did that a few years ago for how to call me but I didn't do it I don't remember I want to lay hands on everyone that comes that night and I want to pray that God will grant every need in your life to be met before the end of the year and I want you to give me your prayer requests and I'll not do it for anyone else except you and yours are watching I'll take your I want to take your prayer request with me to Israel I'm gonna go to the Wailing Wall leave it with the rabbis I've remember known God to refuse a prayer prayed in Jerusalem and they're gonna take your prayer requests and bury them on the Mount of Olives that's what they do by the way they take all those prayers out of the wall bury them for good for life on the Mount of Olives you people they know that but that's a fact some of those rabbis in there I know them they know me I'm taking with me Danny been Giggy it was messianic and we're gonna do something I have never done before I may take your prayer request with me first there on Mount Carmel the exact spot where lights are called far from heaven today's a community of believers Jews and Arabs holy ghost people I'll be with them I'm gonna meet with them we're gonna do some programs with them won't it be wonderful if I take your prayer requests and have all of them lay hands on your priority list in the same spot what Elijah called far from heaven but I'm not gonna do it tonight you have to come back in two weeks what are we can have in fact to be exact this is Friday Monday is coming up the Monday after it's the 29th what date is it I'm gonna like to come back then you need to call us tell us you're coming back we don't have to call you and Laurie I don't know what Laurie is but she's somewhere there you you know what you could do even you can just send us an email that you're coming that's easy all right you don't even have to call just send us an email and that now I want to lay hands on everybody then you're gonna give me your prayer requests and Tim and I and others are going to go and be with Pastor Chris in Jerusalem and while there we're gonna do a telethon which you'll all see live here and there'll be other people here while we're there but one thing I'm determined to do is go with anything bengi get up to Carmel and meet with those believers and then we're going to do something very very special they just there's new things happening now at the Wailing Wall under the Wailing Wall that I want to go visit for the first time quite interesting what's going on so may the Lord bless you and keep you makes face shine on you lift up his countenance on you give you peace God's people said don't ever forget he's holding you up look looking at you huh so the Lord is risen the Lord is risen good night bye-bye see you in a week and a half you
Channel: Benny Hinn
Views: 175,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, ministry, prayer, 4/19/19, Good Friday
Id: fXBhn2Hdtuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 24sec (12744 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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