Walking In The Light Part 5

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James 1:22. James 1:22 it says, "But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." Be ye hearers of the Word but also doers. He describes how it works if you're a hearer and not a doer, and if you're a hearer and a doer, and he winds up by saying in verse twenty-five, "He being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his," intentions. No. He'll be blessed in his thinking about it. No. What will he be blessed in? In his, "Deed." Deeds is another way of saying what he did. His doing. Say it out loud. "Don't be a hearer only, be a doer of the Word." Ezekiel 33, you don't have to turn there, they'll put up on the screen for us. Ezekiel 33:30 he said, "Also, son of man, the children of your people still are talking against you by the walls and in the doors of the houses, and speak one to another, every one to his brother, saying, Come, I pray you, and hear what is the Word that comes forth from the Lord." That sounds good saying to your brother, saying to your sister, come on, let's go hear the Word of the Lord. Come on, let's go hear. Verse thirty-one, "And they come to you as the people cometh, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear your words," all good so far. But what? "But they will not," didn't just say they're not doing it, said they will not, "Do them. For with their mouth they show much love, but their heart goes after their covetousness." Covetousness has to do with being self absorbed. Putting other things ahead of the Lord. The Bible said covetousness is idolatry. Verse thirty-two, "And, lo, you are unto them as a very lovely song of one that has a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear your words, but they do them not." He said they listen to you like they're at a concert, like you're a good singer, like you're a good player on an instrument; just to be entertained. But they have no intention of doing anything with what they're hearing. Is this a danger today? Has it always been a danger and a problem? And we're in a generation where we have been given so much rich Word through so many vessels, haven't we? I'm telling you, the light, and truth, and knowledge, and understanding of God that has come these last twenty, thirty, forty years is amazing. Isn't it? But is it just for our amazement? For our entertainment? For us to go, "Whoa! Man, that's good. Did you see that? Oh, glory to God. I took nine pages of notes." Yeah, but is that doing anything? "I bought the DVD set. I downloaded the whole thing. I got it." Yeah, but is that doing anything? "Man, I talked to my brother, my sister, my friend -- we talked about that for three weeks." Is that doing anything? No. "I've been praying about that, and I've been looking at that, and I got to do that." Is that doing anything? No. No. And the danger is you can become so familiar with it, and hear it so much, that you think, you imagine I'm a doer because I know it so well. And that's when you are deceived. Self deceived. Deceived means you're believing something is so and it's not true. You're not pretending, you actually believe. And that's why you see a lot of people, bless their hearts, annoyed, aggravated because they got some of the same problems they had ten years ago, twenty years ago, thirty years ago, and some of them are worse. And they go, "I just don't understand. I've been in the Word for twenty, thirty years. I've been in every meeting. I've been at every conference." Well honey, that doesn't make you a doer. Just because you've been in the meetings, just because you heard doesn't make you a doer. The only people who get miracles, the only people that get results -- come on, are you listening? Are the people that act on it. Put it into practice. We must discipline ourselves, train ourselves. When we're hearing the real Word of God, we need to be thinking okay, alright, how does this change my life? What am I supposed to stop doing? What am I supposed to start doing? What am I supposed to do less of, more of, do differently? If I hear it and it changes my life in no degree, either I didn't hear the Word of God, or I'm not a doer. Because if it was the Word of God, something is supposed to change. Is it true friends? Say it out loud, even if you haven't done it very well in the past, say it by faith. "I'm a doer. I'm a doer. I'm a doer of the Word of God." Set your heart to be and the grace of God will help you to be, even if you've been coming short. Look with me and Hosea -- well, they'll put it up on the screen for us, Hosea 6:3 says, "Then shall we know, if we follow on to know..." When will you know? Then, then, you'll know then. Then when? "Then shall you know, if we follow on to know." We've said this in previous services that another way of saying be a doer of the Word is to say walk in the light. What does it mean be a doer of what you heard? Well, obviously you heard something and got revelation as a result of what you heard and you knew and saw something to do. Right? Else wise, what you going to do? You have to see it first. So the hearing involves seeing. Seeing what? Light. Light. And we use that terminology. People will say, "I see that. I see that." Well, seeing light is not just for the benefit of seeing. Light is not just for seeing only. Light is for walking in. Isn't it? Light is for walking in. Look at Proverbs with this in mind. Proverbs 4:18 says, "The path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day." So, the light of the just -- the path I should say, our path of those that have been justified by faith in Him, is not instant and full light. It is progressive light. Isn't it? You get some, and then you get some more. And then you get some more, if you continue down the path. If you stay stationary on the path, you can only have the light that was given for that place in the path. You cannot get the light that is further down the path until you walk on down to that part of the path. Are y'all with me friends? The Amplified translation of this verse says it like this. "The path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn," you've seen the dawn. At first it can be pitch black and then just a little bit, just a glow, right? Everybody say, "Little." And it doesn't just pop up, right? Minute after minute, minute after minute, hour after hour -- and it just keeps getting brighter and brighter and brighter. "It shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day..." Thank You Lord. So the Lord gives us a little light and expects a faith step. In Romans the fourth chapter, Romans 4:12 talks about Abraham being, "The father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised." Walking in the steps of faith. Say it out loud, "Steps of faith." He didn't say flying leaps of faith. What? Steps. Now, the Scripture tells us concerning him in Hebrews -- you don't have to turn there, but Hebrews 11:8 tells us that, "By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he," did what? "Went out," in what state? "Not knowing," the rest of the story. Did he take a step? All the light he had was step out? Right? Let me remind you of the light that he had; Genesis records it. Genesis 12:1 said, "Now the Lord had said unto Abram," what did He tell him? "Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father's house," this is light. The entrance of His Word gives life. What light does Abraham have? He has light of where to get out of. He does not yet have light as to where to go into. But the Lord tells him He'll show him later. Right? Get out of this country where you live, get out and away from your kin folks. He's not the last one that the Lord told get out and get away. Because no matter what you may try to imagine, your environment can affect you. The people around you. It takes a very strong person where everybody but you is believing and talking a different way and you're going to maintain that day in and day out. The Bible said, "Evil communications corrupt good manners." Right? Wrong associations are going to wear on you and pull on you. And the Lord knows in some groups and in some settings, you're never going to get but He's got for you to get. You might maintain and stay a Christian and you might be saved, but you're never going to come to the place of all He's got for you until you come out of there. So He told Abraham, "I want you to come out of there, I want you to leave your town, leave your county, leave your country, leave your kin folks, get out. And then I'm going to show you where you're going. Later." True or not? How come Abraham is in the Book? Come on, help me out. How come he is in there? What did he do? Verse four, fourth verse. So Abraham said how in the world -- I don't even know where to tell the movers to go. We're all loaded up. That doesn't make sense, this just doesn't make sense. People are saying, "Well, where are you going Abraham?" "Uh, the Lord is going to show me later." People walk off and go... "Man doesn't even know where he's going. He's leaving town, leaving everything he knows, he doesn't even know where he's going." Listen friends. God expects us, nay, He requires us to walk by faith. Is it true? And if He told you the whole thing, you wouldn't have to walk by faith. You'd know I'm going to do this, and that will come next, and do you're all set. God is never going to sit down with you with your fifty year calendar and help you fill it out. He's not going to do it. "Oh, I'm believing that He will." He's not going to do it. You don't need to know the light for that step until you get there. Your head wants to know, your flesh wants to know, it's uncomfortable not knowing, but the faith to do it pleases God. It proves to Him you believe Him, you trust Him, right? And it is a progressive thing. The more light you get, and the more steps you take, the more He expects you to obey knowing the less. It's how you grow. I remember one of the first sermons I ever preached, man, I worked on it for days and days and days and days and days and days. Wrote it all out longhand. And I was so nervous that I was going to lose my place and not know what to say, I stood right behind the pulpit and I thought maybe I'd better move a little bit. And so I put my finger on where I was and I'd step around and hold my place. And I wanted to balance it out so I put my finger -- and stepped around. I did it. Phyllis is nodding her head, she was there. I did it. And just so tied to what I thought He had said to me that I had written down. Because that's where my faith was that. The Bible said in Romans twelve according to the gifts or the calling, or the ministry, according to your proportion of faith. No matter what your call is, you're not going to minister beyond your faith. You access the anointing and grace according to your measure of faith. So as the months and years went by and I did it more, I began to relax a little bit more, not having to have everything in front of me and step out more by faith. I don't know, we were a few years into it and I was speaking in a certain place out of town and man, that whole week I couldn't get a handle on what I was going to speak there. The day came and I'm flying in the plane commercially, and I'm going to get there and land and they're going to take me the church and I'm going to speak in a couple of hours. And I don't have it. Some people might not understand that. "Why didn't you study?" I did study. "Why didn't you pray?" I prayed a lot. Unless the Lord gives it to you, until He gives it to you, you don't have it. You can come up with something, but it will be dead and it will be empty, won't be any anointing or life to it. And so I'm ripping through the air and I just said out loud under my breath I said Lord, anytime would be good. I mean, I'm getting off the plane in just a little bit. Anytime would be good. And He spoke to my heart. I don't mean I heard an audible voice but He said, "Son, do you trust Me?" How do you answer that? I said, "Yeah. Yes, Sir. Yes." He said, "Then just relax." See, that's not the nature of the unrenewed mind. That's not the nature of the flesh. And a lot of people who deem themselves intellectuals, thinkers, are actually those who rebel against walking by faith. Have to see it, have to see it laid out. Have to know it. Have to know where it's coming from. Have to know how it's going to work out or I can't move until I know. Then you're not going to go far with the Lord. We got there. I got off the plane. They picked me up. They took me to the church. Still -- I put the mic on. They're introducing me. Still. I stepped up -- now how many understand, if I had stopped and said I can't do this -- I don't have anything. I just kept taking steps. Everybody say, "Steps." Steps. Steps. Steps. The path of the just, what happens when you keep taking steps? You get more light. You get more light. I stepped up to the pulpit, word of knowledge begin to come. Word of knowledge, word of wisdom began to come. The whole service. I didn't need a sermon. The Lord knew that. Somebody said, "Well, why wouldn't He tell you?" He didn't want to. He could have. He didn't want to. And if I trust Him, I don't need it. I know the Lord began to give me songs. And the first song or two He used me in, songs I'd had for months, maybe a year or two. Then later on it would be a song I got last week, and then later it would be a song I got last night. And then it got to the place where Brother Hagin would say, "Keith, you got something?" And I had a Word. A Word. Or a tone. A note. How are you going to sing a song and all you have is a tone? But again and again I would step out to sing the tone, to say the Word and another world would come, and another, and a phrase would come, and a verse and a thought would come, and there's a song. Somebody said, "Well, I couldn't do that unless He gave it to me first." Yeah, you could if you would. And every one of us have our call and whatever your call and grace is, you can't reach the fullness of it until you walk in the highest measure of faith. You access the grace by the faith. Look with me if you would in 1 Samuel. First Samuel sixteen. Everybody say, "Glimpses of light, steps of faith. Glimpses of light, steps of faith." You get a little light, take a little step. Then when you take a little step what happens? You get a little more light. What's light for? Just seeing and shouting about? It's for walking in. You get a more light and what do you do? Take another little step. And this is how you're supposed to live your whole life until you go to meet the Lord or He comes back again. And if we'll do it right, it will just get higher and higher and greater and greater and stronger and stronger because He's leading us into His perfect will and plan. He's leading us into a good place. The path is shining more and more, brighter and brighter, until the full day's sun. He's not coming short but a lot of folk are coming short in their following. Too many require too much before they're going to move. First Samuel sixteen and verse one. "And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel?" You know sometimes people just keep trying to push something, trying to make it work when the Lord said He's doing a different thing. "Fill your horn with oil, and go," does he have light? Can he act on that? What could he do? Fill his horn up with oil and get himself to going. What did Abraham do -- did he walk in the light he had? Get out of here. Do you have to know more or could you just do that? Get out of here expecting to know -- expecting Him to show you the next thing. Did Abraham wind up where he needed to be? Was Lord faithful? Did He show him where to go and took him from place to place to place? Ordered his steps, directed his paths. But what he would've said I can't leave, I don't even know where I'm going. Would the Lord had given him the rest of the light until he obeying getting out from his country and kin folks? No. No. He requires faith. He said, "I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons." Didn't tell him which one. Just said I picked one of his boys. And here is the response of so many. "And Samuel said, How can I go?" How can I go? "If Saul hear it, he will kill me." Not he might kill me, he knew him. He will kill me. How can I go like this? Under these circumstances? With no more light than that? How can I go? I got to know how I'm going to make a living. I got to know what my kids are going to do. I got to know about my 401(k). I got to know, I got to know about momma and them. I got to know... You're going to miss God. Because you are requiring Him to give you more light than faith requires and are actually rebelling against walking by faith. Now let's talk about both sides of it briefly. If you launch out to do something and the Lord didn't tell you to do it, that's presumption. That's foolishness. You can get in trouble and miss it. But when the Lord tells you to do something but you won't do it because you can't figure everything out, that's rebellion and refusing to walk in faith. And in that case playing it safe ain't safe. Because you quickly wind up out of the will of God. The will of God is continuing on and you're staying here. And when you choose not to walk in the light that you have, it's going to get dark. Confusion. There are a number, many I should say, Christians, good churchgoing people, but they are disgruntled, they feel like their life has been in a bog, I should be at a different place, more things should have happened by now. And they even get annoyed at God, which is ignorant. But the problem is not with God and has never been with God. The thing is He told them to take a step and they decided it wasn't enough information to act on yet. So they're waiting for more information. And they just keep waiting for more information, more information, more information. And it's not going to come. You're not going to get more light -- help me out. Until? Until you walk in the light that you have. Are y'all with me friends? Let's finish reading this first. He said, "How can I go?" "And the Lord said, Take an heifer with you, and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord. And call Jesse to the sacrifice," and what will happen? "And I will show you what you're to do,: I will show you, "And you shalt anoint to Me him whom I name," or will name, "to you." I'll show you the rest when you get there. And here's when the reasons why he's a man of God and he's in here. He went and got his little horn and filled it with oil, he got his heifer, he took off down the road. He showed up. He said, "Jesse and them around here?" They said, "Yeah." He said, "I got to see them. We got to make a sacrifice." Now there was more going on but that's all the Lord told him so far. Oh friends, Phyllis and I, just in our short years of ministry, this has happened time and time and time and time and time -- call them, do this, go to that meeting, sow this seed, why? You don't know. But we've learned enough to know you not to find out the rest of the story until you do it. So you show up, and glory to God, something else came up. And that led to something else. And you didn't even know these people we're going to be there, but you met them and you talked to them, and that came out, and this came out, and these folk came. Oh, glory to God. You begin to see the plan of the Almighty. Which you would've never had seen sitting at home waiting until you had more information. So he went. And verse six and Eliab came out, and he said, "Surely the Lord's anointed is before him. But the Lord said no, not him. And so they called Abinadab, and the Lord said no, not him either. Then they called Shammah and he said, no, not him either. "Jesse made seven of his sons," so they brought another one and he said, no, not him either. And they brought another one, and he said, no, not him either. And they brought another one, and he said, no, not him either. And they brought another one, and he said, no, not him either. And he said that's all the boys in this room here. He could've thought boy oh boy, did we miss God? And some people who deem themselves intellectuals and thinkers have found fault and ridicule situations like this saying, "Well, if God is God and He knows the end from the beginning, how could such a thing be? Doesn't He know which one He picked?" Yes, He does. "Couldn't He tell you which one He picked?" Yes, He could. "Well then certainly He would." No, not necessarily and not normally. "Surely the Lord wouldn't do that. Make you go through every one of them and say no, uh uh. No, uh uh. Isn't that embarrassing to these boys? Uh-huh. The Lord has reasons for why He does things the way He does and most the time it won't be apparent to you why He's doing it that way, but He's not going to show you the whole picture. Finally he said, "Do you have a more boys?" And he said, "Yeah, we got one. He's out there with the sheep." Why did they have him there? But they brought him in and the Lord said that's him, get up. Anoint him. He didn't tell them this at the house. He didn't tell him this on the way there. He didn't tell them after he got there with one two or three or four or five and six or seven. It wasn't until the end. You know I think one reason, there are many, the biggest is the Lord is pleased by faith but, another reason why the Lord does ,some of these things is, if He told you too much you'll tell the devil and reveal the plan of God prematurely. And tell people and they'll talk about it and cause problems and mess stuff up and muddy the waters and hinder the plan. A lot of this is just need to know, and you don't need to know. Some of you don't ever need to know. And a lot of it you don't need to know until you need to know. It's time sensitive information. Right? And if you know Him, and love Him, and revere Him, then you know He's God and if He said do it, just do it. Just obey Him. Like Abraham go out not having a clue. And say this frequently, "The Lord will show me. The Lord will show me. He'll make it known to me." He is leading me. He's guiding me. I'll do the right thing. I'll be at the right place at the right time. It's all working out for my good and for His glory. His hand is on me. The money will be there, the people will be there, it will be there. It will be there. It will be there. We will have it, we'll see it, we'll know it, we'll do it. And I don't have to know it all ahead of time before I can relax. We which have believed do enter into rest. I can just breathe a sigh of relief and go, "It will be there. God will be there. It will be there. Like He said to me, "Do you trust Me?" I said yeah. He said, "Relax. Just relax." And it was okay and better than okay. And keeps being. How many would say He's been very gracious with me? You look back and realize He was leading you and guiding you and even realize that He was. How many can say that? I can say it. Oh, thank You Lord. You know He hears our prayers when we ask Him to. But He doesn't always show us everything. But that doesn't mean He's not leading us. In Acts 22:10 Saul, later called Paul, on the road to Damascus met the Lord, saw a bright light and he said, "Lord, what shall I do? And the Lord said to him, Get up, and go," man, we keep hearing that don't we? Get up and go. You don't have to know even where you're going to get up and go. We're believing the Lord to guide and direct. Did you know it is very difficult to steer a parked car? I mean, you can struggle -- even if it's got power steering, you can hear the power steering pump. It's hard. It's not made to sit there in the parking lot and scrub the tread off the tires, right? Tell me when it's easy to steer a car. When it's moving. Before God can steer you, He's got to get you to take your foot off the brake, put this thing out of park into drive. And sometimes even though you're pointed totally the wrong way, you have to move a little bit that way before you can start turning the wheel. Even though it initially pointed in a totally wrong direction, you have to get it going in the way that it's pointed to get it moving a little bit so you can start turning it. What was His first word? You need to get up and go, "To Damascus; and there it shall be told you of all things which are appointed for you to do." Do you think he had a lot of questions right then? Whoa. Do you think he would like to know now, right here? But he's not going to find out now. Or here. I know Phyllis and I began to get it on our heart to go out to Rhema Bible Training Center and we were in Mississippi. And I had ministers come by my house and say, "Keith, what do you need to go over there for? Why you have to leave the country? Leave your kin folks? Leave everything and go over there? Isn't the Holy Ghost the Teacher?" I thought, yeah. "Well, isn't He here?" I said, yeah. "Well, why can't He teach you here? What do you have to go out of state for?" And this one particular minister made a good case. He said, "We don't have a lot of young people that are really on fire for the things of God. We need you here. We don't need to lose you and Phyllis. We need you here helping us. Can't the Holy Ghost teach you here?" And I really couldn't answer him. But, I can say now, no. If He tells you to go over here, you're not going to get taught here. Come on now. Well, why did He say go over there? You may not have a clue why He said go over there until you get up and get your little self over there. The Scripture says line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, by little and by little. One translation of that verse says do and do. Do and do. Little and little. Little here, little there. What does it do and do and little and little? Just what we're saying. You do what you know to do and a little more light comes. And then you take another do step and then more light comes. You don't get the whole thing. If you refuse to take a step you don't get any of the rest of it. You don't take a step you're stuck. If you don't start and step out from where you are you stay and are stuck where you are. It takes faith. Abraham is the perfect picture of it. Can you see Abraham loading everything up? "Where you going?" I'm getting out of here. The Lord told me get out of here. "Yeah, but where you going?" He's going to show me. "Where? North, South, East, West?" He's going to show me. I'm going to start that way but I don't know if that's the way. But it's hard to steer a parked car. He told me to get out and get going so I'm going to get out and get going. He told me He'd show me. I can count on that. He will show me. Somebody say, "He'll show me. He'll show me." Where is He going to show you? He's not going to show you just -- you know, stuck where you are, but when you get to where He told to get, He's going to show you there. He said rise, go into the city, there -- somebody say, "There." It shall be told you. Where is it going to be told him? Where is he going to get direction for his ministry? This is a major shakeup in this man's life. I mean, everything is being turned around. And the Lord told him to just go over there first. What if he would have sat down and said, "I can't go. I can't go over there. I got to get some medical help. I can't see. And if I get this worked out, and we got time, and the kids get through with baseball and softball, and we get everything done, momma and them get in better health." Are you listening to me? I'm quoting people that have explained to me why they have missed God. Thing after thing after thing after thing; wouldn't do it. It doesn't work that way. The first camp meeting Phyllis and I went to, we left the house not knowing if we had enough money to get there. And as we're traveling Phyllis said I got money. I said me too. People had handed us money just that last day or so. We didn't know about it, it just happened. And we had enough to get there, we had enough to get back. While were out there, the Lord directed us to go to school there. Oh man. We thought how? How can you do that? We didn't have any money. But we went. Looked like the Beverly Hillbillies. We did. Had all our little stuff loaded in our little pickup truck. Went out there, couldn't find a place to stay. What little money we had for our initial registration we're spending it on motel rooms, just no place to stay. It looked like we were done before we ever started. But I'm telling you the Lord met us over there. And He got us through another day. And through another week. And through another month. We thought we'd go one year and go back home, get some training and go home, and one year turned into a twenty. Twenty. He told us to come over to Branson. We thought how? Start a church. Oh, man. How? Get that building that seats twenty-five hundred with no congregation. People would look at us like we lost our mind, business people and even other people said, "What do you need a place like that for? How many do having in your congregation?" People they didn't know us. "How many do you have in your congregation?" Well, right now, nobody. They'd just look at us like -- idiot. "You got a lot of money and you are just going to come in..." No. How can you do it? We would've never found out unless we took a step and then took a step. Oh come on friend. Took another step. And then these recent months Phyllis and I are having flashbacks. Same thing. I mean you're looking and you're thinking, huh? How? But that gives me a good warm feeling because I know if I can just get up and do it and pay for it out of my pocket with no problem, that's not the plan of God. That's something I can do. But when it's His plan, it's going to be bigger, come on now. It's going to reach further. It's going to be more. It's going to take faith. And you won't see it all, and you won't get all the provision up front. See, people want all the provision before they ever take a step. "Send me the money, give me some pad, I got to have it all before..." Well, you're going to miss God. No. Now let me say it again -- if you step out and the Lord didn't tell you to, that's foolishness. That's presumption. You're going to fall. You're going to get in trouble. But if He told you to step out and you're unwilling until you get the bigger picture, until you get on the provision of fun, until you get everything -- well, you rebelling against His commandment in walking by faith. And you won't get more light, and you'll dry up on the vine. And you'll become disgruntled and unhappy and unfruitful. And you'll blame God, and blame your kin folks, and blame your friend, and your preachers, and everybody else. And it's nobody's fault but yours. Because He showed you step to take. But that wasn't enough for you. But I believe I'm talking to not just phony fully talkers, I'm talking to real faith walkers. Am I or not? Come on, help me. Am I talking to faith walkers? People that don't have to have the whole picture. They don't have to have all the money up front. Come on. Am I talking to the right crowd? I'm talking to people, the seed of Abraham. Seed of Abraham. I'm talking to those who are like faithful Abraham, full of faith. Abraham who will just get up, and flat step out, not knowing where they are going and fully expect God to be there when they get there and show them and give them the rest of what they need. Stand up and say, "That's me. That's me." Stand up and say, "That's me. That's me. That's me."
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 719
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: oc6gZnpmbxM
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Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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