Walking Dead Virus Origin FINALLY Revealed After 11 Years & NEW Zombie Variants!

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all right youtube so i am beyond excited to do this video maybe pun may be intended but when it comes to the walking dead that is a big part of this channel but in a surprisingly small way because we only have a couple of walking dead videos on this channel like two if i'm not mistaken but one of them happens to be my by far biggest video and pretty much the entire point of that initial video was talking about the origin of the zombie outbreak or the virus outbreak and how did every single person seemingly on the entire planet get infected with whatever causes you to become a zombie that's kind of the gist of the video it's a question that i've had at this point for over a decade now when the initial video came out as 2018 so the walking dead like tv show wasn't yet 10 years old but as it stands right now we're moving into it being 12 years old that video is almost four years old itself and this is a question that's probably been around for a pretty long time considering the comics came out in like 2003 and for better or worse depending on how you feel about the show the walking dead world beyond seems to have finally given us an answer so that also made this video a bit of a follow-up to the other walking dead video we did on the channel where we talked about world beyond and characters within that show looking for a cure and how that might bring about like how it all started the origin of the virus so this all comes from is the series finale of world beyond which hasn't aired yet the episode comes out on december 5th but amc has gone streaming service amc plus this usually allows you to watch walking dead episodes about a week early so it's already premiered on there so what we have is at the end of the series finale now i don't know if it's actually a part of the episode or if it's a post-credits scene because i've seen it kind of called both online either way it's like a five minute segment so it's a postcard scene it's a massive one so the scene opens up with a woman who we later learned as french and it's dilapidated a building that used to be some sort of lab we see her pick up a beaker off the ground pulls out a laptop out of her bag unlocks a locker gets out some external hard drives and starts copying whatever's on there to her laptop now this by itself isn't super interesting yet just because we don't have any context but what is interesting is she goes to walk away and second guesses herself reopens up the laptop pulls up a video and it's my boy dr edwin jenner from season one of the original walking dead show and this absolutely blew my tits off when i first seen it because i've always been interested in this character he's a really important character if you think about overall gave us a ton of information in the first season now obviously as far as we know he's dead that doesn't we didn't see him down on screen we've seen the goddamn building blow up so it's pretty much assuming he's been dead this entire time he could still be alive though as far as we know now in the beginning part of this video he talks about how they don't have any fresh samples over there in atlanta so if i'm not mistaken that would mean that this video is taking place before ts 19 which in case you guys don't remember ts 19 is test subject 19 which was a female scientist that dr edwin jenner was really close to she got infected and allowed herself to be recorded so they could see how the process works as i see it is that the samples we have simply are fresh there's just too many variables involved in how the clock affects them so again him saying that to me makes me think that that video is taking place before even season one of the walking dead since obviously ts 19 was a fresh sample from ray goes on to talk about the experimentation they're doing in france and it's a lot of scientific speak it's pretty interesting but it's not necessarily important to what we're talking about in this video but one thing that this thing that to me is he talks about how they're trying to jumpstart the circulatory system in hopes of resetting the brain which i think is maybe a bit of a callback to season one episode six where we see how this kind of invades the brain like meningitis and eventually kills you and then reanimates you so maybe the thought is that if they could somehow reset the brain essentially maybe you wouldn't turn i guess maybe i'm not entirely sure now she's watching this video a guy walks up behind her with a gun and asks if she's one of the doctors now throughout the rest of this entire video dr edwin jenner is still talking in the background and we will hear more from him at towards the end that's the most important part of this entire damn thing but i can't make out what he's saying as they're talking because what they're saying is just kind of overlapping him now she goes on to confirm that she is one of the doctors and that she's been on the run and hiding this entire time and he asked her if she's from the primrose team and she says that she's not she's from the violet team now i don't think we know this is yet even based on the world beyond think this is something for the future eventually potentially the rick movies which recently i did a video on my second channel kind of complaining about the rig movies and how that hasn't happened yet it's been a long time but this seems to maybe be setting up some for the future now past this he asked where the primrose team is and based on what she says i think this guy and his group came here and killed everybody that was here but the primrose team was not here they were in toledo ohio for a conference she confirms that she came back here in hopes that the primrose team would have returned here and continued their work to obviously get rid of the zombie apocalypse however this shot we have right here is debatably the most important thing about this entire video because the spray paint graffiti in the top left in french translates to the dead were born here as in the facility that they're currently in this biomedical like research facility or whatever you want to call it the ddmi seems to stand for deputy director of military intelligence this place is where it all started this is where the dead was born so for the sake of this video we're just going to refer to it as a virus this virus that caused the zombie apocalypse in the walking dead universe seems to have been created within this lab now how every person in the entire world got infected i can't entirely answer i don't know enough about biological weapons but i'm assuming you could probably put something up in the atmosphere that eventually spread around most if not all of the planets so if we continue with this conversation that would imply that this virus was man-made and not like some act of god or maybe some force of nature or whatever the case some random parasite potentially from from space i know everybody loves a space board joke and it is a joke that robert kirkman made a long time ago it's not that it seems to be man-made so is it a big cliche that it's some sort of scientific experiment or whatever they got out of hand and wiped out the planet sure we've seen that a million times though we don't know if it's actually intentionally released they could have just been experimenting with something and then it somehow got out of the lab and then spread across the planet or something or maybe somebody stole something from the lab and intentionally released it across the planet to infect everybody i don't know that remains to be seen of course and from there it seems like he confirms that they actually imprisoned the people that were here but that the primrose team does come back here that they will actually kill them so i gotta remember to add the edit in he then also goes on to confirm that the people working here started this but also made it worse which is a bit of a teaser for what's going to be shown here at the end which is some juicy bits he then of course shoots her and this is where things get very very interesting i want to know more about these variant cohorts you referred to in our last communication we haven't seen anything like that here at all nothing close so dr edwin jenner starts talking about varying cohorts and what happens next i you not with zero hyperbole completely changes the landscape of the walking dead universe forever because this woman reanimates and instantly runs at the door that the guy who shot her left through which means that for one these are fast aggressive zombies but they're also retaining memories because otherwise she wouldn't know to go after that door right because she just reanimated him back from the dead unless you remember that that's where you come in and out of most zombies when they come back would just stand in place or kind of shuffle around unless they're provoked also of course the is running which is new for the walking dead so now we have different variants and strains of zombies within the walking dead universe but we also have fast aggressive zombies similar to the dawn of the dead remake or of course 28 days later which would now make zombies a bit more of a threat again because for the most part through most of the walking dead they're kind of in the background obviously some people get killed by them but generally most of the conflicts within the show are people versus people which is honestly pretty standard for most zombie apocalypse like scenarios like it's generally people as people and zombies are just kind of set dressing if that makes any sense and i've just personally never been that much of a fan of the slow shambling zombie because they don't feel like that much of a threat obviously if there's a gigantic hoard of them surrounding you you're gonna die but like there's just a couple of them you can just walk at a brisk pace or a light jog and you're gonna get away from them because they can't run but now we have running zombies now smart zombies are actually not new for the walking dead show they just shied away from them since season one but in season one we have the zombie they would pick up a brick or a piece of rubble smash the glass on the store we also had the zombies that could climb a fence they knew how to do that and also of course had morgan's wife who knew to go back to her old house so now they're either adding in these like fast intelligent zombies to try to add something new to the show that isn't necessarily new or they're trying to retroactively make a reason or excuse for why there were intelligent zombies in the first season which might also mean that the intelligent zombies in the first season had this strange variant of the zombie virus and i guess nothing i'm thinking about and talking about it the zombies in the first season were kind of fast because they did you know chase glenn and rick pretty aggressively for compared to what zombies do now and actually some other examples of some potentially intelligent zombies in the original walking dead show or like the bus zombies in atlanta and also like the church zombies in season two that are just sitting in the church sitting on the bus which is something they maybe remember doing and something i just want to throw in towards the end of this video that i was thinking about while making the video is i wonder if they didn't do this like origin and cure with world beyond in a roundabout way to sort of spite robert kirkman because he said in the past he never went to give an origin for the zombie apocalypse it was also never interested in showing like scientists in a lab trying to find a cure but we've seen that now with the world beyond and i know within recent times like there's been a lot of like behind the scenes legal with kirkman and frank darabont and amc and whenever you have a show like world beyond that is from the onset they let us know there's a short-lived series only a couple of seasons and then within the show we've now had people actively going for a cure but also an origin story for the walking dead zombie outbreak apocalypse virus whatever kind of makes you wonder if part of this wasn't done to just kind of spite its original creator who never wanted these things so what i'll say here towards the end of the video to finally wrap it all up we finally have an origin for the walking dead zombie virus for the television series and it's not from the original creator so you can take from that what you will uh for now i'm just gonna accept it whatever we finally have an answer something at least i've been waiting for a long time for this and look i know that robert kirkman's not really a fan of these things he wanted to keep it vague when it comes to his zombie series but i personally love these kinds of answers i'm not the biggest fan of like zombie movies the end with really no explanation as to how it all started and again as i said in the original video almost four years ago we make the claim that every single person in the world is infected with whatever this is i need a bit of an explanation for that and we finally have something even if it is just you know biological weapon or whatever the hell but my dudes that is pretty much the video so i'm not going to say that this is the last walking dead video we're ever going to do on the channel but i just don't know what we do in the future i'm not sure what would come up that would be video worthy but we finally have an answer to a question i asked some years ago so that's pretty interesting and kind of a nice conclusion and as always with videos like this my dudes these take a hell of a lot more effort than my usual videos of just gameplay and me doing commentary over them so i really appreciate any sort of traction on these videos views comments likes shares if you share the video all of it's very much appreciated because this video took a long ass time to make but other my dudes that is finally the video hopefully you enjoyed if you did give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you guys are new and once updated more potential walking dead videos in the future turn on notifications follow me on twitter david yt i'm a discord link's social networks are in the description in the outro later guys it was the french what they were the last ones to hold out as far as i know i used to care what people thought but now i care more and nobody out here has got it figured out so therefore i've lost all hope of a happy ending depending on whether or not it's worth it so insecure no one's perfect we spend it with no shame we know that like old train we in here [Music]
Channel: Dashing David
Views: 3,148,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walking dead, walking dead, walking dead season 10, walking dead world beyond, fear the walking dead, robert kirkman, zombie apocalypse, zombie, zpmbio outbreak, wildfire virus, robert kirkman space spore, walking dead comic, walking dead virus origin, walking dead virus cure, walking dead cure, walking dead crm, rick grimes, crm explained, walking dead virus explained, walking dead show, zombie virus, twd
Id: jiqEx95bVH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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