Wale On 'Folarin II,' J. Cole, His Career & More | Drink Champs

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[Music] killer [Music] bye [Music] bye [Music] what it could be hopefully it's what it should be this is your boy n-a-o-l-a-a what up it's dj efn and this is drink test [ __ ] yappy hour man [Applause] now this man right here he is not only a musical legend a musical genius he is also a sneaker aficionado i said it right yeah and nori lingo lego is right here he's a biscuit oh you know i mean a video game expert got two songs on the wwe whatever the [ __ ] they got going he can work with anybody from meek mill the g-eazy the lady gaga the chris brown to rosie the jerry [ __ ] seinfeld to usher to j cole he is a hit maker no disrespect to uh young bird yeah big up girl he is he uh we he got so wow in case you don't know who the hell i'm talking about we're talking about the most famous rapper ever from dc there's no one more famous than him from dc he is hands down the whole the batman the superman of dc t'challa what nothing okay he is also one of the the most artistic artists and he is the artist that i've ever met in casey i don't know who we're talking about we talk about the impeccable [ __ ] while he makes [Applause] now let's let's let's take us to the beginning one of the first records that people heard that's on top was dig dug right how did that come about wha wha what was that was um i remember i was doing a lot of people don't know this but i was doing a lot of like freestyles and stuff like just like just you know bars like i was just you know i mean and i remember like on mixtapes and stuff or just i remember um i was with my man marlin so i'm saying names i'm already coming in high i mean i want my man marlon that i worked at asha armani i don't know if you remember but back in rockefeller days he didn't paint his shirts okay so we were marlin and uh i remember ryan devon his manager because raheem devon was the biggest artist back from back home and i was at one of his manager's crib or producing something and i remember marlon playing some of my records for dude because you know just like man this [ __ ] nice blah blah blah and then i remember him saying man he's nice but he can't make no song so am i you yeah because i was like 20 at the time i was young i didn't know what he really meant and then i started like he was like ain't no hook on it so my man southeast slim he was real real tight at the time he gave me that beat we took the go-go jump and i was like nah don't change the beat i'm gonna write to every single part of this joint and make sure [ __ ] know that it ain't just bars it ain't just cause you could put balls on the gogo beat you know what i'm saying because that was like your your your respect to dc yeah that's dc music i had a song before that that was going down what they had to do um but they not like boots night boots came after that nike boots came after big dad i believe yeah yeah and you and jim jones got beef about night books right now right i mean no what is this what is this discrepancy about what is this going on i just think that i just know that you know i'm saying that you you our region started it started tonight because you know and then harlem called all later i think colin was wearing like pink tin the white tint revision is history we smoke too much we don't be we don't be normal okay okay we call it drunk facts over [Music] [Music] this is a celebration about you we know you want your tequila well um what you want me to drink you want me to drink rose mix the dark with the light whoo really get her get her brother you want me to mix the yellow one i think it is that's called obama no get the barack obama get a shot of dark and put a shot of light in there let's see when you say dark are you talking some other liquid talk about this i'm talking about champagne i'm a champagne dude no i see you drink everything when we do shots we're gonna drink we're gonna drink um um uh yeah before now i'm gonna drink i'm gonna drink cause you know what i'm saying um i think the ace of spades aesthetically pleasing though okay i love i love i love i love that that was mad smart that was a match so let's bounce around have you ever did a record with kanye oh that never happened yeah okay cool cool are y'all cool we were your stand that were you on car yet [Music] i respect respect to music okay did you buy his last album i listened to him we supported it oh just streamed it you ain't hit the ad what just [Music] who's doing no not many people are doing that anymore when you're streaming albums you don't mind no but i'm saying adding is not the same as buying it okay adding this like streaming yeah oh i bought i hit the buy 9.99 it's explicit [ __ ] you don't do that listen to it when you're not online you're going to wi-fi right yeah so i also heard someone told me you are the best nr that you also you also wanted to design young dog before anybody knew who young doug was is that true a lot of [ __ ] in the street now everybody in the street in atlanta it was early early early on i couldn't afford that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying but we always laugh about it now but who you and young dog that's my man so wait wait let's describe this what you got his mixtape or something like that how did you know about him uh miss reecy everybody know in atlanta she she would always be playing like like different songs people like upcoming artists in atlanta when he was on tour and like i just really like like the sound or whatever you know when i met when i met brad like he was in when i met him at him but he came to make me at the studio man all these his big backpack looked like [ __ ] he was in the army yeah that [ __ ] was like no no just every day left right now you know what i'm saying it's his music was sounding like man i mean i really knew what it was going to be you know what i'm saying but [ __ ] [ __ ] like some [ __ ] you just can't afford like that [ __ ] i knew what he was going to do we're even in the hood he was working she already knew his value he already knew i mean you know i'm saying right but one thing i said by him he's really a loyal person like he's like just no matter what he always you know he reminds [ __ ] like and he always show love and i'm saying that's why like my my appreciation for him as a friend and as an artist is just a mess that's miss louis young yeah well not cause i got mad notes now okay all right cool all right right now all right this is what some a lot of people uh got shocked uh poke it out right now right j cole you dropped it video first correct yeah oh no it's wrong song for the song first in the video okay i i had it back because i thought the video came out and a lot of people took shock to that because j cole had this song called was it false prophets where a lot of people said the second verse was going at you did you think that did you feel that i mean let me get the lighter back i don't think i mean please i don't know i don't even know like you know i mean the general public do whatever whatever um but i already i mean i responded and like i went i woke up so i saw the messages and everybody telling me to in third i didn't listen to it um i went to the gym for a little bit just to get the blood going and then i went to the studio and i listened to it twice and i just wrote a response to it and put it out you know and it would have came out that night but i didn't like the mix so i had to mix it in the morning and i just put it out and then i wanted to go see him at uh the north carolina state game that's when y'all's on the floor yeah okay and then how did that work that out i don't i mean no i didn't we didn't really really talk about it that much bro right you know we we never really really really talked about i mean the crazy thing is we talked the night before they dropped just talking about kids and just life and all that so i woke up and heard it the next morning so i was a little caught off guard but it's like you know what let's play like you know if that's what i'm saying it's all good you know it's just love though it wasn't salacious malicious in there so you know all right you know it's called drink chance i don't know if you know yeah i know all right we don't want something we gotta paste it on them come on let's get this kid let's get it let's get it you can do organic food for a shot come on let's do a shot let's do a shotgun let me do uh i'm gonna do uh i'm black so i got watermelon i got watermelon sarakin let's do it we're gonna check all the uh for the stereotype quotas and yeah yeah yeah let's do it and your album is out because by the time it's come out let's make some noise for [ __ ] florida the first one was the mixtape correct right yeah yeah so this one is a full-fledged album i mean they're all in this they're all the same you know right now that's the way the game is but there's a lot there's a couple of similarities but it's just it's an album but you got to call it a tape they called they'd be calling everything to tape many ways right all right god damn you got your shot yeah brother cool god damn because you don't what are we told for long goddammit part two [Music] so what's your favorite part of the game is it making the record or performing the record like getting in front of that core fan base on tour probably because it's like the energy you get from that get rewarded that's when you're rewarded for the deep cuts that that you that you feel passionate about you know i mean when you do the radio show sometimes you just gotta stick to the hits and get the [ __ ] one that's real [ __ ] cause um you went on tour with you pharrell j cole uh y'all open up with jay right what's the name of that tour that was i think it was a blueprint three tour it was the first lag of the blueprint three two one crane but i already toured with um uh well i think maybe before i even dropped the album right but social media wasn't set up the same thing right but uh i did i did like a uk i think was when i was with mark bronson mark johnson all right you got to talk about that climbing and climbing what was it rich climate yeah yeah yeah because they told me you you don't want march mark watson and rich climbing around and that's the reason why they manage k.d to this day well martial i mean um rich um yeah uh they met around the time i was with roc nation and uh they working together now they're doing it real big shout out to both of them and um but yeah before i was i was torn with uh mark first then that's when i dropped out of school so i dropped out went straight to 12 months i was with him in like europe for like four five how did you connect with mark bronson originally uh [ __ ] so long ago and it's i it's it's i just know that he played one of my songs he was in the in the uk still right now he was in new york oh he's in new york you know i'm saying he was playing my like some of my like mixtapes right on his show and i think one of the sneakers uh stores in maryland somebody had told me and i believe maybe i told my manager at the time danny wiseman or maybe dan told it some some kind of way i found out so um it was like he was like oh he want to meet you he's just solo so her house also hold on i took the train from dc yeah to soho met him and um i don't know how i don't know how into it he was but i believe somebody at double xl might have been vanessa said it might have been her but definitely somebody double x i was like yo this kid is on fire where he from and they told they talked to rich about it and mark and then rich that was like mark let's do this this kid is he got it blah blah blah and then i went on tour mark like for like a year and then that was when the uh bid and what was going on right with everybody right um um i believe this one holds to the dev jam right and i remember him telling me on that elevator or like insinuating he wasn't going to be there long or whatever like he's about to leave or something like that leave definitely yeah okay and then um i believe it came out later but i kept going with mark and then uh i believe maybe mark was opening for jay and i was the emcee on mark's joint so that's when me and him really started really hitting it off like being like real cool like that you and jack yeah okay god damn let's take another shot goddammit come on let's do it for what we're going to do we taking the shot for your career goddammit come on and you got a show here later so this is crazy you go take a nap and come right back it's okay god damn it it's okay god damn we planned this out right that's all part of the course yeah yeah it's playing the corner i got it i got it i got to run some earrings yeah yeah no problem i got running errands too i'm going to carbon this is just for you for coming god damn it we like for dc for dc come on come on come on come on come on this is street chat so you're going oh this ain't even virginia as the drinks get stronger okay i'm ready i gotta do a quick time of slime right now okay okay all right he's still making them who um yeah well i got notes and [ __ ] like that hold on hold on let me go down let me go to my yala y'all okay okay you also broke kd and victor cruz to rock nation i don't know i don't i don't think nobody knows that's what they're saying kd victor cruz and other athletes on rock sports radar before they were signed no you better take that credit i don't think i don't that's no thing i make music i'm a rapper yeah something but you and katie are both from that's my man though that's my man man and you were being managed by rock nation at the time and then he came over or y'all hung out with the blunt song i cannot confirm with another i like that okay no no can't even my man since like man i think like just when we're still on the sidekicks we're talking that's my that's my man you know that cause he was a football player right yeah a play ball like what position you play running back yeah everything offense bro okay like what kind of running back was you name a football player in the league that you that resembles you like i'm gonna tell you right now like when i when i see kd and lebron play like that's a little me i'm gonna just let you know like that's what you say to yourself these [ __ ] got my moves and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so like that's what i'd be saying like who do you see doing a running back resisting you like that he might have bit my moves nobody like nobody could you have played quarterback yeah i played a little quarterback but no i'm five i'm five eight and a half okay five nine okay and i'm five nine two leaving high school i was like 165 so you know i got a couple of scholarship bonuses i ended up playing ball in um at robert morris in pittsburgh and then i transferred to james state and then i got into it with the coach over there and transferred to bowie state and they they said i couldn't play because it was in the same conference so that was it so safe to say safe to say if you would have kept going what do you think you'd be more successful as a football player or as a rapper man the like the the the the the longevity of of of of of a running back man i probably would have poverty i probably would have them at the most i probably could have played like a year and a half in that league like the most if anything i'd probably be trying but my mentality is out of defense position i've been playing in canada somewhere get hit like getting beat up in the cold but now um you know god got us he got it he know what he doing um because lord knows i don't know what i would have done without football because that was the only thing that kept me like you know like yeah just like having something to look forward to going to practice going to a game but give me some kind of discipline putting them pads on that's the only thing for real i still miss that [ __ ] every august when i hit when i smile the grass cut and all of that still be missing that [ __ ] it's just it's a feeling like no other like playing sports you're trying to play with your boys on thanksgiving well nah last time i did i was i was almost in a body cast two hand touches yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're not for sure so no i would definitely flag yeah but don't nobody want to do nothing everybody smoke too much and drink too much honey everybody's trying to be down and chase [ __ ] i'm gonna name a couple of songs for you and i want you to tell me what it means to you when i name these songs why isn't there water here all the uh alcohol you got organic food kings juice right there that's not does it is you know what i'm saying oh you need something more dirty because i already smoked the nori lace blunts don't worry trick daddy's been here left oh man all right so um i'm gonna ask you some some oh yeah we're gonna cover the water but no no none of the liquids is covered can you go back to when you doing the underground [ __ ] you're doing the freestyles the go-go scene like what's the that scene in dc at that time [ __ ] man like who's popping what's going on how's it going like this is there's no way i can name all the pop and go go because it's just well not but just more or less like what's what's in phoenix for sure backyard band big g and then wency and sauce um you got ucb who i've been touring with since we was doing block parties and nanny helen burrows you know i'm saying uh you got tcb the bounce beat kings they started like where they ushered in the new wave bounce beats you got t.o.b there was a little bit after the tcb got new impressions you got very essence they've been doing it for years you got junk out bannon sardines pokemons you got um i won't forget anybody from dc here i don't like our ratio we got listen band we got miss kim we got scooby we got we got yandy who uh who won that um the gospel uh reality show we got we have a rich headset don't forget chuck brown in them right you know what i'm saying we got northeast groovers rapper from northeast gruber's we got man we got a lot of legends this is his own thing are we taking the shot for go go hurry i'll do that for you guys [Laughter] let's take a shot [Music] go go i look at gogo almost like how i looked at reggaeton like reggaeton was uh what's up and how down here we looked at miami base at the time exactly like it was the music that miami baseball it was like parallel to what was going on with hip-hop necessarily at the hip-hop right but is go go celebrated in other places other than dc despite i think it started it's not as mainstream right but you know um we're going to do what we got to do you know we got we got people like pharrell and you know travis scott has reached out to me about it jay cole has reached out reached out to me about doing some [ __ ] with go-go so you know luckily we got to go go record on this new album um but um wasn't dj one of the artists that like one of the videos that really helped he said whenever dj cool yeah yeah yeah propeller let me cut my throat yeah yeah he's a legend back home they be fishing oh that's just that's bait that's just bait that's just the thing it's just like a little that's what that's is that the dance though last night one night i was out there like yeah i'm out there throwing the book off forget what you're saying i took pharrell to go see uh tcb um and they had this song called bait we going to fish it like so we was in a cut though nobody knew i was in the go-go like he was in the young [ __ ] general too this was like maybe ten years ago maybe maybe eight years ago and there's an extra cm uh um polo still what is that i forgot but i remember well tcb polo polo was their lead mike mann and we uh you know polo was a very like big part to that bounty movement and i was explaining the p like bro this is a different kind of go-go it's not what you probably heard like this ain't like sardines and chuck brown it's like i love sardines i love sorry i know you put black pepper and oh so okay [Music] right after just give him a balance of that and um i remember him telling me the next day he's like bro you need to you need to flip one of them joints and we just made we made that's what you got debate that came from tcp well while a i remember seeing the the leaders of the new school new mount rushmore right right and i remember them seeing them have coal they're having kindred and they're having drape and they i remember the third the fourth spot being empty and i remember me feeling like why is this up for debate why isn't wale face there did somebody have it on camera because i i don't know if you're gonna say this somebody [Music] so now i'm going to show you how we doing this right now because in case you don't know our show is about giving flowers so we want to literally give you your flowers right now make some noise for [ __ ] goddamn flowers yes you deserve your [ __ ] flowers brother you work hard and continue to work hard pest perverance and prosperity shout out to what the flowers sure yeah shout out to with the flowers baby sure yeah you know [Laughter] it's okay i just wanted to be i just wanna have my aesthetic i'm gonna just leave right here like this yeah yeah go ahead that's yours baby make some noise for wildlife can we take a shot for you getting flowers yeah i mean i mean i mean come on brother you deserve those flowers brother come on my brother i think it might be water in your cups who you want we can want to test mines that was just a set up question so let me ask you that question i did actually the mount rushmore and some people throw it off the edge does that ever bother you like do you sue i don't think you can't anymore like you gonna think what you want to think those that know know what what what what it is what i'm saying so those who know no and just what happened and those who don't don't is that something that we make a mistake of our culture sometimes like people get mad at not winning a grammy when the grammy is not bill foster you can't you can't i can't like get mad at somebody who feels that way being human we all have aspirations like i mean okay so if you don't want your you don't if you don't want your accolades and what you want what you want you want you just want to make a lot of money right yeah that might be your thing that i think might be accolades your thing might be um pup like you know people giving you critical acclaim you know followers yeah it might be whatever everybody got their own [ __ ] you know what i'm saying everybody i think on what they like you know um some people want to be employee of the month some people want a promotion some people just want to hear acknowledgement that they're doing a good job right everybody different the same thing applies to music i know about i know a thousand [ __ ] that just be like man i don't give a [ __ ] about none of this i love this money right some people be like man give [ __ ] about this money man i just want [ __ ] to know what i do how i do so it's just a matter what you want and what do you want all of it i think you should take a shower there's no wrong answer for shots yeah yeah are we ready for quick challenge what do you want mcdonald all right cool all right so this is a game you call called quick timer slime i think you say cocaine was like okay all right so it's very simple you either you can pick one or the other if you pick both you take a shot if you pick neither you take a shot but or you can always pick one or the other okay so quick full disclaimer anybody if i don't if i offend you it's only because i'm trying to preserve myself no no everyone this is this is this is jokes this is jokes don't worry about him right now focus on him listen some of these questions man it's not just no okay right okay all right all right now oh we're taking shots with them though yeah we taking shots with you we're not leaving this season [ __ ] oh these [ __ ] know how to drink man this is your platform while they just in case you don't know listen coogie rap or rocket rocky okay j cola kendrick [Music] you ain't going to go crazy neither oh damn [ __ ] was just an intervention i don't know we're gonna go with this because the answer is me it's like nah nicki minaj or cardi b i feel like we're drinking nikki nikki because of longevity and i do think cardi will achieve that though but nikki because of what her contribution to the game it can't be ignored in any kind of way that's hard ain't she from queens like you yes yes yes is that why you asked that question no i just i'm trying to get you to drink complete honesty it's transparency here at drink champ okay i don't know where you're gonna go with this one mob deep or m.o.p my deep but i love fall on blaze but them [ __ ] just made me feel like i got i gotta rob somebody oh yeah [Laughter] y'all bullying me and they're screaming at you to be a millionaire [Laughter] what's going on he was bullying me all right odb a big punt it's so hard big pun big pun man okay not taking that away from you know uh old people you gotta stand back that [ __ ] was like going crying it wasn't a little the little literally did we know that we middle to middlemen [Applause] odb wants to but to me i gravitated to to punt okay puff daddy or dr dre buff i like to dance on stage i love drake but i like that i like that like to get my little three step one [ __ ] don't know [ __ ] i gotta get that [ __ ] slight work video uh slight work uh uh joint on streaming services because [ __ ] don't know i just like work remix with puff animes about what just almost 10 this probably like 10 years ago now it's like 14 years 10 years old yeah did you see a big daddy kingdom versus i didn't see that joining you you didn't see it bro i have an album coming out i don't know if you know i don't know if i'm coming or going my bad i don't know my bad i just i forgot my albums what you was going to say about kane though no you ain't slept dancing yeah dance with scrap blubber a scrap lover or that was school scrap blubber yeah man they still got their knees together like i was i got nervous though for a second i thought they was going forward stop it man i ain't gonna lie we gotta let this hip-hop [ __ ] aged the right way it's such a young genre in the grand scheme of music touching been around for you but like it's like i don't know that's why we we do drink channels i know the reason why this is what i'm just saying we got to figure out a way that [ __ ] that like you know all of our og's are like in a space where they're they got money like the oven [ __ ] that's what the drink champs is about [Music] we gotta figure out how to make it so yeah [ __ ] just like doing like you know what i'm saying yeah i mean versus making it like that it is the one verses he bring it up then they do verses you know what is that all right so drink ready meek mill ross [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] it so everybody's doing the same joke i know that so i gotta ask quick fast why you taking this shot you gotta take the whole shot though sir yeah yeah come on we know you're a drinker it was a leg shot i just had to lay it fast break so we gotta ask because and the rumor is in miami that uh meek mill was in miami yeah that's on miami the rumor was meek mill was in club live ross came in to say hi to him i'm no [ __ ] about that that [ __ ] don't that [ __ ] don't that [ __ ] don't even sound real to me i talk to both of them [ __ ] all the time i hear nothing like that if i ain't getting nothing like that i can't say i don't think so i don't don't that's not my i don't know nothing about this i love the reflection that [ __ ] hit the ball back on me hold up that was great first name victor santiago that's right that's fine i forgot cool rizzo or alchemist lizzo alpha alchemist what he doing i love lizzo too though okay how about an alpha you can't do the same person you know that's what i'm saying i don't know uh lizzo was who you know i heard liz though okay so [ __ ] it let's move on he's going away alchemists though all right over lizzo hip-hop versus 2000 hip-hop 90s i love that we taking a lot of you're taking a lot of stuff and now his movie's gonna get tricky foxy a little ken okay okay ray or ghost me take a shot you ain't gotta think that hard goddamn i think i'm professional make some noise with walleye taking shots [Music] [Applause] solid solid welcome to peer pressure brought to you by all the alcohol all right gaslighting and peer pressure sponsored by victor santiago still on the run eating but he's eating well come on he's full of um okay this one i don't know where you're gonna go with dmx or tupac dmx looking at you right now i'm just throwing it out there pockets too okay pocket is two from that corner yeah i'm gonna say pocket i'm gonna say this because i felt like he knew he was on a mission and he just was on that type of time like in whatever the [ __ ] the way he went the man was born in baltimore and a lot of people don't even know that because he when he was when he did when he was out where he had to do was that where he had to be at he he was like i'm here that's what i'm doing i'm gonna stay with my chest out meanwhile i'm gonna throw this in new york didn't move the ball tomorrow i know he went to school in baltimore for sure yeah he went to school on board him okay born in morning he was on a mission he stuck to it right he did like a lot of [ __ ] in a small amount of time and he did it well right and i mean listen the man went to jail yeah prison went to prison he did several movies several uh he released a lot of explosive important cultural records that's still relevant 30 years later yes um not to say both of them haven't been in but i'm talking about how how much he covered in that such a short little time yeah and it's just like even if [ __ ] don't be a fan of pop you gotta you gotta kind of put your favorite rapper in that position and be like could that person do this this is and this time not many can do that you have to have a certain amount you have to you have to have a certain level of like excellent answer rap city or your tv raps rap city by mom because that's dc nah huh okay i don't expect that i mean they do tv filming dc you don't play no biggie or big videos no no but mtv raps you said that's different yeah when you heard the first word biggie or big up christopher wallace okay scarface or ice cube face face mob kanye or pharrell pharrell l.a or miami l.a dad yes that way too fast i love my i love miami culture but [ __ ] every time i wake up in miami i feel like i got a super hangover like it's just like it's not even going to be chance make some noise for that all right all right dave chappelle chris rock dave damn it was very fast that's dc man right okay primo oh that's what i forgot primo or just blaze even though even though prince prima hit me if i hit preeminent hit me but it just blaze it'd be like ew man i'm in i'm in the museum in japan like looking for a rare video game just to not play that's just blazing just blaze but man that's blaze man's contribution bro man listen okay no they both okay hurry hurry up drink more i didn't mean [Applause] still freestyling well you take a shot you ain't got to do it they both alive and they both follow you yeah you know first of all michael jordan don't i don't even know who i am but there's lebron it's like nah i can't i can't okay damn i respect yeah my [ __ ] got very shorter man i don't know what the [ __ ] is about to happen drink more go four more all my real answers are coming later podcasts and all radio radio really radio everybody mother got a podcast bro yeah but i thought you didn't appreciate radio to an extent everybody got a podcast though it's called i work at exxon it's over i'm gonna have the exxon podcast just cause let's talk about the wild [ __ ] that happened at the exxon today actually that actually is a good idea and the set is in there and now i'm not even [ __ ] [ __ ] at work how about this it's the [ __ ] that don't got nothing going on they ain't doing [ __ ] right they might have a podcast with like three four five five followers or whatever the [ __ ] and then it's just like i get the dream i get the whatever whatever but then like a lot of podcasts a lot not all not even most but a lot having an entitlement that's what happened with music the same thing happened i say i say it's the same thing with twitter and social media when everybody got an opinion so it's just like right podcast everybody's going to start now the production of it everybody can produce music now because of technology i've seen you with podcasts right right oh absolutely yeah but if everybody in the game who the [ __ ] is going to watch the game who's going to be understanding ain't no fans there's no fans the fans just coaches right so the fans is critical the fans only fans it's only fun oh that's where they woke kings stay woke up all right this is a pun probably in punch man he said hurry up come on it's the next question i don't even know what this is but i'm just going to put it right there put it over there okay y'all lace my jade no no no no i'm going to leave a little bit i'm not a don't worry about it we have a we come back with the results from just the roadblocks here yeah i didn't know come on if they don't tell you if it's cannabis or sativa just don't even just do this with them all right cool it's like not but what is this stuff yeah i know it's no problem but this swisher sweetest yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna switch i'm gonna switch the dudes yeah come on last from the past all right i kind of smelled it because you want you want to join paper we'll roll you don't worry i guess i'm good i'm good i'm mad at this quick time islam they won't get deep all right i don't i'm not getting not not deep dick time's been very long time later i'll castle ugk we're drinking let's drink darling i love wales because he's playing the game [ __ ] he playing it he [Laughter] all right all right i don't know we're gonna go with this one tribe called questo de la soul drive i respect that it's called poke it out kick it priest go [ __ ] it out it's called poke it out yeah because you sample vibrant thing but also q-tip gave me so much game earlier when i first got home but that was vibrant thing that you sampled yeah that's dylan that's dylan q-tip let's never forget that wait dilla yeah yeah discover dilla oh let's are we supposed to take a shot in between the shots that we already take no no but you don't know you didn't know how they know this dilla co-pro that joint man you know i didn't know that a lot of them it's a big this a big deal for me and cole to do that record in my like i wanted to make sure we keep that [ __ ] alive like and dylan gave that you that beat direct or how did this how did you say it the dealer gave you i don't know he's passed away but i'm saying okay prior to him passed away did you know him and he passed no i never met him okay he passed when i was just started touring so you know so how'd you get i gotta i gotta no that's cool andre that's all cool andre right there um miami that's my enemy loud i was there and cool is right they date my friend like my big brothers like i'd go over there and just smoke and not even do no music but that's homeschooling i didn't feel like making no music that day and um i heard the first maybe like 1.5 seconds of it and i was like drop that let me just play around with it and then that's how that [ __ ] came out you know what i'm saying and i just did like a little bit and then the next day dre was like [ __ ] boy this [ __ ] crazy you know what i'm saying um you know the great thing about dre is like he's gonna remind you like [ __ ] this is perfect this is what it is ain't fat joe too shout out to fat joke that's my [ __ ] my [ __ ] but did he he was like yo this is good like not a lot of people can do this joint and they sound like sound like they're at home sure that's what happened i'm saying and then cole was you know you know he come come to the studio and he listened to a couple of records and he was like yo i want to jump on this dream okay so kick a pre or funk flex kick capri red man let's be lazy [Music] red men are easy [Music] one of my favorite rappers especially when i was in like middle school in high school daisy was my favorite rapper he got a new album he went to see harry my aor name was the visualizer or something visualizing looking nice come on come on you know az dominican right yeah hey man that's why you got the waves even when you wake up did you just wake up with the way he just do this to brush his head yeah latinos we got it right we got red for everybody here's where i don't know if you're going with this one boys in the hood or minister society man it's the society i felt like was like the most like brutally honest joint when i was a kid old dog i remember i was scared to go outside when i was a kid i was a little real real real small i i was like man i remember like how that joint made me feel it was just like brutally honest in your face what i'm saying and boys in the hood has definitely got that too but i say menace by like like a hair i like that answer okay red alert or marley mall because that's whose name i heard the most i am a little young like below that but dj alizay would be mad if i didn't answer that [ __ ] right if i uh that's my brother bro for life that's my brother and we just have regular sitting right there oh yeah yeah thanks this is the very last question ever for quicktime islam even though this has not been ever forever no for a quick time he worded it like it was over with but he's going to talk about the interview we're getting deep now now we're getting a quick time to say yeah we're tired but what do you what do you like loyalty or respect respect loyalty loyalty got like kind of more of an exploration a quicker expiration date respect kind of lasts long if you do something and you get everybody respect they're going to respect you for a while they might not think about you every day loyalty kind of requires you to think about somebody more respect can just come around like oh yeah all right i ain't seen anything in a long time but all i know is i respect this [ __ ] loyalty is just kind of like all right i'm loyal but for like three months or if until i if you're not getting fed you're not loyal no more loyalty is a [ __ ] loyalty got a lot of [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] in caskets carried by the [ __ ] that they wasn't loyal to or that make sure that's not what that wasn't loyal to them respect ain't gonna put them but that ain't gonna kill you [ __ ] respect you ain't gonna murk you ain't gonna do nothing you're gonna do nothing gonna [ __ ] with your family nothing you respect you right [ __ ] be loyal to monday and wednesday you don't get in that law anymore you turn that [ __ ] up like that that's the easiest question you asked me brother you're not drinking tonight that [ __ ] made the most complicated yeah that [ __ ] complicated everybody no no that was actually the to this best money cocaine business controls america yo hi wale now that we got quick time islam done i'm gonna just tell you it's two things one i want to look at you face to face your glasses off leave your glasses back on no no no no no i want you to know this for this one thing cause this is me thanking you listen listen listen no no i want you to look good i'm watching i'm looking i'm good i'm you know i'm good i just like to just like i like a little dark i was an old school rapper who me chill chill i got this i got this when he was young when he was younger i'm an old school rapper let me hit this noise while i do this story let me hit this light snoring blind you got lighter yeah i got a lighter it's definitely not lazy i love you i called you i said your wallet can you do a joint with me or what a song yeah when who's this dad you don't even remember you're a foul [ __ ] hey should we should we drink i'm picking you up right now can you just relax let me pick you up let me can you can i think i gotta give you i gotta let it go all right listen i hit you we're cousin victor your brother victor where's he at mcmoon he he where he gotta be he's holding it down i don't know he we always talk about you always show that [ __ ] love like for real shout out to big moves man shout out to glennon but um i i'm in purgatory what that mean is people who don't understand industry language purgatory is in between being lit and being dead you're saying at the time that you're talking about right now am i not writing this man nah nah i like this part yeah let's go i called this man and i said well they i need you you're my one of my favorites can you give us a year so i could google it wasn't during the crazy hood studio sessions no not that time it was before the verse i sent it to you back yeah yeah it was a crazy studio just come to the studio no bro i'm saying those days when we had the serious xm show and wallet don't even look at your phone cause this is this is your flowers he's got a text on there he's talking to you and you you you're one of the biggest things out there and i called you and i said i need a record with you and you said yes i sent you the record and you send it back immediately you have my back and i appreciate this so much i don't know if you do do you know this no because i said this on the podcast and that's all documented so you can say that with yours you had all the time they didn't talk i was invited that was my talk told me to come here and talk now okay i got you that's gonna give me two more minutes i want you to get 22 minutes no no no two minutes no i'm not trying i just want to say valet let me tell you something you was at the top of the game you did not have to do my record you didn't have to come to my video you didn't have to do none of that and i really sincerely i wish you would take your glasses off but it's okay keep them on i really wish you would know that let me just tell you something i'm in music purgatory you know what that means you just told them a second just said it and said it but i want you to know i don't believe in it but yeah you don't believe in music purgatory no hypothetically you could believe in it that you're in a place that's between popping and not popping i just did the verse right he said i was doing this and then third i didn't see that when i did that i did it so you're saying that that purgatory didn't mean anything to you that wasn't real first name victor santiago i'm just a hustler doing what the hustlers do i'm just a hustler on some time don't be getting me hurt let me just pick them up you the biggest thing in the world and you come to my video in brooklyn you know i'm not from brooklyn he was hoping he was gonna come up here on defense anyway like i'm out there like this listen i'm on queens but i got it's the only thing i got and and while they came that [ __ ] meant the world to me look at me it meant the world to me i want to tell you face to face man of man like a man thank you my brother absolutely i really appreciate that because you a lot of people say how you know all right drake good good looking to drink but a lot of people say how drake how he'll go and go [ __ ] with a new [ __ ] but the difference between you is you'll [ __ ] with anybody who [ __ ] with you and and respects that he's mentioned that he said it right that is dope look at me and i appreciate that um you don't always get when you don't you know drake first of all drake has a great ear for talent like i think drake can have be like on some cloud davis mixed with lil wayne [ __ ] like he can be great like he could be doing both at some point in his career um to me like it's like i come from a place we don't have no rappers we don't have we didn't have very much all my homies was go go [ __ ] and um i was just like i was [ __ ] who i [ __ ] with i remember i had to drive an hour on the [ __ ] little ass bus to get to my school i was listening to his his [ __ ] light right there me and big moves was listening [ __ ] okay i was in this [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like i remember i remember the nine cds for one penny joints i remember being in elementary school i remember well i don't know i might be burnt out but i felt like him and cam's first cd came out around the scene yeah no you're not broken i got it at the same time and i just remember playing both of them jumps and playing like video games i was a kid but i never forget that like i just the albums when i just grew my i like and then just like you know i become this artist i become and i i get to be able to polly with these [ __ ] that i was growing up on right you know saying who i was listening to music was a part of my life i had to be on a bus two hours a day so i was listening to any cd that i got whatever you know what i'm saying so i knew you know what i'm saying like i didn't know what y'all think was saying all the time but i'm like i like this [ __ ] you know i know i was bumping you yeah uh uh that band for tv was like the like one of the probably the top 15 greatest hip-hop beasts um camp low i was listening to saturday night uh reading without blueprint i mean uh uh uh that's that card one whatever um i was i was in the mix and a lot of no limit a lot of moment no limit even down south record i got with maxo and yellow beezy i got it from a no limit it's on that hook um fiend fiend is my that's my that's my boy like that's my [ __ ] like oh geez i used to listen to the team was my favorite no limit artist my second one was matt yeah legend where were you at vayne right he didn't know he knew somewhere and shout out to my og mac mac just came home from doing 21. i'm talking to mac i mean i'm i'm listening to mac on the way to this [ __ ] school for everybody that got a probation officer that worked in the school and i'm listening to the shell shock by mack you know what i'm saying i what a couple years later i'll get i'll get on as a rapper and this at third and mac doing 21 years the man come home and he'd reach out like it because i'm i'm saying i'm using some of his stuff and he see the vibe that should be that should be mattering to me more than like anything else like q-tip hitting me uh you said hit me like three days ago about the polka dot record he was like bro like i love it i just i'm just happy for you anything you need for me that [ __ ] goes a long way with me more than all other stuff if y'all [ __ ] want me to make a [ __ ] album when i have ten number ones i'll shoot for that but at this point in my life i just want to rap good and [ __ ] with [ __ ] who [ __ ] with me now also all right i just wanna you know dig deep at this time you and me you don't want those blunts you should just you just smoke a blunt for like oh dc say yeah bring my city okay go ahead for the city for the city yeah but you and meek was the first two people signed to roc nation management is that true i don't think me came in a little like a while after me because i signed with roc nation management immediately you know what i'm saying the catalyst to eminem not nah cause i met i met ross at uh delaware state homecoming at a show and it was like three other artists that was big that was popping and i was dropped from minnesota but i was after i was right before ross and he's like this how's this [ __ ] having the crowd going like this that's what we first met then we met at uh in miami no we yeah we met at kld i was by myself i was the wild and i was lunching out i don't know like looking back on the water i'm in k.d by myself no no no no no no no we should drink for that no no no no take some shots from being in the club by yourself on some like yeah this out what the [ __ ] is you doing [ __ ] by yourself but he saw me and he was he just laughed he was like you crazy hey yeah [Applause] darling [Laughter] we are together man that's what okay that is i've really googled asked everyone you are the first rap nation management you first artist on rock nation managed man i i didn't know that maybe no i i swear to god trust me because i'm trusting everyone tata emery i didn't i don't know what's going on i'm just listening lenny i just did you say lenny i want to make sure i didn't i don't know what's happening did he tell you that yeah i don't know i know whatever i just whatever this is what i do i'm like i don't know if you know i'm like kind of good i know all right so some people that should reach out to you hit me so yeah okay i don't know what you mean by that double h he said double agents but but listen you are the technically first it's you and meek mill it's technically the first rock nation management artist i'm pretty sure i think i don't know because i know i signed a sign with them early like before i was even on mmg so i don't know who they was managing i think i don't know who was management who was artists i know like it was like the ting tings it was like like versus bringing what i didn't know i just knew that i go to rich's office i see manily i see hove i see tata and like that's and then that's og wong from time time and i was that that's all i really knew i was very i was really green in all this [ __ ] though why because also he was like the first artist to say i want to move on from roc nation yes at some point um well tell us about i don't know how to i don't know all right well it's like reverse engineering right now let's go no um so what happened was you want another shot first i was uh we're taking a shot for this this [ __ ] trying to get me killed before i get to the airport no um no uh i was i was well i was i was in the whole cypher for a long time you know you said in the whole cycle meaning rock nation in the world from the torn everything right you know i don't know there was a time that i was on tour with jay cole at this point i was opening for him they told me it was like a code headline book whatever um i was opening for him and it was like it was kind of an elaborate stage in the center third and somebody [Music] of no tomorrow in my circle was like yo you know you're losing like five grand every time you're on stage you're not even you're not not only are you not breaking even you're losing money and it was it was like at me and that point in my life it was just like i remember we was in i forgot what city was in but i remember i was on the bus and i remember i had got to offer to do another tour with two other artists and i wanted to go with cold because that's like my brother we just did the whole tour together whatever whatever you am saying and i remember being like all right cool i'm gonna just be like let's let me do this tour i'm saying uh you know nicole whatever so i um he was on the road and i was just like man um i heard that from whatever it doesn't matter where i heard it from it was somebody that was close to the joint and then you're like yeah exactly i'm losing i'm losing you're losing he's not even breaking even yeah the shows ain't the show's just sold out and i just couldn't i again i'm a young [ __ ] i couldn't make sense of it because i'm like bro i think uh this was the gift it was out and i think the gift they were number two or one on billboard and i just couldn't understand it because i'm like man i could literally just be hosting clubs and just be like making like this tonight xyz and i couldn't understand it and i just like really had a meltdown for real and i remember whatever city i was in it was like three days left and i just quit the tour i just quit and i just remember one of me in seattle's tours this is blueprints no this is this is cold this is the cold whatever uh born center and gifted right i think and and the difference is j cole's signed to rock nation as an artist right i wasn't even thinking about that but i'm saying is that the case though in this situation your management your management yeah yeah at that point i wasn't i didn't know the i just knew he was all of like right right so i just was like man i'm losing i'm like man because if i wasn't if i was doing i was torn by myself i could i could be like probably like blessing it crazy early night but you know what i mean so i was i just kind of had a meltdown and um i didn't i didn't know who to call like who like if my lawyer my account and i was just like okay um the next day i called some idea you know that was like you got this option of this option and you know but it's been all love since you know i just was i just wasn't like privy to this [ __ ] music industry [ __ ] in high work i just thought that i was like yo there's this many people in the room i know that we you know this is happening blah blah blah you know but again i learned i learned it and you know i learned a lot from them and that's man jay's still my idol for real he's still my favorite rapper still my you know last time i talked to him was that uh when beyonce was i believe when beyonce was doing her arena tour and i talked to him but like i still got all them all the love for all of them you know i was this [ __ ] i was a little bit early in this [ __ ] though what do you think the takeaway would be for a new artist like if you were able to talk to yourself going into that deal what would you say to yourself great question everybody deserves grace that be management you know uh of other people that you're working with everybody deserves like a little bit of grace a little bit of like yo understand it you know and don't be like so quick to just be like kind of don't leave with your emotions sometimes in business don't lead with your emotions you can have your emotions but don't lead with them so let's be direct with it right now well i want to add specific to the contract okay like what would you say to yourself going back to that contract what could you have avoided i don't even contract with whatever you weren't getting out of that situation like was there there's not attraction i just don't i don't know if i maybe my overhead was higher than i thought it was i didn't really know the game like that you know that was that's just like an oversight by like you might have done something yourself outside and that you didn't even understand that you were going over the the budget i just wasn't privy to torn like right i just was doing i did spot dates and did my own little small rooms and stuff like that i didn't know so you know you know we was we was all young around that time the people everybody i was moving we was all we was all figuring out the game right none of us was in the industry before you know what i'm saying so just like being where we're from we don't really we ain't really had none of that like like this is why you do this is how you do that wish i did but the game is a game game is the [ __ ] game the game is the game let's make some noise for the game you take a shot for the game in the game not really huh i really feel like i feel like i ain't [ __ ] again yo y'all should let noah be the only one clapping one time just to see like what happened we were like yo just take a shot for are you a virgo nah wait what's your son what you trying to get my numbers this is the part of the podcast where he does astrology i'm a virgo are you oh my god no way you can tell me i'm a worker first of all i know if you did any research he knows that i'm working that's part of it that's part of the shenanigans but go on continue king yeah but also also i'll also you guys are the same person right now the first thing apologize also we're like oh that's what your notes told you to do right now wasn't it in your heart it's not in your heart but it's in your phone it makes a lot of fun respect it's in my heart and my phone respect what do you post i did not know as a virgo i mean listen you really got my phone number so if i offended you when i said that young chris was around oh i'll take a shot for that all right i didn't expect to do anything that's probably your advice anyways why no no dead serious i was kind of trying to make a joke and i didn't understand how this could i don't know what you're talking about so leave it alone no i don't know no i don't know what he doesn't know then just leave it alone no i don't know what's happening but he's apologizing for something that's good yeah go for it just go home in your ass right just bring it up just go for it whatever i don't know what you said we're going to virgo and then he was like oh [ __ ] annoyed because he said that young chris is around he's writing my raps and some stuff like that and i did not say that i said one young christmas around hmm leave it alone i don't i don't know just the edit part do you really think so do you really think do you really think do you really think anybody no honestly do you really think anybody can write like anybody on the phone i don't i was trying to be funny i was playing around i get it you said that on drink champs you were there [ __ ] these [ __ ] hey listen listen hollywood emmys this is emmy worthy [Applause] that's why you gotta smoke the nori you should drink that lava juice we gave you bro left right from left right it's a totally different place not queen are we drinking this all right so hustling with i was playing around when i said that but i could understand and realize how you could took that personal because ain't nobody wrote my rhymes and when a person can be accused of that that's the terriblest thing so i positive i was playing around well i never knew the context of the show in the first place i never knew this is i don't i don't why i don't so this is the thing about me no no no no no but you meant this show when you have a i have a lot of like like things like with the industry that make me uncomfortable so i when i when i'm in my like space i don't watch interviews i don't watch videos i barely listen to what's out right now i just no no that's the thing with me that's like a real thing so i don't know so i might hear something on twitter or like get a clip and then because i don't know i can't i physically can't watch my [ __ ] i can't do it because it's like i just i'm i'm tapped out like when i put my all into that studio to that move into this pen and path i can't really do it so i don't really be knowing what's going on and then you know and in that sense ignorance is bliss because i just don't think i'm the type of [ __ ] that need to be listening and [ __ ] yeah i mean i'm already like recluse or introvert whatever i'm i don't need to be listening to what what what else is going on for real i feel like we should make noise for that take a shot for that i mean i mean i don't know about to take a shot the noise part was accurate but he lightly went left he's like let's make some noise take a shot let's drink a whole bottle right let's do it let's go let's do a line let's do it but so we established that this not might might not be considered a mixtape or album this is just just dropping who is on this album florian in two right who was on this album we know j cole it's out now so i'm sure you know yeah yeah yeah but we need you to reiterate let's pretend let's talk because this is going to be out already yeah because right now it's coming out tomorrow but tell us who the features on this house got to throw it off the backboard i really wanted to make this joint like more about me like whatever i don't i wasn't i don't really care i didn't care about those streams and nothing like i'm like you know what there's new things happening in my life in my career that i promise you i will come back and talk about but i didn't want it i didn't want to like hey this is not the latest one cause you hit it yeah yeah oh no that one has i just wanted to i wanted to just do it just you could hit more yeah take your own blunt watch out it's it's a russian roulette in that one don't listen to this [ __ ] he's cute what the [ __ ] does that wait a minute wait a minute he's like he wants to do my thing yeah he's going out tonight go ahead hold on what i got so drug dealer now legal [Music] holy [ __ ] by the way while you ain't finished the smoke challenge i know cause that's what i'm probably laced why you keep thinking it's nice but you already started smoking it so what does it matter now i got a little true serum in me but not too much she's like man no he put a dinner in that bottle ain't on front though you've been knocking down a lot of [ __ ] in there i know this one too listen i'm mercy the games that's all i got to the [ __ ] i'm married to the art form that's it because it says one of your songs you know you got to get a fine woman to come in from the bartender and then ask that question it's going to be easier to answer it's not the way it works i understand you don't want to split the bag you don't want to do that you were in the cage all right but you knocked down a lot of a lot no no no i don't like people in my space hmm i don't like the i don't know i don't have the dilemma of having to wake up next to somebody i don't really care to talk to it's more of a problem that's hard i don't [Music] just being honest night boots arrows you was taking [ __ ] down no i had a girlfriend at the time beautiful beautiful woman she was from uh landover and she was in cosmo orlando florida orlando from berlin and she went to school you know we lived in soho for like slightly after that and she was rocking me hey asap rocky looking so hard at that time i feel like he said right now i don't know what asap got to do with the story but yeah i just feel like y'all he stopped taking a shot with us right now right let's go as soon as possible don't put it on the rock drink your shot go ahead let me pour your [ __ ] get pour my [ __ ] yeah pull my egg on my [ __ ] pour my [ __ ] let's go ahead and make alcohol tell us what it was like working with chico the bar did y'all do coke [Laughter] tell us about getting head in the whip without crashing did you actually crash a whip while getting head no can you take a shot and i'm like where's the animal thug these days he unplucked you he's rich pluck your chicken yes okay he took a shot off the ticket take the lead damn i got too excited for the chicken drink champs you can't even i can't even answer your [ __ ] you take a shot oh they be answering questions too yeah yeah you can't no no no don't but this is the first time so i gotta make out the rules right now oh boy so i apologize for saying thinking that the written [ __ ] i apologize and i also big you up for working with me when i was in purgatory i never was in purgatory you always know again what i asked you i did i was like whatever you asked for you remember what peter asked for we on the west side highway oh come on let's take a shot you gonna give me the instrumental i ain't got it can we find it we're gonna find it let's drop it let's get it get it clear you're gonna get it clear put on this [ __ ] talk about getting it clear not do it you want to do it let's do it watch it you're watching all right right now we on the west side [Applause] do you remember who produced it at least i don't know i'm gonna figure it out tomorrow cause somebody can somebody in the research department figured out west side highway i think it was in the uh i believe no yes it was was it i'm i'm serving okay so now i'm gonna ask you about this record no hands yup rascal dash yep what does that mean like basically sucking your dick with no hands uh i was referring to like just praying without putting your hands together that's what i was talking about i was talking about reading reading with just like with your brain with your mind that's what i was talking about what yeah people don't even understand i was it was it's a higher meaning it's like i was talking about like just like like like living your life and without like touching stuff yeah i don't believe you you don't have this i think you took my second dick with no hands it just makes a noise being on a higher level with like like without like actually praying or touching the higher level that's what it was taking the shot for that yeah go ahead and they had a show called no hands no hands and and what happened see like david's taking [ __ ] down with no hands i was walking in the studio with no hands when goku and uh uh uh a goo op just came home when he said go up we told my gucci baby yes he just came home yes and i had long i was about with 20 shots of twin from motown you know he was uh that's my guy like we went like the five six clubs and i remember reseating miss reecey again she was there she was uh gucci and then i remember he wasn't there no more and she was like yo just go into this room i remember walker was there and i don't think roscoe was there but walk was in he had all his [ __ ] with him and i was i was burnt i was tired i was smoked out probably a little sec tonight i might lose it come on nobody hit it nobody yeah we're gonna make this we don't make noise stop your [ __ ] bro why are you acting up right is that tattletailing you asked for it and then i got it for you that's all that happened i don't know what's going on right now and he saw at least this is all for you [Applause] i'm just trying to get to the questions we're gonna take a shot no we're not not anymore you got the rest of this [ __ ] all right all right anymore wait wait finish your story though and you got the rock star earring right there wait don't don't you just i don't know what's going on tell us about your album but i love your hat but tell us about y'all no but check that out over there he's an add full of courage [Applause] you're professional yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dang i got you to do it all right let's go rock and roll mama dear sanity i know you're going to miss me before we've been together like this crispy i know i'm gonna i'm gonna just get through this joint by the grace of god and like reflexes no i'm good what's the question no you're gonna finish your [ __ ] and then we can question it that's the way it works when you finish it then chi-chi gets the yellow yo y'all gonna be going outside now you know don't worry about it we're gonna we're gonna be at your party tonight here [ __ ] i might not be in my party tonight boys will be here with a llama holy moly guacamole so now everybody date these hollywood [ __ ] excuse me that's a great intro to the story yep let's take a shot for that give me daily one of the yollywood y'all y'alls y'all oh that's what you're doing with it oh that's not how i get you give it up no no i don't think so never i don't remember i respect that i don't think anybody understands that all the art all the good sisters and queens that's doing anything from hollywood but you living with your primary residence in l.a outside i remember one time me and buster i'm not from i'm not i'm not how do you know i'm in l.a no i've seen you at l.a i mean just but you sending me over too yeah but i seen one time me and buster we in the club you jumped on top of the yawn and you like that that's how he was dancing i feel like he's completely made up that's how you dance though you dance just like tell him i think i could go buster you don't remember how did he dance again how did he dance again like this what year was this before the pandemic 1978 [Music] this is this is his pitch to carson network tell us about the ballet uh you jumped on top of the ball you don't remember i thought it was a stage i thought it was a stage two but now it became a bar in five minutes i don't know what the language that was sell it to tmz i would never do that and bust it down with whatever they pay you don't know if you know while they we up too yeah three chests we up two [ __ ] first of all first of all y'all more up than most of us but i'm just saying like [ __ ] have you got some dope ass footage like that like nah that's pretty great we might as well say nft that [ __ ] let's go oh what i know you're up look at this we got great water the champions of drinking it's called water is not a thing we know what this bottle is but it doesn't exist here is out florine this [ __ ] don't even know how to say my i'm tired yo you got flurry i promise you i'm not i don't be good the yells are bothered that y'all's above y'all's above this and that's another thing they told me they told me you had the strictest parents ever the trickiest it wasn't that wasn't strange it wasn't tricky they didn't know how to do a [ __ ] kick flip on them uh they my you know i was i was i was not i was i was really going to take the shots he said i pulled out there i was going left if she was going left he said stop going left when you should go drinking drink [ __ ] i don't want to hear a story until you don't want to control your thoughts i want to know when you don't have control over your thoughts that's what they do it's cool though man he said join the matrix i've seen like four or five [ __ ] do this [ __ ] like i don't drink i'm like [ __ ] why did you go to drinking tea like [ __ ] don't come if you don't finish that [ __ ] look this is not a that wasn't an ad for me it really wasn't as important as the other thought he had i forgot this other thought is great so he's the guy that brings it back when he gets too fried but he's too fried now so he got a good flour so now there's probably somebody else that he got to look to to get it and the peruvian guy doesn't speak english doesn't help at all and the colombian engineer that does cocaine not true he doesn't really do cocaine it's a part of the joke and uh porter and uh what's this guy he's dominican he just laughs no no he gets associated formation but he's doing this thing and i don't know i know he know how to roll with jay i'm pretty sure not to be racist but i know he know how to do chicken because peruvians know how to do chicken no he does ceviche real good yeah oh no that's not chicken i know you know do you have your dirt have you been challenged you're vegan i think somebody in within the in your contacts knows how to do chicken i know that might be racist i know that might be racist but i appreciate it it's not racist at i don't all just like the colombian guy i'm pretty sure someone knows how to make the cocaine over there that's not racist isn't it that's that racist yo can we how is that right united states national federal government a whole can you throw big up to fat trail who just came home a dc representative right yes dc i seen him shoot with that [ __ ] in real life that is what i was talking about but first of all allegedly because i don't i didn't see anything i don't know what's the best seven years i saw it it happened i don't know what's going on but all i know is we was around and she got crazy where the i don't even remember where he was at but i remember and that is my main memory from you and that's when i really realized like yo this [ __ ] not an industry [ __ ] because she got a little crazy right there but we was all calm he was like oh no this is that's when i was like yo but also i feel like that i feel like you kind of sized me up that day a little bit like on some like no no in a way of like it was i don't want to get into detail it was crazy it was [ __ ] crazy and we was like just like yeah yeah that's whatever like and that [ __ ] that [ __ ] that moment lives with me to this day and big moves and trail and that was that was crazy i won't get into it though i could ask him you could ask me david trailer all he did was show up for the video yes shout out to do baby too that was it was fun though you know that was that was it was a moment when i realized like there's different parts in the industry out of new york my industry that was in industry that was new york because you could you could have went to one part of harlem but that part of harlem that we was at at that point i don't even know if he was in harlem when i came from northern i don't know where i was at no we were in harlem we was in the part of harlem that they've got no rules i don't know right across the street in the video and troubleshooting video with baby i don't know what happened but we just went inside and got it was like super cold you know we stood right there it was lovely we can't tell y'all what happened that's not what happened no no i mean i don't even know what that is what you're saying what i'm just saying me neither i have no idea what you guys are talking about all right so what the [ __ ] we're speaking cambodian how the [ __ ] you got jerry's sound fair like let me just be clear i've i've watched about seven time four episodes but i watched all kirby enthusiasm i think that you would really love santa if you start from the beginning the first season is a little bit like if they didn't get into the group to like they were trying to figure it out yeah but i really think a [ __ ] like you would really appreciate that show no he he loves that [ __ ] no he loves it he said he only sold seven six no but you're right though about it i was trying to set you up so you should you could say some good [ __ ] about signing i ain't no you don't got something real i mean you you got deep jerry my man that's my man so how do okay how does this happen yeah how do y'all connect um dang wise man my old my old man he don't want to do music no more but that's my my old manager danny wiseman dame wiseman yeah that was nothing to do with him before i went with everybody before i went with like rocking he was managing me and i did i don't know what dyslexia [ __ ] you just said before you were dyslexia before you were did you read my word yeah what do you want you guys are virgos you guys should definitely understand each other before you i'm not gonna start i'm not gonna do this anymore before you went with who you said some [ __ ] what are you doing he's gonna google you stop stopping he's gonna try to translate whatever's happening real quick okay i'll tell you who we leave go ahead okay so i felt connected how did this happen my manager okay daniel wiseman at that time i was really inspired by the show jerry sample has a lot of philosophy in his stand up and in the show and i turned those into raps because that's where i what i felt like doing and then we did the first one and then it got back to him i got to talk slower for nora yeah please a little bit i think you're talking wait uh my manager at the time was like yo he has a show on baltimore you're going way too fast right now relax wait wait sorry i had a show in baltimore this was in like oh six maybe i don't remember there's a picture of a shooting in baltimore no no no no no no no no no i wasn't memorizing actually outside of seinfeld all right chill i just it almost hurt my feelings that seinfeld was being filmed at baltimore now i'm just doing it because i'm just like just trying to pass the time i know you don't know what's going on come on [Music] jerry's here you want to meet him and i was kind of nervous but i met him and we kind of stayed cool he's right there [ __ ] goddamn all right let's go dude the police do the [ __ ] patron police yeah he's a rock security pullover so you you go backstage meet jerry yeah we go back we take our flick whatever i was i was young but wait wait hold up but before that happens why is it that y'all have to connect like you're already a fan of him yeah i already did the i did uh more about mixtape about nothing first i believe okay i don't know if it was mixtape or nothing or more about nothing but we met but it was i think it was mixed about nothing but i don't know okay let's be clear that related to seinfeld yeah no that was just i'm just trying to connect the dots man for now we got some trailers let's be clear because the seinfeld show was the show about nothing correct yes so you related the mixtape about nothing to the show about nothing yes yes because i thought in that that show there was a lot of philosophy a lot of things that were like untalked about or blind spots in the culture and i was just like you know i was just like you know i do what i want i didn't overthink nothing back then i just like let me just do it what'd you think about kramer when kramer was racist that's what the uh if you listen to the kramer on this unsaid project the first one the kramer on mixtape about nothing the first iteration that's what the kramer is about exactly that question you knew kramer's races by that time it had already been out and over like that moment that he had so is kramer racist on the show no just damn [ __ ] you think nbc would have had that [ __ ] one no i'm asking you guys i didn't watch the [ __ ] show man and he's on camera but you guys are your show man you know this nigga's whole [ __ ] is off what kramer's not going to cover dude he is on career through that you want to bet well i know i know the latest move checks him but how many episodes is that this is season five i believe you want you want to go but no no he's been on there but isn't kramer the one that has the problem later on but he's the one that has a the stand-up issue later yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah yeah you better not no i've never met him but on on a mixtape over nothing i i i touch oh wait so when you saying you knew he was a racist not the character ladies and gentlemen this is what happened when people don't really know your music but they know that they [ __ ] with you and they just want to kill it together real quick absolutely correct listen no listen my brother so you talking about not that he's racist in the show he's racist in real life he was racist in real life first of all the show's on nbc there's no way nobody's gonna be racist on nbc that's right i don't know i don't i never met the man i don't know i don't i just think they they they his meltdown that they had was like popularized and i don't know but i use that as a okay let's just be clear all right but most of us can't meet jerry seinfeld right none of us maybe no i don't think i can i don't know man who knows who gets the phone why don't you point at me for a second i'm just saying no that's crazy but nigga's projecting in here but it's cool i don't want to meet jerry in a time of uncertainty like this this [ __ ] only one of dj vital no he doesn't what does that have to do with it he don't want no receipt he's bringing him back but he's the one i don't understand what i'm saying what makes you say i want you to host my mixtape and what makes you have the balls or the gautieries the goldiers i don't even think that i made that up that's a great word to make up though by the way and you say and then he does it i feel like he comes up with these joints in like a notebook and crayon it's got to be a crayon it's like it's like just whatever it's definitely i think it's right i think it's awesome i think it's in chocolate [Music] so you you meet jerry sappho and yes you just you just you see dc swag mixtape i ain't look at it like that i was using the stuff that he that already existed it made one like it wasn't hosting he didn't do it originally no album by nothing he did a lot original we spent a lot of time together but the what he's talking about is that you took clips yeah for sure sure right he hosted he acted like derek schleinfeld dj clues him dj you remember what studio do you got jerry style throw in here factory who's jerry steinfeld man his um that was in [ __ ] when was that when we we got jared bro shout out to brock marciano uh he's one of the vps that morning we did that album together i forgot what was that it was it was somewhere that i had never been before our electric lady oh actually we was an electric lady but the first two sessions the first two but um while i'm recovering these things from like an unexpected question that he had a whole day and night and three months jimi hendrix who what jimmy hendrix the cat isn't the cat then the cat on there no no i gotta give him let me get him [ __ ] oh yeah you want a flower from this no no that is your flowers your wallet make ones after you got your left turn down the left he's our brother he's our brother holy moly guacamole oh we got the holy water molly drink champions got any more questions what's up y'all i i got i got crazy are you related in it let me ask or is this like something like just like by chance y'all names are the same way if i tell you we got to kill you i'm sure you already got a line down even though we got we got lined up inside the lineup fashion week yeah featuring ge's yes sir are you really into fashion week what you thinking what an interesting one what question is that so riveting noise where is that no no go back give me another one exactly that would never happen another another one i love you bro i'm not poisoning myself from europe you have to you have to drink no we drink for bad questions and good ones we don't like fashion actually oh yeah no no no we love fashion week the song we don't like fashion week the actual body of work you don't like girls walking down looking like like like money and then and someone said girls that's different we do like the girls walking down the front what are you thinking of but when it's like wow this is something you want to tell us mrs sanchez i was going crazy i'm gonna take a shower myself look come on i'm gonna can i use the restroom though cause yeah all right all right yeah whatever the [ __ ] they put in this [ __ ] it's probably gonna look good organic food let's go take a shot before we go go take a bbs man who won't tell me whatever the [ __ ] they try to do before i get hey no problem we're gonna do are you telling someone to get you out of here no i just gotta use the wrestling go go man yeah i don't trust y'all [ __ ] no we're not gonna do that i just went and you could go too let's go i'm gonna what do you think's gonna happen uh [Music] that we're going there no if you want to go there we can answer the questions and doing more press after i leave here but my album came out uh-huh in about 10 hours no it came out i'm going to be honest when this [Applause] mr lee and the llama writer bro i'm gonna we're gonna exchange names i think they don't you deserve better than this he is called a peru wrestler don't worry hey guys he got beats he got beats too we're gonna buy beats and just have you roll these [ __ ] prairies and then don't worry about them david accept this you know i was the first person to wear a pair of baits that's the lie but continue the story it's interesting okay who who do you think was the first person williams well okay yeah i apologize let me reiterate my story he said first person new york city pharrell gave me a pair of berg i know it was in burgundy it was brown on brown and i wore them through the colosseum the [ __ ] said ain't you kidding me they fake why are you wearing fake air force one a little bit of like love biggie boy that shirley too though right biggie yeah biggie was dead when he came [Music] he said drink the bottle [ __ ] good good thing oh man hey hey relax buddy relax don't don't [ __ ] that don't prematurely drink don't do that because he already know he's wrong no punchy he's fighting it on google drinking fun vape was a lot personal listen you know you want me to dead the rumor right now maybe he says listen what is this connected in 1997. 1997 big was dead in 1996. there's no way that can i see them but he made them popular and when they came out nico and all them that was 1999 is that a pic of big wearing bait yeah that's not that's not right that's that's not real right i'll listen all i'm gonna say is yes i'll respect it let's see did biggie really wear bait never this is just that's the google you just put it in google answer and as it turns out big is the first rapper actually during the shoot biggie like the mortensen jacket the big piece picture okay would you so much boys and of course papa was a big fella he couldn't fit it so he draped it over his shoulder that is the answer that it's in the universe can i see the picture because that is not real is it a face everywhere i don't i don't know but this is an ex everybody's got the picture i'm gonna roll with you so you're gonna have to take i'm not knocking you off [Music] this is your [ __ ] cup now he said that he threw your cup away he's disrespectfully how much i pulled for this [ __ ] just like block this [ __ ] out really no no we don't block that all the way oh that's nasty oh no i don't want that for my friend anymore bro this is just that fast turn to immigration this intervention now yo bro is that like what's going on what's up what's up is everything okay at home you get money are going well can you can you cry for us you're doing your thing what's going on like how can we give you your flowers you can't take your flowers yeah we're gonna finish the whole bottle of mama that's you [ __ ] i need an intervention you never ate car bones i don't know what that sounds like an animal to me that's that's definitely an animal in the philippines it's not the way it works take that off are we going to get the great glory you found the great noriega uncomfortable in the philippines guys guys stop stop your business [Music] [Applause] sorry [Applause] no no you don't like this flower it's your day it's your time and it's your moment to get your flowers and i kind of want to sit here out of eye face to face and tell you how much we really appreciate you and i know you're a genius so sometimes you're like a little crazy a little crazy virgo no since things are there's no virgo [ __ ] enough don't blame no virgo i blame it on the virgo no system is a genius with balance they don't exist you say for yourself okay no a genius for balance don't exist i promise you that you can't find one it does not exist but guess what you was one of the first [ __ ] to work with one of the biggest producers of all time happy i'm so happy that song might not exist without you stop stop it stop without you i believe that's true and also understand that i also understand that you have done a lot for a lot of people it might not get your your your the respect or like the notation that you probably deserve and i know what that's like so i'm gonna tell you right now again happy one of the biggest songs in white america and ellen and all the white kids dancing along with the that might not [ __ ] exist without victory without fake victory absolutely goddamn why why are you turning this [ __ ] on me i don't like it that was a joke because he took offense no means i did not take offense no not at all no i'm going to be honest wale oh [ __ ] you all wanted [ __ ] no no you are one of the people that the people really champion for we're really championing for you like like oh you're the people yeah i'm a part of the people millionaire no relax why why jesus i was just asking you people no the people really championed for you all right i appreciate that that [ __ ] means a lot to me because i know sometimes do you not recognize the people that just cut me off when i was getting my little oh yeah no i always recognize people one thing that i struggle to deal with is when it's not genuine because i don't even we don't got to waste each other time with them they're like all right yeah like we don't gotta do it just say what's up it's love and you [ __ ] with some of this stuff we don't gotta do none of that like oh yeah you wonder i know that already so whose time are you wasting because i know that already if you don't believe that you're just wasting one of our time and it's not mine because i know that so a lot of times people be like yo you just you are the third and i don't they don't move me because sometimes i know it ain't don't be real it might be close to being real but then it'll be brutal and i know that what i've done and what i've been what i've been put up against is like seconds and nobody and i'm really proud of what i've done so it's just like i don't like when people be like yo and then the next time you see them on camera they ask them the same question they can come up with 10 other [ __ ] before they say my name but they say my name like first second i don't like that um not that i don't i don't i empathize because you probably just want to say the right thing whatever whatever but i don't i don't need it in my life because i know what i've done i know what i'm doing and i promise you this if you take nothing else from this interview you know that my next move will be that's my best move by a mom we gonna take the shot ahead man you got the puff the puff shot i want the y'all y'all but listen get here give them give them this song give them the hair here the yellows the ultimate question the ultimate ultimate who would you go against versus i think his phone is going to be the ultimate who would you go against versus give me like like 30 seconds before i get this hit his answer i just want to see sound real quick is anybody you know what in the meantime i'm waiting on this text can you can i know who who you would want to see me in verses with hmm good question yeah it's better that way i could see you and meek in the verses okay that's a good one that's a good one what about you my brother buster brown but i was like nah i can't focus i don't see busta rhymes but i got a lot of generations he's super honest we go back to reality of all i don't know buster buster and missy got to probably go with each other i think that's one of the best versus nobody got he's the best version i think that's the best version but the thing is shot for that wait the thing is no no no no no missy can probably beat him just because she's wrote so many joints for other people that aren't her songs that's the only thing that she can represent though he's doing his own thing in his in his generation okay peer pressure the [Applause] but who would you want could you big sean oh i want with sean that's whatever invented pedialyte pedialyte yeah that's what i want so you want the the sea of pedialytes have rap against you yes that's what i want that's it yep we got it that's it done but sean is my that's my brother i don't know if i got a peer in that but you got to take the shot and then talk about it thanks thanks for being a drink challenge [ __ ] your [ __ ] [Applause] that's what he wants no i don't know i don't know i just don't know how i don't know that i don't know the metrics in my my my my space i ain't been always like the most like like [ __ ] the media darling [ __ ] ever and i never really knew how to do that but uh i i don't know i really honestly in my my heart of hearts i don't know who i would do versus i just don't know i don't ever like thought of it at all a little bit but i'm i don't think about it that much i look like i just don't think that that that that that space agrees with my whole but you know what's one thing we haven't talked about is lady gaga right yeah let's talk about that collaboration this is great besides that this is this is a great for a headline all right somebody i feel like lady gaga lady gaga see i love the dissension perform i'm gonna do my wwe [ __ ] these [ __ ] gonna be fighting at wrestlemania no we actually united we're very united would you do would you like like be a part of it if i was like yo this is what up rick flair is going to be there i don't know i thought i was like still around why won't you be the new ric flair won't you be the new rich flair the the pitch there's a group right they just got signed it's it's it's it's not the mng no it's a the restless but they they they like part of the culture you need to be a part of that and be like the the manager then be talking like yo this is looking like vince vaughn yeah all right mcmahon y'all did you do it would you do it hold on because they just got signed to smackdown and smackdowns on fox on fridays i feel like you be it's called hit row it's called hit row you're right so they make it yeah no i i swear to god i know he could come down and be like yo i know he can do that because that's what he do he talks [ __ ] that's what they do [Applause] i feel like we lost track i love him i'm so good at it i'm great at it please lady gaga let's talk about lady gaga that's a that's an awfully like like egregious thing to even say though let's just talk about the regular that was not that's like you got to respect lady gaga like that's not even the same she's in america horror stories yeah i mean i guess that's what you got to respect something that's weird you never you know so what's the question what's the question uh about making the record with her so about when we did chillin um all i remember this was a long time this is more than 10 years ago i remember we went out to the club in dc he was just out she's in the club no no no no no no no by the time just be clear i believe it was right right jimmy andre made the right cool ninja made the racquet she's with akon right i don't but i was like 20 years old i didn't i don't remember i just remember like i i remember we got a sprinter and we i went to the club i was faded i just slept in the car and i woke up and was in new york and but but here's what we need to understand are you signed to jimmy bean first and then lady gaga fingerprints what's going on yo you got some of the gatorade for my man yeah this segment has been sponsored by gatorade pills sorry whenever you whenever you don't know what's going on go ahead go away just god got you i got you nah yeah so that record how did it get made um so we went out he was out he was like if me my [ __ ] was out and then i remember i know cool and trey that's your record though right yeah yeah yeah cause if you go on youtube they made remixes her record ah that was a different time but i'm saying that's your record yeah yeah yeah for sure right i went through a lot of hurdles with that one but um i remember i did it right here in miami um factory and um cool and dre was so uh like like like uh like understand it with me they i think early on trey realized like oh [ __ ] this is just a [ __ ] that knows how to dress and knows how to rap he doesn't really know how to make songs so we were like just coming up with stuff and we were just vibing and i was just like yo all right i'm gonna follow you and [ __ ] like that so i i like most of that joint is just like them so maybe cooling absolutely absolutely shout out to later later them the road i don't even remember how long it was it could be two weeks or two months i don't remember but i remember i was in dc and i'll never forget lady gaga she uh uh because i know all my [ __ ] made sure that i got to the studio like even no matter where it was at that time right cause you wouldn't get to the studios they needed you to get this video so we went to the club once you know i remember um so that night oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] might go crazy just let me just make sure i'm not so that night we drove now all of them i woke up in the studio i feel like it might have been electrolyte it was something so mark came in right he was the eight bobbin and at the time yeah i wasn't we weren't we didn't spend that much time in the studio and i was so new that i didn't know how big she was i just like i was just like you didn't know what lady yeah she wasn't that big but i wasn't smoking jason oh is she that big at that point i do not even really remember right i just know i was just like i feel like it's pretty equal at that point no i feel bigger she's definitely bigger than me because she was telling me about like radio and all that right so um we need this studio i've all i remember i just remember this stupid [ __ ] like i remember she had a a a ribbon in her hair but it was rubber it was big as [ __ ] and that's like like [ __ ] i'm literally coming from a go-go and like super od trapped out club seeing i'm doing this and this is like i'm just like okay and i'll never forget she was telling me like i won't get into detail but i remember she was talking about like how hard it is to work your records and like you this [ __ ] is a never ending fight and i remember we spent a lot of time that day i don't know how much he did but i know that her mark was working like a lot and she gave her mark produced that record no cool andre but i don't know i think they were just kind of just exploring wherever the record would take us and um it wasn't much but i do know that but there was there wasn't there was there was a remix there was a remix recorded by lady gaga right on that record right that cool andre kind of arranged and marked produced there that exists i don't know where it is i don't know what's going on but but that happened for sure so um at some point in the school yep yeah yeah party ways yeah so the endoscope thing was um man i just i hate telling stories that happen and then making it feel like i'm trying to throw anybody under the bus that's not very much what happened was um ronson had to deal with alito that was a leader and i was on insco and um [Music] i was assigned to a leader so i didn't really you know my oh my eyes are older now you know i'm saying my ears are strong i didn't really know that i didn't really understand how much jimmy and mark was in business but i was just like you know i'm just like a young [ __ ] i'm just rapping i'm with cuddy i'm with drake we're doing a gq show and it just what happened was they just i don't know they they i'm sure they're probably still in great places together and i got left for both of them but at that time something happened where uh like they weren't on the same page and that kind of was like a uh a casualty of war i would say right oh yeah so that's how that happened and i don't know i just wasn't even i didn't know enough i didn't even if i if i knew what i knew now i would have known it was coming but i'm good i'm glad that i didn't know because i was like i was [ __ ] with a tip gucci yoga i didn't even know i was about to be dry i didn't even know so i was in a good place and i was just like on on on the road i was doing shows and all of that but at the time i had no no [ __ ] clue that uh mark and jimmy were not on the same page but be clear we got left with mark and jimmy i mean we love everybody you're still cool with everybody do we love everybody noriega i mean that's up to him he doesn't know what he doesn't know what he wants to take a shot for that yeah did we uh we did we out drink uh victor santiago [Applause] so now this is where you separate from him let's get into the real [ __ ] this whole time i was faking no i'm just playing no no no you got to put the mic down you got to put the mic down i don't like it right here but okay but um no no no that was a that was a moment and i know i learned from it and it was a uh i felt like i haven't all the way recovered from that moment where imagine being 22 23 and being like okay you're dropped from your dream job but you're still popping in your city like you don't i didn't even know who to blame i didn't know i didn't even get mad i just was in atlanta and i was with gucci joe gotti and this is before maybach well yeah way way way before yeah absolutely so what is the transition to maybach after all of this how does that feel like what does that mean to you my brother i've always i've been with [ __ ] that are crazy and they don't then they can't rap i was ready for whatever that came with maybe i was winning how did that come about that's what i'm saying to you that was a delta delaware state right there he saw me saw me at a kld we we stabbed him and then and then i believe he offered a deal and i was at some my house and i remember talking to hope and i was like um i want to do this what do you think you know remind you i'm not wrong is this a death jam kind of collection no no no no no no no no no no no no this is raw should i pick this out is it ross no if you can't figure it out then don't answer it pick it up i love the chaos everybody don't let him sit down crazy cause he's gonna say something crazy what's going on you ain't saying that damn [ __ ] you ain't gonna speak killing someone is that freddie yeah that's friday that's right yeah hey [Music] we know what you've been doing in miami hey look look out look at it look out fake look how fried uh uh noreen is he fried go ahead yeah i want to i want the drink champs and we came to drink ten [Applause] [Music] all we do is talk dude like this is each other what'd you say bro especially with this [ __ ] but he's too fried right now you don't see the vision hey i ain't never bro i've been white i've probably seen like seventy percent of the drink seventy yeah that's a lot i don't but i just play video games it's a good percentage yeah but look he's fried look no this [ __ ] hey bro that [ __ ] is cooked that [ __ ] cooked blessed and booked hey moe [ __ ] special uh bachelor's uh i mean i'm gonna spend a little bit in like 20 minutes bro all right what happened thank you what happened my bad fool did i say anything i shouldn't have said everything you say you shouldn't have said i'm just playing with this [ __ ] man he needed though i'm glad i got this thing on his toes though cause i seen how he because let's do it remember [Applause] [Music] we was in that thing in that place at that time and we know it's a different level women you slime and rhyme because of rhyme not because i'm gonna not because i cut it on the diamonds you know what i do oh yeah come on no no when the [ __ ] when that [ __ ] when a [ __ ] [Music] i don't know what the [ __ ] was about to happen listen all right come on let's finish this let's finish this let's finish this let's go don't feel jumping in there huh yeah jump i thought he was jumping we should jump him right the way he said jump him i would i'll wash him right now because my hand my hand game is crazy but he he dominican or puerto rican or something puerto rican but i'm cute we will jump [Applause] [Music] i was liking these questions bro i had two more questions [Applause] [Applause] [Music] blind he's in the philippines and he's in the bathroom while wallace interviewing them [Applause] [Music] where did she go mr santiago tell us all where you went his bathroom breaks are the fastest best breeds i've ever seen in my life i think he never goes to the bathroom nah so i'm gonna tell you how it is uh uh put put the mic down put the mic down i um i went through a decent amount of time going through a lot of the interviews because you would be thinking i don't like i gotta feel aware that's not that i just don't want to show my hand all the time because i want to make [ __ ] like this go down but you understand that's not what we do here right yeah no i've seen a lot of your interviews and you believe that we do the [ __ ] [ __ ] no not the [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no with me and him i know because you guys had something like before little was it never me it wasn't like that wasn't real friction no i wasn't but i just wanted to be like you know let me make it fun because i know how he i know how the questions he asked so i just want to make sure that you know how i feel a little bit it's halloween [ __ ] that japanese whiskey yo can you let him ask you the two questions please sit down sit your ass down bro i'd like to two questions wale please please ask these journalistic questions that we need in life do you see it you see your flowers i want you to see these ones right here yeah please yeah a lot of these don't disrespect those flowers [ __ ] i'm gonna plant them i'm gonna really like you know i'm gonna start a scholarship fun those flowers jesus christmas come on let's make some noise yo wally thank you so much for getting we really love you riley and i just want you to you're a good dude man you're a real dude you're a legend let's say it and we're gonna hold you down every step of the way and we wanted to give you your flowers thank you i appreciate it and i actually sent something to y'all too as well so hopefully hopefully i'll get them before the business day is over but i gave you something too we got something outside [ __ ] that it's about you today so [ __ ] what up everybody so [ __ ] about that all right everybody all right let's go one two three [Applause] you struggle with taking compliments too yeah yeah you did work it's all good i don't want to come it's all good but we love you we like you
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 1,164,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop, drink champs, wale, N.O.R.E, noreaga, DJ EFN, go go music, interview, podcast, j.cole, Jerry Seinfeld
Id: 4bEpJNejSu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 54sec (7974 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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