Wait until you see the interior! Riviera 78MY

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it's not every day that you get invited out on one of the flagship models of the world or what I would say one of the world's very best boat Builders but that's exactly what's happened today so ladies and gentlemen welcome aboard the Riviera 78 moty yott this is the only Riviera design that's had some super yacht designer input and I can't wait to show the interior it is super bougie three beautiful cabins crew quarters and you I think you're just going to amazed the 78 mot yott is a boat that will be happy fully crude but it'll also be happy with you operating it with your fishing buddies so I suspect if you are a Riviera person you're going to enjoy this video so we're going to go right through the interior we're going to go for a burn and then we're going to play with the tender toys check out the engine bay and all the operational side of the boat at the very end of this video Dan Jones is my name you're watching Dan's boat life and welcome to Thailand [Music] stick it on the end of a pole I freaking love it that's so [Music] good [Music] welcome to Thailand we're uh I don't know what that island is but it's near pet that's where we are so check out the bow let's just get cracking it's immense it's very very expansive this area and you could get the whole party up the front and yes you can protect it with mesh sun shade so this whole area can be bathed in shade we've got this wonderful table just here which flips up and and I just wanted to point out one little cool thing here on the starboard side so that pops up so on a hot day if you're getting along at speed that's going to be quite nice and then obviously under the shade when you need immense amount of space here I'm sure you could do a tender and um a crane up here in the bow as an option this one hasn't been set up like that but I'm sure that would be possible come forward just see the super yacht style anchor setup the bowel roller on this is and then obviously you can see the braking system for the clutch there is what you would expect on a boat of this size I'll just quickly show you in here wash down everything you would expect on a big big boat which is what this thing is 105,000 L of diesel capacity in three tanks so just get that into your head come on back let's keep this moving it's a big boat storage storage Fender storage cover storage you name it it is expansive so you don't need to take any of those covers after you can store everything up the front of the boat before you moved off now we get onto the tiak here starboard side we've got an access door into the saloon I'm not going to go through that one we're going to go down the back of the boat I'm also not going to open all of the lockers and cupboards on this tour because it's a privately owned boat and I don't think it's any of my business so just come with me try and enjoy everything that you can but that's why I'm not opening all the lockers as you would normally see me do on many of the videos now now pay attention to the design here actually I missed one bit let's just go back I want you to see these Wings on this logo so see this going on here I believe that ties in quite nicely with this design element out the back of the boat I've just been looking at it from the Drone and I think it's a bit of a signature piece for the Riviera motor yott and what they have done with that externally it's quite cool but it also gives you a nice picture looking out which we're going to have a look at in a second so this will open on starboard we had the same again on Port for Access and then we've got obviously your traditional access down the back of the boat we we can do Euro style Med moing with the MU winches just here we'll have a look at that in more detail at the end of the video but just come in here and I want you guys to look out that way if you can because this is one of the many zones you're going to be appreciating on this boat and to try and put it into perspective I'm going to sit on this Lounge it really is massive so this table will um fold up in half size and become a grab hold if you want you've got six drink holders just there and we have a sun shade which will electrically deploy and knock out the arvo sun just here also pay attention to the roof design finishing here so we're in complete protection from the elements in this area here from Sun rain we're totally totally protected and when we're on anchor we've got these extensions around the side which will allow some light through but they will give you some privacy cuz no one can see in from the outside so just over here we've got the wine coolers just there we actually have a sink in here and then we've got lots of storage drawers on this side but we've got a really really Australian barbie is how I would describe this one it's fantastic so we can do our bacon and eggs on that side we can do our steaks on that side it's really really well constructed and it's got the Coran on top just there and then we've got I think that's an ice maker I'll double check yes it is an ice maker we're going to see a lot of ice makers in fridges today so we got our beautiful bar just here couple of stools we've got the drop- down glass window and this is pretty bougie for Riviera and it's a 30 plus degree in humid a day today so come on and enjoy the air conditioning and let's check out this interior this is special guys the the designer itself Luca Vala Mr V I don't know how to pronounce his surname he's Italian sorry I I do this every time with the Italians I do apologize Luca um but he was consulted he's a super yot designer and the uh the colors the textures in this boat is possibly one of the things that's going to leave you with the the greatest impression well it did for me when I got on uh at the puket bo show over the weekend it's so cool everything's been done with an incredible amount of thought and you really feel at home when you're on this boat and check out the whole color this is the one of the only boats that you could probably notice I like blue um that's quite in keeping with that so gley here ushaped fullsize fridge we got freezers here here and here we've got a forb burner I'd say that's a four bur for burner induction induction melee and then we have the stove just here we've got a dishwasher a huge amount of storage and pots and pans drawers as well on the bottom end uh underneath the dishwasher and on the other side so immense amount of storage we've got twin sinks just here this looks like marble I don't actually know if it is but it's super nice it's very heavy too beautiful on the port side so that's just immediately as you enter these sliding doors we have them more Refrigeration freezer freezer fridge I would say we have the C Zone just on the forward side of the fridge so that's how you operate every Riviera you just press cruising or night mode whatever you're operating the boat as and it will do all the switching for you really really user friendly good way to use a boat we have more storage in here and then we enter the first formal I don't know no it's not formal it doesn't feel formal at all it feels relaxing it feels like I'm on holiday so L-shaped Lounge beautifully comfortable how cool is this interior piece just in the middle here on the carpet and then we have another little mini this is a little bit formal actually let me know what you think in the comments below fridge Wine Bar beautiful glass wear on display that does not look like standard Riviera stuff I've got to say everything here is a real step up and I know it's semic custom so um sink in here so this is where you prepare all your cocktails and your drinks and look at that they even won a photo competition and the riv guys sent them their own Big Mama custom little cocktail shaker I think that's lovely so the skipper has the ability to take this tablet down to the crew cabin and keep an eye on the boat's system so that's kind of cool it's just held on magnetically you can walk around the boat and control all the systems as you go we've got so many details from extra amounts of storage here got the little love seat great place to hang out and have a sleep of an afternoon and we've got blinds all the way around which can drop down and knock out that Sunshine but I'm going to focus in on the most impressive TV how goes this this drops out of the roof so this sits up in here in a huge looks like a stainless steel frame with a locking mechanism so it's not going to go anywhere in a Seaway but when you want look at that that's here by the way that's Thailand if you haven't been boating in Thailand you need to put it on your to-do list this place is amazing I I I mean that honestly just get over here it's wonderful so that's you watching your movies and this is the inside of that door that we just passed on the starboard side before so we've just got the unlocking system it it is electric or you can operate it manually so let's go on down and look at the accommodation pay attention to the textur starting to change so we've got these beautiful stairs leather wrapped stainless steel hand hols and then soft textures textures on the wall here these provide sound insulation so I want you to start to listen to the noise levels we've got a little bit of wind about 12 knots of wind blowing and some uh some waves and just have a listen as we go we'll go forward into the VIP we'll go straight up forward first and then I'm going to show you the office and the accommodation after that but just soak up these just look at this it's it's the most lovely Riviera internal cabin setup I've ever seen look at that color look at this Timber and then even look at these vertical pieces um if you can in a second just over here on the port side sorry I'm moving too quickly for you guys so look at that isn't it lovely so this would ordinarily be a television space but the owner has put some artwork in here which is oh that looks like it's oh it's it's following the history of this boat by the looks of it but I just think this is great it's really does have big boat Vibes we've got the opening hatches up forward we got the mirror we can see out through the windows we've got hanging lockers on both sides and the white cabinets with more storage just to let you know next to those reading lights at each side on Port and star you got a place for your phones and your electronics just there so you do have private okay that door closes and this is the head compartment it is very large we got a lot amount of head room heaps of beam as well so just consider that if you're a big bloke you're not going to struggle here quite a large shower stall in there plenty of storage feels like marble and it's also carrying up around the doorway and on the vanity and that looks like a one piece I don't know how they would do that someone who knows more about this than me leave a comment but the stone looks like it's all been carved out of one piece that's that must be hard to produce they've got the little safety wires so if you leave any of these Port holes open you are going to be notified at the helm so you don't uh let any water into the boat fulls size standup mirror so you can check yourself out now through this door is the day head so this is accessible through here but it should have another door on the inside for the guest cabin so you go in there a huge amount of space separate shower everything you need look just look at that toilet balll it's big porcelain that's massive that's not what you see in your average boat very very nicely done but then come on in here and check out this accommodation so we have the two singles I call these kitties cabins a lot of the time but one of you commented in a previous video saying is it just for kids it's absolutely not just for kids an adult a 6 foot adult could sleep on this bed you've got a huge amount of head room just here lots of space to move around and there's a button to press cuz if you can see this the track that I'm stepping on will actually slide this bed into the center line and create a double and what I love now about having these windows and you can just listen to the amount of insulation that we've got now you can still appreciate the views storage all the way up here and we've also got bed side table in the middle and another one that'll appear from out of nowhere when you slide the bed across so that's cool now there's air conditioning controls in each cabin so don't worry about that access into the build underneath this incredibly soft carpet through multiple little opening hatches as you make your way around the boat but this isn't this cool you know with starlink work from boat Vibe this is a proper office I this this gets me excited I just imagine doing my editing uh in in a space like this and having views out of some tropical island that I'm visiting for the day how amazing would that be so storage underneath we got plenty of leg room under this table it's quite a deep table as well and we even have a Pullman birth that'll pull out from that forward bulkhead just there and deploy if you need the extra accommodation so that's cool so this particular boat they even the owners had rivieras before they even put in the build process extra foam insulation and customized to the that level from the bow AF to make sure it was a pleasant experience for the guests so um they've they know they know a thing or two about boats put it that way coming down a couple of stairs here and we're going straight into the master I've seen this on rivs before where they recess this door just here and behind it we have a full standup mirror on the the starboard side this door gets you into a full walk-in wardrobe so that's on the starboard side but then just come in here soak this up guys this air conditioning is great by the way um so I am a big fan of this Timber finish so whoever chose this well done that's just you know does a great job of setting the scene when you get in here this bed's the biggest bed I've ever seen it's that's bigger than a king what's is there another size up for a king I don't even know no leave a comment description but you've got storage all the way along here here's told you the owner had revier before here's the history isn't that great I I love that this is the history of some previous rivieras in the family and then I'll head over here to Port all of these vertical pillars well insulated we got speakers set in the TV has got its own custom sound system embedded in or camouflaged I should say with this black around but then you come into a really amazing head and shower compartment which would be great for a couple at all times cuz you've got a closing door so just come in around and have a look at that this is a little pocket door which will slide like that so if you're on the loot and your partner wants to use the shower it's nothing awkward I suppose it wouldn't be awkward anyway but you have the possibility and we twin sinks just there which is super handy loads and loads of storage and then check out this shower store that's I'm going to get in this one cuz that's the biggest shower stall on the boat from what I can see so this is glass not perspects that looks like armor glass heaps of space rain head shower thingy Jiggy and then one of these things but heaps the space for all your shampoos just there and that's frosted glass you can't see through that at all so that's not a problem and it's a proper wet area nothing's going to interfere with the moisture in here and we got a a towel rack just there and a teak a teak little uh step just there and I can also see under the marble or Coran whatever it is we can get access into systems in the build so that's handy let's keep this moving cuz there's a lot of boat to see so we're going to go from here and we're going to go upstairs let's go up to the fly bridge which I suspect is going to be a space that you guys hang out a lot of the time and we'll explore that and then we're going to go driving so just keep watching little bit of storage camouflaged behind there and then we go up these stairs so I like how they've these stairs have a little curve as you would imagine in an expensive house so it doesn't actually just end and go straight onto the couch just there that's kind of nice and they've utilized extra storage for bits and pieces there's also some charging there air conditioning control so great place just to pop some phones down for uh for charging coming up we've got leather wrapped grab handles here leather wrapped recessed grab handles here and this whole area can close up as well so when you're in a Seaway it is possible say hello to the gang so I'm going to show you guys the helm in just a sec so we'll just focus on these areas cuz we will actually go for a drive but at the moment we've got another Coran wither sink just here that looks like wine storage I think for a wine cooler this one was a a fridge for memory there was another fridge in there they actually removed it maybe they had too much Refrigeration but up here now a I know a lot of you have seen on rivs you would have had another bed which slides out this one is is a custom setup so we've gone for more of the angle uh angled finish and then we have the flip up tables like that so we can reduce it into coffee table size or do dining if you want or just hanging out for a few people let's go through the James Bond doors and check out I love I just love that I never get sick of that so you can set these to stay open but it is stinking hot and humid out here so hence why we've been closing them and on this side it's all storage so I better open that again the James Bond it's two James Bond there so that's All Storage on the port side I just wanted to point out this W Styles here this is access up onto the roof so if you need to wash the boat and you got to get up on the top or access The Radars or any of the equipment that you have up on the radar mask that's how you get there and there's there is actually another hatch just there but I suppose you just step up on this just just have a check out this how cool I love Thailand who cares about outboard engines when you can just get when you can just get a motor out of your Suzuki and stick it on the end of a pole I freaking love it that's so good nobody's worrying about going over the top here wonderful this is such a wonderful place so we have refrigeration in here we've got ice maker in here we actually have oxygen tank storage in here so if you've been having a swim and you've just overdone yourself a little bit don't don't worry they got you sorted got a sink just here plenty of Works Space just there and then this is quite super yacht viby this Lounge here that's obviously got the popup here for the back rest and storage underneath so it's gas struts it's under a little Locker uh a little latch which is actually just there and the whole thing will come up so all the covers that are up here on the fly bridge can actually be stored in there and you have protection from the rain and sun out to this level just here and then obviously this is actually designed as a sunbaking area but the leather wraps are all the way around so it's actually quite comfortable so doing this hanging out socializing chatting with your Mates is great and then we got Wing stations on either side which uh we better fire up the motors and give these a go so we've got a couple of man v12s going through V drive shafts on this boat I think now's the time we got a another Island to go to hopefully it's as beautiful as this one so let's fire up the motors and give this boat a little bit of a test okay so come in and I'll just describe the helm for you guys and then we're going to go for a drive right now so three beautiful chairs quite a bit of space in between them so nobody's going to be stuck in any one position as can happen on some boats uh huge four multi-functional displays up here at the helm they are the biggest Ray Marine screens that you can get obviously you can have whatever you like you can see this particular owner has got cameras from the engine bay to the back of the boat to the front of the boat we've currently got it on engine data some radar and chart but you can do whatever you like so starting over here on the port side um both port and starboard uh Navigators uh chairs are adjustable incredibly comfortable you know um uh back rests and everything but you've got beautiful foot rests on an angle which have some grip in them so if you were stepping out in a Seaway that's fine we got this lovely carbon finish dark leather so no Reflections in your face and the overhang of the roof design that's a typical roof feature is going to stop this middle hot tropical summer um Tropical Sun middle of the day is what I'm trying to say from belting down and creating Reflections on the glass so that's pretty good we also have internal blinds which will pull up from the bottom position so at the end of the day you can just just block the Sun out which is also super handy all our boat systems along here C Zone just here VHF Man start stop so we're running the V12 on the shaft drives and we've got the Optimus Rudder angle indicator on the port side of the helm then we have the variable speed hydraulic bow and Stern thrusters just there that's your gearbox temperatures we got the um chain M chain counter the hump free stabilizer so that's active speed through the fins so their um fins which are stabilizing The Vessel but we also have interceptors at the back so they're not trim tabs they go like this on the transom of the boat and they are built in with the Humphrey system so it's doing it all automatically is what I'm trying to explain the wheel is adjustable um the helm chair goes forward back up and down it's equally as comfortable but it is on a raised setting at the moment um compared to the other two and obviously you have the ability whereas these two go forward and back and then you have the back rest adjustment this one has the up and down for short Bloks like me that's basically why we have um Starship ENT Enterprise uh inspired display or or controls just here but what that's all about is to make your life really comfortable on a long passage so I've got the controls here even though they're touchscreen if you wanted to use them using these ones it's possible I've got the Raymarine autopilot I have my wipers all operational with single touch for you can dedicate a finger for that so if you are in some rough weather that's easier to use throttles just here twin discs with the joystick so this does allow um joystick parking it allows you to incorporate the thrusters and the throttles around at the dock we're going to demo that when we get to the next Island right now we're just going to go through the speed air conditioning all the way across I can put manuals charts in these Wells just here drink holders and we we even have I'll just quickly point this out see this vertical upright here and see where it ends all the way over there this is a drop- down window this is a drop down window on Porton starboard so we can actually electrically lower this and we also have access through this Skylight just here so that will open up and you can have air flow right throughout the thing so at the end of the day what a wonderful experience okay let me just familiarize myself with any traffic it's time to get driving just looking for longtail boats and fishermen can't see any all right I got my RPM I've got my fuel flow on oh wait a sec I have yeah there right there in front of me fuel flow port and starboard RPM above that and then that's basically what you're going to be concerned about and I'll talk about my S so as we go through the Rev range once again this place is bloody beautiful if you guys haven't been to Thailand this is just such a paradise I can see lots of long tail boats over there on Anar our next destination is actually that Island we're going to try and get some ice creams I hope and let's start pottering along so current fuel flow of 13 L aside RPM 650 giving me uh 4 knots and climbing let's just let the boat settle into bit of a speed I also want you guys to to get appreciate the Horizon there is a little bit of wind 5 to 10 knots a little bit of water movement but with these hump free uh stabilizers on it's giving us quite a smooth ride next thing uh I was driving the 58 sport mod op just the other day and that's an IPS this is shaft drive ordinarily you really notice when you're engaging a shaft drive from neutral in gear you have a bit of a lurching there's a lot lot of noise that sort of thing happening up here at the helm but it really isn't noticeable on this boat this is very very quiet so just taking the revs through 800 RPM now fuel flow of 22 to 24 giving me a speed return a little over 8 knots to it looks like 8 and 1/2 it's going to settle in at 8 and 1/2 scanning for traffic looking good and let's take that up to 1,000 revs lots of jellyfish in the water today okay approaching 1,000 revs just broken 10 knots there the BS not raising at this point I would expect the bow to raise considerably more to an IPS because of that angle of the shaft so just remember that from this level are we're going to notice it you'll find out 1100 RPM now I think you guys should just step back a little bit and start to get a a picture looking forward so you can see what I'm seeing I know many of you ask me in the comments to see what I am seeing because let's get the boat up on the plane 11 knots 55 aside to 57 uh 11 1,100 RPM and climbing I really like these throttles uh good amount of feedback so to say so to speak so when you when you're putting pressure on the throttle lever itself even if you were in a Seaway it doesn't feel like you're gonna accidentally put too much pressure on it if you hit a wave we are making some wash by the way but uh who cares about that that's behind us now am I alled to say that so 16 knots 1600 RPM 165 aside let's let's get moving let's get up to 20 knots I'm going to turn out into deeper water in a second I see one fisherman out to Star but I'll stay clear with him 18800 revs 260 20 knots little bit of B raise now but it's not affecting my visibility so once again guys I can raise this seat if that's important um or if you can't see and I have no desire to stand right now however where am I going to put my feet that's an issue for a short bloke right now I I actually don't have anything to do with my feet so I might at some point want to stand to relieve any pressure on my legs just there so now let's turn out to deep water and we'll increase speed wow you can really feel that pickup there 22 knots 23 19 2,000 RPM fuel flow at 320 aside that feels great guys now she's settling down a bit 24 24.4 knots okay we're just going to set a course and I'm just going to give it a little touch of wide open you don't I don't drive boats around at wide open all day but I'll just give it a bit more before I do that cuz I feel like fast cruise is about there so 26 just about to hit 27 2,18 RPM at 350 L an hour giving me 27 that feels like a fast cruise you're going to e up some miles call it 2,200 revs let's just go wide open throttle for a sec so there's not much more left in it there so 2,200 we might see a tad more and that's giving me 27 and a half so I think that is our Max throttle and let's just check check on that speed again and I'm I'm actually going to just put the boat through a turn a starboard turn at that full throttle and then I'm going to back off on the pace 26 knots 350 aside lovely think of all those saudy kids get to go to university because of us just just helping the world love it all right now I'm going to back it off to 2,000 RPM 22 knots that seems that seems more like a sensible cruising speed if you want to go fast not much heel angle through the turn there and then I'm going to just put a little little port side wheel down and if you guys just come back a little bit so you can see what I'm seeing so when I do port side wheel down just see how the boat's not healing too much so it's quite comfortable from from my perspective and now I'm going to slow down come off the plane I can see my wash on this half facing camera here and I can control my deceleration so I don't affect or bring any water up on the boat unnecessarily I we have got the swim platform raised because it does make sense with a Shar Drive setup like this to get the tender up and out of the way so coming down to 12 knots I feel feel like a boat of this caliber you're probably going to cruise around at 10 to 12 knots a lot of the time so let's go into our waves now and then head straight over to that Island we'll play with this twin dis joystick joystick am I saying that right is set up and I'll demonstrate what I learn along the way and then we will see if we can get an ice cream because it's stinking hot here here we go just just get the camera up and have a look we'll see if any water comes up on the on the bow just going through these now considerable waves that we've made from both directions so if you had any guests in that location coming through at 9 knots looks like this is the big one looks like they're going to be dry isn't that lovely okay check back in a sec and we'll give you a demo of the joystick okay guys we've reached our next destination beautiful little shallow water nice Anchorage up there but I want to do it from the Wing Station so we've dropped both side windows and opened the sunroof just so you can get a feel for it probably the sort of thing you would do at the end of the day in a hot climate like this but we have a Wing Station on starboard have another one on Port and the operation is just station select wait for the green lights take command see that okay first things first we've got shaft drives okay so if I just push forward that's going to engage the motors now I'm driving forward I don't have access to the Rudders so if I want to turn the boat I just twist this joystick and it actually operates the hydraulic variable speed thrusters at different rates and it will actually turn the boat so I'm now turning the boat to port and if I want to turn it to start CED I just turn it like so but now if I want to stop the boat I'll just give it a little bit of reverse and I'm going to show you another cool feature about this piece of tech here so obviously I've got my engine start stops there but if you can see in the shade see this button here if I press that it gives me a heading hold and it gives me a positions hold so if I press position hold it is now connecting with satellites I can relax a little bit and go and sort out my lines fenders anchor or whatever you happen to be doing at the time because it's now connected with the satellites and it's holding us on station so that is super handy I'm just going to go cancel that back to manual because you don't also you don't want anyone in the water if you're doing this because it's going to move without you knowing anyway we're going to drop the anchor get the boat settled and then I'm going to go straight down to the to the engine room we'll look at all the other bits and pieces from the crew space to the engine room and the tender and toy deployment as promised we're going to go down to the crew quarters and through the engine room so down these stairs it's crew only basically so come on down we actually have 240 breaker panels in here and gen set operation Behind These doors check out how they've carried the super yot Vibe even all the way down here so we got these same stairs we got the same finish and then the beautiful floor and then as you come in just come and appreciate this enough space you know enough space we've got two single bunks we've got a microwave just here we got some storage behind me there so they're proper bunks we got leather padding all the way around so they are going to be comfortable couple of drawers and then in here I'll just open that so you can have a look in Combined head and shower and then behind the door here we have the washer and the dryer so obviously all the washing and drying can be done from here drawers just there few systems VHF air con operation obviously from here off is the engine base so this is a water typ bulkhead and we open this door like so there's another watertight bulkhead forward in the bow got the gen sets running come on in just have a look at this the shafts are turning cuz of a tide that's the that's the tide turning the propellers we've got a couple of knots of Tide just here I just thought that' be interesting for you so just get a wide shot and appreciate first thing I want you guys to look at full standup Headroom in here sight gauges for the fuel tanks just here there's three tanks on this boat two gen sets come as gen sets on either side and then we go to the engines the engines are facing the other way because it's a v drive so that just there is the V Drive reversing the direction of the travel and then you can see the angle of the shaft that angle of the shaft is why we had a little bit more bow raay on acceleration on this boat compared to the IPS drives uh which you've also probably seen on my channel so just working our way from the port side going around you can see a lot of the refrigeration just there I've got full walking access around the motor here this is actually the water maker that was next to the C Zone at the top of the stairs I forgot to point that out this is the exhaust just here and the muffler going off we've got Shore power cable retraction that's all electrically controled and goes into this drum behind me just here I've got power distribution so all the C Zone all that switching that I was talking about that happens at single finger touch up at the helm or at the top of the stairs that's all this stuff so you can also control it here and everything you'll find this on every Riviera is individually marked so it's really really well done more Refrigeration this is engine room ventilation just here this is another Shore power cable control just there I've got access to my through holes and the flooring is all flat and level but it's removable as well there's so much more but I can only cover so much I've got batteries centrally mounted heavy just there that's going to be house system come on Into The Tool Room how this so we got our own little workbench here storage toolbox drawers everything's packed cuz there an own boat of course and then we've got access into the steering and and uh Hydraulics for the platform which I want to show you right now cuz it's bloody hot in here and that is our starbard Rudder and our Port Rudder is going to be over on the port side but this door it's got a little unlock feature and then you just push it out and come on come on onto the swim platform let's get into the fresh air so I left these stairs down only half the way this platform deploys fully deep down into the water and then as part of the deployment it actually gets you a bit of a super yot Vibe stairway into the water it's really really nice but it also reverses the other way which we already saw during the test drive so it'll come up and then get the tender and the platform deep and clear and out of the way as you can see we've got these safety rails deployed at the moment check out the tide check how much it's ripping you really want to be careful in some places where we' there's about a 3 m travel uh In from from up to down I I believe here in Thailand get that in New Zealand up in Queensland as well so when it's ripping she's ripping come up here this is actually the toy storage we'll check that out in a second I just wanted to show you the shower how cool is is a full rain head shower and we got some down lights here I guess that's somewhere to hang a towel I don't actually know it feels like it is and then I've got storage for the tender chocks all those stainless steel wraparounds go in here and then all your toys dive gear director's chairs um you know comfortable one of those uh soft things that you sit on I've forgotten the name anyway they're there so this will obviously level out actually I might even I can't reach it right now and when you are at rest you put this platform in the the level uh you know the level attitude if you want to want to enjoy it I just wanted to leave that deliberately in the down position so you guys could see what was possible this is a Deployable swim ladder just here and we got a grab handle for getting out on and off your tender but these owners have done another custom ladder on the starboard side which is not in place it's stored below which makes it even easier for them to board so I'll just quickly show you the shower look at that that's quality nice stainless steel job there hot and cold and that just deploys in there and the other thing come in here so you've got these little lockers and you might look at this and think oh that's got a lot of load so why would you have an empty void opening up like this it's actually that's the thickness of the grp this is all solid glass and there's backing plates underneath so this is super strong and just typical via amazing stainless features which are going to last a lifetime if you haven't watched my factory tour they explain how they do it and how they make a difference when they're preparing their stainless come on up the B I think that's probably the whole boat this was just an opportunistic video I was at the boat show I had no plans on filming and uh the guys from Lee Marine were like what are you doing tomorrow Dan do you want to come out on the 78 I was like why not so I didn't actually bring any equipment with me so we've really just made this one up on the run so I I hope that was valuable to you and what have I discovered about this 78 if you're somebody who wants to cruise around long range to do some serious boating in remote places this boat will sit at 10 knots happily eing burning 80 L and hour all day long it's it's a long range possible if you choose but you'll also wind up to 22 and 27 knots as well so that's going to open up a whole new environment for many of you if you um have Distant Shores in mind if you want to come to places like this even take a take delivery of a boat like this in Thailand just imagine what you can achieve it's such a beautiful placees I can't speak highly enough about Thailand as a destination it's that good so if you're that sort of person who wants to to cruise slow it can do that for you if you want to go fast it can do that for you as well it's a Riviera with super yacht vibes okay so that's what's going to be possible on a vessel like this let me know what you think I hope you got some value out of this video I hope I hope it answered some questions that you may or may not have had and that's why I do this so if you want to or care to support get on And subscribe to my patreon I really really appreciate that's what keeps me independent and that's what keeps these videos coming for you guys so subscribe like share really appreciate all the communication you guys get in the channel there and also if you got any questions jump into to the comments and leave them I will try and answer them as soon as I can and if I can't I'll ask the team at Riv who were very responsive and we'll get back to you because uh that's what this is all about anyway you're all legends thanks see you on the next one you didn't think I came all this way not to get in the water see you in the next one [Music] guys
Channel: BoatLife
Views: 79,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dans Boat Life, Boat Tests, Boat Tours, Boat Walkthrough, Boat Sales, Boat Show, Boating Adventures, Riviera 78MY, Riviera Australia, Riviera Motor Yacht, Thailand
Id: pgeQG6xxPVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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