Nimbus 495 Flybridge "An island of it's own" - First Walk-Through Video in Sweden

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[Music] hello welcome here in Sweden in the asella of gorg my name is Patrick Po and most of you know me probably from many videos I'm doing normally in German this video I'm doing in English as I did the first video together with Yim in the office about the project of the Nimbus now I have to concentrate normally it's 465 up to now it will be 495 and it's one of the most proudest day in my life it's 15th of May in 2024 the weather is just in correspondence with my person a feeling because I have been also the first person actually sleeping on a nimbus 495 on Earth and this nobody can take ever away from me again because yeah this is unique and this boat is so much me and and also example yonas sitting up there one of my best friends and the phase of of nimbus and what I want to do now is give you the first impression of this prototype you call it the first serious boat the first built boat ever it has been launched to the sea in beginning of March this year it has been tested with Volvo Penta with G with all the complex installation been done in this boat because it's the biggest boat nimos have ever been built it's a complete new design and my intention now is to give you an overview my perspective on this boat which will explain you why I'm so proud to be here today it is summer Day in Sweden and um I will also we have been doing some Drone footage last night which we will put in between because there's Henrik here also a friend that have been working since 25 years doing photos together so we are more or less a dream team today with Anna his wife here together and presenting you that boat so for many of you looking in the silhouette of this boat it is quite a new design it's not quite a new design it has many many aspects which I can see from the Nimbus history which have been always been there so probably many of you think oh this is a complete new design but there's so many aspects taken from previous models and just from Yim which and his team being put together in a new way which I find impressively good looking we just been at dun say here in a restaurant the boat been lying at the at the pier and I think yonas has been the same proud as I am to walk to that boat and then when you walk along the pier how big this boat is but still I've been driving it last night it is very very easy to use through all the gadget it has but also to the negative window and the visibility you have there from the inside and from the outside for sure due to the side door concept uh the aaic deck design and so on so let's um start here in the front so we have this typical sidewalk deck where we can very safely walk on the boat we always feel the side additionally to the railing what is because due to the so we still have an asymmetric Dex design meaning when I'm going to the port side the sidewalk is a little bit smaller but still due to the size of the boat I can very safely walk on this side here I have a railing low railing a high railing so even on the port side I have now the clear sidewalk still having aimic design to be able to have this um more insight let nimus always had on the cop series also from the port side you can see this beautiful side like this detail for example what Yim integrated is this small uh shark fin he called it which separates the pilot house a little bit like the old Commander Boats from the salon design to make not the the the the the salon or the the pilot house too long so that's what I mean nimos always had the jeans with the brand Commander Boats for building boats similar to that boat with this Commander this yard feeling style then very unique we have this fly bridge window quite much to the back which enables us to have a complete openable window on the front part on the cap of the fly bridge roof which is similar to a c boat so we in fact Yim has taken the best of two sides one hand we have a fly bridge but not a very dominant fly bridge as many for example British or Italian manufacturers have so the Fage with yonas being 185 nearly 190 High um he he he's not really picking out there on the fly so he's very protected by a quite High big window still very roomy which I want to show and and additionally we have loads of light in the interior and even on bad weather heavy sea we we are not in a very enclosed Salon which would make us not feeling very nice then very new is like this launch area we have here in the front not being like this on the nimos ever before we have a huge sunbed where I can even without the two pins on the side I can easily like like four people next to each other what we can do we can fold this up which was uh established just before on the um w 11 so also like this is not invented by Nimbus many mediteran manufacturers had that before but the whole design is very new and it's then what is very good that we have this um hatch here with a ventilation I'll show it later from the inside so we have a skylight here to the walkway and also big ventilation towards the toilet room to the guest toilet room big wipers and this enormous front window without any pillow in the middle I'm also going to show from the inside then we have a big hatch here and also another hatch here in the front also for the ventilation into the uh VIP cabin in the front big Anchor Box with a big quick winch front um like a it's a what is it 26 kilo anchor or something huh 30 kilo sorry for so 30 kilo anchor big winch front Inlet from Shore power and the back Inlet from bore we have winches and typical Nimbus we can easily access and enter access or exit the boat here from the front then we have a complete sun shade here in the front with four poles which covers the full front deck here and also here in the storage on each side we can store for example fenders or even the table leg or table which can be installed here in the front which from my perspective is the most beautiful place to sit because normally the boat puts itself into the wind and then you're sitting in the front a bit higher you're not so blocked by the Sal by the cabin so this is a very free space you're sitting here in the front this is like where you want to be with your best friends with your family with your wife sitting here in the front neither like at this day here anna this is the best place to be like here in the front very very nice then we have on this boat and the optional Echo like standard Echo Che or optional te Tech this is now the echo which we also have on many other many other Nimbus product at the moment or just established in the model year 2012 24 it's a artificial teag which is produced out of meal of wood and plastic so it has the advantages of the plastic which is not rotten that much and it's not getting dirty so easy but still with the UV protection of the wood as it is not getting as hot as a um single wood product then like I showed that so we have a lamp here even the front we have cup holders here everywhere so many things which I would say normally Mediterranean manufacturers have been stronger with has been established in that boat and again how I can walk here is very you like Nimbo style very safe that's how you want to bring your family on this boat then you are only having two steps to reach this enormous side door this is like easily 1 M 20 easy nimbos like really like when you like every Nimbo head if you move them and then you have locks in between so if you move it again you know if somebody knows a nimbus he knows that door which the Nimbus had since I'm born and also now it's closed so a perfect system and this even on this huge side door then very new also needed on this size of boat is this door here to the side we just put it down and it's reined in here so even passing here for me now with the door open there's not any issue I have the middle cleat directly here at the helm so I can even go into the helm I can get out here again I can even reach the Bone St Thruster the joystick standing here like on the big boat have the middle cleat here and I can easily exit or enter the boat here through the side door so I just pull it up again and it's easy to close and then I have the sidewalk completely closed again again then another step here at the cabar very new and I really like in design now we have the curtains closed but is this um C pillow here which is fully glass so the C pillow is put a little bit more to the inside which you will see later on from the inside it gives a unique feeling it's also not invented for y he told me it's from Italian Italian manufacturer more or less he did it 20 years ago but it was re uh found redesigned um pre-established from Yori then we have um you can just I just here then we have also something very cool is this cleat setup here we can just fold this all over and then we have I don't know in in German it's a cluser so we can really for the militarian very important um have have the Rope going through this rolls here and the protection because you have the the big moing going downwards here and it's really well done with the winch and the Rope storage in here and then this typical Nimbus door which closes to the back then we have a huge swimming platform which are going to do later because we have a little bit in a hurry Henrik needs to do many videos as well so it's a little time frame so this platform can be lift put down I will show later what we also have here in the back is a wet bar optional there's a little bit the taste so you can fold this down and you have a complete wet pie H like with a grill and as well a huge storage here where you can even put a dingy in or a stand up pedaling board we could install like there could be a plug for a pump so loads of storage here in the back for sure also the stone shower and what I really like this is a gene again from the Nimbus 305 like how we can over the step up here just walk also to the port side to the front or up to the pier so this is something nimus established on the 305 and it's even moved into this big boat here we're having cleats on the bathing platform just to make a cross here and then for sure this Bing platform is perfect to bring a big Williams tender rubber list is optional the rubber list here on the basting platform is a standard one and this would be also the be the rubber list which you have all around the boat if you would choose to take one at the moment the H is completely clean which gives it really a yard feeling without a rubber list around then something very special is this back window which has never been shown before I think on a boat so this closes completely for the night you can also stop it half if you want or go all the way down this has never been seen I think on a boat like this and then you can even when you have like the sun very down just close this like being at home and then you have this huge table here in the back which you can bring out even more fold out and you can easily sit in this Square table here in the back with up to eight people which is like I have not seen many boats all loads of the English fish boats they they neglect this area here but this is amazing and again you can close the sides I could show that as well and with the back it's also in a in a time of the year where you have less warm time you can close this here just show that in the front this also I think very smart done so you just can t this party out the same you're going to have here in the back and so fast this whole area here is closed up this was I think a little bit an idea from the colleagues from Norway everybody knows what I'm talking about the fly bridge will we do separately again the walkway to the port side I can easily pass here the way up to the fly bridge is very well to to walk I can hold myself but very important again the port side walkway is very easy to access and even what I said before I could get from here to the bath platform if needed and just be around here again so everything is very functional in the interior we're going to talk a bit later about it because we do a small cut what is very new is this connection of the kitchen to the outside just filming also backwards now again so this feeling being here and connecting to the people to the outside is very unique with the interior we do separately now I just go to the fly bridge so I again the walk up is very easy hias should I give you no no yeah just let me concerning to the hel for sure so we have here a forward- facing sunbed I really like this fully wind protected because you can see how high the wind screen is easy for two people also be able to face in both directions as we can Sim similar to the front fold is down and I can also lie in this direction and having a communication there with yonas and getting the amazing Swedish Sun excellent and then we have here at the helm like really a car feeling as we will show later on the lower Helm we have this car feeling as we have a like um I say a middle parts here of the helm very good to reach joystick um the throttle the thrusters with the armrest here this is all very economic U nice wheel this is very car feeling but still very uh natic um established with this small Shadow making lid here for the chart plotters so all the important stuff it's really respected even the coold driver has a handle here to hold on cup holders everywhere and also the driver can leave very detailed important detailed part the driver can leave very fast if he needs to go down even without the Coe driver getting up it would be much easier to put a bench but this would then not be that um comfortable then we have optional another fridge up here which I think a nice thing to have and then we even have a wet bar inside of the table where we can take some water what the Scandinavians do we would not do that in the mediteran Mediterranean drink any tap water but you do it up here and you can with yunas you can show that that's also nice with this tarer when you imagine we would now put up the b mini which we just fought forward which is even possible to have electric you can easily sit up here with six eight people which we're probably going to do tonight um turn around the chair if you can get more space yeah absolutely we can turn around the chair even the back of the boat here is walkable if you have solar panels here in the back so if there's any need for example to store some stand up pedaling boards or whatever we have this haa must which is very strong it's not foldable people have been asking that before but there will be also later on a c version of the boat which is very interesting for my region and as well there will be probably a different last which will be foldable but this is really the Mediterranean version and I really like this with this fixed be because it's really put away very nicely like it is now I think that was it from the outside I just talk to Henrik to the Drone again uh think thank you for the first part we do a cut later we're just having very little time as I said Henry going to do now some really cool shots with a very much bigger drone and we do a second walk around when I'm inside and uh give you a feeling what this boat has to deliver from the inside especially the the VIP cabin the and the the master cabin is just very impressive it's in fact amazing and I had a very good sleep in there last night okay this we're going to cut somewhere in between as we promised it's the swing platform which I would say nearly every Mediterranean Board of this size needs to have because it has two functions very important function is to lift the dingy but it's also an amazing place to put it in different levels to enjoy um the time on the water or at the water because you just I just need to bring Nicholas now into the cold Baltic SE no it's not it's nor sea sorry not the Baltic Sea so I can bring it just to the water level which is like this now and you can imagine that you now even with very little kids and so on you can really bring them close to the water and have them enjoying the time they don't need the bathing leather to get out of the water and then you have this very stable staircase to go down here so this is very stable I can be on here I have the remote even when I drive now on with my dingy I bring it up with the remote I can also bring it up now with us on board for sure because this is the same level as I have with the dingy or when Nicholas now wants to take a swim we just bring him further down so this is a a very known manufacturer from Germany who's producing this platform this is the same platform we have not the same the same manufacturer as we have on the BTC 11 and when we talk about the btc1 there she just comes the t11 which brings our models for tonight huh and all the like for doing some nice shooting tonight but it's very nice to see how you get with this staircase which is automatically folding out into the water and very safe so again for smaller kids it's an amazing perfect because they don't afraid they they G to you know be in this area and feel safe and you could even even put a guard around it like the American boats have to have it even safer when the kids are small and that it's again a very easy Rel oh we have a jellyfish here catched and bring it up and then it's just an enlargement of the hull and still together with the grill we have here in the back we can put some some uh uh um table there or or um chairs or could even if it's a very hot day I think this is what I would do put the the chair and the table in the water so you have the cool cool water below you sitting at in the sea and having an amazing time so that was about the bathing platform on the 465 so now I'm going to show you the most interesting the inside of that boat even everything has been focused on the Sea warness on the functionality so really things which are in a hard competition with room inside is always the sea warness and yeah as I just said the functionality as this sidewalk for example here the other sidewalk and also this Commander design really takes the volume out of the boat and still yorim and his team were a able to make that boat the most roomy boat of nimos anyway but I think also one of the most roomy one in its class of the below 50 Footers this side door again I mentioned before when I'm just putting myself here as a person in it's like three of my size going would pass next to each other so you could even pass yourself in that side door if you follow me to the helm position here because this is really a yards man position as I said before I can stand here and even reach here for example the thrusters which is standard propor I can do that from here yeah which is standard proportional thrusters as well the joystick as well the throttle everything is reachable even from the outside from my sitting position here going even even a little bit more forward it's really comfy this High um um what is it headrest it's really my view I have here with this side window going all the way backwards is very unique I'm not driving like the boat is moving now Yas is driving from the top because there's so many stones and rocks around here so I would not be confident of doing a video parallel of navigating through that area yet again um this is really car feeling but still not Playmobile or not not too it's still yachy because what I really find important and this I really want to point out as many boats of this class are sacrifying the standing position at the hel towards the space in the lower cabin and this is always you know when you look in a boat it doesn't matter which size the designer always decided to do a compromise and each designer tries to best the best compromise for its customer he's targeting and the most important is also again here that if you want to take more volume into the center Cabin in the VIP cabin you want more headro then you will take room away at the helm and I know customers having much bigger boats from several manufacturers who can't really stand at the helm they don't have the height to stand there's the floor is up to get room in here but here you can like stand here you can easily like I just didn't move it I should more backward you can easily even go here out from the side and at Big C but also from the position here neither I'm sitting or I'm standing I have a perfect view to the front but also very important if you're facing just with the camera once backwards also I'm not too high because in some Vols the step in the roof is then too high going back to the cockpit is also the visibility to the back is perfectly there and then what we shown before is that we just open the sunroof I don't know which side I have to push open the sunroof then gives it a complete different feeling or we can even open the port side window there if you just film this there so at this point we having a completely enclosed boat very easily made with the port side window being open the sun roof or sun the the glass window being open and the side door being open a very big boat and now I'm show doing something which I just want to you know he could e go even out here as a maneuverable captain because you need maybe to get to the middle clean so it's a kind of a side door solution you could um use there on this side it's not in a daily business but again it could be done then the coold driver the co driver has always been very important on the in the Nimbus world the core driver from the C Series from the start always had had the same importance as the driver as many manufacturers don't have that so if you see my view now how amazingly is this with this very little A-frames there and this view I'm having here is I think fully unique in the market I'm sitting the same height as the driver we can communicate with each other you know being on the boat is about spending time together as a couple with friends and you want to discuss what you see you want to you want to be together you don't want to be as a driver on your own and everybody is sitting somewhere outside and you on your own so it's a it's a we experience and this is perfectly possible with this bench here or you could even put yourself in the backwards position like this facing backwards getting some sun getting some fresh air and we even have a a small storage in here and all all system is being manageable by this Vol Penta displays like music lights everything over one bus system then it's also cool we have a small foot rest here and also this very I think nicely done handle to hold on here which is in the middle of the room which um more or less blocks this Helm area off so also very nice position to sit here as I'm facing now to the driver we can communicate I have the full View and I have a yeah perfect communication place with my arms resting on both sides very nice place what I forgot to say at the helm um in detail I should go back there again is we have air condition Outlet at the helm we have big um cup holder again the sun lid on the top we have an indirect lightning here we have a storage even here where we can put some little stuff in like uh keys and so on and that is very cool we're having like big wiper buttons like we have on the car so now I made the window wash and all wipers go at the same time or I can just very easily just run the port wiper there because wipers are very often used or or just this side one with a small push here at the helm very cool we have induction charger USB charger buttons which still be relabeled so very clean but very professional Helm setup good then just moving a little bit backwards here into Sal why is why do we have this step in here very easy it's the walk area this is what I said this compromise between Heights so we have loads of height in the front where we have this openable sunroof we have a little bit less height here and this is because we need the room on the fly bridge but it doesn't matter because it really feels cozy if I would have S like sitting here with this height it's it's not cozy so being in here you anyway put yourself down to sit down yeah you need to lean a bit but from sitting height it's like 50 cm on top of me so this is a really a really nice couch feeling setup here still we can we can um um have the dinner outside and this table is to be folded out you need up I need okay so we we close this we we stop this here just finish this this s table set up here so it's easy to sit with one to with six or eight people with we're going to do some pictures tonight we're going to see how many people are sitting be able to be sitting on this table good one more thing this can be taken out here to be added to this even so yonas is speeding up the Drone is up uh we have a TV which comes out here and I think we do a small stop here we'll continue very soon so after a small Interruption which uh is the reason for like this amazing weather and the parallel setup we do here to together with Henrik of the main photo shooting which these photos will probably go online more or less parall with the video so next step is the the galy the kitchen in that boat which is very different to nimbuses ever before because everybody who knows limbus they we always had the kitchen as a long um yeah what is it like a straight kitchen on the starboard side but what always nimos had and which I'm very my person a fan of is a kitchen up so there's so many manufacturers which have kitchens downstairs and nimus has always been kitchen up you know very close access from the driver co-driver towards the kitchen so I can even having the autopilot on and making myself like a bread or taking myself a water and preparing myself even being alone on the boat as a driver having still full visibility to the front standing here in the kitchen and as you can see like this what was changed now because the orientation is a little bit more to the back so I can um just bring down this window here and I have more connection to the very big cockpit which we has been show where we have been showing in the video before with a huge L L-shaped sofa with the window in the back which I just close now once again to get a feel maybe you have swiped forward a little bit so how you know now I'm putting this one down to get more connection and I'm in fact putting the back one also down but to close it in this point to make this more part of the living room if you now close the sides you enlarging the living room completely to the back so this area here stays more like a couch launching area as you can also all a lowerable table so you can even make a sleeping area here a really a Lune area where you watch TV then which I'm going to show later just across to go in detail here on the kitchen which I also like because you can share the work in the kitchen with two without being in your way on the port side we're having the the big fridge it's 135 L fridge with a small ice box on the top fully loaded because we're going to do have a nice evening here on board and and we have an optional dishwasher which for me as being a big lazy in the kitchen is really what I want or would have liked to have then we're having typical nimus like everything is already like a full UK in German full ook shupad which means it's coming all the way out I don't how I say that in English with all the cutlery from Nimbus already put in so really Spacey drawers all the way down here then we're having the glasses the Cuttery stored nicely up here with champagne glasses and wine glasses Nimo Nimbus branded also as it always was with Nimbus standard included we have storage up here for pepper salt and like other kitchen stuff then we have the panel here which is the same one that and the helm as well as at the core driver area where I can control with the bu system more or less the complete boats the lights I did for example before or the back window this window here but I can even control if I would have liked the wipers from here whatever so it's all networked through that interface from Volvo Penta over the bus system we're having some other stuff hidden here which is the air condition control which also is possible over here and the heater as well as the gyro what is very nice in my opinion is this um painted mut surfaces so we have a combination on the boat from different materials so we have the we have the pple piece which which is like looking very similar to Oak then we're having the textiles on the roof very Nimbo style then we're having even some glass fiber parts which are painted gray leather pieces like um in in hm like you say in German I don't how it's in English so something you touch should feel give you a very good feeling then the typical Korean black and then again a play out of different materials so for example this very nice in German again apoa shr we have stored for example all the cury as well in one big uh I don't know English Apotheca shrunk um and as well then again this very modern kitchen material in this mut painted surface in the in the grayish white color storage here we have a big uh oven Two um field Saran cooking like induction field and then we have here in the corner again which I mentioned before the view out here especially in this place now but also in this corner here to not having this blocked with a big cupboard really is this this kitchen place is U I think very unique I have not seen like this on a boat this size before and then we have a big freezer here plus an extra fridge also down here which is full of mosal sect hair from home so I'm very proud about this being here tonight at this beautiful boat so we giving um that a good start tonight this is something from home yeah so two places in the kitchen to Work Connection to the outside bar feeling you know sitting here on the table putting some food on on top here everybody can serve himself even storing you know dishes away just placing them here and when I'm sitting here it's all cleaned up I can't see the kitchen on one hand but it's still very close and I can even you know talk to the one just cleaning up here so the communication I think is is amazingly good and um and still what I said it's also a very good connection to the driver or coold driver so yeah I I think that can't be really done better also the different levels are not very strong very big so we have two steps here so just when I'm walking up here so these are the two steps but then I have again going to the side a complete flat eror to go out or just a step to go then out to the sidewalk as we mentioned before we have a TV which can be controlled open from the side here there's the curtains on this side still missing so some details are missing for sure we also have curtains there behind the TV but just imagine watching some formula one or some some football game being here in the Asel with this background here I think this can't be any nicer from the setup here good uh I think it's time to go downstairs um most of the points I would say I named up here just did a small cut what is very cool I just and show that later a little bit is we have the um camera the 360° camera mode here so we can see the boat with the artificial drone view all around and then we for example see here the camera on the front with the anchor so we can see the anchor or we see the birthing platform which is part of this whole picture which is generated here so this is combined with the assistant docking which this boat has which is like driving the boat as flying a drone a very supportive tool to be able to drive even as a beginner such a big boat good let's go down um we're having 1 2 3 4 five so we we're quite feeling now we're on a big boat how we going down here um but it's still not like it doesn't have a leather feeling I just film it from here it's still a a nice staircase we're having this nice handrail going all the way down here so I'm I'm I'm really safe and it has a little bit an S to get more in the center of the boat and here we're having now in fact four doors so going firstly into port side we would be entering the VIP cabin uh sorry the master cabin with the master cabin toilet room which I really like that the toilet room of the master cabin cannot even by excellent really use by daily guests because they would go in there see they in the private room and not enter the toilet as the guest toilet room and the daily toilet room is this one here which I show afterwards then in the front we go in the VIP cabin and here the starboard side we have the kids room or like a um two-level bedroom or we can also have an office but let's go first into I know what I want to show is the this change of materials down here we have this gray uh wall material which I really like and then the the purple door have like an extended Framing and it's all like flush integrated here like really really nice looking and then we also have now really nice Hing is which um has been established now on the 495 in the nimus group so let's go in the VIP cabin in the front which I don't know maybe I would even choose at some point as my preferred cabin what it what it does it's very high it has a very good ventilation possibility because we have um um a port light to the front and as well a hatch to the top then we have for sure blackout Poss posibility here we have a blackout possibility here very important I think and also to the side as we have these huge windows to the side which also have big blackout possibility Port lights even in this big side windows and you know lying in bed from my view here this is like amazingly nice having such a big window being lying here and it's really high above my head I like I I have nearly like 80 I would say 80 cm above me reading lights and something really cool we have an air condition for if you order an air condition the air condition has not a single blowout the air condition blows all behind this this um edge here so the coolness is just against the wall and coming out here so it's not like pinpointing on you so it's a it's really spread it out then cupboards like really loads of storage we have on both sides this huge storage here under the under the walkway even some ventilation in here to the top then we have again a play with different materials so we have this gray material on the wall again then we have this gray on top again with a small Edge so you can store stuff and then this painted wood again with mut like we have it in the kitchen area and then big storage in here or like a really big cupboard with a mirror so I can see my complete body Al also in the other room very important I really like it so it's important to see yourself completely including shoes the women's like that before you going out and this is like really also from the length where you can easily uh hang dresses on this side here if you just maybe move to the other side everything is like lighted very modern but still very um passive I say it's not the like this indirect lightning here I always wanted to do that at home in my in my house but was in the end not sadly and like with this shadow um Edge where it's all lighted I really like this so this this is a very nice and then you have the direct lights also not spots so you also have these bars really flesh put into the ceiling so very very modern nicely done and then we have a again a big cupboard here and in competition to this one this is for hanging and this is really where you really store all your clothes um with loads of shell which I really um find important because many manufacturers this is more expensive many manufacturers just putting hanging um clothes and then nobody's bringing enough stuff from home hanging and then we have um tupig nimbl as well big drawers here also here again this indirect lightning big drawers below here and we're having the mattresses from flexima which is an a manufacturer as standard which is really high quality mattress and then there a surprise you can lift this up here in the front we have some installation but all this room here you can for example put spare blankets or stuff you don't use daily and also left and right here even from the drawers there's extra storage we have for sure sockets left and right to the bed to be able to charge stuff during the night as well as the reading lights have USBC again you know everybody knows I'm not the tallest guy we had this discussion today already but even going here next to the bed I can uh stand very well so it's really a roomy front cabin which um again I I really would maybe even choose so then let's go to this um yeah what is it kids grandchildren whoever like it would for many people it would be a storage room as we can have this as a storage room it was drawn as an office which you still can then change into a bed setup or even in this bunk bed our two first boats we sold they both choosen that for the bank bed because both having grandchildren coming along we have just now the cushion for we forgot to say that so the table in the in the in the back of the boat we can lower the table and make also a sunbed there which is completely protected by the hotb so this is the cushion for that area so we have like kids really like it the the bunk bed here on the port side also reading lights and everything there also again a big amount of storage what I really like is this um paple design of the of the like you maybe see how I grabbed it so it's a it's the um how a cut out here on the side and I grab it from the side and open it and then you it it it is not full material it's quite light but it's put with this um real uh how say in English um texture of the pupple which um looks very modern also the cutouts here for ventilation you see it's burnt so it's black inside so you cannot look inside that makes this ventilation look very high quality and like in a very modern way again here lots of storage and then we have another cupboard hooks everywhere we have another cupboard here to the front also here it's a full room now e use it as a storage or is a space bed but I think maybe I just go into the bed so I get a feeling from the size this is what so it's absolutely I would say on the upper one I can have a good uh stay and I probably would sleep the other way around what I just did is wrong just turn around I I think I would sleep this way even the reading light is there because they have more room but it's fully working okay as a Spam band good so going from starboard side again turn to Port I just go my sneak myself in so then you can just pass what I like really on on this toilet room is the uh I named it already from the outside so we have the Skylight here which so we have daylight down here which doesn't make it so um um um depressive um as we this is like in a house at home if you have skylights but even here in the in the bass room you can open this which are really um like is uh active ventilation even if air conditioning is the best you can have just check if the tone is working um big miror in again this bars of light Proper Storage in here small sink again storage below here also on a on a good level even with a socket inside so you can charge your um toothbrush or or using a haird dryer toilet model techma toilet with electric flush for sure and um fresh water and this is again another textile but it's all the same this like Direction but it's it's like more it's now a plastic but it's um a little bit Yeah rougher and it's in both toilet rooms this choosen as the as the the wall textile and now I I'm a guy when I was a bit younger my parents hated me for staying like taking all the hot water water of the house for staying in the shower so the shower for me still today is a very important room and I love this like if the shower is up and I have not seen that on any boat so we have a rain shower in a boat you know in The Recess here in the in the in the sky or in the roof really ni with a ventilation for sure and then yeah also the normal um then the floor is Coran so we this you can take out to clean it up but we have like a drainage here in a very modern design the whole floor in the bathroom is the the coron in a different color than in the kitchen like in this beige as well as with the sink here and also this whole block here with the tab is in this cor made in this coron this wall here it's um you're going to see that more in the evening is completely plexy so it will bring light into the other bathroom through that light here so when you're in the especially in the other bathroom it it doesn't make the the room so small because light is still it's not blocked by the wall because light is still coming through so this is the wall on the other side to the owner's cabin shower also here very roomy much height really a usable toilet room for the day and now the big surprise again we've been discussing loads about height remember we are able to stand at the helm we this centa cabin is always a compromise but it's not a compromise it's one of the best centa cabins I have been in it's it's amazing big and still very very cozy and my most favorite place is just here and again I know the the the first family bought um the the 495 with us she's already she says she's lying here and she is having one or two of their little grandchild children lying next to her so this will be the preferred bed for the grandchildren to stay with the with the Grandmama but also for me you know if you now we have some spray here but to sit here having the air condition on you know just getting away a little bit from everybody else and having this view out here can open the window there very very nicely done really really a nice place to be so close to the water very little movement down here and the same to the other side so it's because this cabin goes on the full beam so I think I changed my opinion again it's still the one it's still the one to choice to choose this um amazing Master cabin here big bad in the middle yes I don't I can stand up here on the port side so I would say it's one what is it one6 155 but it's not really an issue because from here on I'm going a little bit lower into the like this is the hull so I can already stand up here here I can walk high I can pass here this cupboard will be changed a little bit I will move a bit in so I can pass easily here also to be here on this side you know nobody will stay hours in here and sit here but sometimes there's loads of friends guests up there you just want to take your time you just go down here and sit down and having um maybe you read something before you in the end sit in the bed and read Because here you're much more comfy and then down here we have like a cosmetic drawer or whatever you call it with a small mirror and some storage behind but this cupboard will be modified as I know a little bit because again it will be moved a little bit to the inside to make the walkway here even a bit easier this is no storage there's installation in fact here the window this is what I mean when you put something upstairs so the side window is moving into this box here which we have been using before when I was going out there storage everywhere really nicely done even here next to the bed this is also something I really like like such a round corner it doesn't give much you know it doesn't give more room it would be more room if it would be just a a square one but the design of this is like it's a piece of furniture it's not just a a square piece of wood also here we're having the this um textile again a play a little bit material again we have the Popple we have the textile on top in Gray we have here again this for this painted material we had in with storage below we had in the in the kitchen so again this play of materials but very and then we have this textile again behind the bed with an IND gliding around and also to give a feeling from the side of the bed I have been like it's a very good mattress I have been sleeping here last night very well in that boat it was very quiet no surround noises it's really a very very cozy cabin to be in and it's really really roomy and then we have a TV here on the wall which is for sure optional I wouldn't like to have a TV room in the bedroom but this is up to whatever the personal taste is storage again it's like I don't know if if you going to like oh this is my stuff I just put in there we have a locker down there and a hanging wardrobe also with storage there and then we have another wardrobe on this side here again with shelves where you can store stuff which you don't want to hang the flooring I haven't mentioned yet is optional down here with this Oak design it's a dark oak which we also have on the other C boards as if you don't choose that on the in the living room is standard if you don't choose it down here it will be all carpet then little details um for example here we have on the hello here on the on the side we have even hooks to put some uh hanging clothes just when you got into the bedroom not to need into like like a small wardrobe or just placing like in the evening a phone or something on here oh wa it not off good again what I've explained before you don't need to go through the hallway I think you say in English to go to the toilet which I really like so you can really shut yourself off and having the entrance here to the toilet room which is the last room down here to show again we're having this nice Coran Bish um tops and floor also again big storage down here and really nice what I really like because I'm shaving myself wet and it's always a difficult on the boat so you can really have big light here and you can really see yourself in the mirror it sounds uh weird but I think this is you know in the end also for everybody very important also this distinguish here for something big and something smaller to use the room better and also with the edge here this is you know I would say Anna for you you would say this must be this is standard but it's not it's many bols not the case that things are that functional as here so now we yeah see we can be with two people in here yeah no problem so I can open this even to the outside um here again this is the wall and you can see now there's some light coming through so the room is not so much blocked here and we have again the rain shower here and this shower is even more comfortable in here I can really move myself around and also the Cor floor is to be taken out so we have a um like a a clean flooring without the the tap to be um seen here again there the gray material we have enough lights out and the ventilation so very comfortable owner's toilet room or bus room whatever you call it good good I think that's it down here have you seen anything Anna which you want to point out no no you know what um anything else some technical stuff water tank waste tank this is the entrance to the build so not very technical but we have the water tank and some water like water pump installation so on we have mainly under this bed as the front bed as you seen is mainly storage then we have but for that we make a cut we have a very technical room I'm still going to say show we're going to show the engine room and we're also going to show the platform later on with the usability as a as the not only the bathing platform is also an extra social area which is um a very nice um tool especially when the go boat goes to the Mediterranean but let's go then to some technical room and the engine room before we do the bathroom platform so we have neither big storage room uh in the center here typically with Nimble inside of the kitchen area in this boat we have a gyro installed so the room is a little bit smaller so if you have a gyro this room is utilized for the dry we also have still some material down lying down there so it's good to film from my side now so we have here now on the port side the water tank we have all the victron like the um Chargers the small Chargers all the Boost system is all on on this wall and on this floor level now would be the storage room or this is part of the battery group even this level and this is now I think it's the X15 I'm not 100% sure but I will tell that to Michelle so he can blend it IR so this is the gyro which is needed to be operated by the generator which is also installed that boat so if you want to have a gyro you need a generator it's not possible with the lithium setup and this is the sorry this is the diesel tank as I said before the water tank is below the bed this is the two diesel tanks all ped on starbs time separated and then I going to go in the engine room also it's going to be a little bit warm now because we have been driving until just before so we having two IPS 650s beautiful installation here in the engine room we have a 80 L water heater we have a diesel separator which you can switch we have in this boat installed a diesel heater we have the Fisher Panda control and separate battery there we have a 15,000 E Fisher Panda generator which I said before needed for the um for the quick gyu then we're having here on the port side we can move everywhere we have the system for the hydraulic platform the filter which is accessible from the top from the generator we have here the air condition the air condition filter another diesel heater again the filter separation we have an engine room camera we have the um pressure tank for the air condition as it is a chiller system and here we have all the um inverter we have here the isolation Transformer is an option and we have the K 5000 which is the inverter with the um charger unit which is um yeah 12vt but 5,000 kilowatt we have aiz aluminium flooring and as we the boat is only available with IPS system with fire extinguishing system so IPS which um brings this um 480 horsepower it's called IPS 650 but it's 480 horsepower engines the boat up to a speed we had it today on 29 knots cruising speed in the range of 24 knots so it's not a racing boat but it's for the power it has a very fast boat and it has with the IPS loads of um loads of Advantage when it comes to the assisting docking which I'm going to explain a little bit later and just close this one here so you can move easier I don't know you know because we're having so much still to do today I just want to maybe do the end already maybe it's cut it somewhere in between because we do some more material this boat as I said in the beginning been sweating is so warm down there is so much me and my company in Germany so my family is Nimbus dealer since 1982 and that's why I also made this video now in English to have this information not only for us in Germany as a dealer as we are very proud to be able to have sold already two of this beautiful 495 but it's also respect to the nimos family every employee inside of nimus from the guys who laminated that boat to every rtion to the whole design team around Yim to the sales team who made this possible to be here today to enrik who made all the pictures since I can remember so it's such a a good feeling in that company and this boat is just a new U that have been created with this amazing group of people and when you see how beautiful this landscape is here then you understand why a Scandinavian designer tries to get the nature into a boat as many Mediterraneans I think because of the strong Sun try to keep the nature a little bit out to block the boat a little bit more to make it somehow cozy to let the Sun out and make it a little bit more yeah protected which I don't think is the right thing because this is what we just experiencing here even with this huge back window here which is giving me this extra room out here is a unique feeling which um I have not seen in the market so far and again that makes me very proud and I want to thank everybody inside of nimbus or every company supported Nimbus to be able to produce the design and produce such an amazing boat and I'm looking forward to have the first one in the Mediterranean in mayorca in the end of the year beginning of next year and many to follow and as I said before there will be also PBO coming which will then fit much better into the German market and I'm looking forward and my whole team in travel TR looking forward of delivering many 495 so thank you to everybody involved in that project and we give with this video I give a big promise and I hope every dealer colleague who watches this video has the same opinion we're going to sell many of these boats and I hope you watching that video going to help me with this and buying a few of them thank you very much [Music] [Music]
Channel: Boote Polch: Nimbus Paragon Aquador Axopar Brabus
Views: 21,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jonas Göthberg, Nimbus Werft, Nimbus T8, Nimbus C8, Nimbus W9, Nimbus T9, Nimbus C9, Nimbus C11, Nimbus T11, Nimbus 305 Coupé, Nimbus 305 Drophead, Nimbus 365 Coupé, Nimbus 405 Coupé, Nimbus 405 Flybridge, 495 Flybridge, 495 Coupé, 465, W11, Nimbus E-power, Boote Polch, Traben-Trarbach
Id: _pNDf1VMWsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 4sec (4084 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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