2022 RIVIERA 78 Flagship BLUEWATER Ocean Capable LONG-RANGE Motor Yacht Tour

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(bass note drops) (bass note drops) (bass note drops) (upbeat music) Welcome aboard Riviera 78 Motor Yacht - World Premiere. You guys know Riviera Yachts are a fantastic, great reputation, Australian shipyard, and we rarely get to show you some of these models and we're really, really excited to show you a very detailed tour of this one. Well, let's start on the swim platform. - [Rico] Which is a hydraulic swim platform. And another cool thing is these steps. - Yeah, - [Rico] Also lower down and raise up. - When you say the steps, you don't really explain it. This is something I haven't seen before. These two are actually built-in steps. - [Rico] Correct, if you lower down the platform, you would actually have two steps going onto the platform. So when you're in the Mediterranean or in the Bahamas or you don't have a floating dock, you have fixed docks, you can actually use it to get up onto the dock if you go stern in, and because this platform rises up and then you have two steps actually to the platform. So it's almost a little bit like your passerelle. - Okay you guys, please forgive this plane that's circling and the sound, there's nothing we can do, we got to go through the tour, there are people waiting to get on board. All right, this is super cool. - [Rico] So, we have a massive lazarette. - Yeah, - [Rico] Huge lazarette for your toys, for your fenders, for your lines, for your brackets, for your shocks, your dinghy shocks sitting in there. - Yeah, and speaking of that, look, they thought of everything. So like these staples here, for example, they already built-in proper storage for them, so you don't have to think about it. - [Rico] Correct. - No rattling. Just going right in there and properly stored. There's tool boxes there, whatever you have. - [Rico] Got the Pelican Cases there. - [Victoria] Yup. - [Rico] So you can put more sensitive stuff in there. It's a lot of storage space here. - We have a built-in shower here, - [Rico] Yup. - which is nice as well. This creates an extra shade, also you can figure out some kind of way of creating more of a even shaded area if you wanted to, put some loungers here and to really hang out. - [Rico] Yeah, if you wanted to. - Yeah, it's, it's pretty cool. - [Rico] Let's step forward. - (hands clap) All right, let's go up. - [Rico] So we got a Glendinning cable reel system on either side of the vessel. - [Victoria] Ah, there's your transom shower. - [Rico] Which is pretty cool. - [Victoria] Yeah, I couldn't, I didn't even know what it was. Well, it's definitely well hidden. - [Rico] A portion comes out. We got hydraulic winches here to pull you in, stern too. - [Victoria] What's this? So what it is, is when you tie up the line right here, you put the leftover line in here. So there's a bit of a space here in between. - [Rico] Yeah, you can, exactly. - [Victoria] So it's nicely tucked away. - [Rico] Right where we come up, we have a docking station right here. Really great visibility on the side deck and also going stern too, also from here a great visibility. - So we are in our cockpit and they use this alfresco dining area a lot and it was a big emphasis on it being kind of outdoor, you know, exterior/interior space. And I think they've accomplished it. A really good job with it. You know, this is making me laugh because in the last review tour that we did, we had this squeaky, squeaky. - [Rico] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I remember they were really squeaky dock. - [Rico] The sound from the dock. - And it was so annoying and I feel like this plane is just, it's like a deja vu all over again. So to entertain this area, we have a full blown bar here. We have a sink right here. Trash, very nice, look, they've actually built-in a trash can here. Something you don't see everywhere. - [Rico] How about this drink fridge? I mean two side by side with a glass door, I really, really like this. - Oh, that looks really practical. You can see what's there, you just. - [Rico] And instead of opening it, and then trying to figure out what - Great idea. - [Rico] you want to drink, you only look before, open it, take the drink you want. - Love, love, love that idea. Oh boy, another heavy one. - [Rico] No, come on. - It is heavy. - [Rico] Don't make it seem like it's super heavy. - It's heavy. - [Rico] So you got two side by side grills. - Barbies, electric barbies. And here we have, an ice maker. - [Rico] Great setup. - That's truly all you need. What's this? - [Rico] Breaker panel? - Nope. - [Rico] No, TV. - Built-in and you can just swivel it out. - [Rico] Very nice. - And it's a nice thing. - [Rico] And it's always protected. - Yeah. - [Rico] It has a gasket around, - Exactly. - [Rico] I saw that, so you keep the humidity out. - So what's there, also a TV? - [Rico] No, just storage. - (laughs) Just storage. Hey, if you don't open, you don't know, that's, you know, it's a big thing and I'm just gonna point this out, we'll see it when we go in the interior, this massive window goes all the way down. It's electric. - [Rico] Nice. - And it creates this super cool open space. What do we think? Go forward? - [Rico] Yes. - Okay, not high low. So this is a stationary one. and I like how the built-in these cup holders here as well. - [Rico] Yeah, it's a very good idea actually. - [Victoria] Very smart. - [Rico] As you guys can see, you have a little bit off this windows here already. Then you can close it up if you want to. You have the sun shade here in the back, which comes up and down. So you can technically close the space up and you can air condition it. - Yup, very good idea. - [Rico] Yeah. - Absolutely, all right, let's go forward. - [Rico] Let's walk forward. We get the side boarding doors on both sides. Port and starboard. - This is cool, check this out. - [Rico] Oh, you got a gauge there. - [Victoria] For fueling. Yeah, that comes very, very handy. I like it, it's definitely... - [Rico] Because. -NBBL, I think that's a great idea. Unless you have a little iPad thing you can carry with you, which is another option. - [Rico] Because we've all been there, you're fueling up and you're constantly like, hey what? Where we at? - How is it looking? - [Rico] Is it, oh 95%, okay. - Really comfortable walkway going forward. - [Rico] Yes. And then right here we have our side entrance going into the salon. (laughs) - [Rico] Salon. - And now we go more forward. What's this, huh? - [Rico] Now there's your water/fuel. Same thing. - [Victoria] Same thing. - [Rico] You have a gauge there as well. - That's quite brilliant for water as well. - [Rico] So you know how much water you have over fuel when you're filling. - Oh - [Rico] Wow. - That's fantastic size. - [Rico] Then you have a gasket all around as well. - Everything smells so new. - [Rico] It is new. - It's just like this new car smell, new boat smell. - [Rico] So, we got Fender/Line Storage here. - And then this is unique to this model. So we have this big lounging area here, convertible space. This backrest can go up, makes it for like a super comfortable area to hang out. And this space here can actually hold our tender because we have a tender lift right here. - [Rico] Oh, got it. This tender crane actually has a capacity of about 1,350 lbs., 650 kilograms. So you can have the tender or jet ski or any other motorized toy actually sitting here. Put the cradles up there and then tie it down, which underway, if you do a longer distance, it's probably a good spot to be because it also helps you trim your boat having the weight forward instead of having it on the swim platform. - Yes, agreed. And I'm gonna point out what's interesting is they left that whole area underneath completely open, which makes it very easy to clean and also makes it very easy to store whatever you like to store. But it being a semi-custom, I'm sure if you would want to have an enclosed trunk spaces, you probably can. It's interesting how they left it here. You can see how much space is there without actually looking. All right, and what do we got at the bow? - [Rico] So here we have a single anchor set up. We have a very large Windlass stainless steel ultra anchor and then we have our anchor locker right here. All with nice shocks, a little staircase going in there, anchor chain right in the center. And then on both sides on the outboard side you have Fender/Line Storage. - Shall we go aft and check out the interior? - [Rico] And just quickly we have pole receptacles here so you can actually shade the whole foredeck - Oh yeah because look, you've got the track running right there. So you can shade this area with the poles. Also, you can completely, easily cover this area here 'cause you have tracks all around. If you put a tender there or just without a tender, you can just easily close it up and it will just stay nice. - [Rico] Protect the whole foredeck. - Nice and clean and protected. Storage, more storage. (hand thuds) (upbeat music) Let's go check out that interior. Come on in. I'd like it, it drops us right into the galley. (laughs) Favorite place. All right, well immediately you see this signature Riviera wood. They do fantastic woodwork. All right, what do we have in a galley? - [Rico] First of all, we have an electric window. - Is it electric? - [Rico] Yes it is. - Oh man, uh-huh. Well this makes a huge difference when you're entertaining out there. - [Rico] Right? - That is really cool. Because literally like people can sit there and hang out and you can just serve right there and be still part of the conversation. They don't need to be in here necessarily. It's completely open. - [Rico] If it's not too hot like it was right now and you have the air conditioned blasting, you would just open it up and it's all indoor/outdoor. - Great feature. All right, I'll start with the best. We have a fridge, - [Rico] Mm-hmm. - Couple of (inhaling sharply) freezer drawers. - [Rico] Yeah. - Those are really cold. What Riviera does really well, all their hardware is very good quality. Every time I'm like just beautiful hardware, great job. Unusual. I've yet to see two microwave convection ovens side by side. Interesting choice. But I guess you know, they know how to use their boats so. - [Rico] Yeah. - So we have, is that a three-burner? - [Rico] It's a Miele Induction. It could be one. - Oh, this could be anything. - [Rico] Universal, universal field, yeah. - Okay. So this is an induction cooktop and then we have some drawers down here. - [Rico] Oh, deep drawers. Deep drawers actually. - Yeah, good size here. Then we have...look, - [Rico] Yeah. - they pick all the right hardware. - [Rico] All the right hardware. - This is, this is the way to go. Keep seeing the right combinations. Oh, how does this work? - [Rico] Love the cups. - Oh, you just take them out like this. - [Rico] Yeah, take them out like that. (cups clanking) But there's no rattling. - No. - [Rico] They're all in their own space. - Nothing is happening. So we still have storage here. Let's open, see what else cool stuff they came up with. Yeah, look there's glassware as well, yeah. - [Rico] Yeah, look a little bit is going away for the hood, the vent. - And same thing here. I like this glass wire things. And then we have our dual sink here. - [Rico] I mean. - Different size. - [Rico] If you turn it around, you drop it back in. It's your cutting board. - Like it a lot for this size of the galley. It's a great feature. - [Rico] So I like that. - This thing? - [Rico] Yeah, the little strainer basket. - That you're talking about having a strainer basket. - [Rico] Yup. - We literally just discussed this, you guys. We were talking about sinks. - [Rico] You holding this? - We had a sink conversation and that was the conversation. Okay, what else we got here? I'm going to open stuff up, all right? Didn't let me open anything on the last boat, so I will open stuff on this one. - [Rico] It was a little large to be opening everything. - Well that's true. All right, really deep drawers. Like deep this way, tall. - [Rico] Mm-hmm. - Oh, I like this mechanisms, soft closing, ah-huh. - [Rico] Drawer dishwasher. - Yes. - [Rico] It's a dual drawer, right? - No - [Rico] Oh, no one okay. - No, just one. And a couple more, really deep drawers too. - [Rico] So then I think there's a second fridge. - Oh no way. - [Rico] And freezer combo. - Oh no. - [Rico] Ha. - That's our pantry. They tricked you. - [Rico] But you know what, there's a fridge/freezer combo below. - This is a fridge, no dual fridge. - [Rico] Dual fridge. - Yeah. Dual fridge and a pantry. But again, being semi-custom, if you wanted to do a second fridge looks like you could totally do that. If you want to have the same thing as on that side. - [Rico] We have the Sea Zone monitor here, one of the Sea Zone monitors, which is the yacht management system. So it's fairly conveniently located right next to your exit door. So if you wanna turn off your lights when you leave the boat or turn off equipment in general, very easy, just touch screen and off you go. - Nice, okay, then this is cool Rico, check it out. So you have separate trash, you know, you can actually separate however you want, but what's cool about this, is you could do this. So if you're having people on board. - [Rico] I would use this all the time. - You would just leave it open or if you're cooking and you don't wanna think about it. But look, you even have a separation right in the middle. - [Rico] Yep. - So you can. - [Rico] You can go either way. - Properly, throw stuff in. - [Rico] And you know what, like even at home, I gotta say it really bothers me all the time. You have to pull the drawer open. - Agreed, agreed. - [Rico] To get to the, get to the trash. I would just have this open while I'm cooking or prepping anything in the kitchen or a galley in this case. - Fantastic. - [Rico] And you just, you just pop it in there. - Kind of in the NBBLing. - [Rico] Yeah. - An idea of having something like this. We just got to figure out where to put it and what's the best way to achieve it. I do like it a lot. - There's one more drawer. Hold on. - [Rico] Okay. And there there's a drawer. - Yeah. (Rico and Victoria laughing) - [Rico] Cool thing, the separation here, a little bit of a splash guard from the galley. - [Victoria] Yeah. - [Rico] Is lit up. - [Victoria] Up lit. - [Rico] Up lit? - Or is it, what is it back lit something? - [Rico] It's, it's, it's, it's lit up. - (laughs) It's lit, it's lit. - [Rico] Can't see the little bit right now. Let me see. - Nah, you see it. - [Rico] Can see it in the camera? - You see it. - [Rico] But at nighttime, I'm pretty sure it looks incredible. - And then they left some exposed storage here. Just kind of give this like homey vibe. We have an L-shaped sofa. Great little sitting area. - [Rico] Large windows. - Yeah. I like this big ottoman that everyone's going with it seems. Seems like it's divided because you can just put it here and you can literally take a nap here. Yeah, the windows are huge, really nice. Good headroom, I would say 6'9". - [Rico] Yeah, 6'9". - Of headroom. - [Rico] Roughly 6'9". - I can measure it now with my hand. - [Rico] And get the speakers built-in into the ceiling. So it's a 5.1 system, so if you want to watch movies, you can watch movies with theater sound and the TV is actually up there in the ceiling. A really large panel. So it's a pop, pop down, drop down, a drop down TV. - Feeling like you're having conversation with yourself right now! (laughs) - [Rico] No, with the viewers. - Oh, okay. And then we going forward on our port. Okay, this is cool. I got to say, definitely a first, yet to see it anywhere else. It's a good little breakfast nook as well, if you know. - [Rico] That's what I would use. - Just the small, yeah. You would, you would have, you would use it all the time. But if you really want to socialize and not have the table here and just having kind of a cocktail interior space, what you can do is, check this out. Right here, you'll pop this up right here. - [Rico] Mm-hmm. - Then you take this cushions off and then you just literally fold this table in. Just as it locks. You see these spaces here. - [Rico] Yeah. It just folds back over. - Fold it in and then you put the cushions back and literally just the table magically disappeared. - [Rico] Table would be gone. - Pretty innovative. - [Rico] Interesting. - I think it's something I've not seen before. And then we still have a whole separate bar area because you cannot have enough bars. Uh-huh. - [Rico] More glassware. - Look everything is properly, oh. - [Rico] Properly secured as well. - Yeah. - [Rico] Exactly. When you underway, nothing is banging. - Well, Riviera yachts are, you know, being from Australia, they definitely are built to go offshore and to be able to go into, you know. - [Rico] Handle some rough sea. - Yeah, so I think the way that they've designed stuff. They want to make sure that nothing's rattling and things are in the right place. There's grab rails everywhere as we're going through. You'll see they're really big on the grab rails. Their boats are built to travel, so they do a great job of that. All right, let's look at the bar. - [Rico] Another fridge. - Yeah. - [Rico] Drink fridge. - Why not? Then we have a wine cooler, drink fridge, wine cooler, whatever fridge you want it to be actually. And then here another trash can, clever. That's one thing that I yet to see in a lot of the bar areas is actually designated trash can. - [Rico] Yeah. - Think about it. I don't see it that often. What's this for? - [Rico] Just a little drawer. - Just a little drawer. Oh maybe like. - [Rico] For your bottle openers. - Yeah, you're right. Yeah, it's exactly what it is. Sink here. - [Rico] And more stemware storage and it's all nicely lit up. - Very cool. - [Rico] Definitely my favorite closing mechanisms. - They just not loud guys. - [Rico] No. - Even when they're loud. Look, they're not loud. - [Rico] It's not bad at all. - Mm-hmm. - [Rico] Yeah. - So then we have our side door going out or in. - [Rico] That's actually electric weather door. - Exactly, well we saw it on the exterior and then here we have a bit more storage. - [Rico] Mm-hmm. - All right, so I guess we'll go down below and check out the staterooms. - [Rico] Yes. - Well first of all, this is very grand. It definitely feels like a little mini super yacht feel when you're going down. - [Rico] Even having the glass here just makes it feel so open. - And look at these nonskid. It's really, really comfortable. I don't think anyone's falling down on the stairs. It's really comfortable. - [Rico] It's, it's like a huge foyer here. - You got so much light coming in through here. It's beautiful. - [Rico] Because you have the windshield, kind of like right overhead. - [Victoria] Yeah. - [Rico] So it's almost like a skylight. - So should we go forward first? - [Rico] Sure. - Okay, so we'll go all the way forward. All the way forward. And it drops us in our VIP, which is quite far forward. Check it out. But they were able to still accomplish a really good amount of headroom. I would say probably like a 6'8" or something. It's pretty nice. And that is interesting too. They left a bit of an exposed storage to just kind of give it a feel. It's actually a good spot for like, you know, putting a phone. - [Rico] Phone at night. - [Victoria] Yeah, a good little area. Usually missing that, we have two overhead hatches facing the right way. So you can open it for some ventilation. - [Rico] It's an almost regular queen size bed that only misses tiny, tiny amount of the pillows. - [Victoria] No, I think it's really good. And then let's see how tall this is, ooh. - [Rico] Almost. - Exactly, exactly, 5'7". Well you standing on that on that step, so. A really tall step. But what I'm saying is still very good, very good height here. - [Rico] Yeah. - Okay, and then for forward cabin, you guys know the forward cabins are always lacking the headroom. All right, so we have. - [Rico] Got a rope. - Yeah. A what? - [Rico] A robe. - Oh yeah, a robe. That's my new thing, now you guys, I just learned something (door thuds) that I am totally gonna use all the time. You will not. You've heard it here for the first time. You will not hear me say wardrobe. I'm just going to say rope all the time. - [Rico] What's that? - What? - [Rico] What's with that Ace Ventura look there? - You don't like this. (Rico laughing) Okay, wait, you screwed up my moment. - [Rico] So we got a TV and - You screwed up my moment. - [Rico] TV and a soundbar. All right, so we have another hanging locker here. - [Victoria] But you don't get, yeah, you keep your hanging locker. I'm the one who going to say robe anyway. Apparently that's what Australians say. Instead of wardrobe, they say rope. Which is like way cooler. So I'm totally going to say that. - [Rico] Agreed, agreed. - All right, now we stepping into our en suite. So this is the forward en suite. Really nice, beautifully done. Good amount of space in here, actually. Look how oversized massive these are. - [Rico] That's great. - Wow. - [Rico] For me that's an NBBL. - You like this? - [Rico] I love it. - But how does, oh so one goes behind, one goes forward? - [Rico] It gets in the end of the day, like if you underway. - Yeah. - [Rico] and boat is moving, someone's taking a shower. - Yeah. - [Rico] No matter what kind of rail is there, even if it's a towel rail or whatever it is, people will hold onto it. - That's a really good point. I didn't think of that. - [Rico] So I'd rather have it overbuild like this. - [Victoria] Yeah. - [Rico] Than having something really cute looking. But the first time someone leans on it, it's ripping out of the wall. - That's a good point. All right, let's see, now we. - [Rico] If you agree with me, put it down in the comments please. - All right, this is really cute. I like how they caulk this and with that. - [Rico] Very cute. - Yeah that looks really nice. - [Rico] And a nice rain shower head. - That's cute too, man love the... - [Rico] So anyway, so I didn't show this when Victoria was pointing it out, but she was talking about this. - [Victoria] Yeah, this right here. - [Rico] Is it caulked? No, it's kind of, it's like inlays. - [Victoria] What is that? - [Rico] I'm not sure, but it looks very nice. - It's almost like a resin in there. Looks really cool. - [Rico] Yeah. - All right, so we have one person, good size, one person. - [Rico] Comfortable one person shower right? - Good headroom. That we have some openable portholes. And in case you guys have not seen our video of the Riviera that we've toured about a year ago I think. You can check it out and then pop off while I'll put it in the description underneath the video. But I really like the feature that they have this sensors on all their openable portholes. It's standard for the brand. So if a porthole is open and you're about to be underway, you will have sensor that they're open. You know you can get. - [Rico] An alarm, yeah. - Very cool, yeah. So built-in sink. - [Rico] Beautiful right? - This looks nice. - [Rico] Yeah, I just saw that. Thought you would like it. - I like it. It's very simple but it will be timeless and you're not gonna have any like caulking problems. - [Rico] Agreed, it's one piece. - Maybe it's the way to go. Yeah, I like all of this. I like these, I like this. There's space there. Loving it. - [Rico] Right? - All right, let's get going. - [Rico] Moving aft. - Okay, let's go here first. - [Rico] All right. - All right, so we are going to go on our port and we have this double cabin which can easily, with a push of a button and a slide could just electrically become one, - [Rico] Um. - which is pretty cool. Yeah, the headroom is fantastic. It's very good. - [Rico] Um-hmm. - So if it's one, you will have a good little walk around on the side there. Got a TV, it's got some storage here. (cabinet thuds) Same thing, porthole with a sensor. - [Rico] Nice window size too. - It's kind of cool. Everything's nice and safe in there. Whatever you put in there, you never have to worry that underway something is gonna come flying. Think about it, like even if you put a water bottle or something, it's not going anyway. - [Rico] It's not going anywhere, yeah. - It's pretty cool. Even know if you had anchor and at night someone's passing you and creating some wake. (door thuds) Everything's staying in. We've got a hanging robe. - [Rico] Um-hmm. - Can you say hanging robe? Or is it just robe? - [Rico] I don't know. - You guys let us know. The Australians speak up. - [Rico] Aussies, Aussies. - Is it just robe or is it hanging robe. Okay, hanging robe sounds weird. Hello, so this is our en suite. An en suite for this cabin and a shared head for another cabin, I'm gonna check next. Same thing, some storage, storage, storage. Oh, lots of storage, actually check this out. Very nice, I think I would add another shelf. That would be my little add on. And then we have toilet and one person shower. - [Rico] Also with the rain shower head. - Decent size, yeah. - [Rico] It's built-in. - Keep going, keep going. Now when our starboard, this cabin is configured as double as well. You could make it an office, you can semi-custom, you can kind of reconfigure it however you want. This would be a cute little office. - [Rico] Um-hmm. - Yeah, if you work from from your boat a lot, you've got a robe and then some office storage right there. Very nice, drawers here. It's nice and it will share that head. - [Rico] Nice little cabin. - Let's go check out the owner's suite. (upbeat music) Ta-da all the way, midship. All the way aft on the cabins. - [Rico] Yeah, midship. - Midship, midship. And we have. - [Rico] A walk-in robe. - A walk-in, why you keep stealing my stuff? We have a walk-in robe. This is really cute, it's got like lower storage even. Nicely done with a really nice window. - [Rico] Which is also your, I mean your hanging rail. It's going right there, but still it's amazing. - I think if I was a kid I would hide here all the time and scare people, such a perfect space. Check this out. This is neat. Come in here. Check this out. Look what they did here. - [Rico] Full-size mirror. - They have a full-size mirror, which you definitely need when you're walking out of your cabin. But they've completely flush fitted this door. (door thuds) How brilliant is that? Are we walking into our owner suite, full beam. Is this a king size? - [Rico] That is a king size. - Yeah, good size bed. - [Rico] Might even be a California king. - It's, it feels very large. Do you also have drawers on your side? Yeah, right? - [Rico] Yes, I do. - See here. - [Rico] Let's show the ones on your side. - Big drawers. - [Rico] Oh, wow. - Wow, impressive. So you've got, we've got four of them, two on each side. Wow, they really used every. - [Rico] There's a lot of storage. - Yeah, that's very smart. You've got a little settee storage underneath. Yeah, look at this. A really substantial nightstands. Like you can properly put a whole bunch of stuff in there. Pretty cool, yeah. They're like why waste, you know, storage, it's important. - [Rico] Yeah, exactly. Got drawers there and then office storage here as well. Look at the size of those windows. You've got an openable porthole and you feel really low to the water. - [Rico] Imagine like this would be your head height when you are actually getting up in the morning. It's a nice view out of the window. - You actually have a proper office space. You could work in here. You've got drawers on each side, lots of storage. Props to you guys. - [Rico] It is actually proper office. - And this could be your getting ready makeup space and function as also your work desk. And where Rico is standing, we have our en suite. Come on in, oh this is cute. They even fit in a full walk-in separate. Check this out. It's a full door but it allows to have extra light coming in. - [Rico] Very nice. - Yeah, it even has a bidet function. And then we have dual sinks. These are different. They're not like the other cabins, so. Kind of stands out. And then we have some drawers. Full mirror here and check out the shower. The shower is a little step up. - [Rico] Oh, that's interesting. - Yeah, see like they kind. - [Rico] Because you're all the way outboard. - Yeah and they resolve the headroom because where you are, there's a sitting area I think. And this comes up, so you have this headroom here. - [Rico] Plenty still. - You could do, oh yeah, it's great. Great headroom here, absolutely. And it's a really good two person shower, it's great. Plus this little bench here. It's nice, you openable porthole. Same thing, everything is sensors. Love it. - [Rico] Yep. - All right, where are we going next? - [Rico] Going up to the sky lounge. - We haven't seen the sky lounge yet. - [Rico] Nope. - Okay, let's go. (upbeat music) And up we go. It's this massive stairs, still so cool. Rails built-in everywhere. You guys can tell for safety. Oh, its a breaker panel. Welcome to the sky lounge of the brand new Riviera 78. It's very interesting. They did some cool stuff in here. First of all, again, built-in rails everywhere. What's this? - [Rico] Oh. - Oh, it's kind of added storage everywhere they could. There's TV right here. Interesting thing about this couch. You can actually convert it into a bed. It's a pull out bed. So, before you go any further, - [Rico] Ah, that's right. - I want you to demonstrate that you can close up this space and make it very private and have it as your overflow. - [Rico] So this panel actually comes down and then there's another panel here to the side which also unlocks and unfolds down and closes up this stairwell for privacy for night passages. - Yeah. - [Rico] Where you don't want to have any kind of light pollution up here. And also if there's still a party going on and you want to, you want to keep the sound out, you can close it up. - Yeah, so that's pretty cool. So you can have it as overflow cabin because we might, just might have a day head on this level. All right, but let's keep going here first and then we'll talk about that. So we have drink fridge. - [Rico] Another fridge. - Yeah, they do that quite well Riviera, good job. We have a sink. You have everything to entertain and function here. - [Rico] And trash. - Trash. - [Rico] Yep. - Another fridge. - [Rico] Another fridge. - Yeah, I mean you could, you know, live up here. Got cup holders, very nice. - [Rico] Actually very convenient to have all this on the flybridge. - All right, what do we got on this? - [Rico] Sky lounge. - Flybridge. - [Rico] So the helm has... - Oh these are really comfy. - [Rico] The helm has three helm chairs. One captain chair, two passenger chairs or co-pilot chairs. There electric, so you can electrically, as you can see you have the buttons there. So do you wanna try it out? - No, I'm good. - [Rico] Oh, okay. You're comfortable there, yeah? - Yes, very nice. - [Rico] Very nice helm chairs actually. - Yeah, they're very comfortable. - [Rico] I really like this how this console is built out here, right on the right hand side of the helm chair. So I'm gonna go in the helm chair. I wanna see how it feels. - [Victoria] Really? - You do the helm. - [Victoria] All right. So we have four large Garmin displays right here, which you can change and put whatever you want on. Then we have our Fusion stereo right here. Some kind of a control thing there, not sure what that is. And we have a cup holder and then it's a really slick helm with everything just being perfectly integrated. I really like the blue lighting. We have a Sea Zone Management System here. What? - Yeah, it's pretty good. - [Victoria] Why are you laughing? - No, it's good, it's good. - [Victoria] You really think I cannot do a tour. - Keep going, keep going. - [Victoria] I can do it. We have our VHF radio here, our MAN M-A-N engine controls, ports, starboard, ignition, stop/start, all that good stuff. This is off so I don't know what that is. And then we have our sunroof open and close. That brings us to our sunroof, which is pretty, pretty cool. So you open this up completely. So that would make it very nice. Then we have our bilge pumps switches here. Then we have our steering wheel, our bow and stern thruster controls right here. Some kind of display here, doesn't really matter. Okay, I'll do what I can till the end and then you'll just finish it. - [Rico] Okay. - All right. So we've got our zero speed stabilizers. Okay, then we have a search light control here, sea fire, fire suppression system, cup holders. These are all our light controls here and this is super, super cool. Okay, so we're gonna now look at the port window. Boom, how cool is that? - [Rico] So this actually makes it into an open flybridge setup. - Pretty much if you leave this window open, we have exact same window on our starboard. We have a sun roof we can open and we still have our big sliding door aft. So if you open all that up, it is a pretty sweet, pretty much an open flybridge. Okay, then we also have our joy stick control here, how you drive the boat. Then we have our engine throttles, forward, neutral, reverse, cruise control. Yeah, well you know, anyway, that's your throttles. Then you have your wiper control, your Garmin autopilot and all your other Garmin stuff. (Rico snorts) - [Rico] So your Garmin remote controls are right here, autopilot exactly. Shift and throttle controls. And then this boat has M-A-N or MAN engines. You actually have a joystick here which incorporates the main engines and the thrusters. So you can maneuver the boat, to dock the boat, very conveniently with a joystick, it's pretty cool. - I think I did quite alright. - [Rico] I think you did pretty well. - All right, thank you, yeah. - [Rico] I think you did pretty well. - All right, you put me on the spot, but like what is that thing that I couldn't figure it out. - [Rico] This one here? - [Victoria] Yes. - [Rico] I don't know either. - [Victoria] Oh, look at that. - [Rico] It doesn't say anything on it. - [Victoria] What's that? - [Rico] That would be the air condition control. - [Victoria] Oh well that's, (blowing raspberry) okay. All right - [Rico] Let's move aft. - I thought I did well. Oh this looks like a charging station, I missed that. - [Rico] It is wireless charging, yes. - [Victoria] And we still have like storage down there. Some drawers underneath the helm. You really, that's all you had to add to my tour. - [Rico] Yeah, it wasn't much. - I'm pretty happy with myself right now. All right, let's go. We going aft. This is our big sliding door that we talked about. Look, it goes all the way and opens all the way. So if we open that up, all those windows, that's a great amount of space. We have our day head right here. Pretty sweet, cute little sink in here. Some storage even, if you need it. And it's got privacy window in there. And then on our port, right? These are our access stairs to go up to the hard top and service electronics. And then we have a ice maker here. - [Rico] Nice size trash. - They really get it about the trash. - [Rico] You need, you need to have proper trash. - And we still have our drink fridge here. I will bet you this is a sink, ah, I won. And then yeah, we have a little bar that we can really entertain up here, two bar stools. - [Rico] It's a nice little area. I think if it's not too hot outside, this would be my breakfast spot right there. - Oh, you'll come up here with breakfast? - [Rico] Yeah, either sitting at the bar here. - Yeah. - [Rico] Or sitting at the table over there. - True, very true. I mean you can also have a barbecue up here. - [Rico] Yes. - A barbie, Ken and a Barbie. And then we have convertible table here with some good handrails as well. Built-in cup holders 'cause they know that's important. And then look at these Rico. - [Rico] All the way aft on both sides. - Wow. - [Rico] We have aft docking stations. - This is cool. - [Rico] We got your engine controls here, your engine monitor and the joystick to maneuver in and dock. So now I'm just gonna close this quick so I can actually go here and show you guys. It is incredible, the visibility is amazing and since you are all the way aft, I don't even have to lean over. I can see the entire aft very comfortably from up here. - This is unique. They actually upholstered this part right here. I've not seen that, I think ever. So actually if you're hanging out here, that you're gonna spend a lot of time doing, it's kind of cool. You actually have some sort of a comfy place. - [Rico] So for like entertaining, like you're having some, you know sundowner here on the top deck. - Yeah. - [Rico] If people lean usually against it and it makes it very comfortable. - So we have the same station on this side and then. - [Rico] Very comfortable space. Get the radar domes up there, GPS antenna, VHF antenna, open array radar, a weather station right up there. Let's go and check out the crew quarters and engine room. - Let's do it. Fusion radio up here as well, control. - [Rico] Yep, another head unit, yeah. - All right, let's go down. (upbeat music) Very, very comfortable staircase. - [Rico] Oh, it's another wireless charging station right here. Oh, did you see this? All kinds of breaker panels right here. Great spot to put them. - [Victoria] Yeah, great access. And check this out. Nice and organized fuel shutoffs. - [Rico] Oh, nice. - [Victoria] Yeah. And you can pull your fire suppression system right here. If you think you got it. - [Rico] Raise it? - Yeah, yeah. You've got a fire going on, you just pull it right here. All right, and then we going down into our crew quarters. This is set up right now just for a captain or a deck hand, depending on how you use the boat. Obviously the being a 78 ft., it's definitely an owner/operator - [Rico] Owner/operator. - for a lot of people, at least in US. So we have our storage up here, (cabinet thuds) microwave oven even, drink fridge. Kind of cool, to be able to have all of that and some drawers here. Storage here. (cabinet thuds) What I like about this mechanisms, you always know where they are. - [Rico] Where they are, yeah. - You can see them and you know you're less likely to, with the push ones, I'm always a little like people just break them and you have our robe. Then we have our en suite, which is a wet head and we have our shower curtain here. It can close it up and keep this area dry. This is an interesting towel holder. - [Rico] Oh, makes sense. - Yeah, it does. - [Rico] Keep it up there. It's not in the way and also. - [Victoria] All the way up. - [Rico] When you're taking a shower usually it splashes more on the lower part of the shower. - Yeah, but this you will have a close-off anyway. - [Rico] Oh, okay. - You're only on just on the other side. - [Rico] I see, I see. - So that really works. And then I'm sure you've got a bit of a storage there as well for everything you need here. (cabinet thuds) Cool, definitely usable. And then, again who knows if you even would use this space, but you do have an option for that or you just transform this into a super, super cool laundry room because you have washer and dryer right here. So this could be your cool. - [Rico] Side by side. We have some stuff stored here right now. - Yeah, it's. - [Rico] Because of the boat show. - Yeah, the boat show. So you have some folding chairs that can go up and then we have some, there's a drawer here. Oh wait, what is that? Huh? Okay, I think it's a sign that this is a second time we see one of these. I think this is what we gonna be doing. I really think it's. - [Rico] I think there's some. - Yeah, yeah, there's like a little support thing. - [Rico] Support thing. - But that's all you really need for ironing. - [Rico] Oh yeah. - It's nice how it gets tuck away. You don't need to deal with this big iron board trying to figure out where to put it. It's always such a pain in a butt. So I definitely think this works. (cabinet thuds) I like it a lot, what's here? - [Rico] Some extra storage or, yep. - Wow, yeah, pretty cool. That's where you, yeah. - [Rico] Laundry detergent. - Exactly what you were put here. All right, let's go check out the engine room. (engine whirling) Wow, this is a good looking engine room. - [Rico] Really large engine room. - Good height. Yeah, it's got, definitely got good headroom. It feels very organized. - [Rico] Yeah, it looks very clean, very organized. So we got two MAN one, two, three, four, five, V10's in here. - Yeah. - [Rico] 12's, sorry. - Wow. - [Rico] Oh, the last one is still, on, it just has a fill on there. Okay, got it. - Do you need me to do the engine room tour as well? - [Rico] No, no, we are all good. So we got two V12 MAN engines, main engines here with each 2,000 horsepower. - Whoa. - [Rico] The boat has a top speed of 35 knots. - Whoa, whoa. - [Rico] Yeah. That's actually very fast. But comfortably cruising the boat has a range of. - 2,500 nautical miles, it's seven and a half knots. - [Rico] Yeah, that's pretty good as well. - Yeah, good range. - [Rico] Okay, so the way the engines are situated in the engine room we have. - These are so sparkly, they just look so. - [Rico] Brand new, brand new. - So clean. - [Rico] We get the shaft going to a V-drive transmission from the transmission. Riviera on this boat is using SeaTorque shafts with the Cardan shaft set up. So the SeaTorque shaft are known for having very little vibration, which is extremely comfortable underway because they're actually running in oil. You can see the golden heave there. That's oil in there that really minimizes vibrations. Great piece of equipment. Got the fire suppression system right there, at least the tank for it. And we have the two generators forward here. On the forward wall, equal size Onan/Cummins generators. The sea strainers also very easily to get to right there. And I think the other one we have probably exactly the same position. Exactly, there it is. We can see here the Humphree stabilizing fins, at least the inner part of it right there. Then moving aft, I mean just pointing out quick accessibility. There's a lot of space on the outer side of the engine here, so lots of space to move around. Engine ventilation, you see right there, the big vents coming in on both sides. Then moving aft, we have the whole electrical setup here. Breaker panels, battery chargers, inverters. This boat is outfitted with lithium iron phosphate batteries for the house bank. And then moving to the port side here, we have a water maker mounted right here. Got the Dometic Chiller System right here on top. The Glendinning cable reel. So great accessibility actually going even aft there. So you see the membranes for the water maker. Coming over to the starboard site. Got another Glendinning cable system, cable reel here. More dometic chillers for the air condition, compressors for the air condition. Then moving further aft, or actually right down here we can see one of the batteries. Of course there are more going inboard. And then moving over here. That's kind of cool, having the workbench here in the little lazarette area with the, you know, tool storage. You got a vice here, more storage for spare parts. It's really cool actually having this space here where you can repair something and tinker around. Got the aft bilge pumps there. And then over here we see the rudder set up and the trim-tab set up as well. (upbeat music) - Alrighty guys, this completes our tour of this Riviera 78 Motor Yacht - World Premiere. Hope you enjoyed us. Let us know in a Comments. I hope you enjoyed us, yes. I hope you enjoyed it. Let us know in the Comments, what you thought of it. We really, really appreciate you guys doing the Triple Likes. And can you please go back to doing the Sharing Button that little arrow that really makes a huge difference. We really, really appreciate it if you guys can take a moment and just click that little button. - [Rico] And just share it with your friends. - And share the video, via the button. That's kind of important, what I'm trying to say, right? Anyways, connect with us on Instagram. Check us on the Patreon and make sure you are following our second channel if you haven't already. And I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some ridiculous Outtakes on this one. So, (lips smacking) Ciao! - [Rico] Enjoy the Outtakes. (upbeat music) - Today we're on board of another world premiere loud music playing. Today we are on board, another world premiere. (Victoria gibbering) Welcome to the, welcome. Oh my God. What is up with the board? - [Rico] When you, for example, you're in the Bahamas or you're somewhere in the Mediterranean and you (tourist sneezing) bless you. And. - He's torturing us that plane, really torturing us. - I want to be like Victoria. Just have a break in between the tour. I never have a break at the tour, I'm always filming. - Sky lounge, sky. We have a sky, what is it called? - [Rico] Skylights. - Wait, no roof, sun. - [Rico] Sunroof. - Shower off, keeps this. (inhales sharply) Hold on, losing my microphone. Alrighty guys, this complete out tour of this helicopter. (helicopter whirling) - [Rico] Interrupting us. - I think he's just circling us. - [Rico] They're circling. So. - He's just messing, he's just messing with us. (anchor splashing, seagulls squawking)
Channel: NautiStyles
Views: 340,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super yacht, yacht tour, boat tour, nautistyles, luxury yacht, yacht, yacht charter, liveaboard, sailing, motor yacht, Aquaholic, luxury home, yachting, jet drives, fast yacht, pershing, rolls royce, palmer johnson, db9 yacht, xmas gift ideas, merry xmas, charter yacht, explorer yacht, bering yacht, nordhavn, bering 80, liveaboard couple, long range, Off the grid, xrp, cruise ship, boat, boats, house boat, fishing boat, jet boat, jeff bezos yacht, riviera 78, scorpio tarot
Id: AXnOxjm0BDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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