"Wait on the Lord" - Rev. James Wilson

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praise the Lord Calvary Chapel it is such a tremendous honor to be with you all today via the internet and I give honor today to your pastor pastor Jonathan Downes and his wife sister Melanie honor them and all that they do and have done for the kingdom of God and also give honor today to your music directors brother Akbar sister Hannah thank you so much for all that you do in serving your local church and then also just serve and they kingdom of God at large as well thank you so much before I get started I want to sing a song for you but before I do I just kind of want to encourage you right now many many many of us are going through a season of uncertainty a season where we don't know how this is going to end up and for many of us it's a difficult season not all of us some of us are doing great right now but there are some people these over here in America and probably the same in Australia that have lost their jobs and are going through a really difficult season and I remember a very similar season in my life where it was difficult and there are a lot of things going on that I did not want to be going on and I remember during this season saying you know God would you just take all of this away would you just take away the hurt would you just take away the pain and everything associated with this moment that I'm in right now and you know what God said to me God said I'm not gonna take it away now I don't know about you but when God gives us an answer like that it can kind of set off this chain reaction of do you care do you see me do you understand me what's going on but God spoke to me and said James this is what I want you to do in this season I want you to wait on me because I've given you a promise in my word that if you will wait on the meed that I will renew your strength and so I did I wrote this song during this season and I made up my mind that I was just gonna wait on to God and you know what God during that season of my life did not change my situation just as he had said he didn't change my situation but he changed me and during that process God formed some things in me that otherwise could not have been formed it was the test and ultimately formed what God wanted to form in me for his purpose and I want to encourage someone right now you may be going through a season of difficulty and you're asking God to change this situation but can I tell you God can change you and give you the strength to make it through what you're going through right now and ultimately it will cause God to form something in you that he can use for his kingdom and so I wonder if you know as we sing this song if you could just lift up your hands wherever you are in your living room your office your bedroom wherever it is you're at right now in your home and I wonder if you could just say God I surrender to you whatever you want from me whatever you want to do in me I'm gonna wait on you God and I know in so doing you will renew my strength there's not a mountain too tall there is not a proper so smooth that Jesus can reason in time you get involved our God he cares [Music] [Music] you're sure [Music] there's not an eye to the journey too long doing [Music] oh Jesus will see you through in time he'll make you new sir God he cares a [Music] way [Music] [Music] you're sure [Music] he's a [Music] he's warning your students but you've got away [Music] you've got away [Music] the seasoning you've gotta bleed but he's warning your stay but you got it you've got [Music] gotta believe that your but I believe that you're ordering master come on wonder right now if where you're at if you believe God is ordering your steps if you would just worship Him in this moment [Music] so I'm gonna wear cheese I'm gonna wait until you achieve I'm gonna wait until you cheese I'm gonna wait you Jesus I'm not turning back now I'm not turning back now I'm not turning back now I'm not turning back now so I'm gonna wait a little cheese I'm gonna wait little cheese I'm gonna wait Jesus and I'm gonna way to you Jesus I'm not turning back now I'm not turning back I'm not turning back now I'm a tiny big man [Music] I'm not turning back now yeah so I will wait yes sorry [Music] [Music] your stress [Music]
Channel: Calvary Chapel UPC
Views: 9,240
Rating: 4.9797468 out of 5
Keywords: #waitonthelord, #indianabiblecollege, #christianartist, #apostolicpentecostal, #churchmusic, #christianmusic, Wait on the lord - James Wilson, #urshancollege, #jameswilson, UPCI Singing, Rev James Wilson, #pentecostalmusic, Apostolic Singing, #upcimusic, James Wilson, UPCI Song writer, #newmusic, #upci, Wait on the Lord
Id: iWY3Jp03ZUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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