Waifublade Chronicles - RamZaes

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this game oh this game has some top-notch voice acting beautiful I love it it's my [Music] that's comedy Xenoblade owes inner blade when you first came out on the WiiU were just oh geez what is that but your captivating story one of her many fans and so the big end was like yeah all right make it game for our better console so we start off wait a minute this is a Nintendo game minimize the footage again flip it add some effects more even I think this is too much so the game starts off with our protagonist Rex scuba diving under clouds white clouds clouds ok so let me get this straight you got the ground then you got the clouds up in the sky and you have the ocean for the layer of clouds on top of it it's like someone just copy pasted the cloud layer and dropped it down like this man that's some good imagery ok I mean the clouds see it's pretty cool but what the heck is that don't go raining on my parade grumps wait sir he's your granddaddy then who exactly are your parents the Rex pulls up the safe and out pops me now the game gives us a look at the battle mechanics yep those are some battle mechanics yeah I'll get into this a bit later but oh boy do I have things to say on the battle mechanics anyway it's time for some backstory this is a Titan and that's a dead one now Titans are important as they are the land masses in the cloud see and so when they die no more land for you buddy crap but sitting in the middle of all this stands a single to all trade now the rumor is that there is this place right at the top of the tree called Elysium and it has enough landmass for everyone yay but for now Rex decides to pull up his Grampy tighten up the agenting trade guild to sell his haul and we get thrust into more gameplay tutorials oh boy now I'll get into this later I seem to be doing that a lot lately this game really doesn't do a good job of explaining tutorials but all you need to know is this talk to the people with this thing on their head visit places everywhere to unlock fast travel points and pressing Zr shows your current objective but whatever you do don't mess with the camera anyway we talk to this fuzzball these are nope on a race in the Xenoblade universe and all you need to know is that they speak like Yoda mm-hmm and uh sometimes now apparently catching mr. krabs was good for business as the chairman Bruce Banner wants to see us like I said his joke worked better in my head so mr. banana wants us to do a job with a hundred thousand gold as payment a hundred thousand yes a hundred thousand gold hundreds a job for us is to work with these three weirdos who call themselves corner we got gen malice and near a child's Salvage F okay so this must be an Australian accent no no way wait it must be English no um maybe it's Scottish no no no wait it's Welsh Welsh now each of these guys are drivers and these here are their personas I mean Jojo stands I mean blades and near being a cut girl as a cat so we made friends and now we get ready for the job this is where you can now buy things as each major town has these shops that sell all kinds of trinkets you also learn about salvaging you know the main thing Rex does for a job you buy these tanks and then have to pull off a minigame and depending on how well you do Oh you pull up loot and with that we are ready to take off with our international friends bazinga while on board Rex and Nia have a little talk by which I mean he rants on a no no no no no no no no no Elysium is waiting for a steel cord not this crap again and we finally get to do our job which is to salvage something small from the bottom of the cloud see and by small I mean so after pulling it up we board the ship without crew a team is always a max of three usable people at once but you can swap them out if needed yeah I'm not too sure I should pick you buddy and while NIR and Rex bond we see the scariest seem possible dee the rich dude who's a perv is evil and ever could have seen that coming so descending down the ship we get two more gameplay and how the battles play out in the open world as unlike other JRPGs you battle the enemies seamlessly with no transitions so you see a monster boom you go attack them the problem however is that when you are battling one monster you might get pushed around and into the path of another and another and that never ends so we find some crazy door jinnie old boy tells us to open it up and this is where we find her Pyrrha she's important to the story Adam wait a minute Jim Perrault wasn't done explaining so Pyrrha here is a special kind of blade called the aegis touch the beaches and well we are now kind of dead so she offers half a life to revive us in exchange we promise to take her to Elysium because every single person in this game wants to go to that place after that little bonding session she is now our blade and we are her driver malice and gin get mad because we took Pyrrha for ourselves and now we have to defend her yeah I'll get to this further on but the voice acting can be and so now we get to battle MELAS with Pyrrha helping out yes help naturally being no help and the fact that you know we're a little kid we are forced to escape with Nia helping us out because she kind of is against that whole killing us thing and she also has a thing for exes scream ah so in comes Graham chicken fly now yes he heard me this old dude is just full of surprises yeah looks like we crash-landed on this island and Gramps is missing oh no tragic I guess we'd better go off and find the old widow in so wandering the forest our heroes find Graham's dead no grams don't leave me here this still is so much more things we had to do anyway who the heck are you sir ahem Titans when they die turn into this naked little fling start growing all over again think of him as a baby grand boy that felt wrong to say I am so confused right now and I guess with a blade in one hand and a fur ball in our helmet we continue searching for a way out of the forest and also finding near I guess now here's where I'll get into a little bit more on the combat so you press a to initiate an attack and once you do Rex will go into an auto attack now while this happens you build up these three moves on the right and using mem shows up a special move unique to each blade this then levels up this thing on the right and pressing a depending on the level unleashes a super button prompts special attack but remember how I said the game wasn't really good at explaining things well let's see we're about five hours into the game this was all I thought the combat was yes just this but if you can do your eyes a little higher up the screen you can see this on the right though after you use a special move this tree opens up depending on the elements now after that you must use a level 2 special and then a level 3 and if you have trouble with this your allies also use their own she'll move and with a button pressed you can use them to help build up the tree now if the meter on the left is high enough you press start and it kicks off this super duper secret tag-team attack where you all gang up on your enemy then you do one button from per person and if you can destroy this orb which matches the element of the tree you get to go again now when this is all said and done their damage before that Danny also the bar will naturally build up with attacks and you can use one bar to revive a fallen Ally including the AI reviving you hurry up and revive me so the reason I went into detail on that is because for the life of me I did not understand this at all from the game I had to look up guides but this because I couldn't believe that this was all there was to the combat I am probably just dumb but once you know this the combat becomes insanely more fun and tactical as your eyes are always darting around the screen looking for what to do next a problem though is that a lot of the monsters early game are so weak that they tie too quickly before you can even build up the tree but trust me when you get to mid to late game this is so addicting anyway look I'm riding a tiger okay so I gotta bring this up as well while everyone is sleeping Pyrrha and grants have a secret little chat where it's revealed that this thing has met her knows how important she is and doesn't tell any of this to Rex this happens more than once in the game he knows so many things that could help everyone but keeps quiet for reasons I guess it does help cement the idea that Rex still a kid and everyone around him is an adult who knows more things than he should I do like that aspect of it burn just stop looking so smug about it Rex finally notices that near is a catgirl took you long enough org or mati as is the technical term and the place where they landed is her birth land birth Titan anyway the next stop is the capital Torico level five no I'm sure I'll be fine [Music] finally we made it to torogai the cat-people capital and we see that near is now on the FBI's most wanted list for being associated with torn up here we learned that yes you can get more blades as we see one dude literally died trying to awaken a core crystal think of them like pokeballs you resonate with them and bam you're either dead or you get a new blade okay you're not really dead don't marry to Nintendo game okay so I think it's a good time to bring up the voice acting no not the actual voice actors because I think they nailed a lot of the voices for the characters but the voice direction is atrocious so you would have a sentence but instead of getting the voice actors to record the line in one go it's like okay record this bit today come back tomorrow and we'll finish the rest of the line I know most TV shows of the actors record while the animation is there on screen to try and match the lips well just the aegis even me okay they don't clearly do that here but it's like the voice actors didn't even know what was the context for some of these lines now as usual the worst contender for this was dear old Gramps I remember crashing through many trees before landing in we seem to have attracted the gods since we hold the powerful Aegis and Nia subsequently gets captured in this mess by the blue fire blade this is gonna eat her name good we managed to escape don't let them escape which kinda annoys the head military man stop so to lay low we hide with the help of this na pon Torah who isn't really a driver but is smart enough to make his own mechanical blade he dresses up as a maid in his quiet time okay but seriously papi is actually a really good character it's just a shame our introduction was with this dude now while we deal with these pervy fuzz balls and a naked gram pore on the table the head Inquisitor of the military comes in to meet up with her blades that capture pyro I mean sure hey what's one more person chasing after us gonna change if pyro dresses up as an Ewok from Star Wars and we wander the streets looking for Nia this is where the game opens up a bit more the shops and menus now I won't go into much detail here but the game really lets you customize your playstyle to suit your needs never one always open this menu it has blade abilities and they don't actually unlock until you open the menu even though the game tricks you and you will need to level these up to use the field abilities which actually are needed to get through the game and to you can roll four more blades so it's like a gambling system without microtransactions way you find core crystals in the world and roll for a new blade summer terrible ill and some looks so amazing with their own cutscene and everything the game however order saves after each roll so no cheating here so after asking around we find that near as being held in the big military ship and Rex has a clever idea I guess we'll just have to mount a full-on attack no Albert instead Rexy boy we wait for low tide and sneak in from the bottom huh yeah pretty pretty smart eh so before we go out we learned that Dora will come along to help us with its artificial blade poppy after a small fee of course assess how exactly nothing illegal oh good see what I mean when I say this dude creeps me out now the process to level up poppy is different to normal blade since she actually isn't a real blade you have to play this game called Tiger Tiger which is like a salvager thing where it order Scrolls down your big treasure and your dodge enemies you know and how freakin hard this minigame was anywho we make it through the secret opening and sneak around the military base has many amazing places in it perhaps rest and enjoy view for a bit view what do I mean metallic endless always sure that's up here I didn't hurt anyone did I we rescue near and a home free and I am no fool and now we are home free some more AG here wants to hold us in since apparently pyro caused the almost end of the world 500 years ago Rex being the goody goody goody two-shoes believes in the heart of the cards I mean his friends and decided to take down Morag by toppling a water tower on top of her oh yes you see water defeats buyer and Pokemon so here's the move surf and you can do I want to reach Elysium what not this again fine and guess I'll stay since it's kinda cute now after escaping we try and find tourists friend who has this ship that can get us off this island but getting there is no easy feat because please stop following me jon's why here just you wait and see birdy I'll be back for you so we reach his uncle friend guide you became very big in what year Tora thanks my who after a bit of messing around gives us his ship and we use it to take us to the World Tree but our heroes are attacked by none other than [Music] into the belly of the beast we go belly of the Titan stop looking at me like that Gramps and in said belly we made a big individual look it's an Aussie and of course they stick the Australians down under far away from everyone because everything here just cost so much money anyway meat band am a leader of mercenaries and let rip with a fox so after he takes us back to his headquarters he requests of us to help him on mercenary business and we are like yeah sure ok why not oh wait you're actually joining our party yeah oh yeah you don't really seem main character material um hello I said get out of my party some people seriously listen up kid drivers use thoughts while on the bench Van Damme teaches us that when blades die they actually return back to their core crystals they can't get awakened after a while but they lose all of their memories now this one element is a huge driving force to the story of the game so don't forget it kiddos quiz later on in the day give me a look at that [Music] so off the Van Damme gets released by the FBI he tells us that it's odd that pyrrha and Rex both feel each other's pain because blades shouldn't really feel anything I guess it's because oh I don't know half of her heart is in Rex wait a minute hots is this inner blade or is this actually now when we get back we find this dude echoes the works for torna alongside malice and jinn he tries to capture a pyro band mr. Ozzy scares him off and afterwards he tells us we should go to the capital of Australia I mean Araya yeah - then find someone to help us with our Pokemon problem but we get interrupted on the way by actual literal Giorgio's characters [Music] well anyway we move on and reach the capital man this city is so real and lifelike look that's your is I'm really stick arm wrestling so we arrived at the theatre to find a dude who can maybe help us catch rayquaza - then get to the World Tree but instead we booked tickets to Hamlet which then turns out to be a play detailing that war where apparently pyro destroyed half of the world he is a short version hi I'm Adam hi Adam God mr. architect give me power Hey do i demon yeah I win but oh no three continents died oh well wait why are people angry II and and after that riveting performance we meet the Aussies friend who's dying or something he tells us to come back tomorrow to give us this thing to catch Rayquaza oh this sounds like a plot device that will mean something evil will happen in that one day break I'm sure this modern JRPG won't resort to so dead dudes little girl thinks a curse can save her dying grandpa naps her and then mallow suddenly appears in pirate's dream grass place - tell her to come alone to save the girl or we'll kill her wait well so we gotta go save her but since Pyrrha is gone from the party we gotta use other blades no blades i guess i'll roll for some spare ones oh what a big boy and we make it in the nick of time to fight malice you know an epic boss battle with epic music - Matt yeah and then in the strangest toys happy music starts to play and yep and damn dies I don't know maybe I'm just big brain smart or the game was really cliche but man I knew he would die hence why I never used him in my party earlier but this moment allows pyro to awaken her hidden blade form which was the mode that destroyed almost the entire planet 500 years ago yes it's time or Mithra Damji strong allowing Rex to have this Future Sight move readability don't worry you can't use this in battle it's only for story cutscenes wait what but she can call down the heavens to absolutely obliterate the enemies we got a retreat now mid throw well she why did you wake me up she's a bit grumpy but I also like this scene as it actually shows that Rex is still a kid and like I said earlier you understand that mentality but he's still a child it will make a lot of the scenes later on work really well so Pyrrha gives us an explanation dumped on how she's so crazy strong as Mithra and that malice is another aegis just like her wait honey there was also this one dude who climbed the world tree to meet mr. architect but couldn't find anything at Elysium so his proof of that you know he climbed the freakin tree he stole two cool crystals being malice and firearm he woke malice first to being evil destroyed half of the earth bill atom remember him whoa Mithra - then stop him at the cost of three Titans Mithra hating what she did created a weaker form being Pyrrha and sealed herself away so the only reason that Pyrrha wants to now go to Elysium is to find a way to once and for all defeat mr. MELAS now I know the game likes to portray them both as equal but Pyrrha literally says Mithra is a stronger version so I never used Pyrrha in my entire playthrough after this oh and yeah Gramps is like who I fought in this old battle oh I'm so old and horny Oh Rex are you too young to know all this I'll say by the way it is dude is actually a flesh eater or a blade who people in the olden times fused with human cells hence why he's dying early instead of living forever like a normal blade anyway oldie here gives us a blade that can be used to help reach Elysium but since he's a blade he reckons his driver would actually be best suited to helping us and he is that end-all which is kind of like the big neutral churchy place of the world so to get there Rex decides to go back to our gender then tomorrow day in the military capital and then to Indore yes simples well we get back to our gentlemen this is fine so it's been a while and the group decides to get some rest and well she is certainly exposing an awful lot of skin pot meet kettle yeah what may say to my face all night Oh see what happen have you looked in a mirror recently so the morning-after erectus panicking like crazy that he almost held hands with a real girl while grants and the tiger watch on do you need a liquid romance in our lives to me I can't do this this dirt is so creepy actually I'm quite all right will you get out of here stop with this horny old men oh yeah hi Alphonse yes so this here is the Prince King kid of Moreh Dane the big military continent and also the brother of Morag received reports of an attack on a ship headed for the praetorium okay seriously how can you even read like this so we get some a political talk which really isn't that interesting to us at the moment the Senate do it but more importantly we got some blades to roll [Music] now do you see why the title of the video is like that and with that some kid steals fandoms blade cool crystal we chase them beat them up kill some people the end and that was inner blade Chronicles 2 yeah well I gotta say I love this game so much but I'll be completely honest it does start extremely slow with the loading and the slow talking the fact that the early game monsters die so quickly making the battles feel incredibly boring without the tree chain attacks not mention atomic generic anime cliches but still these are just minor gripes as boy oh boy this game is really stunning I mean just look at some of these backgrounds the story while it starts off slow what with the small group gradually picks up into some really engaging stuff and all the characters you meet are great except this one but sadly the game ends here as Rex and his group lie off into the distance never to be seen again you know what maybe just maybe I can do another part to this Trojan Rameses magnum sheep [Music] [Applause]
Channel: RamZaes
Views: 831,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramzaes, xenoblade, xenoblade chronicles, xenoblade 2, xenoblade chronicles 2, xc2, nintendo switch, rex, pyrha, mythra, nia, poppi, comedy, funny gameplay, review, xenoblade review, xenoblade spoilers, xenoblade gameplay, blunz, gamexplain, jay rpg, jb sprinkles, nicob
Id: k_FLcSrK_BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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