Wago 222 Connectors vs Others, Testing Current Overload and Flammability

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/itsaride 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello Andre W this time we'd have a look on these Wego and the other kind of connectors again we can actually test some of these outside and shove a loader come through and see which fails first if anything that Paul that's couple of points which were raised on the comment so just answer those before we actually go outside now someone the comments you'd asked about these things whether they were attracted to a magnet and we can find out so here's the actual way go one on the right here and this is the other brand on the left and this is all before it's just the feather the one to cut all the way through and the other is not so here's a magnet here that one as you can see definitely attracting there and the way go one well as before it's attracted as well so they're certainly made of some kind of ferrous material portunity spring steel or something but as you see they're both attracted to the magnet in the same way so those are basically the same now another comment was are these made of the same kind of plastic or not and I've got the two here this is the way go one obviously with the we're gonna mount on this field one of what he had to I got it with the tool here so we'll just cut this and see if it actually sounds the same so let's try that again then so again this is the way go one first let's go on the front there so that was out too it's not easy to tell really if there's a huge difference and if you look at these the way go one here does seem to be a bit more smooth air time plastic this seems to be more sort of granular and possibly Scratchy so maybe get some difference in the plastic there but nothing that's so terribly obvious and as was pointed out in the other video one that is actually marked P a six six in the bottom and the other one is not but pretty much the same now first test we can apply a flame to these and see what happens now dienes outside obviously unfortunately it's a windy day and also the Sun keeps going in and out as well so the lighting might go a bit wrong on some of these but that's just how it is now if these things actually burn what should happen is that so when the flames remove they show itself extinguish so they're deploying the flame there to the way go one and we see the plastic is melting there but it's not actually burning or setting on fire there's smoke coming off that to notice when via flame is removed it basically just solidifies back again and there's no actual burning involved so that seems so perfectly acceptable now we have the same to the faker brown on left there and first person that seems to be doing the same thing again so it's just a melting a little bit of smoke coming off but to no actual flame or continued burning once their actual flame replying is removed so they seem to be pretty much identical in the way that they actually react and also they're melting but of course being on us with a direct flame on it they're not supporting of us you know or carrying on burning flame there and it see a bit of flame in this particular in part here and that's basically the wooden backing being charred and actually burning it's not actually the things themselves doing it but even without again once we take the flame away it doesn't actually continue burning away there so that's a pretty successful and they reacting the way to expect and they both react anything pretty much the exact same way now the next test we're doing the current and what got here is two connectors there we've got the way go on the left and the questionable other brand on the right so middle you want a question mark above it clamped me today on the left just to show what current way actually shoving through and the wires here are 2.5 square millimeters and these are copper video demonstration I'm glad to lose all the installation because we don't that burning off and skewing the result and I put two pieces into each connector so we've got leak winter 500 meters going in and coming out another one in serious the same current in go through both and I got a timer here at the bottom left just so you can see how long this test goes on for now this connectors are rated 24 amps in this configuration with the 2.5 square millimeter wire they can do up to 32 but that's only if using Foursquare Milo is a wire and that has to be stranded wire I don't have any amount so we're just using the 2.5 here at the moment so powers now turned on and we see the has about twenty three and a half amps or so it is basing at the racing of these devices so we wouldn't expect anything to happen in this configuration so is using that as a convenient starting point so now crank up the current to the next level which is to about thirty eight amps in this case and that represents quite a significant overload for these connectors so we'll leave it running a bit and see if anything happens so that soon hot minutes in now and looking something now so Tony look early loss and now we're running it around 55 or so Amazon just slightly lower and again we just leave this running and see what if anything naturally happens now Bingham and the wires here theoria rated about 26 and leaps so even though running about fifty five amps and still actually within the ratings Osby wires and you sit and optically discolored or even there to show you the size overheating yet so no problem there and the connectors as well against nothing they're physically changed either so here at the 4-minute marks and nothing physically changed at all so return the current again to the next level and sherry is about 73 or 74 m or so now it's five minutes and again nothing visibly changed so let's turn the current up again and we'll turn up a few notches at once here because need to actually get something to happen so current now is 115 amps everyone this is a massive over low compared to the 24 whatever is supposed to be rated out with these wires but as you can see there's no sort of dramatic failures or a flames or whatever coming out of it so we're likely to going and die again come back few moments and see what's happened so now just after 8 minutes sir cursed at 115 amps and you see the wire to stand to discolor in Barrett's areas the so different gold and silver bit sir showing on the various parts they're notable on the right they're a bit so they're showing on that right-hand connector so it's certainly getting rather hot over there people just turn the corner now to the next level and this is pretty much as high as this thing go it's about 150 odd amps there so hopefully something will happen this time and we just keep living on until something actually melts or fails so this is nine minutes and the right-hand connector is starting to melt and it's not particularly yeah whatever that's smoke coming out now it is starting to move up slightly as the platica also gets soft and it starts to deteriorate and that's the fake Oh brand the way go one on the left there doesn't look any different tall so that's certainly what have you started and you know that pretty much all the wires now have discolored in various areas with different colors have sort of purple and silver and there's orange a bit sent show through so that connector on the right who's definitely getting extremely hot you see it's sort of sagging down considerably in as a look that molten plastic showing on the top of it smoke of zip hearing from connect to their I'm still at 150 amps which they might even it were 30 gyrating is still five times more than they were actually rated for so not too surprising that things are starting to fail and they were see the connector has actually completely melted off of the terminals inside but no tool at the terminals are still holding and the current is to 152 amps so have nothing actually has failed there it's just that they've actually got rather hot basically melted off the plastic covering around them now we can see the smoke they're pouring away from the connectors which is just makes he's smoking away the remains of the plastic so just well after 11 minutes now so that's pretty much think what's gonna be seeing there so we'll cut off the current there and I should just disconnect the wiring completely and allow this to cool and we can see there that the wagon woman left has actually melted somewhat see a little bit of a bubbling of plastic around the edge so that certainly hasn't escaped without any problem but again this is 150 or amps five or six times more than these things rated to so not really surprising that they have failed and you'll also notice the actual wires themselves are getting extremely hot as well due to the various discolorations on pretty much the entire surface of them now this is what's left after the wreckage there and this is the fake au connector and IC has melted completely off of the terminal so though the term was asked to intact they're still so while still in there the way go one has fared slightly better but of course it has still melted significantly so it's completely unusable and destroyed so although it's better it's certainly not damage free Bingham I know this was at 150 amps five times or more than the things are actually rated for and you can see the copper wire has gone worse different shades due to the reaction with the oxygen in the air and so this is to what five millimeter so we have two of those and it was sick one to five square meter wire actually feeding both of those and did that so the weak point was off to the connectors themselves so yes that one is slightly worse but not by much I on this one obviously melted and being when we have to get too ridiculously high currents before we saw any kind of melting or overheating there so internal operation they certainly seem to be pretty much equivalent to though this once a slightly more overheating there once we got to the very high current level instead of actually buying these things though you can also buy these ones from those places if you're buying them in the UK ah--this a tool station so these they are selling them for pretty much the same price as the actual Wego ones anyhow so I don't really see much point in buying these other ones because they're pretty much the same price anyway maybe we could what a big pile from China or something they might be fractionally layer but that's going to apply if you have I sort of thousands of them we gonna buy some more quantity then they're probably not gonna be a huge amount of difference in the price either and been around these are not sort of part of the party to anything they're relatively cheap items anyway so that's pretty much that and they say that's pretty much well stuck on to the wise there and even if we go in there and try and sort of rinse it off there it's still pretty well attached to or wise we've got to basically break things apart before it obviously detaches from those and the way go one here well that's kind of sort of just melted and congealed on to the wise anyhow and see there's the back it's a melt through there so that's pretty much all energy with these things we don't think I mentioned here's someone in the comments did put on that they're not very good for testing well they are because this hole here is where you put your test probe into of tha whether it's live or whatever so already built in there so that's it for this time and until next time thanks for watching
Channel: John Ward
Views: 243,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wago, 222 series, wire connector, PCT-213, lever connector, lever wire connector, 222-413, 222-415, PCT-215, overload test, overloaded
Id: bP0qHyVAymU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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