The Ultimate Guide to the Wago 221 Inline Connector

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to say i'm excited about this review will  be an understatement because today we get to   take a look at the wago 221 inline connector and  we've had it in the studios for some time but we   weren't allowed to do the review until they had  some stock in the uk and by the looks of things   we've got some stock in the uk i'm starting you've  scattered it all over the bench in the excitement   opening the box we have actually also sneaked it  into some of our earlier videos last year it's   in the background we've been using it for a while  and we think it's a great solution you may already   be using but stick around because we've got some  accessories you may not have seen and we're also   going to show you how to fit in with some of the  existing juego boxes that we use in electrical   installations but thinking of this product  obviously the end to end what did we used to use   we've got some down here we used to use the butt  or splice crimp that i've got here of course to   join conductors together however a quick look at  those i can't see a current or voltage rating on   them and what material are they made out of yeah  and that's one of the questions we always have   when it comes to that there's so many different  manufacturers of that who don't put the name on   the side try and find a current rating for those  try and find approval and yeah say we've taken   some to bits and yeah they may not be made of  copper no i saw some brass one tom yeah so hugely   variable quality but obviously with wago we know  we're getting great german quality and we've got   bags of approval so i guess we first let's dive in  and have a look at approvals first guy because a   lot of people there's a little bit of confusion  comes in sometimes on that because this is   has approvals for all over the world and let's  start with the one we should be familiar with so   for europe we've got the nx mark there and the  product rated at 450 volts 32 amps same for the   us and under there you will see the ul mark moving  across to this side so this is where people get a   bit confused because you see this pse mark and  then suddenly the the current drops to 20 amps   but that is for japan and obviously where their  electrical system works they've approved it for   what they'd typically expect to see and that's  obviously their voltage current rating and you can   see conductor sizes 1.6 to 2 millimeters however  what is standard across the world regardless where   you are it is an 11 millimeter strip length and  that is shown on the side and obviously if you if   you're in america they're in the awg gauge which  we don't understand but it always goes in reverse   all right okay thank you for that now when  we think about the conductors that can go in   there there is a subtle difference than the other  connectors in that two two one series isn't that   there is no we yeah and you have to work hard to  uh to spot this or read the instructions on the   front of the box yeah there is and apparently  you can win an electric van as well with wagon   depends on when you're watching we may have  won it already um but i think the more you   buy the more chances you get to win that's what  it says in there so we've got one chance i think   there's another one of those i'll be scanning  later on okay so the difference in conductors   is the regular side by side two to one will take  four millimeters in any conductor type so solid   stranded and fine stranded okay so it's class one  class two and class five conductors we've looked   at before yep there is one slight anomaly with the  inline right that it will take a four millimeter   solid and a four millimeter fine stranded okay  yeah but it will not accept a four millimeter   stranded conductor so it won't do the class  two conductors to form it stops at 2.5 so when   we're thinking those conductors we're probably  thinking of conductors in steel or armoured cable   or maybe the conductors that we're pulling in  through a conduit system it stops at two five   yeah you've got one there yes got one  here but this is a two five so this will   this will go in okay so you can strip  that one for me so again i'm just going to   go for our 11 millimeter strip length okay just uh  i can check that on the side okay so let's hold it and as it's class two you're gonna have to lift  the levers uh class ones you can just push them   straight in can't you yeah let's tidy that up  i don't know who's been messing with this cable   there we go so trimming it  back one at a time aren't we   super snips yep okay so we're going to bring  those in again yeah lift the lever and again the   great thing about these connectors in visibility  you can see you've made a great connection yeah   that's good yeah clear and then obviously you're  going to join them together lift the lever insert   the conductor at 11 mil close that off and if i  pull that that is an incredible amount of force   to pull them apart and if you try that in a um  in a in a butt crimp or a through crimp you do   get varying results and we found that we had a  trip to the gym where we even tried it out we   weren't working out we were hanging weights  off them but that's a yeah that's a great   great connection so we've got some applications  down here we're going to use it in different ways   in order to join conductors together so where  do you want to start which one are we going for   first we'll start with the flex okay there's  some flex here all made up ready to go yeah   i've done a bit of the prep work for you yeah  and we'll start we've got one of the bases yes   so we've got a carrier here so i just want to  bring the uh yeah we'll jump in for this okay   um so these come in one two three and five wear  variants and when you say way that's the number   of in-line connectors that can be inserted so this  is a three-way yes yeah so people immediately said   oh they do it in single way through what they're  going to do double and triple where versions   no they're not because you just use this carrier  and you click these in just slots well that makes   sense doesn't it yeah so they're not going to  make a larger one of these they're just going to   line them up together so click on to the carrier  that's great isn't it because then you don't need   to carry loads of different connectors stock  variants yeah so again they're in there nice   and secure lifted the levers okay you bring your  flex in now so yeah i should have made those off   hopefully i've yeah just about gone for you so  okay so drop those in slide them into position   and then can we tie right in place can't we use  these holes here for tie wrapping yeah you can   do the other air first i'll match the colors  that would be handy wouldn't it yeah yeah okay   there we go so we've joined that flex through  yeah so where you thinking you might be   mounting this obviously you're going to put  some tyre wraps in where would you be mounting   this in relationship to an enclosure i mean  i think it could be in a in a control panel   possibly even in some trunking there's a there's  a question to answer there putting connections   inside uh trunking that's a question i'm sure  that's a question for joe robinson to come up   to yeah so there we go so taurep's going to  come in there so that will hold that in place   yeah brilliant so that can be mounted inside an  enclosure and we've secured the flex with the   tyre apps yeah so that was a simple process wasn't  it it's been quite satisfying as well we've been   playing with them off camera like we said for a  while now but actually clipping them into place   and they're very tactile aren't they you know yeah  there's a nice sensation when obviously installing   any way go connector but that in long wouldn't uh  yeah yeah you know if you think if you were using   butter through crimps it takes quite a bit of time  to join them together because you're balancing   using the tool inserting the conductor and then  obviously yeah you've got to remember the twist   depend on the crimp tool you've got remember to  twist the trim yeah yeah nearly all of them have   to flip you got when they didn't but yeah you  have to flip it over no issues there at all so   that's uh that's connecting flexible cam together  there's another variant of the carrier as well   okay and is that for anything special well if  you bring in the camera so you'll see this one   is it's got those little nibs on it yeah yeah so  you can punch this through a sort of prepared steel   work so i'm thinking if you're a light fitting  manufacturer you punch some holes in your steel   and these little pins will just click in and so  they've got little barbs on so they'll snap into   place okay yeah so that's a nice little useful  addition and that that just that doesn't have the   the grips on it but again comes in different size  options and they've got one that can go in this uh   wago light box as well have we yeah so one  of the uh well a few of the variants on the   back of here you can clip an accessory plate okay  yeah then it allows it to mount into the into the   juego juego box light yes which is designed for  lighting applications and there's also a din rail   mount version of that as well but here's one you  prepared one i prepared earlier so again if i just   cut the tie look in here so this is joining uh one  millimeter square between the cpc cable to a flex   yeah something regularly done isn't it yeah and  we've got a high bare light on the end of there   so if i just pop this out okay and that that plate  ah got an extra plate on the back of it yeah you   can see where those nibs are clipped in yeah the  accessory plate and that's held it into position   within the box and it goes off to that high bay  light there yeah and that's common because lots   of light things i've got another one here as often  you see these these panel lights yeah these things   they always come with a short lens for  flexible cable and you've got to find a   a reliable connector and that's a great yeah  that that was that was brilliant was it was a   simple process wasn't it in order to make those  connections and when it's saturn and you clip   that box down there again it goes back to that  words i've used earlier on the presentation   sat is fine isn't it yeah i mean that's it it's  lovely yeah really good then one other sort of   difference when you think about the test points  right there's two isn't there on these there's   two on the original oh right yeah so on the  original two two one if we just uh just bring the   corners on the original one you've got a test  point in the front there yes and flip it over   you've got a test point in the back yeah yeah so  obviously this one obviously squeeze it into the   single one there's a test point in right in the  middle of the connector okay well the only way to   do that is to prove it so we've got a metal light  fitting over there aren't we so yeah we could do a   continuity from that protective conductor so i'm  just going to turn it right i'm going to use our   way guys oh god of this bit wait for the sound  champagne like a champagne bottle opening so   i'll do that just put that on too fizzy all  round now with test probes okay let's just   go for the continuity test okay so we're going  to measure from the actual way go light box to   the fitting itself that protective conductor  you're going to check you've got continuity   press that button then and there we go yeah we'll  go with acid here right that's good enough for me   sure right okay so let's have a look where this  is going to test probably right in the center   there yes right in the center there the good  thing about these probes you just look them well   passing is obviously the insulation goes right  up to the end of the almost to the end of the   tip yes so that satisfy your gs38 requirements  which for such a fine pointed tip and you're   just going onto a bolt there i am yeah that's a  bit of a bare metal so we've got a noise running   beep yep we've got a continuity between the center  of the protective conductor there on the wago 221   across the metallic light fitting to prove  that test point in there yeah so i would argue   actually in this kind of application having that  right in the middle i've opened the box up right   i don't have to go into the end of the connector  yeah absolutely it actually makes fault finding   and testing a lot easier just a lot easier yeah  good point yeah so that little adapter plate in   there great in that existing wago box yeah i mean  that's a it's getting we've all been waiting for   it yeah i think we'll be seeing quite a bit of  them on the channel and of course i don't think   anyone out there saying this wasn't something that  we wanted and i'm sure we're going to have all   the questions below hopefully all positive about  this wago 221 inline connector however it is your   feedback that obviously drives us on and drives  the community on we will try and answer as many of   the questions you pose in there as we can however  if you've got the answer and you can beat us to it   as always please answer it on our behalf and we'll  also read your comments and your feedbacks as well
Channel: eFIXX
Views: 146,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wago, wago 221, wago 221 inline, wago 221 connectors how to use, wago 221 inline connectors, wago 221 inline splice, wago inline connector, wago 221 inline lever connector, butt splice, through connector, inline crimp, wago connector, how to use wago connectors, wago 221 test point, wago 221 current rating, wago rating, wago pse, wago enec, wago ul, wago current rating, wago junction box, wagobox, efixx, wagobox light, wago lever nuts, wago connectors, wagobox junction box
Id: r7KW2QOfpN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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