Wading Creeks For Big Black Morel Mushrooms

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what's going on on this adventure we go mushroom hunting again I don't think we're gonna suck it up this time now we're at a pretty good spot problem with this spot is it takes a long time to get back here I'm alright navigated a bunch of cornfields to walk back here just got in the woods we're not done yet I've got another half mile of woods and then we hit the creek there's no good way to get back to this spot I'm gonna have to wade through a creek should be in between for two to four foot deep right now the water should be cold it is 65 degrees but the water is not gonna be 65 degrees old gross spot I've been kicking this spot for about ten years first time I walked up on it it looked like it just had Fayette grown and died there I mean black morels as far as you could see over the years despite my efforts of you know spreading the spores things like that you know mesh bag all the stuff people you know not cutting out the root hasn't mattered each year I find less but it's still enough to walk back here so get back here see what we can find I realized the intro to my last video is roughly five minutes of me talking we'll do that anymore so I guess you walk with me with the woods this time see what we can find and a piece of old pottery in the tree [Applause] also that has to be by far the most shallow I've ever seen that Creek in my life thank God for that it is freezing take a little break here all right here's the lowdown on the spot this particular wood explint do three sections so the gentleman I've got permission from owns this particular section but there's two other sections that I don't know who owns I do see people back here quite a bit I've never seen anybody else hunt for or find any black morels back here it's one of the best black Morel spots I have I'm not sure if they don't like them unaware of there is such a thing or just don't know they grow here so I'm gonna be trying to be a little bit quiet I normally don't come out to this spot unless it's really bad weather or raining due to work and other things I have to hit it today because there's a lot of other woods I'm gonna have to spend some time in so we got about a half mile forward back there let you know when that happens all right we made it just walked up on the initial area and not seeing a ton yeah I'm still definitely in the right spot they're definitely up actually that one looks like it's been up a while so get to cuttin hopefully I'm seeing quite a few over there so all right let's cut these down for anybody stumbles up on us that guy's kind of fresh I definitely would probably grow some more I'm not gonna be back out here due to time and other woods I have to hit I'm not gonna be back out here for at least a week I think I'm gonna take about everything I find you do it's pretty and kind of new that guy not so much that frosted a ton of Dan'l guys he new and fresh I guess the deal with it being this early not a whole lot of ground cover and the longer you leave these black morels in the ground the darker they get which means they're easier they are to see and that sitting out there and amongst a bunch of brown leaves is not very hard to identify past his prime no Beauty over here though I'm thinking this dispatch goes on for a little bit we should be able to get a pound or two out of here today easy unless the area I'm getting ready to go down on which is a little bit lower for whatever reason Alessi popped a little bit sooner I think the first time I came out here probably ten years ago I don't think anybody's ever picked this before I think there's just a cycle of them growing and then dying and it was just I think I probably got 10 15 pounds that first trip and like I said every year despite my efforts they seem to diminish lightly that I'm still seeing some really nice stuff here would never spend my own money on an actual mushroom bag because of laundry sack with where it is fine but I found that dude in the woods a couple years ago and so I pick it up it's amazing what y'all you find out here in woods and look right here next to where I said my knife down here's an old dried-up not only is that guy perfect his buddy ain't bad either keys do finding the blacks at least around where I live it's going to be popular trees tulip trees and I don't know where a lot of either of the those you are but generally primarily what I call it this jag bark hickory trees that guy right there there there there and it doesn't need to be an entire world to check mark a tree confession be really hard to find as long as it's one of the more dominant species of trees in the woods I normally do pretty good we're not really bad I got kind of nervous at first when I walked up everything looked kind of dried out looks like there's decent numbers I will get from this particular spot depending on whether rain you know other variables I will normally get two to four flushes bigger office would so I'll normally come out I'll cut it down give it about a week or so and come back and a lot of the times it's it's better than the first round awesome okay kind of concerned at first that they hadn't rolled down the hill but as you can see from these two guys it definitely came down the hill top of a really nice freshman's there I'll generally just walk through and cut all the bigger stuff more obvious stuff and then on the way back I'll actually spend a lot more time get a lot lower the ground and see what we can come up with I got right there listen certainly pretty frost he is completely dried out and weighs absolutely nothing but he's already release the spores oh no reason just to let him set in the ground I'm sure after a little bit of rehydration he will be just fine I do not really eat the black males myself they're kind of one of those things that if you prefer the yellows you really don't like him but if you like the blacks and you like the taste of them they're okay they're really hard they're a little bit more hard to come by than the others so I know a lot of people the problem with him as far as I'm concerned is I like to drink beer nightly don't drink a few beers and I've noticed and I've heard from other people what other people have said to you these have a really bad reaction alcohol depending on what angle yours that or where you're at you always will see farther off so it's gonna look kind of skate with me scrambling around and going back and forth over a bunch of places yeah lot of damage but it's alright definitely worth coming up so far where were you time to pick him is when you see him cuz I always do this thing we're all spot one and then I'll be like alright well look around a little bit longer and then by the time I go back to cut that one down I don't remember what is that okay on work I'm sure I'll come across to here real beauty right sure yeah see 100 over there there's been a lot of wind damage out here this year this woods a lot of trees that are down not bad another thing that I've noticed it's not based on anything factual or reality it just I think happens to be the case if you're blah looking for black morels and you smell opossum a raccoon look there I mean like I said that's not based on anything other than about every spot that I find black morels stinks like straight up and down stinks like everybody see you don't take you to cuz you're nice-looking you as well Oh guys nice probably poor form just to walk away from here camera and your bag full of morels I kind of knock knock these things around as I'm holding them most of this dry stuff has already dropped every spore that it's going to you know not the end of the world that I like I said I do actually make an effort definitely on the spots here what I consider solely mine I do eight missing a bunch of stuff okay I was worried about making a mushroom video that was kind of lame cinema he's just didn't really know how much we could do with this walking around but I guess we can play a game when you can look and I can look and you can comment down below [Music] [Applause] [Music] quite a few in that little area there mystery right here is produced like I said about 10 years finding a lot a lot around the base of the tree the difference between the blacks and the yellows are I find the yellows to be a lot more tree specific I mean a lot of people will say well I hunt this one elm tree or this one maple tree or this you know one ash tree and every year I'll throw a flush with the blacks I noticed they mainly grow in an area of the woods as opposed to like at the base of that tree that big tree has a lot to do with these in here I'm sure they're like as you've seen we we've covered you know we probably came 50 yards from when we first started picking and as I'm walking out here in the distance there's a lot more so enough talk let's get these things cut down depending on how much energy I have and how late it is we may hit another spot on the way back home check for some yellows I doubt it about time to get out of here probably be ready to drink said said mentioned beer so all right let's keep looking getting there you could did you hear that old man noise that was my knees by the way that was not as big and speaking of old man I'm probably gonna do something I never do when I'm out here I am probably I've got a few more and I'm probably gonna sit down smoke a cigarette actually drink some water people tell me that's good for you never do that imagine I have chronic kidney stones why is that and then just be calm for a second I'll probably turn the cameras back on but are off I mean all right now I'll probably turn them off hang out for a little bit just soak it in I never never look around I mean I was in the woods the other day and I was thinking man it looks a lot like winter out here I couldn't figure out why and I looked up and I realized there's no leaves on the trees yet absolutely not no buds really even I mean most of the time when I'm finding numbers even halfway that's good the trees are fully leaved out weird year everything's different seasons are different times are different whatever all right let me drink some water and click this back on huh no I said I was gonna said now I'm just like just cigarette but I happen to sit down and hey gas passion mushrooms and I just can't sit here take this guy we're back here's this initial trail down there alright still I'm gonna start doing something I should have done sooner after I realized that the numbers were so strong out here this guy right here is absolutely perfect he is fresh is no more than a day or so old it was a good size that mushroom right there and a week will probably be five inches well even I start leaving some of the small stuff there's no reason to take everything today's because we are said it before might mean at this time I think when I start walking out of here after I take this mushroom and then I like loop back around it was more well mushroom I was gonna pick it may not be the one I first saw cuz I did that thing where I took my eyes off of it I don't why I told you not to do that he's nice dad smell nice too and you may be wondering if you're not wondering I'm gonna tell you anyway so that's like you're wondering um maybe wondering how I initially found this spot let me tell you I just walked through a lot of woods and that's important to do I mean you can talk about tree identification and this and that and whatever but you're not gonna find nothing and let you put it in the time like anything else put in the time off Mouse find mushrooms go back there next year and just don't rely on old spots because eventually the crap out on you so what I will do every year this time of year I will spend as much time cutting down old spots as looking for new ones because like I said eventually either somebody will find it Lando hang change hands you won't have permission they can log it make it burn down any number of things get happen so always be looking for new spots I will also tell you this time of year it's not at all a time I look for new spots you know if I'm looking for a new black spot I will wait until say this spots had I don't know one good flush coming next week I will know if blacks growing there they should be up they should be easy to identify then I'll look for a new spot if it's a spot where I'm looking throwing new yellows I'll wait until later in the year when the yellows are huge that way they're easy to find I'm not looking for new stuff when it's you know elusive it makes no sense I am sure if we wondered around here a little bit more we could find some more at this point I don't think I care I didn't leave couldn't leave kept finding them done now I dropped right here on the ground who came up with I'm not into counting mushrooms I found 176 today but holy I'll see we came up with never mind I won't weigh them cuz I'm gonna give easily half of these to the landowner I've got the in-laws to take care of and some other people long season everybody will get some I'm sure and I'll probably sell some and buy some fishing equipment all right
Channel: Whisker_Biscuit_Outdoors
Views: 58,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whisker biscuit, whisker biscuit outdoors, Kyle Raines, morels, morel, morel mushrooms, morel mushroom hunting, mushroom, mushrooms, mushroom hunting, mushroom hunting Indiana, hunting, hunting indiana, indiana, muncie, Delaware, creek, fishing, adventures, creek wading, foray, nature, outdoors, spring, fungus, yellow morels, black morels, ash trees, elm trees, hickory trees, tree identification
Id: kKp38o1mNYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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