Morel Mushrooms...HUGE HAUL !!! for 2024

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cool wow Monsters come on somebody pinched me they're getting bigger by the minute and I'm not even playing what is that look at them [Music] Beauties wow big yellows different kind of shroom there it's not normal yeah that's a bonus what's going on here got mushrooms holding up the scale yeah yeah little fresh rain yesterday hopeful we can find some nice plump juicy ones out here today got a big patch of woods to look here and um appreciate you guys being here got a long walk just to get to get into the general area where we we need to be 4 hours of sleep 5 hours maybe yeah be five I slept in a little bit see what the day's got for us let's go lots of cane in here just getting to where we want to be I think going to have to keep on going down this bunny trail here I got to peer through all this stuff work it really hard lots lots to peer through finally went out in the open spot here's that ice cream cone like I would make it Casey's no big striations on the stem not the yellow yellow everybody wants to know well what's causing these morels to be here there's cottonwoods here it's cottonwoods cotton Woods cottonwoods cottonwoods River Maples River Maples but the main thing is the transition line but uh we're going to cover this transition line okay between healthy mature Forest big healthy you can see the green it's healthy it's happy it's stable the mycelium in the ground out there is healthy healthy stable it's steady Edy it's easy as it goes it's happy get over here along this transition line between the healthiness and the stuff that has been flooded in recent years or that had too much water and killed these trees from too much water the good melium out here in this healthy Forest trying to spread out into here and and regain this and get its get its life back over here so it's it's springing up Morels on the transition line I can't say it enough the transition line between one type of an area to another transition lines can be caused by tornadoes loggers beavers um flooding when you spot a change in the woods suddenly look sharp okay let gather some up I can see a few spatter out through here donkey FS baby FS Bucket Fillers twins cool hopefully we'll fill that bucket up I doubt it but those are nice shrooms six or eight patches like that and we'll fill her up Beauties wow Beauties okay let me get these rounded up even know I can see any of these there is going to be absolute monsters under this stuff in a couple days I'm talking football volleyball monsters I mean you's no way you could get them all you just can't you can't you can't cover all this you can't see into this stuff look at this Beauty look there's one down there right in that Gap in that dark hole down in the thistles under the cane I mean that's just one lucky one I was able to be able to see oh look at it's beautiful Primo Primo gray out of the shade yeah look at these look at that big golf ball beautiful just seen a snake in here go off in the direction I need to go look at that beauty [Music] donkey donkeys look at it what a beautiful mushroom wow wow look look at this one how can we see these how is it how is it even possible how many hundreds are we missing I can't get him out of there incredible incredible mushroom quality granny beautiful pencil yeah check these out look at him my gosh little cluster yeah gorgeous just premium wow wow what else can I say wow so it's a about that's what the effort walk after walk after walk yeah we're out of the cane and Tall Grass kind of back into the timber here right on the Edge right on the edge of that transition line turn them up pumped so pumped got to control it I don't want to use up all my my Go Go Juice and my energy so early in the day yeah golly [Music] yeah beautiful I me look at the quality of these I can't say it over and over pump I'm just so pumped I got to be careful and the stay keep it down a little bit cuz uh it gas me out look at these Beauties look at that we're working on 34 of a bucket here real quick think I got this patch pretty much rounded up my gosh wow okay yeah damage damage in that bucket all right let's go look look at them Beauties I just walked the perimeter of the patch 20 and 30 ft out around the perimeter of the patch yeah yeah it's what it's all about it's what you dream about right here it's what you want to see what you want to experience and you can only do it by doing it being consistent about it you want to find the shrooms sometimes you get lucky sometimes it takes a lot of effort these are kind of more up to the edge of the the healthy Forest okay they're getting bigger by the minute and I'm not even playing and I don't care if you believe it or not I seen this one look at him I seen this one five minutes ago he's growing I can see him moving I'm not playing with you I found him 5 minutes ago and there was not that much yellow showing just 5 minutes ago you could barely see him he's growing it's he's moving for for [Music] so lucky it's pure luck there's no skill involved in this you just got to be full enough to want to walk through these Woods endlessly what an incredible white Morel incredible size for a white Morel wow ad morel's that's some beautiful fresh oysters absolutely fresh coming up today look at them Beauties wow wow come on now you you just that's you ain't going to beat that you ain't going to beat that out of a bag in your basement still getting the morels in the same area I've just moved down 30 ft and uh they're still popping and uh going to have to start a second bucket here right now okay I have to get the lid out and strap her down to the backpack too early for that but uh not complaining I don't want to carry it on my back okay there we are strapped up ready to go going to be a long walk with that let's go see some yellows in here not yellows tans whatever morels yeah bucket number two feeling good lots of energy backpack's going to Slow Me Down hold me down Ain going to let it stop us oo donkeys boom wmo wow falling over Wham you guys that have watched all my shows and really listened I've told you in the past when we go by cane I tell you sometimes they can explode in the cane and sometimes they did and do half a bucket already about 20 minutes I don't know what I'm going to do you ever pick morel's in a place that look like this nobody nobody takes you to different environments than Johnny fish we've been in the plum thickets Elm thickets we've been to Mars Walnut Rose tore them up on Walnut Rose huge elm tree flushes um down in a cottonwood Bowl did I say Mulberry Thicket yeah we've tore them up in a mberry Thicket well my daughters did go back previous shows back 10 12 videos before this whatever I don't know eight watch all those go to my playlist and uh you can see all those I think a nuclear bomb went off here Johnny fish baby on the shrooms speaking of which down here over here is the main attraction boom Bango Shango tripled up a bouquet a bouquet look at them blondes glow we need some night goggle cuz them babies are bright and clean we don't need that part we leave that for the the possums I pulled the roots up they pulled the roots of Boom who's got Granny's that big come on now tattooed granny you ain't got none of those look at it her head is touching the floor it's below her feet can't even get my hands around all these I'm GNA leave them there my buckets over there and that 6,000lb backpack bucket need to invent one Johnny Johnny Johnny on the bucket bucket on the back yeah loopy time loopy time lacking a little nourishment caffeine working on the second bucket we got one five gallon bucket full right there if you're just tuning in okay still out here in the um in the nuke zone drop the ab bomb out here growing these freak [Music] morals still close to the same area Okay um just working this aduc cane um the timber the woods are right there okay we're just out here into this cane a little farther went right in here in that mess and we got some uh we got some nuclear freaks here some genetic defects look at them Beauties wow they're getting some stems are they're growing by the minute look at the stems starting to get them vertical strations in it okay starting to look like tree stumps and they're just gaining moisture getting really plump and juicy um all these are have double double walled stems um and that's just from this second burst of growth um I grabbed one to pinch it off I think it was that one and the stem was really stiff and firm and I don't know man I don't know maybe you guys can see they there's they're double double walled there see it through these sides here you can see the top layer and then the second layer down below and he's got like three layers here's a here's a leg double leg guy okay and look at look through the base of him to his stem so we're starting to get some serious uh and he's got striations all up and started That's Just Happening throughout the day today as it's getting hot and juicy and humid after that rain last night they're really swelling up and um we're witnessing it and I love this kind of stuff been here done it several times a lot of people don't understand that these kind of things happen in their growth process and stuff but that guy is solid he's he's uh he's solid he's thick skinned he's quarter inch thick skinned and that's just happened overnight there's a tick big one yum this guy's got like three layers and they start out like that start like that new it's just the layers aren't when they're born when they first emerge they're like that it's just that the layers aren't pronounced you can see there's a more of a more of a solid tube there hopefully we can see that and then there's a kind of this outer layer and those it's always there it's just more microscopic when they're fresh and new and babies and they went through harsh conditions and these them layers have kind of separated through the dryness and moisture and back and forth and um it's just kind of becoming more pronounced and it's definitely probably something to do with as a defense mechanism to um survive the dry and the wind and they're they want to get as big as they can to and to open up and Spore out and blow out and make as many spores as they can that's their job it's not necessarily double walled or whatever but um the inside is not yet okay it's just normal but it's extremely extremely thick ah wow he's he's a half inch half inch thick easy maybe thicker so yeah that's the second bu bucket full um I don't know what to do now got figure something out here got me a little shady spot here to figure out some things somewhat got a little patch of shade here got morels all around me here out here in the blast site I got one bucket full already with the lid on it strapped to the backpack we got number two there um so okay got out got my got my snacks in the bucket got some spare batteries for my cameras out of the backpack got a drink mounted on the outside of my backpack and one of those deals on the other side um cuz I can't got all that stuff out cuz I can't really access my zippers to get in the backpack without undoing all this mess so should be good to go got a cooler in the truck with ice in it soon as I get back there the stuff will go in that cooler and get them cooled back down time for a fig bar okay super packed raspberry all right I got a peach pie of course who doesn't got some green trees got to get up in there it's a new section of greenery heading that way okay as you can see we're in some different scenery here all of a sudden like magic um out Beyond them green tops that's them green tops I was pointing in po that reporting from last time out in the field uh transitioned into um nice River Bottom stuff lots of sycamores in here one there one there lots of white tops off in the distance hopefully we can see them picked a few nice uh nice Blondie ones okay um not quite as creamy and white as those first ones but uh that first patch but still really nice and uh found a found a couple doubles in here there's another double okay found a couple doubles through the sycamores here just getting started in them uh took that big old backpack off about a two Acre Circle here of sycamores to work uh lots of dead brush with um Sycamore leaf Duff all piled up through it there one right there pushing up through them leaves and uh yeah Beauties that's more like them first white ones we were getting striations are starting to come through on their stems really beefing up and uh yeah beautiful condition granny yep another another day or two they'll be standing up loud and proud in here got a couple more places to get to and long ways in here there's another one okay they're popping buddy they're popping yep where is he thick one thick one all right hey we got special one here definitely special okay you want to talk about donkeys okay I got to get a knife what the the stem still came up out of the ground what the what what is that is that the snake holy moly it's a du it's a swan the Golden Goose it's the Golden Goose oh my gosh what a donkey straight [Music] donkey hey man what's up special one monster yellows just kidding big yellows let's get them this a different breed right here boys and girls we in the picture he ain't bad a bad at all no I didn't get through it way over there yeah what a beauty woo I mean that's effectively a repeat right I mean come on look at that look at that stump looks like a bonsai base come on now it's different kind of shroom there it's not normal at all yeah Welcome to the Jungle okay I just wanted to show you this um blue grass this is um this is blue grass or a water razor grass and um it makes big yellows little shaky shaky Vision I mean come on now it ain't 2023 but you know come on yeah come in there nice and gently put them right by the Golden Goose two and a half buckets rolling woo wow at the feed bucket Billy you missed them by the feed bucket buddy goly now a another Swan another Swan the Golden Goose quack quack quack quack here and sit down immediately take a break big old girl yeah that's a bonus we're going to end it on that and uh be back in here probably the next show last bucket is full of them golden Bells we like that all right we'll see at the house on the clean up come on sport bag where you at D yuckies he not yucky yet yuckies to go in the Spore bag you that put him in your Spore bag he would definitely SPO out there you go this should be about two lb three lb 239 239 238 going with 239 baby 2.39 62 63 6.02 I'll spread these out more when I woo 69 9 I'm calling it seven what what 7 lb donkey donks put all them donkey donks on top boom boom bigs bigs boom golden Bells there's the Swan Swan made it home the Golden Goose I got to subtract the weight of this bucket the Rope what's going on here got mushrooms holding up the scale it's terrible ain't it what 2 lbs 2.22 so minus 2.22 how does that weigh a bucket weigh two lb like a brain we know they look like brains you're an experienced mushroom hunter is that all you got to say is they look like brains yeah huh you've been doing this for as long as Dad lots of colors huh same area within a half a mile but the first the first patch was all these bigger um creamy bright white stem ones and then there was some smaller burn up sunshine burn up ones not burnt they're still fine but and then at the end hit the big yellows in a Sycamore and they were still going but I had to leave Plus 6.02 plus 7 even not 6.99 that one was seven even I'm sure of it equals 20 oh yeah 27.0 2 lb minus minus the 2.2 PB bucket 2.22 lb 24.8 25 pound day thank you thank you to everybody seriously appreciate you thank you for watching commenting thumbs up sub if you want to yeah thanks see you the next spot and um it Mak big [Music] yellows [Music] [Music] he
Channel: JohnnyFish
Views: 30,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d_00U1fGPOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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