W5: Sex abuse accusations within the Jehovah's Witnesses

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[Music] CTV's w5 living strictly by the good book God's law is above and beyond any human law where faith is challenged and innocence shattered it felt like ending my life by your religions darkest doctrines and no one will act why won't you call the police on pedophiles Avery Haines scored documents obtained by W 5 investigates claims of abuse and denial who do you turn to who do you have as support when victims plead for justice and he said he didn't do anything so there's nothing that we can do Scripture shields the accused there has to be a confession our two witnesses survivors are shunned by families and the congregation they are brainwashing everybody when blind faith turns a blind eye and he told me that I'm a liar here is Kevin Newman hello and thanks for joining us this week a full edition w5 investigation into an alleged worldwide cover-up of sex abuse involving an organization you may least expect the Jehovah's Witnesses the sect is involved in lawsuits in Canada and around the world a legend its doctrine victimizes abused children w5 s Avery Haynes travels to London New York California and across Canada to hear from victims who say that religious rules and intimidation ensure trauma is rarely if ever reported to police [Music] when you think of jehovah's witnesses you probably think of something like this polite disciples going door to door gently spreading jehovah's word but the doorstep conversations on this day are anything but routine that's right they're warning people about the Christian sect they once called their own they hide pedophiles they say the Jehovah's Witnesses organization is a secretive destructive and controlling group a group whose policies have ignored child sex abuse while protecting known pedophiles from police before witness would be afraid to speak up and talk because they would be just fellowshipped in the man family they call themselves the vast apostate army an apostate is someone who has abandoned their faith within the Jehovah's Witnesses ranks it's high up on the list of sins these former Jehovah's Witnesses have come to this quaint town of Warwick New York because just down the road is the world headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses they call it Bethel the house of God sprawling over 250 acres 800 people live and work here including the group's legal advisors support staff and the governing body eight men who established and supervised Jehovah's Witnesses doctrine they actually have some policies in place that allow these predators to be going door to door Tricia Fran genia traveled here from Edmonton a long expensive trip that was worth it to protest a religious group that she says stole her childhood there's a child every night that you went to bed you believe this may be your last night you may not wake up of course it was always constantly that Armageddon could be coming out any minute and what does Armageddon look like in the world of the Jehovah's Witnesses in my head it was giant fireballs coming out of the sky and people screaming and dying in front of me a fiery death was of the only thing that scared Tricia in fact in a way her own world had already ended since she was a child she says she had been abused by someone she should have been able to trust the most can you talk to me about the kind of abuse that you suffered sexual abuse from my father the abuse started as soon as I was born until was approximately 14 years old and which one is you this one Trisha says her mother suspected something was going on and went to the church elders for advice they basically told her that she wasn't fulfilling her wifely duties and that she had to be a more submissive wife and make her husband happier she's told you need to be servicing your husband more yeah and where does that sit in your heart and how does it sit it's happy I've gone through bouts of severe depression where I felt like ending my life because I was so unheard when I was basically screaming for help as a child eventually Trisha found the courage to go to an elder herself when she was 12 help is not what she found and I explained to him what was going on and he he said I don't have any proof and they don't have any witnesses so I need to respect my family and not to bring it up again you told an elder that your dad was sexually abusing you and he said show us the proof mm-hmm they put the onus on the victim to produce two credible eyewitnesses to their assault and by credible eyewitnesses they mean other jehovah's witnesses that saw it with their own eyes it's actually called the to witness rule inspired by passages from both Testaments of the Bible so it's not as though that Jehovah's Witnesses have just made up their rules I mean they've taken stuff from within their translation of the Bible to validate their policies yeah absolutely Andre Gagne is a theology studies professor at Montreal's Concordia University you find a passage here in Deuteronomy chapter 19 no single witness may convict another for any error or any sin that he may commit on the testimony of two witnesses or on the testimony of three witnesses the matter should be established no single witness may convict biblical words Jehovah's Witnesses take literally but if there's not two witnesses it's up to Jehovah absolutely they have what is called a theocratic worldview meaning that God's law is above and beyond any human law if I have to submit to any kind of law I'm gonna submit to God's law these videos produced for the Jehovah's Witnesses website show happy and carefree worshipers what they don't show the sheltered lives the strict rules meant to protect against the Satan led outside world witnesses are required to spend hours spreading jehovah's word door-to-door and at street corner carts like these they don't celebrate holidays no Christmases no birthdays and those who don't obey the rules risk being shunned by friends and family [Music] you have very very little connection with the outside world your entire world is that so if you're shunned from that who do you turn to who do you have as support it's very difficult and Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Armageddon the final battle between God and all wicked humans they believe it will happen any day now Armageddon is a battle it's a battle against the forces of darkness and the only way to be saved is to actually follow govt and adopt our interpretation of the Bible that's that's essentially it perhaps the most controversial of their beliefs has been their policy on what to do with child sexual abuse allegations court documents obtained by w5 show that Jehovah's Witnesses elders are instructed to keep a record of every single child sexual abuse allegation and then forward those allegations onto the organization's own legal department now in many countries including here in Canada the law requires that allegations like that be dealt with by police and yet there's ample evidence that calling the police has not been the regular practice of the Jehovah's Witnesses back in New York excuse me folks kind of a moment I'm one of the protesters does inspire Jehovah's Witnesses to call police his name is Zeb Leatherman and when he's not peacefully handing out flyers he's doing this just another day in the office Zeb strolled in and interrupts Jehovah's Witnesses services we have a special announcement that's out it's concerning the to witness rule telling the congregation their religious sect has some dark secrets and this hasn't happened just once for the past month Zeb has driven some 4000 kilometers across the United States stopping uninvited at 60 Jehovah's Witnesses churches which are called Kingdom Hall's our Heavenly Father we don't have to listen to these men anymore what's going through your mind when you open those doors to Kingdom Hall and know what you're about to do pretty scared but is there another way I don't know another way right now so I stick with this one really yes they usually call the police and they usually why won't you call the police on pedophiles hey it's the only way I personally know that I can really make a difference I don't like doing it it doesn't feel right and some places that might be illegal but I don't know another way to teach that many people at one point in time you come in here to destroy us I am I'm trying to tear I'm trying to tear down the tower Zeb was born into a jehovah's witness family but left in his 20s when he started doubting their strict interpretation of the bible including that to witness rule now his entire family shuns him what's your point why are you doing this because my ultimate goal is to free my family from this this cult today Zeb won't be alone when he slips into this Kingdom Hall just outside the religious groups world headquarters a dozen of his fellow protesters will join him they've sneaked in and spread out among the congregation and as soon as the opening hymn ends they start the interruptions camera phones rolling have your attention for a moment guys I want you to ask your elders about the - in this rule because the authorities are not called when children are abused The Watchtower Bible and tract society in New York is investigative and I'm talking here sir I'm sorry we're asking you because Lee at this time to leave so please Google all you can folks learn all you can slit you can maybe xscape this cult abandoning their hope I have no more time in my life for you guys I'm done with this whole thing it went all faith he's lost it really does destroy your soul when w5 continues The Watchtower Bible and tract society in New York is investigative I'm talking here sir I'm sorry a dozen former Jehovah's Witnesses have infiltrated this kingdom Hall it's a few miles from the religious sex world headquarters in New York State among them Canadian Trisha Fran jamia from Edmonton they say Jehovah's Witnesses policies fail to protect child sex abuse victims shield pedophiles and shun people who speak out and they want this congregation to hear what they have to say one after another the protesters stand up to make disturbing allegations allegations that many of these congregants have likely never heard before invitation to be here has been revoked max calm after several minutes everyone is finally ejected and the chaos spills outside but the accusations continue will not hate you guys I will not hate you you look at me like I don't exist I'm telling you as a man I'm right here so I have no more time in my life for you guys I'm done with this whole thing yeah does a single police officer shows up and the group slowly leaves they reassemble in a parking lot across the street happy they forced a different point of view into fresh ears Trisha Fran Chania who says she survived years of sexual abuse as a child thinks the protesters plan wasn't perfect but it's still worth celebrating you could tell that people were just like oh god like plugging their ears but there were a couple in the front that seemed to really affect it by it so you never know who's gonna go home and and try and find the truth the police officer returns a few minutes later and the group thinks that they're going to be told to leave obviously is private property soon I have believed in you guys but instead of asking them to clear out he has something else on his mind Holy Spirit what's your view on that it's an active force just like we're breathing here for the next 20 minutes the group and the cop talk religion I know the Christian Church and the job is witness obviously house the reception much friendlier than what they caught at the kingdom hall well good luck right there and good luck to the Warwick police officers the group may be small and their tactics improvised but what they're saying echoes a much larger movement that's being heard in courts and high levels of government around the world in 2015 an Australian Royal Commission investigated how the Jehovah's Witnesses organization handles allegations of child sexual abuse and how often those allegations are reported to police this is a legal requirement for it to be done as it after weeks of testimony from victims elders and experts the Commission concluded we do not believe that children are adequately protected from the risk of sexual abuse they went on to state we do not consider the Jehovah's Witness organization to be an organisation which responds adequately to child sexual abuse in this exchange senior counsel of the Commission Angus Stewart refuses to let a Jehovah's Witness elder deflect blame [Music] what you can do is you can report to the child protection authorities that is done in some cases but generally it's not done as it no the Commission also uncovered what had up until that moment been just a rumor that the Jehovah's Witnesses kept a secret database of every single known and suspected child abuser within their congregations not one was reported by the church the secular Authority since 1950 JW elders in Australia have documented potential child sexual abuse cases against one thousand and six members not one of them ever reported to police half a world away Jehovah's Witnesses are also coming under legal scrutiny in the United Kingdom how difficult is it to litigate the Jehovah's Witnesses they're extremely difficult to litigate against Kathleen Hallisey is a london-based lawyer who won the first-ever judgment against the Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK for historic sexual abuse her office has become the go-to law firm for challenging the Jehovah's Witnesses do you believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses have a policy that purposefully protects pedophiles and and puts children at risk I do I would describe it as a scandal and a global cover-up and a protection of abusers at the risk of children absolutely Hallisey says a British public inquiry is looking into how institutions have failed to protect children from sexual abuse and there's now public pressure to open a separate investigation that focuses solely on Jehovah's Witnesses if you have a policy that requires there to be a second witness to child abuse it means that virtually every allegation of child abuse is going to go no further and that puts the child at risk it puts other children at risk and it protects the person who's the abuser and now Canada has joined the fray - class-action lawsuits have been filed against the Jehovah's Witnesses officially known as The Watchtower Bible and tract society the courts haven't yet certified either lawsuit which accused the organization of failing to protect children from sexual abuse it is a captive organization so that means you can never leave Christian Gutierrez was one of those children he's the public face of one of the lawsuits a suit that seeks 66 million dollars and will represent dozens of alleged victims I like this women Christian and his wife Kathy live here in Calgary Christmas ended months ago but their apartment is still peppered with decorations and even a tree we Christmas because we only celebrate Christmas more times we weren't allowed as Jehovah's Witnesses so it's really special and we try to keep it up as long as possible four years ago both were disfellowshipped cut out and shunned because they started questioning the authority of the leaders but it took years of fear and abuse to get there starting when Christian was just a child I remember I used to be a child that liked to dance a lot and as I was getting older that started to stop I remember coming to sit on the couch with my father and he would have the book on one side and he would have the belt on the other side ready if I didn't summarize what I had read properly and I would get a spanking yeah the strict corporal punishment was nothing compared to what happened to Christian when he was just five I was hurt as a child by this man it was very upsetting because to this day certain smells can make me remember if I hear someone buckling their belt you know it brings me back to the memories of it the past is still too painful to relive in detail but Christian says he was sexually abused by a man and his congregation when my father found out I got in very big trouble and that is one of the most crushing moments because what you need is you need help hanging its support and what I got what from him was why did you go to the elders does anyone say to you a Christian we need to go to the police who is this are you okay it was never brought up to go to the police not once instead of calling the police Christian says elders told him he could heal himself by reading they gave me magazines of their own literature on sexual abuse and that these magazines were gonna help me to get better they were gonna make me feel better from what I went through whatever happened to the to the man who sexually abused you to my knowledge nothing has happened is he still in the in the organization I believe so catcha knows her husband's pain she knows what it's like to grow up as a jehovah's witness with a dark secret parts of your childhood are in here is it weird to let through these photographs it is because like it's my childhood and you'll want to look at them and be happy but it just reminds you I can't reminds me of all the bad times even back then catcha couldn't hide her misery not even from the camera in my eyes you can just see yeah it's just sadness sunglasses could shield red puffy eyes but they couldn't hide the haunted face of a victim and it's kind of PTSD looking at a picture of me at that age in a bathtub because that's the time I had certain abuse happened to me wasn't in a bathtub do you want to share with us what happened to you cassia yeah I was actually abused by a close family relative of mine and this person was also an elder and also a Jehovah's Witness I don't feel like going to exactly told what took place but I was you know it's actually touched I was just very stressed and scared and I had a lot of anxiety so much anxiety that at the age of just ten catcha took a kitchen knife into her room and held it to her wrists I feel like I was going through all this and nobody noticed and I I just I was looking for someone to help me and I thought maybe in a child mine maybe if I tried to take my life it would get someone to notice that I need help before Katia could hurt herself her mother found her with that knife and rushed her to the hospital so you get to the hospital and what did the doctors at the hospital say to you made it a lot of questioning just on my history what my family life was like they asked me is there anything else that you want to share anything else that's causing you to feel scared at home or anything or in your life and that's when I said yeah there's something else that I want to say and I told him that I was being sexually abused at the same time he told the doctors yeah and it was one of those doctors who called the police shortly after a close family member of kashia's was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference but things did not get easier after speaking to police Katia was summoned to talk to the elders a ten-year-old girl in a room full of men what did they specifically ask you about the sexual abuse I remember the elders actually asked me do you know if there's two other witnesses involved to this and I said no I said well something we can do leave it in Jehovah's hands they didn't even say we're sorry to hear what happened to your anything catcha says one elder took it even farther and he said if you really were sexually abused that you would have squealed like a pig which you did not which means it never happened and he told me that I'm a liar and that I need to clear this person's name and tell the police what I said was not true catcher refused but it didn't matter before the trial her alleged abuser fled to Europe where he lives to this day and is the father of two young girls you both feel in your experience that this organization protected the pedophile at the detriment of the child of you both oh yeah for sure it really does destroy your soul it'sit's almost like in my opinion it is murder because you kill the person inside hiding the crimes the written policy was we keep known child molesters the secret while victims suffer my innocence was taken away when w5 continues welcome back to w5 every haynes investigation into the jehovah's witnesses doctrine has unveiled sexual abuse survivors who claim they reported their abuse to elders but police were never called in well now some of those victims are taking the religious sect to court which will be a difficult and costly battle all around the world people come together every week at places of worship Court Kingdom Hall's the Jehovah's Witnesses official website hosts dozens of videos that depict warm family scenes it's a stark contrast to the emotional court battles and international investigations that allege the organisation has covered up child sex assault cases now two class-action lawsuits have been filed in Canada one for 66 million dollars neither has yet been certified to proceed there's one place with a long history of taking on Jehovah's Witnesses and it's right here in California dozens of civil suits have been filed against the organization in this state each of them settled quietly out of court except for one the historic case of Candis Conte Candis was just nine years old when she went out door to door spreading the word of Jehovah because she was so young she was sent out with an older man a man who had something else on his mind and it had nothing to do with God he feels stronger after all of this I do there's a lot of times where I don't but I do Candace grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and from an early age embraced everything it seemed to offer she wanted to get to heaven for a very specific reason my grandfather died and a really really well for me a really young age and the thought that I could see him again was one of my driving forces to be the best jehovah's witness that i could be and to do that you know you you spend your time you spend your energy you go out and you talk to people and you and you try to bring them into to the fold Candice's door-to-door minder was this man Jonathan Kendrick was 41 years old in 1995 instead of taking Candace to preach jehovah's word he took her to his own house repeatedly for more than a year 9 can you give me a sense of what happened when you were a 9 year old girl i was taken advantage of my innocence was taken away her innocence may have been taken away but her fight most definitely was not Candace kept the abuse secret for years but when she was 16 she searched Kendricks name online and found this a public child abuse database he was a convicted child molester she knew she had to speak up the sense of guilt that I had felt I think had pushed me to trying to prevent this from happening to other children Candace reported her allegations to an elder it didn't go well you walked in and said to the elders I'm also a victim I am also a survivor of this man and what did they say to you I was literally told quote/unquote what do you want me to do start a holy crusade months passed and Candace was finally summoned by the elders they told her they had interviewed Jonathan Kendrick and he said he didn't do anything so there's nothing that we can do you know and so that's where that terrible hideous to witness rule comes into play the to witness rule a Bible inspired doctrine that dictates elders cannot discipline someone unless there are two witnesses to the alleged sin you can't even really wrap your head around that you know to a to witness role I mean you let her you know you don't have one witness to a child molestation Eunos but Candace didn't back down instead she got a lawyer I described Candace Conti as the client that I hope every good lawyer gets once in a Rick Simmons was Candace's lawyer these are exhibits and they represent a couple of smoking guns in the candice county case they do one is a letter sent by the elders at North Fremont congregation where canvas had been a member all of her life two years before the sexual abuse of Candace by Jonathan Kendrick began the letter says Kendrick admitted to elders that he sexually assaulted a girl before they paired him with Candace in this deposition video you can hear Rick Simmons ask an elder about that admission do you recall becoming aware of a report of sexual abuse of a child by Jonathan Kendrick yes he had called us to his home to discuss a star to confess to incident with his stepdaughter so they knew that they had a sexual predator in their congregation he was going out with children they knew that and what about this one this is a body of Elder letter and it instructs the elders in every congregation in the United States that if they receive a report of child molestation within their congregation that they are to keep it secret the letter states there is a time to keep quiet problems are created when elders unwisely reveal matters that should be kept confidential it was an order and the elders obeyed we don't make that public to the congregation that's confidential the written policy the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses was we keep known child molesters secret the jury awarded Candace twenty-eight million dollars the richest judgment against a religious group for one person in US history since then it's been whittled down to just under three million dollars and that's because an appeals court decided that the organization did not have a responsibility to warn the congregation about Kendrick all of that money aside she didn't get what she was after which was a change in the policy I don't think she got a formal change in the policy but the publicity the knowledge that when your doorbell rings on a Saturday morning the person standing there could be a convicted child molester posing as a religious believer that message has gotten out beyond just delivering a powerful message Simmons thinks law suits like Canada's new multi-million dollar suits will eventually force the Jehovah's Witnesses to change they have tremendous wealth billions of dollars in wealth but the price of abuse is getting higher and at some point it gets too high to be able to withstand it you believe that yes it will because the financial cost like it did the Catholic Church will make sure that they have to change to survive do you believe you'll ever see a day where the Jehovah's Witnesses strike that to witness rule from their doctrine yes I hope I think that that the to witness world works for you know stealing a loaf of bread but it does not work for rape and child abuse at all speaking out publicly has cost Candace just about every family member every friend she ever knew as a Jehovah's Witness to this day she is still being shunned by her own father extreme shunning is a destructive and controlling aspect of the Christian sect and some say the fear of shunning is why believers don't challenge the rules even if it kills them a tragic example of that deadly fear unfolded near Quebec City in late 2016 eloise Dupuis was 27 when she gave birth to a son her labor was difficult and she lost a lot of blood so much that doctors said she would likely die without a transfusion but Eloise was a Jehovah's Witness who believed that transfusions are biblically banned she refused the blood and less than a week after becoming a new mother Eloise Dupuis died I miss her every day man oh boy I was Eloise's aunt she was beautiful Meno is not a Jehovah's Witness so Eloise had to keep their close relationship a secret she was the nicest girl I never knew in my life she was lovely she was loving boy a believes it was fear of being kicked out and shunned that led to a Louise's death she says her niece was surrounded 24-7 by what's called the hospital liaison committee known to critics as the blood police a group of Jehovah's Witnesses who keep vigil around believers who were at risk of receiving a transfusion nobody who's not Jehovah Witness can see her she was successfully sequestered yeah the doctors treating her told her many times you will most certainly die if you don't accept blood but she never believed in Michele Morin is an author who's written a book about the case and its title is blunt it's called they killed Eloise to flee he argues that hospital liaison committees coerce people through fear of shunning if you get blood you will be disfellowship so your family won't talk to you again you will lose access to the paradise exoteric cetera and so there is so many threats you know and so many pressure put on these people that we're not talking about free will here even if a doctor a competent doctor tells her about the reality of blood transfusion he has like 24-48 hours to convince her and to change 20 years of of deception of lies it's an impossible task a coroner's inquest concluded Eloise was not unduly influenced by fellow Jehovah's Witnesses a ruling her aunt thinks is absurd she believes Eloise wanted to live but the fear of being kicked out and shunned was too powerful they are brainwashing everybody you have no choice when you're a jobber witness you don't have the choice to think she didn't deserve that and I miss her a lot shaking the foundations how here to talk to people who are them of a rock-solid bully we will never change our scriptural position on that subject when w5 continues they call themselves the vast apostate army former Jehovah's Witnesses who are speaking out against the Christian sect they say covers up allegations of sexual abuse within its ranks today they're bringing their allegations to a place they once revered deep in rural New York State outside the small town of Warwick this is Bethel the world headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses so well I'm on Facebook you guys are watching live all over the world we've got people coming in from Australia and pretty much everywhere the governing body inside knows the protesters are here and despite the fact that it's raining the compounds sprinklers have been turned on full Parker Brian organized the rally and has nominated himself to take their complaints to the security gate can you hear me so my name is Parker we were hoping we could get one of the governing body members to come out and say hello and have a few words is that possible so you know what the site is closed at the moment and the purses your request and they're not available not available also you may not know this but this is private property [Music] the to witness rule has got to go kids are being molested and they're not being turned in to the authorities the protesters may not have been heard thank you gentlemen have a great day okay but they would later find out they were definitely seen they're starting to block the main entrance this video was taken from inside the compound well behind that security gate video and stills of not only the group but of individual protesters as well someone from inside Bethel recorded the demonstrators and for some reason secretly posted it online yeah and this isn't the only video that came from behind the gates greetings we're so happy you could join us for this broadcast the Jehovah's Witnesses official website regularly broadcast this newscast like presentation almost immediately after the protesters delivered their in-your-face message if you'd open your Bibles to Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 this senior official appeared on the broadcast defending the to witness rule the scripture is eclis r it says no single witness may convict another for any error or any sin that he may commit on the testimony of two witnesses or in the testimony of three witnesses the matter should be established there has to be a confession or two witnesses so we will never change our scriptural position on that subject this grassroots group of Acts witnesses didn't really expect to meet with anyone from the governing body during the protest there's a long history of not responding to criticisms or allegations publicly something W v found out firsthand this is the Canadian headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Georgetown north of Toronto we requested an on-camera interview here as well as at the world headquarters in New York State both requests were denied and so we sent a long list of questions surrounding their child protection policies including whether or not police are called every time a sex abuse allegation is made instead of answers we received a variation of a statement that the Jehovah's Witnesses have been using for years they say the Jehovah's Witnesses abhor child abuse a crime that sadly occurs in all sectors of society we believe that loving and protective parents are the best deterrent to child abuse the and his or her parents have the absolute right to report the matter to the governmental authorities elders do not shield abusers from the authorities or from the consequences of their actions it's a statement that Christian Gutierrez from Calgary hopes to challenge in court Christian is the public face of a 66 million dollar class-action lawsuit filed against the Jehovah's Witnesses organization in Canada I want just this I want this to stop I would like the watchtower to change their policy it's just a simple policy the lawsuit has not been certified to proceed yet but Christian isn't waiting around Christian and his wife Katia host a YouTube channel that reaches hundreds of thousands of people their message challenge the watchtowers rules and get out when you finally leave feel free and they're not the only ones using social media to fight back against the Jehovah's Witnesses several of the protesters who march to the world headquarters in New York State are waging social media war against the Jehovah's Witnesses doctrine including Trisha Fran Gina who had the courage to talk about her sexual abuse online I just want other victims to know that they're not alone and you have a voice now it's the time to use it we're all excommunicated we've all lost family and we've all lost friends and we're all just saying we're not invisible we're not going to be quiet anymore in Canada the Jehovah's Witnesses are illegal registered charity one of the country's richest each year it raises more than 75 million dollars tax-free we'll be right back [Music]
Channel: Official W5
Views: 1,197,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: W5, Jehovah's Witness, sexual abuse, religion, Tract Society, Watchtower, Bible, two witness rule, child protection, child sexual abuse
Id: 13ja8dMEmPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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