VW Engine Build - Complete Start to Finish | Type 1, Flat 4

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this one here we found a little spot in it piece is missing and the uh feels a little sharp so we'll get a good used one here [Music] sweet tool there we go works like a champ every time pulls them off with no damage and this one doesn't appear to have that same spot on it so I think we made a good call it's a little not as sharp nice yeah we'll go with that one all right cool we're gonna disassemble the heads and valve job them so we're going to show you guys how we do that these are fairly clean we're going to take them apart and go ahead and cut the seats so we have a fresh valve job you can see right here you see how these Springs have space between the two top coils you see this one's on upside down yep yeah so you want to watch stuff like that no always make sure you have the uh proper spacing uh this can cause an issue putting the springs on upside down so we'll correct all that stuff but we'll go ahead and get the support and you have your two little Keepers here those are the locks that hold the retainer to the valve they're like a wedge shape and then they have three grooves that mate to the grooves and the valve stem and pull that off we have the retainer and then we have our spring these are in really nice shape a lot of times you'll try to take them off and the keepers will get stuck in the retainers and that's a good sign that the motor has been run really hard so we're looking good here another sign is the uh when you go pull the valves out of the heads you want to be real careful to make sure that there's no resistance because these can get sharp sometimes from the keepers riding in them and it'll damage the valve guide so you want to make sure it pulls freely through the guide and if you run into a situation where it doesn't take a little file and just you know rotate the valve and file that this valve's stuck so it's definitely an issue yeah these uh well they're pretty dirty they feel like they got sand knobs so we'll clean everything up and uh make it fresh I want any kind of sand in there because these are actually made out of brass or bronze and they wear pretty quick if they get any kind of uh primer or dirt in there so gotcha so that's what we're looking for we're gonna go ahead and take and cut the seats next do a little bow job we'll cut the seats and we'll reface the valves and then we'll lap them in and reassemble the heads not bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] this is why it's sometimes not a good idea to lap valves in you'll see that it's cleaned that whole side of the valve yep and this side's not even touched yet wow so that would have been a you know a dead Miss yeah yeah it's definitely a nice machine to have [Music] even as toughest Volkswagens are you still have to you know [Applause] you see here all the way around we got a fresh seat so that can match our fresh seat onto the cylinder head I think all right now we're going to do some tips [Laughter] [Music] that brush is that where the rocker goes [Music] all right so we're cutting the valve seats now we refaced the valves and now we're going to make the seat true and then we can lap it in we'll have a good seal so we're just going to put a 45 on these well I'm not going to get too carried away on the spoon if it's down in here or uh tools for this went bad so we're using an impact wrench which seems to work okay as long as you don't let it beat too hard get it spinning and it works pretty well there we go oh yeah look how pretty that is that's what I need right there so there you go that's the finished 45 on there nice [Music] [Music] yeah let's touch it on the one side and not over here yep that's another seat that would have never you know run properly that's why you can't always just lap the valves in you a lot of times there's a little bit of Distortion in the seat or the valves aren't quite flat anymore [Music] that one's really bad oh I don't even know that was London never seen in there looking good took a while to get it yeah how was the need of some Club in there what was that tool called that right angle these are the pilots that go in the guides okay that's the valve seat cutting tool and it's about three facer all right so what do you have there this is about blocking compound this little like gritty it's water-based you don't want to get too much on there because if it gets in the guide again it will cause havoc this is going to establish a seat and generally you want the seat to be at the top of the valve let me see that line there that represents the seat nice right at the top where it's supposed to be it's all in the valve drop brother it really is security valve jobs all the time in California one year and Clyde you know basically was in a good mood to let them work with them that's cool and taught scooter how to do a valve job you know how to shape seat and and uh my car was like a 1380 car and we came back to get it outside line on a 13-0 almost a full second [Music] see the grade grade line in there where it mated it's not shiny anymore you can do the one that's not popping over here all right what are we doing we're gonna assemble this head I'm gonna show you how to do this one and then you're gonna do the next one all right cool so you want to put a little oil on the stem what kind of oil are you using oh this is some just assembly oil that I got some w100 Arrow oil shell so you want to just rub it in get the stem nice and wet and we're going to just put it into the guide and slide it in [Music] the process on all of these little stems I like to use oil I don't ever like to use grease or assembly Lube on a valve stem because it can keep the oil from getting in and burn the valves or the valve guide up okay so always a good practice you use motor oil it's what it's going to lubricate the stem and the guide itself actually has lubricant in it never grease on the guide gotcha the grease comes in next I'll show you what we're going to use that for you got all our valves installed now okay now we're going to go to the springs have our Springs the retainer is ready here we have our Springs Oregon in the right see all the Springs you know tight coils to the bottom loose coils to the top very important it will run either way but the spring is meant to operate like that gotcha so we're going to take a little this Molly grease now next and we're going to put a little in these grooves on the valves these little grooves that the keepers going we're going to fill these black Grease and this grease is going to hold this keeper so you can assemble the head without them falling out on you [Music] got our Grease full put that away we're going to take our spring put this remain see a little better and I usually start on one side and work my way to the end you're going to place a spring like this with your hand and they come in the back of the head put this on the valve and then you close it down slowly you know get everything lined up and that's what it should look like you're going to grab your keepers use your locks and they should stick here so I can get it off my finger and that grease we put on it stays they only go one way or yeah they go tapered side down okay okay it's like a cone shape other side's the top okay so we got those both on there now we're going to slowly release this tool and everything will lock in place nice and we repeat the process [Music] I want to make sure that you get all three keeper all three grooves and without so it should look like you should have a little valve stem sticking out should be symmetrical all the way around [Music] awesome [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] wants to be stubborn we'll leave that one for you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right all right what are we doing here we're putting the gears on the crank this is the time of year timing gear this is the one that's on the crank that runs the camshaft when you've got the main bearing on there yeah yeah put the bearing on you can on a performance motor I usually buy two sets of bearings and use the split one up here but otherwise you want to make sure you get this on first or you got to do it twice so that's that part spacer I hate this one and that's made out of brass or that's a brass yes that's for the distributor drive gear that's it right [Music] gotta get it just the right temperature how long do you leave it on there until spin evaporates just right it's a good technique come in close listen you wanted to do that that's the test so that was about a minute it was hot already though yeah [Applause] oh not hot enough there it goes snap around those are some pretty cool pliers foreign now we're good next what we are small bearing pull towards the flywheel okay next will be our Slinger parrot add a pair like this foreign you're swimming there nice up the wrong way and I'll come right out behind the pulley really bad there we go now we're going to move on to the connecting rods put a little oil on your bearing gotcha that's enough yeah I'll show you how to do this one and you can do the restroom okay all right cool a little oil on that okay let's put that right here all right remember things change now it's number one 's over here I'm gonna do this time to time to time not the Tang that you drink but the Tang on the bearing that's it all right oh I'll use this one to uh get it paint oh yeah so you don't drop it at torque wrench is pretty bulky so all right [Music] okay um I tight end a little bit over here and I come over here and tighten it a little bit and then I go back over here for my torque okay yep and I'd go back and forth a couple times on these because it works pretty high on these click that's torque and we're going for 35. it's 27 to 38 is the recommended torque value I pick 35 it's in the middle okay okay that's what we want to hear cool from our Rod to uh spin like that when we're done nice okay you try it all right now this is number one number two or the next one's gonna go that way so we're going to alternate every one gotcha so we're going here yep so your tangs are going to be down so you're going to oil this baby up yep you're gonna get the whole bearing covered the tanks are going to go down the rod goes this way all right and you're talking about the tangs this year whatever you want to call them yep and it goes Tang to Tang bang the dang yeah it's gonna go like this that's exactly right so you're gonna put oil on that yep and put oil on that and you're gonna hold it together with one hand and then you're gonna take these bolts and put them on don't let go of it all right all right yeah I'm getting all right hang down take the time change the time when the things are on opposite sides of each other yes they are okay and the numbers let's go together don't complicate yourself all right hold it just like that with your two fingers okay now for your other hand up grab a bolt all right start your bolting that side now I try to put the rod straight up and tighten it you know snug it and then you can free your other hand away after you get that okay just like that yep I'm just going to get it tight for the bearing yeah okay now you're gonna snug it down with a little one [Music] now go ahead and use torque wrench all right and you can just have it straight up like this yes you can all right I like to hold the rod camera like this yeah I just want to keep removing all right are you riding it or left hand i'm right-handed a little time remember you're gonna pull it out a little bit and I go to the other side okay [Music] okay go to the other side you should hit her clip this time let's go to the other side so I'm just easing it down still moving nope yeah just do that oh I gotcha okay it's sticking on the side around the bearing so so you just double check in a couple times yeah I do so there you go is there anything you're looking for as far as fit uh you really can't adjust the side clearance too much but you want to make sure it has a little bit of cellular oil get excess the rod you know what we're talking about yeah it's a little tight on the Volkswagen for racing modification so you have to notch this crank make it work for the rod yeah so is that something you measure uh you can but you can't adjust it so you're unless you're gonna weld the crank up or you know so just know there's there should be a little wiggle right yeah you don't want excessive you know that's what it needs it's good to go cool awesome next frog goes that way [Music] thank you [Music] you see a little notch in the rod we'll do this one so prepare for only a purpose to see that Notch yeah see the washer yep this is a little tricky with these little short rods but foreign just like that too maybe the wristbands take this era we've talked about this little bit of detonation on here it's not going to be a problem but it's just scarred the Piston a little bit now we're going to position the Rings towards the top of the piston there's our own Oil ring converter oil rings good it's not at the bottom and clock this one over here the top ring over here so right here right here Oil ring an oil ring cool there it goes towards the flywheel you talked about the Rings for a second and sure how they work oh you got your compression ring this is the oil control ring and then this is the wiper ring these this ring here is a three piece ring it has the two rails and then the wiper and basically these are pretty common you know uh you can see these little grooves they put in the Rings when those are gone you know to replace them these are fairly new so you can see those little lines those will be gone and shiny if you need to replace them okay but these have been done they're all clean put back on there we hung the cylinders and uh put a little oil on these I'll show you how I put them in the cylinder and just put a little bit on the skirt and on an excessive amount you want to put a light amount on the Rings if you get too much oil on these Rings being that they're new they won't make to the cylinder and I'll just smoke forever gotcha got a ring compressor that's a vintage compressor vintage thank you they make tapered ones now for the bigger cylinders which are really nice so that's that we got the wrist pens we need to get and uh we're on our way cool Molly Lube on the lifters these are original lifters so we're going to change the camera or anything or it's all OG stuff oh G40 horse hell yeah so basically everything's original from the original engine except for the the parts that we're out like the crankshaft have been turned ten thousands so you know that was uh only we got some different bearings for it and we got everything cleaned up I think we're ready to go I'm gonna take the crank out and uh put the bearing on and go for it all right all right remember that rear bearing over there thanks sir so we already marked our bearings and everything located our dowel pins yep so Del pen always goes towards the flywheel [Music] yeah so Darren's been working on this engine for a couple days actually getting it cleaned up it was in pretty bad shape um we got the valve dropped the heads and stuff but we got it it's gonna be a nice little motor and uh I'm gonna be really happy to see you driving oh man it's gonna be awesome and next one you can build come over here and use my shop but that'd be cool you can rebuild the next one love you yeah I'd appreciate it that'd be fun this is the first time I've ever done anything like this so it's pretty exciting I'm gonna set this down here and spin our rear bearing and start back there usually I come up here and grab this rod and just hold up a little bit spin it around be real close there I'm gonna get this one and that one spin it around one time right there seated this is our bearing half that goes in the other case we're going to put this here and make sure it doesn't rock it should be very firm just like that go ahead and feel that so you feel what that feel like yeah good no movement that tells you the crank is seated flat in the case nice so now we can put this bearing in this case out we have our dowel pin in there we go oil on that oil oil the oil pan plug over here trying a new CP performance cam plug here yep they look pretty sweet pretty nice they say no sealer required we'll probably put a little bit of Aviation permafax under it just so we can sleep at night just to be safe come over here so this is what they use in the factory this is Aviation Permatex this is like the staple for Volkswagens I like to use the silicone on the more you know High Performance Motors but this is fine for this kind of motor yeah this is just a basic 40 horse so we're going to build just like this the case is really nice on this motor all the mating surfaces so we should have no problems oh this stuff can get hard over a period of time but it will last quite some time yeah you'll get good service out of it good stuff this used to be it man it took years to talk to my old boss into changing you know from this to anything else pretty well yeah usually if you get used to using some and get stuff yeah I mean you know you have to really unless it fails on you there's no sense to change you know right so what are the benefits of the silicone I think it just got a little longer life you know it doesn't get as brittle from the heat where this stuff can get a little brittle right but it's it's you know it's fine for you know really what I do over here is double up my back though and just a little bit over here on this side and that other case app this stuff doesn't smooth too far like silicone so you don't have to worry about it getting down in the engine but you know don't put too much I'm just going to put a little bit down here just because I'm sure CV's cam plug is far superior than anything I've ever used but I feel better with a little sooner sure a little bit of sealer can't hurt but if it's nice goes in the grill really good so I like to put them in that way flat side out that way the cam walks a little bit it doesn't wear through the plug gotcha if it was an automatic car you turn it around a little bit like this a flex plate bolt comes through you can uh compromise the cam plug so cool we'll leave it like that put a little on the top here and that's it we're ready to uh check everything the oil oil lifters lifters hats what are you doing putting the cam in okay cool button up the bottom end here you got to put that in yeah it won't run without this they're dropped in and I learned from the last motor that you always want to uh you know Mark the timing marks yep because I'm going blind so you can see here what I did with the timing marks timing marks are painted got two dots on the crank gear and one dot on the cam so put that on there and it's easy to see gotcha got all our uh stuff in here a little oil in the can and then we're gonna take this and put it over here my blisters don't fall out raw dream we've already checked our bearings so we're going to apply a little pressure here get those babies to stand up like magic nice we've got our case app over here we have all our lifters installed we have all our cam bearings in place we have our bearing in there we have our cam plug installed over here and we're ready to make the two case outs now we just hope the lifter Clips they put just like that nice my rubber hammer foreign [Music] make sure it's all seated there you go you know put a little firm text down here at the base of these [Music] this keeps the overall from crawling up the stud this is a non-o-ring case so so you put that down and then you put the washer on top of it yes sir put more on top of the washer no just the bottom okay trying to create a little seal there these are good to seal up to because these will go to the cam journals these two here so they are in oil washer down flat side let's see the wash has got a flat side and a bevel side no saw washers do flat bevel flat surface should go down okay okay is it a good idea to use new hardware for those I like to use new hardware yeah and uh you know these are ceiling nuts some guys put these on upside down and take the washer off I don't do it that way but you know there's always different ways to do things we're just trying to share the way that I was taught it works pretty good for me and I'm trying to pass it on to people that might be able to use the information so it's awesome that's all we can do oh you've been Building engines since late 70s early on 79 79 yeah I'm looking for scooter I worked there for probably three years Washington Parks before he let me touch the motor and other than dirty ones and uh worked there for quite a while before I was trusted to assemble stuff I've got was able to build cylinder heads first and then move on to the engine and he's always built all the performance motors I just did the stock stuff yep but you know I watched everything he did and took it in like a sponge so you want to grab the crank pulley for me yeah there we go all right is there any specific sequence there you just jump around I usually go corner corner you know piss cross you don't want to hit them all at one time you know you're spreading torque out a little bit get them snug and then what do you torque these down to 27 foot pounds you need to adjust it so you're at 27 mm-hmm let's knock them down yeah the other ratchet yeah I'll go ahead and check them all and your first crash pattern don't ever check your torque too many times I'm gonna be confident in what you're doing so [Music] oh yeah spring Marsh or some people want to know the spring washer is a European thing hold on let me get a close-up of that so it's got like a little bit of a it's almost like it's bent it's weighty washer a spring washer there's a couple works for it but yep one thing to remember there's no place for a washer that has a split in it on any kind of engine really okay really so never use a split washer on any kind of automotive engine or Machinery that you want to stay tight all right all right all right making my fingers nervous CT it's all good man [Music] that's why I got extra nuts there that's what yeah oh I'll put it there oh rookie mistake I mean you're living good but yeah oh boy we don't want to press our luck yeah those look nice yeah they're nice little Locker nuts they look cool Factory Hardware's probably fine but you know so I try to use new hardware when I can [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so what are we getting into here Darren you're going to be uh putting the Piston cylinders on first we're gonna put some sealer on those and we'll install that and then uh have our push rod tubes our deflector plate basically you're going to bolt the side of the motor up and then we'll work together on putting the sheet metal and the drive gear and the rest of the components on to make it run okay cool but I want you to bolt this side together so you're familiar with it and you have an idea of what's going on here we have everything laid out we've got our studs shortened up now everything's ready to go awesome so so we should be able to get this up and running day hopefully we should be able to as long as there's no major uh of course I thought we were going to get it running last time but you know it's not always like you plan right we want then result to be good so all right reach under here with one hand and hold that Rod up now slide your jug over this the studs slide it on in there get it in there there you go now you're trying to line this pen up with the bushing there and then just push it through once you get everything lined up get my glasses on all right let me help you this is a little tricky it's a little tricky because these rods are so short on a 40 horse so when I put these in like grab them for them like this make sure they're in the clip yeah let me just move it a little bit just make sure it's in the groove there it'll go back and forth real smooth if it is and if it isn't it'll pop out yep yeah I got a pretty good shot of that in the last video clips on there go ahead and slide that in now push it in don't touch that just push it in just push right here yes sir okay you're lining so both Clips are on both sides got our sealer on sealers on and just push it on down square up and push it down there you go that's good hold it for a minute all right good we're ready for our next job awesome you want to try to do that one yeah all right it's uh same process let me put a little leave on that fit in there so you got a clip on this side already yep that's the flat side it's easier to uh when you assemble The Jug like this you have to put this one in you know you can get to the one on the outside but obviously you can't get in here right so a little dragon blood in there okay and then uh you slide it on the studs and then you're lining your pen up with your bushing up right there switch it down take your time it's a little you know you'll feel the pin get into the rod and it'll slide right in I think you got it there I was supposed to do and we'll have to tap it at the end there I'll over tap it for you okay cool a little more foreign [Music] keepers at flat side out so there's a flat side on this yeah this one's sort of round but you can see this side's gotten flat Edge and the flat side goes out that out so it's locked into the piston and the pins pushing on this part okay grab it and move it in the groove get it in there move it around yep okay push that baby home put the motor down because this Fan's not as nice as as your stamp there you go line it up in the hole all right nice plate is next this is right there shape this a little bit it locks in this goes under here the flex there the air comes down from the fan and hits this and it cools the bottom of the jugs yep if you leave this off the jugs don't pull the air blows right through them and they'll overheat gotcha this is very critical remember we're going to leave these up and there's two sides there's one looks like there's a bigger side and a small side goes in okay so it goes out just like that nice go ahead and place the head onto the studs go ahead and get it started on there well let's put a little sealer on those O-rings real quick I like to put a little bit of seal around here send it a bit it's been on there nice now huh never know they're hard to get on there yeah those were tough are those just on the 40 horse yeah this is 40 horse thing all right now you're ready to go ahead and put the head up there all right get the head on yeah awesome sorry guys pop it on there mm-hmm it's a beautiful thing all right should I push it up a little further okay all right now we need to push rod tubes behind you so if that's it right there all right seams always go up on these and you have where it's laser welded there yep you want those at the top okay okay by the way these are super sweet uh 40 horse push rod tubes they're shorter than a 1600 and uh he got these at Wolfsburg West and they're super nice yeah they are nice so uh it's really cool to get the actual proper tube so the way we put these in so I like to pull the head out a little bit like this okay so I used the cylinder head in the block sort of to hold it in place take two hands put these in my pocket seam up of course get it in there head out just hold it just like that and go to the next one all right so the seam this part here yep goes up yep okay just in case it leaks for some reason yeah you know sometimes they can leak from there uh yeah it's just a good practice to put the seam at the top foreign okay so you can look over here and see all the scenes just line those up yeah turn them get all the seams at the top they all it's up you can look it right here and see them yep so that's what I usually look through there and I'll just put the head on like that and then I'll line them all up make sure they're all straight yeah I can see the seam okay you know we want to look at everything we got our deflector plate on there we got all our push rod tubes in place and we're ready to go for the cylinder head Hardware next all right I got these four up top put the other ones on and then I got these here one more to go one more here all right hand me two of the nuts over there I usually start like when you have the studs have been shortened yeah it's a good practice to go ahead and grab these first okay so the washers don't fall off and go down to push rod tubes gotcha and two more nuts and you can start putting them on the top up there okay and we need to push this head in a little bit more too right oh go down okay got those online all right we're gonna everything looks good under there start in the middle here's the outside almost windy today huh oh yeah it's windy and cold stuff man somebody will send you a snow blower oh yeah [Laughter] it's cold for Florida yeah we need a couple really cold days get rid of some of these mosquitoes it's a national bird down here so you're just getting it snugged up and then we'll go you're gonna go over a report yeah awesome I go ahead and torque the heads one more time so I'm just taking this off so you can you know torque it both heads but I just put this in to make sure we cleared the studs and we're going to be able to adjust the valves and gotcha aren't going to have any more surprises everything looks good so you just put this rocker arm on just to check yeah so you got to pull it back off get a reference we're going to re-torque everything together and then we'll adjust the valves together okay so we go ahead and get your torque wrench and we'll start on the side that you just put the head on over there okay here we're going to go ahead and torque the heads now okay so we're going to start here all right either one of these yep just start snugging them down don't torque them just you like the rod bolts you know you're gotcha ease the head down just like that yep you can tighten a little more than that okay there you go got the next one over here all right all right go down here now okay all right come over here I'm gonna go over here all right I'll go over there over here back cover in that corner centers keep going here oh in the centers oh in the center there you go go ahead keep going yep all right I'm up here okay go ahead okay here packing that corner over there over here over there and the centers one more time here okay all right now we're gonna go to this side all right we're gonna bump it up a couple pounds here so that was at 25 35 now we're gonna go to 27. see it's on the line down there yep zero now we're gonna go so that's 25 1 1.52 that's 27 yep gotcha all right go back to the other side over there and start in the center and do your crisscross pattern [Music] [Music] all right now we're gonna put your two O-rings on those two studs over there The Rocker studs the new row Rings this side already has the new O-rings so the original one stick were like a brass or another no they're white okay they're just dirty gotcha so this is the old one the new one all right then this goes over the studs here on the head yep just sits down that little Groove there and that's what the Rockers sit on yes sir keeps the oil coming out the back of the stud okay all right now uh I'm gonna grab those push rods next to put a little oil in them let me tighten this down I'll be right around there push rods here this o-ring out of here yeah he said I don't think so there it goes so we got our push rods in there we got our head all torqued on got our valve springs all on the correct way got a valve job somebody had asked about the crank we did not turn the crank we just measured it and uh it was turned ten thousandths but had standard bearings on it so we corrected that uh polish to crank up and polish the rods and put all new bearings in her hone the cylinders and that's what got us to this point right now so yeah the uh the rods and the crank look amazing so we you know a lot of it's cleaning which anybody can do just take your time clean the parts up and you'll have a really good motor cleaner the motor the better it'll last so give it a little slant there I put a little assembly Lube on the uh tips there I'm going to slide that in foreign hey I'm ready gotta make that gear run yeah that'll be a daily driver that would be fun like bus house fake number baking powder put a little bit on this Adjusters this is smidge for startup I like to put a little squirt down in these blocks what brand is that that's a Permatex Ultra slick Ultra slick dragon's blood dragon blood that's what I call it Dragon Blood now I just get all these started by hand like so and then you push the rocker on like that you want to make sure all these are in the cups scenario bend the push rod very easily gotcha and then we'll have to uh check and make sure that our push rods are clear of the tubes they look to be very close there so we might have to bend the tubes a little bit we'll address that when we get to it yeah that one seems like it's right on the tube huh what causes that it's just just the machine work on the parts gotcha moose probably these teams are quite a bit you know I guess everything's just smaller on a 40 horse yeah it will make room for them now these are torque to 18 foot pounds I usually just type them by hand because I'm pretty good at 18 foot pounds but we can go ahead and throw something if you like yeah you just know you've done it so many times you can feel it yeah I mean you don't want to tighten these too tight because what happens is you'll smash these blocks and it'll keep the rocker shaft you know bind everything up so definitely not somewhere that it has to be extra tight on the performance stuff sometimes we'll use a eight millimeter head nut there it's a 15 millimeter nut instead of a 13. so yeah can we talk about that a little bit you've worked on a lot of performance engines over the years what are some of the most popular performance engines when I was younger the most popular motor would be like you know 82 by 94 was about as big as you can go but now they've made cranks available to everybody right yeah you can build a pretty decent sized motor with an aluminum case they come pre-clearance so it's pretty easy to assemble everything like what is this one right here that's a 2210 it's a 82 by 90 and a half wow and we built that on video there was quite a bit of hand clearancing the camshaft and stuff on that uh if I had to do it again I'd order the camshaft turned down CB can actually turn the cam down the diameter smaller so the rod clears through it yep if you don't want to deal with the rod clearancing issue you know you stick to like a 74 or 78 millimeter crank yep you can pretty much bolt that together and build a nice little stroker we just built this uh 78 by 94 motor over here did that on video and that one went together pretty good that was an early aluminum case it wasn't clearance for uh a stroker crank so there was a little bit of clearancing involved but if you order a case you can uh pretty much build a decent motor now uh right off the shell Parts CB performance is a good source uh a a you can pick your supplier you just have to keep in mind you know you're going to make a lot of power you're probably going to need a little better Parts if you just want a mild street car this parts are far you know they'll do the job yeah I mean these are like race engines right yeah I mean if you're in a drag race it you're gonna have to step up to different Parks you know yeah stuff that's not so much available those aren't really daily driver engines right there no like this the turbo motor right there is a good example you know they're they're similar in size but the parts are a lot different the quality of the parts right so this this has a empty crank in it where the race motor has the scat Billet crank and uh you know if you're building the street motor and you only want to make 160 150 horsepower which is a lot of power you know you can get away with the parts that are available now if you're going to drag race it you're probably going to want to call Scott maybe get some good rods and uh design your motor for the higher RPM so some of the race stuff we turn like 10 000 RPM so the parts have to be really good on the street stuff we try to keep it about 6 500. gotcha they hold up pretty well that's cool so and this is your bug you've raced it many many times over the years yeah I had that got it when I worked at scooters uh probably the the game pictures would be the white ones over there it was white first it was Primer first yeah and then I painted it white and then it got painted this burgundy color over here yeah recently was painted with the flames and now it's waiting for another paint job a new identity you've had it a long time yeah I've had it it was my first car wow that's pretty cool College Carson in Tennessee drove it back that's really cool very cool a lot of history there got it from Rick Rick Morrow now at scooter shop he was building a race car and he bought it for a parts car and uh I got the leftovers that's impressive yeah just go ahead and torque it up yeah after work or two rocker nuts the rocker nuts okay and and we're set to 18. yes sir okay you're pretty much right on already yeah yeah okay just go back and forth couple times 18 foot pounds that's pretty much the standard for these That's The Factory uh setting uh you can refer to this book this is the book I like to use everybody asks me what books I use and I like the uh without guesswork manuals from Volkswagen it's probably similar to the service manual you have you can go online and look at these and you type in your your car and these have all the specs for your car from uh you know the crankshaft measurements ring opinion backlash any kind of measurement that's in the car is in this book oh that's cool that torque specs anything and this is all Factory setups so you know it's a good resource it's awesome so there's not a lot of pictures as you can see but there's a lot of information a lot of technical data Yeah well yeah anything you want to know uh Samba is a great source they have all these published on there yep so all right you're right on there boom all right so now the point where we're going to start putting all your accessories and stuff on okay so we'll start with the uh J dudes I guess first I need to start with the j-tubes yeah you have a exhaust uh kit kit over there yeah is it did it go on yeah yeah I got this from Wolfsburg too the whole kit s on over there no washer no washer you got the gasket there gasket on there goes dry or metal do these nuts go on either way either way nut here's your 13 wrench right here snug them but I don't tighten them just get them drawn down because we're going to want to put our muffler on and line that up go ahead and start assembling these here to watch this all right so we went we're going with the j-tubes we're getting rid of the heater boxes because we don't really need heat down here in Florida uh you know so we've deleted the heater boxes got the j-tubes getting these on here this one's a little tight the thread's a little rusty you get a rusty yeah I might be able to just get started it'll be fine yeah I got it I put a new stud in one of these yeah I know there was a stud missing was this a 13 yeah there we go yeah I've got the original heater boxes I was going to click clean them up and restore them and yeah yeah I might do that remember don't tighten those okay loosen that up all right keep those loose the muffler installed so I'm going to make everything easier to fit gotcha a little wiggle room okay [Music] yeah a little tight that doesn't fit oh boy is that the wrong Muffler some of the motor is just a little narrow just gotta adjust it man it's the Volkswagen stuff here you want to show this magic yeah [Music] Magic Touch yeah sometimes oh man my gasket down there where does it go right on the j-tube right here okay foreign with the j2s a little fire coming on there that's the quickest way to burn them up nice yeah it's not nice it's tight it's a tight kit golden tight good and tight well this is a the original motor the original Muffler is a stale air yeah or fresh air it's basically the same only difference is it has this little adapter plate I found this on the samba the guy was out of Texas I think I paid 70 bucks for it he probably saw it too because it didn't fit yeah it was cheap because most people want 200 bucks for them I got it first when he sees this video yeah [Laughter] none of them you sit back back in the day when I first started in the Volkswagen we used to get them from Walker and they were really nice but you know like anything was walk around as the years go on the quality declines it seems like you know yep get the old new stock stuff that didn't fit that people are okay with now yeah this is an old German company it's on there that's true decided to adjust it a little bit yeah One More Night this is uh I'm sure one of the German guys will chime in yeah what is it it's got a label on it so it's the e-l-e or not sure what that company you guys out there that know all those Brands yeah made in Western Germany foreign wow that's exciting to see that muffler go back on there it really starts to come together when you put the heads on yeah yeah until now and you know we had some issues but we got over annual and uh we'll get this one done and move on to the next one man I'm looking forward to doing more projects I got plenty of projects I don't know I'm gonna be doing some welding next I guess that'd be nice good so the j-tubes are on the exhaust is on man this Portugues on the nut side all right so we got this little basically let me show you how it goes and pull this like this and then you want to place your clamp like so okay and capture that metal piece and this lip on the muffler yep I'm gonna bring that over like that and you want to make sure in case scooter is watching that these are straight and the bolts are symmetrical not tightened on one side gotcha oh boy when I'm done be ready to tighten yours up yeah buddy and we're building the motor now man we're cooking the gasoline all right looks good man nice work all right we're going to put the oil sanding unit in don't ever use teflon tape okay on a Volkswagen case all right okay so you can use the liquid Teflon that's good all right don't use teflon tape oh I try not to I mean it's personal preference some people do yeah and some people break the case right here and uh not so critical on a magnesium case like this yeah but if you're used to using Teflon tape on a magnesium case and you do it on aluminum case it's going to break I guarantee it okay and I've had it happen to good friends and it's just better practice to get the the liquid Teflon so this is liquid Teflon yeah okay it doesn't exaggerate the torque so you know you're not over tightening the asunder gotcha you just get it snug it's adjustable adjustable so there's no Torx back you just get it snug you know you don't want to get it over right there good you know it didn't stop I stopped yeah you could go Tighter and break it but you know right enough get it nice and snug our cylinder 10 oil cooler over here Total Core cleaner do we need to wash that or is it ready to go I did spray it out with some brake clean a couple times but you might want to hit it one more time uh your standards are probably a lot higher than mine always blow it out real good because the my safety clean so dirty I don't have any brakes yeah I sprayed the hell out of it pretty good we'll give it a good shot at here there was a lot of junk that came out of it I want to make sure it's not dirty uh I normally pretty clean yeah I cleaned it pretty good [Applause] [Applause] I have your box over here so the kit comes with a few different types these are the ones that we need those are generally the one for this case so Darren was saying he usually just replaces the oil cooler with a new one but yeah attorney available now and they come way down in price yeah and it just gives you some mine this one's super clean but if you have any kind of engine failure it's not worth trying to clean it up and use on a new motor you know it's better just go ahead and start with a new one right this motor never ran so there's no debris in it as far as into debris all right commented about the Locking nuts melting which won't happen they don't get hot enough I wouldn't use it on the exhaust but the case never gets that hot right so you should be fine with a lock nut we've used them for years I've never seen one melt but if they do it'd be an indication that the motor is not tuned properly so yeah I was pretty impressed with your temperature gauge and your bus is running it what was it running at uh Max cylinder head temperature usually is around 200 degrees wow okay let's go you know some tricks with the camshaft in there and uh I didn't come up with it on my own I had some help yeah and the guy in California reached out to me it's a little longer around anymore but hooked me up with the right combination of parts and it really worked good and he taught me a little bit about how to reduce the cylinder head temperature that's awesome man very cool I think it's a problem you're you know have Volkswagens it's one of the things you battle right now so we're going with the flat washer and a spring on here bring washer first flat first spring larger than the nut this is the flat one the new one's the spring washer the shiny one goes under the nut okay that is tight boy it wasn't just me I have to do a backhand yeah that's a let's see you got to put all three on at the same time is the trick right sounds like you got it oh boy don't jinx me oh that uh there we go part three coming soon no no part three it took me a lot longer than it did yeah oh that that uh Bolt's a little crusty yeah we get another nut I just need a wrench here what size is it 10 10. all right team up on this one yeah get this thing done yeah we gotta do some Bodywork just get it nice and snug do both sides evenly knock them down they don't want to break the ears off but just snug nice and snug okay that's perfect okay good all right man go ahead and grab your tent over there and put it on next all right this one here okay screws here man these things look nice your Hardware man you got one chance to make it right Matt don't drop it in the fork oh God yeah that would not be good um you need a port plug wow this is pretty exciting you know it's one of those things you'd love to be able to do it you know and do it by yourself but it's honestly it's fun building with somebody else especially if somebody knows what they're doing yeah yeah if somebody's willing to teach I'm willing to listen man I'm very passionate about it yeah absolutely okay yes sir all right what are we doing now okay we're going to touch on the distributor drive here a little bit I read through the comments on the uh video and I saw a couple people ask why that didn't get put in some people put the distributor drive in and some people build it they learn how to assemble it as they're assemble on the case they'll assemble this side they'll lay the drive gear in there the crankshaft they know how to distributor bolted in the motor yep uh I know JC does it like that but I've never learned like that so uh I'm not saying that's the wrong way or the right way all right just learn how to do it this way there's more ways more more than one way to do it so this is the way that I was taught and uh it's just the way that I'm comfortable with okay not that I wouldn't do it the other way let me open and pry it but I tend to put the distributor in a little later and adults but let's just how you know how to do it it's a really wrong way or a right way well if you know what you're doing you're comfortable with it you know drop the washer yet but that that's that's the fear you know you drop in the washer gotcha so we're gonna get this on TDC it's just back here we're on number one and what is how do we know we're on number one number one cylinder here look at the Rockers yeah static okay okay that's on the back side of the cam these are ready to adjust so that's number one all right all right so now we're going to take your distributor very nicely restored distributor here yep old school and we're going to take the cap off yeah the guys over at vintage works restored that for me the carburetor to the bench so now we're going to orientate the distributor the way we want it to be in the motor so this isn't a vacuum this is a vacuum advancement or the vacuum advance should be somewhere over here okay no so we're going to establish where the distributor goes this is the orientation we want the vacuum canister to be in so now we're going to Mark number one uh the 09s have a little Mark on them you know they'll have a little notch in the distributor this doesn't seem to have that yeah it does it's hard to see I remember a member of scene see if we can find that little notch yep that's the number you see the number one at and then there's a one right there oh sweet okay see it yeah he's marked it then yeah so that's where we want our number one to be so now we're going to get our drive here next turn the bench over here yep I'm going to take the spring out that goes in last but now we're going to pull the distributor out so you just kind of put it where you want it you figured out where you needed to be and we're going to take the drive here and we're going to put it on here did we put the little spring in there nope not yet okay not yet my friend so this is the orientation I need to install my drive gear in okay okay so now I take this out set this here okay okay you see how it's got a big side and the short side this is more of a circle than this side yeah it's like two half Moons one's smaller than the other okay yeah our bigger half moon is going to go to the top I have to grab some pliers so just remember that and our orientation is almost to the fuel pump stud right okay we line this line up all right next we got our washers there's really two shims that go on the bottom of the drive gear okay so these will go right here and what these do is they keep the drive gear from having too much bump going up and down and those were in there originally right so you just got to make sure you can easily two of them or one big one okay drive gear we've got our shims there how we need the magic screwdriver which is the magic screwdriver you gotta have a screwdriver long enough to get down in here okay to contain your washers gotcha okay and if you look down in this hole let me get my flashlight so you can see what's going on down here you look down in that hole you'll see there's like little ledge sit yeah you see where it's machined down there so I'm going to put my screwdriver in between that with the shims on the screwdriver so okay no idea what's going on first we're going to take some oil and we're gonna put some oil down in this hole and the other thing we're going to do first is we're gonna orientate this where the hole it's flat like so gotcha okay now we're gonna put a little oil in and you guys are thinking man it's much easier to put it in as you're building the motor right it's just the way you know how to do it right it's just a little more comfortable for me to do it this way yeah but I suggest whatever is the most comfortable for you is how you should put it in all right if you're beginning and you have never done this before it'd probably be a smarter idea to do it the other way and assemble it in the case first gotcha all right so now we're gonna this is a scary part oh geez they're good at screws or the washers and the other guy in there like flashlight and then I put my shrimp in here and line them up and there you go the shims are in okay yep all right now the drive gear goes in there they are gear pliers foreign got the gear in my hand there so this is the distributed drive gear right you got these awesome pliers now this is going to want to turn a little bit as you put it in so you want to come a little past where you want it okay gotcha so as it goes down it turns with the threads right as it engages in the gear yep for now Springs next Drive gears installed that wasn't too much drama no so that's pretty much how I do it and now we're going to put the distributor in next I'm going to lube this o-ring up because it's nice and tight lube it up a little bit yeah it's brand new so it's really tight and yeah She's Tight in there oh yeah real tight awesome there we go number one distributor is where it's supposed to be another one's right there there's our number one hole right on number one and then we have plenty of sweet both ways for retardant Advance okay so there we go that's that we'll put a not a washer on that and bolt that down all right there we go now we need some of these bad boys seam down that's a beautiful thing man beautiful that is looking good now we just need some uh spring washers here let's use these little spring washer a little nut 10 millimeter yes I only got 10 millimeter behind your slate right there stretch this one yeah this one yep yeah tighten these I'm gonna tighten this side and you're gonna tighten that side this is looking awesome yeah man this is like a real Volkswagen motor pretty cool pile of parts all right I love it man I just I never get enough of it custom foreign required Darren's customs what are you capping them to well I used to go about 30. 30. yeah in there nice foreign [Applause] yeah I don't want to over tighten them get them snug I always use a short ratchet it's a good practice if you don't over tighten them right all right easy there buddy nice fuel pump rod a little bit of Grease mm-hmm where's that fuel pump at an original is probably more desirable in the bus Community than you know a set of dual carburetors yeah it was uh I think there's a higher standard with splitties you know to do them correct it would be cool to do a dual carb 40. yeah you know I just don't know how much performance yeah I would rather do the 1600 yep and then you can you know you actually get a little performance out of it and enjoy it for you to be really be beating on the 40 horse oh what's amazing is that you know they can these guys that they can take these old parts and make them look like that yeah that's a talent for sure you know I know a lot of guys rebuild these pumps but I made it look like new you know it's like it came from the factory boom foreign so how do you know where to plug those in I know you just have a memorized one four three two it's just a firing order no one four three two yeah which one is one got one this is number one here one four three two gotcha and the tins are numbered yep and we'll put these in the holders once we put the fan housing on there but we need to get bolts for that so let's adjust the valves next shall we yep okay I'm gonna get a wrench to turn the motor up yeah this rocker's moving yeah so these aren't yeah this is number one no this is number one see number one right here this is number one yep so you don't want it to move no I wanted to be on the back side of the cam so we can adjust the valves okay set them at four yep and uh you just stay on top of the valve adjustment you'll be fine okay I set mine at zero I would never do that on a customer car but because I can't stand valve train noise so zero cuts the noise out it makes a lot quieter yeah but you know if you don't stay on top of it and one gets tight you can burn the valves uh gotcha I try to leave them a little bit of margin on the street cars come on all right this is how I like them to feel so you pull it through so you get an idea of what it should feel like a little bit of resistance that it goes in yep you can actually feel it on both sides of the gauge you know what I mean yeah and sitting the bowel stem and sitting The Rocker gotcha so it's tight but it goes through right and it pulls yeah you're gonna want it to be real loose and that's four that's four okay all right so that's sort out should feel [Music] I'm gonna pull it through and feel it mm-hmm pull it through same same feeling as you hold on both sides you know what I mean fits in there but it's yep some resistance gotcha all right now we're going to turn the motor counterclockwise a half a turn half turn counterclockwise from here on out it'll land on it'll go all the way around the motor okay we might have to turn it the opposite way just because this might not be tight enough yet we're going to try to turn it counterclockwise all right so this is something you obviously do with the spark plugs in let me do it with it in or out I mean normally if you're going to service your motor it's gonna uh have the plugs in yeah yeah so it doesn't really affect the uh no it doesn't affect the valve adjustment at all okay now it will affect how the motor turns over now you see how this one's stationary yep okay that's what we're looking for okay [Music] here you go oh it's like where'd it go I know I had it assessment disappearing all day that's a I don't question anything anymore that's why you have multiple tools oh yeah you have to hold that Center nut and tighten the outside nut gotcha somebody's really strong there awesome half turn counterclockwise so this should take us to three yes sir so four four should be rocking is that the exhaust or the intake we're looking at number three though don't get distracted okay we're good to go but number three you don't want anything moving right right never anything bigger than when you adjust the bowels okay you're adjusting them on the back of the lobe of the cam a lot of camshaft I could show you right here so here's the camshaft and as these lobes go around this is what hits the lifter and opens the valve so when you adjust the valve you're adjusting it back here on this side of the cam the flat part not the lobe so that's why when we rock it back and forth we don't want to see the Rockers move gotcha so do your valve adjustment on the back and then it does all its work over the top of these lobes so okay this is much easier on the engine stand than it is in the car of course because you're laying under the car [Music] feel that that's too loose yeah I can feel it sliding too easy what does that set to I would say it's probably a five okay now you're using a four feeler gauge yeah you should feel resistance yep and if you don't feel resistant you're probably setting it at five okay did those gauges wear out after a while oh yeah now you see what I'm doing right here setting these valves you know how many years scooter came behind me and checked this every time I tune a car up I mean for five years really he'd pull every spark plug out and check the Gap and you check every valve wow just to finally control finally one day I'm like dude are you ever gonna stop and just let me do it and after that he let me do it but oh that's cool he checked you know he's like I just want to make sure that it feels exactly like I want it to feel right just like I'm teaching you you know that's what you want to feel that that's what you want to feel now see the difference oh yeah it's definitely tighter so it's tight it's tight but it fits yeah yeah and you know you have to remember this is an air cooled engine and the Lash is only going to get greater as the motor gets hot so you know Volkswagen went from four to six because people aren't bringing their cars in having the valves adjusted and the valves will get tight and burn gotcha so that's why it's important every 3000 miles to adjust your valves and change the oil this is a sort of a rare engine being that it's a solid lifter motor most uh cars have hydraulic cams so yeah I mean people would run these engines into the ground you know yeah I mean it was just you know they're not used to servicing cars Chevrolets don't require valve adjustments usually and these cars came over here and you know they had more of a maintenance schedule than a lot of people like so they would just run until they broke and a Volkswagen warranty a lot of them you know I know my bus when I bought it had a warranty motor in it and this is actually a warranty block yeah yeah it's it's actually a new block yeah so at some point Rusty's engine probably dropped a valve yeah yeah that was the most common problem and they'd go in and they put a long Block in them yeah so all right we're gonna turn it half turn and I'll be done with the valve adjustment cool I'm gonna put the valve covers on next we'll do one step closer it's pretty exciting we're pretty close if we would have had the generator ball so we'd be running this bad boy we're gonna have to go get some bolts yeah we were missing a few bolts and nuts but we're going to get it done for you guys definitely making good progress today all right I always like to start on one it's a good practice you know start on one finish on number four gotcha sounds legit that way you don't forget foreign last week we were sweating in here yeah this week it's nice and cool actually cool I wish we didn't have to have the heater in here yeah I think choked you out so we're gonna go like this put our gasket in there and glue it down and then you can use these gaskets over a couple valve adjustments okay you won't have to replace them every time cool that was a good idea and uh they work really well I uh haven't tried these silicone gaskets yet you know uh if you want to try those on one of your projects yeah I got these from Wolfsburg they think they uh they make these so oh really we'll try them on the 1600s yeah absolutely I just uh you know it's like we were talking about it's hard to change everything it's all good so uh we're pretty much ready there I'm gonna squirt a little oil in there so I like to just put a little bit on the Springs man it's a fresh motor a little Adjusters let's figure in there let's get a little rockers up a little bit for startup yeah [Music] okay see how this isn't touching over here I have to adjust that Bale so it won't happen yeah it's loose no pressure tap on a little bit it used to be bent foreign [Music] are they basically the same yeah [Music] well I guess I could make some uh artwork out of it or something foreign yeah it's gonna be a motor here in a minute [Music] all right there's like that I don't need a boat right there [Music] it's bolt here will this works a little long but sorry brother moistures washers right here that's marshes right on put that on yeah [Music] all right I'm gonna go down with the bolt so it doesn't look where that goes washer so close it's getting there let's get in there [Music] three more little problems if we overcame them yeah we had an issue with the uh fan and we've bent this fan was bent uh luckily Darren had another one we got one donated because fan belting it up jimmies how many shims do you put on there oh there's some trial and error fitting type of thing normally if you have a shim pack when you put a new belt on all of them go in the center okay as the belt wears take them out it makes the puller tighter so we'll try them with all in there see what we come up with I think he had a new nut somewhere yeah you want to put that on the new one sure I'm Dreaming this is a dream yeah it's a little loose around it takes them out okay no biggie [Music] that's how this works you know you're gonna pick some of these out so how many you start with is it 10 I don't know what the number is you know I never really took them all out and started from scratch usually you know one two you got two on there now I think there's three in there in there those are two two let's try three of them in there that does it's a fine-tuning thing you know Flavor of Love this this has been good for me you got your motor down you lit a fire under my ass so it's awesome man got my tools all organized chocolate lit up yeah I feel like I need to do some stuff now you do man you need to do something there you go you want to be able to you know just turn it like that a little bit not too tight where the bearing is going to wear out but you know it just keeps going out of focus okay it's got a little twist now yeah it's tight but it's got a little yeah screwdriver please you just catch it on that screw right there and it stops nice just get it nice and snug there you go all ready for this piece and resistance oh yeah foreign there we go all right well we had another issue uh carburetor I got back throttle linkage is hitting this part of the governor here so we're gonna have to address that some other time Darren's got another carburetor here our brand new one we're gonna try out see how this works what kind of carburetor is that well it's a solex so what is this thing 30 pick 30 pick okay so that should be fine right yeah bigger than the carburetor that was on there do you believe yeah this is uh this is a 28 pick uh the 12 volt stuff on it like the choke oh gotcha idle circuit yep but we should be able to start it okay it's looking good it's getting there buddy more pieces here and there I need to get those uh fan housing pieces and put those in the uh fan housing so we can put our wires in there we're getting some sheet metal on there I got our muffler on and next we're going to pull it out of the stand and put the flywheel on check the in play I had to put the other solex carburetor on there have a little linkage issue with the other carb so we'll see how this works being that it's uh 12 volt idle solenoid I wired it up to the coil see how it works all right man we got that on there it's another one I just want the seal to fit to it so yeah it matters I've been keeping an eye out and see if I can find another one like this if you guys see one let me know I'll pick it up non-fresh air I think you can buy those Leo can you yeah they won't fit very well but you can get them it's not allowed to go on out of the stand and we're ready to move this to the floor whenever you're ready all right let's do it we're just going right over here right here let me put the flywheel on uh grab it grab it here okay watch your hands when you set them up for down hand out okay and then uh thank you you got some of those metal shims I think we've got sort of a selection of them if you can get those together for them yep these little things here perfect so that's that this has to be really clean on these that don't go in there whatever use paper throw it away boys you nothing but heartache and uh one other thing uh about the sealer on the Case Volkswagen did not put any sealer on the case house from the factory wow interesting yeah I never had sealer but uh after you rebuild them and they get worn you know you have to put some sealer on them gotcha but from the factory there would have never been any sealer because they were just machine and they were tight not perfect yeah the surface was so good so we got that clean we have our uh ten thousands send that let me get our red flywheel seal out and got that 36 millimeter sockets on the bench there and the ratchet yeah and down here set up down here the shims and our seal we need the in-plate gauge check the employee we're going to go with the uh original simpack that you had and see where we come up okay my micrometer here check the number that's a lot that's a lot I'd be surprised if that works but we'll try it normally the magic number is 27 okay just so you know where are we at right now almost 40. wow seems like an excessive amount but we'll uh I like to see what you know what you have from the start there so I put a little leave on that so it slides in nice doesn't tear the seal sweep it up all right make sure that's all we're in because we don't get it all in it will leak it's a nice little tool we got there yep it's a I believe it's an empty I mean it's a nice seal tool it works quite well you know it's handy for putting in the plug of those fuels yeah that's in all the way you don't have it in and you just put it flush to here the flywheel will tear the seal okay we're gonna clean this up a little bit it's all rusty there [Music] we've got a nice surface to ride on foreign [Music] [Music] wow [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] she is together foreign [Music] [Applause] good man what you're looking for here uh four four to seven you know it was the preferred set it on zero and I'll pull it and we got five dude it's golden nice golden hand me that uh abrasive tool s [Music] oh wow all right thank you brake clean please our carburetor cleaner not a big fan [Music] [Music] you're not gonna make me a bad guy no way man no oh it's all good thank you I live and learn live and learn that's all we can do man we all learn lessons I feel like this isn't right it's like soccer Nick Nam [Music] good grab that torque wrench [Music] foreign [Music] all right guys you ready to do this yep ready to give it a try let's do it cross your fingers I know we are oh my God I'm excited man all right man push the button let's see if we can get some gas up in the carburetor I put a little in there so it might fire up okay ready yep bad [Music] get my D5W all right you ready no pulling the carburetor up getting excited aren't you yeah pretty excited all right go ahead all right we have it uh pretty much sorted out I think just ready to go home uh we started with the uh carburetor that you see there and then we had to take that back off and do a little work on that we unfreed the uh needle and seat got that working and we put our other distributor back in there which seems to be working good we had to end up changing the oil cooler out we uh changed the seal several times thinking it was the seals but then we just went ahead and put another cooler on it and it seemed to eliminate our problem so we seem to be good now we adjusted the valves everything looked good and uh trying pretty good we got fired up for you guys it's huge tank should make Rusty Happy sounds good man foreign [Music] yeah I like looking back there and seeing no oil that's good yeah we can change the oil for seals real fast now though yeah we're pretty good at it we're good at that we're real proficient at that it looks good man yeah it does I think we got to put it in the bus now it looks awesome thank you very good but it's smooth silky smooth so there we have it the 40 horse is complete yes sir so finally we didn't put a cam in it but we did do a couple little tricks to make it Zing up a little bit yeah we polished the crank polish the rods the beams on the rods pen fitted the uh piston pens so they float nice and uh it's a pretty sweet motor man seems to be running real cool seems to be happy not burning the paint off the exhaust or anything so we'll get that thing put in the bus and then we'll move on to the gear or the Porsche whatever we're going to work on next something yeah so I'm ready thank you sir put this in your living room or whatever use it for some furniture until you get it in the bus I could use it for a heater right now yeah yeah yeah it's a little cold in here I see my breath so I mean we've been working pretty hard it's not you know cold at the moment but I'm sure as soon as we stop we'll feel it oh yeah but I'm happy with the way it came out hopefully you get some good service out of it oh yeah that's going to be awesome I can't wait to get in Rusty and driving down the road it's going to be sweet yep so everything looks good got our new generator on there a new carburetor rebuilt distributor brand new coil powder coated sheet metal got a used fan and a used cooler he had a nice powder coated fan but it was bent I don't know if it got bent in the powder coating process heating it up or what but so we had a few components we had to replace I've named this one Christine it's uh it's got a little mind of its own oh yeah yeah it fought us all the way it did fight us a little bit yeah you know but it's worth it in the end I think it's solid piece now so I got five more horsepower now that baby yeah it sounds good man yeah it does sounds happy now it's coming back to idle real nice idle and smooth yeah really good yeah buddy real nice hardly making any heat at all it's running really cool I was a little concerned on it you know with the compression I left the compression High yeah you don't want to take too much compression out of these because they only have 40 horsepower to begin with and a lot of that comes from the uh compression thank you sir appreciate it Darren yep it's looking good yeah buddy
Channel: CT
Views: 492,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, build, engine, vw, type 1, cars, trucks
Id: 6Uuey2WuDnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 33sec (8673 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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