Vultr HF vs DigitalOcean vs Linode - Which is Cloudways Fastest VPS Host?

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today we are testing the speed performance of three popular vps hosts voter leno and digitalocean and i've stress tested them for three days using manual testing methods as well as engaging in some automated testing tools all in all i've collected close to a thousand data points and i've spent a lot of time testing recording organizing and analyzing the data so i really hope you can smash that thumbs up button for my effort i know three days worth of data is not enough but this is an indicator of how well these web holes perform and in the next video coming out on this channel i'm pinning these three holes against many different vps holes and i'll be collecting five additional days worth of data now the reason for me spending so much time on these tests is because it's almost time for me to redo my web hosting plan and i'm thinking of switching to a better and cheaper host so there is no reason for me to mess with or alter the results of these hosts i am genuinely interested in the results of a fair and objective test and i believe you do too so without further ado let's get right into the test [Music] now initially i wanted to test a couple of different server setups i had installed open like speed cyber panel with like speed and plans on each of these hosting services but in the end i've decided to keep it simple i've decided to go with the setup i want for all of my sites which is using the cyber panel with the open lightspeed server plus was only possible with digitalocean and voter but it isn't free for linux and even with the free trial of class on linux i couldn't install the ssl certificate on the domain so i decided to drop the test on plus anyway here we are i've set up one domain on each of this web hosting servers on the left you'll see digital ocean this was set up with the basic chat cpu plan using the premium intel ssd as you can see this is 1gb one intel cpu over here it is 1gb one intel cpu if we choose the regular plan you will not see the intel here so this is a plan for this domain and i've hosted it on a new york server and then as for vaulter this is the high frequency plan which is compatible to the one i selected on digital ocean and i've hosted it on new jersey because it's closest to new york and this is set up with cyber panel same as digital ocean and then as for lino i've set it up with a shad cpu under the nano 1gb plan and i've hosted this on niwa because it's the closest server to the other two so all three servers has 1gb of bandwidth i think this is a comparable setup for all three servers so what we are going to do is to upload this website on each of the domains as you can see this is quite a heavy website we have a slider here we have a testimonial section a call to action and this is drawing information from woocommerce you can actually add these products to cart and then we have all these elements here including this that is also a slider so this is generally a heavy website that is loading quite a lot of javascripts and this website is currently hosted on siteground it's one of the websites i use for woocommerce tutorials and let's check out how this site performs on google page b insights so that we have a benchmark for the entire test and here we go we have a 55 score and we have this reduced initial server response time as the only optimization opportunity now let me show you behind the scenes what is installed on this site so as you can see these are the plugins installed and then as for the wordpress team i've installed the cadence team now i've uploaded the entire website on this wp tester 2 which is over here i've also installed this on right hand ai which is this domain as well as this so as you can see they are identical and to show you this is a fair test let's log into the wordpress backend and let's check out the plugins so as you can see they are all identical there are 11 plugins installed in each of them and as for the team cadence is installed in each of them now because this website is hosted on siteground we have the siteground optimizer plugin installed and we have used wp rocket to optimize the site but over on these three servers the servers are configured with open like speed so we don't need the siteground optimizer anymore we can deactivate and delete this plugin and we can also deactivate and delete the wp rocket plugin because all we need is the lightspeed cache plugin so let's install that and now let me configure the speed cache settings but i will speed up the process and the reason for showing this to you is because i want you to know that i've configured the settings fair and square transparency is all that i'm going for in this test so feel free to slow this video down to see what i've configured in the live speed cache for each of these plugins and when we are done i will share with you how i'll be conducting this test and we are done now let's go over how we are going to test this [Music] all right let me share with you how i'll be running this comparison test we'll be using two automated tools as well as doing manual testing on two additional testing tools the first automated testing tool we'll be using is pingdom that tracks the load time of all the elements of the page as well as the uptime however the results of this tool will not be taken into account as the results are very much different from the google php insights this will just be used as an indicator the nyx automated testing tool will be page b plus where it conducts google php inside test automatically i've set it to do a test every hour for three days and it will give us a nice spreadsheet for us to analyze the results this is the premium tool i paid for to assist me with this test so i hope you appreciate the time and money i've invested in this video anyway the next two i'll be using for the manual test is it will give us similar information as google php insights and the cool thing about this too is that you can set a maximum of nine tests to be conducted each time you execute the two so it gives us nine additional data points in every test we do and finally i will do three tests on google page b insights every weeking hour of the day for three days so that we can collect as much data as possible within this short period of time we will first analyze the data of each testing tool and then towards the end of the video we will compile everything so without further ado let's start with testing [Music] now let me show you a snippet of what i've done for this test i feel that showing this part of the video to you is important because this way you know that i actually spend the time doing all these tests instead of just telling you that i did all these tests and here's the results i want this video to be open and transparent but at the same time i don't want to waste your time watching this even though i fast forwarded this testing videos it will probably take 20 to 30 minutes to complete so i will upload all these testing videos on my blog and when the blog is published i will post the link in the description please be patient with this it will take some time before the blog is published anyway let's get on with analyzing the results from each testing tool you definitely want to stick with me to the end of this video because i'll be putting all these test results into one place and give you a verdict as to which is the fastest among these three vps holes [Music] the first result we are analyzing is from pingdom using it i'm able to track the speed performance and the uptime automatically let us take a look at this domain that is hosted on digital ocean take note of the page size because it should be constant across three sides as you can see digital ocean is fetching a grade of 96 out of 100 and the average load time is 460 milliseconds if we take a look at the number of tests conducted you can see that there were a substantial number of tests done to get this load time the load time we get from digital ocean is 460 milliseconds and if we go back we can see that voucher is the fastest let's click into it and you will see the page size is the same and the same number of tests were conducted to get that average so in terms of the fastest voucher is the winner followed by lee note and then digital ocean this is purely based on the test conducted by pingdom and this load time is not the actual load time it is indicative so we need to rely on the test from google php insights to get a more accurate indicator anyway let's take a look at the uptime tracker as you can see they are all hundred percent but as i said earlier this is just three days worth of data so nothing concrete at this point in time now let's take a look at the tool that has google page b insights automatically [Music] now again let's first take a look at digital ocean i've used this tool to do a google php inside test every hour of the day on these three pages this is the home page this is the single product page and this is the shop page and you can see that they are all in the high 90s score for mobile and a perfect 100 for desktop which basically means that digitalocean is able to process internal javascript requests very quickly now what is shown here is the most recent test results and if we want an average we've got to visit the google sheets as you can see there is a lot of data and i can't really get an average because some cells have this inverted comma so let me fix this and i will come back to it we are back and before i share the results of you this is the range to get a good score from google php insights now for digital ocean the average mobile score for the home page is 96 the largest contentful paint is 2.4 seconds which is in the good range this is one of the core web vitals the first input delay is 57 milliseconds which is also in the good range this is a core web vital as well so we have past two already and then the cumulative layout shift is zero another call vitals we have passed three of them the first content full pane is 1.6 seconds which is also in a good range speed index is 2 seconds which is also good the time to interactive is fast as well and there is a short total blocking time now we are only focusing on the mobile score for the home page but just to take a peek at the mobile score of the single product page and a short page you can see that we have a score of 96 for the single product page that looks like this for those of you who have been following my channel you know that i built this with hook elements and dynamic content so generally it is a heavy loading page but it is performing well with digitalocean for the sharp page it is a near perfect score which rounds up to a hundred so this is for digital ocean let's check out vaulter now let me do the necessary [Music] so here we are i'm actually quite surprised to see volta performing badly in this test i mean it is still in the 90s zone but i thought it would be in the high 90s anyway this is the largest contempo paint it did not pass the core web vital it is in the orange zone and it is almost 400 milliseconds slower than digital ocean it did not pass the first input delay as well the cls is the same it is a close fight between the first contentful panes voter is faster in terms of the speed index but digital ocean is faster in terms of the time to interactive and this is the total blocking time let's go to the average score of a single product page that is getting a 96 which is good and as for the shop page you see there are new data coming in every hour these weren't here a few minutes ago and over here you will see a score of 100. if we expand this out this is the point average now let's add in the data from linone surprisingly lee note is getting a higher score than vaulter but it did not pass the largest contentful pane as well it did not pass the first input delay as well it just missed the mark by a little bit it is the fastest in terms of the first contentful paint slowest on the speed index and average on the time to interactive and this is the total blocking time if we go to the single product page it is performing slightly better than the others and as for the short page it's getting a near perfect score as well so for this test i would say that digital ocean has the best score and the worst performing is valtter honestly before i started with the test i was quite confident that i would switch to voter high frequency but i was quite surprised to see that digitalocean and linux performed better anyway we still have the manual results so it's still too early to tell which is the fastest let's first take a look at the results from [Music] so this is the long list i've put together after recording the results of all those manual tests and just take note that each of the results you see here represents an average of nine tests because before running the test i set it that way so each of the consolidated results here represents an average of 270 results so digital ocean performs the best on first contentful paint the largest contentful paint and the time to interactive belcher performed the best on speed index and the fully loaded time but to put it in another angle valtter performed the worst on the first contentful paint the largest contentful paint and the time to interactive so vaulter is on both extreme ends and to put this in lenovo digital ocean ranked number one lead note is in the middle and voter came in last place now let's take a look at the results from google page b insights [Music] now over here i did three tests almost every waking hour for the past three days so each of these results here represents an average of 90 results on this test voucher did better than lenode but digital ocean still performed the best other than the speed index where it lost the voter it got the best results for the rest valter is faster than leadnote in terms of the first contentful paint time to interactive and the total blocking time whereas the node is a little faster than voucher in terms of the largest contentful paint so for this test digital ocean is number one followed by valtter and then linone what do you think about the results so far we have yet to consolidate all the results but share with me your thoughts on this personally i'm quite surprised that valtter is not performing better than digital ocean but at the same time i'm happy to see digitalocean performing the best because it is a potential web post for my sites anyway just share with me your thoughts in the comment section now let's go to the most interesting part of all we are going to combine all the results from the automated google php insights test the and the test results from this page so let's go [Music] so i've put together the final results of each test in one place and honestly i'm quite anxious at this point it is clear that digital ocean is the fastest since it has won first place in most of the tests but will vouter come in second or will it be in the last place let's check it out for the rating let's give an average between this and this so in terms of the rating where we have the data for these two tests digital ocean has the highest score followed by lee note and then voter let's discover the first contentful paint now as for the first contentful paint digital ocean is the fastest followed by le note and then valtter let's check the speed index all right this shows that vaulter is performing the best in terms of the speed index followed by digital ocean and then lynote let's check the largest contempo paint now as for the largest contentful paint digital ocean performed the best followed by the node and then vaulter and for the time to interactive digital ocean performed the best followed by the node and then voucher for me this is one of the most important because it is an indicator telling us how fast a user can actually do something on your site for example scrolling or clicking of a button anyway let's continue and for the total blocking time digital ocean performed the best followed by voucher and then linode the cumulative layout shift is constant for the three holes so to sum it up i would say digital ocean performed the best overall the second place which is a very close fight with the third place goes to lynote and the last place goes to valtter honestly i'm very surprised with the results i would have expected valtter to perform the best but unfortunately it didn't what do you think of this just note that this test is based on 3 days worth of results and it is not definitive as to which is the fastest host i'll be extending these results to an additional of 5 days because i'll be comparing these three holes to around another six vps hosting companies and hopefully till then we'll see a better score for belter and who knows the fastest wordpress vps host may not even be one of these three so if you want to know the final results subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification so you won't miss any of my videos i do a lot of wordpress tutorials comparisons and reviews and i'm pretty sure it will help you out in one way or another if you own a wordpress site anyway i hope you have enjoyed this video and again feel free to share with me your thoughts on this test i've spent a lot of time on this just so that you and i can benefit from it if this video did help i hope you can smash that thumbs up button so that this video can reach out to others who need this information all the best to you take care and as always stay safe
Channel: Jack Cao
Views: 2,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vultr vs digitalocean, linode vs digitalocean, digitalocean vs linode vs vultr, vultr vs digitalocean vs linode, vultr vs linode, virtual private server, cloudways vs digitalocean, cloudways vs vultr, cloudways review, cloudways speed test, vultr high frequency, linode vs vultr high frequency, vps hosting, linode vs digitalocean vs vultr, vultr vps review, vultr high frequency review, digitalocean premium intel, vultr high frequency vs digitalocean premium
Id: PoA8M7n7aXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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