Is Managed VPS Hosting Worth It? Cloudways vs Linode

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i was hesitant to use a managed vps provider like cloudways because i could just host my websites directly on a vps itself and save myself some money but what i didn't realize is what you actually get with cloudways is worth it like 10 times over so that's why i decided to make this video today in order to compare the performance difference between hosting your website with cloudways versus on a vps directly and specifically we'll be looking at lenode so if you guys are ready let's see how they compare [Music] okay guys so just real quick in case you're not familiar here's an extremely rudimentary depiction of the difference between hosting your website directly with linode versus with cloudways as you can see there is an extra layer with cloudways and that right there is what makes cloudways a managed vps provider because they handle deploying your websites whether that's a wordpress website or an e-commerce store to the server whereas with linux you have to do that manually by yourself so what i did was i spun up a linux server in dallas texas and installed wordpress on it and then i spun up another linode server in dallas texas this time from within my cloudways account and installed wordpress on it as well on each of these sites i published the same 2000 word blog post with three high resolution images i did not apply any optimizations or install any plugins to either one of the websites other than what comes standard but what i did do was i updated wordpress to version 5.5 added a domain name from namecheap to each site added an ssl certificate from let's encrypt to each site check that php version 7.3 was being used as well as apache version 2.4 and my sequel version 15.1 so with that said let's get into the results of the performance test and a big thanks goes out to kathy zhan for introducing me to which is one of the tools that we'll be using to measure page speed anyway here is the results of the first test which you can see the website running on cloudways crushed it in terms of page speed compared to the website on linux directly now performs page speed tests from something like 17 different locations around the world and for the cloudways website all test locations fully loaded the page in less than 1.4 seconds on the other hand the lino website really struggled with some of the international locations taking well over four or five seconds to fully load the page now i have to come clean here and let you know that cloudways actually has some built-in optimizations not only at the wordpress level but at the server level as well in a way this gives cloudways an unfair advantage so in order to level the playing field a little bit i installed a set of five wordpress caching and optimization plugins on the lynode website that i personally use for my own websites i ran the test again and i saw a nine-point increase in the overall performance score for linode while cloudways remain the same at a score of 98. i then run the test again just to be sure and the scores remain the same now because i wanted to be as comprehensive as possible i turned in my good old friend to conduct another round of performance tests this time i spun up a third server in lino's dallas texas data center where i then proceeded to run a series of 100 back-to-back page speed tests to each of the wordpress websites in the same data center my reasoning for doing this test was to eliminate any network hiccups by isolating all the network traffic to be contained within the data center and as you can see the back end times were very close to each other but when we look at the time to load the entire webpage you'll see that cloudways beats out lynode yet again so i think at this point it's pretty clear that cloudways adds a great deal of value to hosting a website with them versus on a vps directly and that's just in terms of performance we haven't even discussed the ability to host multiple websites with one click or customer support or any of the other numerous benefits that come along with a managed vps provider like cloudways so if you're looking to get started with cloudways i have a promotion code in the description below that's good for 25 off your first three months so check that out and please let me know if you have any questions about cloudways linode or anything else that we talked about in today's video for those of you who are itching for more cloud waste content check out some of these videos over here guys thank you for watching this video please give it a thumbs up subscribe to this channel and if you do i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Tony Teaches Tech
Views: 6,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloudways, cloudways vs linode, cloudways vs vultr, cloudways vs digital ocean, cloudways vs digitalocean, cloudways vs digitalocean vs vultr, managed vps, managed vps hosting, cloudways review, cloudways speed, cloudways speed test, fully managed vps, managed vps review, cloudways wordpress, vps hosting, virtual private server
Id: i7Z8WVobi9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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