VRChat SDK toolbar doesn't appear fix

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all right hey guys welcome to another video and today i'm going to show you a issue with the vr chat sdk so when you sometimes and this seems to happen when you're trying to do it for a quest supported avatar which you know at this point i'm not doing quite superior avatars so uh i had tried i have sitting here for like an hour trying to get a quest avatar uploaded and it's just you know every time i do it i get a prefab doesn't exist i look through online i try to do all the fixes none of them work so at this point i'm just done with it i'm annoyed but so when that happens and you have to and you would normally just try to you know reopen the project i hope that the prefab all of a sudden just just all of a sudden exists because sometimes it's just relaunching it works uh you'll go to the sdk but i'll just say utilities then if you were to close out make a new project all of a sudden you can't get this tool window like you can't this just won't show up when you import the package in a new project or like at all you won't be able to get the control panel i'll just show utilities and it's just like oh that's a isn't it well um going on to the uh actual vr chat fix forum for that uh didn't really work out because uh i tried you know i looked for it you know i clicked on it it's just like oh yeah you just do all this oh that's beautiful it doesn't work okay so well what you do need though you will need some uh you will need some like you'll need a certain path and registry editor in order to get it to work properly but here's how you fix it so you'll want to go to regedit so your registry editor and you'll want to basically you want to find this i'll copy and put it in the description of the video but you basically want to find this and you need to scroll all the way down here and for me this is what happened uh i would i removed everything that was either unity editor or vrc anything that vrc so anything that has unity editor below yours might be longer because i've done this twice to verify that this works so i need i'm just straight above unity area where sprite packer is anything above unity editor and just anything unity editor in vrc just delete all these reg edits and then just close down your red yardage close down unity when you before you do this by the way and then what you also want to do is go to your control panel and you'll want to uninstall a program so you want to go over here and you want to uninstall unity once you uninstall it and it's gone off your ship you want to open your file explorer you want to go to your local disk where you're or you know you want to go to where your unreal editor is installed and you'll want to also delete this folder right here once you delete the folder just redo the setup process obviously go to the recycle bin and get rid of any excess but once you do that and it's all set up it shouldn't then let you relaunch it and it'll do that first time startup thing where it takes a little bit longer than normal to then after your first like boot up of it like that once you get that one that's a little longer it'll boot up then you should be able to upload your sdk and it should work just like that no problem at all if this video helped drop the follow on my twitch please because i do try to stream there pretty often and if you're uh watch if since you're watching this on youtube you might as well drop the subscribe button it would help out a lot i try to do with these fixes as i come across them whenever i find things that people would most likely be trying to look for i try to help out i try to help fix it you know i try to be that guy he's just out there trying to give everyone a hand so i would really appreciate a follow button or a subscribe button really would appreciate it thank you for watching and i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Nyxian
Views: 18,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mn7aar2Nky8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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