VRChat | Neon Lighting & Bloom Effect

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hey everybody i thought i'd post a quick tutorial on creating glowing effects for your world something i just found out how to do a couple days ago and i think it was pretty cool so um if you ever enter in a world and you kind of see this uh sort of neon lighting and wondering how people can do that um we're gonna use something called post-processing to create these glow effects for your world all right so i just have a couple like neon bars set up on my map um they're using a material it's just like a pink uh pink material i didn't like do anything crazy to it it's just flat and kind of purplish so the very first thing that you want to do is we're going to need to import something called post processing and post processing is going to let us kind of create this uh glow effect so go up to window at the top and then go to package manager and then in package manager search for something called post processing it should pop up i already have it installed so it's asking me to update but um you should see an install button so after you install that package escape out of this um go to your main scene camera um that's in the scene you're gonna add a component called a post process layer and this layer is basically going to set up this sort of glow effect in our scene so make sure that you click this to make sure that the main camera is added in this field um second thing is complaining that a layer is not set um so in vr chat um we have a few layers and for post processing effects um i recommend using the water layer um because there's really you know there's not nothing really gets rendered on this layer so um click water and and basically this saying every kind of object on this layer is going to be affected by this kind of visual effect so we're going to select water um the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to want to go to our kind of neon lights that we set up i have just a hierarchy of objects so i'm going to click on sort of the main parent object that i have here which contains all of my objects that i want to make glow i'm going to click add component and i'm going to create something called a post process volume um once post processing volume is here we can click this little check mark that says global so this is just going to be make it make it apply to everything in our scene next thing that we want to do is we want to create this new profile so just click this new profile button and we have our little neon profile that it creates and we're going to want to add an effect here so click add effect and we're going to click unity and we're going to select bloom so bloom is going to kind of give us that uh effect that's going to make like the object sort of glow so click bloom but um if you notice if you mess around with these the threshold and intensity nothing really happens so why is that um that's because the layer needs to be set to water if you remember in our main scene camera when we added post-processing we set it to use a water layer so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make all of these neon kind of cubes that i made we're going to set them all to the water layer and we should see them uh apply the glow effect so like yes change children and let's just mess with the the threshold here and the intensity so you can see we sort of get like a kind of a glowing effect but as you notice like there's a problem here right because the entire map is glowing um we don't want that we just want a specific object to glow so how do we do that if you remember the neon texture that we made if we go back to our cube and go down to neon here with this custom material that we set up we're going to set the emission there's an emission checkbox here you're going to go ahead and check that and what a mission is going to do is they're going to add like a little bit more light um to these objects so when the bloom filter is applied to the scene um these objects will emit more light and they'll and if the bloom filter is at a certain intensity um it will only show these sort of neon this neon lighting in our map so um i'll just show you my settings for the emission colors that i set up um i have you can you can increase the light intensity you can see it gets darker and brighter so i'm going to go exit out of this and we're going to make sure we have our little uh emission setting set up then we're going to go back to um we're going to go back to neon and we're going to mess with this kind of threshold and intensity filter again so we're gonna go turn the intensity up and as you can see we're sitting getting a glow effect which is what we want and it's not you know it's not glowing uh the rest of our map so i'm gonna go in you know in turn turn this intensity up turn the threshold down and we can create like super bright super bright lights um and uh we're gonna go ahead and test this out and see if it works in vr chat so let's go ahead and launch the game client okay so let's see what this looks like let's jump into our client here so you as you can see objects are now glowing we have neon lighting there's one thing that usually uh is a problem when you're messing with the bloom filter is that you can see that my character is kind of also kind of picking up the bloom effect as well so if i go to my settings menu you can see how my avatar is kind of shiny and you know you don't want that you know those worlds that you go to and like everything is blurry um we just want a specific object that's glowing so um what we can do is we can go back to uh back to unity uh so let's get out of our client here and what you're going to want to do is you're going to go to our neon lights again and uh let's just go select the neon material again go back to the emission and just lower the intensity of the actually increase the intensity and then go back to where we set up the bloom intensity here and what we're going to do is we're going to lower the intensity of this filter that we have here and what this is going to do is we're just making our lights emit more light so other objects in the scene are not going to sort of pick up that bloom effect so we're not going to be you know we're not going to look all shiny and stuff like that it'll just be these neon lights if you're having a problem with that um again go to the emissions increase the intensity on the emission uh material and then kind of lower the intensity here in the bloom filter and that should fix it and that's all there is to it and you can pretty much create like glowing things now and yeah go after it and and get world building make some cool stuff
Channel: VRCMacki
Views: 20,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VRChat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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