VRChat Elitism

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you can't beat the feeling of being the best of the best global lead on cs go radiant invalid challenger and league of legends well yeah maybe not league of legends but there's nothing more prestigious than being a trusted user in vr chat here are all the ranks in vr chat you start as a visitor and with enough time and dedication you can work your way all the way up to trusted user now in games like csgo valor and league a player's rank is a representation of their skill or proficiency bronze 2 if you play violent like this you're probably not going to rank very high but if you play like this you're the cream of the crap and you should probably consider joining a professional esports team most games that have a ranking system are like this now when a person is a high rank in a game what do they get well you might earn some clout yeah i mean it's pretty easy for me i'm i'm just insane at every fps you can start streaming and maybe people will take notice of your skill you might even make a name for yourself we watched you play among us last night oh you did yeah i can't believe no one guessed you were the imposter now in vr chat what do you get after spending hundreds upon hundreds of hours just socializing with everyone nothing okay not really a player could have their safety setting set up so that players with the rank of known user and lower automatically have their avatar hidden and the only way to be seen by this player is to be friends with them or become a trusted user basically the higher your rank the more avatar features that others can see such as particles or shaders but nobody really cares about that the main reason that a lot of people find the trusted user rank so appealing is simple it's the highest rank in vr chat that's all this is perfect for people who have a superiority complex my internet friends called me kings they have a high opinion of themselves all to hide their low self-esteem i know of a couple players who would just outright mute low ranked players for being low ranked yo what's up [ __ ] these type of people believe that because they're a known user or trusted user they're superior so this is basically elitism now what does a vr chat leaders look like well a majority of them hang out by the mirror or they're hanging out in a private world by themselves or with a couple other people also staring at a mirror if you happen to find one in the public world watch out if you get too close to them or stare at them too long you'll probably get blocked they probably have an e-boy or a girl avatar and full body tracking also now look obviously not all trusted users will like this i'm a trusted user and this is what i do no but seriously most trusted users will know that the rank doesn't really mean much the only thing that people should see in that rank is that the player has spent a lot of time playing vr chat and has probably created their own content such as uploading avatars or worlds i can see why these players think the way they do they've probably had a couple bad interactions with people of lower ranks such as visitors vrt's population has been growing a lot with more and more people getting quest 2s with that comes players that aren't there to make friends and socialize but instead be annoying i've run into plenty of nuisances but i usually don't block them i talk back to them enough to the point where it becomes awkward or something or they just run out of things to say and walk away if you ever run into somebody's high ego trusted users cut them some slack or or or maybe don't i don't know you can uh it's okay you can annoy him i guess and if you ever act like that type of player i will kill you that's all i gotta say see ya
Channel: Twice
Views: 172,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HCMRvAepH60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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