Vray Materials Beginner tutorial - 3Ds Max

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alright guys welcome back to this tutorial so for today we're gonna be learning how to look into v-ray materials okay and then for those of you who doesn't have any experience about materials lighting so you can all look into this video and I'll show you guys a quick intro about what's very real and how to set it up and how to get a nice looking render like this in a picture okay so let's get started so I have to see okay that's looking like this alright and you can see here that I have a few objects like based on the picture I are then a half so I have a teapot I have a ball a chrome ball that is looking nice that has a reflection but the reflection is blurry and after that I have a glass of red wine that there's this glass material and there's a water material okay and then I have a ceramic cup that has a tea Chinese tea on it and I don't know how we could end up taking a red wine and Chinese tea together after meal but I think that's okay for now like because we're just learning it and that's a goal material a ring a gold ring and also kind of rubber looking materials that we have okay if you look at a scene that we are having few different lights that's coming in so that is our camera and these are all very lights okay to start using v-ray oh of course you have to install v-ray and at the same time you have to switch from basic scanline to very setups okay in that v-ray there are a few things that you have to be careful and do a preset before you start surrender so firstly you need to go to v-ray and after that you have to switch from progressive to bucket okay then the reason why we're using bucket instead of progressive because progressive gives you a kind of like gradually to the final render state whereby it keeps progressing and keeps progressing and then anything you change that in my recalculates so for me like for basic testing I'll prefer to use bucket okay and after that like let's get into Gi Gi means global illumination so for primary engines that we will be using irradiance map instead of brute force okay so this gives you more controls and you can render faster for basic set setup so on the irradiance map we can change to low okay trust me and you don't have to set too high and an even low it's good enough and then I'm actually getting a setting low to get this kind of quality okay and for the sub thief's we can set to 20 so that will helps to render everything quicker and once we're done with it okay let's cross this and now let's look into this material that we have here so that is the material tab and sometimes whenever you starting up 3ds max you will be giving this kind of view okay so personally I don't like to use this so I prefer to go to motes and change to come back okay alright these are all the materials that we got so first I think we're gonna be looking into this okay that ceramic cup right here so normally whenever I want to start setting up a material I will double click on this so that I get a bigger thumbnail then I can see everything clearly okay and after you double-click on it and then it becomes bigger and sometimes it doesn't okay it keep keep it small like this so I prefer to drag it bigger so that I can see things better and after that you have to turn on the background okay this is one of the important stuff that you have to do before you start setting it up okay some people let their experience that they can set up using this but for beginners I'll strongly recommend that you pop it up with this one okay next we are not going to use a standard material so click on it and the moment you turn on the array you should be having this and most of the beginners that day sometimes they watch a tutorial then they are commenting that I do not have anything in the theory right here so that is because you forgot to turn on this one okay so make sure you turn on the array then you will be able to see a favorite tab right here with all the stuff okay so for all the materials that you see in the scene we are using just this okay just one okay they can turn into a lock okay so after I change the material then it resets to basic backgrounds so I just have to turn it back on so this is where we change the color so any color that you change and it will react accordingly right here so third instance like this is white so we are just going to set this color to white okay and using v-ray it's very straightforward so if you think that's a ceramic let's say probably we try to go to Google and look for some references so you can see that for ceramic cup that we have some reflections and the reflection seems to be a little bit blurry okay not as clear as glass okay so this is where we add the amount of reflection so if black means total no reflection and if it's white it means reflection so the moment I turn this the white color that you can see the backgrounds are being reflected to here so if you didn't turn on the background you wouldn't know that there's any changes at all okay so that is why I insisted that every one of you will start using v-ray beginners to turn on this okay next we want to look into the amount of blurry reflections that has within the material itself so the glossiness will serve the purpose of blurring out the material so for instance like this is one so we can change the 0.9 and see what stays back of it if you can really see that probably you can zoom in as women for you guys okay so you see it gets it gets a little bit blurry right here so if I lower the value that turns even more blurry okay go down lower seven and it goes like that and if you zoom out see you can probably not be able to see the shapes but you only see colors that reflecting from the backgrounds okay so for ceramic I think that is probably a little bit too blurry so I'll set it down to Berlin 0.8 flush okay yeah that we can still see a bed of the shape but a bit blurry okay and here comes with refraction so if it's not a transparent glass so we shouldn't turn on any refract and that's it for this guy okay alright and next we have to learn about creating metals okay so for this guy like the teapot right here so it's kind of like a chrome or stainless steel type of teapot so if you go to Google and look for references as the for Chrome so it is black okay but it's the and whenever light shines on it then it reflects and it turns to white I'll probably greyish tone okay so same goes to here all right it tends to give you that it kind of like a dark color that you have and whenever you have a light reflected on it then it shows bright color okay so we're gonna be back to here get a new favorite material and then it's also good that you rename those materials like that saying is this chrome or metal all right you can stop a chrome metal okay and double click same thing that I do always background so let's set it to black maybe but not full black like just probably wanted to okay reflects is a must all right and no refreshing okay all right and this supposed to have reflections okay but it's not clear okay so some of the Chrome's are having a clear reflections cytochromes are not having clear reflections okay so I'll probably say like we can set to 0.8 and see how it looks okay not bad okay all right but somehow it still doesn't fuse metalic enough okay or metal I I'm not going for metallic sorry it's metal okay chrome and and there's this tab called matalas so if you're using an older version of v-ray II you do not have metalness okay so only v-necks hasn't matalas so you can turn it on straightaway then it makes it becomes kind of Chrome looking but if you feel what you want this to be even more shiny you can uncheck the L and this is Iowa our index of reflection we can't pump it up to five okay so you can see that right now it looks bright and look shiny so that's how we create this material okay so next we have gold Oh probably we should we should go for this one first so that's probably about the same just get a new one okay this is metal there okay and for this guy I will set it slightly brighter like about eight okay and reflect double-click on it sorry I forgot and matt'll this okay let's see - how many changes yet because we get to change this value to 0.7 okay so this one it's 0.8 this one we can put down to 0.7 or even 0.65 okay and looks very blurry and turn it off probably pop it up to 2 or 3 okay so from that previous material like this bump it up to 5 so it looks very very shiny and glossy so this one seems to be slightly dull ok slightly less glossy compared to this so that a man of Iowa are should be last so probably I'll just set it down to two okay and that's it okay for this okay next we're gonna move on to gold material okay so for gold kind of similar so let's set the standard to v-ray double click background turn it on and for the color we need some color okay so for the base color of gold we need something that looks kind of Dow and dark v saturated brown color okay it can be something like this slightly more one okay and reflection as a must okay and glossiness it's probably around 0.85 depends on is that a matte kind of like a metal okay or is it a clear metal okay but we're missing out one thing so you can see that this is this gold material whenever light shines on it it reflects it reflects yellow so that reflected color has to be set to yellow okay so it's starting to learn more like gold okay and make sure what have you said this yellow do not put it to like this type of yellow okay because for this type of yellow it makes that material looks cheap it's like you you bought it from the market like probably like ten dollars for the goal okay fake go so make sure you don't you don't do this this yellow color so put something better and classier type okay okay I think that probably works and make sure metal is turn it on and also uncheck that IR Fornell LR and pump it up to maybe three or four okay I think that's looking great alright probably five I think five is better okay alright and next we have something that looks kind of like a rubber okay so double-click on it and make sure you switch to v-ray turn on the background and black down the value of one or two okay reflect as a must but it is the most blurry objects a blurry reflections that you have among all the objects itself okay so you can see that this one reflected quite clear this one reflects slightly blurry okay this one reflected very blurry this one it's the most okay and let's reduce this down to probably 0.6 and that's it okay nothing else that's it all right cool and how do we make transparent or glass material okay so next we are going to use the same thing very MTL double click glass I don't I'm not very organized some of the measures that I didn't really rename but I think you guys don't like what is that so back to here always remind myself to keep a habit of renaming everything so black because glass doesn't have any color reflect whites refract white okay so a better really blurry reflections so if you look at this one okay we have tons of references from for for glasses so it seems to have reflections but it's not as clear okay so I think that the perfect value will be 0.9 okay alright so that's it for glass okay so next we have tee okay T color and also a rate white color okay so we can actually duplicate this drag and drop but we're gonna make sure we rename it s T maybe it's a fadap T we need some color okay but you can't get it right for the first time so Eva whatever I set this up I change a few times and try to get the color that looks right okay so that it ends up seeing like it's a Chinese tea color okay reflect refract refract do not put it to maximum okay reduce that to gray gray somewhere here all right and double click and one of the most important thing will be for color so you can choose a fall color put yellow on it [Music] okay make it look similar to this I can put it to read it somewhere here all right next we're going to be looking into rate wine material okay so we can get a new one right here and v-ray MTL and firstly I think we're gonna have to switch the color to probably about like dark red okay double-click background and the reflects has to be fully done like white color and for the color for the glossiness I think you should be a barrel of 0.9 okay just a bit and we do not need any metalness so refract has to be close to white okay and the same thing we're gonna back to four color and put it to red I think that should be it okay all right so let's clear all the stuff and I'm going to show you how to apply all this okay let's set everything to basic gray and this will be chrome all right and then this will be cup okay that will be T that it's going to be blurred material blood metal and that will probably be a glass material okay and what's rotated here so that will be our red wine glass right white color and that is going to be rubber and this will be the gold okay so we're going to find an angle it's probably here [Music] okay so I'm clicking see so that I created a camera earlier so click on see and then we just go to a straightaway to hit the render button [Music] [Music] so we're just gonna wait for a while so this won't take that long I guess so it says right here it's about like few minutes so we're gonna post a video and then I'm gonna play back once it's done all right guys that's done and so we're using a total of about 16 minutes and 51 seconds and this is the size of 1280 x 720 if you look into here you see that it looks really nice that we have very very cool reflections and it has to put a blurriness in it and then the ceramic seems to not having too much of the reflection okay but we do have a bit okay here and it's looking clear and white and nice and that is T color that we have and back here we have a metal that it's blurry okay in reflections okay and then this is a crystal clear glass with red wine Metro's on it and that's a rubber so if you feel that you want to adjust something you can go to here okay click the button below right here alright and you go to curves click on it click the drop down menu and click on any of those dots right here and you can pull this up okay and make it slightly brighter if you feel like you want to change color you want to play with the white balance or exposure that you feel free to play around with it but for me like for this Tarou I'll say just like we done with it and I stay tuned I will create more tutorials about blending with textures okay let's say for example if we want to get some dirtiness on the metal or probably some dirt on it or even rusted looking metals and part of it gets rusty and a part of it like it's dirty so we can look into that in the next tutorial in future thanks for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: LEARN CGI with Yawyee
Views: 38,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vray, 3d, material, vray material, lighting, beginner, tutorial, 3ds max, ring, teapot, render, gold, silver, stainless steel, 3d tutorial, vray tutorial, beginner tutorial, redwine, glass, tea, teacup, nice lighting, realistic, shader, vray shader, learn, learn cgi with yaw yee, vray material tutorial, rendering tutorials, vray rendering, the rendering essentials, rendering lessons, vray beginner rendering, vray rendering tutorial, vray photorealistic rendering, vray photorealistic tutorial
Id: 8t4etPfMD6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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