VR horror with the boys (and a girl)

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how'd you stop worrying I'm going in oh my god did I just open it to you oh why do I open this why did I open this before this video starts I want to say thank you to honey for sponsoring this video if you're like me and you love to buy a lot of stuff online you're gonna want to try and save as much money as you can so you can buy even more stuff this is where honey comes into play honey is a free browser extension that finds promo codes automatically and applies them to your cart so you save money actually use honey a lot I'm not joking I actually use a lot especially for things like pizza right you go to your website that you get your pizza off like Domino's you order the pizza that you want then honey pops up gives to your code you get discount that's literally how it works it's not just pizza that honey works with it you can you can save money on clothes you can save money on technology that you want you can save money on anything there's over 17 million people who use honey so 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treasure there sheltered I think I'm in heaven oh dear God no no Gabriela it's because it's no no snow are you okay if I have some will warm you up yes here's what you do take your face and bury it in the no no snow and take a deep breathing technically this sign is giving us consent there's no limits I'm convinced let's go narrator wait I'm just gonna hide Stu it's okay narrator face your fear damn what it's shaking guys it's not that bad moly your turn will he go holy God everything is violently shaking my little legs are gonna fall between the gaps oh my god oh my head he looks like he's having a good seizure I know I got them slow and steady slow and steady boys and girls how is this scary bro it's just a bridge I'm scared of heights Andy I told you that oh wait are we supposed to be jumping this is a hole this light what like it was a light over there it's a chopper Oh they tell you to get off save us save us so help do we do what are we supposed to be doing they said get off the bridge okay we probably should go back now come on come on listen to him listen to him oh my god Oh Oh Helen the [ __ ] did we get down here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay I I didn't want to do this in the first place Eddie I'm blaming here for this you said let's record a video today this is no no no no no I did not say let's record a video today I wanted us to travel together an exotic no no snow man could ever dream of it this is why you don't take drugs look at the situation we're in Eddie can you stop please please stop please we're only trying to get through please stop and remain not Holly Molly don't go there Molly don't follow look scary noises I just wanted to stop Eddie Oh guys I'm scared Eddie I hate you guys I knew you did this to me we're in this situation because you Eddie I feel like we've missed something like we're supposed to pick up a torch back there cuz there's no light or anything we have to follow the no notes no Gaby snow is guiding us yes it is going on here why oh hello oh wait we actually don't come for us because they are attracted to movement oh sorry actually she's shrub itas because you guys left us out there where did you go we got teleported back to the beginning yeah and also uh the helicopter is gone yes it left us here dude the helicopters gone we would have made it but you left me and Gabi out there to die alright what were you doing yeah be right here okay I think this is the part of the video where narrative you need to do another narration narrator make us feel better say something in your deep voice wanna not I'm trying to not bro I'm trying to not make me not okay mm-hmm there are many creatures in these woods and our only escape was once my helicopter alls is crash in the middle of the snow when all we want to do is make our way back home but we'll run it this far and we can't turn back so there's one thing though I must what I was trying to make it rhyme guys I'm telling you right now we gotta get the [ __ ] out of here hold on wait did you understand a word that he just said oh say it again say it again not this [ __ ] again or just say good we gotta get out of here I don't understand Mexican Gabi do you know what he's saying you live with him what's he saying he never taught me no it's gibberish I'm speaking English Eddie Eddie may speak English speak English guys can we get going what a kicking I don't understand why all of a sudden you you don't understand my English oh no look look at your menu you got to go to settings and then after settings you got to click on voices and in that subtext it's Spanish got a click English are you telling me I forgot to turn the subtitles on okay Mali is a big fat King retards that's not very nice listen let's just get the [ __ ] out of here alright we need to get out of here alright that's what I said like five times yeah yeah take credit for the people's ideals we get away wait what say I can't I can't tell with subtitles if he was yelling just then or not it doesn't say but it sounds like he raised his voice just then I'm done you know what I'm done with you guys I'm going by myself Oh God now we're gonna follow god damn it Eddie we're just joking Eddie come on we were just joking with you we can understand you no no I'm crying because wait hold on Gaby did you just understand him I haven't even finished speaking hey guys you gotta look right here and look between the trees I can see some light ah oh there's some light come on guys we're saved oh we made it yours good didn't whoa father taking us to some camp we're going down oh let's take a leap okay I don't like this one bit oh my god oh my god oh your eyes are still open that's that's not good wait wait a dark night I stopped taking the dead bodies apart nerd what is really odd I said I told it you know what that means that she was so very explosive Oh what are we doing next so apparently what we're trying to do is we're still trying to find the treasure of maca Luka knocking however there's some crazy beast running around these mountains and he apparently is you just sit there with the helicopter on and a giant light bulb so I'm not staying here when he's right there so only way is to go through the deep tunnel however there is a problem what is it it's a very serious okay yeah well scoffs okay stop signs dude like how we go in I can't read English so you know it's fun for me Eddie Eddie Eddie wait wait what were you running ahead they stop signs dude that means you can't pass why did you run down then because I can't because I I'm immune to English I gotta turn any subtitles on again oh no again you see this Verde green that means go Oh actually oh my god come on boys stick together stick together come on poof we shouldn't just stay in the chopper but you're like can anyone understand my god okay remember the this sensitive to movement be quiet everyone just relax calm down we're gonna be fine this is nari hold that we haven't been in before oh god on the bridge there's another bridge Oh Mike oh my god oh my god what was that that was someone just got dragged okay there's no light why don't we have torches what is going on in I'm gonna cross the bridge you ready oh oh look out deep down it is oh come on Isla Hey mushrooms don't do any more drugs Gaby you're not having any mushrooms god dammit Gabriella no tengo una torture pero tu corazon al hombre me Camino mommy okay hold on wait wait pause pause Eddie there's no time for that we're trying to get out of here dog there's always time you'll brush it away his style you're such a brush blocker dude like what what's wrong with you on a wooden bridge thousands of meters above the ground and you try to smash that's the issue that I have right now let's just get out of here let's just get out of here oh this is a trap door it didn't even do anything oh my god no stop I'm actually crying oh that scared me dude holy [ __ ] alright okay it's time again this freakin cave I'm no none of this let's let's pray there's no more jobs kids like that dude cuz that was too much man that was way too much actually wussies that's all I gotta say I feel like this bridge is gonna collapse yes I'm tightening my pecs oh my god no Gabi what do you mean you just pooped I [ __ ] myself like five minutes ago all right slow and steady boys relax everyone just calm down everyone just calm down okay I'm calm I'm chill right that go I just can push this off I'm done I'm done dude this [ __ ] you know what else I can't believe what why do they call it a building oh my god [Music]
Channel: Mully
Views: 3,543,829
Rating: 4.9647889 out of 5
Keywords: VR, vr, the boys, the boys vr, vr game, vr gameplay, vr gaming, vr funny moments, vr funny, vr moments, virtual reality, gaming, gaming moments, gaming funny, gaming funny moments, joshdub, mully, mully vr, eddie vr
Id: 3oSjucmh8v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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