[다시봐야지][ENG] 방탄소년단(BTS)vs아형♨ - ①편 '허벅지로 강호동을 이긴 최강자는 누구?!'⊙ㅁ⊙ #아는형님 #JTBC봐야지

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Jin is really weird. [While everyone was focused on Gochang apples,] [he winked at me.] [Eye contact] [Wink] [Embarrassed] [No special meaning] [Winking is my habit] [If my face turned red, it's going to be a scandal] [Voyage] [The legend of games] [Nickname from childhood] Since my family name is Min, I was named after a slug. We have the same family name, Min. I checked the family tree and my status is higher than yours. What is your name? [Suga's real name is 'Min Yoon Ki'] [Thinking] [His status is higher than mine] [Judging by the lineage, Suga is supposed to be Kyung-hoon's uncle!] Call me uncle. (Avoiding eye contact) That is meaningless~ It's not meaningless. Say it, uncle BTS~ [Somehow embarrassed] [I want to hear it too!] [Hesitating] (Shy) Uncle Yoon Ki~ Cute! Can niece Kyung-hoon try too? Try to do something cute in front of your uncle. [Kyung-hoon standing up] I cannot do this. Instead, let's do this. I will turn and you spin the ball. [Perplexed] [Really?] [Who spins longer] [A Basketball vs A Human!] [Working out suddenly before the match] [This is the rarely-seen fight of the century!] This is like a competition between the Mins and Kyungs of the Min family. [Uncle Min Yoon-ki VS Niece Min Kyung-hoon] One two three! [The fight of the century begins!] What kind of a competition is this? Kyung-hoon is too slow! [The players are so serious] Is that nickname that precious? [Suga is about to drop the ball] [Suga failed!] [A result that nobody expected] [See?] [SamGoo is proud!] [In the Min family's match of pride, niece Kyung-hoon won!] You should change your nickname. [Respect slug!] Opening packages with toes. He's really good at it. He's amazing. [Jin, a man who opens(?) with his toes!] We should do a match for this. [Speaking of which, let's start a match with the bros] [Confident] Shall we do a match of 1 to 7? [Challenging us?] That won't be easy. You can't win. Kyung-hoon can tear a rice sack. [Oh my god] [-Is he a man who tears apart rice sacks with toes?-] [Continuing testimonies] Kyung-poon popped my pimple here with his toes. [Really? Wow] [Based on the stories, he is a legendary toe master] [Oh my god] [-Is he a man who pops pimples with his toes?] [Shameless] My toes are very delicate. [Let's have a match then!] [Opening a package with toes] [Jin VS Knowing Bros] [Opening a package with toes] [The first to open a chocolate package with toes and eat one with hands wins!] [You fail if you burst the package by standing on it!] (Doubting) No one can be that stupid. [Guilty] Ho-dong, you were planning on it? [Caught before the start of the match] Don't touch it! Hold your feet! [As always, the Bros are trying to be fair in the beginning] Hold your feet! Stay still! [Jin VS Young-chul] [Jin] [Young-chul] Go Yonug-chul. [Jin opened it first] [Torn apart] [Relax~] I am done. [Jin won easily!] This guy is really good. He tore the side part of the package! [The package is torn cleanly as if cut with scissors] [Complaining] Take off your socks in advance! Are you in a sauna? [Out of words] Ho-dong has changed a lot. Look at Kyung-hoon, he already has his socks off! [Even Samja, who lost, is barefoot] [Carry fire in one hand and water in the other] Ho-dong didn't get mad easily even in the past! Did you know that? My father has the same personality as Ho-dong. [Joke] Is he aggressive? [Curious] What is your father's personality? He respects others when he is having conversations. [Secretly practicing] [The toes have no idea about being respectful] I am sorry but please be fair. [Stop cheating] (Previously) You were a champion. [Continuous blames] Please, they will think that you became a champion by cheating. [Sad] [Jin VS Ho-dong] [Jin] [Ho-dong] [Ho-dong won?] You should eat a chocolate! [Eating one in the meantime] [Jin won 5 rounds straight!] Jin originally opened the package before you. [Jin opened the package earlier?] [Jin opened it earlier and] [Ho-dong opened it after!] Anyways, you kicked There was a popping sound. [The chocolate package burst] [Ho-dong is busy being scolded] Jin won this game 100%. [We acknowledge you as a toe master] [-Session 2-] [BTS VS Knowing Bros] [A game to get the other team's members] If we win, let us sing the new song. Then what if we win? [The Knowing Bros will get the global BTS fan club!] Your fan is our fan and our fan is your fan! [Call!] We will support BTS like always! -Nice! -BTS will support our members too! [Bump!] - You scared me. - Gosh. [Surprised] I am talking now! [It's been a while since Teacher Jang came to the classroom!] Aren't you saying hello to me? Come to the center! [Focusing on his concept] How dare you speak to me like that? Our scapegoat teacher is here. [A teacher who gains(?) more than he gives] [Formal introduction] I am your instructor, teacher Jang! And this is a time for a match between Knowing Bros and BTS~ Is this what he is supposed to do? Smile you guys! [Satisfied] [Provoking in advance] We don't have the loser's DNA! We move like this when we fight. [He is scary..] [That is a fighter who is best to avoid] [The next game is the flying bottle lids game!] [Their finger skills are on par with their dance skills?] I was a bottle lid before I was born! [Like this] V is saying he was a bottle lid in his previous life... [He is trying to be a part of the Knowing Bros team] [Saying random things] [Just go to the other team..] I was about to become a bottle lid before becoming a human. [The brothers are satisfied] I was the bottle opener of Gwacheon! [Competitive self-promotion in order to change teams] Let's see each member's sensational dance for 10 seconds. I won't. I will stay here. [We are BTS, we won't yield] [The betrayal of the eldest] [Previous(?) bottle lid is coming!] [The youngest is coming!] [Pride won't feed us] [Even Suga is betraying?] Jimin won't do it? Inca Inca! Then shall we take J-Hope, who did nothing? [Shocked] [J-Hope succeeds in changing teams without having done anything!] [Sad] [A match of taking team members] [J-Hope] [Surprised!] [Just removed it!] [Jungkook did it!] We did it with BTS power! [There can't be a better outcome!] [The player is calm] The game is not over yet! [The BTS team is about to win with this one shot] [Ho-dong from the Knowing Bros team is up] [He must push away Jungkook's lid!] I will use this angle. [He is using Hee-chul's lid!] [Really?] [Although it seems easy, it is a mission that requires a high technique] [Let's see~] Since we still have 5 minutes, you can relax. [Swish~] [Perplexed at seeing such things for the first time] Ho-dong is checking even the wind. [Relax] [We are used to it] [Doing finger putting!] I have to choose a tool now. You are not playing billiard. [Billiard?] [If you want!] I think it moved. [Shaking] His finger was short. It moved? I think it moved? I apologize. Yellow card! I will not touch it anymore. This is a self warning. [I am really doing it!] Ho-dong is up! [He needs to hit it no matter what!] What kind of a strategy does he have? No loser's DNA! [Nice comment~] [My name is Kang Ho-dong... I have been playing with bottle lids for 10 years...] [A perfect control!] [The god of bottle lids] [Everything happens as he says!] [Even his over-the-top ceremony is permitted!] [Shocked] [Unbelievable] That was a really difficult one. [The remaining members in the BTS team are Jimin and V] [V is up first!] There're many here. [The BTS team has to put at least one on the table] You just need to put it on the table. [Who'll be the winner?] [V is slightly leading the game!] V is on the lead~!!! Go!! They're a bit ahead of us. - Us! - Jang-hoon! Take your time! Take enough time! Jang-hoon, are you going to push us off? Jang-hoon, it's our last turn! *Falling leaves* [I wanted to imitate Kang Ho-dong...] I was imitating Ho-dong. What's your strategy? Tell us about it! [Push it off or put it closer!] There is one more member left on their team! [He's going to take the 'push the lid off' the table strategy] Let's hope their team sucks at their last turn! If you fail this, don't ever say you were a basketball player! [Professional shooter Jang-hoon's up!] The last member of Knowing Bros team! - Man, you need to do this! - You gotta do this to!! - If you can! - Huh?? [!!] Hey, what are you doing?! - If you can! - You need to succeed! [???] [Disaster] Hey, what the heck did you do? [He hit something but it was...] You hit 'there'!!! Who told you to hit Sang-min 'there'!!! [Aiming failed] He hit something else. [Suddenly Sang-min is polite] Did you intentionally... hit something else? [Shy] I didn't mean to! Hold! [Believe me, it was an accident!] I mean it! I tried to push off this one! Jimin still has to go, doesn't he? The game is over anyway. [Will the BTS Team win?] Jimin! Jihoon! We already won this, you see? For a good match! Jimin! You need to push these all off and be at the front! No need to be fair! [Is Jimin going to have a go?] We won, we already won! [Knowing Bros, the scam artists, start to persuade Jimin] The important thing is! Whether the final lid is yours or not! [Calm down] - What?! - Don't be fooled~!!! So I need to push these two off and then! - Mine will be here!! - Yes!! Yes!!! NO!! That's not it!!! [That's correct. You're the true hero!] [Tempting] Hey! Let's win this and bring Ho-dong to our team!!! If you want to be the true winner, that's how you do it. I'll just! Push this off! [Push off only the Knowing Bros team's lid?] Why would you do that? Okay, the last member! I think you'll push ours off and we'll lose. - You're going to be the finale for sure. - I'm up! - You'll come out the true winner this way. - You'll definitely be the finale. [Will he be a true winner? Or Will he simply push his team's lid off?] [Jimin's last try!] Here comes Jimin! - I can't predict the outcome. - Me neither. [One mistake can make them lose!] - He'll fail! - I don't know. - You'll lose. - You can't hit it! I mean Jimin's lid is... [A picturesque ending!] [Did you all see?] [BTS Team wins the flying lids game!] There, BTS wins! Wow, you're the man! ["A drama with multiple twists! / A drama without a script"] [Knowing Bros team is winning by 9 points] - Can he turn the table around? - You can do it! - Okay, say challenge! - Challenge! Challenge! Jungkook! [Surprised] [Jungkook succeeds in doing 13!] You did 13~!!! [Reversed / BTS 18 VS Knowing Bros 14] So BTS is on the lead by a score of 14 to 18~!!! [Devastated] [At one turn, they earned 4 more points!] Four of us tried and you just beat us all with one go! [Hidden master Jungkook!] - There was a crisis and you overcame it! - Aren't we on the lead? Well, both team are playing a close game! [Knowing Bros's 6th player/ Possibly a master? / Kyung-hoon!] Knowing Bros's Kyung-hoon! - Well, let's go! - Kyung-hoon, you can do it! Kyung-hoon! - It's up to Kyung-hoon! - Min-dalpaengi! (*his nickname) Yes! [That was close.] Arg!!! It bounced off of my body!!! Oh no!!! - You did well! - Min-dalpaengi! [Score reversed again / BTS 18 vs Knowing Bros 19] Reversed again! 18 to 19, Knowing Bros is on the lead!! [BTS's 4th member, V!] - Out fourth player! - We are on the lead! [Please] - One! One! One! - So far the winner of the game has been... [How many will V do?] - Get one point! Just one! - Reversed and reversed. How many points will V get? Let's see how dramatically he does it! One! Oh my!!! - One!!! - Oh my...!! [V gets 2 points!] [Reversed once again / BTS 20 vs Knowing Bros 19] It's reversed once again. BTS is leading by a score of 20 to 19. Has everyone gone? [Two turns are left for each team!] - We only have two members left to go and we're losing? Anyway we're in the lead, right? [BTS team Jimin & Ho-dong vs Knowing Bros team Jang-hoon & Soo-geun] These two vs those two? [Knowing Bros team 7th player Jang-hoon!] - Jang-hoon said he'll get 2 points! - Challenge~! Seven! Seven~!!! [Janghoon got 7 points!] You did really well! [Tantrum] If he didn't laugh, I could have done more! [Whining] Because you were laughing.. damn. [Ho-dong the defected player(?) is doing his part well] [Reversed again/ BTS 20 vs Knowing Bros 26] The Knowing Bros team is winning by score 26 to 20!! [BTS 5th player Ho-dong!] Challenge! Can you tie my cape from the back? [Opponents say boo] Tying it at the front looks weird... [Super confident] What! What~!! [He is more nasty now that he's on the other side] If you have anything to say to me, step up! What!! What!! [Why are you taking so much time~~?] [Whatever] BTS Forever~! Forever! [Excited] Only BTS scream~!! [A good example of a traitor(?)] [Boiling up] Let's go! Ho-dong~!! Hey! Don't laugh, don't laugh~! A beautiful challenge! [One two, one two] - His steps look much lighter! [Screw up Screw up Screw up] If he does seven... Challenge! Challenge! - Challenge! - I say he does five or six! His outfit is all wrong. - Let's go! Nah~!! You should be funny! Funny!! [He's good!] [Falls down] 31~!!! [Hodong does 32!] [Close to winning!] [Feels like the final match of the World Cup] BTS is on the lead by a score of 52 to 26!!! [They are 26 points ahead] 26 to 52! 52 to 26! [BTS last player Jimin!] Jimin looks sick! - Challenge?! - Jimin's challenge!! Oh, right away? Yes, start right away! [Stable posture] Wow... He's good...! We're doomed... [Here and there] Wow... He's chasing the ball...! He's really good! Oh, don't laugh, don't laugh!! Calm down, 100! Do 100! [Soo-geun lost his smile] [Running here and there / he's lifting the ball running all around the classroom] Man, he's seriously good~!!! [Jimin does 46!] He gets 46 points! So it's 98 points in total!!! Only two points away from 100. So close! Well done! - RESPECT! - Now let's do this with this Jegi! [BTS team is ahead by 72 points] We can win this with Jegi! [We can win] It's okay. We only need to do 73! [BTS team] You will be the next member of our team! [Because of the big gap in the score] Would you approve if I get points using this Jegi? It's okay but you'll be the next member of our team! [It's the last round so...] Okay! Jegi is okay! [Knowing Bros's last player Soo-geun!] [His hidden instincts as a challenger is awakened!] [72 makes a tie, 73 makes his team win!] - Be calm! - Challenge! Oh, it's already 10! [Getting excited] - I got it! - Be calm! Be calm! [Worried] Shouldn't laugh. No no no! [Soo-geun does 34!] [BTS 98 vs Knowing Bros 60] By a score of 98 to 60, [BTS wins the 'lifting a soccer ball with a thigh' game!] BTS team wins!!! [It was so close] [Knowing Bros Jukebox >>> DNA(2017) BTS] They're really good.
Channel: JTBC Voyage
Views: 7,624,975
Rating: 4.9565806 out of 5
Keywords: JTBC, entertainment, kpop, 방탄소년단, 방탄, 방탄소년단 춤, 방탄소년단 아는형님, 아는 형님, 아는형님 대유잼, 아는형님 방탄소년단 아는형님 방탄, 방탄소년단 DNA, DNA, D.N.A, 방탄소년단 예능, 레전드, 예능 레전드, 방탄소년단 웃음참기, 방탄소년단 대유잼, 방탄소년단 입덕, 방탄소년단 입덕 영상, 방탄소년단 유잼, 방탄소년단 꿀잼, BTS, KNOWINGBROS, knowing bros bts, BTS DNA, BTS D.N.A, KNOWING BROS LEGEND, 봐야지 방탄, 봐야지, JTBC 봐야지, 봐야지 방탄소년단, VOYAGE BTS, VOYAGE 방탄, 지민, 진, 슈가, 랩몬, 뷔, 정국, JIMIN, JIN, SUGA, RAPMON, RM, JK, JUNG KOOK, 진 아는 형님, 지민 아는 형님, 슈가 아는 형님, 랩몬 아는 형님, 뷔 아는 형님, 정국 아는 형님, IDOL
Id: m1H13i-24UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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