Vortex Rocket Stove Pt 2

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so many of you probably think I've been on vacation but it's it's been far from the truth what it has been is just traditionally this is a really busy time for me this is the the harvest is all but over for the carrots and and so all the machinery that washes that stuff in and gets it ready to go into a bag it needs to be rebuilt because it's worked hard all year and that's just how it is and so for me the last couple of months I have just been crazy crazy busy and on top of that I've been given a mature age apprenticeship as a fitter and Turner through works so that's something that I'm really excited about but also have to do so it's just meant that between work and TAFE and obviously family the YouTube channels just had to take a bit of a hit but I'm starting to get on top of that stuff now I hope and so I'm out here today and I've got the camera rolling so for the first half of the video to make any sense we're going to have to go back in time about four months I've never time traveled on this particular lave I've watched enough this old Toni videos to you know to work it out I think I've got a handle on it anyway except I don't know if I can travel in metric oh well if you're a dentist this is the moment up to nice alright good morning YouTube or whatever time zone you're in I'm not sure where to start this is working surprisingly well I and I need to bring out some interesting mistakes that I've made don't trust everything is here on the internet because I'll Google my ignorant mixed with Google's influence meant that I actually completely stuffed up the direction of the vortex in this build but it still worked which is really interesting that being that what I should have done is not asks a question of what way of water swirls but rather what direction our cyclone turns or if you're in the other side of the of a globe which way a typhoon rotates because that would have been the correct way to set this up so in saying that though I am pleasantly surprised and pleased to know that it perhaps it really just doesn't matter which way you have it swirling because as you all saw in the previous video the the vortex was quite happy and healthy and really didn't need any extra attention so an initial problem with this design is having this secondary air intake so close to the front of this so basically that I've got two competing forces for air and this one is always going to overcome that one it's not that this wasn't sucking air I did a few more test burns later on and discovered that it was in fact drawing some air in it wasn't as much as I would like but then again I'm I'm really very new to this style of stove and so I'm not sort of sure what or how much air it should be drawing in but I plan on capping this and putting a small and a small opening here that I can control the air flow through I also want to put a door on the front and that's going to help reflect heat back into the stove really help to keep some of that heat in where I want it going up through the stove and not sort of lost out the front okay now this is five proof glass that's newspaper but this is fireproof glass yep it's definitely 5/4 glass and apparently it's rated to seven hundred and sixty degrees C up to eight hundred apparently and that'll be perfect for what I want here so I bought two pieces and it came with for a few bulb extra some of this what's it called fiberglass self adhesive tape white 2 meters pack dban Direct Connect Auto Coulomb then to me to resit my Germany good [Music] [Music] [Music] so this is an interesting challenge I did a test fold while you were distracted to see if the folder could actually make it this is a very tight fall to try to do because of the thickness of the that normally that would dictate the the minimum fault that you're able to do you just have to do it in a few stages again this is why scribe marks are better than texture mags enables you to really get a little bit more precise they've just disappeared my scribe marks which is the how I try to keep everything consistent now I can't do a full fault here if I do I won't be had to get the next vault I've got to come up just a little bit I think I need to move the camera standards interfering if the fault just kicked it it's gonna partially crush that I know but it's all right let's do about the same fold again and come back okay and basically you have to do the fold incrementally where you're just giving it a little bit at a time until you get where you want it's getting very close there you go that's how you cheat [Music] now the important part does it fit ah now in order to get really good results when you're sort of polishing a bit of stainless steel and I'm not really doing this properly not by any stretch of the imagination is try not to use anything too aggressive to remove the initial welds I used a worn-out 80 grit flapper disc and very lightly remove the bulk of the material and now I'm coming over it with a flapper disc that is made out of scotch brite pads and notice how I'm moving in the same direction I'm starting on the edge of the material and I'm coming back and I try to keep my emotions consistent in speed and pressure and also always starting at the edge of the material and flying all the way across to the other side it's just a little tip to to get a nice result and now watermelon smoothie yeah because my wife loves me a better thing to do when cutting out a square like this is to drill out the four corners just makes removing it when you're done a bit easier puts a nice radius all the way around and the edges instead of like a sharp 90-degree corner but what can I say it was it was 12 steps to the drill press from where I was and it was just a journey too far for me at the time if you've never seen an Australian get really excited brace yourself nice yep that's about it I know so I'm going with a 3/16 rivet to attach the frame to the stove I've drilled five millimeter holes in the frame and a 3/16 rivet in millimetres is about four point eight something like that it works out pretty darn good actually you get a little bit of clearance and Aeryn is in the background talking to me I guess jamming a croquette ball in your eye socket would have that effect now the stainless steel frame and the glass will be attached to the stove after all the paintings done so for now I'm gonna have to go and do other stuff [Music] [Music] you know if you don't have a folder at home and you really want to recreate this design it's not the end of the world all you need to do is score your fold marks of a grinder don't cut all the way through just weaken it enough so that you can put it in a vise or put it over the edge of the table and Hammer it around and that's how you can go about it and and and that's what I used to do there's nothing wrong with that and once it's all welded I don't even think that it weakens it all that much as well that would really matter for a little door and when you've got segmented tooling like this if you can get it out segmented tooling makes life a lot easier I need to think about this I want to do these two folds first tiny bit over nice I always say that when you're folding sheet metal it's much better to go a little bit over a little bit not like like two kilometers past where you need to be like it's very easy to bring it back because the metal has memory it sounds strange but and the lawyers come back to where it was it's kind of like a homing pigeon any metal yeah I love sheet metal [Music] that's still set at 25 describe a line line and now we join those all up [Music] [Music] okay that looks terrible you you saw that coming just wanted to take the discoloration out of it now once the handle and everything's on there would you I figured it'd be sort of hard to get in there and to do that so the length of this camera just stop for some reason but that's the mechanism that's locked position I'm not sure how I feel about this yet I'll run with it for now it's it's not as nice looking as I thought it should be anyway it's a little bit of 3ml I'm not gonna fully weld this that's just silly Oh fail I might pretend to know what I'm doing when it comes to welding but I want to be upfront with you guys right now I have no idea what I'm doing with this thing yet one step at a time so that's an m5 sorry that is a five millimeter hole that's been tapped out to an m6 tap six millimeter hole and the threaded it is just going to contain the bolt to stop it from sliding in and out I'm gonna weld uh small circle that it's deal in there and that's gonna be the flow control for the secondary air intake oh my fine yellow bat all right I'm sort of nobody breathe then I actually breathe that's that's a terrible request to Mike oh yeah that's that's a guillotine we'll talk about that later remember lift with your back strongest muscle in your body that's terrible advice that's a thing of hiss drill it doesn't have a high or a low setting it's just it's all in or nothing that's why I don't use it very much or as I call it it's my risky twisty drill okay so in the first build the only air inlet is like a tiny slit somewhere about there just use the grinder I didn't feel right about it at the time but I thought I can always open it up and make it bigger if I need to and well that's exactly what I'm doing so let's try 25mm and of course this air damping is not going to do a thing if there's a gaping hole at the front I'm gonna weld that on there so now the only way for air to get in this past this fella and yes this this hole is smaller than this it doesn't matter it absolutely doesn't matter it just gonna mean it's going to mean that it's easier for me to weld this because at the end of the day this hole is still larger than the hole down the other end which is 25 mil this is 35 mils so it's not going to be the greatest point of restriction this butterfly valve there's an old saying a grinder and paint makes you the welder you ain't I ended up running the TIG welder TIG welder over if you saw what the result was I think you all would have unsubscribed now secondary air intake I'm putting a hole every 50 mils because counting in units of five is really easy for me don't judge me just been looking at some of the old footage that I talk and in some cases the the vortex and the fire had swirled you know almost a couple of inches from the top which tells me that they're still obviously a fair bit of heat in combustion going on in the riser so if I was to add a little bit to air you could just drill holes on the outside and just have them open to the atmosphere and let it it would draw air in but it wouldn't be preheated here it wouldn't be as preheated compared to having it go through a bit of a channel so I'm gonna have a hole in the base down here which you can't see I'm gonna fold up a bit of a shroud cover a channel I'm gonna fully weld all the way up here and have eight millimeter holes why millimeter because it's the size drill bit that I have the most off don't you judge and now it's time to address the elephant in the room or in this case it's the guillotine I finally bit the bullet and bought something that I've always wanted and this is this little guillotine I've had to sort of do some repair work to it it was probably more just wasn't quite set up right from factory but basically it's the same capacity as my little folder which is 2 millimeter by 1350 I believe and this is just going to make life so much easier quicker I should say less grinding more action you guys nothing that is nice hey what's 60 plus 10 plus 10 plus 4 plus 20 already right now you'll see that the hull is offset and that we're longer in one side and the other that's because I'm I'm trying to increase the capacity inside of here just so that holds more hot air if that makes sense sort of anyway I don't know if it's going to make any difference or not I'm just goofing off yes but I haven't put any holes down here in the vortex generator itself it's just that there's a lot going on down there and I don't want to mess with it not when it's running as nice as it is so yeah I've had a lot so many suggestions about putting a you know a bit of pipe up the guts of it and doing all sorts of stuff and if this doesn't work well I'll explore that Avenue but to begin with I'm going to do the simplest option first because it's nice when the simplest option works before I go welding this in place all the way down there I'm just going to work out this cap piece I did a little bit of work in a in a hotrod shop it's only a tiny bit of work I I said it I was in between jobs but I was amazed how much they use this technique where you just I'm not doing a very good job yeah just the dirty fingers and a bit of paper I'm just running it around the edges yeah for dirty hands that's my template that looks pretty good to me so yeah it pays not to wash your hands except for when you're in a pandemic that's terrible if it does better wash your hands so today's the first day of winter and I am really beginning to wonder why on earth I moved across to this drafty old shed and I didn't just stay in my nice warm garage so yes I'm going back over there where there's a fire that must have spent up big in the future that's not kind of work wonder if I can get that the balance there so we have a secondary air intake in the back we'll be able to chain that the air will be preheated as it goes in obviously it'll be the hottest when it gets to the top as it mixes in okay I'm really excited I'm nearly ready to do a testimonial add the dust off that gotta screw this thing on yet I think I mentioned I know I mentioned that I was going to use rivets but then I thought about it I'm like I'm gonna want to pull this thing off to clean it because it will sort up so forget the rivet so I'm going to tap the holes cuz they're five millimeter tap them with an m6 tap and that's how I'm going to stick that on and before I do a test Bend I really need to finish this air control thing on the front of this door I think that's just work-hardened that to the max I don't know decorative or destructive just see what happens when we close at all so I'm about halfway through that hopper of pellets that I just wasn't getting really good results with this door closed not playing around for I don't know however long it's been about there is where it's at as far as the the airflow requirements of this stove so I'm going to try to measure that gap and work out what I need to add to this front door to get the equivalent amount of airflow going through the other thing I did was I just set that bit of RHS there on top to increase the draw and that made a that made a huge difference that's not a good sign that again tells me that there's I've just got too much fuel burning and I would actually get a better results if there was less fuel on fire so I'm coming to some conclusions about this I think my baskets too big all right boys you've had your fun just had an influx of orders and so I've had to had to get busy one of these emus might be in your very home that's a spooky thought this is a little bit tedious so I'm only showing you bits and bobs getting a photo story nice good test ban but it it's just not there yet and I'm not going to post the video until it's ready beautiful thank you this but while I was doing my test bin to get a decent amount of combustion I sort of needed a door open about about that much so I really want this closed one to keep ash in help reflect heat back but I but I'm starving it of oxygen so that's what this thing is that is going to go on there and I'm thinking of putting it as close as I can to this so that the air is flowing straight down because this goes in this way I want the air to flow straight down and around you know if it's out there I'm going to have a little bit of a dead spot trying to avoid that so that makes sense [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we started this video with a watermelon smoothie and looks like we're finishing it watermelon smoothie aha so after months of working on this thing trying to get it better the vortex was was worse off than when I started and and this thing was turning into a Titanic failure I was getting miserable there was only one thing to do [Music] you [Music] you [Music] so when the period of mourning was finished I started knuckling down and trying to work out where I went wrong one of the first things I recognized was that the gap between the Byrne basket and the base of the stove was too great I needed to reduce that I turned my rocket stove into a slow combustion piece you saw me well done works as a stop to govern the height of the burn basket works well not drawn to scale but this is what I'm wanting to do I notice that the stove perked up a bit when I added a little bit to the riser so I'm going to make all this out of this one point six millimeter hot rolled steel underneath sorry about that but if you want to know how to do this sort of stuff let me know in the comments and I will make a dedicated video on pattern development or cones and notching pipe and making wrap arounds and doing all that sort of fun stuff it's not that hard actually when you know how and it'd be fun to show you but not enough time now [Music] it's still looking for dinosaur bones gosh it's never-ending saga all that came out like a dog's breakfast but we'll be able to do something with that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the world's worst rotary welding table the problem is it works and it hasn't broken yet and so I keep using it I really need to remake it that'll be a video in the future as it is I'd be really embarrassed to show you what's going on on the inside of that [Music] [Music] [Music] I have mixed feelings about that it just didn't quite go to plan I would have liked to have had a really nice stack of Dimes around there but couldn't get comfortable didn't have the right diameter fill a wire and sort of using the wrong machine for the job and that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it oh yeah if you have a look in the early stages and the warm-up it starts to suit up the glass it just does it every time oh yeah do it but I'm not very same the thing will get so hot that it actually burns all that all lights it off and if the glass will become crystal clear again it's quite amazing you can sit right there [Music] okay that's a shot of the secondary air intake you can just see the hole there that's just lovely let's see four hundred and twenty five point eight degrees C let's go Fahrenheit hmm Wow [Music] [Music] I've been screwing around with this thing for a couple of days now and one thing became apparent very quickly was that with the door closed it was not getting enough air in fact I sort of thought that for a while all things were lost but when I left the door cracked about that much everything just worked so for the sake of time is this video a long one I've blown out the air controller in there I've just removed it completely I'm hoping that'll be enough oxygen to make this thing run properly now with the door shut the advantage of having the door shut is that that reflects some heat back into the stove into the basket helping to keep everything running with a stove with that insulation you've got to grab every bit of heat you can and in saying that insulation would be a huge help to this but it would also caused spheal to rapidly pull the bits just that all that extra heat it wouldn't be good the other addition is an extension to the riser wall it's doing is increasing the draw the longer the flew within reason the longer the flew the more convection you get the grade at the draw that's another reason why an insulated riser is a good thing because it makes the riser hotter increasing your draw so I could insulate this I'm still arming an hour about it there will be another an addition to this video but this video is just getting too long with some extra stuff that I have in mind to do but I'll keep that a surprise and that is just a press fit on there like that and I'll probably never get that off again now it's it's really tight but that's good that's what you want this has been a marathon so I just want to say thanks for hanging around I'll catch you in the next one see you guys bye
Channel: Little Aussie Rockets
Views: 834,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket stove, build a rocket stove, camping stove, wood pellet stove, how to build a rocket stove, make a rocket stove, diy rocket stove, best rocket stove, welding, tig welding, metal working, sheet metal
Id: S6Lx0i_PnDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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