Volume 4 FULL Episodes Part 3! | Monster High

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Yay! Whoo hoo! Iris, did you see that? Iris? What? My ghoul, you have a crush on Manny Taur. What? No. You can't fool me. I see that look in your eye. It's silly. I'm a woman of science, and Manny, well, he's Manny. Whoo! Come on. What if it's too weird? Our families are old friends, and I- Manny. Oh, hey, Iris. Good game, huh? Go, team. [chuckles] What's got you showing all fangs? I just set up Manny and Iris. I really liked it when did the- [grunting] Red! [screaming] I knew this was a mistake. Don't worry, he likes you. He just got distracted. - Is this seat taken? - Hey, Iris. Red devil's food ice cream cake coming through! [grunting] Hey, Manny. Carry my books to class? Um, uh, sure. And she was all, is that real Transylvania- Red! I don't understand. He clearly likes you. I don't know. He keeps getting distracted. Minotaurs are just like bulls. They can help chasing things that are red. Watch. Red! Great. So, all I have to do to keep Manny's attention is get rid of every red thing in the entire school. Easy. I think I got a better idea. Three, two, one, Hey. That's a nice color on you. Will you walk me to mad science class? Sure. Hey, Iris. Uh, hey, ghouls. So, Draculaura says you've been dating Manny Tour for the last two weeks. We need details. Go. Manny's nice. [moaning] Dates? Kinda. Another two points for super star Manny Taur! We have been playing a lot of games together, which he wins. He takes me to lunch all the time. And last night he took me dancing. [music playing] If you could call it dancing. So Manny's basically just bringing you around to do guy stuff with his friends? Ghoul, you've got to tell him that tonight you two are doing something that you want to do. - Here he comes now. Tell him. - Hey, Iris. I was thinking about tonight, and I thought we could-- Sit outside and look at the stars? Uh, yeah, uh, no. I promised the guys we'd go down and meet 'em in the catacombs and search for gross bugs. Cool, huh? No, Manny, I'm not meeting you anywhere, because we're through. [crying] Uh, uh, I'm confused. Manny, have you ever done anything that was Iris' idea without the guys? Well, there was the one, uh, nope. What am I going to do? [buzzing] [moaning] Do you think Iris would like that? [moaning] Wait. What's he doing here? [grunting] [buzzing] [snapping] They're stars. Yeah. They're for you. They're constellations. [giggling] Let's start with Taurus, the bull. I think you'll like that one. Hey, Ghoulia. What are you working on? Greetings. I am Inner Monster 1.0 Crikey. What does she do? [moaning] I can navigate the shortest fastest route to any classroom in Monster High. Bonza. How's it work? [moaning] Oh, you set the app's IQ to 100% and its emotional intelligence to zero, so she's totally logical. [buzzing] Come on. We've got to tell everyone about this. They're all gonna wanna download Inner Monster. [buzzing] [bell ringing] [ticking] You totally understand. [moaning] Hey, Ghoulia. Yeah, I'll get to class in a minute. I'm having the most clawsome talk with my inner monster. So, like, I was telling you, I was so embarrassed. Totally. Sometimes I just need to hide behind my screensaver. Whoa! I was so mad. I just wanted to- Smash something! Yeah. Smash. Wow, Inner Monster, it's like you totally get me. [moaning] [moaning] Don't, it's not a failure. She's totally aces. [moaning] Inner Monster not be getting us to class any quicker, but she does something way better. You've totally made an app that understands my inner monster. Because having someone who is totally in sync with how you're feeling, well, that's pretty fangtastic. [moaning] So, she doesn't do exactly what you designed her to do. Inner Monster is clawsome. [moaning] I think Ghoulia's made a new friend. [moaning] Let me guess, Manny. I keep trying to get him to open up to me, but every time I ask him to tell me what he's thinking, all he says is... Uh. Uh. Uh. What am I gonna do? Iris, if you two can't have a real conversation- I know, I'm gonna have to break up with him. It'll be okay. There are plenty of other monsters out there. But he's the boy I like. I just wish there was some way I could fix this. Yes. This is exactly the kind of real open conversation I've dreamed of having for so long. I just wish I was having it with my boyfriend instead of an app on my iCoffin. I know exactly how you feel. [gasping] That gives me a clawsome idea. Maybe you can help me understand Manny. This could be my last chance to save my relationship. 'Sup? Each moment away from your fangtastic beauy has been an agonizing eternity. That's exactly what I meant. I knew that hidden beneath your rugged exterior, beat a poet's heart that was the soul mate of my own. Uh. She really likes you. Oh, good. Ditto. It is almost beyond the ability of mere words to express the fullness my heart feels for you. Oh, Manny. I still don't know about those two. You don't need an app to express how you really, truly feel about me, do you? Oh, um, yeah, I, uh, well, you know, it's- I, uh, yeah. Inner Monster to the rescue. He likes you, too. There's only two minutes left in the most important grave ball game of the year. And we've actually got a chance to beat Sintour Tech. So don't blow it. Neighthan, just wanted to wish you luck. - Thanks, Frankie. - You've got to be the first zombie unicorn player in the history of grave ball. What's your position? Well, mostly sitting down. Dude. I don't actually play for the team. My zombie side makes me too clumsy. But, when one of our guys gets hurt, I use my unicorn power and heal them. Don't you want to play? Totally, but every time I ask if I can get in the game- I love you, bro, but. You're horrible. No way. [whistle blowing] 30 seconds left to score. Now, get in there, Manny! [whistle blowing] He's got it! He's got it! He's got it! He's got it! He's got it good. Time out. All right, Neighthan. Uh, me? I'm putting you in the game. Come out here on the field as a player and heal Manny. You can do this, Neighthan. Everyone's counting on you to help the team make the winning play. I'm on it. Whoops. Now, I'm on it. [whistle blowing] I got it. No, this is the- the ball. Neighthan, go! Go, Neighthan, go! Get it! Wha-? [gasping] [whistle blowing] [cheering] I don't know what you think you were doing, out there, but I only got one thing to say to you. Can you do it again next week? [howling] We won! Thanks to Neighthan. Sorry I'm late. I miss anything? Nah. I was just about to ask Sirena how excited she was for New Tide's Eve? Ooh, what's that? You don't know? But you're a mermaid. Half. My mom's a mermaid. My dad's a ghost. My parents try so hard not to push one of their scaretages over the other. Cause New Tide's Eve is only the spiffiest mermaid holiday of the year. The fiend ball game is always fun. But the party really starts when the dancing begins. That does sound clawsome. You think that's fun, on Minatorial Day, we do nothing but headbutts. I still think New Tide's Eve sounds scary good. It kind of reminds me of Chainsgiving. What's that? After hanging decorations on the Chainsgiving tree, we sit down for a huge, messy feast. I had no idea I had two such clawsome holidays. I can't wait to celebrate them both. [both] You're in luck, mine's tonight. Crikey. You should celebrate with Lagoona tonight. No, I can tell how excited you are to share your holiday with Sirena. You should totally celebrate with Spectra. Sirena's not with you. I thought she was with you. Sirena. Sirena. Whoo hoo. Over here. We've been looking all over the school for ya, mate. Why didn't you meet either of us? I was busy... working on this. It's like New Tide's Eve. And Chainsgiving mixed together. It's a fusion, just like me, and the best part of it is we can all celebrate it together. [laughing] The catacombs has been a place for animals to gather for the millions of years. The very first fish thrown out of the sea, right here. During the Ice Age, animals chilled out here. Join me, Jane Boolittle on a tour of the Monster High pet's Creature Cribs. When it's time for Count Fabulous to kick back and hang, there's no more fangtastic place than his perch. Yes, Neptuna, you have cleaned out your bowl in totes terrifying style. Watch Watzit show how he keeps his scary fresh chrome home just as shiny. Crescent's killer red velvet couch is the perfect place to do what she does best, nothing. Does this look like a place you'd like to spend some time? Uh-huh. This is Toralei's pet, Sweet Fang. And Twyla's pet dust bunny, Dustin. Julia belongs to Venus and Crescent, you must know Cushion already, since he's Howleen's pet. These new pets are going to be joining us here. And until they get their own creature cribs, do you think you guys would be able to share yours? Great. Be right back. [yowling] [meowing] It took a few tries, but the creatures finally settled in with their perfect counterparts. Well, that was easy. But I guess I should have known you guys wouldn't have trouble sharing your... Cleo, have you seen Gil? No. Deuce is missing too. It looks like all the boys are gone. That's the sound of our boyfriends geeking out. Oh, yeah! Just to watch our boyfriends play a silly little game? Gil and Deuce have been battling it out for 48 hours straight. You're going down, bottom dweller. Oh, yeah? Well, all I have to say to that is Bazingo! Oh, yeah. Oh. No one can stop me now. Oh, I beg to differ. Uh, hey. We've been worrying about you. It looks like you haven't slept or eaten. No, we've been eating. Paranormal power bar me, bro. See? What I can't see is why you'd put yourself through this. What do you get if you win? Something pretty for me? Oh, even better. Knowing that I utterly smashed Gil into fish biscuits. Wha. Yeah, well, um, I am gonna grind you into snake biscuits. Wah whoo. [hissing] Is this game more important than your friendship? - Whoa. - Dude. I mean, sure, I really want to win the game and everything, but, um. Me, too, but not if my best friend has to suffer an epic beat down. Aw. I know how much you want to win, so I'm gonna lose this game like no one's ever lost it before. Prepare to destroy me. Oh, no. I'm going to lose so bad you'll never even see it coming. You don't stand a chance of losing to me. Oh, yeah? We'll just see about that. Whoa. I just blew up my own ships. Weak. I just vaporized mine, bro, I think this is gonna take a while. Paranormal power bar me. Dude, you're never going win as much as you're going to win right now. [unintelligible] And then Mr. Rotter was all like, "Back in my day, a text was something you kept on a bookshelf." [laughing] Teachers. Hey, you two love bats, ready to hit the creepeteria? Oh, totes, but first I've got to show you ghouls this new eye shadow color, ghoul topaz. Ah, there it is. Don't you think it's time to clean out your locker? You make a fair point, but on the other hand, I need all of this. There's got to be something here you can get rid of. Oh, how about this? That [chuckles] is a textbook. Laters. Draculaura's locker needs a major makeover. Ghoulia, think you can whip up some booprints? I can help with the design. When you live in a lamp, you learn a thing or two about decorating small spaces. Great, and Clawdeen will get Bloodgood's permission. And Clawd can put it together in shop class. It's time to shocka with a new locker. [cheering] Oh. My. Ghoul. I love it. And there's a spot for everything; school stuff, clothes hangers. Makeup and magazine compartments. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [bell ringing] You coming, Draculaura? Ah, in a minute. I just want to fang out in here a little longer. So, still loving the new locker? It is the coolest locker at Monster High by crypts and bounds. You filled that entire locker in one week? So it would seem. [chuckles] I know, I know. I know what I have to do. And then, when you're done with this, what do you think about building another dozen in the gym? For my fear squad things because I have so many things in there. That would be really fangtastic. Pardon me, coming through. Look at this mob. All of them here to try out for Operetta's big spring musical. [moaning] What do you mean you're thinking of not trying out? You try out for the school musical every year. [laughing] Yeah, and she never gets a part. [moaning/singing] [glass shattering] Give her a break, Toralei. Ghoulia has been practicing for this tryout for weeks. [moaning/singing] It's been her dream to get the lead in this show since forever. [moaning] Come on, mate. You can't get the part without trying. You can't fail without trying either. [laughing] You never know what can happen if you just give things a try. [moaning] [music playing, chatter] Y'all nailed that audition, Catty. - Thanks. - Oh, I think I got it. Crikey. That's not good. [moaning] That's Catty Noir, the most famous pop monstar in the world. I give up. You should give up. Everyone should give up. I'm sorry, Ghoulia. Maybe next year. Oh, hi, Ghoulia. You're the only one left to audition? Come on in. [moaning] [music playing] I still don't get how Ghoulia got the lead in the play. I thought Catty nailed the audition. Catty wasn't trying out for the lead. She wanted to play the supporting role for a change. And since Ghoulia was the only other ghoul with the guts to try out, she got the lead. [yowling] You're screaming in the drain. ♪ Aah ♪ [glass shattering] [cheering]
Channel: Monster High
Views: 280,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster High, nickelodeon, monster high school, mattel, clawdeen, cleo de nile, lagoona, draculaura, dracula, frankie stein, frankenstein, abbey, ghoulia, ghoul, monster, dolls, animated, reboot, toy, doll, doll play, cartoon for kids, made for kids, music, songs, volume 4, season 4, volume 4 episodes, season 4 episodes, monster high volume 4, monster high episodes, monster high full episodes, full episodes, cleo, clawd, full episode marathon, manny taur, boys fright out, monster high pets
Id: 4kUuglpbxfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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