Volume 2 FULL Episodes Part 3! | Monster High

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[school bell ringing] Now is lunch. All my friends are in the creepateria, I can't let them see us together. Hey Abby! In mountains, we begin new friendships over meal. Uhm, you know what? I usually just sit outside by myself. -Hey, Frankie, over here. -Oh no. <i> I will impress them with my keen observational skills.</i> <i> They are all very pretty.</i> <i> No too obvious.</i> Let's see, your eyebrows, they are like mountain, you are short like baby yet this outfit, I think you try much too hard. What time do these bracelets thingies come off? Three o'clock, Lagoona's swim meet is at two o'clock, and she needs all the support she can get right now. You and your cold blooded buddies should not come. I've been trying all day to be nice to you. And now you're rude to my friends? You hit me with a snowball for no reason. What did I ever do to you? I try so hard to make friends with them. Perhaps I am not meant to have friends here. Are you crying? I'm sad now, it's so surprising? Well, yes. You seem so cold. I didn't think you cared or like had any emotions. Well, I do. I have to go to restroom. You gotta stop doing that! [sobbing] [alarm sounding] Did you see the new ghoul and Frankie trapped together? They didn't even realize it was me that threw -the first snowball! -Now we just have to get the rest of the fear squad. [laughing] Careful, that would've been embarrassing. I got it. When Cleo and her ghouls go down to talk to Lagoona after the swim race, we'll come from behind and push them into the pool! Total embarrassment. They'll be sorry they ever messed with me. Come on. Look, I'm sorry I thought you threw the snowball at me. I should have known it was Toralei. That wasn't cool. So, will you come with me to warn my friends? -No. -What? Why not? Because I have better plan. [INDISCERNIBLE] Wow, great race Lagoona! Thanks for coming mates. Where's Frankie? Oh, she couldn't come. She's all tied up. Ready? [screaming] Wow, that was awesome. Thanks, Abbey. I know to you I seem harsh, but where I'm from, air is very thin. We cannot waste our breath with pleasantries. It is just our way. Looks like you are no longer stuck with me. We'll be going now. Hey wait, we were gonna go to the mall and hang at the Coffin Bean, wanna go with? This I would like very much. [laughing] I can't believe we missed that big party last night. We didn't miss anything. The ghostly gossip's got all the pics up on her blog already. Hipster Holt Hyde heats up another big time bash. That Hyde is way dreamy. So that's Frankie's crush you're talking about. Cut it out, you guys. He is not! Speaking of Frankie crushes... Jackson! Frankie, you need to charge over there and shock some sense into him. He stood you up at Cleo's party. I don't know... -Come on! -Do it! Hey, hey Jackson. Heath, can you give us a minute? -Scorchin! -Why didn't you go to the party? Well, I did go. I remember being outside, trying to get my courage up, and then... nothing. I must have been so nervous I blacked out. All that loud music, and there's just so many people. Plus, you make me nervous. Me? Why would I make you nervous? -I'm the one who gets nervous. -Because I really like you okay? Anyway, I'm sorry if you had a lousy time. It's all good, the party was cool. There was a great DJ there, maybe you've heard of him, Holt Hyde? No, I don't know him. Holt Hyde is the awesomest! I got to carry his equipment last night, which I totally owned at! Thank you, so hey, would you give me another chance? I'd love to take you out. There's a silent movie playing at the revival house. That's a little more my speed. Yeah, okay! That sounds great! Great, I'll see you there at seven! Look ghouls, we're just going to the movies, it's no big deal. Did your bolt come loose? It's your first date, it's a huge deal. This is too big a deal for Frankie to do all by herself. Deuce and I will double with her. and I will go too, it will be a triple. Clawdeen, you have got to come too. I wouldn't miss it. Well, I guess you guys don't need me around to plan this. I'll just be going. This is so interesting. This is historically accurate, monster-normie relations Normal relations were not good in the 14th century. You're so smart! Sorry all my friends tagged along. As long as I get to sit next to you, I don't care who else is around. Claude, wake up! -Oh man, it's not over yet? -'Fraid not. Boring! Come on, bring it! You know what this oldie but moldy needs? A bangin' sound track! Oh check that out! Sorry, I didn't know they'd-- Hey, are you okay? No, I'm sorry Frankie, Jackson! I can't believe I got stood up again. What do you expect from normie? I thought Jackson was different, I guess. Frankie Frankie Frankie! Oh, it's been too long. You miss me? Um, do you mind? I'm kinda on a date. Yeah, with me, whoa! Love the music! Jackson, you out here? Not cool! [yelling] Oh, what happened? -Oh, not again! -Jackson! What is happening to me? Your sister Nefera, still harsh and you're mellow? Totally, ugh, I wish that party never happened. Ugh, you smell like a wet dog! Whoa! -Hey Jackson, wait up! -You don't need to explain. I know that you moved on. You're not making any sense. Look, it's my fault, I get it. I don't. I was just starting to like you! Trouble with one of your boyfriends? Frankie Stein dates two boys at same time. Is there a third we don't know about? What? Three boys? As if! If one of them didn't tell the ghostly gossip about this, then one of you is the ghostly gossip! [gasps] -Hey girls, what's shaking? -One of us is a traitor! -Don't look at me! -Oh please. No one loves gossip more than you. What about Clawdeen? She knew about your date with Jackson before anybody! Me? What about Cleo? That party was probably her idea. My phone was broken, it couldn't have been me! -What about Frankie? -You're crazy! Ghoulia, hack the ghostly gossip blog, find out who it is. [groaning] You can't? Maybe because you are the ghostly gossip! [arguing] Look what she's doing to you! This needs to stop. What if we set a trap? We just need something that the real ghostly gossip can't resist. -Something juicy. -Our diaries! Okay, everyone, put your diary in the middle and count down from ten. A diary that's untouched belongs to our traitor. Ten, nine, eight-- Look! Hey! You've got some nerve! Who are you anyway? My given name is Spectra Fondergeist. Why are you trying to ruin my life? -Just got it, you know. -Ruin your lives? Heavens no. I'm actually a fan of all of you. You've got a weird way of showing it. I simply had to document you, let others live through your exploits. You could have asked us first. I was too shy. But you're the ghostly gossip, you're famous! Sadly, I must remain a mystery. As such, I don't have any friends here. We'll be your friends, Spectra, and we'll keep your secret. But you have to promise you won't write any more stuff about us. Most of it wasn't even true. My apologies. Sometimes I only hear half of what you say, and it's up to my artistic side to fill in the blanks. Yeah, I mean, come on, three boys? I don't even have one. Wait, so I'm not the third? -Sorry. -Unbelievable! Why does this keep happening to me? Oh my chest! -I've been looking for you! -What's up? I need to borrow your bite-ology book, I left mine. -I don't have it. -Can you just check? Yeah, but I'm just late for that thing. that I'm late for, peace! What's gotten into Deuce? Have any of you noticed him acting strange lately? Deuce? Yes, it's probably nothing, but earlier... Oh, hi Deuce! So he was in the catacombs below the school with Operetta? -Slimy! -That's just not Duke. -You need proof. -His locker, he stopped me from looking at it, but he can't stop Spectra. What do you see? It appears to be some type of bouquet addressed to my pet-- -That does it! -Cleo, where are you going? To give Operetta a piece of my mind! I want everyone to know about this, Operetta is trying to steal my man! -Do I know you? -Stay away from Deuce. Y'all are picking on the wrong fiddle. Whoever Deuce is, if he's going out with you, then I might could doubt I'd be interested. You think you can steal him because you're both rebels and into the same dumb music. Maybe you should look in the mirror. What is that supposed to mean? Y'all got a spider on your face. [gasps] And my music can whoop y'all's music! I have never been so humiliated! She really had no idea who Deuce was. What if this is a misunderstanding? We need to track her. -And catch them together! What is this place? The Monster High catacombs. They built the school on top of it. Shh, quiet. [gasps] Cleo, what are you doing down here? Surprised? We tracked you and your new girlfriend Operetta down here. -Your pet? -My what? No, no, no, no, no. It's not what you think. It's kind of embarrassing but this is, was my pet Smokey. He was the first thing I ever loved, the first thing I ever ruined, today is the anniversary. I was just a boy. I couldn't control my powers. Poor Smoky, he was just trying to play. It's supposed to wear off on the anniversary. I just don't know which one. Aww! [sobbing] -The bouquet? -Snapdragons, it's his favorite treat. I'm sorry if I was acting weird. I accept your apology. I was right. Maybe you should apologize to Operetta too. I'd sooner set my hair on fire. And besides, I still don't trust that ghoul. That Cleo likes to hurt my feelings. Now I'm all petty-wompus. I figure Cleo must pay, so I'm going to take her man, just 'cause I can. -Yo Frankie, yeah! -What do you want Holt? I think we got off on the wrong foot. I know I came on a little strong. A little? Look I don't know what comes over me. I mean, sometimes I just feel like there's another person inside of me just, you know, trying to get out, stupid huh? Not at all. I totally understand, And I think we all feel like that sometimes. Whoa, I always wanted an electric guitar. Here he comes. -Ugh! -Whoa! Man I'm so sorry. It ain't nothin', I near about ran you over, I can be such a hayseed. -Here you go. -Thanks. What are you listening to? -Graveyard Smash! -You've heard of them? They rock my little old face off! [laughing] -Yo Frankie, yeah! -Yo yourself. So hey, listen, Frankie Fine, I was thinkin', -You were huh? -I was thinkin' that I really like you, you know? And I thought maybe we could hang out sometime? Yeah, that might be nice. Really? Yeah! Girl likes me! [laughing] It's pretty crazy how much we have in common. -I know, right? -Are you doing anything later? Oh, hey, I mean, I would love to, but you seem like a totally great ghoul. But I'm with Cleo. That can't be serious, right? Yeah, I think so. But you guys are nothing alike, total opposites. I know, she just brings out the best in me, you know? makes me want to be a better Deuce. -So you really like her huh? -Totally, so much. And you told her how you feel? I got a hard time expressing my feelings and stuff. And when I try, I just fumble all over my words. I'm so the same way! The only way I can express my emotions is through my music. I wish I had something like that. Are you okay? I'm just so touched by your story. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to help you write a song that tells Cleo everything you've been wanting to tell her. Then you can give it to her, and she'll be as touched as I am. -You'd really do that for me? -It would be my honor. -Come on. -Where are we going? Heading down to the catacombs. I put together a little old recording studio down there. Ugh! Frankie Fine, you ready to party, yeah! [squawking] Yeah. Whoa, hey! I was rocking out to this mix Holt made for me and I guess I got carried away. You two are really getting along huh? He's really sweet once you get to know him. Sounds like someone has her first crush! It's not a crush, and it's not my first. -What about-- -Hey Frankie. Hey, Jackson. Jackson. I just heard that boys are fighting by the creepateria! So? -They're fighting over Ghoulia! Oh, so romantic! Must be an incredible fight! Uh, when do they start? -This is it! Zombie fights are slow. All because they were both crushing on Ghoulia. What if this happens to hold Jackson? My fist plus your face equals epic win! Pointdexter your math is wrong, yeah! I gotta figure out what to do. Ha, so you like two boys, do you? And want to know what to do about it? Talk to your friends. The oracle is really lazy. Hey Lagoona, I think I like two boys. Ooh, wow. Good for you. Some of us are lucky if we can find one, much less get his parents to accept us, or even keep them in the same school, but two boys? Good on you, mate. I'm very happy for you. [sobbing] Okay, we still on for tomorrow night? Hey, Draculaura -Just a sec. Actually Claude, tomorrow we're supposed to go visit Grandma at the farm we sent her to last year. -What about the next night? -Brother's birthday. Tuesday? Other brother's obedience graduation. How many brothers do you have? -Which litter? -Hey, we're a big family. You want to date a wolf, it comes with the territory. Never mind, I'm beginning to think that the oracle is really bad at her job. -Cleo! -Shh! He can't know we're here! -All right, wait, who? -Them! Spectra tipped me off. I'm just waiting for the right time to strike. Now, what is it you need? -See there are these two-- -Did you see that? He gave her a thumbs up! -That doesn't mean anything. -That does! Give me a hand, will you? You make my life complete, our love is stronger than concrete. [gasps] Excuse me, Frankie. I have a boyfriend to destroy in a very public way. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I answer your question? You bet you did. Oracle, now I know what you were trying to tell me all along. Relationships are hard enough by themselves. Why do I want to make things even harder? I've got to make a choice. Jackson... or Holt. I just gonna tell Jackson I can't see him anymore. Quick and easy. Aww, look at Jackson just standing there looking all cute. Maybe I should break up with Hyde instead. Duck and deviled eggs! Who do you have more fun with? Electricity! You hit it right on the bolt, Holt. All right. I've made up my mind. Don't do it, I get you, and I'm smart, and kind-- Kind of a dork! -Hey! -Come on, cut it out! This isn't helping. Oh yeah! -Stop it! -You are going down! -Stop messing around! -Try to catch me. You two are tearing me apart. Frankie wait! I just need a moment to think by myself. Oh yeah! Hey Cleo. -Can't talk right now. -Why, where you going? To find Deuce and tell him it's over! Over? Cricke. -Cleo, Cleo? -Deuce. Cleo, I've been looking all over for you! How dare you embarrass me like that? And with Operetta of all ghouls! What? Let me explain. There's nothing to explain. You made your choice. And may I just say it was a tacky one. Whoa, whoa! Cleo, you're wrong. If you just listen for five seconds-- Forget it! I've wasted enough of my precious time with you. You fixin' to get something done right, you gotta do it yourself. Oh, is this a song about me? Yeah, it's all the stuff I wanted to tell you, -but I just didn't know. -You wrote this? Yeah, with Operetta's help. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. This is what you guys were doing together? Surprise. I can't believe I ever doubted you. If I gave apologies, I would give you one right now. I'll take it. Oh, you should sing my song at the school assembly on Friday! Then everyone can hear you. And of course, be reminded of my wonderfulness. Oh no, I don't sing live ever. My voice kind of does stuff to people. It's only safe to listen to on a recording. I've got to go play this song for all my ghouls, they'll be so jealous! I don't understand. I'm not sure I do either. So you like both of us? Um Frankie, check out what my super amazing boyfriend did. How can you like both of us? I liked you first, but you bailed on me so many times, and Holt was always around. We're two completely different guys! Music, oh. Jackson! What's happening? [gasps] Jackson... Hyde? Yo, what is everybody looking at? Oh wait, that'd be me! Oh yeah! Hot it in the house! Are you okay? Whoa, what happened? Jackson, I have something pretty big to tell you. Okay, tell me what's going on. Maybe I better let you tell you. Hyde? What does that guy want to tell me? So I guess if I'm watching this, that means I'm not me anymore, I'm you. -What? -Just keep watching. Apparently, we are the same dude, dude. Whoa, so Hyde and I are the same person? Yeah, afraid so. So every time I wake up in some dark alley alone and confused, it's all because of him. I have so much to say to that guy, and I can't even confront him about it because... because he's me. Hey, you can tell that stuff to me, then I can tell Holt! Well you tell him that it makes me sick that we're the same person. He's everything I'm against, loud, obnoxious, crude, rude, conceited. -Rude, crude, conceited-- -Conceited? Nuh uh! How does he think I feel? I just found out that I'm half normie, and half dork. Frankie doesn't seem to mind, she likes smart guys like me. Frankie Fine? She likes cool guys like me. She was only hanging out with you because I didn't show up. And we all know whose fault that is. She was gonna break up with you. She was gonna break up with you! -Frankie! -Frankie! Frankie, we can't keep doing this. You have to decide between us. But it's so hard, I like both of you. How can you like both of us when we are such totally different dudes, yo? But you're the same guy underneath. I think that's what made me like you both. -She's right yo. -Yeah. So I can't pick one of you over the other. The stress has got me tearing my stitches out. -So you're breaking up with us? -Yes. Well no, don't think of it as breaking up, I'm just hitting pause. Until you two get your act together there's no room for me. [sighing] Seriously, you guys have to start communicating. I want you to start texting, and when you work it out, I'll still be here. Oh it ain't right! -Okay? -Okay. Yeah all right. Frankie, Principal Bloodgood has called an emergency meeting of the fear leading squad! Come on! All right boys, remember KIT! Are we in trouble? Ghouls, it is a testament to your hard work, determination, and discipline, that you have once again brought Monster High fear leading back into prominence. And I want you to know that you have the full support of the administration as you prepare for monster nationals. We will not let you fail. That is why I am bringing in a new coach. The most decorated fear captain in Monster High history, Nefera DeNile! [gasps] Meet the new queen, same as the old queen. Okay ghouls, I'll let you chat with your new coach. Nefera, so good to have you back, as if from the dead! Nightmare! [neighing] I'll be in my office. [neighing] I have never lost at Monster Nationals, and I don't intend to start now. I'm going to whip you into shape starting today. Whip whip! Oh... my... [screaming] She has to have everything! It's always been that way since I was little. [screaming] Why? Because she has made of pure evil, that's why! No, I mean, she's a big time model in Europe, why would she waste a time with a bunch of high school ghouls? Evil! [groaning] Not now Ghoulia. [groaning] Nefera DeNile kicked out of Fashion Week for her monstrous attitude! Nefera's modeling career is an epic fail? Now she's never gonna leave us alone. I understand your concern, but this is for the good of the school. When I told the school board they actually seemed life-like. But my sister is evil! don't think you're helping! If you want to win monster nationals, hen do what Nefera says, I implore you. What's this? It's your new routine. -What? -We already got a routine. Getting to nationals and winning it are two totally different things. In case you've forgotten, I've won four of them. This choreography doesn't make any sense. Is it me, or does she totally not know what she's doing? I know, but we've got to try. That's absolutely dreadful. This isn't working at all. Now I have to change the routine. Wrong! Oh gross, I have to change the routine again! If you keep changing it, we'll never learn it. Ugh, I can't take your incompetence anymore! All right everybody, line up. I may have made a tiny mistake. I thought I could come here and take you to victory at the Monster Nationals. -I realize now that I can't. -She's leaving. So I'm afraid I have some bad news. I can't lead you anymore. She's going to quit, now everything will be back to normal, yay! No, no, no. I can't lead you, so I'm replacing the entire fear squad with new members and demoting you to the B team. -Replacing us with who? -With them. [gasps] Meow. Let the transition begin. Surrender your gear. You don't deserve them! Let go! -Please let go! -Enough! Meow. Good luck winning without my world class routines! You're right, we can't do it without... the book! We're giving up? We're not giving up, we were beaten. But think of everything we've been through together! Thinking about it just makes me sick! We're still a team. We can still compete. I let you down, all of you. I am a failure! [sobbing] Well, it's gonna take more than some thread and a jolt of electricity to bring this back to life. Never give up, never, never, never gonna. Oh I remember, this was a good cheer! The school needs us. We need us. And I need some help! We'll totally help. Hey guys, I was just thinking, you're right. I mean, it's just a silly old fear leading. I've never lost before It's the new fear leading team! I know I had the worst practice of my life. The new fearleading team's going to cost us a title, ugh! Too bad there's nothing we can do. I see what you're doing. If Draculaura is willing to give it another shot, -then I will. -Claude needs me! I take that as a yes. Now we just need to meet at the trophy case, I'll text Cleo. Okay, what's the emergency? Look, remember this one? Never give up, I was there. This is about more than fear leading. It's about us. Listen to our own cheers, anything about surrendering? No! We can be great together. But Cleo, we need a leader. I failed you! Failed to live up to my legacy as captain! You didn't fail, you won the spirit's staff! Another reminder of my failure! Cleo DeNile, the only captain to win the spirit staff and never even make it to nationals! I don't ever want to see this cursed thing again! No! Scary Murphy? You couldn't just press the button, you had to throw it on the ground? I'm sorry, I failed again. We give up. The only thing that disappoints me, Cleo, is that you're giving up! Look at them, they need you. Never give up, never, never, never gonna! -But we're second class team. -As you were at Gloom Beach. But you found a way to win that. I guess you're right. Of course I'm right. Look, you have everything you need to win... each other. I'll help you if you're up for it. Yes! Oh thank you thank you Ms. Murphy! And thank you, Frankie Stein. Now, let's reclaim what is ours! [cheering] We must start practice right away. Varsity Fear Squad practice only, no B team allowed. There are plenty of places to practice at school. It's a text from Nefera. I've made it against the rules for you to practice on school grounds. If we can't train, we can't win. [whistling] There's the place where I practice my music. It ain't technically on school grounds, more like underground. The catacombs, oh Operetta you rock! Folks! This is your moment. Don't worry about the competition. Worry about yourselves! Ghoulia, you may want to change. [groaning] What? She knows all the moves. Now flip! Again! You must push yourself to the very limit! I don't know why I'm still working with you. Because you are amazing! [cheering] You're ready for nationals! We train for this, we're ready. It's our destiny! Look, all our friends came to support us! Let's go Monster High! Get ready to cheer your bleeding hearts out, the winner will be monster nationals champion! In the finale, we have... Monster High vs. Monster High! Wow, they are really good. Okay, but remember ghouls, nobody can beat us if we do our best. I didn't think you'd make it this fully little sis. Our routine was the cat's meow! Good luck topping that. I underestimated you. Rest assured, it won't happen again. -I brought backup. -You wouldn't dare! Break a paw out there, Monster High B team. Oh yeah, thanks. You'll be lucky if that's all they break. Hey Nefera, we don't need what's in the bag. We can beat them on our own. Only a denial can beat a denial. [evil laugh] -Hey, are you okay? -It's over. Nefera's has taken every single idol, amulet and charm from my father's house. She has enough spells in that bag to ruin a thousand performances. I should have known she'd never play fair. Forget your sister. You just go out there and do your best. But Nefera's spells! Don't worry about those. You just worry about winning this thing. Really? You guys would do that? -For you, sure. -Whatever! All right ghouls, let's rock! Here's what we gotta do. Clark, you're on point. Abbey, over here. Cute, let's see them deal with this. Oh yeah? there's no defense against this one! Okay, one left. [screeching] [screeching] I wanted to beat you, but not like this. [cheering] <i> And the winner is...</i> Monster High! Move it, out of my way, I am the coach of Monster High! So technically, this award is mine! My 5th championship! More than anyone ever, yay me! [groaning] Cheating! There is no place for cheating and fear leading, never a denial. You are hereby stripped of all your previous trophies. Nooo! -Yes! -This belongs to you. You deserve it, the champions! Monster High! Cricke, I still can't believe it. You ghouls are Gloom Beach champs! Sweet victory! We really worked our bones off! Now all I want to do is relax and catch some rays. Ghoulia, we're at the beach! [groaning] Science and math? Ghouls, we've got a problem. Ghoulia doesn't know how to relax and have fun. [groaning] New mission, help Ghoulia have fun whether she likes it or not. [groaning] Step one, complete appropriate beach attire. [groaning] No, no, no, no, no! Those aren't the scarabs we talked about. Oh, just get it done! Oh, Ghoulia, having fun yet? [groaning] Ghoulia, you've got boys watching! Let them see your pretty undead eyes. [groaning] -Ah! -Sorry. [groaning] Ghoulia, wait! We're sorry. We should have let you relax and have fun your way. [laughing] Ow! [cheering] Awesome Ghoulia, we should've never tried to change who you were. And I must admit, your way of having fun is pretty fun. [groaning]
Channel: Monster High
Views: 311,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster High, nickelodeon, monster high school, mattel, clawdeen, cleo de nile, lagoona, draculaura, dracula, frankie stein, frankenstein, abbey, ghoulia, ghoul, monster, dolls, animated, reboot, doll, cartoon for kids, music, songs, ytao_mh, season 2, volume 2, monster high volume 2, monster high season 2, monster high relationships, compilation, monster high compilation, monster high full episodes, full episodes, frankie, ghostly gossip, jackson, holt, jekyll and hyde, spectra, spectra vondergeist
Id: 5yf85nFPiks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 42sec (2262 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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