Monster High™💜Gloomsday💜Volume 2 💜NEW EPISODES💜Cartoons for Kids

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loom beach here we come invitation tonight all together now so how's my brother do no you don't know nope guys we got a problem leo's locker was wide open when i got here that's weird that's not the crazy part look at this oh he left her lipstick in her lawn she would not be caught in a sarcophagus without lipstick on go to find her i bet she's in the gym or getting a smoothie wait i know where to look [Music] oh my ghoul it's worse than i thought i never thought i'd see cleo like this crying no cleaning what's wrong i'll tell you what's wrong with me weak link or should i say weak links us you cost me an invitation to gloom beach fearleading camp we didn't get him you have failed me she's right except for frankie none of us gave it our best i'm sorry cleo we let you down guys what are you doing um it's over we can still get into gloom beach what are you talking about every year gloom beach selects one fear squad as a wild card pick wildcard any squad can get one million hits on fright tube they get an automatic invitation and you know this how i can know stuff it's on their website we still got a shot ghoulia can make a video of us doing awesome cheers and bullish stunts and pyramids that's a great idea except for two little things like one the deadline is in two days and there's no way we could get a million hits by then and two we stink well i'm not giving up squad attention [Music] it's going to take dedication it won't be easy like duh i'll be yelling more than usual what's new [Applause] [Music] we've got spirits how about you [Music] here goes everything one two three four what's groom beach that is only 999 999 to go hurry up i want to see how many views our video has yeah i could hardly sleep last night i was so excited only a million hits and we are off to gloom beach fearleading camp aids at 150 000 already [Music] only six people have watched it that's impossible we got a hit yesterday and there's six of us oh i haven't watched it yet what i got busy you think these pores just shrink themselves i can't believe this who kills i'm so sorry come on ghouls we can't give up yet the website says the deadline was three o'clock it's over it's not over look you guys picked me up when i thought it was hopeless and now as your beloved and way beautiful leader i'm going to do the same not now ghoulia i'm being inspiring in my freakanomics class they taught us about marketing how things get hot there are things we can do to make this video go viral trust me ghouls students of monster high your fear squad needs your help watch our videos tell your friends well that didn't work not now gulia frankie do your thing gotcha [Music] that's only 15 more views at this rate we'll get a million hits in about a million years oh i'll be too old to go to gloom beach by then nothing is working cleo what are we gonna do we're running out of time oh oh got it we wait until the night of the full moon and then i will uh uh don't got it what would get people to notice this video and send oh michael what is it already [Music] you can do that put our video on the home page are you serious every time somebody clicks on the video it'll give the viewer the choice to send it to everyone in their address book that's amazing that's total genius why didn't you say anything before [Music] it's working [Music] i can't believe it we're gonna make it we're so close [Music] why'd it stop [Music] one more time from the top we're just too perfect only the top three teams get to attend the prestigious gloom beach fear leading camp during spring break and then it's on to the finals the monster nationals nothing frankie or should i say weak link well see i popped before i locked when i should have locked before i popped and then you got if you ever want to get off your leading probation you need to go and pull yourself together gulia get me something to drink okay the rest of you keep working give me that one you take this one makes me face look blue but your face is blue hey frankie how's fear practice oh great sure it is yeah i'm sure cleo isn't demanding at all or overbearing oh pushy one egg okay but it's only because she wants the best out of us and it's good to have goals you know d-lo drac you laura your shoulder it's on fire you pretend you're not carrying a torch for me but just watch you're going with me to the spirit rally dance where'd you pinch me you are dreaming if you think i'm going with you let's get out of here before you get owned anymore heath is so annoying he's kind of growing on me ew now somebody better pinch me [Music] that was dreadful are you kidding that routine was amazing amazing isn't good enough it has got to be flawless to get to gloom beach you're right as usual we want to show you a new routine we've been working on [Music] what is this some kind of lame joke oh it's no joke your reign over us has come to an end we're going to star in the school's big production of west side gory that's what all the cool kitties are doing good luck at nationals why are you still here i'm so new nobody takes me seriously except you and that's why i take fear leading seriously so i'm not going anywhere ugh what took you so long [Music] hey i guess since i'm the only one left you gotta take me off probation right fine you're promoted to the team unpromoted come on guys you've got to get to work on some flyers we're recruiting some new blood tryouts tomorrow morning [Music] every ghoul in school is going to be dying for a spot on my squad so we need to make sure we have enough applications 3 000 should be okay for now are you getting all this and no one is to look directly at me unless it's in amazement prepare to do my bidding i don't understand maybe i have been too hard on them i thought i needed to be a strong ruler a tough leader but i guess i was wrong next time things will be different if there even isn't next time idea i can go recruit people rebuild the squad for cleo i know people think she's a total perfectionist but that was the old cleo you saw her she's changed this squad is my legacy my everything join the fearleading team only every spot open yeah hey laguna sorry love but i'm on the swim team i made captain can't wait to hear you cheer me on change your mind about going to the dance with me yet no no no no no no no now yes okay fine whatevs scorching did you just say yes to heath burns you wore me down i'm not proud who do you want to go with i don't know someone special [Music] kind athletic [Music] someone lies hey how's it going hey claude someone like god wolf no get real he's claudine's brother so so i've known him since before he was housebroken but you like him right i don't not like him but there's a lot to deal with right now we're friends and that's how he'll always see me not if you join the fearleading squad really totally he'll see you as a part of the team okay but cleo changed okay i'm in [Music] help cleo sorry sister i'm putting my poor down i guess it's just me draculaura and cleo then that'll look ridiculous wow my whole social life over before it ever began [Music] wait if there's one thing a wolf is it's loyal you're the best cleo's mellow now right i knew i'd get my team back and to think i was gonna mellow out wait what first things first practice every day nights weekends eight day weeks you told them that right well that never really wonderful we start at 6 00 a.m [Music] one more time from the top [Music] you guys are an embarrassment to the art of fair leading you are going to cheer at every school event between now and the game though they're beneath me they're just right for you [Music] one more move [Music] this critical and complex question strikes at the very heart of the world of the postmodern monster monster high rebuttal seven seconds left [Music] you heard the gloom beach judges are coming to check us out tonight [Music] uh i think someone's trying to get your attention he burns ignore i really wish claude would look over here oh i bet if we build an ostacular pyramid with you on top he totally notice you guys i don't think you're ready for it [Music] blood sausages get up while they're still beating oh [Applause] that was awesome you should have seen your face ham total ownage i think some kids have already posted the video of it on frighttube how could i have agreed to go to this green team rally with a jerk like you so don't i'll take you told heath i'd go with him it burns cool if she goes with me instead uh yeah of course quad i mean whatever it's settled then pick you up at six okay so you're going to the dance with my brother huh hmm what's up cleo you okay no i'm not okay i'm embarrassed and humiliated my reputation as fear captain is totally tarnished i don't see how things could get any worse we'll be in touch signed scary murphy gloom beach come on claude bring it from the scallow line [Music] hey little sis what's going into you flea problem like you don't know why are you taking draculaura to the dance cause heath was being he okay claude sit stay this is obedience class i've got my friends over here and my family way back over there that's the way i like it so you stay in your yard got it she is one of my best friends so if you do anything anything to hurt her feelings i'm gonna be in your grill like a hamburger understood oh slow your growl sis sure she's a cool ghoul but i've known draculara since i was a pop we're just going as friends promise gloom beach fear camp we'll be in touch big day today huh cleo big day why what have you heard um nothing i'm just totally sparking for our big cheer oh yeah right big chair yay i know we haven't been our best lately but we are going to bring it tonight you'll see aren't you gonna put on your uniform of course i was just about to that's the way that's the spirit why just talk when you can cheer it [Music] oh [Music] why aren't you wearing your fear-leading uniform uniform uniform uniform i said why aren't you wearing your fear-leading uniform the rally is tonight aren't you totally charged up yes of course tonight is a very big night you bet your fangs it is and we've got to be on point for cleo okay go get changed go go go get changed [Music] sup can i ask you something gold to ghoul why are you going to the dance with my brother did i do something to you oh no it's not weird is it i hope it's not weird i didn't mean it's not weird just as long as you're going as friends right oh yeah totes just friends bloodies hey is that a new collar looks fab just friends oh too much drama i can't let this go on any longer tonight i will tell claude how i feel [Music] hey don't you have a cheer to be getting ready for what's the point if we don't get into gloom beach fear camp none of this matters oh come on you won't know till you know you know so stop worrying about it try to have some fun [Music] check this out [Music] they're raising money for the football team it's a good cause adorable hey it's cleo gulia any messages attention student body of monster high the spirit rally will now commence we're about to go on with cleo it's not like her to miss a big cheer i know she's testing us duh gloom beach fear camp is right around the corner and she wants to know that we can think on our feet be ready for anything they throw at us so come on let's show her we've got what it takes and now captain of the swim team laguna the casketball team captain [Music] [Applause] cleo's pretending not to notice us that's her way of telling us we're boring let's kick it up a notch [Music] hey girls don't worry about that little spill you're getting a lot better i'm sure you'll make a big splash at gloom beach fee came thanks laguna [Applause] hey aren't you gonna dance with gil he's smiling at you really i wish things weren't so complicated friends can totally dance together i mean look at draculaura and cloth i guess it is weird you know there's something i've been meaning to tell you really me too you go well we've like known each other for a long time right and i mean you're friends with claudine and i don't want this to be all weird but ever since you joined the squad i think i know where this is going you and i yes are becoming really good friends of course i'll be your girlfriend oh good friends yeah total best i gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Mattel Doll World
Views: 520,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster high, monster high mattel, monster high youtube, monster high dolls, monster high toys, monster high episodes, monster high full episodes, monster high movies, monster high full english episodes, monster high song, monster high full movie, cartoons for kids, girls cartoons, monster high english, monster high videos, cartoons for children, monster high full movies in english, monster high ghoul squad, boo york, halloween cartoons, halloween for kids, halloween
Id: IumZrgLEge8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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