Volume 3 FULL Episodes Part 1! | Monster High

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you're here to watch slo-mo and Dawn of the Dead play dodgeball with us that's not last you are last Normie no way I'm gonna let a zombie be on my team why won't you let them play zombies are terrible at dodgeball zombie should stick to what they're good at attracting flies and going slowly from place to place you and the zombies versus US you're on winner gets to be permanent team captain and that will be me and I thought you were supposed to be smart it's great that you're sticking out for your blokes but if they win no zombie will ever be chosen for Dodgeball what are you gonna do you zombies stink I'm turning off the air oh you're a genius [Music] yeah what are you waiting for you stink worse than I thought [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] slumber parties are the best sometimes we just need to stay up all night and catch up and give each other makeovers and do each other's toenails and talk about toys aren't you forgetting gargoyles to gargoyles what is this gargoyles to gargoyle Leo's favorite party game we play it every time we stay over I happen to be undefeated three four five diabolical demon card oh lose 500 points you're out I am yay I mean I think I'm going to go into the bedroom and cry [Music] mountain troll ruins your hair and makeup before school pictures claudine's out oh well I better go in the other room before I make a scene you know you still have one card that you can play right I have a double trouble card which means I can take any opponent out with me and I choose Frankie oh dang I guess it's just you and me Abby your move [Music] looks like you've stumbled Into the Fire pools of Mormon police I have Royal reversal car we trade places you are now in pools of fire what how can we call it quick timeout this was good move no we love gargoyles to gargoyles but Cleo is super competitive better movies to let Cleo win what point of playing game if you just let her win [Music] a Couture wizard curses your closet go back five spaces a wooden impacts your phone lose 1000 points it is over URL I win oh my God finally a worthy competitor we're playing this game all night [Music] I cannot wait to get there and just Frankie star if you will see you may not attend the class three don't worry don't worry mirror there's no way I'm getting sick [Music] nobody get near her if you catch what she's got no Monty scarlo sorry Frankie I can't risk missing what are you so happy about I'm thinking about all the fun I'm gonna have on the trip without you the bus is moving in 15 minutes must hurry drivers want to go you better get back on the bus before you catch it too I laugh at this notion huh I do not get sick monsters in My Village very hearty there's got to be some kind of cure oh yeah find anything yet [Music] monster thistle oh my dad told me it grows in a catacombs we just need someone to go find it I know this plant but has one side effect just go oh there is Monster thistle finally cheers Abby's not going to make it too bad cause I'm going to have a fantastic time [Music] you said you don't get sick allergic to monster thistle that is side effects horses haven't left yet come on no monkeys Carlo Monster [Music] High big school big problems there's a thousand different stories in a place like this that's where I come in named Spectra I report the news the truth is always out there and I'm the Slick sister that'll find it I've been in this racket longer than I can remember and I thought I'd seen it all until he walked into my life I knew this flame fatal was trouble the minute I saw hiya handsome got a light [Music] name's Burns he's Birds I need your help Spectra I'm in a pickle jar and I can't eat my way out see what's the rumbus you heard about the missing statue of course I am I'm getting Flim Flam here dog what do you say will you take the case prove me innocent blood Good's gonna throw me out of school if you don't sure kid the evidence I'll point it in one fire hot direction information was tough to come by it seemed there wasn't a monster at this school that hadn't been wronged by Heath Burns in some way or other that's when it hit me go right to the top suppose you're wondering why you're all here yeah yeah Spectra you're playing us for a bunch of rooms we all know Heath took the statue his burn marks are all over it touching every person in this room had a reason to frame the flame like you Frankie isn't it true Heath burned your Vitalogy homework last week how'd you feel mad I swear sometimes I could just I see and you Toro didn't Heath splash water on you right before the school pictures Claude and Deuce how many times has Heath embarrassed you at the mall and didn't you guys tell him that he was gonna be sorry but we didn't mean every one of these students had cause for framing Heath so who did it hello statue cleaners oh here it is blow torches Monday's fine everyone's free to go isn't that the way it always goes seems like the whole world wants to see a burn and the next you freeze a sparrow without a care that's life and Monster High for you the name Spectra hey there yourself honeycomb you're in a good mood I just want me a contest to meet my favorite opera singer Christian the Von Hammerstone that's awesome wait and how are you planning on comforting yourself when you meet well I reckon I'd just be myself I just thought perhaps you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself embarrass myself Crescendo on Hammerstone is a huge star she's Regal everything I am and you're not golly I don't want to make a darn fool out of myself I will help you become an elegant Lady of refinement oh wait that smells delicious please demonstrate the proper way to eat this dish oh that'll be Plum easy first of all it was a trick question a lady never eats biscuits and gravy [Music] thank you I was nervous as a non-headed hunter in a room full of guillotine don't be I've trained you to be an elegant sophisticated lady this Fallen Hammerstone it's an honor to go call me Crescendo really you ain't gotta put on no way is just be yourself hey do I detect a bit of new golians in that accent I got family up in Austin we probably know and missing the same monsters he was my first vocal coach [Music] hey Abby are you ready for finals week oh um are you okay I'm fine feeling top of world it looks like you've been crying me never I'm not sad must go late for class Abby wait what's with her [Music] ah this is the time of year when all girls from Abby's Village go through a challenge the Himalayas they survive off the land and pass various grueling physical and mental tests and women in your grills this is the week so that's why she's so sad she couldn't go because of finals poor thing yeah please that'll never work will it yes I'll talk to blood good oh what a great surprise for Abby hey ghouls want help for study biology oh sorry we can't yeah we have to go to the movies [Applause] [Music] Frankie Draculaura [Music] what's going on we talked to blood good and you can hang out in the freezer for the week kuya set up a webcam so you won't miss any class we know it's not quite the Himalayas but wait Abby you know it's okay to tell us when you're sad we're your friends [Music] hey leaky do you know how to um wrestle Joe bro what's going on you know digging Romulus and I wanted to see if you wanted to catch the new scary Rider flip dude I'm so there yeah okay Mom I know sorry guys I can't go anywhere till I finish my chores don't kill bomber man no way oh yes way you need to learn to keep your clothes off my stuff you don't even wear that anymore why did you think you can just borrow my dress without asking um because I look cuter in it oh no you don't oh yes I do must be tough living with two sisters who fight like that you know wolves bro always trying to establish dominance my sisters can turn anything into a competition Romulus you're a genius guys give me a ticket I'll be done with my chores in an hour tops hey sis you seen Halloween why did you borrow something else I don't know about no I just wanted to get some tips I mean everyone knows she's the best at doing laundry these these not the best she said she was oh I'll show her I mean I'm not as good as Claudine she'd have the whole yard done in two minutes huh I can do it in one that's what she said give me that she thinks that just watch me hey quad around for my man you ready to roll hey Mom I'm off to the movies yes ma'am all my chores are just about fish see ya wait he just oh what you are I'll figure it out before you did oh no you didn't oh I did oh you in your dreams on this episode of MH true monster stories paralyzed stripe stripe one of the most infamous students at Monster High this where cats Vengeance strikes beer in the hearts of even the toughest Monster High students what makes this cantankerous kitty purr to answer that my friends we must go back all the way back to the beginning or in the smallest of a litter of sticks she had to fight for everything she'd done the entire litter was adopted how adorable all of them except Toralei torolay learn quickly she survived using only her with speed and cunning but time eventually catches up with everyone she wound up for a lot of kitties from the street did the pound it was here where she met her were cats Persephone and reality together they would rule this place with an iron paw the key is to find out who runs things and then show them who's boss things might have stayed that way Forever at a certain benevolent headmistress not stepped in ladies I want a school called Monster High a place where you can learn and grow I think you belong there I'll take that as a yes but as happy as tour life was to be at Monster High you can't teach an old cat new tricks okay same rules apply we find out who runs things then we show them who's boss after that we ghouls will rule the school so who storyline my friends we may never know for sure this has been it makes true monster stories well what do you think where are you kidding I love it [Music] we're going for smoothies during free period want to join us Deuces by I am I mean she totally yeah oh M raw you're not too busy you're just sitting there on your computer like you do every day well if you change your mind you know where to find us busy please [Music] I don't know what to do I need to get my hair done for the big superintendent's party tonight but I'm swamped with paperwork [Music] thank you Julia I look fabulous yes nightmare you're pretty too it's yours now it's freezing [Music] I don't know how but it's perfect Spectra went to the new ghostly gossip blog coming out sorry the Wi-Fi is out no word on when it's gonna be fixed [Applause] [Music] [Music] challenge [Music] you weren't busy at all you're in the exact same spot yeah it's not like the school is going to fall apart if you take a break you know [Music] this necklace is scary gorgeous I know isn't it great claw got it for me oh can I try it on okay just be careful oh no it's in the deep end I am so sorry I'll get it back I promise oh you don't understand it's in the deep end oh shush what's all this about the deep end I dropped Draculaura's necklace down there but but I'm gonna get it back no one wants everybody acting so weird about the deep end the deep end Frankie the pool at Monster High is the deepest in the world no one knows what lurks way down under there well I'm going in I caused this mess and I'm gonna fix it you don't have to do this I'll just tell Claude that no no no no I'm gonna make this right if you're going I'm going with you I don't get what all the fuss is about the deep end is kind of nice look at this flower it's not a flower foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh sweet my t97x4 calculator oh I thought I'd never see you again baby take a flyer vote for Glory I won't let you go to waste hey don't be a loser be a reuser sort compostable foodstuff plastic hands we all win when you choose the right bin it's too much trouble Keith be a good sport think and take a moment to sort recycling is so uncool recycling is what it's so cool one down only 6.7 billion to go hello old friend if there was only a way I could tell everyone how important this is to our survival I don't know how to be hurt I am just fine Venus can't you use your power of you know power of pollen persuasion yes to make the people look with my power I can only influence one monster at a time our planet is in trouble we need someone with influence we need oh you're the coolest ghoul in school if you lead they will follow it's a talent but I don't know I can't be seen picking through trash not trash it's recyclables to change the way people think you'd have to make it cool stylish sounds like a fashion show [Music] Monster High all recycled completely renewable fashion show from trash to fash fools look cool while they save the planet you can't do so recycle reuse and renew let's hear it for the fools [Applause] I learned something who thought that could happen at school we did great today we sure did I was talking to you I was so embarrassed to detention I didn't even know what I did you guys too yes Miss Stein you and your friends what did we do well no view is responsible and you were remain incarcerated until I get a confession so miss denial you're hiding something confess it was me foreign that is not the crime I was talking about it oh I just love these perfume samples let's not eat next well I only did it because Mr heck was going to dissect those four innocent froggies telling the truth my brother did eat my homework did I burned that book no burn my locker no the bath wait how did you burn a pool full of water it was an accident no and then he was all alone I have no idea what you're saying what no some warnings guilty one of you took my glasses and I demand to know those glasses oh um this you're free to go finally wait my fountain pen one of you in your pocket thank you [Music] [Music] he sure is heavy ow my back help me open this bad boy up don't you think you're getting a little carried away here what makes you say that put on your goggles it's gonna get messy [Music] you always wanted to know how these were made but I don't know if I have the stomach foreign [Music] and now for the Moment of Truth our creation will rise we need more power we've got it [Music] my creation is finished and that's my secret Family Recipe guaranteed to reanimate your taste buds wow [Music] who knew that Frankie would take her home ick final so seriously yeah it's like she totally became a different ghoul no nibbling to your Frosty oh Frankie but I'm so delicious smoking hot do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again me you dropped your notebook no who dude slow down you're a voodoo doll and you're holding somebody's stuff if something happens to you they feel the pain sorry it's all good who doofus just gave me a catastrophically good idea wow you're perfectly awesome I must be dreaming I pinch myself but I wouldn't feel it great let me just write down my number for you would you borrow her pen for me uh okay [Music] the strangest thing just happened felt like there were thousands of needles sticking in me yeah me too there's something Mighty fishy going on around here how weird is it Toralei and Voodoo are fanging out ho dude borrowed my Biology book he hasn't brought it back yet it's been using who dude's Voodoo power to torture us all day I've got an idea you want me to try up for the diving team this is the best day ever oh I wanted you to hold on to a bracelet she's so sweet do you know what who do is no no I haven't seen him yeah he's at diving practice for the next three hours him [Music] oh man what did Hulk do now it won't come off oh [Music] hey Frankie what's everybody talking about you don't know the monster would vandalize the school how do you know it was a monster oh you did this no Hulk did I just woke up with the evidence all over me when Bloodgood finds out about this she'll throw holes out of school and if she throws Holt at a school she throws you out of school she's probably looking for me right now I just don't believe he would do something like this I kind of caught him red-handed there's no way Holt did this and I hope you through Jackson I need to speak with you you better bolt catch up with you later [Music] Zach [Music] ah what was he doing he was carrying paint out of the back of the school thanks for your help Mr oberthorpe what's with the yelling I've got very sensitive views I really can't believe he did it neither Jackson Jekyll I can still see you we must speak about Holt I know he vandalized the school so if you want to throw us out vandalized I commissioned hope to draw a mural here but he didn't finish I asked around and apparently Mr ogre Thorpe turned his music off [Music] doing so Jackson if you don't mind I'd like hope to get back to work [Music] for today's lesson behold this parable of scientific Perfection what a hunk of junk that you're facing your eyeballs on a device of astounding power a machine so stupendous and amazing Mr hack to the office a dragon has started a fire right be back in exactly five minutes anybody touches the device the whole class gets detention now [Music] a device so powerful and amazing like baby Yik must sniff everything Keith you're going to get us all in trouble relax it doesn't even work [Applause] all right how was I supposed to know that thing worked in four minutes Mr hack is gonna return and when he sees us like this he's gonna freak there must be a reverse button on machine it's too far to jump how do we get across I got this I told you I'm on fire baby holy smokes [Music] being good doggy and help to squeeze all right Abby come on okay now all we have to do is pull the lever and hold free [Music] this is arachnidiculous idea one two three got it [Applause] [Music] that's it detention for a lot of you okay
Channel: Monster High
Views: 562,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster High, nickelodeon, monster high school, mattel, clawdeen, cleo de nile, lagoona, draculaura, frankie stein, abbey, ghoulia, monster, dolls, animated, monster high animated series, reboot, toy, doll, cartoon for kids, made for kids, mattel creations, music, songs, ytao_mh, season 3, volume 3, monster high volume 3, monster high season 3, monster high relationships, compilation, monster high compilation, monster high full episodes, full episodes, draculaura clawd, cleo, monster high cleo
Id: 8pnNoTahlr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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