Priyanka Chopra Jonas Answers Impossible Questions | Vogue India

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nobody has an answer to this question that sucks i hate these questions hi everyone hi vogue this is priyanka chopra jonas and these are my impossible questions okay so apparently these are real questions that are asked by real companies during job interviews i'm gonna attempt to answer these questions but i'm definitely not getting the job [Laughter] teach me something i don't already know [Music] some of you might know it but i'm really fond of tongue twisters petty bodybots and butter but the butter was so better than she put some better butter to make the bitter butter better or how much wood would chuck chuck if it would chuck with chuckwood try ketchup tell me three consecutive days without using the words wednesday friday or sunday monday tuesday thursday but that's not consecutive is it monday tuesday is there an answer to this one monday tuesday today tomorrow day after hey if you could speak to your pet what is the first thing you would ask them i have so many questions for my dogs are you kidding if i could speak to diana say for example i would really ask her diana what makes your life difficult somebody carries you somebody feeds you somebody you know takes you out to do your business brings you back in you never have to walk when it's raining or snowing is your life ever hard i would love to ask her that in a final battle between the four elements which side would you fight on and why final battle i mean i love all four elements and i think you know we are made of them but i think it would be water because i think a water could put out fire i think if it was windy water becomes more powerful water can seep into the earth yeah and it gives life so i think i'll fight for the side of water do you open with rock paper scissors explain your technique i usually will open with a rock but i pivot with paper sometimes because i feel like somebody else is gonna open with rock it's usually never scissor subliminally i'm like yeah a rock is like big and strong so my brain goes to that and then i'm like no somebody else is gonna think that so i go for a paper because i found the paper fascinating that it can you know cover up a rock i don't know why i put the poor scissor doesn't doesn't play usually in my in my first opening game rock paper scissors oh no i didn't i'm just smarter than you when did you last feel like a hero the last time i wore my underwear over my pants i felt like a hero what would you do on mars for fun i would love to roll around on martian ground and see if it feels like sand or if it feels like mud i feel like it'll be finer or it might be like stones and i hope that mars can be conducive for human life what is the one thing you believe to be true but most people do not [Music] uh i think that fairies exist and i think that when we all go to sleep fairies come and visit on the moon beam when the moon lights out the moon beam that's how they come down to earth and they come and hang out with you when you see them in your dreams they're your friends perry's are our friends i believe that how many apples can fit inside a jumbo jet god i want to be right on this one hold on do we have an approximate answer because i need to know that i was right or if i was close you can't ask me a question and not tell me if i was right or wrong okay how many apples can fit inside a jumbo jet all right jumbo jet i feel like 62 [Music] and a half million i feel like a billion would be too much even though jumbo jet's rather large apple's gonna be big so i feel like we should keep it in the millions because billion would be too much and i do think if we like smoosh them about 50 million seems less i think 63 seems closer to being too much am i right nobody has an answer to this question that sucks explain the internet to an eight-year-old in three sentences how about the eight-year-old explains the internet to me cause i was born without the internet but eight-year-old is born with one if the animal kingdom elected a new leader which animal would get your vote and why i think it should be an elephant i think they're calm collected they are gentle and they're peaceful and i think peace is good sell me a ping pong ball in a world where table tennis doesn't exist okay a ping pong ball is probably as big as your palm my palm like about that big it's usually white in color but i've seen them in various colors as well you can customize them too which i have done too it's lots of fun and you play with paddles you hit them across a table with a net on them definitely for beer pong that's like the first use of it which i hope you know how to play because it's really lots of fun yeah would you rather ride on an elephant or a giraffe to work i definitely would ride an elephant i feel like the back would have a little bit more space the giraffe um i could probably sit on the giraffe's neck like it could happen but i think um an elephant might be a little bit more comfortable write the opening line to the theme tune about your life the opening line to the theme tune about my life it would be something to the effect of i'm here today and today's a present because it's a gift who knows about tomorrow and tomorrow's already yesterday now who knows about tomorrow yesterday's already gone so today is all we have live in the moment some such that's why i don't write music today is another day today we are here tomorrow's going to come and you don't know when it'll be near explain to a baby why you have hair where like why we have hair okay well we have hair so we can put pretty things in our hair we have hair so that we can make braids with it we have hair so that we can use amazing products that smell really nice and make us feel great we have hair so we can put our hands through our hair hair is amazing you'll have some someday tell us your favorite joke i never remember jones knock knock somebody has to say who's there me mimi that's my name sorry i couldn't think of a better one i apologize i'm so sorry sell mascara on an alien planet when no one has eyelashes i feel like if no one has eyelashes and i'm on an alien planet they're all going to want to want it so that's how i'll sell it because that's what i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell them you have nothing to protect your eyes so first i'm going to get them fake lashes and then i'm going to put the lashes on them and be like look your eyes are being protected and they look beautiful and i think that's how i'll be able to get them to buy mascara is by selling them fake lashes first i think so yeah think of your own impossible question why do people ask stupid questions think about that one i get them asked a lot one more time okay rock paper scissors [Music] you just did what i told you to do which you should never do because you played into my hands okay rock paper scissor rock paper scissors [Music] [Laughter] okay well i won the first one that's the only one that counts okay [Music] hi vogue i'm priyanka to watch 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Channel: VOGUE India
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Keywords: Priyanka Chopra, Bollywood, Vogue India, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Priyanka Chopra interview 2021, Priyanka Chopra Vogue India, Vogue India September 2021 cover star, Vogue Impossible Questions, Priyanka Chopra questions, Priyanka Chopra funny, Vogue, Vogue questions, Priyanka Chopra on human body, Priyanka Chopra latest interview, priyanka chopra vogue photoshoot, Priyanka Chopra vogue 2021
Id: ojU-KG_7qFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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