Priyanka Chopra on Self Confidence, Entrepreneurship, Family & Success | The Ranveer Show 256

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when I was younger um it was really romanticized that you're going for it and just keep going and you know it's like you have to work 24 hours do four movies in one time you know five shifts don't sleep don't eat and the more a person does that the more successful you will be but as I have seen and lived more life I've realized having a work-life balance is really important so when you talk about a beach I was in Turks and Caicos just recently my phones were off me and my husband just by ourselves we spent time we walked on the beach we collected shells um and then I came back feeling rejuvenated feeling excited and really motivated to take my career forward I mean this generation of girls is fearless and there's so many girls that take charge of their own lives and they say you know I'm not going to fit into the cookie cutter mold that probably my mother did or my grandmother had to and it's so like I have Goosebumps right now just thinking about it I meet so many young women who have changed the trajectory of their families because of the choices that they've made our first episode of Priyanka Chopra was the 13th episode of TRS ever now we've crossed 250 episodes on our English podcast Priyanka Chopra was our lucky charm back then I think the entire trajectory the destiny of the podcast changed and this conversation is an extension a sequel of that conversation Priyanka Chopra has now begun her entrepreneurial Journey with her brand anomaly if you enjoyed the episode we did with her last time you're going to enjoy this one even more because it's even more Raw it's even more detailed and it's even more motivational remember if you're consuming this on YouTube now we have subtitles on every episode so hit that CC button and read along with us and also make sure to follow us on Spotify we're Spotify exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world Priyanka Chopra Returns on the ranveer show in a new aftar a new flavor the new TRS is Hill [Music] today on DRS we have one of the most productive human beings that mankind has ever known Priyanka Chopra for an international audience welcome foreign thank you for having me back I have so much to say to you which I'll finally offload now please do I've been waiting for this anticipation has built to high levels uh you and your podcast with us was a turning point in the whole podcast journey and uh fortunately we had first movers Advantage for doing the podcast in India because podcasting wasn't a culture back that's true that was right at the precipit of it yeah and whenever someone asked me what my favorite podcast was or my favorite guest was I say you and being a favorite there's a reason for that thank you okay which which have not which I've not said online but I will say and I want to say this in front of you um when you're doing podcasts you really sense the energy of the guest okay and I've done all sorts of guess like Bollywood military you you name it um you were the only person who gave me a very like quiet calming energy you sad you understood I was like crazy nervous you calmed me down and you gave me the content that you knew would work for the show it was kind of like you were helping a younger version of yourself am I calling myself a younger version of you I don't know who would be maybe yeah for sure but I totally felt I felt so much help from you and you didn't have to but you were so nice and it kind of also gave me a reference point of how to just be as a media professional like you're so professional so thank you so much oh thank you that means so much to me yeah it means a lot I mean even I was a newcomer right at one point I also started at something different and it's just so nice when someone understands what your goal is and instead of standing in your way helps you pushes you just a little bit and um and I I kind of maybe sense that feeling from you and um I always like to you know stand and be helpful rather than be a thorn on your side so I'm glad that it worked for you no you weren't a thorn at all should I make it heavy now or should I warm you up a little bit whenever you want buddy I'm good I'm really good with heavy lifting okay are you happy in life um yeah actually happier than I've been in a really long time okay why do you say that I think I reached a place where I stopped struggling with the things I did when I was younger maybe it's maturity maybe it's um being on the other side of 35 I guess and um maybe it is just having uh my feet on the ground and a little bit more stable ground um but I think I'm not running as fast as I was I'm thinking about the steps I take I'm in a really comfortable content place when it comes to my life and the choices that I'm making are mine and are not defined by other people or the validation that I probably needed when I was younger so I think that's made me a little bit more happy and calm okay while you say all that I feel yours is one of the biggest success stories that India has ever seen like very few Indian actors or anyone from the media industry has reached where you've reached in your life aren't you like done like like uh why do you want more is that I meant see I have this vision for myself that I'm only gonna work till about 35 40 because then I just want to chill on a beach I'm asking you from the beach scenario sure don't you don't you kind of want to go on a beach because every time you take up something new there is a trade-off of mental health in the long term but you're just going for it like you were going for it even during the last conversation and you're going for it now so I'm just trying to like explore what's happening and why I can help you understand it a little bit yeah when I was younger um it was really romanticized that you're going for it and just keep going and you know it's like you have to work 24 hours do four movies in one time you know five shifts don't sleep don't eat and the more a person does that the more successful you will be but as I have seen and lived more life I've realized having a work-life balance is really important so when you talk about a beach I was in Turks and Caicos just recently my phones were off me and my husband just by ourselves we spent time we walked on the beach we collected shells um and then I came back feeling rejuvenated feeling excited and really motivated to take my career forward so this romanticization of work has to be tough and work has to be rough and it's not work can be your companion work can be creative work can be something that gives you Joy and now I've reached a point where that work-life balance for me is most important I will work on the six verticals that I'm working on you know my business my production my book my acting whatever but when I switch off I'm with my family I'm at home I watch movies I do whatever I want to do so then when I come back to work the next day I have the focus to be able to do even more things so when you're talking about retiring at like 35 40 sure if you want to have a shack and Goa it used to be my dream when I work like that too where I want to have a shack and go and not wear shoes have fish fry all day you know that's what I wanted to do but as I realized that there's something I love my job and I love being able to create in very different ways I have the privilege to be in a position that not many have been in and I've created that by myself I don't want to give it up and I don't want anyone to take it away from me it's my legacy for my children and for the future generation that may not have even seen the potential of something like that for themselves why would I give it up again I feel you're helping a younger version of yourself sure somewhere in some other Universe deep sea diving let's go okay uh what you want to know about one of my favorite new hobbies yeah it's watching really old episodes of coffee with Karan and then seeing how everyone's trajectories were in life and my favorite episode one of my favorites was the one you did I think with Arjun rampal in season one oh my gosh even I I don't even know what I was what was I like then very different when was that season 2004 holy wow would you like to know yeah as a podcaster yeah yeah I want to know I got it 2004 that means that's one year into me being an actor yeah um I feel you're even different from like three years ago because Lots has happened in those three years uh you're even more chill now yeah like I can I can feel that uh you were very like hyper kind of alpha when I last saw you in 2019 and in that episode you're deeply professional and whatever conscientious you were like that like you were just you're very professional I think Karan johar said hey you know well done and all your response was yeah I'm just trying to do my best job guys it was kind of like that I'm so nervous I didn't know anything about the industry I mean the closest I had come to being in the business was taking a vacation to Bombay when I was 11 years old with my brother and was like Wow Bombay you know that Park where they have the shoe and the Hanging Garden yeah hang on I had photographs in the Hanging Gardens even now and that was like going to the beach was seeing the Queen's necklace all of that was all I knew about Mumbai the industry was terrifying to me and I think that's probably why I reacted like that it it's a great message for young people because lots of people idolize you now because of what you've done now without understanding that it takes something as simple as that when you're beginning just be professional or just give yourself a break it's okay you just have to do the best you can survive keep your head above water and slowly you'll see you'll be walking on it when did you realize that you're starting to become successful in life um it's a really tough question because when I won my first pageant which was Miss India I was like wow I've won the world I'm really successful then I won Miss World and I was like yeah they're not even like I had no computation of again 18 17 had had no understanding how it happened but what I did understand was the opportunity it gave me suddenly people knew me wanted to know me gave me new opportunities there were movies that were coming my way I didn't know anything about how how do you sign a movie my poor father was a physician he didn't know even more and he was like highly protective they gave up their practice and for two working doctors who were very successful in bareilly and this is something I didn't even think about till I was like 30 years old gave up everything to pursue my 19 year old dream my 19 year old opportunities that even when someone sees your life the way you speak about it there's a lot of blessings that like a lot absolutely points you believe in karma absolutely you believe in reincarnation I do do you think about what you did in your previous life to get this life now I hope so I do and I always think about it like if you think um why do I have why am I lucky enough to have the life that I do and some other woman somewhere else with the same opportunity with the same desires same Ambitions same you know needs doesn't have any of it I really think about that a lot I it makes me feel like there must be something I did right I wake up every day with a sense of gratitude and I wake up every day with wanting to give back whether that's with the person that is standing right next to me or whether that is a life choice that I might make but giving back I think is so crucial when it comes to being grateful I'm highly grateful for everything that I have and I do think that maybe I did something right that I've been blessed with the opportunity of having the life being born to the parents that I was being able to have the opportunity of making my own choices having agency in my own life if you think about women around the world so many don't have that like complete choices are made for themselves but my parents told me you have to have your opinion what a privilege yeah that's that's a part of the blessing being born to those parents I mean that's the biggest one probably yeah completely um wow okay hold on I gotta I gotta take my thoughts and just put them together I made you speechless no ah okay um with this whole journey and this is a question that's been sent in from a lot of people who I spoke to before this chat uh I firstly I want to want to tell you that you inspire men women everyone it's not about you just inspiring women okay but I think you've shown a lot of women possibility like an entire generation needed to be shown possibility which has happened through people like yourself uh who's supposed to be born exactly in your age but I get to set the tone for like 80s born 90s born two thousands born right I absolutely agree I was talking to somebody else about this yesterday a young actor who was talking to me and I really did say that my generation of women changed the trajectory of the next generation of women my co-actors female co-actors that fought to be the face on the poster that fought for agency in the movies that a lot of women didn't get before us just opened the doors for the generation after us and I think not just for women but people our generation and every generation will always have a prototype that'll be better than us because we have changed the landscape right and that's a huge responsibility on all of us okay remember Mary gone being one of the first female-led films and now that's so many films that did um commercially well yeah at that time yeah I remember a mainstream yeah um and now there's so many female-led films and that's the thing like that's another sorry not to put you on the spot but films are films yeah and we still talk about female-led films as female-led films we don't say that's a male lead film this person's film Mama Khan's movie oh we're watching a male-led film today no I I hear you but I'm also talking on behalf of the Indian Masters completely but that's as a vocabulary we need to change that female athlete female politician female actress why actress politician athlete what is your message for okay I'm gonna ask you what's your message generally and what's your message for girls and I'm also going to give you a supplementary point and say that this is not the end of time it's not the end of the podcast PC this one more to unpack but I actually do want to ask you a message uh for young ambitious women out there my sister um my girlfriend my my friends everyone had this exact question for you that what's the message for the girls you're starting out the careers oh I think it can be very scary um you know we I mean this generation of girls is fearless and there's so many girls that take charge of their own lives and they say you know I'm not going to fit into the cookie cutter mold that probably my mother did or my grandmother had to and it's so like I have Goosebumps right now just thinking about it I meet so many young women who have changed the trajectory of their families because of the choices that they've made um I think my message would be that there's a lot of noise around us narratives yeah and people that tell us to be a certain way that people that tell us that you know um I was talking the other day about someone that when I went to convent school I had this thing called moral science a subject called moral science which taught me how you know women shouldn't be uh women should be seen not heard um the lengths of asgards how we should sit with our legs um there's so much that has been told to women that to be a good girl you have to be a certain way Good Girls Don't Make History you know what I mean Bold Girls Make History bold people make history so if you want to be the lead actor of the of your movie which is your life you've got to take choices that might be contrary to what you've heard and that empowerment may or may not come from your parents may or may not come from your family or boyfriend or whoever you're around it comes from you and that no one can do you know I again was lucky maybe because my parents gave me that but I try to remind young girls specifically that if you don't have that if you don't have that encouragement in your home try to find it in your gut because No One's Gonna fix your life but you or try to find it from content and I'm not just speaking on Beyond no it's true it is really true try to find inspiration from people that inspire you I have been inspired every day by collaborators that I work with the reason I take new steps is because I see someone else doing something new and I'm like wow but I don't just sit with that I think about Mary's in the game idea okay what can I do that'll make me feel how I feel about this person it's about that feeling it's about imbibing from the people around you and it could be someone you admire on television it could be someone in your class it could be someone that you work with but when you see something that you admire about someone and buy bit um all this is exactly why I love that you're taking up entrepreneurship as your next step like very actively you've been an entrepreneur in the past but here you're going like all out and saying that okay this is like the next big step uh I also feel that uh people my age but actually younger than me gen Z deeply entrepreneurial everyone wants to start like their business uh and I'm sure you see this difference between like 80s and 90s born completely and then the next one uh how did this entrepreneurship things start PC like where did it start and how how far do you want to take it I don't know I don't think about the future I'm not someone who I plan for the future but I don't think about how far I can go I mean who knows what my future holds for me but what I can think about is my present um and like I said I like to imbibe from people that I know you know your future is so bright that this conspiracy theories about you that you've made deals with the devil to achieve this level of success that you're a satanic worshiper horrible it's that level of success you're very upset with me sorry but go on go on um no I I just think that like I told you I like to imbibe from the people around me when I was becoming an actor I didn't know anything about acting so I used to sit and watch my co-actors I used to sit and watch why they did what they did so this came from a really funny thought my mom as soon as I turned 30. she's entrepreneurial she's a doctor she created her own business um but when as soon as I turned 30 she sat me down and she said look you're in Bollywood your shelf life is over you know nobody all these 50 year old actors only want to work with the girls in their 20s so after 30 you're not gonna have a job very much you know just like if you start planning for your future so what about making your own movies you know starting production and that at that time is really funny considering I'm 40 and I'm still have a very active acting career but it was foresight on her end um in an industry which kind of told women that that you know when you're 30 sorry you're too old um so I started getting interested in production just thinking about the fact that I was going to lose my day job um and then that became really interesting to me the business of entertainment started becoming in this really interesting to me I used to talk a lot to my producer friends producers that I was working with what are the choices they make how are movies made so you have a cost of production you have to recover your cost of production to make profit so I started getting into what margins looked like and just understanding that and that was fascinating to me because it's so creative um there are so many ways to be able to create something and I think once I started doing production um and I started working in America I I knew my manager happened to event be a venture capitalist and she was really into Tech and stuff so I was very interested in and at that time she was just a collaborator but I really got interested in Investments um and I started with small investments in little things and then those things became really big like Bumble so when I brought Bumble into India I mean Bumble changed the dating scene in India especially for girls and and that just showed me the power of being able to have a new idea and the idea at that time was when Bumble was launched around the world and Whitney who's a dear friend of mine and launched it she left Tinder to make bumble because she saw the Gap in the market that you know we want to be able to create a safe space where women have the first opportunity where women can take the first step and that was such a brilliant plan and what I said to her was India needs it the most because of especially the unsafe circumstances within which girls have to survive and live in sometimes in India and it's being used in tr3t04 absolutely how beautiful is that like again I have Goosebumps just thinking about the fact that this came from an idea so ideas are what was really interesting to me and then being able to work with people who can help me execute ideas is what really started the entrepreneurial um journey in me first I started with Investments and anomaly is my first brand that I founded myself with the help of Mesa thank you for the help of me so that were um who are Market leaders and leaders in incubating new brands specifically in Beauty um and and then Nica of course bringing them but I really lean on my partners to learn from them and I just love the fact that you can have an idea today and monetize it why not it you're not record you're not just um reduced to I wouldn't say reduced to because I come from a family of doctors and Engineers but at that time in my parents generation and the generation before that it was Doctor engineer lawyer military government job like those five or six things that everyone had to aim for but today like I think my generation of parents are not going to have those boxes for our children right you have an idea let's run with it I have this little crystal ball with me everywhere that I go that only I can see and it shows me the future oh yeah I think you're gonna be a multi-billionaire going from your mouth to God's ears please remember the moment we had before where she would began I said I don't want to talk to you until the camera starts Rolling On The Lights windows [Laughter] but I also I also generally want to talk about that crystal ball a little bit and what it tells me everyone knows that going to America was very good for the career the material aspect of life I feel it helped you a lot as a person as well America does have this very different entrepreneurial energy it's got like this little like accepting energy as long as you're willing to work hard the country just accepts you uh you'll be able to create further opportunity yourself but now I will let you unpack I just I feel I feel it's been great for you and uh that the harsh truth I'm gonna say it online is that India finds things cooler when they become cool abroad and then come back I mean that's a fact it's like Swami Vivekananda is used as one example that's our that's our Colonial background we still haven't been able to shed that you know imported you know we have a lot of equity on um on things that come from the West that I agree is a fact um but no it's not it's not the easiest thing to be an Indian in America yeah it's not easy it's not younger Chopra said that I mean yes I've had a I started working in the states in 2010. and in 2008 20 after 10 years of working in the industry I started with music and then pivoted into acting in America so started in 2010 for context in 2020 I got my first leading role how long did it take me 10 years so people don't think about how much hard work how much consistent knocking on doors how much humility it takes to go to another country and start from scratch I had built an incredible career here an amazing credibility here and um I got an opportunity to do music and people were curious about the fact that because I could sing what that could be and I'm a big fan of the music industry anyway we um in India monopolized by Bollywood when it comes to music so much for now I hope so I hope so that we've not really been able to bifurcate into pop you know pop music or pop culture when it comes to music it's still very Niche so I was really a big fan of like music and musicians and um very excited about that opportunity went there worked with the most incredible musicians and quickly realized that I'm not as good as them you know and I should go back to my day job I don't know I'm very astute when it comes to I don't lie to myself I'm very honest to myself so I did the music I love the music that I did for myself but it wasn't my standard of Excellence it was good it was fun played on the radio it was successful sold a lot of CDs but it wasn't my lane and that made me want to dabble in acting as well and see if there was an opportunity there but it required me to strip every single thing that I knew in India and The Laurels that I had achieved in India the awards that I had won the movies that I had done the box office successes that I had seen it required me to walk into rooms with extreme humility and introduce myself to people to take my Show reel and say this is the work I have done I would love to work with you I would love to see if there's an opportunity with you um I remember I had to do I mean I've done so many small roles in big movies in Hollywood but that's what it took for me when I started here too A lot of people used to say to me oh she's left um doing Bollywood movies to do small roles in Hollywood it started with every new actor starts there you have to start with from the beginning and I don't sit with that um you know if you're if I'm successful in one country that everyone in the world should treat me like I'm a queen it doesn't work that way so which is the case for a lot of big stars you know most people and I don't know about that but most people expect and anticipate that if you are treated a certain way or if you're making a certain amount of money um in a certain country you're going to be treated the same way because everyone is waiting in Hollywood to cast you right they're just waiting for Priyanka Chopra we were just waiting for you to come only Priyanka to change the trajectory of movies of course Hollywood is not the same without you it doesn't work that way you have to go you have to pound the pavement you have to walk in you have to be rejected you have to audition and you have to work around the culture of a new country and that was so hard I had to swallow the humility pill and I was willing to do that hard work and then 10 years later I finally got my leading role in a movie I finally got the same renumeration as a man which I never did in Bollywood I have never got the same check as my male co-actor even if my part is the same even if I've held the movie as much as I can finally I got it in 2021 after 21 years of working so it seems like oh my gosh Mark was so great for you and Hollywood is awesome but the tears that it took when you moved to a new country with no friends no family working with people that don't know you and don't know what you are able to achieve when I first started doing Quantico my co-actors did not understand the hoopla around me they were like why is like who is this person like why are you you know the leader of that was the first time I got a lead role in a television series and they just couldn't understand why and it it required me to just you know be humble and say I'm okay this is a new environment it's it's easy to go you know fishing from your boat but when you have to go deep sea diving it's a completely different thing so you have to learn according to your environment so no it wasn't easy it was very hard it took a lot of sweat tears and blood from me to finally be able to reach where I have reached So when you say you know I I don't want to pass off um the work that it took to get there and the time and the commitment that it took to get there but look at you now look at me now but I'm still at the beginning that's what I'm saying it's the first movie that I'm doing with as a lead part who knows where else I'll go again the the mainstream narrative though on you is that things have just gone upward so I love that you're saying this because I'm not someone who um talks about my struggles too much why don't we talk about your struggles that's good okay you have to ask me the questions did people try jeopardizing your career here they at any point because that's the one thing I'm slowly learning about success like the moment you start climbing that ladder there's too many people who don't like that you're climbing the lado and try pulling you down I don't know unfortunately I feel like in India we've been taught that mindset we are not people as a people very few of us are happy for somebody else's success because we we again I think my hypothesis and I don't know I'm I'm not someone who's a expert on the field but my hypothesis is that you know we were colonized in 1947. I agree we just about not even been 100 years we've just about been our own country our own people it's divide and Rule but on an emotional level exactly and our generation has to recognize that our generation has to say hold on hold on why is my natural instinct when someone is successful is to be jealous why is my natural instinct when someone is successful to be envious why is my natural instinct not saying wow you've done so great let me add on to this person let me push you forward because then you're pulling me forward there is such a strength in numbers which we don't recognize if we only collectively band it together and supported other successful people in our fields we would be unstoppable in the world we are one-fifth of the world population but we've never been able to take our own stand because of that reason I feel this is something we can learn from the West they hear each other more than what probably probably I don't know about where that learning comes from but I just I just like you I've also had people wanting to jeopardize my career like walking away from I don't know take away from work make sure that I wasn't cast just because you know I was doing well in what I was doing but that's not what stop I don't sit and wait and um hop on I mean maybe I'll cry one night or the other when an opportunity was taken away from me but I don't sit in the [ __ ] you know you can sit in this [ __ ] and then you'll start smelling of it and then you don't even know you're smelling of it because you've got so used to it so then you just become dark and negative and you'll never move forward you have to shut off the noise there are many people that will want to pull you down but don't focus on that focus on the one person that believes in you focus on the light little sliver of light that you might see a little bit of inspiration that you might see and that's the hardest thing to do because you're bogged down by baggage you're bogged down by shackles of people holding you down so you have to really push forward and that's just individual do you have that inside of you to fight that fight for yourself or are you going to wait for somebody else to do it that's an individual Choice let's talk about that little sliver of light I don't know how else to put this but is that God for you is that the higher power I I mean a lot of it is I really do believe in destiny I believe in I'm I'm someone who has a lot of faith um I pray a lot what do you how do you pray and what do you pray for I do Puja almost every day I do but what what attitude what's your interaction with the higher power thank you and starts with thank you it starts with thank you for my health thank you for my life thank you for my family thank you for my life uh lifestyle thank you for my ability to um be a nice human being to be a grateful person um and then I'll ask for a few things too what are you asking for now PC um manifested I don't know I I mean I don't know I don't think that I believe listen a lot of people believe in the secret and the vision board and all of that but it's not something that ever worked for me I tried it I had a vision board I put [ __ ] up on it and I was like okay this is what I want to achieve but I didn't focus enough on it for it to work for me what has always worked is having the small next dream you know uh the next step so that you always have to take a step up in the ladder to be able to get to the top you can't get to the top by flying up human beings don't fly it's a way of saying manifest something achievable yes and then slowly you'll turn around and say oh whoa look at this Legacy I've created but if you have unachievable dreams something that seems too out of the ordinary then you're waiting for a miracle and miracles don't happen very often you have to create it for yourself so what's the next step in your big dream so if you want to buy a car say for example you have to figure out how much it's for foreign so if my goal is one thing I'll work backwards and what is the first step in that goal I'll take that then the next step in that goal and slowly you'll buy your car what would you like to change about this whole journey till this point is there anything you'd like to do differently yeah I'd like to tell my younger self not to have stressed out so much I used to have a lot of anxiety around losing my job losing my position losing time that's no because that's a very very common thing now with teenagers with college everyone's afraid that they're getting too old when they're 18. I mean I'm Not Afraid at 40 of getting too old yet um yeah well that'll that's your glass ceiling for you right there what do you mean I mean you're telling yourself you're too old are you team it's like everyone's aging that's the one thing as a fact we know birth and death that's going to happen to all of us you have to age you have to like that's something to really come to terms with early on in your life I feel aging feels really nice like it makes you feel very chill why are we putting so much equity on Aging that's the one thing we know that is going to happen what is the stress around it you're gonna get older I mean yeah I feel like I did when I was still 18 but like I'm going to get older and who am I right now at this age is what's important what is my best opportunity at 18 at 25 at 35 at 60. who is it that you want to be I was just doing an interview with a fall Green Iron she started and started Nike at 50. like that was our idea and she built it into an Empire today so aging nothing but a number that's a real real fact we put too much equity on age it just doesn't matter what matters is what you do about your life in the moment right now yeah it's also the people around other people are telling them that they're getting too old so then don't keep those people around you break up with them bye peace out keep the people around you that are your Champions and maybe this is also something I realize when I'm older but I tell young people this all the time do not hang around with poisonous people do not keep people around you that are toxic that mess with your brain keep people around you that are genuinely happy with happy for you only people that are genuinely happy for you and whether if that's two people you're a rich person yeah meeting you was a very big turning point for me I mean I'm saying that again in what way saw what you are in truth you know in in reality who you were right so many people put on masks on the show even today no I've done so you are 12th episode I've done 400 now wow and we still have lots of people putting on mass and you're just the same person you're very real very professional very very polite like I can sense people can sense the kindness and that's the joy of podcasting that you really get to know yeah who the other person is over a long nice conversation like this um but it's not easy to be a public person like you know I we we talk a lot about and we point a lot of fingers at Celebrities and public people say it's a really hard job it is so hard to be dinner table conversation every single day it is so hard to walk into a room and know that somebody is going to be talking about me when I leave good bad ugly not my control it is so hard to wake up every morning and know that I am for public consumption and my it can be an opinion that is completely the opposite of who I am people could think I'm unlikable people could say that I am a horrible person people could say I'm unprofessional that's not my truth but I can't change that opinion so if I sit and read every comment or every you know negative thing on social media or keep wondering about the paranoia when I walk out of a room what is someone saying oh my God I'll never be able to achieve anything but it's so hard got people a break cut public people everyone aspires to be a celebrity everyone is like oh I want to be famous and I want to be in that position but nobody sees how hard it is like it is so hard when you are going to a Shadi suppose your family and everyone is talking about you and pointing fingers at you can you imagine how you'll feel do you still go for family functions and all that can you can you because of the same Fame angle means you read like this level of Fame I I can't imagine you you're saying I'm not going to dance on the bar out of my brother's wedding maybe of course my cousins my brothers we family is most important to me my fame is a byproduct of my job it does not define me my fame is not my job it's very clear to me I am not famous for a living I work for a living and fame comes with it so it's not something I can control that's something that's thrust upon me the reason I'm asking you such like incisive questions is again I'm trying to learn like her yeah like you're setting the bar for the media professionals and that's what I meant the last time as well I realized that this is what it takes you know this this kind of professionalism is this kind of energy uh so don't get me wrong I don't get I'm not getting you wrong at all I'm just trying to elaborate on something that people don't really think about sometimes you know um public people even though you're seeing a celebrity or someone every day on like Billboards or or magazines there's still a human being behind them they also like to eat they also like to sit in a like we also like to sit in a palti and dance at the Barat or your cousin and make sure that you get you know great food the desires of a human being is the same the needs or at least the people that I know I keep my friends my family I'm a very grounded person I come from the ground and I'm gonna stay there and the day I behaved a certain way my mom would put a tupply on my head and say come back to earth buddy does it happen now because I don't need it I don't come from a place of arrogance okay gotcha I never did I mean I may have had a little bit of that when I was in my early 20s where I was like wow I'm famous everyone knows me and then quickly I realized when six of my films flopped that it doesn't last buddy you have to consistently keep working so I never rest on my Laurels that's the that's that's your downfall right there all right too much to absorb here I do have one final too much this is great that's how we get the views thanks for the views PC uh so anyway views are like drugs for YouTubers but and true okay uh so the hill is my honest question uh in terms of success I genuinely mean it when I say that like in the modern day one of the most successful human beings on this planet after seeing so much success whatever you understood about the meaning of life what does life become after this like why do you have to keep going why can't we all just go to beaches or meditate or become monks you can okay what's your meaning of life I think the meaning of life is having purpose we're born and we'll die what you do in between that is your legacy and if your legacy is you know walking with sand between your toes and living in a shack and and being happy and meditating sure it's an individual Choice success is very subjective to each person as their own My Success might be completely not attractive to somebody else's success you know so the equity that we put on you know your most successful one of the most successful people on the planet whatever great that's my version of it um you know but somebody else's version of it could be completely different but I really believe that what your purpose in life and what you do between birth and death is is what counts so the pursuit of anything else is just futile the pursuit should be what am I doing in my life what do I want to do in my life who do I want to be who do I want to touch what do I want to create do I want to create or maybe I don't want to create and all of it is fine as long as you are at peace with the choices you make so make choices that make you feel peaceful gotcha all right we see another epic episode any signing of notes um well the only thing I'll say is the one thing you didn't talk about was I'm very excited about um the multiple things that I do but the one thing I'm really and the reason that I I I've come back and I really wanted to come back to Bombay but launching anomaly in India really helped me um you know have a reason to come back right now because but you know like becoming a founder was terrifying because that's not what I do it's not something I knew um but creating Hair Care understanding why do I want to get into beauty makeup skin which one should I do what is the gap that learning of creating a brand which I'm so proud of and not for the fact that oh I've created a beauty product but the fact that I found a white space which I could create a product that you would have spent five times more money to buy and Indian uh the Indian new consumer is very aspirational you know we want to take care of ourselves we want to look our best we want to get the best brands in the world we're aware um especially that gen Z that you're talking about but we're also aware about what we're putting in our systems we want to eat good we want to try good stuff so I'm very proud of anomaly because it hits that Trifecta it's sustainable we make all our packaging from 100 recycled trash from Ocean bound plastic to landfills so we pick up trash and we create these bottles and because we're making our bottles from plastic trash we didn't spend too much on it that gave us more of a budget to have really excellent formulas and when you use it you will know please keep yeah you will um and another thing is that marketing has always told us Men's Hair Care needs and women's haircut needs are different hair is made of the same stuff don't fall for this marketing thing anomaly is for anyone who has hair on their head um please use um and also the fact that it is clean it has none of the bad stuff that usually form um formulas and shampoos do if you read the ingredients of any shampoos you see things like sulfate silicones like that stuff should not exist in your shampoo mineral oil exists in shampoos mineral oil goes into your car why is it on your head can you imagine what it is doing to your scalp and your system it's crazy but to be able to create something which is clean affordable sustainable and excellent at the same time something I was really really proud of and um when we brought it to naika we on the first day so sold one anomaly product every seven seconds and that just was amazing to me and then we had repeat customers and in the last three months where the top 10 Hair Care brands on Nika and they have like some 400 500 Hair Care Brands so it just makes you feel really proud of the fact that you've made something good and whenever you make a good movie it's the same feeling or when you I'm sure you when you have a good podcast like this like yeah like this one hopefully like yeah man I did something good so it's a really good feeling yeah Priyanka Chopra Sharon have lessons with the world that's all I'll say I'll say one more thing though uh I think it's just the beginning of your business career and you're gonna like really flourish that same energy is going to enter this and it's like crystal ball [Music] it's telling me the truth uh you're one of those people who just touches something and it turns to Gold no it doesn't just turn to go in the long term PC you have to work towards making it go that's your perfectionism speaking it's just the truth you cannot touch something only Midas could do that you cannot pick up something and say it's going to be great it took a year and a half of research of trying anomaly on my friends my family my team they were all my lab rats sitting and thinking about what the font should be where the rose gold should be should the trash be up front what the um smell of it should be all of that takes work you just see the end of it and you say it's gold it's gold because of the work that's gone into it yeah I I meant that you're a manufacturer of gold and you said you believe in reincarnation so what if the modern day Midas is like reborn as Priyanka Chopra oh boy what a thought I wish you I wish I had a collection of real gold buddy I'd be so rich I think you do it's just not the goal that the world recognizes as gold it's all the blessings that are with you the blessings that you spread yeah thank you for blessing TRS again thank you so the last time was a turning point this time it's gonna be a rocket I know it so uh I'm saying this extremely humbly but you're a good luck charm trust me thank you I hope so especially for our team but generally I wish you so much luck and love and I I know that you know you've expanded and done so well so far and I hope your trajectory is always just up thank you one day I will repay you I don't know how but I will means a lot thank you so much thank you PC of course so right after this episode I felt extremely enriched with information I felt motivated and I felt sure that the podcast is going to take off once again because of all that good luck that rubbed off on us My Hope and request to Priyanka Chopra is that he visits us in a home studio because this room and this studio brings out the best from guests sometimes we're limited on set because of multiple reasons mostly it's time constraints but I feel that the culture of podcasting is improving a lot in India I remember when we're done our first episode with her India didn't even know what podcasts were honestly I didn't know how to podcast if you go and actually listen to that particular episode you'll be able to tell how far we've come I said actually hold a sheet full of questions back then that's how early weight began this journey and now we're almost 400 episodes in with a Hindi language podcast as well hoping to have Priyanka Chopra on that one also hoping to have her on the English podcast once again and he was wishing her all the best for her entrepreneurial Journey with anomaly makes you check out the products we've linked them down below and also make sure to follow us on Spotify for Spotify exclusive every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world TRS will return soon with even more fantastic guests and even more heartfelt conversation [Music]
Channel: BeerBiceps
Views: 2,100,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, indian podcast, indian podcasts english, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, the ranveer show, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, trs, priyanka chopra, priyanka chopra new movie, priyanka chopra interview, priyanka chopra podcast, priyanka chopra motivation, priyanka chopra beerbiceps, bollywood, bollywood interviews, hollywood, ambition, success, superstar, goals, quantico, discipline, nick jonas, pcj, priyanka chopra baby, nick jonas baby, anomaly
Id: OcISVEh1jyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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