I Lost Nine Hard Drives! | Satisfactory U8 - VOD 10

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foreign all right are we rolling I think we are so levels that looks good trying to get all settled in here and we're gonna get going I think we're ready okay let's get going foreign oh one second all right so this is stream number 10 or video number ten one thing real quick I have changed a setting to help better have a better field of view with my widescreen and there's a bug with that setting so I have to redo it every time I load so that's handled um yeah so first thing I want to do is kind of roll out the introduction for the episode so this is episode 10 and as you can see we have our Mega starter Factory rolling um I am doing a little bit different setup than maybe something you've seen before and this is um you know more like a bus system and it's vertical so we have our assembler and manufacturer row Constructor row and then over here the smelter row now I'm not going to go over it in too much detail today I believe that episode uh eight had at the beginning has a pretty detailed rundown of kind of how it works um then but I'm just gonna show real quick so you get an idea and then here is our Central Storage that we're working on and it's coming along nicely and then really quickly uh the underfloor which we spent the last two episodes really working on and getting under control um we can move around down here we can see um we really played with the lighting we went through a lot of iterations if you're interested in um Lumen and lighting and these signs and how we did this recessed lighting and this top-down lighting for these for these um guys there then check out episodes I think six and seven I want to say um but yeah so we're going along here everything's looking good and today what the plan is um we've just built the machines for our assem uh vertical versatile framework and there they go come on see if I can get up there our versatile framework and we've just built the machines for our versatile framework and automated wiring and unfortunately you know we we kind of build the minimum amount uh really just one of each and so what we're going to need to do is give ourselves some time for those to fill up because we need quite a few to advance the space elevator and so let's go check and see how much we have filled up it's gonna be very little because I really just finished building those before the end of the last episode um yeah so we got a ways to go right we need a hundred of those I guess that's not too bad and 500 of those when we already have over 150 so it's not too bad not not too bad um however there are some things that we can do in the meantime that we need to take care of so that we're ready to hit the ground running when we launch those space elevator parts and that really comes down to hard drives so today is going to be an exploring episode where we've got we're going on a hard drive Hunt and we're gonna be spending quite a bit of time away from the base which is why I wanted to show what was going on now first thing we need to do before we can leave um we need a couple of things we need to make sure we have plenty of solid biofuel and let's see about that we don't need all of this let's go ahead and do we have any stored no we don't do we have any in any of these which we probably should there oh there we go um yeah okay maybe we don't really need to make any this is this should be plenty the reason that I'm taking solid biofuel with us on our uh on our trip to find hard drives is really twofold I think I left some in there yep uh we need fuel for our uh Explorer but we also are gonna need some fuel to run some power and so um we let's see which one is this leaves are in there so I just want to make sure we have plenty uh with us now while we're out getting our hard drives where's the wood there we go so I put uh leaves in here what in here this is just left over for when we were running our uh not through coal um and it makes the biofuel and then this Constructor turns into solid biofuel um all right the other thing that I want to do is we really need to gather I'd like some better weapons um and we have a little setup here for powder okay cool we do have a little bit of powder we won't need any to open any of the hard drives I've already looked we cannot progress this yet because we don't have plastic but we will soon so let's go ahead and grab this because I'll take the extra equipment slot perfect and then can we get novelists we can so let's go ahead and grab that so that we are armed with that in our uh Adventures I'm sure there'll be some rocks that we will that we're going to want to blow up um and then I do want to make sure this little setup here is designed to throw in Sulfur and coal now if we need coal we can just grab it off of the line we're running coal into here but we don't really have a place for sulfur and let's see what's our map look like I I don't I don't think there's I really got to deal with these crates um I don't think there's much all right um actually all right that's not far we'll maybe pick up some coal some sulfur on the way back in the meantime uh in order for us to explore we need to build an explorer let's get some novelists and let's make sure we get detonator we need to make an object scanner screws always with the screws one object scanner please okay and then detonator I don't have any space let's get rid of the screws yep I don't need them all right we have actually some real inventory slots uh let's put some health um we're not probably gonna need the chainsaw so I'm not gonna leave him here but I don't need to equip him let's make as many novelists as we can all right let's make a little bit more stun rebar I don't know how useful the stun feature is but I don't know it's kind of fun um okay we're looking good next we need to make uh our Explorer the problem is I can't quite remember how to make it is it not here in the equipment oh surely we don't need to buy it oh this reminds me I want to go over some of the settings that I've changed for anybody that's been following along you're going to see some changes the first one is I changed this to dark mode I I apologize for not doing that sooner um it's gonna be great I'm looking forward to that um I also I I mentioned the setting up on the maintain y-axis fov aspect ratio so that should help with hopefully this my white screen that I like to use and hopefully that'll be nice and um uh better better looking for you guys and then the only other setting oh I changed my Holograms so I changed over to a white hologram instead of a blue one or default because it is easier to see the green and red lines or the green lines really um on that so I change from Blue to White and then I change to a darker red for deletion just in case like that way if I accidentally hit like the line or something when I'm deleting I can it's easier to see obviously you know something large is super easy um yeah I don't know if I'm sure we unlocked explorers I thought we unlocked Explorers so do we just not have them yet what is the deal and I know I could get a Tesla but uh those are not useful in a practical sense so if you don't know what that is uh I'll be getting one when I have some tickets to spare and I will show you but until then you will have to wait and see all right yeah I don't see the Explorer in there what is the deal can't even remember how to make them I know they I remember they need a heavy modular frames and they need motors a tractors damn I guess we don't have them yet they must be out in they must be in these one of these phases so okay cool it's been so long since I work through the tech tree I thought we had explorers oh well well we'll have to go exploring without an Explorer but that's okay we will get one eventually so what am I gonna do here I'm all I'm doing is preparing for our hard drive run just making sure we have some basics uh we definitely need concrete we're short on concrete because uh and I've I already know which ones we're gonna hit we'll need plenty of rotors so let's take two stacks we're gonna need some modular frames so I don't think we need two stacks we're gonna take them and what happened to all of our okay there's 200 that we had more I'm gonna double check make sure we have plenty of solid biofuel um we're gonna need engine or Motors a lot so I'm gonna take everything I think that should be enough and then what did I say we also we needed we needed concrete um the concrete we're going to be taking to make sure that we can build what we need to we don't need that in order to get around you know um but this should cover us accept hello welcome to the Stream I swore that I had more solid biofuel somewhere and I and I don't want to leave without it let's take that we need more than 50 berries we'll be in trouble um yeah okay we have some here which is good I think what was happening is maybe I thought I was grabbing it but I wasn't no idea where that solid biofuel went maybe I had less than I thought all right well actually we need a lot less now because I thought we were going to be using an Explorer so yeah I think we're fine okay let's I've already sort of planned the route a little bit but let's kind of outline it where we're headed let's turn those off those off there we go uh so here's where we are on the map if you haven't uh seen before hello welcome to the stream third third concurrent viewer appreciate you being here um we are headed first so we already have done all these check marks are um well not that one that's coal uh do we I don't think we need him um nor do we need him um we knew where he was all of these check marks here we don't need this one either uh our completed hard drives we went on a hard drive run a few streams ago and I think episode eight or seven I can't remember and we picked these up so now we're gonna be heading over into this direction more of the rocky desert area to pick up all of those uh hard drives hello welcome to the Stream and so we're gonna start and I'm you know this is my second playthrough I the first time I kind of explored right I I want to move quickly for myself and for you guys so I'm I'm headed out directly to to pick them up we actually also picked out this one so let's go ahead and Mark this uh hard drive done and icon we're doing the check mark all right and again I'm just doing this so that I know in the future or if I'm like trying to pick up the last of the hard drives I know which ones are are gone um you know so we don't have to like recheck over and over again did I get this one I can't remember uh so the first one is going to be up here and then we're gonna move over into the sun explored area and there's quite a few over here um depending on how we do and if we have time um there's a couple more down here that are actually I think I remember being kind of scary so we might head home drop off and then maybe go back to down here but we're gonna basically make a big circle um and I know quite a few people just joined so uh just really quickly we last stream we finished the um automation of the two space elevator Parts the framework and the wiring and they're here but we need to give the machines time to work and so while we're doing it we're gonna go hard drive hunting and the reason is is because um when we hit refineries I am going to be using the alternate recipe I can't remember what it's called but it's the one that makes um the purple fluid and resin and then you yeah so if if you're familiar with that you know which one I'm talking about if not I'll show you when we get it um now we can't actually unlock the hard drives today because it won't give us a chance to um get those recipes yet until we have unlocked uh the refineries and we're done here three and four are done so um all we have waiting for are these two parts up here the Gaming's uh going good and we're about ready to leave on an adventure that I'm sure I will die at least once so I think we're set let me just make sure of everything we need plenty of rotors plenty uh all the all the motors that we have I think that's enough and then plenty of building materials to reach high places and then our weapon our novelists a gun and we're loaded diluted fuel heavy heavy yo so not diluted fuel yet I will absolutely be using that when we get there heavy residue oil that is exactly the one I couldn't think of okay so first is pretty much straight North from us um and I don't think we even need to touch the ground here so we're gonna we're gonna build ourselves a little Highway let's turn on Zoop because I think it's up on this actually I think it's right there and um even though I've played this is my second playthrough whoa I was reading chat and almost ate it uh I um really didn't do any uh much of the hard drive hunting on my first play through my brother and a couple of my buddies kind of did that while I stayed in the factory so a lot of this is is kind of new to me I mean I don't I'm not super familiar with oh he's that's one of the new guys over there we might go say hi let's let's not do a Guild Wars 2 jumping puzzle let's just cheat all right yeah we're definitely just gonna cheat and then we will clean up after ourselves I guess that's as good as we're gonna get when we're done here so that I don't see a bunch of what do we got up there great so we have to deal with bees which apparently I'm not very good at in order to get our hard drive so this is a 30 Motors hard drive so it's meant for late but I guess we'll get these out of the way uh get the hard one out of the way early oh man I'm glad you're enjoying the vods I uh you know I'm just a guy trying to you know play a game so uh you know I appreciate the support everybody's been giving me now I'm gonna see if I can you know do things like answer chat and fight off the bees all right let's get some health that better hard drive better be there is there not a hard drive there that is a mess I don't even see the hard drive that's ridiculous for sure he was up there do I have my object scanner I didn't even bring one like a dummy where is this thing I'm looking at my map okay let's see all right we are still too far south it is more like up there so let's reclaim there's a purple Power slug up there which I will get but not right now I'm chatting with you guys that's one thing definitely that I will learn and continue to get better at is uh I guess we can kill him he's pretty cool if you guys haven't seen the new guys they are they are something else if you don't know why parachuting you can ramp up any environment slopes you'd normally side down and catch air cool yeah I actually don't have any parachutes I should though thank you Hey where's where's our friend there he is [Music] foreign Miss he's got a really cool sound when he dies though but we'll be able to [Music] yep out of space well we need that so what are we gonna get rid of um we don't need these we don't need all those we don't need this all right [Music] oh my gosh he looks is he even bigger or am I just going crazy there's our hard drive let's get out of the radiation foreign what is over there I don't see anything are we relatively safe oh no we got a little friend pretty good there he is hiding in the bushes I'm gonna die [Applause] after more than one there is n't leaving I'm too old for first person shooters man all right heavy modular frames nice this is a score more of them AI limiters which I have plenty but I'll always take some I don't need to carry around any more wire hello only need one and it's so good now but uh the new Hogs with the range attacks are brutal and now the parachute yes the parachute was reworked um I just haven't had a chance to really use it so thank you for the reminder all right what am I doing I am trying to find making sure that there's nothing else interesting to pick up and there isn't and here's our Motors and our first hard drive so wow 10 concurrent viewers guys you're blowing away my previous record so thank you no way I'm over 27 yes I'm very much over 27. very very much over 27. um so what we're doing is we're getting some hard drives and let's mark this on the map that we have this one because we can't really do much until we let the space elevator Parts build so we are storing up hard drives and we are not researching them because I want to go for the heavy Reds to do the heavy fuel residue or whatever it's called um okay what's next next is we're heading let's see South West to roughly this area maybe we can put our marker ahead of time and we'll highlight it and there we go all right this will help uh I am uh how old am I I'm 39 38 something like that I um I have a very interesting birthday I'll go ahead and tell you guys because hopefully you won't steal my identity but um the year is 1984 which is cool because you know 1984. uh but my birthday is Star Wars Day so I I was born on May 4th 1984. you need to go way up there so this is gonna be an ugly ugly climb and I have uh I have five kids so yeah [Music] thank you for the entertainment oh well I uh I'm glad that you're entertained I you know what I while I was watching satisfactory videos and you know learning and playing myself I I don't know I kind of felt like there was maybe a little um niche of satisfactory that you know I'm not saying that it's not necessarily not being filled but that you know there is a over there's a higher demand than Supply um and I think the one I've enjoyed the most is you know what Darren plays which is kind of the inspiration for how I'm where is this hard drive if it's down on the ground I'm gonna it doesn't look like it is though um what they're in place was kind of an inspiration for this I wanted to show a lot more than some of the other bigger channels do um and then very few people stream um on YouTube there's our Factory there's our coal plant from a distance that looks cool maybe I'll take a picture out here for a thumbnail let me see where are we exactly okay we're not quite there it looks like uh we're up there really I was born oh wow that's pretty cool I was born too close to Christmas for people to care yeah I had a 16th congratulations congratulations big family yeah let's just continue this I appreciate it and then I'll hook us back in this is how a Fix-It employee explores there he is there's our Target but yeah I um like I said I is that okay that's is that a regular hog or is that a uh a new one he looks pretty beefy so let's see if I can kill him from up here oh nailed yes I did try oh he's not one of the new new guys but he is the big version of the hog uh but yeah I definitely wanted to do a save from the beginning absolutely oh come here bud I just want to talk uh you're currently building a steel factory nice he just keeps getting further away he's he's smarter maybe than we're giving him credit for oh I got too close to the bees these damn bees all my deaths are related to bees oh triple foreign nice what else we got anything good around here I don't I don't think so I don't think there's anything good in there I mean we got we got a novelist let's see I can't remember how to you I gotta remember how to use it I don't think there's anything interesting in there nope I just wanted to blow them up um what are we doing here we're doing more Motors that's why these two wrapped about a newer Motors so I want to make sure we grabbed everything we had all right um yeah we'll take we'll take uh computers that looked like circuit boards did you see that yeah those are definitely computers those those are not circuit boards um yeah all right let's delete what we can but we can reach and this will bug the hell out of me from back at base seeing that in the distance so we'll we'll deal with that uh the range hog cheat yes I am 13 concurrent viewers guys you are just like making my night I we are destroying my current record of like eight have you tried setting the Hatcher to stop the beast from spawning I haven't thought of that till now no I will try that I don't know if that will do anything but I'm willing to try um okay let's set our marker here that we have completed this one and then we're gonna be that I didn't save I didn't save all right and then we don't need this one anymore all right what's next we are we're moving quick um I think the next one is an easy one and it should be right there all right now let's descend yes pausing Holograms is a really really awesome new uh update new change for update 8. um um I kind of want to sort of marginally explore a little bit along the way just so that we can pick up any we're rapidly going through our supply of berries uh any um slugs that we might find like this blue one so I don't really plan on using any mods in this Dave except for the flying mod to get like good shots for YouTube um the only thing that I might have to do our space is getting somewhat Limited is I've been thinking that perhaps we might the the size of the factories I'm planning on building we may need to um port in all right I don't think we need to deal with him dumb uh charts that's the only thing I'm thinking that once we're fully up and running and and this sort of content has switched over from like a new save and kind of you know learning the ropes oh hi guys I didn't even see you there um into more of a end game kind of content I may load up a mod for oh let's try our if they they get stunned all right tests oh didn't even kill it all the way I need nukes for that so yeah we I might do that I I haven't decided because I'm planning on um 14 concurred viewers I know this game is really good uh have I mentioned that I adore this game it is awesome um yeah I'm planning on actually I think we might still be able to see oh there's a slug over there we'll go get him um I'm planning on building a power plant that uses all of the oil on the map which I think is like 10 800 per minute or something like that um and I'm gonna build a superstar Destroyer like the executor from Return of the Jedi to house it and it needs like if I don't overclock the power uh generators I'll need like 17 00 power generators to use up all of the fuel so I don't know I I don't know I haven't already planned how how big the oh that's a better way to to do this how big uh I'm gonna make that thing and it's huge right it's like two kilometers in game right it's it's gonna be huge I'm gonna put it over the ocean where a lot of other uh YouTubers build there power plants right oh oh the Gold Coast over here I guess that's the Gold Coast no I can't remember whatever this Coast is called Spire Coast maybe um out over the water that's where I'm gonna build it um and it's and it's gonna be flying of course yeah keep playing the VOD vids when I'm headed to bed nice um yeah I appreciate it but yeah that's that's the plan and so I don't know if I want to build or if my computer can handle 1700 um generate uh fuel generators right and so I would I might need to just to keep the save going pour it in massive amounts of um Power shards so that we can build some Mega factories and not destroy my ability to show you guys the those Mega factories so we'll see other than that though I don't plan on any mods spiral Coast Spire spiral it's one of those two things all right here we go we do have some friends and the bombs seemed ineffective but this can I double stun them no not quite that would have been cool no it no AOE effect on the stuns any other let's see what other anything good down here I think this is like a a beginner hard drive for the start in the Rocky desert so I doubt there'll be anything like super good here all right three down um I think I have 11 charted out for this trip oh computers that look like circuit boards again so yeah so I guess there was something good here uh what am I doing I am yes this one is done let's stop highlighting let's turn that off let's change this to a check mark and a hard drive is done we're making good progress okay next one is I think right here we'll just call it hard drive done so we don't have to do this work twice but we will highlight the marker I know we were kind of over there but I wanted to grab this one first because it would have been it's a more efficient trip this way even though it doesn't seem like it [Music] uh the visual settings you play on are playing on they tweak those two some create mad slow down yeah yes I am playing a little bit aggressive with my settings um I do have uh vegetation detail turn down because in the Northern Forest it was kind of kicking my ass a little bit and it was junking up the stream a little with FPS problems but um other than that it's all pretty close to ultra um I've got a 3080 TI and um the new ryzen 9 I think so I've got a beefy machine but I'm also recording and streaming at the same time so um it's I'm asking a lot um if I can get I mean I never expected the amount of uh you know how quickly people are really finding my channel and subscribing and basically how fast I'm gonna get monetized like I in no way expected this this fast and if I do if I do manage to kind of because I mean I work full time I've got a grown-up job uh but if I do manage to you know do well one of the things that I wanted to spend that on is um I want to get a computer for like a second computer to do the recording and the streaming so that I got one computer that oh Motors that um plays the game right and then one that you know actually does the the work of the recording and the streaming oh my God Bean you scared me um yeah I was reading chat uh I have a fan in my room with your PC heater I do I definitely and like I just said I'm I'm thinking of getting a second one uh if um you know I can turn this into something how many do we need 30 oh we just need one bam baby all right and let's all we need to do is turn off the marker on this one except can I when I'm standing on it wrong button that oh my God come on fat fingered it several times there we go so stop highlighting apply okay what's next is pretty far away it is in this area so I'm just gonna put us in that direction oh I need to do one more thing I gotta turn off yes there we go okay uh adulting yeah uh I I am I'm super lucky I I've got a I'm all sad I gotta uh job that I went to college for basically I I can't complain right I no problems with covet in fact I work from home now I just it's it's a good life so I uh I can't complain at all why would I want to do construction on Earth I just want to build space factories exactly there's something about this game I mean obviously it's in the name but um there's definitely something about this game that is just it's hard to put in the words I wonder how high up this thing is I don't think based on the map I'm seeing it's super high up I think we might be safe to drop down to the ground level here I definitely didn't want to pass that Bridge of Death not without a gas mask hey oh what are we at 13 yeah I think we're at 15 at one point so yeah definitely a record for me so you guys are you guys are awesome am I boxed in here did I throw our way through there I don't think there is yeah no there is yeah the name does say it all there is something about this and I feel like it's like um I don't know I don't know too many younger people that play this I'm just gonna run through these because I don't I don't want to deal with them I have to deal with this one and then the bees that are following me laughs oh the other one stayed all right sweet but yeah it's kind of a I don't know I feel like it's a a not as young of a game as some other games I was gonna say like an old man game but uh maybe relatively speaking it's no Fortnight that's for sure [Music] um all right where are we at um we're really close I think oh hi I was looking at the map I think maybe it's up there and again I wasn't very smart and I left without an object scanner I could probably build one but I just come on slide baby don't want to there's our marker but no hard drive no we're not we're not quite there let's it's this way I had to get rid of some more of that fog to get a better idea where I was it might be up there annoying legit oh there it is yeah the Young Folks are too busy ignoring annoying the general public on Tick Tock right he like I was in college when um Facebook started and you had to um have a college uh email it was like literally for college kids right and um it literally had to have a edu email in order to sign up and so I you know did that and now Facebook is of course the um that was weird uh Facebook is of course now the social media or old people but uh that's okay that is okay um what are we doing we are doing this we're doing that uh I I can tell you right now I'm a pretty damn good fan of YouTube it's been awesome um okay uh yeah now we have a decently long trip to the South mostly South with a little bit to the east so we'll keep on going and pick up any plugs we see and you know exterminate any Vermin that we feel like Exterminating uh 16 young well my daughter's gonna turn 13 in a week so you know yeah I don't know there's some games that appeal to the younger crowd you know Minecraft fortnite and that's good I just for some reason and I'm sure there's exceptions to this it just seems like satisfactory is like a certain kind of person plays satisfactory I've also noticed too that like the Reddit and the comments in like YouTube um YouTube videos and stuff are just so nice like everybody everybody's so damn positive and like I play um other games and and the uh the other communities are are not that way at all and so sometimes I forget and I go into another Reddit thread and or another Reddit uh and I'm just like oh my God you guys are like why do you play a game that you hate you know and then I go over to satisfactory and I'm like oh it's so peaceful over here Primal life oh I I 100 I I'm mostly just making jokes because I'm almost 40 and you know um I might be losing a little bit of hair and so it's how I you know it's how I cope with uh with it this actually I haven't thought about this until this very moment but you might say that this YouTube channel is perhaps maybe my midlife crisis I just I just had an epiphany guys [Music] I think we've I think we've oh Hi friend I think we've stumbled upon um something important for my for my psyche hi bud I wonder if he's close enough to hit him the fact is super cool I knew that was gonna happen PVP is off on those servers uh we're just here to make nuclear pasta yes foreign did I get his meat no let me get his meat and let's move on how are we doing where are we at what are we looking for so we've ventured a little bit too far actually there's one right here it wasn't the one I was planning on going to next um there's one here right there there he is we went a little too far um East uh so we'll hit this one and then we'll have to backtrack a bit man like Middle School baseball all over again [Applause] had more strikeouts than any two players um all right [Music] nothing else good what do we need 30 megawatts I also I I didn't really realize it until I started editing I mean I knew in intellectually but I didn't really know until I started editing myself and listening to like four hours of me talking when I go to edit the edited versions of these Bots I make a lot of subconscious movie references like a lot a lot done so I don't know maybe we'll turn it into a game one day count the movie references in them in my videos um okay that one's good hey construction you're getting more viewers every time nice 17. oh my God I mean last time it was like eight was my Max I think we need to go to the West 17 where you guys are awesome and thank you for the likes everybody who's liked this I um every day I'm I'm like more and more Blown Away we can actually kill those with novelists but I don't see the purpose so I I really appreciate you guys um you know I I I'm gonna say that a lot I just but it's true this is actually my I guess it's my third YouTube channel but one of them doesn't really count it's really like really my second my um started one last year with my wife she's an artist and um so we do painting she does oil painting like landscape oil painting and it just it was so slow and that Niche is so established right there's just so many people doing that and it's just been really difficult um you know we hit that hard get my guy fly off Ledges because you're busy reading chats that's a good streamer yeah I try the irony is you know I had to stop and read that chat uh but yeah I um my point is is that I know um next one is like right earish I know that how difficult it can be to get viewers um and so it just is kind of making me very extra grateful for um what I've gotten here because it is uh it's a big deal oh let's do that I guess we don't need all of those nuts I I guess uh but yeah um in her Channel we we hit that channel really hard for about eight months and then I I got um I was in a hospital for a little while I got a I got I became ill in March and he was working on a painting and it's all recorded and it's basically edited we just have to we have to get back to it we took a break and now this is doing so well this channel so I have to I still have to figure out the the balance oh we did this one moving on um I have to figure out the balance and how we're gonna do both of them and and so yeah we'll figure it out but anyway my point was is that I have enough just enough experience with YouTube to know how difficult it is which is why I'm so just like blown away every day by um the response from this channel so thank you [Music] um let's be more exact here it is I think up on this I think it's up here uh normal time and day that I stream yes so um Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nights so PST so this is obviously Thursday night um so that's what uh that's what we're doing um let's just go ahead and build ourselves a ramp I don't think there's a a way up there now having said that so I took Tuesday off for Fourth of July um and then uh and I'm glad there's a decent amount of people here especially people that um have been following me recently because I am kind of wanted to just let everybody know I have a vacation that was sort of already planned that I'm going that I'm leaving on for two weeks um in on Tuesday the I don't know ninth whatever day that is and so I won't be you know I won't be doing streaming uh for two weeks so there we're gonna stream tonight obviously and then where is this damn hard drive oh he's he's he's way up there I think and then Saturday night so in two two more nights yep there he is um and then I will not be streaming for two weeks but it's but when I get back we're gonna um hit this hard for the foreseeable future for sure all right we have a friend I don't know if he's one of the new guys but he looks big so let's see if I can oh so close almost a headshot there we go I just want to like you know loosen up the pickle jar a little bit before I jumped down there and you know what he's gonna definitely be better at range than me [Music] I don't know if he's the new one of the new guys or not to be honest with you he might just be the big version of the old guys he didn't seem like he had that much health um anyway was I saying oh vacation so yeah my sister's getting married and want two states away and so uh you know good family time it'll let me kind of recharge uh I will say that I am metering out my edited videos just a little bit more than I normally would so that you know there's at least a little bit of content while I'm gone and uh and then I'll also while I'm gone I'm gonna be taking my notes for this um Stave that we're doing oh let's mark this and um and I don't know if you guys ever do the community posts on on YouTube but I'm going to be sharing their um uh a lot of my plans on my the mega factories while I'm gone because I'm gonna be I won't be idle I'll be planning this um the save and what we're gonna do while I'm while I'm out on vacation so and then I figure I'll share those uh a little bit more detail kind of the stuff that I want to notice uh you know I've maxed out my computer's ability to uh play this game but I want to do some big stuff okay we've done how many hard drives do we have we have eight we're just destroying our the the goals for today um yeah where's the next one this next one is kind of a pain it's like about right here I think so we'll we'll go and we'll see what we can see um I think it's up on the cliff I'm very grateful you're here man and hope your health is improving yeah it was um it was uh I don't you know it is what it is it it was a thing that was scary at the time but I have no ill effects from so it's all good oh hi you know I have so many elf maybe I'll just like take the bees in the face tank them and then don't worry too much um let's see what do I want to do but yeah so that's the oh hi that's the plan uh go on vacation and then come back and get back to streaming I may have to take I feel like I'm not gonna quite be able to I really would like to stream three days a week um because I want to get through this save before the game releases and you like Primal release form I think we need to go up on this plateau and I think that we might be able to get there easily along this area so I think I'm gonna go the long way um crap what was I saying I can't remember anyway let's not have been that important oh I would like to stream three days a week so that I can get through because I mean I I plan on at least 500 hours from on this save and you know I don't and I'm definitely going to want to start a new save when the game fully releases right and you know I know we don't know when that's gonna be but it could be as soon as a year I think um so I I want to be prepared I I don't want to be like only halfway through what I wanted to get done on this and then the the game fully releases you know I want to be aggressive with my scheduling but the the downside to that is that every time I spend an evening streaming that's an evening that I cannot spend editing prior streams to make the shorter videos and those take me like right now like seven to eight hours to do and so it's um there's just a you know I I don't know I may have to take every two weeks maybe take one night off like maybe Tuesday night off or whoa hi just so that I have um because when I stream not only do I not have a knight to edit but now I have another I have another thing to edit right so um taking one day off every couple of weeks might be a a good solution for that oh berries so yeah this hard drive is over here somewhere yeah I think I pretty much hit the nail on the head before that is yes my sister is getting married and uh that's where I will be on vacation um but yeah I'm looking forward to getting back I mean obviously I'm looking forward to vacation but I'm following me um getting back into this I gotta figure out my my workflow for the editing um so that's actually why I'm gonna be oh we have a friend no commenter told me to build splitter to stand on and then they can't hit you so I'm gonna try um but yeah I'm gonna like I think I already said it but I'm gonna spread out the release of the current videos that I have edited a little bit while I'm on vacation and then when I get back we'll we'll try for three a week 21 concurrent viewers you guys are ridiculous I appreciate it a lot um and thank you for the likes that I have received thus far anything interesting Motors nice any computers that look like circuit boards all right 50 megawatts so there we go I had no idea it would it would we'd be getting through these hard drives so fast my general plan for the stream kind of ends after getting these hard drives that's the other thing I just I gotta get better at like estimating kind of how long the stuff's gonna take and I just gotta get better at streaming so it takes takes a while but uh like I said I'm glad everybody's enjoying things so far and hopefully I'll just get better hopefully um all right what is wow what is Bean over there like sprinting away from it must be something scary over there I don't want to go over there now uh let's see the next one the last one that I had on my list really is about right here-ish oh it's up I can see it I can see it we're gonna build 22 22. you guys are awesome and I'm glad that you found me all right where's your friend Dodge and weave and I think oh right here should yeah I might be able to just jumping puzzle this thing tripped on a rock so maybe not all right well I tried back of the ladder that's the ticket Okay so we'll try this instead much easier no need to reinvent the wheel really really game all right I'll try well that was all right nobody nobody saw that that was that was horrifying right into the poison I fell I've fallen into their trap and this is just getting worse [Applause] all right awesome Max viewers and that's what I do that talk about an unforced error so yeah no no no I I said this before all I'm doing right now is I'm testing the new update 8 feature of respawning with your equipment I just I wanted to test that for you guys and um you know and now I have so we'll we'll just we'll just go with that Stack Storage Containers to use as a ladder I like it foreign before we go uh let's pick up some more building materials so if I have to get up onto something I I have some items views so there's a delay uh not like an intentional delay it's just like a lag between um when I see when what you guys see and then when I see it and uh that I just getting the chats of of me dying it's funny that's okay I still have the sky Bridge so we'll get a big chunk of the way there and I can't do anything I knew it I I talked about how well things were going and it cursed me I was like oh yeah I uh I I over planned uh we're doing this way faster than I thought yeah and then I and then I do that this is this little bridge is left over from one of my earlier streams where I went and to this katarium because I didn't realize that there was other Criterium like literally right there like literally right there there's a bunch of Criterium and so I went way over here all right let's turn on crates where did I die it's down there somewhere somewhere here's that poison that I was in all right good to know and here's our ethereum stuff where is our crate is it down there now I don't know probably uh what is in this hard drive I'm probably gonna need quartz crystal uh I could have could have got the uh what I needed for the hard drive because then I could have just let's not repeat the same mistakes let's have full health so that I don't die if I fall oh yeah I I try to be okay it's over here we're looking for a dead body crate because of course we are Harvest it brings it is it up gotta be up there is today Institute okay I will try the here let's just Harvest this so that I don't get yelled at by Ava for taking my shoes off in the living room I mean for not harvesting that and there let me just drop it on the ground okay I like that idea building because theoretically we should be able to stand on top of it right when we get up there because that's the problem with the regular ladder you don't really have anywhere to go thank you all right no I still don't know where the crate is maybe it's maybe it's much lower oh yes achievement unlocked that's amazing but I'm sure that our crate our crate must be down there so all right let's see if I can do this yes all right now we have a way up there any theories on the alien stuff yeah I mean it's definitely part of the main story that isn't out yet so but other than that you know it's it's hard to hard to say that was strange I should have definitely lost health for that I was cringing the crate has got to be down here there's the ladder that I built to get to the katerium well it's over here I don't understand but I want to find it it's got all our hard drives uh belt stacking thing definitely I like that I like that too I will uh I'll try that one next I'm sure that you guys have been in this position die in an awkward spot and have to go get your box all right well try going around here and if not then I will build yeah let's try it I should also be able to stand up on on the top of this too right right now where the hell is the crate looks like we're right on top of it or you know it's on top of us but I think I was up there all right well we're gonna leave a mess of ladders around but we're gonna find this because it has like nine hard drives nope you guys thought you were gonna see some Factory building Dukes on you you're just gonna watch me die and look for my crate for an hour all right somewhere thank you a little dicey around here guys it's got it I fell a very long distance I don't understand where it is and now I have built myself into corner see there's my boxes there's my storage boxes that I built huh I don't understand all right let's try a different approach let's go around to where we were last time and then maybe we can maybe it's on like a little ledge or a cliff or something yes Zoop those any zip those thank you all right let's no I don't want to try that we're gonna go around we've got to get that box no more over there [Music] [Music] never eat while swimming hey I'll watch this uh satisfactory streamer [Applause] foreign tune in and see this it's okay it's very relatable we can swim a little faster if we like print we were on our left one it's literally our last hard drive I can't believe it totally jinxed myself well uh you know bite your tongue I am dude did we come up here I think I think we might have I hope my eight hard drives are not um under the map and that's a recipe for getting eaten by spiders I'm trying to retrace my steps I will go back to that waterfall shortly like Ron Swanson I think that's a compliment I laugh like Ron Swanson there's worse uh worse people to laugh like where were we we were way over there okay I actually when I was doing that jump that killed me I honestly had no idea like how far down there's a doggo that um that ball was yeah I I would have done things differently [Music] like you know maybe eating some of the hundreds of uh nuts I had on me to have full health so they didn't know if I fell I Wouldn't Die [Music] we're gonna find this I don't know is this is this good satisfactory content 18 people helping me look for a box you're not gonna find this on bits of stream I'll tell you that uh I was thinking yeah if they if it's under the map I'll just Bond them out the only problem with that is that um you know update eight doesn't have any mods working so yeah uh that that solves us long term but maybe not in the short term and being compared to Ron Swanson is the highest honor yes I think so too I should have just gone with my gut and just built um you know an easy peasy ramp to to make it up there I was thinking if uh we find a little Crystal or I mean a little um quartz along the way I could just knock out some Crystal real quick and grab that hard drive um and then look for the Box but I haven't seen any [Music] speak of the devil Advanced game options okay I could do that good point I forgot new update 8 thing so I definitely could do that oh and I actually need this too yes I could do that without mods all right let's see if we can't since we're so close let me make sure two quarts Crystal so this should be enough to unlock that hard drive so let's let's finish our our task I mean this is all I needed to do I was being stupid I was actually thinking that like I don't know I was being stupid learn from my mistakes kids thank you all right do we have any friends we do I have any ammo for this we don't hi come here bring your pretty face to my ax foreign cable oh there's some cable yes I definitely um know that I can research on the go I am purposefully not researching these hard drives until I unlock the next space elevator because I want I'm looking for um the fuel uh heavy heavy fuel residual fuel whatever it's called uh So the plan was to store up a nice big horde and then pop the space elevator and then and then roll the dice um but alas our plans have been interrupted okay well okay that's been solved at least now we have to find the other nine hard drives that I pissed away in this crate somewhere do I have full health no we're not I make a lot of mistakes but I really really try to not make the same mistake twice [Music] all right is that one of those guys gonna come around the corner and uh hit me in the back and dump me off the cliff Maybe it's narrowing down the hard drive results I think it is probably more precisely I I don't think you actually can get the that recipe until you unlock all right the the ability you know that um refinery you know right now would be a really great time for a parachute can you yeah there's my boxes where did I die so okay I fell there and then I ran through the poison cloud yeah I don't need you pushing me off the cliff I don't need any Deja Vu bye bud foreign there and then I ran through the poison cloud I was freaking out about it and then I fell I I I'm worried that it actually is under the um under the mat but let's see what we can see can we get one place that isn't poisony or I can stand and heal okay okay still over there uh yeah guys we may have uh lost all of our stuff because there's my boxes I built and I'm pretty sure that's where I died and you know here it comes again but beautiful health so it should be here I mean this is this is where I landed um damn eight hard drives in the toilet so I'm gonna I'm gonna do that I'm gonna go ahead and and turn on I wonder how if we can for sure know that it's in the map or underneath the map well thank you coffee stain for providing a way for me to not like totally feel like raging yeah guess you guys are gonna get to see me use the uh all right let's get full health all right yeah I I don't know I am I think we're I think we're boned like I said you guys will get to see me use the advanced game options and give myself uh let's count them right so we did this one we have this one in hand but we did we'll go backwards we did one two three four five six seven eight nine so we had nine and then I have number ten in the inventory currently how did I change my zipline color so I just changed in the customizer I changed the factory Swatch and so uh it was Orange right and now it's um now it's white because that's what I changed the main Swatch to be all right I'm sad guys I'm I'm super super sad but that's definitely where we landed um I mean I guess there's a cave down there here let's let's do this the crate lands wherever your body is when you respawn if your body rolled off the ledge by the crates it could be lower okay so let's Bank this hard drive right let's not have any repeats repeat mistakes we'll Bank our hard drive we'll Bank our purple Power slug because that's the first one I've gotten in the game and I still need to unlock that in the uh ma'am and then we will try in that cave perhaps or lower so we're banked this this um yeah could be good did I need anything else I don't think so [Music] uh we'll come back for that later [Music] create wherever your body respawns not where you necessarily die okay I got it I just want to try one more time before we throw in the towel and uh spawn in those hard drives one downside that I can think of yes it is on my compass it's right it's right here and it's right in front of me which is why I thought it was where I built those um but there is a cave I think that I kind of wanted to just check out here thought I saw a cave but yeah the crate because I think I died up there so I mean unless it's on like one of these little Ledges which I think we looked at when I climbed this there's another option guys the little scummy but we could pull an auto save I don't know if I want to do that I'd rather actually show you guys I don't have full health so that's why we dropped off our you know what this is a good test we died right next to the effing thing so okay there's the crate I wonder I mean there's the crate right I don't remember seeing that when I respawned I wonder if I respawned while I was still moving and then it didn't it didn't actually populate yes I can use the flashlight all right there should be two crates yeah there's two crates there I wonder if it would be in the water maybe I don't know oh says it's right there yeah I I don't know guys um I don't see it down here anywhere nor do I see and it doesn't say it's here unfortunately it says it's there all right one more try somebody said to go check out waterfall I don't see anything under here and it doesn't really say it's here anyway uh Let's do let's take my katarium bridge one more time and then if we don't if we don't find it we'll we'll move on and I will um Go the game mode that is new in update eight the advanced game mode that um you know maybe you guys haven't seen yet so we'll turn this into an opportunity I did kind of want to run into that um cave just to just to see I don't know maybe if it um bond in there or something I I don't know why it would but all right yeah because this is the I mean we can see where I fell right I fell I fell here ish and then I fell and I ran through all that poison what I will be interested to see on my recorded you know my the the recording what happened foreign like spawned actually I do have an idea I could stop my because I record while I stream is that a cave I'm gonna just check this one last time there's no way it's here because we we were here we've looked through this I'm sure that this is where I I died and it is definitely not here and we got the purple Power slug from over there but I do have a quick idea I could um break up my recording because I record for a a video on top of my um stream I did it again I'm thinking I'm talking and not thinking all right that's what I'm gonna do so I'm not gonna stop streaming I'm just gonna stop recording so give me a second I'm now stopping my recording and then I'm going to pull open we've got an idea actually I think I can show you guys while I do it um let's see that's a good idea highlighting the crate satisfactory recordings live stream all right let's get this all set okay now I'm gonna uh I'm not a very good streamer but I think you guys should be able to check all right let's mute myself let's see if we can find all right we've already died okay have I died here yet I yes I've already died okay this is before I died so forensic forensic recording here I'm about to die okay here's my stupidity I've been watching this back it's way worse okay slide slide slide I take a bunch of damage now I'm freaking out because I don't know where to go and then I jumped like a I could have stopped right there Ken you could have stopped right there and we fell we fell we fell right into those trees oh it's inside that's where I respond it's it's got to be down there because I fell through the map okay okay so we just watched the video of me respawning all right I started my recording again okay okay I know where it is it's in the box I'm not the box is in the wall where am I I got turned around um and we're gonna highlight we have two two death crakes now this is the one we want will it let me highlight it it won't let me click on it so it won't let me highlight it because I fell and then my body fell through more of the of the cliff um let me change my thing back okay I think we're good now I'm wondering if maybe there's my sulfur that I'm gonna need um we can get close enough to it like if we do that like that's okay that's where it's gonna be see how we can see in there we can like glitch in there we're gonna be able to find it we can do this little did I know this is what the content would be today can we can we Flash oh we can flashlight in there okay we may not be able to retrieve it but we're gonna find it if I can get up this hill come on come on give me give me a let me find a place okay I don't see it but I bet you it's in one of these yeah look I mean look at it it's right there on the map come on let me see in there oh Crouch crouching okay so I'm crouching and that's letting me see inside more I feel like do you guys ever play Wolfenstein oh my God is that it that's it can you see it I can't mark it but there's a little round uh oh my God that's it okay so there's a little black let me see if I can point the light at it a little better ah there's got to be a better spot it's there I can see it I don't know how to indicate it to you guys foreign there see the shine there's a shine I don't know if I how I would possibly get it but um at least we know it exists and the Mystery is solved uh okay that'll work like jump into this hole there it is see it there she is I don't I don't think there's any way I can possibly get it it's like right here I'm not close enough unless anybody knows of a uh a way to glitch into a rock I think I'm uh I think I'm screwed I'm trying to like slide jump in there but it's not working yep there it was oh so sad okay well there's really no option to get in there I don't think so we're gonna um we're gonna move on [Music] huh but you know learn from my mistake people I can get you think I can get it some tools might let the camera clip more yeah I I don't know I don't think I can get it I gotta try I'm gonna try one more time and then we can go get our other uh box that uh I died because I was wasn't thinking about playing the game it I mean it's right it's like right here where was that place we looked we looked in here hybrid tubes uh that's a good idea the fly cheat um no matter what to get these hard drives we're gonna have to do something so is it a mod that because mods are not working in update 8 right now but I'm interested in this fly cheat is there something in control in the control console that I can use that's right there it's so close it's it's like right on the other side of this it's right here I know I know Chad be like no um here oh I don't have anything damn it let's do this let me um let me go get this crate because I've got a couple at least a couple of tools in it right where did where did this crate die oh he died he died up there um damn oh it's so frustrating it's so close with Advanced game options okay all right so if we're gonna use Advanced game options um let's use them first to try to recover the crate and then if we can't recover the crate at all then we'll use them to respawn the hard drives um I think I think that's good I think that is a good plan let me just grab this other one so it doesn't confuse us I think it was over here oh it was up there we'll we'll get that on with the fly cheat okay all right let's try this let's let's let's save our progress uh [Music] uh all right okay now options server manager no where is our Advanced game option is it perhaps main menu yes okay enable Advanced game settings all right here we go please note that editing okay you are about to load your save with Advanced game settings enabled please note that editing these settings is a one-way action and you will not be able to switch back to the default version of the game other than reloading a previous save all players in this session will have access to these settings once activated if you want to proceed press ok to continue with loading your save file for science and hard drives [Music] okay so I'm assuming that they're here okay all right gameplay um not oh flight mode I I don't know why I couldn't see it all right now I will have to have the ultimate in um you know how do we use it like the console command uh wow that is you got so low to the ground that was crazy I feel like it's a console command player fly I don't know does anybody know how to turn on flight mode with Advanced game settings player all fly mode enabled here let me um double tap spacebar yep you're you're the man all right let's get this crate um and honestly I'm gonna absolutely use this probably to get shots of my um for uh for the channel oh oh we got it we got it that's amazing now the the irony is that like we totally could have done this if I had built the platform in the right place but I mean okay okay I don't wanna I don't wanna have a corrupt okay this is what we're gonna do okay this is what I want to do oh I'm super excited okay we're gonna go back um we're gonna go back okay we're gonna we're gonna load reload this this game it's now we know we know how to get there and we're gonna get there without the advanced we use the advanced uh game settings to um make sure they're not on they're not on so we used it to scout okay um and now we know what to do now we're gonna do it we're gonna do it in vanilla though okay so we know what to do I'm gonna go I'm gonna um I'm gonna grab some materials we're gonna go back to our spot and I'm gonna build a um a way to uh grab it without having to use fly mode now the only thing that gives me a doubt now that I I I did this is that somebody mentioned that fly mode actually lets you interact with things from a farther distance so if that's what enabled us to get that box then then we'll be a little bit Sol and we'll have to redo what we did but I think it's worth it to see if we can try just just try it to um what else do we need we need I needed a cable I didn't have um just see if we can get this without the cheat mode because if we can then the the recovery will be truly truly legendary okay so we got what we need let's go do this let's make this happen no cheats doing it with no cheats we can do this the irony is that like I spend all this time like designing a factory and doing all the stuff and then my day that I have like tripled my record of concurrent viewers we spend the entire effing like VOD the entire stream going after a damn crate but somehow I feel like if successful it will be okay first of all we have to stop being an idiot and we have to turn on Zoop and we have to do this correctly because I'm irritating even myself um all right okay now where we're we're literally on the other side of this wall okay so we flew into about this spot here to to get the crate it's got to be up right I think because I think it's up all right so what are we gonna do we are gonna build uh some ramps into the wall a bit so we have some options let's do been a ramp okay baby come on where where are you I I need I need you the crazy thing with fly mode is like we went right to it all right okay I saw it for a second irritating let's do this I'm tired of dealing with all this uneven crap let's and then okay this is how we'll do it we'll just take it one level up at a time one meter at a time okay we'll we'll try to use what we what we can we'll try to do what we can all right and if we can't then we'll we're gonna take it up a level okay okay there we are okay there we are so it's right at the edge oh my God I I know I'm close I'm so close but we came in at an angle okay so this so this is beveled right so and if we want to close the distance we need to we need to come at it from top down a little bit more which is how we did it with the fly mode on oh my God it's so close we can do this we can do this this will be an absolute group effort if if we we pull this off hey so I okay what are we seeing here it's over here a little bit it's right I think I remember it being it's it's right here it's right in the uh the crease oh I'm crouching I'm definitely crouching come on where was that so it's right to the right trying to slowly move my mouse it's right in here I'm just I'm barely tapping I know you guys can't see uh I'm barely tapping my keys to try to find a little window let's try a gradual ramp and let's try to slowly I'm very much crouching and I'm slowly working my way up the ramp okay no good no good oh oh it's it's it's right there because it's on this Cree it's on the okay okay bring it bring them farther from the wall okay all right well Bank use of the new H and move yes yes okay now they're not really sticking into the wall That's the edge of them let's see if we can find that spot that's it right there still in the way okay okay okay I'm getting excited guys okay one more one more click over now let's find that spot again it's like it didn't move over did I not move it over I did it's that one that one's in the way oh that one was in the way where's my spot put this back so I don't fall oh my God I saw it for a second come on foreign it's weird how I can get it sometimes okay here it is but not every time it's not close enough it's so horrifying okay maybe maybe it's still blocking maybe this one's still blocking try it again uh let's get rid of this one too just just in case let's get rid of all of these so that we know that it's not affecting it laughs I know it's there okay let's try doing a flat one instead of going down maybe although I think it's so close okay somebody said that the fly mode does it does it really let you activate things from a farther distance because if that's true that maybe that maybe how we got it and then in which case we're we're not going to be able to do this okay I got an idea what if we maybe try that use the ramp to crush us down in there yeah a little bit lower okay how could we do that we could do that by uh using perhaps a um no um pink doesn't these let you Glide uh we're trying to um get a crate that I uh that has eight hard drives in it I died and it glitched into a wall it's right there and we're just we're just a shade too high I think we got the crate but we did it in cheat mode and so if I have to I will go into the cheat mode and I will I will do it but we we are seeing if we can do it without that there is a way to slide something I mean down here it's right in here right we were too high up there it's it's right here it's so frustrating okay so yes right it's letting us do a gradual slide I think maybe no maybe not um thinking maybe yeah I'm thinking like this so what if we do yes so we go we wanted to go a little lower so now we've gone a little lower and now perhaps we do this all right let's see if we can find our spot I know I know I'm looking for the collect button I mean if I see the collect button I don't well I'm not stopping I'll I'll I don't care I'll stream all night we're it's gonna happen um now we are a little bit we're a little bit now not lined up like we were before so oh that's interesting look at that so I can just place kind of exactly where I want now the one downside to that is here let's do this oh now it's not letting me do it okay there we go now I'm gonna hit h and now let's move the hologram auto save that was great uh move the Hologram just out of the way because we don't want I think we definitely established that it can be in the way all right okay we are closer we're definitely closer but if uh it's so damn close so close I I just want to have said that I did it without the cheats it's it's right under me right here I wonder if there's a little what can we place make maybe free form place that and um Mark exactly where it is I can't think of anything oh uh maybe um the idea of the hyper tube was actually a really good one the only thing that makes me nervous about that that's actually a really good idea I don't have the materials but I could go get them uh where's the little guy I don't have materials for that either so close I it's right I wonder if you go a little higher try to go higher so the question is are we too high are we too far to the left I mean obviously we're both but what can we give up they are finite but I could um heat to get these hard drives we already did I know they can be gotten with the cheat but unfortunately that that game mode setting that cheat is permanent to the save where are we exactly did I fall I fell okay let's try it let's try to go what do we think a little higher we need to be able to glitch in at the right spot Okay so let's do this incrementally just a little bit higher and then we'll kill that oh we already had that one that's fine or maybe just a little lower maybe just a little lower something like that then we lock our hologram and then I'm moving and then I'm going to move this out of the way then I'm gonna go ahead and delete that trying I'm trying well this is as close as we've ever gotten right here it's not close enough oh my God this is this is what I should do for the the freaking thumbnail I can do this no we can still weird that it's just right there okay okay all right we know where it is we've tried that a bunch of times um let's make ourselves that means your way back and let's I like experimenting with the hypertube idea um so we're gonna get we're gonna get the stuff that we need to make some hyper tubes and I can build a portable portable power [Music] and uh maybe we can um uh hyper hyper tube uh wall hole [Music] I don't know I don't know the the real problem is is wait if we glitch ourselves into the wall what happens if um we can't get out um let's make sure that okay we're gonna we're definitely gonna need that so let's get these okay so we got that and then what are we gonna do we're gonna try where's the hyper tube stuff uh it's in transport so we're gonna need a bunch of this we're gonna need a couple of those let's just make sure I don't want to go out there and not have what we need so we just need copper sheets pipes encased beams someone did mention hypertubes yes so let's get a couple of those [Music] um get a couple of those and steel pipes and rotors steel pipes I wanted to try to build a sign so we'll we'll do that and then rotors are here have everything we need we do let's and now let's just kill all the stuff on the to-do list okay this is not what I expected to be doing tonight um but uh you know you gotta um you gotta make you gotta make do with what you're given right you should be able to clip the tube through the wall through the wall near the wall right near the crate and then yeah while I'm passing through maybe maybe grab it [Music] [Music] we're definitely gonna try I also wonder if I'd make a wall right against the wall right against you make a make a a built wall right against the wall if you know like that go ahead and remove this for now and then we build hyper tube wall hole okay and now we build support I like your idea and we're definitely going to try that soon uh all I'm doing right now is I'm setting my uh a new uh let's see wall hole I don't know I'm I'm I'm just spitballing here um entrance yes now we need power oh damn it we didn't bring any um all my biofuel wire damn it all right let's let's just I forgot that we need some um fuel anyway so we're gonna get some power actually no we're not We're not gonna do that since can't build the power Towers but we can build these no not without wire okay we'll get wire our criteria mine is not far from here that way I don't have to screw around with um um stupid portable power I'll just give us some permanent power so one last variable to have to worry about I tried I tried the thing of a way to grab we'll just grab it off of this uh to get all the materials we needed oh I like that yeah yeah okay so if I can clip inside grab the stuff and then I can't get out I could always stand right next to it and then kill myself closer so that that box is easier to grab it's like when you uh I don't know the joke when you send in you know you send in a snake to get the rats and then um you know uh and then the the snake kills the rats but then what do you send in to kill the snake now you got a snake in your wall um hey we got power oh we did it you guys we did it we did it okay well first step we gotta get the out of here but we did it okay all right all right let's make sure we get the hard drives and let's make sure we get our stuff what do we got we got the hard drives we got them okay let's get the let's get the stuff the the valuables all right let's get rid of this extra stuff it worked first try whoever said the hyper tube you said it like way a long time ago I should have I should have done it that was brilliant whoever said that uh was there computers did I get I got the computers uh uh what else anything else in here that's worth oh these motors these motors I don't have a lot of motors okay okay no we got it we gotta empty the crate right we gotta empty the crate uh we can't leave it in here we can't leave it in here with stuff so let's take that uh let's take my Staters and then let's dump the rest we cannot leave this crate although you know you know we could do no no no I was thinking maybe oh heavy modular frame so we definitely want that I was thinking maybe we leave it as a monument you guys wanna okay you guys decide you guys decide did I should I take everything or maybe just like leave just like iron rods right and and leave the crate as like a monument would it it's your it's your guys's uh you decide well if if if we want to we'll leave those um I hate destroying rotors but I have so many of them leave the uh so where are we gonna leave one item in so the crate stays or are we taking everything as ultimate Victory against the crate do we leave it as a monument or do we I don't even want to move like I don't want to take a step Monumental frustration what do you guys think you guys help 25 concurrent viewers which I think is like my my you know Victory Monument Monument all right hey you know who gets to decide is uh I think cja right he he got the idea what do you think should we leave it I think we should leave it that's what I'm leaning towards and then we'll always remember all right he says Monument okay okay hardest step done now how do we get out of here okay I think we go out the same way we came maybe noodle oh Auto 2D um oh we could just we can leave this in um and then hypertube entrance and then can I connect power that's it that's it we're definitely okay we're definitely gonna um uh we can't we don't want to leave that as a monument um we're definitely definitely going to leave this area this this stays I'll build some stuff around it and and we can always go in and see our crate there's our crate and then back out that's awesome oh my God oh my God I can't believe I cannot believe we did it I I was gonna give up I was gonna give up so many times okay now let's get these effing hard drives back to base and saved before I find a way to kill myself again that is ridiculous hey a trick for you guys and a trick for me for next time you want to glitch through a wall uh build a wall and then um you know just use the wall hole I can't believe how easily I just I thought it was gonna like glitch or something and I just went popped in through the other side oh my gosh you guys you have no idea how much like I'm like like charged up right now there it is victory oh my God and almost at this point I I'm I don't even remember what like we went out for it's like okay let's put our um let's put our computers um uh let's let's store the computers and the heavy modular frames that we picked up and we'll put the motors in the motor box uh these will go these can go circuit boards okay yeah that's actually ridiculous I can't believe we we pulled that off thank you thank you everybody for the patience and the suggestion how much time do I have left well I mean I still have over an hour of stream left so we can actually get we have time to get something productive done so um wow I mean how do I beat that right that that was crazy what do we got well okay we've been definitely gone long enough to launch our space elevator so that's that's what we're gonna do we are going to uh Victory launch our space elevator I think uh one two three four two more there's our 500 and then we just seen our smart plates which are here foreign and then 500 of those one okay we can't even afford them all here let's dump this stuff base elevator wow that was awesome I mean I haven't been streaming very long of course let's see one two three four five but obviously this is this tonight's gonna be a hard night to top in terms of like the fun and you know amazing things happen when you don't give up okay let's do this all right I want to make sure that I have H on here we go wow what up what a crazy ride get the space elevator stuck in the map and try to launch it no thank you I haven't I've had enough of that at least for one day there it is that's what we're here for this is what we're here for so uh let's go get those Motors I just put back um and grab that and then we can start researching those drives because we want um the oil maybe oil residue I think foreign Milestone reached oil acquisition and refining unlocked oil-based products can now be made the byproducts of oil refinement can be used after further processing as seen in the refinery caution this is a reminder to minimize the chance of expiration during out-of-base activities minimize the chance of expiration during out-of-base activities did she say that because I've been dying because I feel attacked I feel I feel seen and um this is going to be next do I have 50 compute 46 that's okay so we're not going to be able to do that next we need be able to make computers we'll have to do this one next and to do that we'll need rubber I almost had the 50 so that I could get um that other one that I wanted Logistics yeah alternative fuel transport yeah because we're going to need package Fuel and I mean we're going to need all this of course so yeah okay let's put our hard drives to use so if you joined relatively recently I went out to get hard drives um I had nine of them we picked them up from all over the map over this way and then on the last hard drive I died uh we got it now if we're gonna have a monument to that crate I gotta pick up all my other lazy crates I'll do that some other time um and then we spent like an hour and a half getting the hard drives back without using a cheat mode and then and now we we have them and the reason that we were waiting to research is so that I unlocked the I have actually have a chance now to get heavy uh to get the heavy oil residue so yeah that's where we're at uh I am going to turn these crates off for now um no not the map markers the crates and then I will endeavor to pick up all all the rest of the crates um and so that we can just leave the one um okay so we actually get to do a little bit of factory building today after all of that um that uh drama with our um crate so we're actually adding on in in a really big way here um we are gonna add The Foundry line not The Foundry line the re the refinery line to our to our Factory um we're at 25 concurrent viewers and by the way everybody thank you for the likes on the live stream it's uh it's been amazing so I appreciate that we're at 25 26 would be our I think a new record so we're we're at our record right now so yeah we've spent so much time exploring and everything there's so many people that haven't even seen the factory and I haven't really talked about it so let's go ahead really quickly and just go over it just like a cliff notes version and then and then we'll move forward um it's melters here anything that a smelter requires goes into this vertical bus the smelter smelt they come out the sides and they the smelted material goes down underneath into our underfloor and then everything that Constructors need come up into this vertical bus for the Constructor line all the way down there whatever the constructors make similarly to the other they get sent off to the sides and sent down and then we have a assembler manufacturer line which is uh massive and now what we're about to start construction on is uh a Refinery line now I've in the past I haven't provided ourselves enough space so we're definitely going to try to give ourselves a lot more space do I not have what I needed for that why did that not work steel beams okay we um let's let's deal with our inventory a little bit oh also just really quick to anybody who hasn't seen my underfloor uh giggity uh we're gonna um here this is what it looks like this is with luminon no flashlight this is what we've worked on the last two episodes really of getting our lighting dialed in and experimenting we have some down Lighting on these um that we worked on these lighting these these lights up here are flush they're actually built in so that was really cool I mean these are the large Billboards so yeah so that's that's what it looks like under there so let's fix our inventory so we can actually do something a little productive um and yeah let's build a couple of these oh what do we need to actually build um refineries because I can't remember Motors all right um so let's make sure we let's just grab all the motors that we have which we got plenty we actually don't need to grab them all and then we're probably low on the concrete's okay but I ditched a bunch of these smaller materials when we were trying to make space let's make sure we have plenty to work with um we got those we need a lot of these beams let's get some pipes and some rods we have the wire we have the copper uh we have rotors okay all right do we need do we have modular frames let's just grab one in case I build something that needs them all right let's get a silica we're gonna build in and we're just gonna assume that I will get that um I want one more thing pipes uh we're gonna assume that I will get that recipe so because we will we're gonna our oil can't go online without that that recipe so we're just gonna assume that we're gonna get it um so what did I want to do I want it to mark my starter Square actually let me think let me think the other ones we only gave one space I think I'm just gonna I think I'm just gonna go ahead and give myself three spaces I never make enough room for myself so we're gonna we're gonna overdo it by giving myself three spaces between these all right so this is where I want let me think oh we gotta switch back to my regular build menu um we wanna merger well why don't we have the stuff for Splitters reinforced iron plates we don't have any of those but we'll get those in a second so right in the middle of this one no we're one off we're one off this one actually and what this is going to represent is the southernmost or the leftmost portion of our line which is basically this for the assembler line so yeah now we need to figure out our spacing for refineries okay and they would go They're gonna go in this direction and this is gonna be a perfect use case or I just hit H to lock the Hologram and so now okay so obviously we already know that that's not lined up right so we just there now we're lined up um actually I don't like that so what we're going to do uh I'll tell you in a second we'll we'll deal with this in a second but we definitely need to fix that not enough room that's too tight for sure because these are really long so I just give myself way too much yeah we're gonna need room for the pipes we have to deal with pipes so we're absolutely gonna do this um and then we're gonna do that so now we're lined up on this corner okay and then we will move our merger to match the refinery instead of the other way around all right right and then now we have lots of room for pipe work over the top of this so that's that's how we're gonna do this and for those of you that are counting down wow no reinforced iron plates um the ma'am should be popping really soon for our first try at heavy res oil residue okay now I say we need the same amount of room or pipes and belts over here because some refineries are gonna need you know they're going to have inputs they're gonna we're gonna have all kinds of recipes and some recipes we'll need you know liquid inputs as as well as and or liquid outputs and so we want to make sure that we don't repeat our past mistakes and we're actually getting close to running out of a room in our Factory here I think that this Refinery is the last line the only thing I'm not 100 sure of what I'm gonna do is this is going to create a bunch of excess Fuel and of course we're going to use that in a generator so maybe we build out this way for our generator portion I'm not sure but we'll we'll figure that out when the time comes so this is going to go here I think it's there let's check yep yep yeah there it is okay here we go what are the chances right oh by the way um I do know that there is a bug of some kind just so that you guys are aware an update 8 where if you and I'm not going to take advantage of it um where if you close out of the BAM like if I were to hit this is the sorry let me finish my sentence if I hit X right now it would um give me back the hard drive and we could keep researching basically we could keep we could keep trying so this is why we waited this is the partner to heavy oil residue the one that we want right see if you see I mean we're gonna get this one but if you look um oil in and then you get polymer resin and heavy oil residue right isn't that what it's called yeah this is the one where you get more polymer resin than heavy oil residue we don't want that one we want majority um heavy oil residue 26 it's a new record um so we're gonna get this one but this isn't what we were looking for which but that's fine it is one that we will that I want to have so next hard drive um and obviously mathematically the more that you pick up the more likely it is that you will get the one that you uh that you need because let's get this reinforced iron plate I thought it was a Game feature I I don't think so I don't remember that being the case in the past I think that's new to update eight the losing the ability you know losing that um okay so what did we do we have one and a half ish out to where we built our yeah basically we got one and a half so merger and we want here nope yep okay so this is what our line is gonna look like and now we build our Center uh with splitters um so we will have a little bit of fun here because they go this way you know these they don't line up right they're opposite and I did toy with the idea of offsetting them in such a way where this would line up with that but I don't think it's really necessary um especially since we can just solve it with this okay so now the first ones that we're gonna build actually won't even be using these because we're gonna be piping oil through now what I don't have a plan like like this this is easy right these are all belts these are all solid materials um I well I do have a plan I uh for me my CPU and GPU are really hot with this game is that the same for you or anyone else it is very taxing I have a uh a very nice um GPU so that that helps but it still it runs hot for sure um let's see what do I want to do okay so I had a thought and I'm breaking new ground here guys I um some of this is gonna be experiment experimenting and so I I don't 100 know everything that we're gonna do so you may have to bear with me the one thing that I have found in my satisfactory playthroughs is that I get a lot you were um liquid bugs uh fluid bugs and there it is buggy uh the fluid in this game if you oh put uh make a fluid uh buffer and use gravity make a gravity fed um like a water tower basically so I think that's what I want to do with all of these because if I if any time that I didn't make a gravity fed Water Tower then I had major problems with um different bugs like the the floor holes the fluid floor holes they wouldn't always work and then you know you're not getting fluid to a Refinery and you screw around with it for an hour and a half um that happened a lot but I noticed that I get a lot fewer of them if I use a um gravity fed thing so I'm thinking I just build that into the design okay and so we'll have to use the little baby um I don't think we have industrial yet do we yeah we don't have the industrial ones we'll get them um but I'm thinking we do something along the lines of Let's see we wanted to line up with the other fluid that should be here um something like this oh no I gotta get in the habit of hitting h something like this that lined up I think that's lined up let's jump over to our friend here and look yes that's lined up so that's what I'm thinking and then I'm going to switch over to my fluid horizontal to Vertical Maybe yes I knew without looking that that was gonna be exactly what I wanted so that comes together really really easy and it looks nice um and it moves some of our infrastructure up out of the way um I I definitely we're definitely doing this definitely definitely and the nice thing is is that it doesn't clip with the Smoke Stack um and we can do it either side so we're this is this is the ticket um let's do this um I'm gonna make uh an oil Swatch here so I really like the black and gold let's do a good gold color uh hex code for gold FDD 700 so let's do FDD 700 perfect let's save this as gold okay and then um we don't need to save a preset for black so this is our pipes uh our oil as this is oil coming in um we do need a light look at uh you got some of you guys haven't seen this at night with Lumen I mean this is just ridiculous I mean how do you not uh grab a thumbnail with that yeah I don't know but that's that's just really really cool sorry that happens all the time I get distracted with how pretty this game is um okay so because these are gonna be Oil we're gonna um we're gonna make these pipes black um now I'm just looking really quick to my factory plan and I want to see how many oil refineries we need and also how much oil we need to actually do what I've planned on doing in this Factory so looks like um I have the wrong Factory selected because that was the Mega Power Plant so uh by the way just so that you guys know I'm using satisfactorytools.com um and it's midnight for me I'm using satisfactorytools.com to plan my factories um actually let's do this um I don't think I have any embarrassing tabs so I'm switching over so I can show you guys the the plan here I have many factories designed and planned um this is the one that we're working with for our starter Factory and if you haven't seen this before it it's a little um may look a little uh crazy but it's not too bad um I'm just double checking all of my tabs to make sure you know I don't have anything embarrassing but I think I'm okay um what were we doing oil so crude oil we only need 1200 so I mean that's that's two that's four 300 pipes am I right yeah yeah or or six or or two 600 pipes um when we get the the better pipes um so we only need four pipes worth of oil we need 40 um refineries with the oil so I'm probably gonna build that all down one line to make it easy uh but yeah this is this is our overall plan or um this starter Factory oh I heard the ma'am while we were looking at that let me switch back and I gotta fix my window I just want I was talking about that I wanted to show you guys and I'll just talk about something you couldn't see um okay ma'am okay so this is not a great recipe and this is a worse recipe so we're definitely getting this one and I actually might use this one at in this fave um yeah that was easy that was an easy pick let's start the next one 27 new record thank you everybody for watching um I'm gonna stream for roughly an hour longer maybe more if we're on a roll I have been known to go longer than I expect so let's build out our 40 we'll we'll save this side we we know we'll do some we'll probably do like the Rubber and the plastic or the or the heavy oil residue to fuel on this side but um yeah let's let's build this out let's see how long how far 40 takes us um I was I don't think that this Factory is really large enough to Warrant spending a bunch of time making a blueprint to build these um I just yeah let's count so so we're not gonna do that we're just gonna put them in by hand but when we go to our Mega factories yeah we're definitely making blueprints uh one two three okay oh we don't have enough for 40. let's build what we have one two three four five so there's five so we need 35 more nope wrong button I don't I don't know if we have the motors made yet for that are you going to do a blueprint building stream you know I'll probably build them as I need them I probably won't spend I don't know I don't know maybe well um but yeah we'll probably build the mess we need them to answer that question uh let's grab all the motors that we can what are they I don't really like these signs are not oh we never changed it if I couldn't find them these signs are not perfect they they need some work uh uh let's just I thought I could but I can't okay here we go yeah we're gonna build what we can with the motors that we have um and then maybe we'll actually run some oil uh as well out here we'll see we'll get as far as we can with this build um that we can tonight um and then that way we can finish her up so that was five damn I'm dumb I didn't look at my own thing right eight I had the list there and everything and I didn't get the steel pipes oh uh if you're already gone sorry cja I didn't see that until you left but uh but yeah have a good night man uh what we're doing steel pipes and then we need some copper sheets as well what do we not need we have so many nuts we don't need those let's do two copper sheets okay what we really need is more inventory slots that that's what we really need so this entire stream I have not taken a bio break nor have I really drank any water which I'm sure those two are correlated so um I've been just so engrossed in what we've been doing feel better we're at eight nine wrong unfortunately I lost count because I built that incorrectly so 17. so let's build the first 20. we'll do half we'll do half and then we'll expand the other half so we just need to build three more which I think we can afford perfect all right let's fill in this death trap it's just like me to like slide jump and not be looking especially in the dark and ReChat or be like talking or something and fall to my death of course no death can be as crazy as what we've experienced tonight so wow look at that one this game just doesn't disappoint it is just constantly full of surprises fun that's probably going to be uh a thumbnail that you guys are going to see on a video this thing right here looks great okay sorry I love blueprints but sometimes it seems I spend too much time with making them so sometimes I'd rather just Place everything by hand yeah well it I mean obviously right it let's just double check make sure we got 20. it um 17 18 19 20. it um it depends of course on you know are you building less than 50 of them are you building 500 of them right because you have to be able to save the time that you spent you know right um let's what do we need for we make 20 of those modular frames and more steel pipes all right um and then let's adjust our to-do list we don't need these these refineries anymore because we're gonna only build how do you make this I guess zero and enter yeah there we go uh we're only gonna build um the 20 for this side to get our oil processing into heavy oil residue so we need some more of this now that we've freed up some inventory and then we need some of these for storages and then pipes always cost more copper than I than I anticipate and then let's just make sure that they don't cost anything I'm not that I don't remember we got rotors um yeah okay I think we're good and then once we get our Factory in like this Refinery line and we know exactly what we're doing with our um uh power generators right because we're making let me see if I can find how much fuel that this is gonna kick off really quickly I'm I'm just looking at that same okay 1026 fuel right and so off the top of my head don't fuel generators take like 15 I think fuel right and so and we are going to be making some turbo fuel maybe we'll make yeah we're gonna be doing some turbo fuel um not a lot because I have other plans for most of the sulfur on the map um pretty much all the sulfur on the map but you know we'll make some turbo fuel basically oh damn it the concrete there's always something I swear basically my plan is to um I want to use so many drones that um yeah I'm gonna use a lot of drones ma'am and so I'm gonna build max batteries that are capable on the map and for that you need a lot of a lot a lot of batteries to use them uh the drones and for the batteries sorry for the batteries you need of course sulfur all right let's go let's go check on the ma'am let's see what we can do come on heavy oil residue no but not doing that I don't want even more I'm trying to remove screws Okay so I think I have to I like this this steam copper sheet I think I will use the steam copper sheet for sure but this oh my gosh excuse me this rotor is beautiful because this eliminates the last need for screws in our Factory I don't know if I would necessarily redesign what we've already built but um if I need to now we have enough oh I forgot let's put in the new one if I need to we have an option for where we don't need screws all right 10 more minutes we'll uh we'll keep rolling the dice but the general plan if you're not familiar with how the heavy oil residue alternate recipe works or um refineries is that we're gonna set these this line uh right here right now it's 20 but eventually it'll be doubled it'll be 40 which I'm pretty sure will fit we also I don't know I don't know if I want a double stack refineries yeah we'll fit we'll be able to fit over the lake here I don't know or would it be better because we're not going to build that many more Constructors or assemblers right it might be better to do two rows of refineries and not get so long we don't have the space for that so yeah we're I don't know let's see how many other refineries how many total refineries do we need um 89 okay so we need 89 let's say 90. we need 90. and here's 20. so if we build another 20 which we can do then that's 40 and then we we have a second row here that's another 40. that's 80. we only need 90 right and so we can decide what we want to do I don't think we have to do anything drastic I think this will be fine and then we will have a bunch of empty space over here maybe this is where we put our generators in this space when we've built all the assemblers and manufacturers that we need and we know how much space we have left wheel um build our generators out here okay all right perfect that works uh okay what were we doing I was trying to get in this buffer system that I'm I guess we don't need a ladder there because refineries come with one right yeah uh okay so let's extend this out because we're going to vertically feed s all right now it would be nice for us to auto save is starting to take some time and we haven't even gotten oh no we haven't even gotten started with the bad stuff the real Hefty factories um yeah I think that we're gonna need to do this so let's just do it so I don't keep falling off okay that looks cool anyway and remember steam comes out of these when they're on so that'll look that'll look really cool all right so what's the best way to ensure that we're lining up without having to check a hologram every time and we'll do it the first time let's see the ladder so if we do the ladder kind of on the pie uh so I'm looking at the Smoke Stack here and I'm trying to judge where the ladder of the let's try it stop talking about it and just do it I don't think that's right yeah that's off so that's not gonna work so we have to go one over from that um oh we need to look at this perhaps so we can place these fast and accurate or we just continue what I was saying and just place the yeah pretty sure this will work What GPU do I have I have a 3080 TI all right I have a plan in place for placing those let's make sure that they are working the way I think they're working yes sir those look beautiful and my CPU is like a ryzen 9 one of the I used to have a self um it like self overclock I guess I don't know I'm not terribly terribly good at I used to be I used to build my own computers and and then sometime around I don't know any of fours I just like I I can't do this anymore I have my buddy build them for me now I think I moved at the last second on that one these look right I think these look right yep I have um my hands are too big too to really like put it together I have a big old gorilla mitts so my buddy has little baby hands so he can uh put my computer together for me I told him one day to watch these stream My Stream I don't think uh he the chances of him watching this are very slim one more one more all right I think that's right oh we didn't build that out I almost fell okay you should make the pipe color lighter to contrast the refineries so I do I hear what you're saying um I'm making them black so I know what's in them in this case oil uh however if I wanted to because I put it on a customizable tab we could change um you know oh black that pipe is you know uh and then the the heavy oil residue they'll be purple you know any pipe with them any pipe with water is going to be blue um fuel is gonna be probably this Orange that we're seeing um so that we can look and know exactly what it's carrying uh but yeah I mean maybe the black doesn't have to be quite so black and the nice part is because it's on a oh no we missed one how did that happen uh because it's on a a color tab a color swatch uh you know we can just change them it happened because I wasn't paying attention I think right here cool looks like you placed one of them in a different spot and then kept using oh no no no no no no no no no no no no don't tell me [Music] don't I don't see that I don't see that do you do you mean the refineries because if I did I'm looking at the spaces between the ladders from California I'm looking at the spaces between the ladders so somebody said it looks like you placed them off in a different spot do you mean maybe not I mean laterally maybe the man research is complete but if I have a mistake I definitely want to fix it now those all look lined up to me or are you talking about the fluid buffers did I place one of the fluid buffers in a yeah that looks straight right because we can see that those look straight and then I just I'm not seeing oh this is how we do it we got to make sure so I'm looking for these white boxes to make sure they meet corner to corner that there's no space in between any of them because the last thing I want is to have a mistake right now I don't see one so uh up top oh okay yes that's where it is okay thank you all right that's not nearly as bad as it could have been and we'll just we'll just knock out this fix right now that would have been one thing that I would really ear if I was playing by myself and not streaming right it would have been like oh hey also uh let's use this new tool okay I'm gonna hit uh G okay dismantle filter so now if you see in the middle of my screen it says pipe mark one no indicator that's what I'm building with so now I'm going to hold Ctrl and I can select these and only these so it's not selecting any of this it's not selecting any of my factory accidentally and I can select only those and delete them all so that is a another tool that's new in update 8. the problem is is those those things uh where are we where are we we are here I think yes good catch thank you now I'm all like overly cautious but I think I think this is right yep okay uh camera what I was talking about but fixing this was more important oh uh the ma'am the mam went we have to keep going okay what do we got rubber concrete's interesting I don't think we necessarily need it um a different way to make crystal oscillators is always good we definitely don't need this this is like one of the top five most useless recipes right um I mean what's this do it costs you oil it costs you plastic and it saves you iron ingots yeah no thanks uh we'll go with this Crystal oscillator because it'll just give us more options okay sticks left and the build continues I'm definitely not gonna stop streaming until that's another hour yeah I could do that I'm not gonna stop streaming till you use all the hard drives that we worked so hard today to get if you're just joining us we had a we had a great recovery Adventure that um you should probably see in either the VOD or why didn't that build or the um edited video but I'm not that edited video the edited video for tonight is not going to come out for quite some time um I told everybody a few hours ago but I know a lot of different people are watching right now I'm gonna be going on vacation um I have one more yeah see that one that one got off uh I have one more stream after tonight uh Saturday night in two nights two nights from now 48 hours will be my last stream for two weeks um I had a vacation already planned uh with uh the family and my sisters getting married and so uh I'm gonna be gone for two weeks so I'm gonna be editing like a crazy person trying to get all these live streams edited into the one hour versions the edited down versions and then I'll be releasing those um more slowly oh while I'm gone yes it was it was an adventure I uh I didn't know we were gonna make it but it was it was crazy actually okay what are we doing we are applying our oil Swatch to all of these pipes now I think can you also customize filter yes so check this out all right I have a cusp just like the delete filter you hit G the customizer filter you hit G and now I will only color pipes so I can hold the the color customizer and just color all these pipes instead of having to go and click on each one I can just swipe past all of them and it will only color I missed one the uh the pipes all right sweet um now let's just do a little bit of pipe work and then we're ready to run some oil over to our oh we should do power too um so how we gonna do this we're gonna need foreign we're going to need two pipes so let's we build them vertically because I kind of want these these guys are going to be giving us off smoke which will be pretty cool so maybe and I don't want to necessarily cover those up so I'm just thinking out loud here what if that that could work it won't won't really cover them up and then if we do that first and then what would we do for okay well we would use the Stacker I'm trying to because for this for this 20 um manufacturers we're gonna need 600 oil okay so that's two lines if we have the 300 per pipe which we do and so what I'm trying to do is figure out how we're going to do two pipes in a in a compact way I think it's gonna look something like this actually what we need to know is where our oil is that's what we really need to know [Music] right there very very very very close so all of our oil is going to come in from this direction so yes we'll need to stack this will be our this will be our our oil line right here uzada saves are getting Hefty um I said that already so oh and you know what we're gonna do while we build oil we don't have to re-customize everything we're gonna go to edit no not edit we're gonna hold or do we right click no and remember the buttons we right click so we're gonna do we're gonna set pipes any pipe we build is now going to be set to this uh for now and then when we build water we can set it to a different uh a different color so we're gonna do our trick we're gonna hit G fluid buffers and then we're just gonna hold and I'm gonna change them all to the gold and black oil color because these fluid buffers uh we'll have oil in them okay and now any pipe we build should come pre selected with the black if you're lucky like me and you sneak in and get to see the vid before it comes out oh yeah Asuna that was you I have no idea how that happened I it was listed uh so I had listed a video it wasn't listed it was unlisted I had an unlisted video um I just uploaded it it was the one that launched today episode seven I think and um uh all of a sudden I get a comment on it and it's got like a view and I was just I hadn't I had sort of just woken up I set it to upload the night before and I had just woken up but I had not yet um scheduled it because I didn't want to uh launch it the day how many are we at here I didn't want to launch it that day I just wanted to get it uploaded and scheduled 10. hey so here's our first 10 which is our first pipe and then we will do um I don't have a quick button for it so yeah he got to he got to watch it early I have no idea how you did that maybe putting in a um okay I guess that still goes there even though maybe did you change the Euro URL because you're not it's it's it's not that it's private right it wasn't privated but it was definitely unlisted oh yeah did you oh and then somebody else uh commented first so that I think that was both of you guys which is which is funny that you're both here all right we're gonna put all these in so I'm just double clicking when I first would do this I would like click here and then click like like here right it's such a pain in the butt but um you can just double click I just keep holding on to the starter location and I can just double click if it's that close I have no idea how I'm gonna edit today's live streaming into an hour all right I I I I have no idea how this is gonna happen because we like did so much stuff um all right now of course this won't be yeah it's too far so we're gonna need a break let's do it at the five one two three four five yeah right here and let's put in stackable pipeline do three back pipes look brutally good yeah and and and we're gonna like I said we're gonna do different colors for different things how close am I into eating it not too bad um and then this is the next 10 what the hell all right and now let's pop in these bad boys uh it was easier when I was doing it from this angle ma'am that 10 minutes went by fast no luck we're definitely not doing that that's a ridiculous recipe more different Motors that would require making Motors I mean these are all these are not the best um Motors is the only thing I could foresee us actually using I mean I don't know why I would make Motors in a manufacturer when I could make them in an assembler but I'm definitely not building screws on purpose that's for damn sure and I don't know why we would use a different recipe for versatile framework but I I guess right I guess maybe there's a reason that I don't that I don't understand I mean look all always having options is is good come on come on Ken I know it's been a long night but Jesus okay that'd be a better way to do this we do this first yeah that's better foreign let's just go ahead oh let's just go ahead and do something like this is that right um I wish that didn't do that I wish it didn't clip maybe if we bring it out one it'll still look good and it won't clip no one see now so what we'd have to do okay we'd have to do this yeah that's how we would do that and then the same or the top one um we have to go forward right and now we can get rid of [Music] these [Music] whenever we just get rid of all of them should look really cool I ate a nut really you're gonna you're gonna do me like this you messed up my really cool reveal um yeah that should that should work um it does look cooler with supports so but only one of them you don't we don't we don't need like all of them that it took to build that maybe right here does that look good oh maybe if I built it in the right spot okay all right that looks good and then do we build one here foreign I'm a little nervous that yeah it's not going to connect so I keep you sorry I keep crunching on those damn nuts uh okay we'll put those in after the fact um let's get the lines in and then and then then we'll go from there all right the next five right so the one two three four five should be here and we go right in the middle cervix all right and now let's put in brand that we decided we wanted and we'll know where the problem is if uh if if we uh don't get pipe Flowage correctly you know it'll be with this with this thing here yeah I make two vids out of today's Stream So I I've thought a lot about that right um I've thought a lot about the organization of this channel um I want to make it simple for people to um yeah you know be a part of you know and follow me right because that's the coolest you know that's what I'm going for in this Channel and uh what a lot of people have said that of why they subbed and why they're following me is to follow the journey right and watch everything in order if I if I make video two videos out of this then now there's not a one-to-one ratio between the VOD and the episodes people's names are you the guy that uh gave me the advice on the the new or the fov and if you are I assume you are it's great I like it a lot so thank you um but yeah I want to wonder One ratio between I think we're done here with this oil run uh oh uh between the episodes and the vods now I suppose there's an argument to be made that I could say that this is episode 9.5 9 and then 9.5 I if I really had to that's probably what I would do um but for now I think that we are gonna try to stick to not doing that but your guys's time right I figure if I mean you know not on purpose uh I figure that if somebody really wants to watch more is that right oh you know what we need to do we need to use the Hologram lock then um then they will right they'll watch the VOD like the VOD is there so I don't want to is that right that looks a little wonkish no okay cool it just moves it closer to the wall okay all right um but yeah I I figure somebody really wants to right they will absolutely watch watch the VOD because there's a whole lot of people that you know want to follow me and want to know what I'm doing but did I build that spacing right I may not have built that right they I left a space in between but it may yeah I don't know we'll see maybe I got it right you know there's people that want to watch and follow me oh that one I didn't build a space in between so I got off you know but they don't they don't have four and a half hours right um delete this one and delete these ones and delete those ones so that's the idea of the of the content schedule is to provide a one hour for the more casual viewer who wants to follow things but you know just doesn't have the time right and I get that um and then the vods are here for the crazies like you guys um yeah that looks cool I like that and then yeah something like this and then let's go get um I think we can go get our oil where is it again [Music] right there so are we gonna floor hole it I think you know what I think that we I don't think we need to do this I think we need to do this yeah yeah I I wasn't thinking we're gonna we're gonna go straight through right and then should be there lines up and then here here yep so yeah that's kind of the general plan of of at least in theory right like this is my first except my first YouTube channel but it's my first gaming YouTube channel with it includes live streaming so that's kind of my I thought yeah so here's our sort of similar thing we have going um to that you know we kind of have a similar thing here so what's next next is heading down to our subfloor and extending our subfloor how many what's our we're low on iron plates let's use what we got and then we'll go and we'll get some more long legs plays are my jam oop that hits it right in the fields oh when I said um the crazies like you people well you guys are the um a lot of you guys were the I recognize your guys's name she were the first all right let's see I have a contrary for a second here we don't need that that's ridiculous this could be really useful alternate iron wire so we're gonna and I mean that one's useful too actually um actually we're gonna go with this one this one basically makes it so that you can get quick wire with a lot fewer Terry Mingus and we actually have way too much we have plenty over here but we we have more copper than we need so that's actually relatively useful okay four to go we're um we're more than halfway through and we haven't hit our our uh what we're looking for uh but yeah a lot of you guys are the ones that like comment like crazy and we're like the first people that followed me and so it's really cool all right that's all she wrote Let's Go restock we've been building like crazy and if you haven't seen it if you're relatively new and haven't seen what the underfloor looks like that's what we got going hard truths are still truths yes they are and blueprints be zoomed in update eight so I don't think so I I tried down here um because I wanted to I made a blueprint for these rails can't really I don't have a lot um will it let me oh I'm at iron plates but it's just so if you see I'm hitting R it's just default and blueprint so there you can't Zoop them but you can yeah you just do there's nothing new there I don't think it's there is a dismantle mode which is new for blueprints you can dismantle the whole thing and then of course we have the the Hologram lock which is so so so useful um let's make some room for we're we're doing well those Motors they're they're slow and steady man unsteady I just want to make sure we have enough of these and then let's go ahead and no let's not do that because we're not going to be building any more of those what we're going to be building well since we're here uh we're gonna be building oil extractors two of them I think that we have yeah okay we have what we need we're a little low on cable let's grab an extra cable so we have some overhead loot yes I did I did know what you meant did I get everything I needed do we have enough no we're now we're gonna run out of concrete oh and if you guys haven't seen I put these lights in uh to this uh to this under floor under the Central Storage uh I'm actually editing the video right now it's almost done this winning episode eight and this will come out in I think two days this the edited version of when I put these lights in so we're about three episodes ahead of ourselves in terms of the live streams versus the edited versions so let's do this and this all right and like I said I'm gonna go tonight usually I'd be stopping about now but I want to use up all of those um uh hard drives and so oh we need to be in the subfloor and so we've got about that means we got about what 35 minutes left roughly before we use up all the hard drives yeah I I like it uh the comment was I think oh look at these trees we're gonna have to blow those trees up I think the cascading walls of items down there with the lights is just amazing very eye-catching and it's fun I I think so too it it's this has been a bit of a big experiment these vertical bus vertical bus setup that I'm using and um oh I got my novelists back are we gonna like just skim over the top we are ow lucky sometimes you just I'm hitting the wrong button that's what I want sometimes you just get lucky do I have the novelists I do so let's set up has there been one there the whole time there's been on there the whole time everyone's about to blow him up actually don't know if you can blow up turn the light sucks demolitions let's set one more oh a box that that gives I I just got PTSD I I don't know if anybody else just did uh seeing that damn crate um did I miss one and can can okay oh there's a little bit of a little hump here um I think I think I'm okay I'm not gonna worry too much but that's pretty funny thank you but yeah we're gonna we're gonna build up as much of this as we can tonight while we wait for our glorious hard drives to finish researching all right now where's those damn floor holes there they are so do we just do a pass through let's see where is our oil it's like really close really really close bucking the hologram yeah well I think we'll take the pipes out the side instead of like doing something like going through the subfloor the the floor the subfloor floor all right foreign one well they're kind of all in one that sets off my OCD slightly but I think we're gonna live with it um if I hadn't noticed that I probably would have done it differently uh let's go down then I think we'll do something like is this one free Underneath Him yeah he is my floor hole here it's there uh I think my music let me restart my music oh it's still gone we got time uh here foreign hole do like there there oh you gotta be kidding me so close all right guess we gotta do a halfway point [Music] oh man it's got to be popping any second I thought I saw a slug over here foreign ma'am okay come on have you ordered residue no getting that right we don't want that um I don't know man I guess this one I guess we're getting like the lamest stuff we did get a couple good ones so I'm not gonna complain plus plus I'm really not gonna complain because you know we got our um our hard drives back so uh let's see let's we have our oil set to there let's go and look and see um exactly where our oil is [Music] another noise all right that's not gonna work all right here we go our beautiful oil um yeah and now oil extractor point it's in a square Direction actually don't need these because he sits off the edge like it and then since we're here and I think it will look good yep and then we'll color him his his correct color all right now what else build we'll do that and then no we won't we will come out one I think yeah and then how much does this give us right so this is gonna give us six I don't have any power shards here with me oh but I can make some just so that I can throw them in and and see what we're dealing with I'm trying to figure out how many we're gonna need right uh uh okay and it's easier just to do this than it is to do the math on 250. so 150 so this is one of the really crappy ones so what else what what else do we have [Music] that's another impure that's a normal so that's all we need we need these three we need the two impurers and the normal auto save right when I was throwing that thing all right so I'm thinking this tile here and then let's go with that bad boy you run into the ground we are so up one more oh dang it foreign there we go then while we're here let's do some demolition okay around the world grid I'll come back and make this nicer Maybe what um we go up now I don't care that much the Empire wouldn't care I don't care at 300 actually no I I did my math wrong we need foreign we need more than just that's only half the oil so that one and that one the two impurers are ha are together one pipe and then that's a pipe and then we'll need that one yeah we're gonna need these over here too but that's okay we can just we could we can run those so we're okay um once the hologram [Music] nope had it right and then I think if I just the horizontal to Vertical will make up for the difference and then we'll we're all even yep okay that looks good this is a little irritating but I'm gonna let it go [Music] all right I started that man right I I better have I'm not I'm not using it to trick you guys yeah three minutes left oh yeah I'm gonna play until I'm gonna live stream until uh I get all the you know get up get them all in and then you know accidentally forget a couple times right um there's the other oil I need to come up one right I wonder if that's too high I bet you that's too high foreign oh it works lock it and it is straight [Music] now I'm probably going to use this for three other pipes so I want to make sure that I leave the space fell on another rock uh oh back when I yeah when I was looking for that slug nope I want this um no I think I want this there's our three pipes and now that one and that one is gonna merge but we still need four right so that's actually wrong we're gonna need four [Music] uh we'll do right in do two notches and we'll do right in the middle that's the bad thing about these um there's a line there I just couldn't see it I think here here here and here all right so what are we gonna do here we're gonna do this guy here ma'am that come on there we go sorry I just gave a heart attack to the a couple of people asked me to try to not jump quite so much and unfortunately I jump a lot to get perspective that's it's still wrong um and so I will do what I can because I would not want anybody to get sick while watching my channel two oh the BAM oh still no luck um this is actually a good one I think I think this is a cheaper way of making circuit boards and I I don't know about you but I feel like we always have so much silica and copper sheets so to me that that's a no-brainer there that that I think is a really good one two left guys we only have two chances left for heavy oil residue all right and then no and no where's the other one uh we have three over here [Music] right there so we'll get him through the through the mountain there or something uh I think I'm gonna be a little OCD here I think it looks better if we don't put it on the the crease we give it its own I feel like I'm spoiling myself by being here since I have two more episodes to watch but I just wanted to say thank you for the content it's been really nice to watch lately well thank you I um I appreciate you watching and I have uh you know I'm very serious about um wanting to take this uh out to its long form conclusions so I'm gonna be doing this for a long time uh let's see if I'm doing this right I think maybe here yeah and then one two one two probably there come on baby come on baby oh no look at that pipe it's this is this is wrong I cannot build I've been trying to build this damn thing forever I guess it was right that first time come on come on Ken they're people watching all right hold on one second oh one second my daughter uh who is two is out of bed and I'm the only one awake just give me literally one minute or two minutes okay crisis averted had to uh be a dad there for a second but uh yeah now I can go back to being irresponsible and playing a video game way too late at night okay also took advantage and did a bio so we're good to go I just want to make sure that this didn't pop while I was gone it did not all right have we finally built this I think we have this guy is wrong though there's always something right okay victory and then if I did this right these should just pop in I did not do it right narrator he was not right these are all off by one all right cool um yeah let's keep on keeping on I think what we're I'm probably gonna do is get these two pipes to just here um probably here and then we'll leave these to be when we expand and double our oil production in that factory um but for now we will continue this one's Journey that what I want I think it is down here uh to the other oil which I think is on the other side of this rock yep so yeah let's let's see what we can do here one more auto save incoming I gotta start watching those better and thank you guys for the likes 19 likes is just ridiculously high for the live stream so I really appreciate it hi bud took it to the face I had the last laugh though um yeah what is this power slug [Music] all right so I think what we can do let's let's get eyes on this [Music] foreign so we're gonna come out and then we'll floor haul this uh this bad boy push the button there is the button let's lock our hologram think that that is right well it'd be a lot easier if I just look from up here it was wrong yeah all right oh we have an another friend down there so let me go ahead and prepare there's a yellow power slug wool that we'll need there's a blue one this blue this blue boy real quick [Music] um yeah yeah I think we can just drop down uh full health almost I care about I uh I just want to talk all right now let's go really your dead body is Gonna Keep Me From building now it's just a principle didn't move didn't move at all um all right now that we're done desecrating his body let's move on ma'am still nothing we're not getting there that is really bad keep silica I don't know I don't know if we need it this I don't know if we need any of this um let's we need we need that one more than anything else I I guess right if we were short on courts and there's there's definitely one to go guys one to go we're gonna have to go hard drive hunting again tomorrow or I mean Saturday on our next stream because the body is out of the way and we yeah this is gonna be a little janky but yeah I don't like it I don't like it he said I'd rather come at it at the 45 degree angle that there or there okay how many clicks one two three four five six seven eight nine Okay so one two three four I guess foreign this will work that won't though all right I can handle that probably right there but let's lock the hologram come out and take a look foreign [Music] I thought I hit the I thought I hit the button but I did not the wrong one oh you have to double click it because I could have wanted to raise up all right I understand now do we have the power shards I think we do so we can just put these in and then we can run power backwards we're gonna have to make another trip out here uh what am I doing I'm building a craft bench okay because we need 300 yep okay uh let's run some power [Music] and we also have to change our color nope wrong one perfect [Music] now how are we gonna get up there well I'm gonna get distracted by this yellow power slug that I can get to by doing this having a little bit of flashbacks but uh you know we made it this time all right uh we got 10 minutes less than 10 minutes left before I'm gonna take a night for the evening um don't need any of these I don't think uh let's just build a ladder nothing crazy just a ladder I just want to see what's the last uh hard drive in the man how awesome would it be if uh last one was the one that uh did it for us I'm trying not to get my hopes up though oh I forgot the power let's go back and get the power [Music] come on I knew that was gonna happen all right we learned our lesson full health baby no risk in it that's why we pick every note we see it's always a good habit welcome to the stream or welcome back to the Stream I don't know exactly where I built that underneath so yeah it's probably not perfectly straight but we'll deal with it or in fact more accurately we won't deal with it all right so I don't want to use horizontal to Vertical here Auto Maybe oh it's just short thank you well that's a sad day but they're worse things in life great here all right and then now my music ran out let me fix that okay how much time left on the man we're almost there two minutes you gotta get as much done as we can in two minutes um what are we doing we're hooking this bad boy up to there foreign that was poor planning on my part all right good enough for now um let's connect this bad boy to that bad boy and yeah run some we're really close to the end here it's oil line so it's done we're we're we're so close I'm not gonna leave this undone so we're gonna do our ma'am and then we're gonna finish this oil setup come on I guess you're not gonna do what I want you to do me do a little soft clippage there I think we can all right I'm gonna run right into it let's build our turn and ma'am last ma'am no luck no no luck we're gonna get this wire because we've got we've gotten this freaking copper rotor I don't know how many times like four times no luck though that's okay we're gonna be doing um we're gonna be doing hard drives next time will this make it I don't think I think this is too far yeah it's too far let's do a halfway point here we are just gonna button up this job so that we don't have to worry about this oh my God Becky look at her butt really okay with extended stream yeah good I think that's right it'll lock the Hologram though uh let's put the tower in our Tower or not Power Tower but our Pole although I I really like your series both the vods in the YouTube playlist I really liked your item bust design and may have Incorporated it into my save it's really nice and handy cool uh I'm glad I'm glad that you are a finding the stream and vods to be um entertaining and also helpful and that you are incorporating this is the perfect time to lock and jump yep so yeah we went through what nine ten hard drives and we did not find the heavy uh what we did not find what we were looking for heavy residual oil um that is not correct so we're gonna go over one that is correct perfect nope nope nope actually click there thank you I know it's late I know I'm tired but we can get this done okay really really pipe is too long foreign those are straight they actually have this weird thing going oh I know why I know why okay we'll fix it um we'll fix it right here because these were off remember we'll just give this a little wiggle just a little wiggle wiggle and now we are set nice okay now power and we'll go I guess we won't come on come on there we go um we'll go on two in from the edge I'm okay with that that that's doesn't bother me too badly want to buy Seoul [Music] did I uh do some clipping that killed your soul I think I could have done that if I tried um all right what did we say we on the edge one two oh the wiggle maybe it's that way you need to buy a new soul yeah I it's because I didn't Jam this one right up against the line there it's okay we might fix it later we might not but I'm not gonna fix it now um let's turn our light on since we're in the dark again on where are we where's the center there's the center line one two um and let's uh let's make some power hey those bad boys should be pumping away um and uh oh you know what we didn't build I said it pumps let's just knock out the pumps uh I was trying to do something cool doesn't matter we didn't build this one anyway [Applause] welcome back I don't know why I thought that was a want to buy uh I I don't know I'm definitely getting tired we didn't hook up we like didn't hook those pipes up we didn't hook up that so there was no way they were gonna turn on they're on now though I can hear them okay so let's get some pumpage going ear I think let's do let's bring down two power lines okay and then we will build our pump build one let's build where it looks nice and doesn't clip into the it'd be right yeah maybe right um let's lock the hologram cannot be nudged ah I found a building that cannot be nudged okay no nudging for you I'm just holding control all right and now we have our power okay and then I bet you will probably be good all the way through here 's gonna make me eat nope and then we'll need the same setup ear um We're not gonna be able to make it all the way up in one go so we might as well just do wall should I thought that it tells you where it drops out right let me see uh uh 20 meters okay 20 meters are we good there's no way that's way further than 20 meters what's this though let's let's count this all right so that's four one eight twelve 16 there's 20 here so we can't even do it here uh let's let's go part way up real quick and we'll test it what do I want I want feel like that should do us all right and then we'll do our same little trick all right this oh I didn't lock that other one in if you hit it on there then it becomes part of it okay so at least oil we know oil's getting well on one of them that makes me nervous oh I know why because we don't have any pump all the way we don't have any pump all the way down there so so we'll do we'll do that as well I just want to get all this oil in place stream we don't we won't have to worry about it now maybe we can build a ladder that's actually straight and next time we're gonna have to venture relatively farther away for um need a guardrail for that because uh yeah I don't have to find another crate um what was I doing what did I come up here for I came up here we have to finish okay you should have oil in them uh they don't isn't good that one's got some oil in it yes only one of them has oil in it okay and so now what we have to do is gonna be a hell of a lot easier if we had um the better pumps we do not I also could be using do I have them no I I still have mark one power poles which to be honest I hadn't really needed them until now so ugh something like this uh so there's something about a bug or a bug that sometimes happens basically you can you can uh help ignore a bug that will sometimes happen if you put the pump on the horizontal pipe before it goes up versus on the all right that's working that's got some oil it's not full though that makes me nervous okay that's getting full so that's good it's just maybe it's just taking time all right and then we we're gonna make a temporary place to get up now but we will need to make a new another um uh one of our accessory pieces to get down here um and then yeah I don't 20 meters okay so we can do this it's five walls we have oil in this barely feel like I feel like something isn't right but let's five walls one two three four five so we're just short unfortunately that's great how many pumps does it take to get to the top of it why are you not Mr Owl not control locking thank you maybe we'll run the other pipes I don't know maybe maybe we just need this much oil we might be over building this because you know we're gonna get a pipe upgrade and we're gonna get um we're gonna get a bunch of upgrades and maybe you know we don't need to run all of these oil now maybe I should have just doubled up to the 600 you know honestly that's probably there that's what I was looking for see that blue line that tells you where your pump type is I filled one of those upside down nope I was looking for that um auto save let's bring this down where is he he is on the line behind the right here all right yeah it's not great I can't damn right I'm not gonna I can't just one over sorry I tried to let as much go as I can but other things um are too much we can only do what we can do right we'll go all right now I hear one of them pumping maybe that's the one downstairs yeah so we we definitely have we definitely have an issue let's go back and see if we can track it down real quick um for the I see some new people may have joined in yeah this guy's pumping but he's uh I mean it just takes time to fill up the pipe that that should be there um but yeah if you're just joining I am actually getting close here to wrapping things up oh my God what the hell is that why did that do that all right I don't no it's connected it just doesn't look like it's connected yeah okay I've never seen that um okay okay fine uh what I wanted to do was check uh can I get it here yeah this pipe right where are you there yeah he's full and he's filling okay okay great so we might actually be doing just fine here um so let's backtrack make sure that things are nice make sure make sure he's doing well um he looks like he's pump pumping away and then let's make sure that we're doing well over here oh I forgot to load this up so that's why we're slow we're not at a full we still are missing one so I didn't load this one up I loaded up the other one though there we go it's extracting all right okay now all we got to do is we gotta pump this bad boy and this is a fall that I would rather not there we go all right and thank you guys uh you guys that are giving me likes I I really appreciate it yeah he's loaded and this is full we just need a pump where does it stop I wish dowed me all right that's okay we're gonna do this one on the ground then we're gonna need it there we go we need another one the arrow correct come on Ken there and it locks okay and then do we need another oh my God we need another I missed my mark twos man I missed my Mark II pumps this is ridiculous all right all right I was gonna just be lazy and do a bad clip but you guys deserve better and I'm just gonna do a less bad clip Where's the Line I don't know it's all that good there we go okay uh now we just need one more power shard do we have a [Music] slug around here somewhere just need one more power shard come on bubba we have some backup base but we can find one there's one figured there wouldn't be there wouldn't be one too far [Music] thank you foreign guys about done all we need to do is craft that bad boy and then delete all that stuff head back to our pump no almost made it no more getting stuck in rocks getting stuck in rocks is okay dying in rocks is what we do not want okay which is the pump that needed it I think this one did okay there's our 300 so we're getting 600 oil set up to our base honestly we probably won't ever I think it's just 300s we'll probably just delete and run a 600. um or just maybe just redo this whole thing when we get the 600 pipes and the Mark II um pumps and get something that doesn't look like hot garbage so this is uh this is fine this is fine like the dog and it's the room is on fire this is fine now you know what I want to see I want to see our fluid going up there's none in that storage that concerns me because I'm a dummy so there's none in that storage because that happens to be the not the one we hooked up oh Lord help me with this one um okay so we got to do all right we're definitely definitely so we need we need it in these two it's in the wrong two we we already know we're gonna rebuild it all right let's try this are those not turning on just take a while to fill Maybe there's no oil in there are you powered you're powered are you facing the right way you're facing the right way are you just taking forever to fill for some damn reason I I swear some sometimes that this is not the right rate this should be full faster than it is I really think that the fluid is okay that's our problem see the blue light the Blue Line there that's where it has to be that was our that's our issue it's just out of range and so it's only partially pumping but um come on oh my gosh uh which of the two that we need we need the ones that have the oil in them so this one and this one though we're gonna go [Music] here and here and then we don't need this one or this one so we can reclaim those okay I swear when we went to build that I those um that blue indicator of where the water level stops wasn't there or maybe I just didn't see it um because it was like right at the uh Foundation oh geez oh geez Rick okay no no these two but we're still pumping like a slow mother why in fact they're not turned on um I thought that it indicated the um water high water mark right it's right there oh did I build those backwards I might have built those last two backwards because I couldn't see them very well yeah that's that that those are backwards okay that's that's why now that one's happily pumping away the blue the blue arrows there are what indicate the direction oh my gosh I can't wait for a jet pack and I am definitely building turbo fuel uh for all of our packaged fuel needs well now I deleted the you know sometimes I fall over stupid stuff and then sometimes I pull off Maneuvers like that okay we lined those up okay we're finally pumping the way we should pump the pump pump okay okay okay we finally fixed it fluid is such a pain in the ass man like a belt this thing would be done oh my God I have to stop I have this stuff streaming I'm so tired uh it's been it's been a long night it's been a long night our emotions have been played with and I just it's taken its toll yay finally cess all right what I want to do before I shut her down I got 20 people watching and I know that not everybody was here earlier so I just want to check make sure these are filling up they are the second set okay all 20 are filling up so I just want to take a minute and kind of go over the factory to anybody that may not um is new to the stream so this is what we're working on we just unlocked the oil and um refineries so we're working on that we're planning on using a heavy the heavy oil residue which is what we did the first like three quarters of the stream was go hard hard drive hunting and then an incident happened that we're not going to talk about oh yellow power slug um but uh you know you can you can watch it in the VOD uh yeah good times uh but now that we're back all 10 of our hard drives didn't get us the recipe that we wanted but that's okay we will get it so we just have to keep trying this row is going to be all of our refineries this row is our assemblers and our man it looks it looks so nice uh this Rose our assemblers and our manufacturers and this is our Constructors and that is row down there is our smelters and the basic concept is that I'm using like a vertical bust I'm just stacking the belts and so my assimilarities in the manufacturers they have everything they need we've got screws there's wire um there's there's copper sheets there's quick wire there's uh beams and and Staters everything we need is right here and so as we go along and we build whatever we built uh 23 I feel bad I'm yeah as we build uh we just take our lift and we pull off what we need so and we can build them in any order if I want to build every other um now I am building everything on one side so you know we've got versatile framework here and um automated wiring those aren't good examples what's a good example AI limiter um oh I think we can actually unpause this production since we're here and and that one um it doesn't really matter we don't have the quick wire we haven't upgraded it yet but the idea okay so we have these three AI limiters right and um that's why we turn them off because we don't have the quick wire production sorry it took me a second to remember um but they're there they're built they're ready to be turned on they just they have to go on this side so they all go to the same uh belt right let me turn on the light there we go uh yes the incident that shall not be named uh yes it was rough but we Victory the end so so these get stacked up now in the case of the versatile framework and the automated wiring I'm actually Sushi belting that that you as you can see but everything else like here's our reinforced iron plates they all get made and they come through and they go down through here um and then obviously they get pushed back up through here the reinforced iron plates are uh like there I think yeah right there and then they and then that and then they head down for in for their own line when they're needed and so um yeah and then when they fill up they they get pushed down through the floor here these are smart Splitters these right here are all smart splitters and so what's a good example the the concrete right so that concrete um we're not using it for anything no we're using it for encased beams but we're we're making we're sending more through than we than we're using for case beams so yeah that concrete line is full and when that concrete fills up it uh goes into the Overflow and heads down into the subfloor which let's take a look at the subway here's our sub floor with uh and I'm turning off my flashlight because we don't need it down here um the concrete or Whatever Gets overflowed there's um copper sheets it gets sent and through another set of smart Splitters where we prioritize this direction which goes to our storage and then if our storage is full if both the the central bus line that's above us gets full and then our storage gets full and finally we head over to our awesome sinks and get turned into tickets and now you can see these are all the items I guess we do have the quick wire yeah let's go turn on one of those AI limiters because we definitely have the quick wire and the copper sheet capacity because we're burning them and I would much rather burn AI limiters oh and this this is a sub this is a secret don't worry about that yeah don't just don't worry about that at all it's totally fine let's turn on one of those AI limiters and I think that'll probably do it for us I um I've been streaming for five hours we had a great stream uh really really good I uh but I have to call her quits I think um what's the plan for next time well the plan for next time I have one more stream before I'm going on vacation for two weeks and that's gonna be in two days roughly 43 hours from now um we we have to go hard drive hunting we need another set of hard drives um because we cannot turn this on until we get the heavy mod the heavy um uh whatever it's called all right this the the purple the purple stuff the heavy [Music] um the thing the purple stuff huh I I I don't know I keep thinking resin but uh the liquid uh we have to get that recipe uh otherwise we can't move on so we're gonna go hard drive hunting I will be more careful not to lose my crate full of 10 hard drives and um yeah uh oh real quick to anybody who hasn't seen here's our essential storage and then here's our underfloor for our Central Storage which is looking nice and luminy nice and pretty um and then uh one thing that I haven't told anybody but I'm actually going to triple stack these uh I'll do rotors real quick let's see it's gonna look like this it's gonna be a rather tall building uh we'll just do one because the whole point of this come on come on there we go I'm gonna put a roof of some kind here so that we don't see all this but the whole point of this whole Factory is to gather more like and make sure that we have all the materials that we need then I would take this one and I would run this one all the way up to there something something like that and we'll hide all this but the idea being that now we don't have to fill up one before we start syncing we fill up three um and then we'll put this all in a building I don't know I mean I guess could we do two I don't think so because the directions are are off that's why we have to do three and the reason is is because I don't want to come and you know I don't want to run out I don't want to come when I'm building a mega Factory and I take entire giant loads of concrete I mean look we're already we're making more concrete but it's slower than you know than we're using but then we go through long long stretches where we don't use any concrete right like maybe whole streams where I don't come and grab concrete so I want all three of these to be filled up in those long stretches where I'm not using the thing um because then we'll go through stretches where maybe I I use up all of our aluminum right and so I want to just make sure that we have a nice big Bank ready so that's ugly as so I'm gonna delete it for now so I don't have to look at it but that is the plan with this Central Storage um yeah I was gonna hide these somewhere else but then I um there's not enough room down here for them and yeah it just it wouldn't work so I think we're just gonna do that and then we'll hide them we'll hide them above but yeah looks great been enjoying your vids it's up to the beginning I'm up to the beginning of lighting and signage as of yesterday planning to get caught up in the coming weeks including watching this streams VOD yeah well again thanks for joining I I have a ton for me a ton of uh viewers right now so I hate to end the stream but um it's time to end the stream guys so again I'll see you guys in about 43 hours or so and then that's my last stream for two weeks but I should be um slowly releasing the edited videos of these vods over those two weeks and when I get back we're gonna hit it hard so uh thanks again so much for watching and it was a crazy stream and um a lot of fun and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 1,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7jby61GF0WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 313min 14sec (18794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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